예제 #1
def mad_ultimi_12_diviso_mad_totale_per_unita(data, cons_dict):
    Funzione che calcola il mad degli ultimi 12 mesi
    diviso il mad dei consumi complessivi, per ogni id
    cons_dict: Formato dict 
           dati di consumo
    data: Formato pandas.DataFrame
          matrice dei metadati prima di
          modificare i valori da stringa
          a media di consumi, per alcune colonne
    Valore Ritornato
    La funzione ritorna il mad degli ultimi 12 mesi
    diviso il mad dei consumi complessivi, per ogni id.

    data = data.copy()
    mad = []
    for i in data.index:
        mad.append(median_absolute_deviation(cons_dict[i][-12:], ignore_nan=True) \
                   / (median_absolute_deviation(cons_dict[i], ignore_nan=True)+0.001))
    return mad
예제 #2
def flux_variability_plot(flux,
    ''' Function to plot the variability vs mean flux plot using the MAD 
    statistic. Optional input of fluxes of stars or normalising the plot.
        flux = array of flux values for UDS objects
        fluxchan = array of flux values for chandra objects
        starflux = optional array of fluxes for stars
        normalised = True or False (default) depending if the fluxes should be
                        normalised to the objects average flux 
        stars = True or False (default) depending on if stars should be added
                to the plot
        fig = figure handle to allow clicking for light curves to be enabled if
                required '''

    fig = plt.figure()
    avgfluxperob = np.mean(flux, axis=1)  #for UDS
    avgfluxchanperob = np.mean(fluxchan, axis=1)  #for non-stellar chandra
    if stars == True:
        savgfluxperob = np.mean(starflux, axis=1)  #for stars

    ### Check if normalisation is true and normalise if necessary ###
    if normalised == True:
        flux = normalise(flux)
        fluxchan = normalise(fluxchan)
        if stars == True:
            starflux = normalise(starflux)
    ### Find out which plot type is specified and calculate appropriate statistic ###
    vary = median_absolute_deviation(flux, axis=1)
    varychan = median_absolute_deviation(fluxchan, axis=1)

    ### Plot the variability v mean as appropriate ###
    if stars == True:
        varystar = median_absolute_deviation(starflux, axis=1)
                 label='Secure Star')
    line, = plt.plot(avgfluxperob, vary, 'b+', label='UDS Source', picker=2)
             label='Chandra Source'
             )  #no picker as will be selected in the UDS point

    ### Apply required plot charateristics ###
    plt.xlabel('Mean Magnitude')

    return fig
예제 #3
def distance_metric(X_first, X_second):

    budget_weight = gauss_fct((X_first.budget_day - X_second.budget_day), 0,

    duration_weight = gauss_fct(
        (X_first.duration_event_days - X_second.duration_event_days), 0,

    anticipation_weight = gauss_fct(
        (X_first.nbr_days_before_event - X_second.nbr_days_before_event), 0,

    if (X_first.event_type == X_second.event_type):
        event_type_weight = 1
        event_type_weight = 0

    print('budget_weight = ', budget_weight, '\n')
    print('duration_weight = ', duration_weight, '\n')
    print('anticipation_weight = ', anticipation_weight, '\n')
    print('event_type_weight = ', event_type_weight, '\n')
    score = (budget_weight + duration_weight + anticipation_weight +
             event_type_weight) / 4

    return score
예제 #4
def mad_acc(x, y, z, m):
    #mad= np.mean(np.absolute(x - np.mean(x))) # Mean Absolute Deviation formula
    x_feat = [median_absolute_deviation(i) for i in x]
    y_feat = [median_absolute_deviation(i) for i in y]
    z_feat = [median_absolute_deviation(i) for i in z]
    m_feat = [median_absolute_deviation(i) for i in m]
    return x_feat, y_feat, z_feat, m_feat
예제 #5
def find_outliers(flux, tbdata, bins, threshold=6):
    '''Function used to find outliers when using MAD to select variables. It 
    splits the data into flux bins, calulates all the MAD values in that bin
    and then uses the modified z score to find which objects had disproportionately
    high MAD values for that bin. Anything above a given threshold was said to
    be an outlier.
        flux = a 2D array of flux values where each row is a lightcurve for a 
               single object
        tbdata = original data table for those flux values
        bins = array of bin edges
        threshold = threshold at which everything with a mod-z score above that 
                    value is said to be an outlier. Default is 6
        outliers = bool array defining which objects are outliers
        tbnew = table of data in the same order as outliers and allmodz so easy
                to compare/apply the boolean
        allmodz = array of z values for all the objects
    ### Bin data ###
    allmodz = []
    tbnew = np.recarray([0], dtype=tbdata.dtype, formats=tbdata.formats)
    for n, binedge in enumerate(bins):
        if n==np.size(bins)-1:
        fluxbin1, tbbin1 = flux_funcs.fluxbin(binedge, bins[n+1], flux, tbdata)
        #calulate mad values in the bins
        mad1 = median_absolute_deviation(fluxbin1, axis=1) #for UDS
        modz = mod_z_score(mad1)
        tbnew = np.hstack([tbnew, tbbin1])
        allmodz = np.append(allmodz, modz)
    outliers = allmodz>=threshold
    return outliers, tbnew, allmodz
def reg_RANSAC(X, y, thresh = 0., main_path = '', pl_name = '', plots = False, log = False):
	## Robustly fit linear model with RANSAC algorithm
	X = X.reshape((len(X),1))
	model_ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(linear_model.LinearRegression())
	if thresh != 0:
		threshhold = median_absolute_deviation(y)*thresh
		model_ransac.set_params(residual_threshold = threshhold)
	model_ransac.fit(X, y)
	inlier_mask = model_ransac.inlier_mask_
	outlier_mask = np.logical_not(inlier_mask)

	## Predict data of estimated models
	line_X = np.linspace(np.min(X), np.max(X), 100)
	line_y_ransac = model_ransac.predict(line_X[:, np.newaxis])
	## Ploting in and outliers + linear regression
	if plots:
		fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
		fig.suptitle(pl_name, fontsize = 15)
		ax.scatter(X[inlier_mask], y[inlier_mask], marker = '.', color = 'b')
		ax.scatter(X[outlier_mask], y[outlier_mask], marker = '.', color = 'r')
		ax.plot(line_X, line_y_ransac, color = 'c')
		if log:
			ax.set_xlabel('Ref (log)')
			ax.set_ylabel('Single epoch (log)')
			ax.set_ylabel('Single epoch')
		ax.grid(which='major', axis='x', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='-', color='0.8')
		ax.grid(which='major', axis='y', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='-', color='0.8')
		plt.savefig('%s/%s_ransac.png' % (main_path, pl_name), dpi = 300)
	## Return the coef of the linear regression
	return model_ransac.estimator_.coef_[0][0], model_ransac.estimator_.intercept_[0], line_X, line_y_ransac, outlier_mask
예제 #7
def feat_extract(sensor_name, path=intermediate_dataset_path, train=train):
    train_feat = []

    train_data = np.array(
        pd.read_csv(path + train + '_' + sensor_name + '.csv', header=None))
    logging.debug(sensor_name + ' read done')
    train_data = [np.gradient(train_data[i]) for i in range(len(train_data))]
    train_data = np.array(train_data)
    np.savetxt(intermediate_dataset_path + train + '_' + sensor_name +

    train_feat.append(np.mean(train_data, axis=1))
    logging.info(sensor_name + ' mean')
    train_feat.append(np.std(train_data, axis=1))
    logging.info(sensor_name + ' std')
    train_feat.append(np.var(train_data, axis=1))
    logging.info(sensor_name + ' var')
    train_feat.append(np.max(train_data, axis=1))
    logging.info(sensor_name + ' max')
    train_feat.append(np.min(train_data, axis=1))
    logging.info(sensor_name + ' min')
    train_feat.append(median_absolute_deviation(train_data, axis=1))
    logging.info(sensor_name + ' mad')
    train_feat = np.transpose(train_feat)
    train_feat = np.c_[train_feat,
                       fft_feat_extract(np.array(train_data), sensor_name)]
    return train_feat
예제 #8
def plot_mcmc_diagnostic(chain):

    names = [r'$\ln P$', r'$\sqrt{K}\,\cos M_0$', r'$\sqrt{K}\,\sin M_0$',
             r'$\sqrt{e}\,\cos \omega$', r'$\sqrt{e}\,\sin \omega$',

    ndim = chain.shape[-1]
    assert ndim == len(names)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ndim, 3, figsize=(12, 16), sharex=True)

    for k in range(ndim):
        axes[k, 0].set_ylabel(names[k])
        axes[k, 0].plot(chain[..., k].T, marker='',
                        alpha=0.1, rasterized=True)
        axes[k, 1].plot(np.median(chain[..., k], axis=0),
                        marker='', drawstyle='steps-mid')

        std = 1.5 * median_absolute_deviation(chain[..., k], axis=0)
        axes[k, 2].plot(std, marker='', drawstyle='steps-mid')

    axes[0, 0].set_title('walkers')
    axes[0, 1].set_title('med(walkers)')
    axes[0, 2].set_title('1.5 MAD(walkers)')

    return fig
def line_reg_RANSAC(X, y, pl_name, log = False, plots = False):
	## Robustly fit linear model with RANSAC algorithm
	X = X.reshape((len(X),1))
	model_ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(linear_model.LinearRegression())
	threshhold = median_absolute_deviation(y)*2.
	model_ransac.set_params(residual_threshold = threshhold)
	model_ransac.fit(X, y)
	inlier_mask = model_ransac.inlier_mask_
	outlier_mask = np.logical_not(inlier_mask)

	## Predict data of estimated models
	if log:
		line_X = np.logspace(np.min(X), np.max(X), 100)
		line_X = np.linspace(np.min(X), np.max(X), 100)
	line_y_ransac = model_ransac.predict(line_X[:, np.newaxis])
	## Ploting in and outliers + linear regression
	if plots:
		fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
		fig.suptitle(pl_name, fontsize = 15)
		ax.scatter(X[inlier_mask], y[inlier_mask], marker = '.', color = 'b')
		ax.scatter(X[outlier_mask], y[outlier_mask], marker = '.', color = 'r')
		ax.plot(line_X, line_y_ransac, color = 'c')
		ax.set_ylabel('Single epoch')
		plt.savefig('%s/%s/%s/%s_ransac.png' % (webpath, field, epoch, pl_name), dpi = 300)
	## Return the coef of the linear regression
	return model_ransac.estimator_.coef_[0][0], model_ransac.estimator_.intercept_[0], line_X, line_y_ransac, outlier_mask
예제 #10
def get_decals(coordinates,
               pix_scale=0.262 * u.arcsec,

    size_pix = np.round((size / pix_scale), 0) + 1
    if size_pix > 512:
        raise Exception()

    base_url = 'http://legacysurvey.org/viewer/fits-cutout-decals-dr2?'
    query_string = 'ra={0}&dec={1}&pixscale={2}'\

    filename = 'test.fits'
    if os.path.isfile(filename) and clobber:
    print base_url + query_string
    test = urllib.urlretrieve(base_url + query_string, filename=filename)

    image = load_image(filename)
    mad = median_absolute_deviation(image)
    sigma = mad  #/np.sqrt(2)*erfinv(2*0.75-1)

    image = image.subtract(np.median(image) * image.unit)
    image = image.divide(sigma)

    return image  #, out
def calc_beam_offsets(AUT=None,

    divided_map = load(
        '../rotate_ref_and_reformat/prerotated_AUT_%s_ref_rf0XX.npz' %
    corrected_map_error = load(
        '../rotate_ref_and_reformat/prerotated_AUT_%s_ref_rf0XX_error.npz' %

    reference = load(
    corrected_map = divided_map + reference

    gain = fit_gain(map_data=corrected_map,
    offsets = ((corrected_map[where(beam_zas <= 80.0 * (pi / 180.0))] - gain -
                normed_beam[where(beam_zas <= 80.0 * (pi / 180.0))]))

    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, subplot)
    offsets = abs(offsets[(isnan(offsets) != True)])

            label='Offsets (%.1f$\pm$%.1f)' %
            (median(offsets), median_absolute_deviation(offsets)))
    #ax.plot(alts,chis,label=r'$\chi^2$ (sum=%d)' %int(round(chis[chis!=nan].sum())) )

    all_offsets = append(all_offsets, offsets)
    return all_offsets
def sample_curve(x,y,err,xsample_range,num_of_sample_curves,filename):

    clipped_fluxes = get_sigma_clipped_fluxes(y)
    background = np.ma.median(clipped_fluxes)
    noise = median_absolute_deviation(clipped_fluxes)

    ls = get_ls(x,y,err)
    var = noise

    # print('Background = ',background)
    # print('Noise = ', noise)
    # print('ls = ',ls)

    k = gpflow.kernels.RBF(1,lengthscales=ls,variance=var)
    m = gpflow.gpr.GPR(x.reshape(len(x),1), y.reshape(len(y),1), kern=k)
    m.kern.lengthscales.prior = gpflow.priors.Gaussian(ls, ls/5)
    m.kern.variance.prior = gpflow.priors.Gaussian(5*var, var)

    xx = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 1000)[:,None]
    mean, var = m.predict_y(xx)

    pl.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
    pl.plot(x, y, 'kx', mew=2)
    pl.plot(xx, mean, 'b', lw=2)
    pl.fill_between(xx[:,0], mean[:,0] - 2*np.sqrt(var[:,0]), mean[:,0] + 2*np.sqrt(var[:,0]), color='blue', alpha=0.2)
    pl.xlabel('Days [JD]')
    pl.ylabel('Flux  [Jy]')

    xnew = xsample_range[:,None]
    ynew = m.predict_f_samples(xnew,num_of_sample_curves)

    return xnew,ynew
예제 #13
    def median_combine(self, median_func=ma.median, scale_to=None):
        """Median combine a set of arrays.

           A `~ccdproc.CCDData` object is returned
           with the data property set to the median of the arrays.  If the data
           was masked or any data have been rejected, those pixels will not be
           included in the median.   A mask will be returned, and if a pixel
           has been rejected in all images, it will be masked.   The
           uncertainty of the combined image is set by 1.4826 times the median
           absolute deviation of all input images.

           median_func : function, optional
               Function that calculates median of a `~numpy.ma.masked_array`.
               Default is to use `numpy.ma.median` to calculate median.

           scale_to : float, optional
               Scaling factor used in the average combined image. If given,
               it overrides ``CCDData.scaling``. Defaults to None.

           combined_image: `~ccdproc.CCDData`
               CCDData object based on the combined input of CCDData objects.

           The uncertainty currently calculated using the median absolute
           deviation does not account for rejected pixels.

        if scale_to is not None:
            scalings = scale_to
        elif self.scaling is not None:
            scalings = self.scaling
            scalings = 1.0

        # set the data
        data = median_func(scalings * self.data_arr, axis=0)

        # set the mask
        mask = self.data_arr.mask.sum(axis=0)
        mask = (mask == len(self.data_arr))

        # set the uncertainty
        uncertainty = 1.4826 * median_absolute_deviation(self.data_arr.data,

        # create the combined image with a dtype matching the combiner
        combined_image = CCDData(np.asarray(data.data, dtype=self.dtype),
                                 mask=mask, unit=self.unit,

        # update the meta data
        combined_image.meta['NCOMBINE'] = len(self.data_arr)

        # return the combined image
        return combined_image
예제 #14
def get_decals(coordinates, size, band='g', 
               pix_scale=0.262*u.arcsec, clobber=True):
    size_pix = np.round((size / pix_scale),0)+1
    if size_pix > 512:
        raise Exception()
    query_string = 'ra={0}&dec={1}&pixscale={2}'\

    filename = 'test.fits'
    if os.path.isfile(filename) and clobber:
    print base_url+query_string
    test = urllib.urlretrieve(base_url+query_string,

    image = load_image(filename)        
    mad = median_absolute_deviation(image)
    sigma = mad#/np.sqrt(2)*erfinv(2*0.75-1)

    image = image.subtract(np.median(image)*image.unit)
    image = image.divide(sigma)

    return image #, out
예제 #15
def calc_rms(spectrum):
    Returns the spectral rms

    Spectrum : spectral cube spectrum
        An individual spectrum taken from the spectral cube


    # Find all negative values
    negative_indices = (spectrum < 0.0)
    spectrum_negative_values = spectrum[negative_indices]
    reflected_noise = np.concatenate(
        (spectrum[negative_indices], abs(spectrum[negative_indices])))
    # Compute the median absolute deviation
    MAD = median_absolute_deviation(reflected_noise)
    # For pure noise you should have roughly half the spectrum negative. If
    # it isn't then you need to be a bit more conservative
    if len(spectrum_negative_values) < 0.47 * len(spectrum):
        maximum_value = 3.5 * MAD
        maximum_value = 4.0 * MAD
    noise = spectrum[spectrum < abs(maximum_value)]
    rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(noise**2) / np.size(noise))

    return rms
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, im, x0, y0, profs, thetas):

        self.x0 = x0
        self.y0 = y0
        self.im = im

        # store the center image
        deltay = -(im.fovy() / 2. - y0 * eh.RADPERUAS) / im.psize
        deltax = (im.fovx() / 2. - x0 * eh.RADPERUAS) / im.psize
        self.im_center = im.shift(

        # total flux and normalization
        self.flux = im.total_flux()
        self.parea = (im.psize / eh.RADPERUAS)**2

        # factor to convert to normalized brightness temperature (total flux of
        # 1 Jy)
        self.normfactor = NORMFLUX / im.total_flux()

        # image array and  profiles
        # factor to convert to brightness temperature
        factor = 3.254e13 / (im.rf**2 * im.psize**2)
        self.imarr = im.imvec.reshape(im.ydim, im.xdim)[::-1] * factor  # in Tb

        self.xs = np.arange(im.xdim) * im.psize / eh.RADPERUAS
        self.ys = np.arange(im.ydim) * im.psize / eh.RADPERUAS
        #self.interp = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(self.ys,self.xs,self.imarr,kind='quintic')
        self.interp = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(self.ys,

        self.profiles = np.array(profs)
        self.thetas = np.array(thetas)
        self.nang = len(thetas)
        self.nrs = len(self.profiles[0])
        self.nthetas = len(self.thetas)
        self.rs = np.linspace(0, RMAX, self.nrs)
        self.dr = self.rs[-1] - self.rs[-2]
        self.pks = []
        self.pk_vals = []
        self.diameters = []

        for prof in self.profiles:
            pk, vpk = self.calc_pkrad_from_prof(prof)

            self.diameters.append(2 * np.abs(pk))

        self.pks = np.array(self.pks)
        self.pk_vals = np.array(self.pk_vals)
        self.diameters = np.array(self.diameters)

        # ring size
        self.RingSize1 = (np.mean(self.diameters), np.std(self.diameters))
        self.RingSize1_med = (np.median(self.diameters),
예제 #17
def calc_dispersion_nearest_target(target_x, target_y, x, y, z, N):
    dispersions = np.zeros(len(target_x))
    for i in trange(len(target_x)):
        nx, ny, nz = n_nearest_points(target_x[i], target_y[i], x, y, z, N)
        dispersions[i] = 1.5 * aps.median_absolute_deviation(nz,
    return dispersions
예제 #18
    def get_MAD(self, recompute=False):
        Compute the median absolute deviation of the lightcurve

        mad = getattr(self, 'MAD', None)
        if mad is not None:
            if not recompute:
                return mad

        mad = {}
        outlc = self.get_lc(recompute=recompute)

        for i, pb in enumerate(outlc):
            tlc = outlc.get(pb)
            ttime, tFlux, tFluxErr, tFluxUnred, tFluxErrUnred, tFluxRenorm, tFluxErrRenorm, tphotflag, tzeropoint, tobsId = tlc

            photmask = tphotflag >= constants.GOOD_PHOTFLAG
            tFluxRenorm = tFluxRenorm[photmask]
            if len(tFluxRenorm) == 0:  # if t Flux is empty
                tmad = 0.
                tmad = median_absolute_deviation(tFluxRenorm)
            mad[pb] = tmad
        self.MAD = mad
        return mad
예제 #19
def median_filter(flx, chunk_size, coldpix):
    # Init new spectrum
    newspc = []
    # Chunk size *MUST* be divisor of spectrum length.
    if len(flx) % chunk_size != 0:
        raise ("Chunk size not factor of spectrum length")

    for i in range(int(len(flx) / chunk_size)):
        a = i * chunk_size
        b = (i + 1) * chunk_size
        ### Split the spectrum into 16 pixel chunks
        subflx = flx[a:b]
        # Compute the median and MAD (robust stdev) for each chunk
        median = np.nanmedian(subflx)
        sigma = median_absolute_deviation(subflx)
        # Pixel more than 5 MAD away from the median get masked
        if coldpix == True:
            cleanmsk = np.logical_or(
                np.array(subflx) > 5 * sigma + median,
                np.array(subflx) < median - 7 * sigma)
            cleanmsk = np.array(subflx) > 5 * sigma + median
        subflx[cleanmsk == True] = 'NaN'  #np.median(subflx[cleanmsk == False])
        #print("Threshold: %s, Max: %s" % (2*sigma + median, np.max(subflx)))
        # Rebuild the spectrum chunk by chunk
    return np.array(newspc)
예제 #20
def compute_mad_estimates(x_FWHMs,y_FWHMs):

	# Computing median and mad estimates
	x_mad = median_absolute_deviation(x_FWHMs,ignore_nan=True)
	y_mad = median_absolute_deviation(y_FWHMs,ignore_nan=True)

	# Outlier resistant median
	x_med_clipped = np.median(np.array(x_FWHMs)[ abs(x_FWHMs-x_med) <= 2.0*x_mad ])	
	y_med_clipped = np.median(np.array(y_FWHMs)[ abs(y_FWHMs-y_med) <= 2.0*y_mad ])	

	return 0.5*(x_med_clipped+y_med_clipped)*2.355
예제 #21
def calc_dispersion_bins_target(target_x, target_y, x, y, z, xrange, yrange):
    dispersions = np.zeros(len(target_x))
    for i in trange(len(target_x)):
        nx, ny, nz = make_bin(target_x[i], target_y[i], x, y, z, xrange,
        dispersions[i] = 1.5 * aps.median_absolute_deviation(nz,
    return dispersions
예제 #22
def main(epic, field, cad, refcad, logging=True):
    targ = PixelTarget(epic, field, cad, logging)

    # logger.debug('Removing thrusters')
    # logger.debug('Finding aper')
    aperture = targ.find_aper()

    # logger.debug('Performing aperture photometry')
    ftot = targ.aper_phot(aperture)

    mad = median_absolute_deviation(ftot)
    best_rad = 'arbitrary'
    best_aper = aperture

    ftot_all = {'arbitrary': ftot}
    poisson_all = {'arbitrary': targ.poisson}
    if targ.start_aper > 2:
        rads = np.arange(targ.start_aper - 1, targ.start_aper + 3)
        rads = np.arange(2, 6)
    # logger.debug('Looping through all rads')
    for r in rads:
        # logger.debug('Rad=%s', r)
        circ_apers = targ.find_circ_aper(rad=r)
        ftot_circ = targ.aper_phot(circ_apers)
        ftot_all[str(r)] = ftot_circ
        poisson_all[str(r)] = targ.poisson
        mad_new = median_absolute_deviation(ftot_circ)
        if mad_new < mad:
            mad = mad_new
            best_rad = str(r)
            best_aper = circ_apers

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax = draw_aper(targ, best_aper, ax)
    ax.set_title('Rad =' + best_rad)
    plt.savefig('outputs/' + targ.epic + '_aper.png', dpi=150)

    return targ, ftot_all, poisson_all, best_rad
예제 #23
def normalize(data, cols=0, exclude=0.0, to_db=False, use_median=False):
    Normalize data per frequency channel so that the noise level in data is
    controlled; using mean or median filter.

    Uses a sliding window to calculate mean and standard deviation
    to preserve non-drifted signals. Excludes a fraction of brightest pixels to
    better isolate noise.

    data : ndarray
        Time-frequency data
    cols : int
        Number of columns on either side of the current frequency bin. The
        width of the sliding window is thus 2 * cols + 1
    exclude : float, optional
        Fraction of brightest samples in each frequency bin to exclude in
        calculating mean and standard deviation
    to_db : bool, optional
        Convert values to decibel equivalents *before* normalization
    use_median : bool, optional
        Use median and median absolute deviation instead of mean and standard

    normalized_data : ndarray
        Normalized data


    # Width of normalization window = 2 * cols + 1
    t_len, f_len = data.shape
    mean = np.empty(f_len)
    std = np.empty(f_len)
    if to_db:
        data = db(data)
    for i in np.arange(f_len):
        if i < cols:
            start = 0
            start = i - cols
        if i > f_len - 1 - cols:
            end = f_len
            end = i + cols + 1
        temp = np.sort(data[:, start:end].flatten())
        noise = temp[0:int(np.ceil(t_len * (end - start) * (1 - exclude)))]
        if use_median:
            mean[i] = np.median(noise)
            std[i] = median_absolute_deviation(noise)
            mean[i] = np.mean(noise)
            std[i] = np.std(noise)
    return np.nan_to_num((data - mean) / std)
예제 #24
def plot_median_line(fluxn, tbdata, statistic='MAD', createplot=True):
    ''' Function to find (and plot a line showing) the median value for a 
    variety of statistics across the flux range of the sample - useful when 
    calculating uncertainties.
        fluxn = 2D array of flux values where each line is the light curve of
                an object
        tbdata = table of data that corresponds to the fluxes given (same length)
        statisitic = which statistic to find the median of. Options are MAD 
                     ('MAD', default), excess variance ('excess'), standard
                     deviation ('std'), variance ('var')
        createplot = bool, defines whether or not to actually plot the median
                     line onto the most recent plot. Default is True
        bins = array denoting what the bin edges were
        allmedstat = array of the median values for each bin
    bins = np.array([13, 15])
    bins = np.append(bins, np.arange(16, 24, 0.2))
    bins = np.append(bins, [24])

    bins = 10**((30 - bins) / 2.5)
    bins = np.flip(bins, axis=0)
    #bins = bins[16:44] #because of flux limit

    ### Bin data ###
    allmedstat = np.array([])
    for n, binedge in enumerate(bins):
        #    print(binedge)
        if n == np.size(bins) - 1:
        mag, bindata = flux_funcs.fluxbin(binedge, bins[n + 1], fluxn,
                                          tbdata)  #bindata
        if statistic == 'excess':
            magerr = k_mag_flux.fluxerr5_stacks(bindata)  #make error array
            nmag, nmagerr = flux_funcs.normalise_flux_and_errors(mag, magerr)
            nmag = flux_funcs.normalise_flux(mag)

        if statistic == 'std':
            binstat = np.std(nmag, axis=1)
        elif statistic == 'excess':
            binstat = vary_stats.normsigmasq(nmag, nmagerr)
        elif statistic == 'MAD':
            binstat = median_absolute_deviation(nmag, axis=1)
        elif statistic == 'var':
            binstat = np.nanvar(nmag, axis=1, ddof=1)
            print('Unrecognised statistic entered')
        statmed = np.nanmedian(binstat)
        allmedstat = np.append(allmedstat, statmed)

    if createplot == True:
        plt.plot(bins[0:42], allmedstat, 'k--')
    return bins, allmedstat
예제 #25
def cal_beam_MADMFD(infile):
    Calculating the MAD of max flux density of each beam.

    data = np.loadtxt(infile)
    maxfdensity = data[:, 8]
    mad_maxfdensity = round(median_absolute_deviation(maxfdensity), 3)

    return mad_maxfdensity
예제 #26
def mad_with_extrema(x, mnm=None, mxm=None, return_func=False):
    """Calculate Bounded Median Absolute Deviation.

    with a minimum and maximum allowed mad

    x: array
        the data on which to calculate the MAD
    mnm: float
        lower bound
        if MAD(x) < mnm: return mnm
    mxm: float
        upper bound
        if MAD(x) > mxm: return mxm
    return_func: bool
        if True, returns a single-parameter function with set mnm & mxm

    MAD: float
        if return is True
        `mad_with_extrema(., mnm=mnm, mxm=mxm, return_func=False)`

    if return_func is True:
        return lambda x: mad_with_extrema(
            x, mnm=mnm, mxm=mxm, return_func=False)

    # astropy MAD
    mad = np.nan_to_num(median_absolute_deviation(x))

    if mnm is not None:

        if issubclass(x.__class__, u.Quantity):
            mnm = mnm * x.unit

        try:  # array
            mad[mad < mnm] = mnm
        except TypeError:  # single value
            if mad < mnm:
                mad = mnm

    if mxm is not None:

        if issubclass(x.__class__, u.Quantity):
            mxm = mxm * x.unit

            mad[mad > mxm] = mxm
        except TypeError:
            if mad > mxm:
                mad = mxm

    return mad
def plot_sigma_clipping_hist(dataset, ax):
    Plot bi-color histogram highlighting data-range masked by sigma-clipping.

    Overplot gaussian PDF matched to median, std. dev of sigma-clipped data.

    fluxes = dataset[DataCols.flux]
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(fluxes,
                                   bins=int(max(len(fluxes) / 20, 15)),

    clipped_fluxes = get_sigma_clipped_fluxes(fluxes)

    bin_centres = []
    for bin_idx in range(len(bin_edges) - 1):
        bin_centres.append(0.5 * (bin_edges[bin_idx] + bin_edges[bin_idx + 1]))
    bin_centres = np.asarray(bin_centres)

    bin_width = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0]
    # Get a mask for the histogram that only shows flux values that are inside
    # the sigma-clipped range
    # (nb len(bin_edges)==len(bins)+1)
    clip_mask = ((bin_centres > clipped_fluxes.min()) *
                 (bin_centres < clipped_fluxes.max()))
    # Plot the hist of all flux values, in red:
    ax.bar(bin_centres, hist, width=bin_width,
           label="All flux values")
    # The overplot the flux values that are inside the sigma-clip range,
    # using the mask
           label="Fluxes after sigma-clipping")

    xlim = np.percentile(fluxes, 0.5), np.percentile(fluxes, 99.5)

    # Overplot a gaussian curve with same median and std dev as clipped data,
    # for comparison. (In yellow)
    x = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], 1000)
    clip_pars_norm = scipy.stats.norm(
    ax.plot(x, clip_pars_norm.pdf(x), color='y',
            label="Normal dist. for comparison")

    ax.set_ylabel("Relative prob")
    return ax
예제 #28
def plot_history(history, model_filename):
    # Plot loss vs epochs
    trainloss = history.history['loss']
    valloss = history.history['val_loss']
    plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left')
    plt.savefig(model_filename.replace('.hdf5', '.pdf'))
    # Plot zoomed figure
    lenloss = len(trainloss)
    zoomloss = int(lenloss / 2.)
    plt.plot(np.arange(zoomloss, lenloss), trainloss[zoomloss:])
    plt.plot(np.arange(zoomloss, lenloss), valloss[zoomloss:])
    plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left')
    plt.ylim(bottom=min(valloss) - abs(0.1 * min(valloss)),
             top=1.1 * max(
                 [abs(valloss[zoomloss:] - np.median(valloss[zoomloss:])) < 5 *
    plt.savefig(f"{model_filename.replace('.hdf5', '_zoomed.pdf')}")
    # Plot zoomed figure reduced y axis
    lenloss = len(trainloss)
    zoomloss = int(0.75 * lenloss)
    plt.plot(np.arange(zoomloss, lenloss), trainloss[zoomloss:])
    plt.plot(np.arange(zoomloss, lenloss), valloss[zoomloss:])
    plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left')
    plt.ylim(bottom=min(valloss) - abs(0.1 * min(valloss)),
             top=1.1 * max(
                 [abs(valloss[zoomloss:] - np.median(valloss[zoomloss:])) < 5 *
    plt.savefig(f"{model_filename.replace('.hdf5', '_zoomed2.pdf')}")
예제 #29
    def assessrecovery(self):
        exists = self.FUVexists()

        # Exposure metric already computed in init (self.c_exposure)

        # Periodogram Metric
        time_seconds = self.df['t_mean'] * 60
        #ls = LombScargle(time_seconds, self.flux_injected)
        ls = LombScargle(self.df['t_mean'], self.flux_injected)
        freq, amp = ls.autopower(nyquist_factor=1)

        detrad = self.df['detrad']
        #ls_detrad = LombScargle(time_seconds, detrad)
        ls_detrad = LombScargle(self.df['t_mean'], detrad)
        freq_detrad, amp_detrad = ls_detrad.autopower(nyquist_factor=1)
        pgram_tup = WDranker_2.find_cPGRAM(ls,
        # Return 0,1 rseult of recovery
        c_periodogram = pgram_tup.c
        ditherperiod_exists = pgram_tup.ditherperiod_exists

        # Welch Stetson Metric
        if exists:
            c_ws = WDranker_2.find_cWS(self.t_mean, self.t_mean_fuv,
                                       self.flux_injected_fuv, self.flux_err,
                                       self.flux_err_fuv, ditherperiod_exists,
            c_ws = WDranker_2.find_cWS(self.t_mean, None, self.flux_injected,
                                       None, self.flux_err, None,
                                       ditherperiod_exists, self.FUVexists())

        # RMS Metric --- have to 'unscale' the magnitudes
        converted_flux = [f * self.original_median for f in self.flux_injected]
        injectedmags = [WDutils.flux_to_mag('NUV', f) for f in converted_flux]
        sigma_mag = median_absolute_deviation(injectedmags)
        c_magfit = WDranker_2.find_cRMS(self.mag, sigma_mag, 'NUV')

        # Weights:
        w_pgram = 1
        w_expt = .2
        w_WS = .3
        w_magfit = .25

        C = ((w_pgram * c_periodogram) + (w_expt * self.c_exposure) +
             (w_magfit * c_magfit) + (w_WS * c_ws))

        if C > self.cutoff:
            return 1
            return 0
예제 #30
def cal_mosaic_Stats(infile):
    Calculating MAD RMS and median RMS for the mosaic cube.    

    data = np.loadtxt(infile)
    rms = data[:, 3]

    med_rms = np.median(rms)
    mad_rms = round(median_absolute_deviation(rms), 3)

    return mad_rms, med_rms
예제 #31
def mod_z_score(arr):
    '''Function to find the modified z score of a given array, used to find
    variables in my first pass at this project
        arr = array to find mod-z of
        zvalues = array of z-values for that array
    medx = np.median(arr)
    mad = median_absolute_deviation(arr)
    zvalues = np.array([(0.6745*(x-medx))/mad for x in arr])
    return zvalues
예제 #32
def get_bias_corrected_data_in_electrons(hdu):
    Estimate the bias level of image and substract it from the image.
    If bias estimate is negative, this means that the GAIN in the fits HDU is wrong.
    In this case, issue a warning and re-scale data after calculating what the gain
    should have been.

    Uses median_absolute_deviation (MAD) to compute standard deviation.
    Note: does not substract background from data to compute noise, as was done
    prior to Sept.2018 parameter tuning.

    :param hdu: fits hdu with the image in question

    :return: np.array data_e
    gain = float(hdu[0].header['GAIN'])            # e-/count
    read_noise_e = float(hdu[0].header['RDNOISE']) # e-/pixel
    data_e = gain * hdu[0].data                    # counts to electrons

    # 1.48 here goes from median absolute deviation to standard deviation
    noise_e = 1.48 * median_absolute_deviation(data_e)

    estimated_bias_level_in_electrons = np.median(data_e) - noise_e * noise_e + read_noise_e * read_noise_e

    # If the bias is negative, that means the GAIN is probably wrong in the HDU
    # Scaling the data here is a work-around for that.
    if estimated_bias_level_in_electrons < 0:
        # here, we're really figuring about what the gain should have been and re-scaling the data
        noise_e = 1.48 * median_absolute_deviation(data_e)
        sqrt_median_e = np.sqrt(np.median(data_e))
        scale_factor = sqrt_median_e / noise_e
        msg = 'Negative bias {b:0.2f}. Scaling data by (sqrt(median)/noise): ({r:0.2f}/{n:0.2f})= {s:0.2f}'
        logger.warning(msg.format(b=estimated_bias_level_in_electrons, s=scale_factor, r=sqrt_median_e, n=noise_e ))
        data_e *= scale_factor
        # bias corrected data in electrons
        data_e -= estimated_bias_level_in_electrons

    return data_e
예제 #33
    def testCalculate(self):
        """Test flux median absolute deviation calculation.
        n_sources = 10
        objId = 0

        # Test expected MAD value.
        fluxes = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_sources)
        diaObjects = pd.DataFrame({"diaObjectId": [objId]})
        diaSources = pd.DataFrame(
                "diaObjectId": n_sources * [objId],
                "filterName": n_sources * ["u"],
                "diaSourceId": np.arange(n_sources, dtype=int),
                "psFlux": fluxes,
                "psFluxErr": np.ones(n_sources)

        plug = MadDiaPsFlux(MadDiaPsFluxConfig(), "ap_madFlux", None)
        run_multi_plugin(diaObjects, diaSources, "u", plug)
            diaObjects.at[objId, "uPSFluxMAD"],
            median_absolute_deviation(fluxes, ignore_nan=True))

        # Test expected MAD value with a nan set.
        fluxes[4] = np.nan
        diaObjects = pd.DataFrame({"diaObjectId": [objId]})
        diaSources = pd.DataFrame(
                "diaObjectId": n_sources * [objId],
                "filterName": n_sources * ["r"],
                "diaSourceId": np.arange(n_sources, dtype=int),
                "psFlux": fluxes,
                "psFluxErr": np.ones(n_sources)
        run_multi_plugin(diaObjects, diaSources, "r", plug)
            diaObjects.at[objId, "rPSFluxMAD"],
            median_absolute_deviation(fluxes, ignore_nan=True))
예제 #34
파일: combiner.py 프로젝트: sargas/ccdproc
    def median_combine(self, median_func=ma.median):
        """Median combine a set of arrays.

           A CCDData object is returned
           with the data property set to the median of the arrays.  If the data
           was masked or any data have been rejected, those pixels will not be
           included in the median.   A mask will be returned, and if a pixel
           has been rejected in all images, it will be masked.   The
           uncertainty of the combined image is set by 1.4826 times the median
           absolute deviation of all input images.

           median_func : function, optional
               Function that calculates median of a ``numpy.ma.masked_array``.
               Default is to use ``np.ma.median`` to calculate median.

           combined_image: CCDData object
               CCDData object based on the combined input of CCDData objects.

           The uncertainty currently calculated using the median absolute
           deviation does not account for rejected pixels

        #set the data
        data = median_func(self.data_arr, axis=0)

        #set the mask
        mask = self.data_arr.mask.sum(axis=0)
        mask = (mask == len(self.data_arr))

        #set the uncertainty
        uncertainty = 1.4826 * median_absolute_deviation(self.data_arr.data,

        #create the combined image
        combined_image = CCDData(data.data, mask=mask, unit=self.unit,

        #update the meta data
        combined_image.meta['NCOMBINE'] = len(self.data_arr)

        #return the combined image
        return combined_image
예제 #35
파일: core.py 프로젝트: cmccully/ccdproc
def sigma_func(arr):
    Robust method for calculating the variance of an array. ``sigma_func`` uses
    the median absolute deviation to determine the variance.

    arr : `~ccdproc.ccddata.CCDData` or `~numpy.ndarray`
        Array whose variance is to be calculated.

        variance of array
    return 1.4826 * stats.median_absolute_deviation(arr)
예제 #36
def calcJumpTwo(freq, curve, verbose=0):
    Calculates the ratio in the overlap region
    freq and curve  must be dictionaries with keys 'SSW' and 'SLW'
    overlap = [959.3,989.4] # GHz
    fqL = freq['SLW']
    fqS = freq['SSW']
    slwOver = (fqL >= overlap[0]) & (fqL <= overlap[1])
    sswOver = (fqS >= overlap[0]) & (fqS <= overlap[1])
    ratio = curve['SLW'][slwOver]/curve['SSW'][sswOver]
    # Find the median and Median Absolute Deviation of the ratio
    med = np.median(ratio)
    mad = median_absolute_deviation(ratio)
    if (verbose):
        print ("SLW/SSW median ratio in overlap = %5.3f +/- %5.3f"%(med,mad))
    return med, mad
예제 #37
def mad_std(data, axis=None):
    Calculate a robust standard deviation using the `median absolute
    deviation (MAD)

    The standard deviation estimator is given by:

    .. math::

        \\sigma \\approx \\frac{\\textrm{MAD}}{\Phi^{-1}(3/4)}
            \\approx 1.4826 \ \\textrm{MAD}

    where :math:`\Phi^{-1}(P)` is the normal inverse cumulative
    distribution function evaluated at probability :math:`P = 3/4`.

    data : array-like
        Data array or object that can be converted to an array.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which the robust standard deviations are computed.
        The default (`None`) is to compute the robust standard deviation
        of the flattened array.

    mad_std : float or `~numpy.ndarray`
        The robust standard deviation of the input data.  If ``axis`` is
        `None` then a scalar will be returned, otherwise a
        `~numpy.ndarray` will be returned.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from photutils.extern.stats import mad_std
    >>> rand = np.random.RandomState(12345)
    >>> madstd = mad_std(rand.normal(5, 2, (100, 100)))
    >>> print(madstd)    # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP

    # NOTE: 1. / scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.75) = 1.482602218505602
    return median_absolute_deviation(data, axis=axis) * 1.482602218505602
예제 #38
def linear_reg_RANSAC(X, y, X_err = None, y_err = None, thresh = 0., main_path = '', pl_name = '', plots = False, log = False):
	## Robustly fit linear model with RANSAC algorithm
	X_old = X
	X = X.reshape((len(X),1))
	model_ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(linear_model.LinearRegression())
	if thresh != 0:
		threshhold = median_absolute_deviation(y)*thresh
		model_ransac.set_params(residual_threshold = threshhold)
	model_ransac.fit(X, y)
	inlier_mask = model_ransac.inlier_mask_
	outlier_mask = np.logical_not(inlier_mask)
	## Predict data of estimated models
	line_X = np.linspace(np.min(X), np.max(X), 100)
	line_y_ransac = model_ransac.predict(line_X[:, np.newaxis])
	y_predicted = model_ransac.predict(X)
	slope = model_ransac.estimator_.coef_[0][0]
	inter = model_ransac.estimator_.intercept_[0]
	score = np.sqrt(((y[inlier_mask] - y_predicted[inlier_mask])**2).sum()/(np.std(X[inlier_mask]) * len(X[inlier_mask]) * (len(X[inlier_mask])-2)))
	if X_err != None and y_err != None:
		slope_err = (score * np.dot(X_err[inlier_mask], y_err[inlier_mask]) / np.dot(X_old[inlier_mask], X_old[inlier_mask]))**2
		slope_err = score
	## Ploting in and outliers + linear regression
	if plots:
		fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
		fig.suptitle(pl_name, fontsize = 15)
		ax.scatter(X[inlier_mask], y[inlier_mask], marker = '.', c = 'b', edgecolors = 'None')
		ax.scatter(X[outlier_mask], y[outlier_mask], marker = '.', c = 'r', edgecolors = 'None')
		ax.loglog(line_X, line_y_ransac, color = 'c', alpha = .7, label = 'slope = %.5f\nerror = %.5f' % (slope, slope_err))
		ax.set_ylabel('Single epoch')
		ax.legend(loc = 'best', fontsize='x-small')
		if log:
		ax.grid(which='major', axis='x', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='-', color='0.8')
		ax.grid(which='major', axis='y', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='-', color='0.8')
		plt.savefig('%s/%s_ransac.png' % (main_path, pl_name), dpi = 300)
	## Return the coef of the linear regression
	return slope, inter, line_X, line_y_ransac, outlier_mask, slope_err
예제 #39
def calcJump(spec, verbose=0):
    Calculates the ratio in the overlap region
    spec must be a dictionary
    the jump is calculated only for the central detectors
    overlap = [959.3,989.4] # GHz
    fx = {}
    for idet in ['SSWD4','SLWC3']:
        fqX = spec[idet]['wave']
        maskOver = (fqX >= overlap[0]) & (fqX <= overlap[1])
        fx[idet] = spec[idet]['flux'][maskOver]
    ratio = fx['SLWC3']/fx['SSWD4']
    # Find the median and Median Absolute Deviation of the ratio
    med = np.median(ratio)
    mad = median_absolute_deviation(ratio)
    if (verbose):
        print ("SLW/SSW median ratio in overlap = %5.3f +/- %5.3f"%(med,mad))
    return med, mad
예제 #40
def sigma_func(arr, axis=None):
    Robust method for calculating the deviation of an array. ``sigma_func``
    uses the median absolute deviation to determine the standard deviation.

    arr : `~ccdproc.CCDData` or `~numpy.ndarray`
        Array whose deviation is to be calculated.

    axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional
        Axis or axes along which the function is performed.
        If ``None`` (the default) it is performed over all the dimensions of
        the input array. The axis argument can also be negative, in this case
        it counts from the last to the first axis.

        uncertainty of array estimated from median absolute deviation.
    return stats.median_absolute_deviation(arr) * 1.482602218505602
예제 #41
def get_wise(coordinates, ang_size, band=1, clobber=True):
    Get cutouts of ALLWISE images
    coordinates : astropy.coordinates object
        Central coordinates of desired cutout
    ang_size : astropy.quantity object
        Angular diamater of desired cutout (max = 5 degrees)
    band : integer, default = 1
        WISE band to get cutout for. WISE filters correspond to rest-frame
        central wavelengths of W1 = 3.4um, W2 = 4.6um, W3 = 12.0um and 
        W4 = 22.0um.
    clobber : bool, default = True
        Overwrite existing filenames when generating cutouts
    filename = dl_wise(coordinates, ang_size, band=1, clobber=True)
    image = load_image(filename)
    mad = median_absolute_deviation(image)
    sigma = mad#/np.sqrt(2)*erfinv(2*0.75-1)

    image = image.subtract(np.median(image)*image.unit)
    image = image.divide(sigma)

    return image #, out
예제 #42
파일: hrstools.py 프로젝트: saltastro/pyhrs
def background(b_arr, niter=3):
    """Determine the background for an array

    b_arr: numpy.ndarray
        Array for the determination of the background

    niter: int
        Number of iterations for sigma clipping

    bkgrd: float
        median background value after sigma clipping

    bkstd: float
        Estimated standard deviation based on the median
        absolute deviation

    cl_arr = stats.sigma_clip(b_arr, iters=niter, cenfunc=np.ma.median,
    return np.ma.median(cl_arr), 1.48 * stats.median_absolute_deviation(cl_arr)
예제 #43
파일: llsg.py 프로젝트: VChristiaens/VIP
def _patch_rlrps(array, array_ref, rank, low_rank_ref, low_rank_mode,
                 thresh, thresh_mode, max_iter, auto_rank_mode='noise',
                 cevr=0.9, residuals_tol=1e-2, random_seed=None, debug=False,
    """ Patch decomposition based on GoDec/SSGoDec (Zhou & Tao 2011)
    # Initializing L and S
    L = array
    if low_rank_ref:
        L_ref = array_ref.T
        L_ref = None
    S = np.zeros_like(L)
    random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)
    itr = 0
    power = 0
    svdlib = 'lapack'

    while itr <= max_iter:
        # Updating L
        if low_rank_mode == 'brp':
            Y2 = random_state.randn(L.shape[1], rank)
            for _ in range(power + 1):
                Y1 = np.dot(L, Y2)
                Y2 = np.dot(L.T, Y1)
            Q, _ = qr(Y2, mode='economic')
            Lnew = np.dot(np.dot(L, Q), Q.T)

        elif low_rank_mode == 'svd':
            if itr == 0:
                PC = get_eigenvectors(rank, L, svdlib, mode=auto_rank_mode,
                                      cevr=cevr, noise_error=residuals_tol,
                                      data_ref=L_ref, debug=debug,
                rank = PC.shape[0]  # so we can use the optimized rank
                if low_rank_ref:
                    Lnew = np.dot(np.dot(PC, L).T, PC).T
                    Lnew = np.dot(np.dot(L, PC.T), PC)
                rank_i = min(rank, min(L.shape[0], L.shape[1]))
                PC = svd_wrapper(L, svdlib, rank_i, False, False,
                Lnew = np.dot(np.dot(L, PC.T), PC)

            raise RuntimeError('Low Rank estimation mode not recognized.')

        # Updating S
        T = L - Lnew + S
        threshold = np.sqrt(median_absolute_deviation(T.ravel())) * thresh

        # threshold = np.sqrt(median_absolute_deviation(T, axis=0)) * thresh
        # threshmat = np.zeros_like(T)
        # for i in range(threshmat.shape[0]):
        #     threshmat[i] = threshold
        # threshold = threshmat

        if debug:
            print('threshold = {:.3f}'.format(threshold))
        S = thresholding(T, threshold, thresh_mode)

        T -= S
        L = Lnew + T
        itr += 1

    G = array - L - S

    L = L.T
    S = S.T
    G = G.T

    if full_output:
        return L, S, G
        return S
예제 #44
파일: hrstools.py 프로젝트: saltastro/pyhrs
def fit_wavelength_solution(sol_dict):
    """Determine the best fit solution and re-fit each line with that solution

    The following steps are used to determine the best wavelength solution:
    1. The coefficients of the solution to each row are fit by a line
    2. The coefficients for each row are then replaced by the best-fit values
    3. The wavelenght zeropoint is then re-calculated for each row

    sol_dict: dict
        A dictionary where the key is the y-position of each row and the value
        is a list that containts an array of x values of peaks, the 
        corresponding wavelength array of the peaks, and a 
        `~astropy.modeling.model` that transforms between the x positions
        and wavelengths

    Returns: dict
    sol_dict: dict
        An updating dictionary with the new wavelength solution for each row

    #determinethe quality of each solution
    weights = np.zeros(len(sol_dict))
    yarr = np.zeros(len(sol_dict))
    ncoef = len(sol_dict[sol_dict.keys()[0]][2].parameters)
    coef_list = []
    for i in range(ncoef):

    #populate the coeffient list with values
    for i, y in enumerate(sol_dict):
        yarr[i] = y
        mx, mw, ws = sol_dict[y]
        weights[i] = stats.median_absolute_deviation(ws(mx)-mw) / 0.6745
        for j, p  in enumerate(ws.parameters):
            coef_list[j][i] = p

    #fit each coefficient with a value
    coef_sol = []
    for coef in coef_list:
        fit_c = mod.fitting.LinearLSQFitter()
        c_init = mod.models.Polynomial1D(1)
        mask = (weights < 5 * np.median(weights))
        c = iterfit1D(yarr[mask], coef[mask], fit_c, c_init, niter=7)

    #refit with only allowing zeropoint to change
    for i, y in enumerate(sol_dict):
        mx, mw, ws = sol_dict[y]
        for j, n  in enumerate(ws.param_names):
            c = coef_sol[j]
            ws.parameters[j] = c(y)

        weights = calc_weights(mx, mw, ws)
        dw = np.average(mw - ws(mx), weights=weights)
        ws.c0 = ws.c0 + dw
        sol_dict[y] = [mx, mw, ws]

    return sol_dict
예제 #45
def find_ionfactor(parmdb_file, baseline_dict, t1, t2, target_rms_rad=0.2):
    Finds ionospheric scaling factor
    pdb_in = lofar.parmdb.parmdb(parmdb_file)
    parms = pdb_in.getValuesGrid('*')

    # Filter any stations not in both the instrument table and the ms
    stations_pbd = set([s.split(':')[-1] for s in pdb_in.getNames()])
    stations_ms = set([s for s in baseline_dict.itervalues() if type(s) is str])
    stations = sorted(list(stations_pbd.intersection(stations_ms)))

    # Select long baselines only (BL > 10 km), as they will set the ionfactor scaling
    ant1 = []
    ant2 = []
    dist = []
    min_length = 10.0
    for k, v in baseline_dict.iteritems():
        if type(v) is not str and '-' in k:
            if v > min_length:
                s1 = k.split('-')[0]
                s2 = k.split('-')[1]
                s1_name = baseline_dict[s1]
                s2_name = baseline_dict[s2]
                if s1_name in stations and s2_name in stations:

    # Find correlation times
    rmstimes = []
    dists = []
    freq = None
    for a1, a2, d in zip(ant1, ant2, dist):
        if freq is None:
            freq = np.copy(parms['Gain:0:0:Phase:{}'.format(a1)]['freqs'])[0]
            times = np.copy(parms['Gain:0:0:Phase:{}'.format(a1)]['times'])
            time_ind = np.where((times >= t1) & (times < t2))[0]
            timepersolution = np.copy(parms['Gain:0:0:Phase:{}'.format(a1)]['timewidths'])[0]
        ph1 = np.copy(parms['Gain:0:0:Phase:{}'.format(a1)]['values'])[time_ind]
        ph2 = np.copy(parms['Gain:0:0:Phase:{}'.format(a2)]['values'])[time_ind]

        # Filter flagged solutions
        good = np.where((~np.isnan(ph1)) & (~np.isnan(ph2)))[0]
        if len(good) == 0:

        rmstime = None
        ph = unwrap_fft(ph2[good] - ph1[good])

        step = 1
        for i in range(1, len(ph)/2, step):
            p1 = ph[i:]
            p2 = ph[:-i]
            rms = np.linalg.norm(p1-p2) / np.sqrt(len(p1))
            mad = median_absolute_deviation(p1-p2)
            mean = np.mean(p1-p2)
            if rms + mean > target_rms_rad:
                rmstime = i
        if rmstime is None:
            rmstime = len(ph)/2

    # Find the mean ionfactor assuming that the correlation time goes as
    # t_corr ~ 1/sqrt(BL). The ionfactor is defined in BLavg() as:
    #     ionfactor = (t_corr / 30.0 sec) / ( np.sqrt((25.0 / dist_km)) * (freq_hz / 60.e6) )
    ionfactor = np.mean(np.array(rmstimes) / 30.0 / (np.sqrt(25.0 / np.array(dists))
        * freq / 60.0e6)) * timepersolution

    return ionfactor
예제 #46
def xmatch_checkplots0(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2,

    Based on code by Chris Desira


    import numpy as np

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    from astropy import stats
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u

    from librgm.plotid import plotid

    rmax = width

    print('RA1 range:', np.min(ra1), np.max(ra1))
    print('Dec1 range:', np.min(dec1), np.max(dec1))
    print('RA2 range:', np.min(ra2), np.max(ra2))
    print('Dec2 range:', np.min(dec2), np.max(dec2))

    # offsets in arc seconds
    difference_ra = (ra1 - ra2) * np.cos(np.radians(dec1)) * 3600.0
    difference_dec = (dec1 - dec2) * 3600.0

    itest = (np.abs(difference_ra) < rmax) & (np.abs(difference_dec) < rmax)

    difference_ra = difference_ra[itest]
    difference_dec = difference_dec[itest]

    skycoord_object1 = SkyCoord(ra1, dec1, unit=('degree', 'degree'),
    skycoord_object2 = SkyCoord(ra2, dec2, unit=('degree', 'degree'),

    skycoord_object1 = skycoord_object1[itest]
    skycoord_object2 = skycoord_object2[itest]

    separations = skycoord_object1.separation(skycoord_object2)

    med = np.median(separations.arcsec)
    ndata = len(separations)
    mad = stats.median_absolute_deviation(separations.arcsec)
    mad_std = stats.mad_std(separations.arcsec)

    fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 5))

    plt.suptitle(suptitle, size=10)


    xdata = separations.arcsec

    n, b, patches = ax1.hist(xdata, bins=rmax/binsize,
                             range=[0.0, rmax],
                             color='green', alpha=0.5)

    bin_min = np.where(n == n.min())

    ax1.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4)

    s04 = '# = %i'% ndata
    ax1.annotate(s04,(0.28,0.90) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8)

    s01 = 'Median = %.2f' % med
    ax1.annotate(s01,(0.28,0.85) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8)

    ax1.set_xlabel('Pariwise separation (arcsec)')
    ax1.set_ylabel('Frequency per bin')

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2, aspect='equal')

    alpha = 1.0
             alpha=alpha) #0.5 smallest size

    ax2.axis([-1.0*rmax, rmax,-1.0*rmax, rmax])
    ax2.set_xlabel('Delta RA')
    ax2.set_ylabel('Delta Dec')
    s11 = 'Self-xmatch'
    ax2.annotate(s11,(0.45,0.95) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8)
    s1 = '# of Objects = %i' % ndata
    ax2.annotate(s1,(0.45,0.90) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8)
    s7 = 'MAD = %.2f' % mad
    ax2.annotate(s7,(0.45,0.85) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8)
    s3 = 'sigma_MAD = %.2f' % mad_std
    ax2.annotate(s3,(0.45,0.80) , xycoords = 'axes fraction',size=8)



    # make room for the plotid on right edge

    if plotfile != None:
        print('Saving plotfile:', plotfile)

    if ('save' in kwargs):
        path_to_save = str(kwargs['save'])
        plt.savefig(path_to_save, dpi=150)
예제 #47
def biweight_midvariance(a, c=9.0, M=None, axis=None):
    Compute the biweight midvariance.

    The biweight midvariance is a robust statistic for determining the
    midvariance (i.e. the standard deviation) of a distribution.  It is
    given by:

    .. math::

      C_{bl}= (n')^{1/2} \\frac{[\Sigma_{|u_i|<1} (x_i-M)^2(1-u_i^2)^4]^{0.5}}
      {|\Sigma_{|u_i|<1} (1-u_i^2)(1-5u_i^2)|}

    where :math:`u_i` is given by

    .. math::

        u_{i} = \\frac{(x_i-M)}{c MAD}

    where :math:`c` is the tuning constant and :math:`MAD` is the median
    absolute deviation.  The midvariance tuning constant ``c`` is
    typically 9.0.

    :math:`n'` is the number of points for which :math:`|u_i| < 1`
    holds, while the summations are over all :math:`i` up to :math:`n`:

    .. math::

        n' = \Sigma_{|u_i|<1}^n 1

    This is slightly different than given in the reference below, but
    results in a value closer to the true midvariance.
    For more details, see `Beers, Flynn, and Gebhardt (1990); AJ 100, 32

    a : array-like
        Input array or object that can be converted to an array.
    c : float, optional
        Tuning constant for the biweight estimator.  Default value is 9.0.
    M : float or array-like, optional
        Initial guess for the biweight location.  An array can be input
        when using the ``axis`` keyword.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which the biweight midvariances are computed.  The
        default (`None`) is to compute the biweight midvariance of the
        flattened array.

    biweight_midvariance : float or `~numpy.ndarray`
        The biweight midvariance of the input data.  If ``axis`` is
        `None` then a scalar will be returned, otherwise a
        `~numpy.ndarray` will be returned.

    Generate random variates from a Gaussian distribution and return the
    biweight midvariance of the distribution::

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from photutils.extern.stats import biweight_midvariance
        >>> rand = np.random.RandomState(12345)
        >>> from numpy.random import randn
        >>> bmv = biweight_midvariance(rand.randn(1000))
        >>> print(bmv)    # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP

    a = np.asanyarray(a)

    if M is None:
        M = np.median(a, axis=axis)
    if axis is not None:
        M = np.expand_dims(M, axis=axis)

    # set up the differences
    d = a - M

    # set up the weighting
    mad = median_absolute_deviation(a, axis=axis)
    if axis is not None:
        mad = np.expand_dims(mad, axis=axis)
    u = d / (c * mad)

    # now remove the outlier points
    mask = np.abs(u) < 1
    u = u ** 2
    n = mask.sum(axis=axis)

    f1 = d * d * (1. - u)**4
    f1[~mask] = 0.
    f1 = f1.sum(axis=axis) ** 0.5
    f2 = (1. - u) * (1. - 5.*u)
    f2[~mask] = 0.
    f2 = np.abs(f2.sum(axis=axis))

    return (n ** 0.5) * f1 / f2
예제 #48
def biweight_location(a, c=6.0, M=None, axis=None):
    Compute the biweight location.

    The biweight location is a robust statistic for determining the
    central location of a distribution.  It is given by:

    .. math::

        C_{bl}= M+\\frac{\Sigma_{\|u_i\|<1} (x_i-M)(1-u_i^2)^2}
        {\Sigma_{\|u_i\|<1} (1-u_i^2)^2}

    where :math:`M` is the sample median (or the input initial guess)
    and :math:`u_i` is given by:

    .. math::

        u_{i} = \\frac{(x_i-M)}{c\ MAD}

    where :math:`c` is the tuning constant and :math:`MAD` is the median
    absolute deviation.

    For more details, see `Beers, Flynn, and Gebhardt (1990); AJ 100, 32

    a : array-like
        Input array or object that can be converted to an array.
    c : float, optional
        Tuning constant for the biweight estimator.  Default value is 6.0.
    M : float or array-like, optional
        Initial guess for the biweight location.  An array can be input
        when using the ``axis`` keyword.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which the biweight locations are computed.  The
        default (`None`) is to compute the biweight location of the
        flattened array.

    biweight_location : float or `~numpy.ndarray`
        The biweight location of the input data.  If ``axis`` is `None`
        then a scalar will be returned, otherwise a `~numpy.ndarray`
        will be returned.

    Generate random variates from a Gaussian distribution and return the
    biweight location of the distribution::

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from photutils.extern.stats import biweight_location
        >>> rand = np.random.RandomState(12345)
        >>> from numpy.random import randn
        >>> loc = biweight_location(rand.randn(1000))
        >>> print(loc)    # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP

    a = np.asanyarray(a)

    if M is None:
        M = np.median(a, axis=axis)
    if axis is not None:
        M = np.expand_dims(M, axis=axis)

    # set up the differences
    d = a - M

    # set up the weighting
    mad = median_absolute_deviation(a, axis=axis)
    if axis is not None:
        mad = np.expand_dims(mad, axis=axis)
    u = d / (c * mad)

    # now remove the outlier points
    mask = (np.abs(u) >= 1)
    u = (1 - u ** 2) ** 2
    u[mask] = 0

    return M.squeeze() + (d * u).sum(axis=axis) / u.sum(axis=axis)
예제 #49
def wavelength_calibrate_order(hrs, slines, sfluxes, ws_init, fit_ws, y0=50, npoints=30, xlimit=1.0, slimit=1.0, wlimit=0.5, fixed=False):
    """Wavelength calibration of a  single order from the HRS arc spectra

    The calibration proceeds through following steps:
    1. Curvature due to the optical distortion is removed from the spectra and
       a square representation of the 2D spectra is created.  Only integer 
       shifts are applied to the data
    2. A model of the spectrograph is created based on the order, camera, and
       xpos offset that are supplied.
    3. In each row of the data, peaks are extracted and matched with a
       line in the atlas of wavelengths that is provided (slines, sflux).  For
       the details of the matching process, see the match_arc function.
    4. Once the first set of peaks and lines are matched up, a new solution
       is calculated for the given row.   Then the processes of matching
       lines and determining a wavelength solution is repeated.  The best
       result from each line is saved.
    5. Using all of the matched lines from all lines, a 'best' solution is 
       determined.   Everything but the zeroth order parameter of the fit
       is fixed to a slowly varying value based on the overall solution to all
       lines.  See fit_solution for more details.
    6. Based on the best solution found, the process is repeated for each
       row but only determing the zeropoint.
    7. Based on the solution found, a wavelength is assigned to each pixel

    hrs: ~HRSOrder
        Object describing a single HRS order.  It should already contain the
        defined order and the flux from the arc for that order

    slines: numpy.ndarray
       wavelengths of known arc lines

    sfluxes: numpy.ndarray
       relative fluxes at those wavelengths

    ws_init: ~astropy.modeling.model
        A initial model decribe the trasnformation from x-position to 

    fit_ws: ~astropy.modeling.fitting
        Method to fit the model

    y0: int
        First row for determine the solution

    npoints: int
         The maximum number of points to bright points to fit.

    xlimit: float
         Maximum shift in line centroid when fitting

    slimit: float
         Minimum scale for line when fitting

    wlimit: float
         Minimum separation in wavelength between peak and line

    hrs: ~HRSOrder
        An HRSOrder with a calibrated wavelength property

    import pickle
    #create the box
    xmax = hrs.region[1].max()
    xmin = 0 
    ymax = hrs.region[0].max()
    ymin = hrs.region[0].min()
    ys = ymax-ymin
    xs = xmax-xmin
    ydata = np.zeros((ys+1,xs+1))
    coef = np.polyfit(hrs.region[1], hrs.region[0], 3)
    xarr = np.arange(xs+1)
    yarr = np.polyval(coef, xarr)-ymin
    x = hrs.region[1]-xmin
    y = hrs.region[0]-ymin - (np.polyval(coef, x) - ymin - yarr.min()).astype(int)
    ys = y.max()
    data = np.zeros((ys+1,xs+1))
    data[y,x] = hrs.flux
    pickle.dump(data, open('box_%i.pkl' % hrs.order, 'w'))

    #set the wavelength
    func_order = len(ws_init.parameters)
    warr = ws_init(xarr)
    #match the lines
    y = data[:,int(0.5*len(xarr))]
    y = np.where(y>0)[0]
    nmax = y.max()

    #find the best solution
    farr = 1.0*data[y0,:]
    mx, mw = match_lines(xarr, farr, slines, sfluxes, ws_init, npoints=npoints,
                         xlimit=xlimit, slimit=slimit, wlimit=1.0)
    if fixed:
        dw = np.median(mw - ws(mx))
        ws.c0 -= dw
        if len(mx)==0: return hrs, None
        ws = iterfit1D(mx, mw, fit_ws, ws_init)

    for y in range(0, nmax, 1):
        if farr.sum() > 0:
            mx, mw = match_lines(xarr, farr, slines, sfluxes, ws, 
                                 npoints=npoints, xlimit=xlimit, slimit=slimit,
            if len(mx) > func_order+1:
                if fixed:
                    dw = np.median(mw - nws(mx))
                    nws.c0 -= dw
                    sol_dict[y] = [mx, mw, nws]
                    nws = iterfit1D(mx, mw, fit_ws, ws_init, thresh=thresh)
                    sol_dict[y] = [mx, mw, nws]
    if len(sol_dict)==0: return hrs, None
    pickle.dump(sol_dict, open('sol_%i.pkl' % hrs.order, 'w'))
    sol_dict = fit_wavelength_solution(sol_dict)

    #update the wavelength values
    wdata = 0.0*data
    edata = 0.0*data
    for y in sol_dict: 
        mx, mw, nws = sol_dict[y]
        wdata[y,:] = nws(xarr)
        rms = stats.median_absolute_deviation(mw-nws(mx)) / 0.6745
        edata[y,:] += rms
    x = hrs.region[1]
    y = hrs.region[0] - ymin  - (np.polyval(coef, hrs.region[1]) - ymin - yarr.min()).astype(int)
    hrs.wavelength = wdata[y,x]
    hrs.wavelength_error = edata[y,x]

    #in case no solution found for y0
       yt = sol_dict[y0][0]
    except KeyError:    
       y0 = sol_dict.keys()[0]
    return hrs, sol_dict