예제 #1
class Cosmology(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """Base-class for all Cosmologies.

        Arguments into the cosmology; used by subclasses, not this base class.
    name : str or None (optional, keyword-only)
        The name of the cosmology.
    meta : dict or None (optional, keyword-only)
        Metadata for the cosmology, e.g., a reference.
        Arguments into the cosmology; used by subclasses, not this base class.

    Class instances are static -- you cannot (and should not) change the values
    of the parameters.  That is, all of the above attributes (except meta) are
    read only.

    For details on how to create performant custom subclasses, see the
    documentation on :ref:`astropy-cosmology-fast-integrals`.

    meta = MetaData()

    # Unified I/O object interchange methods
    from_format = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyFromFormat)
    to_format = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyToFormat)

    # Unified I/O read and write methods
    read = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyRead)
    write = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyWrite)

    # Parameters
    __parameters__ = ()
    __all_parameters__ = ()

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init_subclass__(cls):

        # -------------------
        # Parameters

        # Get parameters that are still Parameters, either in this class or above.
        parameters = []
        derived_parameters = []
        for n in cls.__parameters__:
            p = getattr(cls, n)
            if isinstance(p, Parameter):
                    n) if p.derived else parameters.append(n)

        # Add new parameter definitions
        for n, v in cls.__dict__.items():
            if n in parameters or n.startswith("_") or not isinstance(
                    v, Parameter):
            derived_parameters.append(n) if v.derived else parameters.append(n)

        # reorder to match signature
        ordered = [
            for n in cls._init_signature.parameters.keys() if n in parameters
        parameters = ordered + parameters  # place "unordered" at the end
        cls.__parameters__ = tuple(parameters)
        cls.__all_parameters__ = cls.__parameters__ + tuple(derived_parameters)

        # -------------------
        # register as a Cosmology subclass
        _COSMOLOGY_CLASSES[cls.__qualname__] = cls

    def _init_signature(cls):
        """Initialization signature (without 'self')."""
        # get signature, dropping "self" by taking arguments [1:]
        sig = inspect.signature(cls.__init__)
        sig = sig.replace(parameters=list(sig.parameters.values())[1:])
        return sig

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init__(self, name=None, meta=None):
        self._name = str(name) if name is not None else name
        self.meta.update(meta or {})

    def name(self):
        """The name of the Cosmology instance."""
        return self._name

    def is_flat(self):
        Return bool; `True` if the cosmology is flat.
        This is abstract and must be defined in subclasses.
        raise NotImplementedError("is_flat is not implemented")

    def clone(self, *, meta=None, **kwargs):
        """Returns a copy of this object with updated parameters, as specified.

        This cannot be used to change the type of the cosmology, so ``clone()``
        cannot be used to change between flat and non-flat cosmologies.

        meta : mapping or None (optional, keyword-only)
            Metadata that will update the current metadata.
            Cosmology parameter (and name) modifications. If any parameter is
            changed and a new name is not given, the name will be set to "[old
            name] (modified)".

        newcosmo : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            A new instance of this class with updated parameters as specified.
            If no arguments are given, then a reference to this object is
            returned instead of copy.

        To make a copy of the ``Planck13`` cosmology with a different matter
        density (``Om0``), and a new name:

            >>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13
            >>> Planck13.clone(name="Modified Planck 2013", Om0=0.35)
            FlatLambdaCDM(name="Modified Planck 2013", H0=67.77 km / (Mpc s),
                          Om0=0.35, ...

        If no name is specified, the new name will note the modification.

            >>> Planck13.clone(Om0=0.35).name
            'Planck13 (modified)'
        # Quick return check, taking advantage of the Cosmology immutability.
        if meta is None and not kwargs:
            return self

        # There are changed parameter or metadata values.
        # The name needs to be changed accordingly, if it wasn't already.
        _modname = self.name + " (modified)"
                          (_modname if self.name is not None else None))

        # mix new meta into existing, preferring the former.
        meta = meta if meta is not None else {}
        new_meta = {**self.meta, **meta}
        # Mix kwargs into initial arguments, preferring the former.
        new_init = {**self._init_arguments, "meta": new_meta, **kwargs}
        # Create BoundArgument to handle args versus kwargs.
        # This also handles all errors from mismatched arguments
        ba = self._init_signature.bind_partial(**new_init)
        # Instantiate, respecting args vs kwargs
        cloned = type(self)(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs)

        # Check if nothing has changed.
        # TODO! or should return self?
        if (cloned.name
                == _modname) and not meta and cloned.is_equivalent(self):
            cloned._name = self.name

        return cloned

    def _init_arguments(self):
        # parameters
        kw = {n: getattr(self, n) for n in self.__parameters__}

        # other info
        kw["name"] = self.name
        kw["meta"] = self.meta

        return kw

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # comparison methods

    def is_equivalent(self, other, *, format=False):
        r"""Check equivalence between Cosmologies.

        Two cosmologies may be equivalent even if not the same class.
        For example, an instance of ``LambdaCDM`` might have :math:`\Omega_0=1`
        and :math:`\Omega_k=0` and therefore be flat, like ``FlatLambdaCDM``.

        other : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            The object in which to compare.
        format : bool or None or str, optional keyword-only
            Whether to allow, before equivalence is checked, the object to be
            converted to a |Cosmology|. This allows, e.g. a |Table| to be
            equivalent to a Cosmology.
            `False` (default) will not allow conversion. `True` or `None` will,
            and will use the auto-identification to try to infer the correct
            format. A `str` is assumed to be the correct format to use when

            True if cosmologies are equivalent, False otherwise.

        Two cosmologies may be equivalent even if not of the same class.
        In this examples the ``LambdaCDM`` has ``Ode0`` set to the same value
        calculated in ``FlatLambdaCDM``.

            >>> import astropy.units as u
            >>> from astropy.cosmology import LambdaCDM, FlatLambdaCDM
            >>> cosmo1 = LambdaCDM(70 * (u.km/u.s/u.Mpc), 0.3, 0.7)
            >>> cosmo2 = FlatLambdaCDM(70 * (u.km/u.s/u.Mpc), 0.3)
            >>> cosmo1.is_equivalent(cosmo2)

        While in this example, the cosmologies are not equivalent.

            >>> cosmo3 = FlatLambdaCDM(70 * (u.km/u.s/u.Mpc), 0.3, Tcmb0=3 * u.K)
            >>> cosmo3.is_equivalent(cosmo2)

        Also, using the keyword argument, the notion of equivalence is extended
        to any Python object that can be converted to a |Cosmology|.

            >>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck18
            >>> tbl = Planck18.to_format("astropy.table")
            >>> Planck18.is_equivalent(tbl, format=True)

        The list of valid formats, e.g. the |Table| in this example, may be
        checked with ``Cosmology.from_format.list_formats()``.

        As can be seen in the list of formats, not all formats can be
        auto-identified by ``Cosmology.from_format.registry``. Objects of
        these kinds can still be checked for equivalence, but the correct
        format string must be used.

            >>> tbl = Planck18.to_format("yaml")
            >>> Planck18.is_equivalent(tbl, format="yaml")
        # Allow for different formats to be considered equivalent.
        if format is not False:
            format = None if format is True else format  # str->str, None/True->None
                other = Cosmology.from_format(other, format=format)
            except Exception:  # TODO! should enforce only TypeError
                return False

        # The options are: 1) same class & parameters; 2) same class, different
        # parameters; 3) different classes, equivalent parameters; 4) different
        # classes, different parameters. (1) & (3) => True, (2) & (4) => False.
        equiv = self.__equiv__(other)
        if equiv is NotImplemented and hasattr(other, "__equiv__"):
            equiv = other.__equiv__(self)  # that failed, try from 'other'

        return equiv if equiv is not NotImplemented else False

    def __equiv__(self, other):
        """Cosmology equivalence. Use ``.is_equivalent()`` for actual check!

        other : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            The object in which to compare.

        bool or `NotImplemented`
            `NotImplemented` if 'other' is from a different class.
            `True` if 'other' is of the same class and has matching parameters
            and parameter values. `False` otherwise.
        if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
            return NotImplemented  # allows other.__equiv__

        # check all parameters in 'other' match those in 'self' and 'other' has
        # no extra parameters (latter part should never happen b/c same class)
        params_eq = (set(self.__all_parameters__) == set(
            other.__all_parameters__) and all(
                np.all(getattr(self, k) == getattr(other, k))
                for k in self.__all_parameters__))
        return params_eq

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Check equality between Cosmologies.

        Checks the Parameters and immutable fields (i.e. not "meta").

        other : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            The object in which to compare.

            `True` if Parameters and names are the same, `False` otherwise.
        if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
            return NotImplemented  # allows other.__eq__

        # check all parameters in 'other' match those in 'self'
        equivalent = self.__equiv__(other)
        # non-Parameter checks: name
        name_eq = (self.name == other.name)

        return equivalent and name_eq

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    def __repr__(self):
        namelead = f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}("
        if self.name is not None:
            namelead += f"name=\"{self.name}\", "
        # nicely formatted parameters
        fmtps = (f'{k}={getattr(self, k)}' for k in self.__parameters__)

        return namelead + ", ".join(fmtps) + ")"

    def __astropy_table__(self, cls, copy, **kwargs):
        """Return a `~astropy.table.Table` of type ``cls``.

        cls : type
            Astropy ``Table`` class or subclass.
        copy : bool
        **kwargs : dict, optional
            Additional keyword arguments. Passed to ``self.to_format()``.
            See ``Cosmology.to_format.help("astropy.table")`` for allowed kwargs.

        `astropy.table.Table` or subclass instance
            Instance of type ``cls``.
        return self.to_format("astropy.table", cls=cls, **kwargs)
예제 #2
class Cosmology(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """Base-class for all Cosmologies.

        Arguments into the cosmology; used by subclasses, not this base class.
    name : str or None (optional, keyword-only)
        The name of the cosmology.
    meta : dict or None (optional, keyword-only)
        Metadata for the cosmology, e.g., a reference.
        Arguments into the cosmology; used by subclasses, not this base class.

    Class instances are static -- you cannot (and should not) change the values
    of the parameters.  That is, all of the above attributes (except meta) are
    read only.

    For details on how to create performant custom subclasses, see the
    documentation on :ref:`astropy-cosmology-fast-integrals`.

    meta = MetaData()

    # Unified I/O object interchange methods
    from_format = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyFromFormat)
    to_format = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyToFormat)

    # Unified I/O read and write methods
    read = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyRead)
    write = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyWrite)

    # Parameters
    __parameters__: tuple[str, ...] = ()
    __all_parameters__: tuple[str, ...] = ()

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init_subclass__(cls):

        # -------------------
        # Parameters

        # Get parameters that are still Parameters, either in this class or above.
        parameters = []
        derived_parameters = []
        for n in cls.__parameters__:
            p = getattr(cls, n)
            if isinstance(p, Parameter):
                    n) if p.derived else parameters.append(n)

        # Add new parameter definitions
        for n, v in cls.__dict__.items():
            if n in parameters or n.startswith("_") or not isinstance(
                    v, Parameter):
            derived_parameters.append(n) if v.derived else parameters.append(n)

        # reorder to match signature
        ordered = [
            for n in cls._init_signature.parameters.keys() if n in parameters
        parameters = ordered + parameters  # place "unordered" at the end
        cls.__parameters__ = tuple(parameters)
        cls.__all_parameters__ = cls.__parameters__ + tuple(derived_parameters)

        # -------------------
        # register as a Cosmology subclass
        _COSMOLOGY_CLASSES[cls.__qualname__] = cls

    def _init_signature(cls):
        """Initialization signature (without 'self')."""
        # get signature, dropping "self" by taking arguments [1:]
        sig = inspect.signature(cls.__init__)
        sig = sig.replace(parameters=list(sig.parameters.values())[1:])
        return sig

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init__(self, name=None, meta=None):
        self._name = str(name) if name is not None else name
        self.meta.update(meta or {})

    def name(self):
        """The name of the Cosmology instance."""
        return self._name

    def is_flat(self):
        Return bool; `True` if the cosmology is flat.
        This is abstract and must be defined in subclasses.
        raise NotImplementedError("is_flat is not implemented")

    def clone(self, *, meta=None, **kwargs):
        """Returns a copy of this object with updated parameters, as specified.

        This cannot be used to change the type of the cosmology, so ``clone()``
        cannot be used to change between flat and non-flat cosmologies.

        meta : mapping or None (optional, keyword-only)
            Metadata that will update the current metadata.
            Cosmology parameter (and name) modifications. If any parameter is
            changed and a new name is not given, the name will be set to "[old
            name] (modified)".

        newcosmo : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            A new instance of this class with updated parameters as specified.
            If no arguments are given, then a reference to this object is
            returned instead of copy.

        To make a copy of the ``Planck13`` cosmology with a different matter
        density (``Om0``), and a new name:

            >>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13
            >>> Planck13.clone(name="Modified Planck 2013", Om0=0.35)
            FlatLambdaCDM(name="Modified Planck 2013", H0=67.77 km / (Mpc s),
                          Om0=0.35, ...

        If no name is specified, the new name will note the modification.

            >>> Planck13.clone(Om0=0.35).name
            'Planck13 (modified)'
        # Quick return check, taking advantage of the Cosmology immutability.
        if meta is None and not kwargs:
            return self

        # There are changed parameter or metadata values.
        # The name needs to be changed accordingly, if it wasn't already.
        _modname = self.name + " (modified)"
                          (_modname if self.name is not None else None))

        # mix new meta into existing, preferring the former.
        meta = meta if meta is not None else {}
        new_meta = {**self.meta, **meta}
        # Mix kwargs into initial arguments, preferring the former.
        new_init = {**self._init_arguments, "meta": new_meta, **kwargs}
        # Create BoundArgument to handle args versus kwargs.
        # This also handles all errors from mismatched arguments
        ba = self._init_signature.bind_partial(**new_init)
        # Instantiate, respecting args vs kwargs
        cloned = type(self)(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs)

        # Check if nothing has changed.
        # TODO! or should return self?
        if (cloned.name
                == _modname) and not meta and cloned.is_equivalent(self):
            cloned._name = self.name

        return cloned

    def _init_arguments(self):
        # parameters
        kw = {n: getattr(self, n) for n in self.__parameters__}

        # other info
        kw["name"] = self.name
        kw["meta"] = self.meta

        return kw

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # comparison methods

    def is_equivalent(self,
                      other: Any,
                      format: _FormatType = False) -> bool:
        r"""Check equivalence between Cosmologies.

        Two cosmologies may be equivalent even if not the same class.
        For example, an instance of ``LambdaCDM`` might have :math:`\Omega_0=1`
        and :math:`\Omega_k=0` and therefore be flat, like ``FlatLambdaCDM``.

        other : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance, positional-only
            The object to which to compare.
        format : bool or None or str, optional keyword-only
            Whether to allow, before equivalence is checked, the object to be
            converted to a |Cosmology|. This allows, e.g. a |Table| to be
            equivalent to a Cosmology.
            `False` (default) will not allow conversion. `True` or `None` will,
            and will use the auto-identification to try to infer the correct
            format. A `str` is assumed to be the correct format to use when
            ``format`` is broadcast to match the shape of ``other``.
            Note that the cosmology arguments are not broadcast against
            ``format``, so it cannot determine the output shape.

            True if cosmologies are equivalent, False otherwise.

        Two cosmologies may be equivalent even if not of the same class.
        In this examples the ``LambdaCDM`` has ``Ode0`` set to the same value
        calculated in ``FlatLambdaCDM``.

            >>> import astropy.units as u
            >>> from astropy.cosmology import LambdaCDM, FlatLambdaCDM
            >>> cosmo1 = LambdaCDM(70 * (u.km/u.s/u.Mpc), 0.3, 0.7)
            >>> cosmo2 = FlatLambdaCDM(70 * (u.km/u.s/u.Mpc), 0.3)
            >>> cosmo1.is_equivalent(cosmo2)

        While in this example, the cosmologies are not equivalent.

            >>> cosmo3 = FlatLambdaCDM(70 * (u.km/u.s/u.Mpc), 0.3, Tcmb0=3 * u.K)
            >>> cosmo3.is_equivalent(cosmo2)

        Also, using the keyword argument, the notion of equivalence is extended
        to any Python object that can be converted to a |Cosmology|.

            >>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck18
            >>> tbl = Planck18.to_format("astropy.table")
            >>> Planck18.is_equivalent(tbl, format=True)

        The list of valid formats, e.g. the |Table| in this example, may be
        checked with ``Cosmology.from_format.list_formats()``.

        As can be seen in the list of formats, not all formats can be
        auto-identified by ``Cosmology.from_format.registry``. Objects of
        these kinds can still be checked for equivalence, but the correct
        format string must be used.

            >>> tbl = Planck18.to_format("yaml")
            >>> Planck18.is_equivalent(tbl, format="yaml")
        from .funcs import cosmology_equal

            return cosmology_equal(self,
                                   format=(None, format),
        except Exception:
            # `is_equivalent` allows `other` to be any object and returns False
            # if `other` cannot be converted to a Cosmology, rather than
            # raising an Exception.
            return False
예제 #3
class Cosmology(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """Base-class for all Cosmologies.

        Arguments into the cosmology; used by subclasses, not this base class.
    name : str or None (optional, keyword-only)
        The name of the cosmology.
    meta : dict or None (optional, keyword-only)
        Metadata for the cosmology, e.g., a reference.
        Arguments into the cosmology; used by subclasses, not this base class.

    Class instances are static -- you cannot (and should not) change the values
    of the parameters.  That is, all of the above attributes (except meta) are
    read only.

    For details on how to create performant custom subclasses, see the
    documentation on :ref:`astropy-cosmology-fast-integrals`.

    meta = MetaData()

    # Unified I/O object interchange methods
    from_format = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyFromFormat)
    to_format = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyToFormat)

    # Unified I/O read and write methods
    read = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyRead)
    write = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyWrite)

    # Parameters
    __parameters__ = ()
    __all_parameters__ = ()

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init_subclass__(cls):

        # -------------------
        # Parameters

        # Get parameters that are still Parameters, either in this class or above.
        parameters = []
        derived_parameters = []
        for n in cls.__parameters__:
            p = getattr(cls, n)
            if isinstance(p, Parameter):
                    n) if p.derived else parameters.append(n)

        # Add new parameter definitions
        for n, v in cls.__dict__.items():
            if n in parameters or n.startswith("_") or not isinstance(
                    v, Parameter):
            derived_parameters.append(n) if v.derived else parameters.append(n)

        # reorder to match signature
        ordered = [
            for n in cls._init_signature.parameters.keys() if n in parameters
        parameters = ordered + parameters  # place "unordered" at the end
        cls.__parameters__ = tuple(parameters)
        cls.__all_parameters__ = cls.__parameters__ + tuple(derived_parameters)

        # -------------------
        # register as a Cosmology subclass
        _COSMOLOGY_CLASSES[cls.__qualname__] = cls

    def _init_signature(cls):
        """Initialization signature (without 'self')."""
        # get signature, dropping "self" by taking arguments [1:]
        sig = inspect.signature(cls.__init__)
        sig = sig.replace(parameters=list(sig.parameters.values())[1:])
        return sig

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init__(self, name=None, meta=None):
        self._name = name
        self.meta.update(meta or {})

    def name(self):
        """The name of the Cosmology instance."""
        return self._name

    def is_flat(self):
        Return bool; `True` if the cosmology is flat.
        This is abstract and must be defined in subclasses.
        raise NotImplementedError("is_flat is not implemented")

    def clone(self, *, meta=None, **kwargs):
        """Returns a copy of this object with updated parameters, as specified.

        This cannot be used to change the type of the cosmology, so ``clone()``
        cannot be used to change between flat and non-flat cosmologies.

        meta : mapping or None (optional, keyword-only)
            Metadata that will update the current metadata.
            Cosmology parameter (and name) modifications.
            If any parameter is changed and a new name is not given, the name
            will be set to "[old name] (modified)".

        newcosmo : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            A new instance of this class with updated parameters as specified.
            If no modifications are requested, then a reference to this object
            is returned instead of copy.

        To make a copy of the ``Planck13`` cosmology with a different matter
        density (``Om0``), and a new name:

            >>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13
            >>> newcosmo = Planck13.clone(name="Modified Planck 2013", Om0=0.35)

        If no name is specified, the new name will note the modification.

            >>> Planck13.clone(Om0=0.35).name
            'Planck13 (modified)'
        # Quick return check, taking advantage of the Cosmology immutability.
        if meta is None and not kwargs:
            return self

        # There are changed parameter or metadata values.
        # The name needs to be changed accordingly, if it wasn't already.
            (self.name + " (modified)" if self.name is not None else None))

        # mix new meta into existing, preferring the former.
        new_meta = {**self.meta, **(meta or {})}
        # Mix kwargs into initial arguments, preferring the former.
        new_init = {**self._init_arguments, "meta": new_meta, **kwargs}
        # Create BoundArgument to handle args versus kwargs.
        # This also handles all errors from mismatched arguments
        ba = self._init_signature.bind_partial(**new_init)
        # Return new instance, respecting args vs kwargs
        return self.__class__(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs)

    def _init_arguments(self):
        # parameters
        kw = {n: getattr(self, n) for n in self.__parameters__}

        # other info
        kw["name"] = self.name
        kw["meta"] = self.meta

        return kw

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # comparison methods

    def is_equivalent(self, other):
        r"""Check equivalence between Cosmologies.

        Two cosmologies may be equivalent even if not the same class.
        For example, an instance of ``LambdaCDM`` might have :math:`\Omega_0=1`
        and :math:`\Omega_k=0` and therefore be flat, like ``FlatLambdaCDM``.

        other : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            The object in which to compare.

            True if cosmologies are equivalent, False otherwise.
        # The options are: 1) same class & parameters; 2) same class, different
        # parameters; 3) different classes, equivalent parameters; 4) different
        # classes, different parameters. (1) & (3) => True, (2) & (4) => False.
        equiv = self.__equiv__(other)
        if equiv is NotImplemented and hasattr(other, "__equiv__"):
            equiv = other.__equiv__(self)  # that failed, try from 'other'

        return equiv if equiv is not NotImplemented else False

    def __equiv__(self, other):
        """Cosmology equivalence. Use ``.is_equivalent()`` for actual check!

        other : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            The object in which to compare.

        bool or `NotImplemented`
            `NotImplemented` if 'other' is from a different class.
            `True` if 'other' is of the same class and has matching parameters
            and parameter values. `False` otherwise.
        if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
            return NotImplemented  # allows other.__equiv__

        # check all parameters in 'other' match those in 'self' and 'other' has
        # no extra parameters (latter part should never happen b/c same class)
        params_eq = (set(self.__all_parameters__) == set(
            other.__all_parameters__) and all(
                np.all(getattr(self, k) == getattr(other, k))
                for k in self.__all_parameters__))
        return params_eq

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Check equality between Cosmologies.

        Checks the Parameters and immutable fields (i.e. not "meta").

        other : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            The object in which to compare.

            True if Parameters and names are the same, False otherwise.
        if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
            return NotImplemented  # allows other.__eq__

        # check all parameters in 'other' match those in 'self'
        equivalent = self.__equiv__(other)
        # non-Parameter checks: name
        name_eq = (self.name == other.name)

        return equivalent and name_eq

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    def __repr__(self):
        ps = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__parameters__}  # values
        cps = {k: getattr(self.__class__, k)
               for k in self.__parameters__}  # Parameter objects

        namelead = f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}("
        if self.name is not None:
            namelead += f"name=\"{self.name}\", "
        # nicely formatted parameters
        fmtps = (k + '=' +
                 format(v, cps[k].format_spec if v is not None else '')
                 for k, v in ps.items())

        return namelead + ", ".join(fmtps) + ")"

    def __astropy_table__(self, cls, copy, **kwargs):
        """Return a `~astropy.table.Table` of type ``cls``.

        cls : type
            Astropy ``Table`` class or subclass.
        copy : bool
        **kwargs : dict, optional
            Additional keyword arguments. Passed to ``self.to_format()``.
            See ``Cosmology.to_format.help("astropy.table")`` for allowed kwargs.

        `astropy.table.Table` or subclass instance
            Instance of type ``cls``.
        return self.to_format("astropy.table", cls=cls, **kwargs)
class StokesSpectralCube(object):
    A class to store a spectral cube with multiple Stokes parameters.

    The individual Stokes cubes can share a common mask in addition to having
    component-specific masks.

    def __init__(self, stokes_data, mask=None, meta=None, fill_value=None):

        self._stokes_data = stokes_data
        self._meta = meta or {}
        self._fill_value = fill_value

        reference = tuple(stokes_data.keys())[0]

        for component in stokes_data:

            if not isinstance(stokes_data[component], BaseSpectralCube):
                raise TypeError("stokes_data should be a dictionary of "
                                "SpectralCube objects")

            if not wcs_utils.check_equality(stokes_data[component].wcs,
                raise ValueError("All spectral cubes in stokes_data "
                                 "should have the same WCS")

            if component not in VALID_STOKES:
                raise ValueError("Invalid Stokes component: {0} - should be "
                                 "one of I, Q, U, V, RR, LL, RL, LR".format(component))

            if stokes_data[component].shape != stokes_data[reference].shape:
                raise ValueError("All spectral cubes should have the same shape")

        self._wcs = stokes_data[reference].wcs
        self._shape = stokes_data[reference].shape

        if isinstance(mask, BooleanArrayMask):
            if not is_broadcastable_and_smaller(mask.shape, self._shape):
                raise ValueError("Mask shape is not broadcastable to data shape:"
                                 " {0} vs {1}".format(mask.shape, self._shape))

        self._mask = mask

    def shape(self):
        return self._shape

    def mask(self):
        The underlying mask
        return self._mask

    def wcs(self):
        return self._wcs

    def __dir__(self):
        if six.PY2:
            return self.components + dir(type(self)) + list(self.__dict__)
            return self.components + super(StokesSpectralCube, self).__dir__()

    def components(self):
        return list(self._stokes_data.keys())

    def __getattr__(self, attribute):
        Descriptor to return the Stokes cubes
        if attribute in self._stokes_data:
            if self.mask is not None:
                return self._stokes_data[attribute].with_mask(self.mask)
                return self._stokes_data[attribute]
            raise AttributeError("StokesSpectralCube has no attribute {0}".format(attribute))

    def with_mask(self, mask, inherit_mask=True):
        Return a new StokesSpectralCube instance that contains a composite mask
        of the current StokesSpectralCube and the new ``mask``.

        mask : :class:`MaskBase` instance, or boolean numpy array
            The mask to apply. If a boolean array is supplied,
            it will be converted into a mask, assuming that
            `True` values indicate included elements.

        inherit_mask : bool (optional, default=True)
            If True, combines the provided mask with the
            mask currently attached to the cube

        new_cube : :class:`StokesSpectralCube`
            A cube with the new mask applied.

        This operation returns a view into the data, and not a copy.
        if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray):
            if not is_broadcastable_and_smaller(mask.shape, self.shape):
                raise ValueError("Mask shape is not broadcastable to data shape: "
                                 "%s vs %s" % (mask.shape, self.shape))
            mask = BooleanArrayMask(mask, self.wcs)

        if self._mask is not None:
            return self._new_cube_with(mask=self.mask & mask if inherit_mask else mask)
            return self._new_cube_with(mask=mask)

    def _new_cube_with(self, stokes_data=None,
                       mask=None, meta=None, fill_value=None):

        data = self._stokes_data if stokes_data is None else stokes_data
        mask = self._mask if mask is None else mask
        if meta is None:
            meta = {}

        fill_value = self._fill_value if fill_value is None else fill_value

        cube = StokesSpectralCube(stokes_data=data, mask=mask,
                                  meta=meta, fill_value=fill_value)

        return cube

    def with_spectral_unit(self, unit, **kwargs):

        stokes_data = {k: self._stokes_data[k].with_spectral_unit(unit, **kwargs)
                       for k in self._stokes_data}

        return self._new_cube_with(stokes_data=stokes_data)

    read = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(StokesSpectralCubeRead)
    write = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(StokesSpectralCubeWrite)
예제 #5
class LowerDimensionalObject(u.Quantity, BaseNDClass, HeaderMixinClass):
    Generic class for 1D and 2D objects.

    def hdu(self):
        if self.wcs is None:
            hdu = PrimaryHDU(self.value)
            hdu = PrimaryHDU(self.value, header=self.header)
        hdu.header['BUNIT'] = self.unit.to_string(format='fits')

        if 'beam' in self.meta:

        return hdu

    def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    write = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(LowerDimensionalObjectWrite)

    def __getslice__(self, start, end, increment=None):
        # I don't know why this is needed, but apparently one of the inherited
        # classes implements getslice, which forces us to overwrite it
        # I can't find any examples where __getslice__ is actually implemented,
        # though, so this seems like a deep and frightening bug.
        #log.debug("Getting a slice from {0} to {1}".format(start,end))
        return self.__getitem__(slice(start, end, increment))

    def __getitem__(self, key, **kwargs):
        Return a new `~spectral_cube.lower_dimensional_structures.LowerDimensionalObject` of the same class while keeping
        other properties fixed.
        new_qty = super(LowerDimensionalObject, self).__getitem__(key)

        if new_qty.ndim < 2:
            # do not return a projection
            return u.Quantity(new_qty)

        if self._wcs is not None:
            if ((isinstance(key, tuple) and
                 any(isinstance(k, slice) for k in key) and
                 len(key) > self.ndim)):
                # Example cases include: indexing tricks like [:,:,None]
                warnings.warn("Slice {0} cannot be used on this {1}-dimensional"
                              " array's WCS.  If this is intentional, you "
                              " should use this {2}'s ``array``  or ``quantity``"
                              " attribute."
                              .format(key, self.ndim, type(self)),
                return self.quantity[key]
                newwcs = self._wcs[key]
            newwcs = None

        new = self.__class__(value=new_qty.value,
                             mask=(self._mask[key] if self._mask is not nomask
                                   else None),

        new._wcs = newwcs
        new._meta = self._meta
        new._mask=(self._mask[key] if self._mask is not nomask else nomask)
        new._header = self._header

        return new

    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
        self._wcs = getattr(obj, '_wcs', None)
        self._meta = getattr(obj, '_meta', None)
        self._mask = getattr(obj, '_mask', None)
        self._header = getattr(obj, '_header', None)
        self._spectral_unit = getattr(obj, '_spectral_unit', None)
        self._fill_value = getattr(obj, '_fill_value', np.nan)
        self._wcs_tolerance = getattr(obj, '_wcs_tolerance', 0.0)

        if isinstance(obj, VaryingResolutionOneDSpectrum):
            self._beams = getattr(obj, '_beams', None)
            self._beam = getattr(obj, '_beam', None)

        super(LowerDimensionalObject, self).__array_finalize__(obj)

    def __array_priority__(self):
        return super(LowerDimensionalObject, self).__array_priority__*2

    def array(self):
        Get a pure array representation of the LDO.  Useful when multiplying
        and using numpy indexing tricks.
        return np.asarray(self)

    def _data(self):
        # the _data property is required by several other mixins
        # (which probably means defining it here is a bad design)
        return self.array

    def quantity(self):
        Get a pure `~astropy.units.Quantity` representation of the LDO.
        return u.Quantity(self)

    def to(self, unit, equivalencies=[], freq=None):
        Return a new `~spectral_cube.lower_dimensional_structures.Projection`
        of the same class with the specified unit.

        See `astropy.units.Quantity.to` for further details.

        if not isinstance(unit, u.Unit):
            unit = u.Unit(unit)

        if unit == self.unit:
            # No copying
            return self

        if ((self.unit.is_equivalent(u.Jy / u.beam) and
             not any({u.Jy/u.beam, u.K}.issubset(set(eq)) for eq in equivalencies))):
            # the 'not any' above checks that there is not already a defined
            # Jy<->K equivalency.  If there is, the code below is redundant
            # and will cause problems.

            if hasattr(self, 'beams'):
                factor = (self.jtok_factors(equivalencies=equivalencies) *
                # replace "beam" with the actual beam
                if not hasattr(self, 'beam'):
                    raise ValueError("To convert objects with Jy/beam units, "
                                     "the object needs to have a beam defined.")
                brightness_unit = self.unit * u.beam

                # create a beam equivalency for brightness temperature
                if freq is None:
                        freq = self.with_spectral_unit(u.Hz).spectral_axis
                    except AttributeError:
                        raise TypeError("Object of type {0} has no spectral "
                                        "information. `freq` must be provided for"
                                        " unit conversion from Jy/beam"
                    if not freq.unit.is_equivalent(u.Hz):
                        raise u.UnitsError("freq must be given in equivalent "
                                           "frequency units.")

                bmequiv = self.beam.jtok_equiv(freq)
                # backport to handle astropy < 3: the beam equivalency was only
                # modified to handle jy/beam in astropy 3
                if bmequiv[0] == u.Jy:
                    bmequiv.append([u.Jy/u.beam, u.K, bmequiv[2], bmequiv[3]])

                factor = brightness_unit.to(unit,
                                            equivalencies=bmequiv + list(equivalencies))

            # scaling factor
            factor = self.unit.to(unit, equivalencies=equivalencies)

        converted_array = (self.quantity * factor).value

        # use private versions of variables, not the generated property
        # versions
        # Not entirely sure the use of __class__ here is kosher, but we do want
        # self.__class__, not super()
        new = self.__class__(value=converted_array, unit=unit, copy=True,
                             wcs=self._wcs, meta=self._meta, mask=self._mask,

        return new

    def _mask(self):
        """ Annoying hack to deal with np.ma.core.is_mask failures (I don't
        like using __ but I think it's necessary here)"""
        if self.__mask is None:
            # need this to be *exactly* the numpy boolean False
            return nomask
        return self.__mask

    def _mask(self, value):
        self.__mask = value

    def shrink_mask(self):
        Copy of the numpy masked_array shrink_mask method.  This is essentially
        a hack needed for matplotlib to show images.
        m = self._mask
        if m.ndim and not m.any():
            self._mask = nomask
        return self

    def _initial_set_mask(self, mask):
        Helper tool to validate mask when originally setting it in __new__

        Note that because this is intended to be used in __new__, order
        matters: ``self`` must have ``_wcs``, for example.
        if mask is None:
            mask = BooleanArrayMask(np.ones_like(self.value, dtype=bool),
                                    self._wcs, shape=self.value.shape)
        elif isinstance(mask, np.ndarray):
            if mask.shape != self.value.shape:
                raise ValueError("Mask shape must match the {0} shape."
            mask = BooleanArrayMask(mask, self._wcs, shape=self.value.shape)
        elif isinstance(mask, MaskBase):
            raise TypeError("mask of type {} is not a supported mask "

        # Validate the mask before setting
        mask._validate_wcs(new_data=self.value, new_wcs=self._wcs,

        self._mask = mask
예제 #6
class Cosmology(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """Base-class for all Cosmologies.

        Arguments into the cosmology; used by subclasses, not this base class.
    name : str or None (optional, keyword-only)
        The name of the cosmology.
    meta : dict or None (optional, keyword-only)
        Metadata for the cosmology, e.g., a reference.
        Arguments into the cosmology; used by subclasses, not this base class.

    Class instances are static -- you cannot (and should not) change the values
    of the parameters.  That is, all of the above attributes (except meta) are
    read only.

    For details on how to create performant custom subclasses, see the
    documentation on :ref:`astropy-cosmology-fast-integrals`.

    meta = MetaData()

    # Unified I/O object interchange methods
    from_format = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyFromFormat)
    to_format = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyToFormat)

    # Unified I/O read and write methods
    read = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyRead)
    write = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(CosmologyWrite)

    def __init_subclass__(cls):

        _COSMOLOGY_CLASSES[cls.__qualname__] = cls

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        self = super().__new__(cls)

        # bundle and store initialization arguments on the instance
        ba = cls._init_signature.bind_partial(*args, **kwargs)
        ba.apply_defaults()  # and fill in the defaults
        self._init_arguments = ba.arguments

        return self

    def __init__(self, *args, name=None, meta=None, **kwargs):
        self._name = name
        self.meta.update(meta or {})

    def _init_signature(cls):
        """Initialization signature (without 'self')."""
        # get signature, dropping "self" by taking arguments [1:]
        sig = signature(cls.__init__)
        sig = sig.replace(parameters=list(sig.parameters.values())[1:])
        return sig

    def name(self):
        """The name of the Cosmology instance."""
        return self._name

    def clone(self, *, meta=None, **kwargs):
        """Returns a copy of this object with updated parameters, as specified.

        This cannot be used to change the type of the cosmology, so ``clone()``
        cannot be used to change between flat and non-flat cosmologies.

        meta : mapping or None (optional, keyword-only)
            Metadata that will update the current metadata.
            Cosmology parameter (and name) modifications.
            If any parameter is changed and a new name is not given, the name
            will be set to "[old name] (modified)".

        newcosmo : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            A new instance of this class with updated parameters as specified.
            If no modifications are requested, then a reference to this object
            is returned instead of copy.

        To make a copy of the ``Planck13`` cosmology with a different matter
        density (``Om0``), and a new name:

            >>> from astropy.cosmology import Planck13
            >>> newcosmo = Planck13.clone(name="Modified Planck 2013", Om0=0.35)

        If no name is specified, the new name will note the modification.

            >>> Planck13.clone(Om0=0.35).name
            'Planck13 (modified)'

        # Quick return check, taking advantage of the Cosmology immutability.
        if meta is None and not kwargs:
            return self

        # There are changed parameter or metadata values.
        # The name needs to be changed accordingly, if it wasn't already.
            (self.name + " (modified)" if self.name is not None else None))

        # mix new meta into existing, preferring the former.
        new_meta = {**self.meta, **(meta or {})}
        # Mix kwargs into initial arguments, preferring the former.
        new_init = {**self._init_arguments, "meta": new_meta, **kwargs}
        # Create BoundArgument to handle args versus kwargs.
        # This also handles all errors from mismatched arguments
        ba = self._init_signature.bind_partial(**new_init)
        # Return new instance, respecting args vs kwargs
        return self.__class__(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs)

    # -----------------------------------------------------

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Check equality on all immutable fields (i.e. not "meta").

        other : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` subclass instance
            The object in which to compare.

            True if all immutable fields are equal, False otherwise.

        if not isinstance(other, Cosmology):
            return False

        sias, oias = self._init_arguments, other._init_arguments

        # check if the cosmologies have identical signatures.
        # this protects against one cosmology having a superset of input
        # parameters to another cosmology.
        if (sias.keys() ^ oias.keys()) - {'meta'}:
            return False

        # are all the non-excluded immutable arguments equal?
        return all(
            (np.all(oias[k] == v) for k, v in sias.items() if k != "meta"))