예제 #1
# remove columns we don't want
print "killing columns"
for n in killring:
    if n in tab.colnames:
        del tab[n]

print "renaming deep -> wide"
for n in tab.colnames:
    if 'deep' in n:
        tab[n].name = n.replace('deep', 'wide')

print "making names"
# make a new column which is the IAU source name
c = Table.Column([
    "GLEAM J" +
    (tab['ra_str_wide'][i][:-3] + tab['dec_str_wide'][i][:-3]).replace(
        ':', '') for i in range(len(tab))
tab.add_column(c, index=0)

print 'adding systematic error column'
# errs are 8% in most of the sky
errs = np.ones(len(tab)) * 8
# 13% above +18.5
errs[np.where(tab['dec_wide'] >= 18.5)] = 13
# 13% below -72
errs[np.where(tab['dec_wide'] < -72)] = 13
# 80% below -83.5
errs[np.where(tab['dec_wide'] < -83.5)] = 80
c = Table.Column(errs, name='err_abs_flux_pct')
tab.add_column(c, index=21)