def test_indexing_on_instance():
    """Test indexing on compound model instances."""

    m = Gaussian1D(1, 0, 0.1) + Const1D(2)
    assert isinstance(m[0], Gaussian1D)
    assert isinstance(m[1], Const1D)
    assert m.param_names == ('amplitude_0', 'mean_0', 'stddev_0',

    # Test parameter equivalence
    assert m[0].amplitude == 1 == m.amplitude_0
    assert m[0].mean == 0 == m.mean_0
    assert m[0].stddev == 0.1 == m.stddev_0
    assert m[1].amplitude == 2 == m.amplitude_1

    # Test that parameter value updates are symmetric between the compound
    # model and the submodel returned by indexing
    const = m[1]
    m.amplitude_1 = 42
    assert const.amplitude == 42
    const.amplitude = 137
    assert m.amplitude_1 == 137

    # Similar couple of tests, but now where the compound model was created
    # from model instances
    g = Gaussian1D(1, 2, 3, name='g')
    p = Polynomial1D(2, name='p')
    m = g + p
    assert m[0].name == 'g'
    assert m[1].name == 'p'
    assert m['g'].name == 'g'
    assert m['p'].name == 'p'

    poly = m[1]
    m.c0_1 = 12345
    assert poly.c0 == 12345
    poly.c1 = 6789
    assert m.c1_1 == 6789

    # Test negative indexing
    assert isinstance(m[-1], Polynomial1D)
    assert isinstance(m[-2], Gaussian1D)

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    # Confirm index-by-name works with fix_inputs
    g = Gaussian2D(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, name='g')
    m = fix_inputs(g, {0: 1})
    assert m['g'].name == 'g'

    # Test string slicing
    A = Const1D(1.1, name='A')
    B = Const1D(2.1, name='B')
    C = Const1D(3.1, name='C')
    M = A + B * C
    assert_allclose(M['B':'C'](1), 6.510000000000001)
예제 #2
def test_model_set_raises_value_error(expr, result):
    """Check that creating model sets with components whose _n_models are
       different raise a value error

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s = expr(Const1D((2, 2), n_models=2), Const1D(3, n_models=1))
예제 #3
def gwa_to_ifuslit(slits, disperser, wrange, order, reference_files):
    GWA to SLIT transform.

    slits : list
        A list of slit IDs for all IFU slits 0-29.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.
    filter : str
        The filter used.
    grating : str
        The grating used in the observation.
    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~jwst_lib.pipeline_models.Gwa2Slit` model.
        Transform from GWA frame to SLIT frame.
    agreq = AngleFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'],
    lgreq = WavelengthFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'],
    collimator2gwa = collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser)
    lam = (wrange[1] - wrange[0]) / 2 + wrange[0]

    ifuslicer =['ifuslicer'])
    ifupost =['ifupost'])
    slit_models = {}
    ifuslicer_model = ifuslicer.tree['model']
    for slit in slits:
        slitdata = ifuslicer.tree['data'][slit]
        slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
        ifuslicer_transform = (slitdata_model | ifuslicer_model)
        ifupost_transform = ifupost.tree[slit]['model']
        msa2gwa = ifuslicer_transform | ifupost_transform | collimator2gwa
        gwa2msa = gwa_to_ymsa(msa2gwa)  # TODO: Use model sets here
        bgwa2msa = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1), n_inputs=3) | \
                 Const1D(0) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Identity(2) | \
                 Identity(1) & gwa2msa & Identity(2) | \
                 Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3)) | Identity(2) & msa2gwa & Identity(2) | \
                 Mapping((0, 1, 2, 5), n_inputs=7)| Identity(2) & lgreq

        # msa to before_gwa
        #msa2bgwa = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2)) | msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping((3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
        msa2bgwa = msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping((3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
        bgwa2msa.inverse = msa2bgwa
        slit_models[slit] = bgwa2msa

    return Gwa2Slit(slit_models)
예제 #4
def imaging(input_model, reference_files):
    Imaging pipeline

    frames : detector, gwa, msa, sky
    # Get the corrected disperser model
    disperser = get_disperser(input_model, reference_files['disperser'])

    # DETECTOR to GWA transform
    det2gwa = detector_to_gwa(reference_files,
                              input_model.meta.instrument.detector, disperser)

    gwa_through = Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(
        1) & Identity(1)

    angles = [
        disperser['theta_x'], disperser['theta_y'], disperser['theta_z'],
    rotation = Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order="xyzy",
    dircos2unitless = DirCos2Unitless(name='directional_cosines2unitless')

    col =['collimator']).tree['model']

    # Get the default spectral order and wavelength range and record them in the model.
    sporder, wrange = get_spectral_order_wrange(
        input_model, reference_files['wavelengthrange'])
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.waverange_start = wrange[0]
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.waverange_end = wrange[1]
    input_model.meta.wcsinfo.spectral_order = sporder

    lam = wrange[0] + (wrange[1] - wrange[0]) * .5

    lam_model = Mapping((0, 1, 1)) | Identity(2) & Const1D(lam)

    gwa2msa = gwa_through | rotation | dircos2unitless | col | lam_model
    gwa2msa.inverse = col.inverse | dircos2unitless.inverse | rotation.inverse | gwa_through

    # MSA to OTEIP transform
    msa2ote = msa_to_oteip(reference_files)
    msa2oteip = msa2ote | Mapping((0, 1), n_inputs=3)
    msa2oteip.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | msa2ote.inverse | Mapping(
        (0, 1), n_inputs=3)
    # OTEIP to V2,V3 transform
    with['ote']) as f:
        oteip2v23 = f.tree['model'].copy()

    # Create coordinate frames in the NIRSPEC WCS pipeline
    # "detector", "gwa", "msa", "oteip", "v2v3", "world"
    det, gwa, msa_frame, oteip, v2v3 = create_imaging_frames()

    imaging_pipeline = [(det, det2gwa), (gwa, gwa2msa), (msa_frame, msa2oteip),
                        (oteip, oteip2v23), (v2v3, None)]

    return imaging_pipeline
예제 #5
def gwa_to_slit(slits_id, disperser, wrange, order, reference_files):
    GWA to SLIT transform.

    slits_id : list
        A list of slit IDs for all open shutters/slitlets.
    disperser : dict
        A corrected disperser ASDF object.
    filter : str
        The filter used.
    grating : str
        The grating used in the observation.
    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~jwst_lib.pipeline_models.Gwa2Slit` model.
        Transform from GWA frame to SLIT frame.
    agreq = AngleFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'],
    lgreq = WavelengthFromGratingEquation(disperser['groove_density'],
    collimator2gwa = collimator_to_gwa(reference_files, disperser)

    msa =['msa'])
    slit_models = {}
    for i in range(1, 6):
        slit_names = slits_id[slits_id[:, 0] == i]
        if slit_names.any():
            msa_model = msa.tree[i]['model']
            for slit in slit_names:
                index = slit[1] - 1
                slitdata = msa.tree[slit[0]]['data'][index]
                slitdata_model = get_slit_location_model(slitdata)
                msa_transform = slitdata_model | msa_model
                msa2gwa = (msa_transform | collimator2gwa)
                gwa2msa = gwa_to_ymsa(msa2gwa)  # TODO: Use model sets here
                bgwa2msa = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1), n_inputs=3) | \
                    Const1D(0) * Identity(1) & Const1D(-1) * Identity(1) & Identity(2) | \
                    Identity(1) & gwa2msa & Identity(2) | \
                    Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3)) | Identity(2) & msa2gwa & Identity(2) | \
                    Mapping((0, 1, 2, 5), n_inputs=7)| Identity(2) & lgreq

                # msa to before_gwa
                msa2bgwa = msa2gwa & Identity(1) | Mapping(
                    (3, 0, 1, 2)) | agreq
                bgwa2msa.inverse = msa2bgwa
                s = slitid_to_slit(np.array([slit]))[0]
                slit_models[s] = bgwa2msa
    return Gwa2Slit(slit_models)
예제 #6
def test_input_shape_1d():
    m1 = Const1D()
    m2 = Const1D()

    model = convolve_models_fft(m1, m2, (-1, 1), 0.01)

    results = model(0)
    assert results.shape == (1, )

    x = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1)
    results = model(x)
    assert results.shape == x.shape
예제 #7
def test_two_model_instance_arithmetic_1d(expr, result):
    Like test_two_model_class_arithmetic_1d, but creates a new model from two
    model *instances* with fixed parameters.

    s = expr(Const1D(2), Const1D(3))

    assert isinstance(s, Model)
    assert s.n_inputs == 1
    assert s.n_outputs == 1

    out = s(0)
    assert out == result
    assert isinstance(out, float)
예제 #8
def create_slit(model, x0, y0, order):
    """ Create a SlitModel representing a grism slit."""
    ymin = 0
    xmin = 0
    # ymax = 58
    # xmax = 1323
    model = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 0, 0)) | (Shift(xmin) & Shift(ymin) & Const1D(x0)
                                        & Const1D(y0) & Const1D(order)) | model
    wcsobj = wcs.WCS([('det', model), ('world', None)])
    wcsobj.bounding_box = ((20, 25), (800, 805))
    slit = SlitModel()
    slit.meta.wcs = wcsobj
    slit.source_xpos = x0
    slit.source_ypos = y0
    return slit
예제 #9
def get_astropy_model(model):
    astropy_model = None

    if model["type"] == "Const":
        astropy_model = Const1D(model["amplitude"])

    elif model["type"] == "Gaussian":
        astropy_model = Gaussian1D(model["amplitude"], model["mean"],

    elif model["type"] == "Lorentz":
        astropy_model = Lorentz1D(model["amplitude"], model["x_0"],

    elif model["type"] == "PowerLaw":
        astropy_model = PowerLaw1D(model["amplitude"], model["x_0"],

    elif model["type"] == "BrokenPowerLaw":
        astropy_model = BrokenPowerLaw1D(model["amplitude"], model["x_break"],
                                         model["alpha_1"], model["alpha_2"])

    if astropy_model:
        astropy_model = fix_parameters_to_astropy_model(astropy_model, model)

    return astropy_model
예제 #10
def test_clear_cache():
    m1 = Const1D()
    m2 = Const1D()

    model = convolve_models_fft(m1, m2, (-1, 1), 0.01)
    assert model._kwargs is None
    assert model._convolution is None

    results = model(0)
    assert results.all() == np.array([1.]).all()
    assert model._kwargs is not None
    assert model._convolution is not None

    assert model._kwargs is None
    assert model._convolution is None
예제 #11
def oneD_gaussian(shape=200, mean=0., std=10., amp=1., bkg=0.):

    from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian1D, Const1D

    mod = Gaussian1D(mean=mean, stddev=std, amplitude=amp) + \

    return mod
예제 #12
파일: 프로젝트: zonca/jwst
def create_spectral_wcs(ra, dec, wavelength):
    """Assign a WCS for sky coordinates and a table of wavelengths

    ra: float
        The right ascension (in degrees) at the nominal location of the
        entrance aperture (slit).

    dec: float
        The declination (in degrees) at the nominal location of the
        entrance aperture.

    wavelength: ndarray
        The wavelength in microns at each pixel of the extracted spectrum.

    wcs: a gwcs.wcs.WCS object
        This takes a float or sequence of float and returns a tuple of
        the right ascension, declination, and wavelength (or sequence of
        wavelengths) at the pixel(s) specified by the input argument.

    # Only the first coordinate is used.
    input_frame = cf.Frame2D(axes_order=(0, 1),
                             unit=(u.pix, u.pix),

    sky = cf.CelestialFrame(name='sky',
                            axes_order=(0, 1),
    spec = cf.SpectralFrame(name='spectral',
                            axes_order=(2, ),
                            unit=(u.micron, ),
                            axes_names=('wavelength', ))

    pixel = np.arange(len(wavelength), dtype=np.float)
    tab = Mapping((0, 0, 0)) | \
          Const1D(ra) & Const1D(dec) & Tabular1D(pixel, wavelength)

    world = cf.CompositeFrame([sky, spec], name='world')

    pipeline = [(input_frame, tab), (world, None)]

    return WCS(pipeline)
예제 #13
def test_get_metadata():
    m1 = Const1D()
    m1.meta['description'] = 'a constant'
    m1.meta['foo'] = 42.0

    m2 = Const1D()
    m2.meta['description'] = 'another constant'

    m3 = Const1D()
    m3.meta[42] = 'answer'

    m = (m1 + m2) * m3
    meta = get_metadata(m)
    keys = list(meta.keys())
    assert len(keys) == 3
    assert meta['description'] == 'another constant'
    assert meta['foo'] == 42
    assert meta[42] == 'answer'
예제 #14
def _make_reference_gwcs_wcs(fits_hdr):
    hdr = fits.Header.fromfile(get_pkg_data_filename(fits_hdr))
    fw = fitswcs.WCS(hdr)

    unit_conv = Scale(1.0 / 3600.0, name='arcsec_to_deg_1D')
    unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D'

    unit_conv_inv = Scale(3600.0, name='deg_to_arcsec_1D')
    unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D'

    c2s = CartesianToSpherical(name='c2s', wrap_lon_at=180)
    s2c = SphericalToCartesian(name='s2c', wrap_lon_at=180)
    c2tan = ((Mapping((0, 1, 2), name='xyz') / Mapping(
        (0, 0, 0), n_inputs=3, name='xxx')) | Mapping((1, 2), name='xtyt')) = 'Cartesian 3D to TAN'

    tan2c = (Mapping((0, 0, 1), n_inputs=2, name='xtyt2xyz') |
             (Const1D(1, name='one') & Identity(2, name='I(2D)'))) = 'TAN to cartesian 3D'

    tan2c.inverse = c2tan
    c2tan.inverse = tan2c

    aff = AffineTransformation2D(

    offx = Shift(-fw.wcs.crpix[0])
    offy = Shift(-fw.wcs.crpix[1])

    s = 5e-6
    scale = Scale(s) & Scale(s)

    det2tan = (offx & offy) | scale | tan2c | c2s | unit_conv_inv

    taninv = s2c | c2tan
    tan = Pix2Sky_TAN()
    n2c = RotateNative2Celestial(fw.wcs.crval[0], fw.wcs.crval[1], 180)
    wcslin = unit_conv | taninv | scale.inverse | aff | tan | n2c

    sky_frm = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS())
    det_frm = cf.Frame2D(name='detector')
    v2v3_frm = cf.Frame2D(name="v2v3",
                          unit=(u.arcsec, u.arcsec),
                          axes_names=('x', 'y'),
                          axes_order=(0, 1))
    pipeline = [(det_frm, det2tan), (v2v3_frm, wcslin), (sky_frm, None)]

    gw = gwcs.WCS(input_frame=det_frm,
    gw.crpix = fw.wcs.crpix
    gw.crval = fw.wcs.crval
    gw.bounding_box = ((-0.5, fw.pixel_shape[0] - 0.5),
                       (-0.5, fw.pixel_shape[1] - 0.5))

    return gw
    def _get_wavelength_calibration(hdr):

        from astropy.modeling.models import Linear1D, Const1D

        _wcal_model = (
            Const1D(hdr.get('CRVAL1')) +
            Linear1D(slope=hdr.get('CD1_1'), intercept=hdr.get('CRPIX1') - 1))

        assert _wcal_model(0) == hdr.get('CRVAL1')

        return _wcal_model
예제 #16
def test_indexing_on_instance():
    """Test indexing on compound model instances."""

    m = Gaussian1D(1, 0, 0.1) + Const1D(2)
    assert isinstance(m[0], Gaussian1D)
    assert isinstance(m[1], Const1D)
    # assert isinstance(m['Gaussian1D'], Gaussian1D)
    # assert isinstance(m['Const1D'], Const1D)

    # Test parameter equivalence
    assert m[0].amplitude == 1
    assert m[0].mean == 0
    assert m[0].stddev == 0.1
    assert m[1].amplitude == 2

    # Similar couple of tests, but now where the compound model was created
    # from model instances
    g = Gaussian1D(1, 2, 3, name='g')
    p = Polynomial1D(2, name='p')
    m = g + p
    assert m[0].name == 'g'
    assert m[1].name == 'p'
    assert m['g'].name == 'g'
    assert m['p'].name == 'p'

    # Test negative indexing
    assert isinstance(m[-1], Polynomial1D)
    assert isinstance(m[-2], Gaussian1D)

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    # Test string slicing
    A = Const1D(1.1, name='A')
    B = Const1D(2.1, name='B')
    C = Const1D(3.1, name='C')
    M = A + B * C
    assert_allclose(M['B':'C'](1), 6.510000000000001)
예제 #17
def _init_bgmodel(lorentz_mean=15.0):
    """Initialize model for background: constant plus Lorentzian"""
    lorentz_fixed = {'x_0': True, 'fwhm': True}
    lorentz_bounds = {'amplitude': [0, None]}
    constant_bounds = {'amplitude': [0, CORE_CMAX]}
    bgmodel = (Lorentz1D(0.1,
                         fixed=lorentz_fixed) +
               Const1D(1.0e-4, bounds=constant_bounds, name='Constant'))
    return bgmodel
예제 #18
    def _v2v3_to_tpcorr_from_full(tpcorr):
        s2c = tpcorr['s2c']
        c2s = tpcorr['c2s']

        # unit_conv = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'arcsec_to_deg_2D')
        # unit_conv_inv = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'deg_to_arcsec_2D')
        # The code below is a work-around to the code above not working.
        # TODO: understand why _get_submodel is unable to retrieve
        #       some submodels in a compound model.
        unit_conv = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'arcsec_to_deg_1D')
        unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D'
        unit_conv_inv = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'deg_to_arcsec_1D')
        unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D'

        affine = tpcorr['tp_affine']
        affine_inv = affine.inverse = 'tp_affine_inv'

        rot = tpcorr['det_to_optic_axis']
        rot_inv = rot.inverse = 'optic_axis_to_det'

        # c2tan = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'Cartesian 3D to TAN')
        # tan2c = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'TAN to cartesian 3D')
        # The code below is a work-around to the code above not working.
        # TODO: understand why _get_submodel is unable to retrieve
        #       some submodels in a compound model.
        c2tan = ((Mapping((0, 1, 2), name='xyz') / Mapping(
            (0, 0, 0), n_inputs=3, name='xxx')) | Mapping((1, 2), name='xtyt')) = 'Cartesian 3D to TAN'
        tan2c = (Mapping((0, 0, 1), n_inputs=2, name='xtyt2xyz') |
                 (Const1D(1, name='one') & Identity(2, name='I(2D)'))) = 'TAN to cartesian 3D'

        v2v3_to_tpcorr = unit_conv | s2c | rot | c2tan | affine = 'jwst_v2v3_to_tpcorr'

        tpcorr_to_v2v3 = affine_inv | tan2c | rot_inv | c2s | unit_conv_inv = 'jwst_tpcorr_to_v2v3'

        v2v3_to_tpcorr.inverse = tpcorr_to_v2v3
        tpcorr_to_v2v3.inverse = v2v3_to_tpcorr

        return v2v3_to_tpcorr
예제 #19
def fit_data_with_lorentz_and_const(x_values, y_values):
    amplitude = 5.
    x_0 = 1
    fwhm = 0.5
    const = 5.
    g_init = Lorentz1D(amplitude, x_0, fwhm)
    g_init += Const1D(const)
    lpost = PSDLogLikelihood(x_values, y_values, g_init)
    parest = ParameterEstimation()
    res =, [amplitude, x_0, fwhm, const], neg=True)
    opt_amplitude = res.p_opt[0]
    opt_x_0 = res.p_opt[1]
    opt_fwhm = res.p_opt[2]
    opt_const = res.p_opt[3]
    return opt_amplitude, opt_x_0, opt_fwhm, opt_const
예제 #20
def test_two_model_mixed_arithmetic_1d(expr, result):
    Like test_two_model_class_arithmetic_1d, but creates a new model from an
    expression of one model class with one model instance (and vice-versa).

    S1 = expr(Const1D, Const1D(3))
    S2 = expr(Const1D(2), Const1D)

    for cls in (S1, S2):
        assert issubclass(cls, Model)
        assert cls.n_inputs == 1
        assert cls.n_outputs == 1

    # Requires values for both amplitudes even though one of them them has a
    # default
    # TODO: We may wish to fix that eventually, so that if a parameter has a
    # default it doesn't *have* to be given in the init
    s1 = S1(2, 3)
    s2 = S2(2, 3)

    for out in (s1(0), s2(0)):
        assert out == result
        assert isinstance(out, float)
예제 #21
def test_slicing_on_class():
    Test slicing a simple compound model class using integers.

    A = Const1D.rename('A')
    B = Const1D.rename('B')
    C = Const1D.rename('C')
    D = Const1D.rename('D')
    E = Const1D.rename('E')
    F = Const1D.rename('F')

    M = A + B - C * D / E ** F

    assert M[0:1] is A
    # This test will also check that the correct parameter names are generated
    # for each slice (fairly trivial in this case since all the submodels have
    # the same parameter, but if any corner cases are found that aren't covered
    # by this test we can do something different...)
    assert M[0:1].param_names == ('amplitude',)
    # This looks goofy but if you slice by name to the sub-model of the same
    # name it should just return that model, logically.
    assert M['A':'A'] is A
    assert M['A':'A'].param_names == ('amplitude',)
    assert M[5:6] is F
    assert M[5:6].param_names == ('amplitude',)
    assert M['F':'F'] is F
    assert M['F':'F'].param_names == ('amplitude',)

    # 1 + 2
    assert M[:2](1, 2)(0) == 3
    assert M[:2].param_names == ('amplitude_0', 'amplitude_1')
    assert M[:'B'](1, 2)(0) == 3
    assert M[:'B'].param_names == ('amplitude_0', 'amplitude_1')
    # 2 - 3
    assert M[1:3](2, 3)(0) == -1
    assert M[1:3].param_names == ('amplitude_1', 'amplitude_2')
    assert M['B':'C'](2, 3)(0) == -1
    assert M['B':'C'].param_names == ('amplitude_1', 'amplitude_2')
    # 3 * 4
    assert M[2:4](3, 4)(0) == 12
    assert M[2:4].param_names == ('amplitude_2', 'amplitude_3')
    assert M['C':'D'](3, 4)(0) == 12
    assert M['C':'D'].param_names == ('amplitude_2', 'amplitude_3')
    # 4 / 5
    assert M[3:5](4, 5)(0) == 0.8
    assert M[3:5].param_names == ('amplitude_3', 'amplitude_4')
    assert M['D':'E'](4, 5)(0) == 0.8
    assert M['D':'E'].param_names == ('amplitude_3', 'amplitude_4')
    # 5 ** 6
    assert M[4:6](5, 6)(0) == 15625
    assert M[4:6].param_names == ('amplitude_4', 'amplitude_5')
    assert M['E':'F'](5, 6)(0) == 15625
    assert M['E':'F'].param_names == ('amplitude_4', 'amplitude_5')
예제 #22
def test_slicing_on_class():
    Test slicing a simple compound model class using integers.

    A = Const1D.rename('A')
    B = Const1D.rename('B')
    C = Const1D.rename('C')
    D = Const1D.rename('D')
    E = Const1D.rename('E')
    F = Const1D.rename('F')

    M = A + B - C * D / E**F

    assert M[0:1] is A
    # This test will also check that the correct parameter names are generated
    # for each slice (fairly trivial in this case since all the submodels have
    # the same parameter, but if any corner cases are found that aren't covered
    # by this test we can do something different...)
    assert M[0:1].param_names == ('amplitude', )
    # This looks goofy but if you slice by name to the sub-model of the same
    # name it should just return that model, logically.
    assert M['A':'A'] is A
    assert M['A':'A'].param_names == ('amplitude', )
    assert M[5:6] is F
    assert M[5:6].param_names == ('amplitude', )
    assert M['F':'F'] is F
    assert M['F':'F'].param_names == ('amplitude', )

    # 1 + 2
    assert M[:2](1, 2)(0) == 3
    assert M[:2].param_names == ('amplitude_0', 'amplitude_1')
    assert M[:'B'](1, 2)(0) == 3
    assert M[:'B'].param_names == ('amplitude_0', 'amplitude_1')
    # 2 - 3
    assert M[1:3](2, 3)(0) == -1
    assert M[1:3].param_names == ('amplitude_1', 'amplitude_2')
    assert M['B':'C'](2, 3)(0) == -1
    assert M['B':'C'].param_names == ('amplitude_1', 'amplitude_2')
    # 3 * 4
    assert M[2:4](3, 4)(0) == 12
    assert M[2:4].param_names == ('amplitude_2', 'amplitude_3')
    assert M['C':'D'](3, 4)(0) == 12
    assert M['C':'D'].param_names == ('amplitude_2', 'amplitude_3')
    # 4 / 5
    assert M[3:5](4, 5)(0) == 0.8
    assert M[3:5].param_names == ('amplitude_3', 'amplitude_4')
    assert M['D':'E'](4, 5)(0) == 0.8
    assert M['D':'E'].param_names == ('amplitude_3', 'amplitude_4')
    # 5 ** 6
    assert M[4:6](5, 6)(0) == 15625
    assert M[4:6].param_names == ('amplitude_4', 'amplitude_5')
    assert M['E':'F'](5, 6)(0) == 15625
    assert M['E':'F'].param_names == ('amplitude_4', 'amplitude_5')
예제 #23
def test_compound_evaluate_power():
    Tests that compound evaluate function produces the same
    result as the models with the power operator applied
    x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 10)
    p1 = np.array([1, 0, 0.2])
    p2 = np.array([3])

    model1 = Gaussian1D(2, 1, 5)
    model2 = Const1D(2)
    compound = model1 ** model2

        compound.evaluate(x, *p1, *p2),
        model1.evaluate(x, *p1) ** model2.evaluate(x, *p2),
예제 #24
    def _tpcorr_init(v2_ref, v3_ref, roll_ref):
        s2c = SphericalToCartesian(name='s2c', wrap_lon_at=180)
        c2s = CartesianToSpherical(name='c2s', wrap_lon_at=180)

        unit_conv = Scale(1.0 / 3600.0, name='arcsec_to_deg_1D')
        unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D'

        unit_conv_inv = Scale(3600.0, name='deg_to_arcsec_1D')
        unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D'

        affine = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine')
        affine_inv = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine_inv')

        rot = RotationSequence3D([v2_ref, -v3_ref, roll_ref],
        rot_inv = rot.inverse = 'optic_axis_to_det'

        # projection submodels:
        c2tan = ((Mapping((0, 1, 2), name='xyz') / Mapping(
            (0, 0, 0), n_inputs=3, name='xxx')) | Mapping((1, 2), name='xtyt')) = 'Cartesian 3D to TAN'
        tan2c = (Mapping((0, 0, 1), n_inputs=2, name='xtyt2xyz') |
                 (Const1D(1, name='one') & Identity(2, name='I(2D)'))) = 'TAN to cartesian 3D'

        total_corr = (unit_conv | s2c | rot | c2tan | affine | tan2c | rot_inv
                      | c2s | unit_conv_inv) = 'JWST tangent-plane linear correction. v1'

        inv_total_corr = (unit_conv | s2c | rot | c2tan | affine_inv | tan2c
                          | rot_inv | c2s | unit_conv_inv) = 'Inverse JWST tangent-plane linear correction. v1'

        # TODO
        # re-enable circular inverse definitions once
        # or
        # are resolved.
        # inv_total_corr.inverse = total_corr
        total_corr.inverse = inv_total_corr

        return total_corr
예제 #25
    def from_tree_transform(cls, node, ctx):
        mapping = node['mapping']
        n_inputs = node.get('n_inputs')
        if all([isinstance(x, int) for x in mapping]):
            return Mapping(tuple(mapping), n_inputs)

        if n_inputs is None:
            n_inputs = max([x for x in mapping if isinstance(x, int)]) + 1

        transform = Identity(n_inputs)
        new_mapping = []
        i = n_inputs
        for entry in mapping:
            if isinstance(entry, int):
                transform = transform & Const1D(entry.value)
                i += 1
        return transform | Mapping(new_mapping)
예제 #26
def oteip_to_v23(reference_files):
    Transform from the OTEIP frame to the V2V3 frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from OTEIP to V2V3.

    with['ote']) as f:
        ote = f.tree['model'].copy()
    fore2ote_mapping = Identity(3, name='fore2ote_mapping')
    fore2ote_mapping.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))
    # Convert the wavelength to microns
    return fore2ote_mapping | (ote & Identity(1) / Const1D(1e-6))
예제 #27
파일: 프로젝트: sosey/jwst
def niriss_soss(input_model, reference_files):
    The NIRISS SOSS pipeline includes 3 coordinate frames -
    detector, focal plane and sky

    reference_files={'specwcs': 'soss_wavelengths_configuration.asdf'}

    # Get the target RA and DEC, they will be used for setting the WCS RA and DEC based on a conversation
    # with Kevin Volk.
        target_ra = float(input_model[''])
        target_dec = float(input_model[''])
        # There was an error getting the target RA and DEC, so we are not going to continue.
        raise ValueError('Problem getting the TARG_RA or TARG_DEC from input model {}'.format(input_model))

    # Define the frames
    detector = cf.Frame2D(name='detector', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix))
    spec = cf.SpectralFrame(name='spectral', axes_order=(2,), unit=(u.micron,),
    sky = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS(),
                            axes_names=('ra', 'dec'),
                            axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.deg, u.deg), name='sky')
    world = cf.CompositeFrame([sky, spec], name='world')
        with['specwcs']) as wl:
            wl1 = wl.tree[1].copy()
            wl2 = wl.tree[2].copy()
            wl3 = wl.tree[3].copy()
    except Exception as e:
        raise IOError('Error reading wavelength correction from {}'.format(reference_files['specwcs']))

    cm_order1 = (Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (Const1D(target_ra) & Const1D(target_dec) & wl1)).rename('Order1')
    cm_order2 = (Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (Const1D(target_ra) & Const1D(target_dec) & wl2)).rename('Order2')
    cm_order3 = (Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (Const1D(target_ra) & Const1D(target_dec) & wl3)).rename('Order3')

    # Define the transforms, they should accept (x,y) and return (ra, dec, lambda)
    soss_model = NirissSOSSModel([1, 2, 3], [cm_order1, cm_order2, cm_order3]).rename('3-order SOSS Model')

    # Define the pipeline based on the frames and models above.
    pipeline = [(detector, soss_model),
                (world, None)

    return pipeline
예제 #28
def test_slicing_on_instance():
    Test slicing a simple compound model class using integers.

    A = Const1D.rename('A')
    B = Const1D.rename('B')
    C = Const1D.rename('C')
    D = Const1D.rename('D')
    E = Const1D.rename('E')
    F = Const1D.rename('F')

    M = A + B - C * D / E ** F
    m = M(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

    assert isinstance(m[0:1], A)
    assert isinstance(m['A':'A'], A)
    assert isinstance(m[5:6], F)
    assert isinstance(m['F':'F'], F)

    # 1 + 2
    assert m[:'B'](0) == 3
    assert m[:'B'].param_names == ('amplitude_0', 'amplitude_1')
    assert np.all(m[:'B'].parameters == [1, 2])
    # 2 - 3
    assert m['B':'C'](0) == -1
    assert m['B':'C'].param_names == ('amplitude_1', 'amplitude_2')
    assert np.all(m['B':'C'].parameters == [2, 3])
    # 3 * 4
    assert m['C':'D'](0) == 12
    assert m['C':'D'].param_names == ('amplitude_2', 'amplitude_3')
    assert np.all(m['C':'D'].parameters == [3, 4])
    # 4 / 5
    assert m['D':'E'](0) == 0.8
    assert m['D':'E'].param_names == ('amplitude_3', 'amplitude_4')
    assert np.all(m['D':'E'].parameters == [4, 5])
    # 5 ** 6
    assert m['E':'F'](0) == 15625
    assert m['E':'F'].param_names == ('amplitude_4', 'amplitude_5')
    assert np.all(m['E':'F'].parameters == [5, 6])
예제 #29
def test_slicing_on_instance():
    Test slicing a simple compound model class using integers.

    A = Const1D.rename('A')
    B = Const1D.rename('B')
    C = Const1D.rename('C')
    D = Const1D.rename('D')
    E = Const1D.rename('E')
    F = Const1D.rename('F')

    M = A + B - C * D / E**F
    m = M(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

    assert isinstance(m[0:1], A)
    assert isinstance(m['A':'A'], A)
    assert isinstance(m[5:6], F)
    assert isinstance(m['F':'F'], F)

    # 1 + 2
    assert m[:'B'](0) == 3
    assert m[:'B'].param_names == ('amplitude_0', 'amplitude_1')
    assert np.all(m[:'B'].parameters == [1, 2])
    # 2 - 3
    assert m['B':'C'](0) == -1
    assert m['B':'C'].param_names == ('amplitude_1', 'amplitude_2')
    assert np.all(m['B':'C'].parameters == [2, 3])
    # 3 * 4
    assert m['C':'D'](0) == 12
    assert m['C':'D'].param_names == ('amplitude_2', 'amplitude_3')
    assert np.all(m['C':'D'].parameters == [3, 4])
    # 4 / 5
    assert m['D':'E'](0) == 0.8
    assert m['D':'E'].param_names == ('amplitude_3', 'amplitude_4')
    assert np.all(m['D':'E'].parameters == [4, 5])
    # 5 ** 6
    assert m['E':'F'](0) == 15625
    assert m['E':'F'].param_names == ('amplitude_4', 'amplitude_5')
    assert np.all(m['E':'F'].parameters == [5, 6])
예제 #30
파일: 프로젝트: pkubanek/photutils
def centroid_1dg(data, error=None, mask=None):
    Calculate the centroid of a 2D array by fitting 1D Gaussians to the
    marginal ``x`` and ``y`` distributions of the array.

    Invalid values (e.g. NaNs or infs) in the ``data`` or ``error``
    arrays are automatically masked.  The mask for invalid values
    represents the combination of the invalid-value masks for the
    ``data`` and ``error`` arrays.

    data : array_like
        The 2D data array.

    error : array_like, optional
        The 2D array of the 1-sigma errors of the input ``data``.

    mask : array_like (bool), optional
        A boolean mask, with the same shape as ``data``, where a `True`
        value indicates the corresponding element of ``data`` is masked.

    centroid : `~numpy.ndarray`
        The ``x, y`` coordinates of the centroid.

    data =

    if mask is not None and mask is not
        mask = np.asanyarray(mask)
        if data.shape != mask.shape:
            raise ValueError('data and mask must have the same shape.')
        data.mask |= mask

    if np.any(~np.isfinite(data)):
        data =
            'Input data contains input values (e.g. NaNs or infs), '
            'which were automatically masked.', AstropyUserWarning)

    if error is not None:
        error =
        if data.shape != error.shape:
            raise ValueError('data and error must have the same shape.')
        data.mask |= error.mask

        error.mask = data.mask
        xy_error = np.array(
            [np.sqrt(**2, axis=i)) for i in [0, 1]])
        xy_weights = [(1.0 / xy_error[i].clip(min=1.e-30)) for i in [0, 1]]
        xy_weights = [np.ones(data.shape[i]) for i in [1, 0]]

    # assign zero weight to masked pixels
    if data.mask is not
        bad_idx = [np.all(data.mask, axis=i) for i in [0, 1]]
        for i in [0, 1]:
            xy_weights[i][bad_idx[i]] = 0.

    xy_data = np.array([, axis=i) for i in [0, 1]])

    constant_init =
    centroid = []
    for (data_i, weights_i) in zip(xy_data, xy_weights):
        params_init = gaussian1d_moments(data_i)
        g_init = Const1D(constant_init) + Gaussian1D(*params_init)
        fitter = LevMarLSQFitter()
        x = np.arange(data_i.size)
        g_fit = fitter(g_init, x, data_i, weights=weights_i)

    return np.array(centroid)
예제 #31
def extract_grism_objects(input_model,
    Extract 2d boxes around each objects spectra for each order.

    input_model : `~jwst.datamodels.ImageModel`
        An instance of an ImageModel, this is the grism image

    grism_objects : list(GrismObject)
        A list of GrismObjects

    reference_files : dict
        Needs to include the name of the wavelengthrange reference file

    extract_orders : int
        Spectral orders to extract

    mmag_extract : float
        Sources with magnitudes fainter than this minimum magnitude extraction
        cutoff will not be extracted

    compute_wavelength : bool
        Compute a wavelength array for the datamodel.

    wfss_extract_half_height : int, (optional)
        Cross-dispersion extraction half height in pixels, WFSS mode.
        Overwrites the computed extraction height.

    output_model : `~jwst.datamodels.MultiSlitModel`

    This method supports NRC_WFSS and NIS_WFSS only

    GrismObject is a named tuple which contains distilled
    information about each catalog object. It can be created
    by calling jwst.assign_wcs.util.create_grism_bbox() which
    will return a list of GrismObjects that countain the bounding
    boxes that will be used to define the 2d extraction area.

    For each spectral order, the configuration file contains a
    magnitude-cutoff value. Sources with magnitudes fainter than the
    extraction cutoff (MMAG_EXTRACT)  will not be extracted, but are
    accounted for when computing the spectral contamination and background
    estimates. The default extraction value is 99 right now.

    The sensitivity information from the original aXe style configuration
    file needs to be modified by the passband of the filter used for
    the direct image to get the min and max wavelengths
    which correspond to t=0 and t=1, this currently has been done by the team
    and the min and max wavelengths to use to calculate t are stored in the
    grism reference file as wavelengthrange.

    Step 1: Convert the source catalog from the reference frame of the
            uberimage to that of the dispersed image.  For the Vanilla
            Pipeline we assume that the pointing information in the file
            headers is sufficient.  This will be strictly true if all images
            were obtained in a single visit (same guide stars).

    Step 2: Record source information for each object in the catalog: position
            (RA and Dec), shape (A_IMAGE, B_IMAGE, THETA_IMAGE), and all
            available magnitudes, and minimum bounding boxes

    Step 3: Compute the trace and wavelength solutions for each object in the
            catalog and for each spectral order.  Record this information.

    Step 4: Compute the WIDTH of each spectral subwindow, which may be fixed or
            variable. The cross-dispersion size is taken from the minimum
            bounding box.
    if reference_files is None or not reference_files:
        raise TypeError("Expected a dictionary for reference_files")

    if grism_objects is None:
        # get the wavelengthrange reference file from the input_model
        if ('wavelengthrange' not in reference_files or reference_files['wavelengthrange'] in ['N/A', '']):
            raise ValueError("Expected name of wavelengthrange reference file")
            grism_objects = util.create_grism_bbox(input_model, reference_files,
  "Grism object list created from source catalog: {0:s}"

    if not isinstance(grism_objects, list):
        raise TypeError("Expected input grism objects to be a list")
    if len(grism_objects) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No grism objects created from source catalog")"Extracting grism objects into MultiSlitModel")
    output_model = datamodels.MultiSlitModel()

    # One WCS model can be used to govern all the extractions
    # and in fact the model transforms rely on the full frame
    # coordinates of the input pixel location. So the WCS
    # attached to the extraction is just a copy of the
    # input_model WCS with a shift transform to the corner
    # of the subarray. They also depend on the source object
    # center, this information will be saved to the meta of
    # the output model as source_[x/y]pos
    inwcs = input_model.meta.wcs

    # For easy reference here, GrismObjects has:
    # xcenter,ycenter: in direct image pixels
    # order_bounding in grism_detector pixels
    # sky_centroid: SkyCoord of object center
    # sky_bbox_ :lower and upper bounding box in SkyCoord
    # sid: catalog ID of the object

    slits = []
    for obj in grism_objects:
        for order in obj.order_bounding.keys():

            # Add the shift to the lower corner to each subarray WCS object
            # The shift should just be the lower bounding box corner
            # also replace the object center location inputs to the GrismDispersion
            # model with the known object center and order information (in pixels of direct image)
            # This is changes the user input to the model from (x,y,x0,y0,order) -> (x,y)
            # The bounding boxes here are also limited to the size of the detector
            # The check for boxes entirely off the detector is done in create_grism_bbox right now
            y, x = obj.order_bounding[order]

            # limit the boxes to the detector
            ymin = clamp(y[0], 0, input_model.meta.subarray.ysize)
            ymax = clamp(y[1], 0, input_model.meta.subarray.ysize)
            xmin = clamp(x[0], 0, input_model.meta.subarray.xsize)
            xmax = clamp(x[1], 0, input_model.meta.subarray.xsize)

            # don't extract anything that ended up with zero dimensions in one axis
            # this means that it was identified as a partial order but only on one
            # row or column of the detector
            if (((ymax - ymin) > 0) and ((xmax - xmin) > 0)):
                subwcs = copy.deepcopy(inwcs)
      "Subarray extracted for obj: {} order: {}:".format(obj.sid, order))
      "Subarray extents are: "
                         "(xmin:{}, xmax:{}), (ymin:{}, ymax:{})".format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax))

                # only the first two numbers in the Mapping are used
                # the order and source position are put directly into
                # the new wcs for the subarray for the forward transform
                xcenter_model = Const1D(obj.xcentroid)
                xcenter_model.inverse = Const1D(obj.xcentroid)

                ycenter_model = Const1D(obj.ycentroid)
                ycenter_model.inverse = Const1D(obj.ycentroid)

                order_model = Const1D(order)
                order_model.inverse = Const1D(order)

                tr = inwcs.get_transform('grism_detector', 'detector')

                tr = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 0, 0)) | (Shift(xmin) & Shift(ymin) &
                                                 xcenter_model &
                                                 ycenter_model &
                                                 order_model) | tr

                ext_data =[ymin: ymax + 1, xmin: xmax + 1].copy()
                ext_err = input_model.err[ymin: ymax + 1, xmin: xmax + 1].copy()
                ext_dq = input_model.dq[ymin: ymax + 1, xmin: xmax + 1].copy()
                if input_model.var_poisson is not None and np.size(input_model.var_poisson) > 0:
                    var_poisson = input_model.var_poisson[ymin:ymax + 1, xmin:xmax + 1].copy()
                    var_poisson = None
                if input_model.var_rnoise is not None and np.size(input_model.var_rnoise) > 0:
                    var_rnoise = input_model.var_rnoise[ymin:ymax + 1, xmin:xmax + 1].copy()
                    var_rnoise = None
                if input_model.var_flat is not None and np.size(input_model.var_flat) > 0:
                    var_flat = input_model.var_flat[ymin:ymax + 1, xmin:xmax + 1].copy()
                    var_flat = None

                tr.bounding_box = util.transform_bbox_from_shape(ext_data.shape)
                subwcs.set_transform('grism_detector', 'detector', tr)

                new_slit = datamodels.SlitModel(data=ext_data,
                new_slit.meta.wcsinfo.spectral_order = order
                new_slit.meta.wcsinfo.dispersion_direction = \
                new_slit.meta.wcsinfo.specsys = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.specsys
                new_slit.meta.coordinates = input_model.meta.coordinates
                new_slit.meta.wcs = subwcs
                if compute_wavelength:
                    log.debug("Computing wavelengths")
                    new_slit.wavelength = compute_wavelength_array(new_slit)

                # set x/ystart values relative to the image (screen) frame.
                # The overall subarray offset is recorded in model.meta.subarray.
                # nslit = obj.sid - 1  # catalog id starts at zero
       = "{0}".format(obj.sid)
                new_slit.is_extended = obj.is_extended
                new_slit.xstart = xmin + 1  # fits pixels
                new_slit.xsize = ext_data.shape[1]
                new_slit.ystart = ymin + 1  # fits pixels
                new_slit.ysize = ext_data.shape[0]
                new_slit.source_xpos = float(obj.xcentroid)
                new_slit.source_ypos = float(obj.ycentroid)
                new_slit.source_id = obj.sid
                new_slit.bunit_data = input_model.meta.bunit_data
                new_slit.bunit_err = input_model.meta.bunit_err
    # In the case that there are no spectra to extract deleting the variables
    # will fail so add the try block.
        del subwcs
    except UnboundLocalError:
        del new_slit
    except UnboundLocalError:
    # del subwcs
    # del new_slit"Finished extractions")
    return output_model
예제 #32
def extract_tso_object(input_model,
    Extract the spectrum for a NIRCam TSO grism observation.

    input_model : `~jwst.datamodels.CubeModel` or `~jwst.datamodels.ImageModel`
        The input TSO data is an instance of a CubeModel (3D) or ImageModel (2D)

    reference_files : dict
        Needs to include the name of the wavelengthrange reference file

    tsgrism_extract_height : int
        The extraction height, in total, for the spectrum in the
        cross-dispersion direction. If this is other than None,
        it will override the team default of 64 pixels. The team
        wants the source centered near row 34, so the extraction
        height is not the same on either size of the central row.

    extract_orders : list[ints]
        This is an optional parameter that will override the
        orders specified for extraction in the wavelengthrange
        reference file.

    compute_wavelength : bool
        Compute a wavelength array for the datamodel.

    output_model : `~jwst.datamodels.SlitModel`

    This method supports NRC_TSGRISM only, where only one bright object is
    considered in the field, so there's no catalog of sources and the object
    is assumed to have been observed at the aperture reference position.
    The aperture reference location is read during level-1b (uncal) product
    creation by the "set_telescope_pointing" script from the SIAF entries
    XSciRef and YSciRef (reference location in the science frame) and saved as
    "meta.wcsinfo.siaf_xref_sci" and "meta.wcsinfo.siaf_yref_sci" (FITS header
    keywords XREF_SCI and YREF_SCI).

    Because this mode has a single known source location, the utilities used
    in the WFSS modes are overkill. Instead, similar structures are created
    during the extract2d process and then directly used.

    # Check for reference files
    if not isinstance(reference_files, dict):
        raise TypeError("Expected a dictionary for reference_files")

    # Check for wavelengthrange reference file
    if 'wavelengthrange' not in reference_files:
        raise KeyError("No wavelengthrange reference file specified")

    # If an extraction height is not supplied, default to entire
    # cross-dispersion size of the data array
    if tsgrism_extract_height is None:
        tsgrism_extract_height = input_model.meta.subarray.ysize"Setting extraction height to {}".format(tsgrism_extract_height))

    # Get the disperser parameters that have the wave limits
    with WavelengthrangeModel(reference_files['wavelengthrange']) as f:
        if ( != 'NIRCAM' or
                f.meta.exposure.type != 'NRC_TSGRISM'):
            raise ValueError("Wavelengthrange reference file is not for NIRCAM TSGRISM mode!")
        wavelengthrange = f.wavelengthrange
        ref_extract_orders = f.extract_orders

    # If user-supplied spectral orders are not provided,
    # default to extracting only the 1st order
    if extract_orders is None:"Using default order extraction from reference file")
        extract_orders = ref_extract_orders
        available_orders = [x[1] for x in extract_orders if
                            x[0] == input_model.meta.instrument.filter].pop()
        if (not isinstance(extract_orders, list) or
                not all(isinstance(item, int) for item in extract_orders)):
            raise TypeError("Expected extract_orders to be a list of integers.")
        available_orders = extract_orders

    if len(available_orders) > 1:
        raise NotImplementedError("Multiple order extraction for TSO is "
                                  "not currently implemented.")

    # Check for the existence of the aperture reference location meta data
    if (input_model.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_xref_sci is None or
            input_model.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_yref_sci is None):
        raise ValueError('XREF_SCI and YREF_SCI are required for TSO mode.')

    # Create the extracted output as a SlitModel"Extracting order: {}".format(available_orders))
    output_model = datamodels.SlitModel()
    subwcs = copy.deepcopy(input_model.meta.wcs)

    # Loop over spectral orders
    for order in available_orders:
        range_select = [(x[2], x[3]) for x in wavelengthrange if
                        (x[0] == order and x[1] == input_model.meta.instrument.filter)]

        # Use the filter that was in front of the grism for translation
        lmin, lmax = range_select.pop()

        # Create the order bounding box
        source_xpos = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_xref_sci - 1  # remove FITS 1-indexed offset
        source_ypos = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_yref_sci - 1  # remove FITS 1-indexed offset
        transform = input_model.meta.wcs.get_transform('direct_image', 'grism_detector')
        xmin, ymin, _ = transform(source_xpos,
        xmax, ymax, _ = transform(source_xpos,

        # Add the shift to the lower corner to the subarray WCS object.
        # The shift should just be the lower bounding box corner.
        # Also replace the object center location inputs to the GrismDispersion
        # model with the known object center and order information (in pixels of direct image)
        # This changes the user input to the model from (x,y,x0,y0,order) -> (x,y)
        # The bounding box is limited to the size of the detector in the dispersion direction
        # and 64 pixels in the cross-dispersion direction (at request of instrument team).
        # The team wants the object to fall near row 34 for all cutouts, but the default cutout
        # height is 64 pixels (32 on either side). So bump the extraction ycenter, when necessary,
        # so that the height is 30 above and 34 below (in full frame) the object center.
        bump = source_ypos - 34
        extract_y_center = source_ypos - bump

        splitheight = int(tsgrism_extract_height / 2)
        below = extract_y_center - splitheight
        if below == 34:
            extract_y_min = 0
            extract_y_max = extract_y_center + splitheight
        elif below < 0:
            extract_y_min = 0
            extract_y_max = tsgrism_extract_height - 1
            extract_y_min = extract_y_center - 34  # always return source at row 34 in cutout
            extract_y_max = extract_y_center + tsgrism_extract_height - 34 - 1

        # Check for bad results
        if extract_y_min > extract_y_max:
            raise ValueError("Something bad happened calculating extraction y-size")

        # Limit the bounding box to the detector edges
        ymin, ymax = (max(extract_y_min, 0), min(extract_y_max, input_model.meta.subarray.ysize))
        xmin, xmax = (max(xmin, 0), min(xmax, input_model.meta.subarray.xsize))

        # The order and source position are put directly into the new WCS of the subarray
        # for the forward transform.
        # NOTE NOTE NOTE  2020-02-14
        # We would normally use x-axis (along dispersion) extraction limits calculated
        # above based on the min/max wavelength range and the source position to do the
        # subarray extraction and set the subarray WCS accordingly. HOWEVER, the NIRCam
        # team has asked for all data along the dispersion direction to be included in
        # subarray cutout, so here we override the xmin/xmax values calculated above and
        # instead hardwire the extraction limits for the x (dispersion) direction to
        # cover the entire range of the data and use this new minimum x value in the
        # subarray WCS transform. If the team ever decides to change the extraction limits,
        # the following two constants must be modified accordingly.
        xmin_ext = 0  # hardwire min x for extraction to zero
        xmax_ext =[-1] - 1  # hardwire max x for extraction to size of data

        order_model = Const1D(order)
        order_model.inverse = Const1D(order)
        tr = input_model.meta.wcs.get_transform('grism_detector', 'direct_image')
        tr = Mapping((0, 1, 0)) | Shift(xmin_ext) & Shift(ymin) & order_model | tr
        subwcs.set_transform('grism_detector', 'direct_image', tr)

        xmin = int(xmin)
        xmax = int(xmax)
        ymin = int(ymin)
        ymax = int(ymax)"WCS made explicit for order: {}".format(order))"Spectral trace extents: (xmin: {}, ymin: {}), "
                 "(xmax: {}, ymax: {})".format(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))"Extraction limits: (xmin: {}, ymin: {}), "
                 "(xmax: {}, ymax: {})".format(xmin_ext, ymin, xmax_ext, ymax))

        # Cut out the subarray from the input data arrays
        ext_data =[..., ymin: ymax + 1, xmin_ext:xmax_ext + 1].copy()
        ext_err = input_model.err[..., ymin: ymax + 1, xmin_ext:xmax_ext + 1].copy()
        ext_dq = input_model.dq[..., ymin: ymax + 1, xmin_ext:xmax_ext + 1].copy()
        if input_model.var_poisson is not None and np.size(input_model.var_poisson) > 0:
            var_poisson = input_model.var_poisson[..., ymin:ymax + 1, xmin_ext:xmax_ext + 1].copy()
            var_poisson = None
        if input_model.var_rnoise is not None and np.size(input_model.var_rnoise) > 0:
            var_rnoise = input_model.var_rnoise[..., ymin:ymax + 1, xmin_ext:xmax_ext + 1].copy()
            var_rnoise = None
        if input_model.var_flat is not None and np.size(input_model.var_flat) > 0:
            var_flat = input_model.var_flat[..., ymin:ymax + 1, xmin_ext:xmax_ext + 1].copy()
            var_flat = None

        # Finish populating the output model and meta data
        if output_model.meta.model_type == "SlitModel":
   = ext_data
            output_model.err = ext_err
            output_model.dq = ext_dq
            output_model.var_poisson = var_poisson
            output_model.var_rnoise = var_rnoise
            output_model.var_flat = var_flat
            output_model.meta.wcs = subwcs
            output_model.meta.wcs.bounding_box = util.wcs_bbox_from_shape(ext_data.shape)
            output_model.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_yref_sci = 34  # update for the move, vals are the same
            output_model.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_xref_sci = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_xref_sci
            output_model.meta.wcsinfo.spectral_order = order
            output_model.meta.wcsinfo.dispersion_direction = \
            if compute_wavelength:
                log.debug("Computing wavelengths (this takes a while ...)")
                output_model.wavelength = compute_wavelength_array(output_model)
   = '1'
            output_model.source_type =
            output_model.source_name =
            output_model.source_alias =
            output_model.xstart = 1  # FITS pixels are 1-indexed
            output_model.xsize = ext_data.shape[-1]
            output_model.ystart = ymin + 1  # FITS pixels are 1-indexed
            output_model.ysize = ext_data.shape[-2]
            output_model.source_xpos = source_xpos
            output_model.source_ypos = 34
            output_model.source_id = 1
            output_model.bunit_data = input_model.meta.bunit_data
            output_model.bunit_err = input_model.meta.bunit_err
            if hasattr(input_model, 'int_times'):
                output_model.int_times = input_model.int_times.copy()

    del subwcs"Finished extraction")
    return output_model