예제 #1
파일: nirspec.py 프로젝트: sosey/jwst
def oteip_to_v23(reference_files):
    Transform from the OTEIP frame to the V2V3 frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from OTEIP to V2V3.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ote']) as f:
        ote = f.tree['model'].copy()
    fore2ote_mapping = Identity(3, name='fore2ote_mapping')
    fore2ote_mapping.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))
    # Create the transform to v2/v3/lambda.  The wavelength units up to this point are
    # meters as required by the pipeline but the desired output wavelength units is microns.
    # So we are going to Scale the spectral units by 1e6 (meters -> microns)
    # The spatial units are currently in deg. Convertin to arcsec.
    oteip_to_xyan = fore2ote_mapping | (ote & Scale(1e6))
    # Add a shift for the aperture.
    oteip2v23 = oteip_to_xyan | Identity(1) & (Shift(468 / 3600) | Scale(-1)) & Identity(1)

    return oteip2v23
예제 #2
def compute_spec_transform(fiducial, refwcs):
    Compute a simple transform given a fidicial point in a spatial-spectral wcs.
    cdelt1 = refwcs.wcsinfo.cdelt1 / 3600.
    cdelt2 = refwcs.wcsinfo.cdelt2 / 3600.
    cdelt3 = refwcs.wcsinfo.cdelt3
    roll_ref = refwcs.wcsinfo.roll_ref

    y, x = grid_from_spec_domain(refwcs)
    ra, dec, lam = refwcs(x, y)

    min_lam = np.nanmin(lam)

    offset = Shift(0.) & Shift(0.)
    rot = Rotation2D(roll_ref)
    scale = Scale(cdelt1) & Scale(cdelt2)
    tan = Pix2Sky_TAN()
    skyrot = RotateNative2Celestial(fiducial[0][0], fiducial[0][1], 180.0)
    spatial = offset | rot | scale | tan | skyrot
    spectral = Scale(cdelt3) | Shift(min_lam)
    mapping = Mapping((1, 1, 0), )
    mapping.inverse = Mapping((2, 1))
    transform = mapping | spatial & spectral
    transform.outputs = ('ra', 'dec', 'lamda')
    return transform
예제 #3
파일: test_miri.py 프로젝트: zonca/jwst
def run_test(model):
    wcsobj = model.meta.wcs
    for ch in model.meta.instrument.channel:
        ref_data = mrs_ref_data[ch + band_mapping[model.meta.instrument.band]]
        detector_to_alpha_beta = wcsobj.get_transform('detector', 'alpha_beta')
        #ab_to_xan_yan = wcsobj.get_transform('alpha_beta', 'Xan_Yan').set_input(int(ch))
        ab_to_v2v3 = wcsobj.get_transform('alpha_beta',
        ab_to_xan_yan = ab_to_v2v3 | Scale(1 / 60) & Scale(1 / 60) & Identity(
            1) | Identity(1) & (Scale(-1) | Shift(-7.8)) & Identity(1)
        ref_alpha = ref_data['alpha']
        ref_beta = ref_data['beta']
        ref_lam = ref_data['lam']

        x, y = ref_data['x'], ref_data['y']
        for i, s in enumerate(ref_data['s']):
            sl = int(ch) * 100 + s
            alpha, beta, lam = detector_to_alpha_beta.set_input(sl)(x[i], y[i])
            utils.assert_allclose(alpha, ref_alpha[i], atol=10**-4)
            utils.assert_allclose(beta, ref_beta[i], atol=10**-4)
            utils.assert_allclose(lam, ref_lam[i], atol=10**-4)

        xan, yan, lam = ab_to_xan_yan(ref_alpha, ref_beta, ref_lam)
        utils.assert_allclose(xan, ref_data['v2'], atol=10**-4)
        utils.assert_allclose(yan, ref_data['v3'], atol=10**-4)
        utils.assert_allclose(lam, ref_data['lam'], atol=10**-4)
예제 #4
def compute_output_transform(refwcs, filename, fiducial):
    """Compute a simple FITS-type WCS transform
    x0, y0 = refwcs.backward_transform(*fiducial)
    x1 = x0 + 1
    y1 = y0 + 1
    ra0, dec0 = refwcs(x0, y0)
    ra_xdir, dec_xdir = refwcs(x1, y0)
    ra_ydir, dec_ydir = refwcs(x0, y1)

    position0 = SkyCoord(ra=ra0, dec=dec0, unit='deg')
    position_xdir = SkyCoord(ra=ra_xdir, dec=dec_xdir, unit='deg')
    position_ydir = SkyCoord(ra=ra_ydir, dec=dec_ydir, unit='deg')
    offset_xdir = position0.spherical_offsets_to(position_xdir)
    offset_ydir = position0.spherical_offsets_to(position_ydir)

    xscale = np.abs(position0.separation(position_xdir).value)
    yscale = np.abs(position0.separation(position_ydir).value)
    scale = np.sqrt(xscale * yscale)

    c00 = offset_xdir[0].value / scale
    c01 = offset_xdir[1].value / scale
    c10 = offset_ydir[0].value / scale
    c11 = offset_ydir[1].value / scale
    pc_matrix = AffineTransformation2D(matrix=[[c00, c01], [c10, c11]])
    cdelt = Scale(scale) & Scale(scale)

    return pc_matrix | cdelt
예제 #5
def test_slicing_on_instances_3():
    Like `test_slicing_on_instances_2` but uses a compound model that does not
    have any invalid slices due to the resulting model being invalid
    (originally test_slicing_on_instances_2 passed without any
    ModelDefinitionErrors being raised, but that was before we prevented
    invalid models from being created).

    model_a = Shift(1, name='a')
    model_b = Shift(2, name='b')
    model_c = Gaussian1D(3, 0, 0.1, name='c')
    model_d = Scale(2, name='d')
    model_e = Scale(3, name='e')

    m = (model_a + model_b) | model_c | (model_d + model_e)

    assert m[1:].submodel_names == ('b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
    assert m[:].submodel_names == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
    assert m['a':].submodel_names == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
    assert m['c':'d'].submodel_names == ('c', 'd')
    assert m[1:2].name == 'b'
    assert m[2:7].submodel_names == ('c', 'd', 'e')
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    assert m[-4:4].submodel_names == ('b', 'c', 'd')
    assert m[-4:-2].submodel_names == ('b', 'c')
예제 #6
def test_basic_compound_inverse():
    Test basic inversion of compound models in the limited sense supported for
    models made from compositions and joins only.

    t = (Shift(2) & Shift(3)) | (Scale(2) & Scale(3)) | Rotation2D(90)
    assert_allclose(t.inverse(*t(0, 1)), (0, 1))
예제 #7
def dva_corr_model(va_scale, v2_ref, v3_ref):
    Create transformation that accounts for differential velocity aberration

    va_scale : float, None
        Ratio of the apparent plate scale to the true plate scale. When
        ``va_scale`` is `None`, it is assumed to be identical to ``1`` and
        an ``astropy.modeling.models.Identity`` model will be returned.

    v2_ref : float, None
        Telescope ``v2`` coordinate of the reference point in ``arcsec``. When
        ``v2_ref`` is `None`, it is assumed to be identical to ``0``.

    v3_ref : float, None
        Telescope ``v3`` coordinate of the reference point in ``arcsec``. When
        ``v3_ref`` is `None`, it is assumed to be identical to ``0``.

    va_corr : astropy.modeling.CompoundModel, astropy.modeling.models.Identity
        A 2D compound model that corrects DVA. If ``va_scale`` is `None` or 1
        then `astropy.modeling.models.Identity` will be returned.

    if va_scale is None or va_scale == 1:
        return Identity(2)

    if va_scale <= 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "'Velocity aberration scale must be a positive number.")

    va_corr = Scale(va_scale, name='dva_scale_v2') & Scale(va_scale,

    if v2_ref is None:
        v2_ref = 0

    if v3_ref is None:
        v3_ref = 0

    if v2_ref == 0 and v3_ref == 0:
        return va_corr

    # NOTE: it is assumed that v2, v3 angles and va scale are small enough
    # so that for expected scale factors the issue of angle wrapping
    # (180 degrees) can be neglected.
    v2_shift = (1 - va_scale) * v2_ref
    v3_shift = (1 - va_scale) * v3_ref

    va_corr |= Shift(v2_shift, name='dva_v2_shift') & Shift(
        v3_shift, name='dva_v3_shift')
    va_corr.name = 'DVA_Correction'
    return va_corr
예제 #8
파일: test_selector.py 프로젝트: mcara/gwcs
def test_regions_selector(tmpdir):
    m1 = Mapping([0, 1, 1]) | Shift(1) & Shift(2) & Shift(3)
    m2 = Mapping([0, 1, 1]) | Scale(2) & Scale(3) & Scale(3)
    sel = {1: m1, 2: m2}
    a = np.zeros((5, 6), dtype=np.int32)
    a[:, 1:3] = 1
    a[:, 4:5] = 2
    mask = selector.LabelMapperArray(a)
    rs = selector.RegionsSelector(inputs=('x', 'y'), outputs=('ra', 'dec', 'lam'),
                                  selector=sel, label_mapper=mask)
    assert_selector_roundtrip(rs, tmpdir)
예제 #9
def test_name():
    offx = Shift(1)
    scl = Scale(2)
    m = offx | scl
    scl.name = "scale"
    assert m.submodel_names == ('None_0', 'scale')
    assert m.name is None
    m.name = "M"
    assert m.name == "M"
    m1 = m.rename("M1")
    assert m.name == "M1"
    assert m1.name == "M1"
예제 #10
def test_name():
    offx = Shift(1)
    scl = Scale(2)
    m = offx | scl
    scl.name = "scale"
    assert m._submodel_names == ('None_0', 'None_1')
    assert m.name is None
    m.name = "M"
    assert m.name == "M"
    m1 = m.rename("M1")
    assert m.name == "M"
    assert m1.name == "M1"
예제 #11
def test_mapping_inverse():
    """Tests inverting a compound model that includes a `Mapping`."""

    rs1 = Rotation2D(12.1) & Scale(13.2)
    rs2 = Rotation2D(14.3) & Scale(15.4)

    # Rotates 2 of the coordinates and scales the third--then rotates on a
    # different axis and scales on the axis of rotation.  No physical meaning
    # here just a simple test
    m = rs1 | Mapping([2, 0, 1]) | rs2

    assert_allclose((0, 1, 2), m.inverse(*m(0, 1, 2)), atol=1e-08)
예제 #12
def test_regions_selector(tmpdir):
    m1 = Mapping([0, 1, 1]) | Shift(1) & Shift(2) & Shift(3)
    m2 = Mapping([0, 1, 1]) | Scale(2) & Scale(3) & Scale(3)
    sel = {1:m1, 2:m2}
    a = np.zeros((5,6), dtype=np.int32)
    a[:, 1:3] = 1
    a[:, 4:5] = 2
    mask = selector.LabelMapperArray(a)
    rs = selector.RegionsSelector(inputs=('x', 'y'), outputs=('ra', 'dec', 'lam'),
                                  selector=sel, label_mapper=mask)
    tree = {'model': rs}
    helpers.assert_roundtrip_tree(tree, tmpdir, extensions=GWCSExtension())
예제 #13
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files):
    distortion = AsdfFile.open(reference_files['distortion']).tree['model']
    # Convert to deg - output of distortion models is in arcsec.
    transform = distortion | Scale(1 / 3600) & Scale(1 / 3600)

        bb = transform.bounding_box
    except NotImplementedError:
        shape = input_model.data.shape
        # Note: Since bounding_box is attached to the model here it's in reverse order.
        transform.bounding_box = ((-0.5, shape[0] - 0.5), (-0.5,
                                                           shape[1] - 0.5))
    return transform
예제 #14
def test_compound_custom_inverse():
    Test that a compound model with a custom inverse has that inverse applied
    when the inverse of another model, of which it is a component, is computed.
    Regression test for https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/3542

    poly = Polynomial1D(1, c0=1, c1=2)
    scale = Scale(1)
    shift = Shift(1)

    model1 = poly | scale
    model1.inverse = poly

    # model1 now has a custom inverse (the polynomial itself, ignoring the
    # trivial scale factor)
    model2 = shift | model1

    assert_allclose(model2.inverse(1), (poly | shift.inverse)(1))

    # Make sure an inverse is not allowed if the models were combined with the
    # wrong operator, or if one of the models doesn't have an inverse defined
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        (shift + model1).inverse

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        (model1 & poly).inverse
def test_compound_input_units_strict():
    Test setting input_units_strict on one of the models.
    class ScaleDegrees(Scale):
        input_units = {'x': u.deg}

    s1 = ScaleDegrees(2)
    s2 = Scale(2)

    cs = s1 | s2

    out = cs(10 * u.arcsec)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.arcsec)
    assert out.unit is u.deg  # important since this tests input_units_strict

    cs = s2 | s1

    out = cs(10 * u.arcsec)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.arcsec)
    assert out.unit is u.deg  # important since this tests input_units_strict

    cs = s1 & s2

    out = cs(10 * u.arcsec, 10 * u.arcsec)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 20 * u.arcsec)
    assert out[0].unit is u.deg
    assert out[1].unit is u.arcsec
예제 #16
def _make_reference_gwcs_wcs(fits_hdr):
    hdr = fits.Header.fromfile(get_pkg_data_filename(fits_hdr))
    fw = fitswcs.WCS(hdr)

    unit_conv = Scale(1.0 / 3600.0, name='arcsec_to_deg_1D')
    unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv
    unit_conv.name = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D'

    unit_conv_inv = Scale(3600.0, name='deg_to_arcsec_1D')
    unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv
    unit_conv_inv.name = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D'

    c2s = CartesianToSpherical(name='c2s', wrap_lon_at=180)
    s2c = SphericalToCartesian(name='s2c', wrap_lon_at=180)
    c2tan = ((Mapping((0, 1, 2), name='xyz') / Mapping(
        (0, 0, 0), n_inputs=3, name='xxx')) | Mapping((1, 2), name='xtyt'))
    c2tan.name = 'Cartesian 3D to TAN'

    tan2c = (Mapping((0, 0, 1), n_inputs=2, name='xtyt2xyz') |
             (Const1D(1, name='one') & Identity(2, name='I(2D)')))
    tan2c.name = 'TAN to cartesian 3D'

    tan2c.inverse = c2tan
    c2tan.inverse = tan2c

    aff = AffineTransformation2D(matrix=fw.wcs.cd)

    offx = Shift(-fw.wcs.crpix[0])
    offy = Shift(-fw.wcs.crpix[1])

    s = 5e-6
    scale = Scale(s) & Scale(s)

    det2tan = (offx & offy) | scale | tan2c | c2s | unit_conv_inv

    taninv = s2c | c2tan
    tan = Pix2Sky_TAN()
    n2c = RotateNative2Celestial(fw.wcs.crval[0], fw.wcs.crval[1], 180)
    wcslin = unit_conv | taninv | scale.inverse | aff | tan | n2c

    sky_frm = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS())
    det_frm = cf.Frame2D(name='detector')
    v2v3_frm = cf.Frame2D(name="v2v3",
                          unit=(u.arcsec, u.arcsec),
                          axes_names=('x', 'y'),
                          axes_order=(0, 1))
    pipeline = [(det_frm, det2tan), (v2v3_frm, wcslin), (sky_frm, None)]

    gw = gwcs.WCS(input_frame=det_frm,
    gw.crpix = fw.wcs.crpix
    gw.crval = fw.wcs.crval
    gw.bounding_box = ((-0.5, fw.pixel_shape[0] - 0.5),
                       (-0.5, fw.pixel_shape[1] - 0.5))

    return gw
예제 #17
def test_v2v3todet_roundtrips():
    s2c = (Scale(1.0 / 3600.0)
           & Scale(1.0 / 3600.0)) | SphericalToCartesian(wrap_lon_at=180)

    s = 1.0e-5
    crpix = np.random.random(2)
    alpha = 0.25 * np.pi * np.random.random()
    x, y = 1024 * np.random.random(2)
    v2, v3 = 45 * np.random.random(2)
    cd = [[s * np.cos(alpha), -s * np.sin(alpha)],
          [s * np.sin(alpha), s * np.cos(alpha)]]

    d2v = create_DetToV2V3(v2ref=123.0,
    v2d = create_V2V3ToDet(v2ref=123.0,

    assert np.allclose(d2v.inverse(*d2v(x, y)), (x, y),
                       rtol=1e3 * _ATOL,
                       atol=1e3 * _ATOL)

    assert (np.allclose(s2c(*v2d.inverse(*v2d(v2, v3))),
                        s2c(v2, v3),
                        rtol=1e3 * _ATOL,
            or np.allclose(-np.asanyarray(s2c(*v2d.inverse(*v2d(v2, v3)))),
                           s2c(v2, v3),
                           rtol=1e3 * _ATOL,
    assert np.allclose(v2d(*d2v(x, y)), (x, y),
                       rtol=1e5 * _ATOL,
                       atol=1e3 * _ATOL)

    assert (np.allclose(s2c(*d2v(*v2d(v2, v3))),
                        s2c(v2, v3),
                        rtol=1e3 * _ATOL,
                        atol=1e3 * _ATOL)
            or np.allclose(-np.asanyarray(s2c(*d2v(*v2d(v2, v3)))),
                           s2c(v2, v3),
                           rtol=1e3 * _ATOL,
                           atol=1e3 * _ATOL))
예제 #18
def v23tosky(input_model, wrap_v2_at=180, wrap_lon_at=360):
    v2_ref = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.v2_ref / 3600
    v3_ref = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.v3_ref / 3600
    roll_ref = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref
    ra_ref = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.ra_ref
    dec_ref = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.dec_ref

    angles = np.array([v2_ref, -v3_ref, roll_ref, dec_ref, -ra_ref])
    axes = "zyxyz"
    rot = RotationSequence3D(angles, axes_order=axes)

    # The sky rotation expects values in deg.
    # This should be removed when models work with quantities.
    m = ((Scale(1 / 3600) & Scale(1 / 3600)) | SphericalToCartesian(wrap_lon_at=wrap_v2_at)
         | rot | CartesianToSpherical(wrap_lon_at=wrap_lon_at))
    m.name = 'v23tosky'
    return m
예제 #19
def test_simple_two_model_compose_1d():
    Shift and Scale are two of the simplest models to test model composition

    S1 = Shift(2) | Scale(3)  # First shift then scale
    assert isinstance(S1, CompoundModel)
    assert S1.n_inputs == 1
    assert S1.n_outputs == 1
    assert S1(1) == 9.0

    S2 = Scale(2) | Shift(3)  # First scale then shift
    assert isinstance(S2, CompoundModel)
    assert S2.n_inputs == 1
    assert S2.n_outputs == 1
    assert S2(1) == 5.0

    # Test with array inputs
    assert_array_equal(S2([1, 2, 3]), [5.0, 7.0, 9.0])
예제 #20
def test_update_parameters():
    offx = Shift(1)
    scl = Scale(2)
    m = offx | scl
    assert (m(1) == 4)

    offx.offset = 42
    assert (m(1) == 4)

    m.factor_1 = 100
    assert (m(1) == 200)
    m2 = m | offx
    assert (m2(1) == 242)
def test_update_parameters():
    offx = Shift(1)
    scl = Scale(2)
    m = offx | scl
    assert m(1) == 4

    offx.offset = 42
    assert m(1) == 86

    m.factor_1 = 100
    assert m(1) == 4300
    m2 = m | offx
    assert m2(1) == 4342
예제 #22
def test_slicing_on_instances_2():
    More slicing tests.

    Regression test for https://github.com/embray/astropy/pull/10

    model_a = Shift(1, name='a')
    model_b = Shift(2, name='b')
    model_c = Rotation2D(3, name='c')
    model_d = Scale(2, name='d')
    model_e = Scale(3, name='e')

    m = (model_a & model_b) | model_c | (model_d & model_e)

    with pytest.raises(ModelDefinitionError):
        # The slice can't actually be taken since the resulting model cannot be
        # evaluated
        assert m[1:].submodel_names == ('b', 'c', 'd', 'e')

    assert m[:].submodel_names == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
    assert m['a':].submodel_names == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')

    with pytest.raises(ModelDefinitionError):
        assert m['c':'d'].submodel_names == ('c', 'd')

    assert m[1:2].name == 'b'
    assert m[2:7].submodel_names == ('c', 'd', 'e')
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    with pytest.raises(ModelDefinitionError):
        assert m[-4:4].submodel_names == ('b', 'c', 'd')

    with pytest.raises(ModelDefinitionError):
        assert m[-4:-2].submodel_names == ('b', 'c')
예제 #23
    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Multiply self and other."""

        if isinstance(other, (u.Quantity, numbers.Number)):
            newcls = self.__class__(modelclass=self.model | Scale(other))
        elif isinstance(other, BaseUnitlessSpectrum):
            newcls = self.__class__(modelclass=self.model * other.model)
        else:  # Source spectrum
            raise exceptions.IncompatibleSources(
                'Cannot multiply two source spectra together')

        self._merge_meta(self, other, newcls)
        return newcls
예제 #24
def test_replace_submodel():
    Replace a model in a Compound model
    S1 = Shift(2, name='shift2') | Scale(
        3, name='scale3')  # First shift then scale
    S2 = Scale(2, name='scale2') | Shift(
        3, name='shift3')  # First scale then shift

    m = S1 & S2
    assert m(1, 2) == (9, 7)

    m2 = m.replace_submodel('scale3', Scale(4, name='scale4'))
    assert m2(1, 2) == (12, 7)
    assert m(1, 2) == (9, 7)
    # Check the inverse has been updated
    assert m2.inverse(12, 7) == (1, 2)

    # Produce the same result by replacing a single model with a compound
    m3 = m.replace_submodel('shift2', Shift(2) | Scale(2))
    assert m(1, 2) == (9, 7)
    assert m3(1, 2) == (18, 7)
    # Check the inverse has been updated
    assert m3.inverse(18, 7) == (1, 2)

    # Test with arithmetic model compunding operator
    m = S1 + S2
    assert m(1) == 14
    m2 = m.replace_submodel('scale2', Scale(4, name='scale4'))
    assert m2(1) == 16

    # Test with fix_inputs()
    R = fix_inputs(Rotation2D(angle=90, name='rotate'), {0: 1})
    m4 = S1 | R
    assert_allclose(m4(0), (-6, 1))

    m5 = m4.replace_submodel('rotate', Rotation2D(180))
    assert_allclose(m5(0), (-1, -6))

    # Check we get a value error when model name doesn't exist
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        m2 = m.replace_submodel('not_there', Scale(2))

    # And now a model set
    P = Polynomial1D(degree=1, n_models=2, name='poly')
    S = Shift([1, 2], n_models=2)
    m = P | S
    assert_array_equal(m([0, 1]), (1, 2))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        m2 = m.replace_submodel('poly', Polynomial1D(degree=1, c0=1))
    m2 = m.replace_submodel('poly',
                            Polynomial1D(degree=1, c0=[1, 2], n_models=2))
    assert_array_equal(m2([0, 1]), (2, 4))
예제 #25
def test_mapping_basic_permutations():
    Tests a couple basic examples of the Mapping model--specifically examples
    that merely permute the outputs.

    x, y = Rotation2D(90)(1, 2)

    rs = Rotation2D(90) | Mapping((1, 0))
    x_prime, y_prime = rs(1, 2)
    assert_allclose((x, y), (y_prime, x_prime))

    # A more complicated permutation
    m = Rotation2D(90) & Scale(2)
    x, y, z = m(1, 2, 3)

    ms = m | Mapping((2, 0, 1))
    x_prime, y_prime, z_prime = ms(1, 2, 3)
    assert_allclose((x, y, z), (y_prime, z_prime, x_prime))
예제 #26
    def _tpcorr_init(v2_ref, v3_ref, roll_ref):
        s2c = SphericalToCartesian(name='s2c', wrap_lon_at=180)
        c2s = CartesianToSpherical(name='c2s', wrap_lon_at=180)

        unit_conv = Scale(1.0 / 3600.0, name='arcsec_to_deg_1D')
        unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv
        unit_conv.name = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D'

        unit_conv_inv = Scale(3600.0, name='deg_to_arcsec_1D')
        unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv
        unit_conv_inv.name = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D'

        affine = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine')
        affine_inv = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine_inv')

        rot = RotationSequence3D([v2_ref, -v3_ref, roll_ref],
        rot_inv = rot.inverse
        rot_inv.name = 'optic_axis_to_det'

        # projection submodels:
        c2tan = ((Mapping((0, 1, 2), name='xyz') / Mapping(
            (0, 0, 0), n_inputs=3, name='xxx')) | Mapping((1, 2), name='xtyt'))
        c2tan.name = 'Cartesian 3D to TAN'
        tan2c = (Mapping((0, 0, 1), n_inputs=2, name='xtyt2xyz') |
                 (Const1D(1, name='one') & Identity(2, name='I(2D)')))
        tan2c.name = 'TAN to cartesian 3D'

        total_corr = (unit_conv | s2c | rot | c2tan | affine | tan2c | rot_inv
                      | c2s | unit_conv_inv)
        total_corr.name = 'JWST tangent-plane linear correction. v1'

        inv_total_corr = (unit_conv | s2c | rot | c2tan | affine_inv | tan2c
                          | rot_inv | c2s | unit_conv_inv)
        inv_total_corr.name = 'Inverse JWST tangent-plane linear correction. v1'

        # TODO
        # re-enable circular inverse definitions once
        # https://github.com/spacetelescope/asdf/issues/744 or
        # https://github.com/spacetelescope/asdf/issues/745 are resolved.
        # inv_total_corr.inverse = total_corr
        total_corr.inverse = inv_total_corr

        return total_corr
예제 #27
def oteip_to_v23(reference_files):
    Transform from the OTEIP frame to the V2V3 frame.

    reference_files: dict
        Dictionary with reference files returned by CRDS.

    model : `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` model.
        Transform from OTEIP to V2V3.

    with AsdfFile.open(reference_files['ote']) as f:
        ote = f.tree['model'].copy()
    fore2ote_mapping = Identity(3, name='fore2ote_mapping')
    fore2ote_mapping.inverse = Mapping((0, 1, 2, 2))

    # Create the transform to v2/v3/lambda.  The wavelength units up to this point are
    # meters as required by the pipeline but the desired output wavelength units is microns.
    # So we are going to Scale the spectral units by 1e6 (meters -> microns)
    return fore2ote_mapping | (ote & Scale(1e6))
def test_compound_input_units_allow_dimensionless():
    Test setting input_units_allow_dimensionless on one of the models.
    class ScaleDegrees(Scale):
        input_units = {'x': u.deg}

    s1 = ScaleDegrees(2)
    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = True
    s2 = Scale(2)

    cs = s1 | s2
    cs = cs.rename('TestModel')
    out = cs(10)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.one)

    out = cs(10 * u.arcsec)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.arcsec)

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10 * u.m)
    assert exc.value.args[
        0] == "TestModel: Units of input 'x', m (length), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"

    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = False

    cs = s1 | s2
    cs = cs.rename('TestModel')

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10)
    assert exc.value.args[
        0] == "TestModel: Units of input 'x', (dimensionless), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"

    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = True

    cs = s2 | s1
    cs = cs.rename('TestModel')

    out = cs(10)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.one)

    out = cs(10 * u.arcsec)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.arcsec)

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10 * u.m)
    assert exc.value.args[
        0] == "ScaleDegrees: Units of input 'x', m (length), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"

    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = False

    cs = s2 | s1

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10)
    assert exc.value.args[
        0] == "ScaleDegrees: Units of input 'x', (dimensionless), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"

    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = True

    s1 = ScaleDegrees(2)
    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = True
    s2 = ScaleDegrees(2)
    s2._input_units_allow_dimensionless = False

    cs = s1 & s2
    cs = cs.rename('TestModel')

    out = cs(10, 10 * u.arcsec)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out[0], 20 * u.one)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out[1], 20 * u.arcsec)

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10, 10)
    assert exc.value.args[
        0] == "TestModel: Units of input 'x1', (dimensionless), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"
예제 #29
def _make_gwcs_wcs(fits_hdr):
    hdr = fits.Header.fromfile(get_pkg_data_filename(fits_hdr))
    fw = fitswcs.WCS(hdr)

    a_order = hdr['A_ORDER']
    a_coeff = {}
    for i in range(a_order + 1):
        for j in range(a_order + 1 - i):
            key = 'A_{:d}_{:d}'.format(i, j)
            if key in hdr:
                a_coeff[key] = hdr[key]

    b_order = hdr['B_ORDER']
    b_coeff = {}
    for i in range(b_order + 1):
        for j in range(b_order + 1 - i):
            key = 'B_{:d}_{:d}'.format(i, j)
            if key in hdr:
                b_coeff[key] = hdr[key]

    cx = {"c" + k[2:]: v for k, v in a_coeff.items()}
    cy = {"c" + k[2:]: v for k, v in b_coeff.items()}
    sip_distortion = ((Shift(-fw.wcs.crpix[0]) & Shift(-fw.wcs.crpix[1]))
                      | Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1))
                      | (polynomial.Polynomial2D(a_order, **cx, c1_0=1)
                         & polynomial.Polynomial2D(b_order, **cy, c0_1=1))
                      | (Shift(fw.wcs.crpix[0]) & Shift(fw.wcs.crpix[1])))

    y, x = np.indices(fw.array_shape)

    unit_conv = Scale(1.0 / 3600.0, name='arcsec_to_deg_1D')
    unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv
    unit_conv.name = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D'

    unit_conv_inv = Scale(3600.0, name='deg_to_arcsec_1D')
    unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv
    unit_conv_inv.name = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D'

    c2s = CartesianToSpherical(name='c2s', wrap_lon_at=180)
    s2c = SphericalToCartesian(name='s2c', wrap_lon_at=180)
    c2tan = ((Mapping((0, 1, 2), name='xyz') / Mapping(
        (0, 0, 0), n_inputs=3, name='xxx')) | Mapping((1, 2), name='xtyt'))
    c2tan.name = 'Cartesian 3D to TAN'

    tan2c = (Mapping((0, 0, 1), n_inputs=2, name='xtyt2xyz') |
             (Const1D(1, name='one') & Identity(2, name='I(2D)')))
    tan2c.name = 'TAN to cartesian 3D'

    tan2c.inverse = c2tan
    c2tan.inverse = tan2c

    aff = AffineTransformation2D(matrix=fw.wcs.cd)

    offx = Shift(-fw.wcs.crpix[0])
    offy = Shift(-fw.wcs.crpix[1])

    s = 5e-6
    scale = Scale(s) & Scale(s)

    sip_distortion |= (offx & offy) | scale | tan2c | c2s | unit_conv_inv

    taninv = s2c | c2tan
    tan = Pix2Sky_TAN()
    n2c = RotateNative2Celestial(fw.wcs.crval[0], fw.wcs.crval[1], 180)
    wcslin = unit_conv | taninv | scale.inverse | aff | tan | n2c

    sky_frm = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS())
    det_frm = cf.Frame2D(name='detector')
    v2v3_frm = cf.Frame2D(name="v2v3",
                          unit=(u.arcsec, u.arcsec),
                          axes_names=('x', 'y'),
                          axes_order=(0, 1))
    pipeline = [(det_frm, sip_distortion), (v2v3_frm, wcslin), (sky_frm, None)]

    gw = gwcs.WCS(input_frame=det_frm,
    gw.crpix = fw.wcs.crpix
    gw.crval = fw.wcs.crval
    gw.bounding_box = ((-0.5, fw.pixel_shape[0] - 0.5),
                       (-0.5, fw.pixel_shape[1] - 0.5))

    # sanity check:
    for _ in range(100):
        x = np.random.randint(1, fw.pixel_shape[0])
        y = np.random.randint(1, fw.pixel_shape[1])
        assert np.allclose(gw(x, y),
                           fw.all_pix2world(x, y, 1),

    return gw
예제 #30
    def build_nirspec_output_wcs(self, refwcs=None):
        Create a simple output wcs covering footprint of the input datamodels
        # TODO: generalize this for more than one input datamodel
        # TODO: generalize this for imaging modes with distorted wcs
        input_model = self.input_models[0]
        if refwcs == None:
            refwcs = input_model.meta.wcs

        # Generate grid of sky coordinates for area within bounding box
        bb = refwcs.bounding_box
        det = x, y = wcstools.grid_from_bounding_box(bb,
                                                     step=(1, 1),
        sky = ra, dec, lam = refwcs(*det)
        x_center = int((bb[0][1] - bb[0][0]) / 2)
        y_center = int((bb[1][1] - bb[1][0]) / 2)
        log.debug("Center of bounding box: {}  {}".format(x_center, y_center))

        # Compute slit angular size, slit center sky coords
        xpos = []
        sz = 3
        for row in lam:
            if np.isnan(row[x_center]):
                f = interpolate.interp1d(row[x_center - sz + 1:x_center + sz],
                                           x_center - sz + 1:x_center + sz],
                xpos.append(f(lam[y_center, x_center]))
        x_arg = np.array(xpos)[~np.isnan(lam[:, x_center])]
        y_arg = y[~np.isnan(lam[:, x_center]), x_center]
        # slit_coords, spect0 = refwcs(x_arg, y_arg, output='numericals_plus')
        slit_ra, slit_dec, slit_spec_ref = refwcs(x_arg, y_arg)
        slit_coords = SkyCoord(ra=slit_ra, dec=slit_dec, unit=u.deg)
        pix_num = np.flipud(np.arange(len(slit_ra)))
        # pix_num = np.arange(len(slit_ra))
        interpol_ra = interpolate.interp1d(pix_num, slit_ra)
        interpol_dec = interpolate.interp1d(pix_num, slit_dec)
        slit_center_pix = len(slit_spec_ref) / 2. - 1
        log.debug('Slit center pix: {0}'.format(slit_center_pix))
        slit_center_sky = SkyCoord(ra=interpol_ra(slit_center_pix),
        log.debug('Slit center: {0}'.format(slit_center_sky))
        log.debug('Fiducial: {0}'.format(
        angular_slit_size = np.abs(slit_coords[0].separation(slit_coords[-1]))
        log.debug('Slit angular size: {0}'.format(angular_slit_size.arcsec))
        dra, ddec = slit_coords[0].spherical_offsets_to(slit_coords[-1])
        offset_up_slit = (dra.to(u.arcsec), ddec.to(u.arcsec))
        log.debug('Offset up the slit: {0}'.format(offset_up_slit))

        # Compute spatial and spectral scales
        xposn = np.array(xpos)[~np.isnan(xpos)]
        dx = xposn[-1] - xposn[0]
        slit_npix = np.sqrt(dx**2 + np.array(len(xposn) - 1)**2)
        spatial_scale = angular_slit_size / slit_npix
        log.debug('Spatial scale: {0}'.format(spatial_scale.arcsec))
        spectral_scale = lam[y_center, x_center] - lam[y_center, x_center - 1]

        # Compute slit angle relative (clockwise) to y axis
        slit_rot_angle = (np.arcsin(dx / slit_npix) * u.radian).to(u.degree)
        slit_rot_angle = slit_rot_angle.value
        log.debug('Slit rotation angle: {0}'.format(slit_rot_angle))

        # Compute transform for output frame
        roll_ref = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref
        min_lam = np.nanmin(lam)
        offset = Shift(-slit_center_pix) & Shift(-slit_center_pix)

        # TODO: double-check the signs on the following rotation angles
        rot = Rotation2D(roll_ref + slit_rot_angle)
        scale = Scale(spatial_scale.value) & Scale(spatial_scale.value)
        tan = Pix2Sky_TAN()
        lon_pole = _compute_lon_pole(slit_center_sky, tan)
        skyrot = RotateNative2Celestial(slit_center_sky.ra.value,

        spatial_trans = offset | rot | scale | tan | skyrot
        spectral_trans = Scale(spectral_scale) | Shift(min_lam)
        mapping = Mapping((1, 1, 0))
        mapping.inverse = Mapping((2, 1))
        transform = mapping | spatial_trans & spectral_trans
        transform.outputs = ('ra', 'dec', 'lamda')

        # Build the output wcs
        input_frame = refwcs.input_frame
        output_frame = refwcs.output_frame
        wnew = WCS(output_frame=output_frame, forward_transform=transform)

        # Build the bounding_box in the output frame wcs object
        bounding_box_grid = wnew.backward_transform(ra, dec, lam)
        bounding_box = []
        for axis in input_frame.axes_order:
            axis_min = np.nanmin(bounding_box_grid[axis])
            axis_max = np.nanmax(bounding_box_grid[axis])
            bounding_box.append((axis_min, axis_max))
        wnew.bounding_box = tuple(bounding_box)

        # Update class properties
        self.output_spatial_scale = spatial_scale
        self.output_spectral_scale = spectral_scale
        self.output_wcs = wnew
예제 #31
    def build_miri_output_wcs(self, refwcs=None):
        Create a simple output wcs covering footprint of the input datamodels
        # TODO: generalize this for more than one input datamodel
        # TODO: generalize this for imaging modes with distorted wcs
        input_model = self.input_models[0]
        if refwcs == None:
            refwcs = input_model.meta.wcs

        x, y = wcstools.grid_from_bounding_box(refwcs.bounding_box,
                                               step=(1, 1),
        ra, dec, lam = refwcs(x.flatten(), y.flatten())
        # TODO: once astropy.modeling._Tabular is fixed, take out the
        # flatten() and reshape() code above and below
        ra = ra.reshape(x.shape)
        dec = dec.reshape(x.shape)
        lam = lam.reshape(x.shape)

        # Find rotation of the slit from y axis from the wcs forward transform
        # TODO: figure out if angle is necessary for MIRI.  See for discussion
        # https://github.com/STScI-JWST/jwst/pull/347
        rotation = [m for m in refwcs.forward_transform if \
            isinstance(m, Rotation2D)]
        if rotation:
            rot_slit = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, rotation)
            rot_angle = rot_slit.inverse.angle.value
            unrotate = rot_slit.inverse
            refwcs_minus_rot = refwcs.forward_transform | \
                unrotate & Identity(1)
            # Correct for this rotation in the wcs
            ra, dec, lam = refwcs_minus_rot(x.flatten(), y.flatten())
            ra = ra.reshape(x.shape)
            dec = dec.reshape(x.shape)
            lam = lam.reshape(x.shape)

        # Get the slit size at the center of the dispersion
        sky_coords = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=u.deg)
        slit_coords = sky_coords[int(sky_coords.shape[0] / 2)]
        slit_angular_size = slit_coords[0].separation(slit_coords[-1])
        log.debug('Slit angular size: {0}'.format(slit_angular_size.arcsec))

        # Compute slit center from bounding_box
        dx0 = refwcs.bounding_box[0][0]
        dx1 = refwcs.bounding_box[0][1]
        dy0 = refwcs.bounding_box[1][0]
        dy1 = refwcs.bounding_box[1][1]
        slit_center_pix = (dx1 - dx0) / 2
        dispersion_center_pix = (dy1 - dy0) / 2
        slit_center = refwcs_minus_rot(dx0 + slit_center_pix,
                                       dy0 + dispersion_center_pix)
        slit_center_sky = SkyCoord(ra=slit_center[0],
        log.debug('slit center: {0}'.format(slit_center))

        # Compute spatial and spectral scales
        spatial_scale = slit_angular_size / slit_coords.shape[0]
        log.debug('Spatial scale: {0}'.format(spatial_scale.arcsec))
        tcenter = int((dx1 - dx0) / 2)
        trace = lam[:, tcenter]
        trace = trace[~np.isnan(trace)]
        spectral_scale = np.abs((trace[-1] - trace[0]) / trace.shape[0])
        log.debug('spectral scale: {0}'.format(spectral_scale))

        # Compute transform for output frame
        log.debug('Slit center %s' % slit_center_pix)
        offset = Shift(-slit_center_pix) & Shift(-slit_center_pix)
        # TODO: double-check the signs on the following rotation angles
        roll_ref = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref * u.deg
        rot = Rotation2D(roll_ref)
        tan = Pix2Sky_TAN()
        lon_pole = _compute_lon_pole(slit_center_sky, tan)
        skyrot = RotateNative2Celestial(slit_center_sky.ra,
                                        slit_center_sky.dec, lon_pole)
        min_lam = np.nanmin(lam)
        mapping = Mapping((0, 0, 1))

        transform = Shift(-slit_center_pix) & Identity(1) | \
            Scale(spatial_scale) & Scale(spectral_scale) | \
            Identity(1) & Shift(min_lam) | mapping | \
            (rot | tan | skyrot) & Identity(1)

        transform.inputs = (x, y)
        transform.outputs = ('ra', 'dec', 'lamda')

        # Build the output wcs
        input_frame = refwcs.input_frame
        output_frame = refwcs.output_frame
        wnew = WCS(output_frame=output_frame, forward_transform=transform)

        # Build the bounding_box in the output frame wcs object
        bounding_box_grid = wnew.backward_transform(ra, dec, lam)

        bounding_box = []
        for axis in input_frame.axes_order:
            axis_min = np.nanmin(bounding_box_grid[axis])
            axis_max = np.nanmax(bounding_box_grid[axis])
            bounding_box.append((axis_min, axis_max))
        wnew.bounding_box = tuple(bounding_box)

        # Update class properties
        self.output_spatial_scale = spatial_scale
        self.output_spectral_scale = spectral_scale
        self.output_wcs = wnew
예제 #32
def test_compound_input_units_allow_dimensionless():
    Test setting input_units_allow_dimensionless on one of the models.

    class ScaleDegrees(Scale):
        input_units = {'x': u.deg}

    s1 = ScaleDegrees(2)
    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = True
    s2 = Scale(2)

    cs = s1 | s2
    cs = cs.rename('TestModel')
    out = cs(10)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.one)

    out = cs(10 * u.arcsec)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.arcsec)

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10 * u.m)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == "TestModel: Units of input 'x', m (length), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"

    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = False

    cs = s1 | s2
    cs = cs.rename('TestModel')

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == "TestModel: Units of input 'x', (dimensionless), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"

    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = True

    cs = s2 | s1
    cs = cs.rename('TestModel')

    out = cs(10)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.one)

    out = cs(10 * u.arcsec)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out, 40 * u.arcsec)

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10 * u.m)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == "ScaleDegrees: Units of input 'x', m (length), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"

    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = False

    cs = s2 | s1

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == "ScaleDegrees: Units of input 'x', (dimensionless), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"

    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = True

    s1 = ScaleDegrees(2)
    s1._input_units_allow_dimensionless = True
    s2 = ScaleDegrees(2)
    s2._input_units_allow_dimensionless = False

    cs = s1 & s2
    cs = cs.rename('TestModel')

    out = cs(10, 10 * u.arcsec)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out[0], 20 * u.one)
    assert_quantity_allclose(out[1], 20 * u.arcsec)

    with pytest.raises(UnitsError) as exc:
        out = cs(10, 10)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == "TestModel: Units of input 'x1', (dimensionless), could not be converted to required input units of deg (angle)"