예제 #1
파일: make.py 프로젝트: zabop/photutils
def make_4gaussians_image(noise=True):
    Make an example image containing four 2D Gaussians plus a constant

    The background has a mean of 5.

    If ``noise`` is `True`, then Gaussian noise with a mean of 0 and a
    standard deviation of 5 is added to the output image.

    noise : bool, optional
        Whether to include noise in the output image (default is

    image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
        Image containing four 2D Gaussian sources.

    See Also

    .. plot::

        from photutils.datasets import make_4gaussians_image
        image = make_4gaussians_image()
        plt.imshow(image, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
    table = QTable()
    table['amplitude'] = [50, 70, 150, 210]
    table['x_mean'] = [160, 25, 150, 90]
    table['y_mean'] = [70, 40, 25, 60]
    table['x_stddev'] = [15.2, 5.1, 3., 8.1]
    table['y_stddev'] = [2.6, 2.5, 3., 4.7]
    table['theta'] = np.radians(np.array([145., 20., 0., 60.]))

    shape = (100, 200)
    data = make_gaussian_sources_image(shape, table) + 5.

    if noise:
        rng = np.random.RandomState(12345)
        data += rng.normal(loc=0., scale=5., size=shape)

    return data
    def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False):
        internal wrapper to parse queries

        if self._get_raw_response:
            return response.text

        # intercept error messages
        response_txt = response.text.split('\n')[2:-1]
        if len(response_txt) < 3 and len(response_txt[-1].split('|')) < 21:
            raise RuntimeError(response_txt[-1])

        results = ascii.read(response_txt[1:],
                                 '# ', '').strip().split(' | '))
        results = QTable(results)

        # convert coordinates to degrees
        coo = SkyCoord(ra=results['RA(h)'],
                       unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg),
        results['RA(h)'] = coo.ra.deg
        results['DE(deg)'] = coo.dec.deg

        colnames = results.columns[:]
        for fieldname in colnames:
            # apply field name change
            results.rename_column(fieldname, conf.field_names[fieldname])
            # apply unit, if available
            if conf.field_names[fieldname] in conf.field_units:
                results[conf.field_names[fieldname]].unit = conf.field_units[

        # convert object numbers to int
        # unnumbered asteroids return as non numeric values ('-')
        # this is treated as defaulting to 0, and masking the entry
        unnumbered_mask = [not str(x).isdigit() for x in results['Number']]
        numbers = [
            int(x) if str(x).isdigit() else 0 for x in results['Number']
        asteroid_number_col = MaskedColumn(numbers,

        results.replace_column('Number', asteroid_number_col)

        return results
예제 #3
def test_masked_column_with_unit_in_qtable():
    """Test that adding a MaskedColumn with a unit to QTable issues warning"""
    t = QTable()
    t['a'] = MaskedColumn([1, 2])
    assert isinstance(t['a'], MaskedColumn)

    t['b'] = MaskedColumn([1, 2], unit=u.m)
    assert isinstance(t['b'], u.Quantity)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning,
                      match="dropping mask in Quantity column 'c'") as w:
        t['c'] = MaskedColumn([1, 2], unit=u.m, mask=[True, False])
    assert len(w) == 1
    assert isinstance(t['b'], u.Quantity)
예제 #4
def load_specific_volt_data(path, LST = False):
    """One volt data file will be loaded into a table
    example usage:
    PATH = 'HPM_Data/FAKEDATA_observation_2458180_7314443593_volt_table.csv'
    volt_data = load_specific_volt_data(PATH)"""
    names = ['volts', 'times']
    table = QTable(ascii.read(path), names = names)
    table['volts'].unit = u.V
    table['times' ].unit = u.s if LST == False else u.rad
    return table
예제 #5
파일: test_osip.py 프로젝트: hamogu/ARCUS
def test_osip_factor():
    '''test extreme values that do not depend on CCD resolution'''
    assert FixedWidthOSIP(0 * u.eV,
                          ccd_redist=ccd_redist).osip_factor([10] * u.Angstrom,
                                                             -5, -5) == 0
    wide = FixedWidthOSIP(10 * u.keV, ccd_redist=ccd_redist)
    assert np.allclose(wide.osip_factor([10] * u.Angstrom, -5, -5), 1)
    '''test with fixed sigma'''
    sig = QTable({'energy': [0, 1, 2] * u.keV, 'sigma': [40, 40, 40] * u.eV})
    myosip = FixedWidthOSIP(40 * u.eV, ccd_redist=CCDRedist(sig))

    assert np.allclose(myosip.osip_factor([10] * u.Angstrom, -5, -5),
예제 #6
def add_units_to_Table(df, udict=None, _subkey=None):
    """takes Table and returns QTable
    dfQ = add_units_to_Table(df, udict)
    udict: unit dictionary
    _subkey key for dictionary if loading from JSON
        str or list of str for nested dict
    def safeget(dct, *keys):
        for key in keys:
                dct = dct[key]
            except KeyError:
                return None
        return dct

    # Pre-adjusting for JSON udict
    if udict is None:
        dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        udict = os.path.join(dirname, 'gaia_query_defaults.json')
        _subkey = [
        # Now it's a string and will trigger next 'if'

    # JSON udict
    if isinstance(udict, str):
        with open(udict, 'r') as file:
            defaults = json.load(file)
            if _subkey is None:
            elif isinstance(_subkey, str):
                defaults = defaults[_subkey]
            else:  # nested
                defaults = safeget(defaults, *_subkey)

        udict = {}
        for k, v in defaults.items():
            if v != '':
                udict[k] = eval(v)  # astropy units
                udict[k] = u.dimensionless_unscaled

    # Adding Units, if corresponding column in Table
    for key, unit in udict.items():
        if key in df.columns and df[key].unit != unit:
            setattr(df[key], 'unit', unit)

    df = QTable(df)
    return df
예제 #7
def write_output(dense_lc, Tarr, Terr_arr, Rarr, Rerr_arr, my_filters, snname,
    Write out the interpolated LC and BB information

    dense_lc : numpy.array
        GP-interpolated LC
    T_arr : numpy.array
        BB temperature array (K)
    Terr_arr : numpy.array
        BB radius error array (K)
    R_arr : numpy.array
        BB radius array (cm)
    Rerr_arr : numpy.array
        BB temperature error array (cm)
    my_filters : list
        List of filter names
    snname : string
        SN Name
    outdir : string
        Output directory

    dense_lc = np.reshape(dense_lc, (len(dense_lc), -1))
    tabledata = np.stack(
        (Tarr / 1e3, Terr_arr / 1e3, Rarr / 1e15, Rerr_arr / 1e15)).T
    tabledata = np.hstack((-dense_lc, tabledata)).T

    ufilts = np.unique(my_filters)
    table_header = []
    for filt in ufilts:
        table_header.append(filt + '_err')
        ['Temp./1e3 (K)', 'Temp. Err.', 'Radius/1e15 (cm)', 'Radius Err.'])
    table = QTable([*tabledata],
                   meta={'name': 'first table'})
    format_dict = {head: '%0.3f' for head in table_header}
                outdir + snname + '.txt',
    return 1
예제 #8
파일: arfrmf.py 프로젝트: hamogu/ARCUS
 def __init__(self, aefforder=aefforder,
              kind='quadratic', fill_value=0., bounds_error=False):
     # Bug in astropy <=4.2:
     # need to wrap into extra QTable or sort will fail
     aefforder = QTable(aefforder, copy=True)
     self.interp = {}
     self.unit = {}
     for o in aefforder.colnames[1:]:
         self.interp[o] = interp1d(aefforder['wave'], aefforder[o],
                                   kind=kind, fill_value=fill_value,
         # interp1d does not conserve unit, so need to keep separately
         self.unit[o] = aefforder[o].unit
예제 #9
def test_conversion_qtable_table():
    Test that a table round trips from QTable => Table => QTable
    qt = QTable(MIXIN_COLS)
    names = qt.colnames
    for name in names:
        qt[name].info.description = name

    t = Table(qt)
    for name in names:
        assert t[name].info.description == name
        if name == 'quantity':
            assert np.all(t['quantity'] == qt['quantity'].value)
            assert np.all(t['quantity'].unit is qt['quantity'].unit)
            assert isinstance(t['quantity'], t.ColumnClass)
            assert_table_name_col_equal(t, name, qt[name])

    qt2 = QTable(qt)
    for name in names:
        assert qt2[name].info.description == name
        assert_table_name_col_equal(qt2, name, qt[name])
예제 #10
    def propagate_diffuse_foreground(self, target):
        propagate diffuse foreground sources, starting from zodiacal background
        import copy
        self.debug('diffuse bkg propagation')
        out = QTable()
        total_max_signal, total_signal, wl_table, A, qe, omega_pix, transmission = prepare(
            self.table, self.built_instr, self.description)
        foregrounds = list(target.foreground.keys())
        foregrounds = reversed(foregrounds)
        for i, frg in enumerate(foregrounds):
            self.debug('propagating {}'.format(frg))
            radiance = copy.deepcopy(target.foreground[frg])
            self.debug('{} radiance . {}'.format(frg, radiance.data))

            if hasattr(frg, 'transmission'):
                transmission.data *= frg.transmission.data
                self.debug('added {} transmission'.format(frg))

            radiance.data *= transmission.data

            # for other_el in foregrounds[i+1:]:
            #     if hasattr(target.foreground[other_el], 'transmission'):
            #         self.debug('passing through {}'.format(other_el))
            #         radiance.data *= target.foreground[other_el].transmission
            if 'slit_width' in self.built_instr:
                max_signal_per_pix, signal = convolve_with_slit(
                    self.description, self.built_instr, A, self.table,
                    omega_pix, qe, radiance)
                radiance.data *= omega_pix * A * qe.data * (
                    qe.wl_grid / const.c / const.h).to(
                        1. / u.W / u.s) * u.count
                # try:
                #     signal = np.trapz(radiance.data * self._window_function(radiance), x=radiance.wl_grid).to(u.ct / u.s)
                #     signal *= self.built_instr['window_spatial_width']
                # except KeyError:
                max_signal_per_pix, signal = integrate_light(
                    radiance, radiance.wl_grid, self.built_instr)
            total_signal = copy.deepcopy(signal)
            self.debug('sed : {}'.format(total_signal))
            total_max_signal = copy.deepcopy(max_signal_per_pix)

            out['{}_signal'.format(frg)] = total_signal
            out['{}_MaxSignal_inPixel'.format(frg)] = total_max_signal
        return out
예제 #11
파일: gadf.py 프로젝트: mstrzys/pyirf
def create_rad_max_hdu(
    Create a fits binary table HDU in GADF format for the directional cut.
    See the specification at

    rad_max: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]
        Array of the directional (theta) cut.
        Must have shape (n_reco_energy_bins, n_fov_offset_bins)
    reco_energy_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[energy]
        Bin edges in reconstructed energy
    fov_offset_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]
        Bin edges in the field of view offset.
        For Point-Like IRFs, only giving a single bin is appropriate.
    extname: str
        Name for BinTableHDU
        Additional metadata to add to the header, use this to set e.g. TELESCOP or

    rad_max_table = QTable()
    rad_max_table["ENERG_LO"], rad_max_table[
        "ENERG_HI"] = binning.split_bin_lo_hi(
            reco_energy_bins[np.newaxis, :].to(u.TeV))
    rad_max_table["THETA_LO"], rad_max_table[
        "THETA_HI"] = binning.split_bin_lo_hi(
            fov_offset_bins[np.newaxis, :].to(u.deg))
    # transpose as FITS uses opposite dimension order
    rad_max_table["RAD_MAX"] = rad_max.T[np.newaxis, ...].to(u.deg)

    # required header keywords
    header = DEFAULT_HEADER.copy()
    header["HDUCLAS1"] = "RESPONSE"
    header["HDUCLAS2"] = "RAD_MAX"
    header["HDUCLAS3"] = "POINT-LIKE"
    header["HDUCLAS4"] = "RAD_MAX_2D"
    header["DATE"] = Time.now().utc.iso
    _add_header_cards(header, **header_cards)

    return BinTableHDU(rad_max_table, header=header, name=extname)
예제 #12
def test_io_ascii_write():
    Test that table with mixin column can be written by io.ascii for
    every pure Python writer.  No validation of the output is done,
    this just confirms no exceptions.
    from astropy.io.ascii.connect import _get_connectors_table
    t = QTable(MIXIN_COLS)
    for fmt in _get_connectors_table():
        if fmt['Format'] == 'ascii.ecsv' and not HAS_YAML:
        if fmt['Write'] and '.fast_' not in fmt['Format']:
            out = StringIO()
            t.write(out, format=fmt['Format'])
예제 #13
def test_info_no_copy_numpy():
    """Test that getting a single item from Table column object does not copy info.
    See #10889.
    col = [1, 2]
    t = QTable([col], names=['col'])
    val = t['col'][0]
    # Returns a numpy scalar (e.g. np.float64) with no .info
    assert isinstance(val, np.number)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    val = t['col'][:]
    assert val.info.indices == []
예제 #14
def test_table_index_does_not_propagate_to_column_slices(col):
    # They lost contact to the parent table, so they should also not have
    # information on the indices; this helps prevent large memory usage if,
    # e.g., a large time column is turned into an object array; see gh-10688.
    tab = QTable()
    tab['t'] = col
    t = tab['t']
    assert t.info.indices
    tx = t[1:]
    assert not tx.info.indices
    tabx = tab[1:]
    t = tabx['t']
    assert t.info.indices
예제 #15
    def _model_params2table(self, fit_model, star_group):
        Place fitted parameters into an astropy table.

        fit_model : `astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` instance
            PSF or PRF model to fit the data. Could be one of the models
            in this package like `~photutils.psf.sandbox.DiscretePRF`,
            `~photutils.psf.IntegratedGaussianPRF`, or any other
            suitable 2D model.

        star_group : `~astropy.table.Table`
            the star group instance.

        param_tab : `~astropy.table.QTable`
            A table that contains the fitted parameters.
        param_tab = QTable()

        for param_tab_name in self._pars_to_output.keys():
                Column(name=param_tab_name, data=np.empty(len(star_group))))

        if len(star_group) > 1:
            for i in range(len(star_group)):
                for param_tab_name, param_name in self._pars_to_output.items():
                    # get sub_model corresponding to star with index i as name
                    # name was set in utils.get_grouped_psf_model()
                    # we can't use model['name'] here as that only
                    # searches leaves and we might want a intermediate
                    # node of the tree
                    sub_models = [
                        model for model in fit_model.traverse_postorder()
                        if model.name == i
                    if len(sub_models) != 1:
                        raise ValueError('sub_models must have a length of 1')
                    sub_model = sub_models[0]

                    param_tab[param_tab_name][i] = getattr(
                        sub_model, param_name).value
            for param_tab_name, param_name in self._pars_to_output.items():
                param_tab[param_tab_name] = getattr(fit_model,

        return param_tab
예제 #16
def get_gc_data(filename):

    gcs = Table.read(filename, format='ascii')
    gcs['x'] *= u.arcsec
    gcs['y'] *= u.arcsec
    gcs['V_los'] *= u.km / u.s
    gcs['dV_los'] *= u.km / u.s
    gcs['g-i'] *= u.mag
    gcs['dg-i'] *= u.mag
    gcs = QTable(gcs)
    n_gcs = len(gcs)
    gcs['r'] = np.sqrt(gcs['x']**2. + gcs['y']**2)

    return gcs
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, data):
        self._table = QTable()
        # self.altkeys = {}  # dictionary for alternative column names

        if (len(data.items()) == 1 and 'table' in data.keys()):
            # single item provided named 'table' -> already Table object
            self._table = QTable(data['table'])
            # treat kwargs as dictionary
            for key, val in data.items():
                    unit = val.unit
                    val = val.value
                except AttributeError:
                    unit = None

                # check if val is already list-like
                except (TypeError, IndexError):
                    val = [val]

                self._table[key] = Column(val, unit=unit)
예제 #18
def test_table_contains_column(tmpdir):
    filename = str(tmpdir / 'test.hdf5')

    tbl = QTable()
    tbl['a'] = np.arange(10) * u.kpc
    tbl['b'] = np.arange(10) * u.km / u.s
    tbl['c'] = np.arange(10) * u.day
    tbl.write(filename, path=JokerSamples._hdf5_path, serialize_meta=True)

    with tb.open_file(filename, mode='r') as f:
        assert table_contains_column(f.root, 'a')
        assert table_contains_column(f.root, 'b')
        assert table_contains_column(f.root, 'c')
        assert not table_contains_column(f.root, 'd')
예제 #19
def test_table_header_to_units(tmpdir):
    filename = str(tmpdir / 'test.hdf5')

    tbl = QTable()
    tbl['a'] = np.arange(10) * u.kpc
    tbl['b'] = np.arange(10) * u.km / u.s
    tbl['c'] = np.arange(10) * u.day
    tbl.write(filename, path='test', serialize_meta=True)

    with tb.open_file(filename, mode='r') as f:
        units = table_header_to_units(f.root[meta_path('test')])

    for col in tbl.colnames:
        assert tbl[col].unit == units[col]
예제 #20
def test_insert_row(mixin_cols):
    Test inserting a row, which only works for BaseColumn and Quantity
    t = QTable(mixin_cols)
    t['m'].info.description = 'd'
    if isinstance(t['m'], (u.Quantity, Column, time.Time)):
        t.insert_row(1, t[-1])
        assert t[1] == t[-1]
        assert t['m'].info.description == 'd'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            t.insert_row(1, t[-1])
        assert "Unable to insert row" in str(exc.value)
예제 #21
    def line_stats(self, x):
        Calculate statistics over individual line profiles.

        x : :class:`~u.Quantity`
            The input dispersion in either wavelength/frequency or velocity

        tab : :class:`~astropy.table.QTable`
            A table detailing the calculated statistics.
        tab = QTable(names=[
            'name', 'wave', 'col_dens', 'v_dop', 'delta_v', 'delta_lambda',
            'ew', 'dv90', 'fwhm'
                     dtype=('S10', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8',

        tab['wave'].unit = u.AA
        tab['v_dop'].unit = u.km / u.s
        tab['ew'].unit = u.AA
        tab['dv90'].unit = u.km / u.s
        tab['fwhm'].unit = u.AA
        tab['delta_v'].unit = u.km / u.s
        tab['delta_lambda'].unit = u.AA

        for line in self.lines:
            disp_equiv = u.spectral() + DOPPLER_CONVERT[

            with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(disp_equiv):
                vel = x.to('km/s')
                wav = x.to('Angstrom')

            # Generate the spectrum1d object for this line profile
            ew = equivalent_width(wav, line(wav))
            dv90 = delta_v_90(vel, line(wav))
            fwhm = full_width_half_max(wav, line(wav))

                line.name, line.lambda_0, line.column_density, line.v_doppler,
                line.delta_v, line.delta_lambda, ew, dv90, fwhm

        return tab
예제 #22
def create_aeff2d_hdu(
    extname="EFFECTIVE AREA",
    Create a fits binary table HDU in GADF format for effective area.
    See the specification at

    effective_area: astropy.units.Quantity[area]
        Effective area array, must have shape (n_energy_bins, n_fov_offset_bins)
    true_energy_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[energy]
        Bin edges in true energy
    fov_offset_bins: astropy.units.Quantity[angle]
        Bin edges in the field of view offset.
        For Point-Like IRFs, only giving a single bin is appropriate.
    point_like: bool
        If the provided effective area was calculated after applying a direction cut,
        pass ``True``, else ``False`` for a full-enclosure effective area.
    extname: str
        Name for BinTableHDU
        Additional metadata to add to the header, use this to set e.g. TELESCOP or
    aeff = QTable()
    aeff["ENERG_LO"] = u.Quantity(true_energy_bins[:-1], ndmin=2).to(u.TeV)
    aeff["ENERG_HI"] = u.Quantity(true_energy_bins[1:], ndmin=2).to(u.TeV)
    aeff["THETA_LO"] = u.Quantity(fov_offset_bins[:-1], ndmin=2).to(u.deg)
    aeff["THETA_HI"] = u.Quantity(fov_offset_bins[1:], ndmin=2).to(u.deg)
    # transpose because FITS uses opposite dimension order than numpy
    aeff["EFFAREA"] = effective_area.T[np.newaxis, ...].to(u.m**2)

    # required header keywords
    header = DEFAULT_HEADER.copy()
    header["HDUCLAS1"] = "RESPONSE"
    header["HDUCLAS2"] = "EFF_AREA"
    header["HDUCLAS3"] = "POINT-LIKE" if point_like else "FULL-ENCLOSURE"
    header["HDUCLAS4"] = "AEFF_2D"
    header["DATE"] = Time.now().utc.iso
    _add_header_cards(header, **header_cards)

    return BinTableHDU(aeff, header=header, name=extname)
예제 #23
    def get_table(self, cache=True, show_progress=True, table_path=None):
        Download (and optionally cache) the `Exoplanet Orbit Database planets
        table <http://www.exoplanets.org>`_.

        cache : bool (optional)
            Cache exoplanet table to local astropy cache? Default is `True`.
        show_progress : bool (optional)
            Show progress of exoplanet table download (if no cached copy is
            available). Default is `True`.
        table_path : str (optional)
            Path to a local table file. Default `None` will trigger a
            download of the table from the internet.

        table : `~astropy.table.QTable`
            Table of exoplanet properties.
        if self._table is None:
            if table_path is None:
                table_path = download_file(EXOPLANETS_CSV_URL, cache=cache,
            exoplanets_table = ascii.read(table_path, fast_reader=False)

            # Store column of lowercase names for indexing:
            lowercase_names = [i.lower().replace(" ", "")
                               for i in exoplanets_table['NAME'].data]
            exoplanets_table['NAME_LOWERCASE'] = lowercase_names

            # Create sky coordinate mixin column
            exoplanets_table['sky_coord'] = SkyCoord(ra=exoplanets_table['RA'] * u.hourangle,
                                                     dec=exoplanets_table['DEC'] * u.deg)

            # Assign units to columns where possible
            for col in exoplanets_table.colnames:
                if col in self.param_units:
                    # Check that unit is implemented in this version of astropy
                        exoplanets_table[col].unit = u.Unit(self.param_units[col])
                    except ValueError:
                        print(f"WARNING: Unit {self.param_units[col]} not recognised")

            self._table = QTable(exoplanets_table)

        return self._table
예제 #24
파일: analysis.py 프로젝트: uvqs/uvqs
def mk_z1qso_table(milliq=None, outfil=None, only_new=True):
    Generate a binary FITS table of the new sources
    # Outfil
    if outfil is None:
        outfil = 'z1qso_new.fits'

    # Load objects and candidates
    z1qso, cand = load_z1qso(good_z=True)

    # New?
    if only_new:
        # Load observed targets with JXP cuts
        if milliq is None:
            milliq = load_milliq()
        # Match to known quasars
        print('Cross matching')
        mq_rad = SkyCoord(ra=milliq['RA'] * u.degree,
                          dec=milliq['DEC'] * u.degree)
        zq_rad = SkyCoord(ra=z1qso['RA'] * u.degree,
                          dec=z1qso['DEC'] * u.degree)
        idx, d2d, d3d = coords.match_coordinates_sky(zq_rad,

        # New ones
        newq = d2d.to('arcsec').value > 5.
        z1qso = z1qso[newq]

    print('z1qa.mk_z1qso_table: Cleaning up..')

    # Rename columns, units, QTable
    z1qso = QTable(z1qso)
    #z1qso.rename_column('RAD', 'RA')
    #z1qso.rename_column('DECD', 'DEC')
    z1qso['RA'].unit = u.degree
    z1qso['DEC'].unit = u.degree

    # Clean up the names!
    for jj, iz1qso in enumerate(z1qso):
        #z1qso['NAME'][jj] = xrad.dtos1( (iz1qso['RA'], iz1qso['DEC']), fmt=1)

    # Write
        'z1qso_analy: Writing {:d} quasars to {:s} and compressing...'.format(
            len(z1qso), outfil))
    xxf.table_to_fits(z1qso, outfil, compress=True, comment='z1QSO New QSOs')
예제 #25
def test_psplupsparser(tmpdir):
    f = tmpdir.mkdir('ion_sources').join('c_2.psplups')
        """  1  2  2 0.000e+00 5.830e-04 2.900e+02 6.029e-11 5.015e-10 3.796e-09 7.844e-09 1.140e-08 1.433e-08 1.685e-08 1.906e-08 1.883e-08
%filename: c_2.psplups
%rates: Foster VJ, Keenan FP, Reid RHG, ADNDT 67, 99, 1997
%energies: From .elvlc file, experimental energies
%comment: The rate coefficients are in units cm^3/s.
%comment: Fits are valid for temperatures 2e3 to 4e5 K.
%produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
% Peter Young   15-May-2001
    table = QTable(
        data=[[1], [2], [2], [0.0], [0.000583], [290.0],
                      6.029e-11, 5.015e-10, 3.796e-09, 7.844e-09, 1.140e-08,
                      1.433e-08, 1.685e-08, 1.906e-08, 1.883e-08
            "filename: c_2.psplups\nrates: Foster VJ, Keenan FP, Reid RHG, ADNDT 67, 99, 1997\nenergies: From .elvlc file, experimental energies\ncomment: The rate coefficients are in units cm^3/s.\ncomment: Fits are valid for temperatures 2e3 to 4e5 K.\nproduced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration\nPeter Young   15-May-2001"
    for h, unit in zip(PsplupsParser.headings, PsplupsParser.units):
        table[h].unit = unit
    p = PsplupsParser('c_2.psplups',
                      full_path=os.path.join(f.dirname, f.basename))
    table_parsed = p.parse()
    for c in table.colnames:
        for row, row_parsed in zip(table[c], table_parsed[c]):
            test = row == row_parsed
            if isinstance(test, np.ndarray):
                assert np.all(test)
                assert test
    for k in ('footer', 'filename', 'element', 'ion'):
        assert table_parsed.meta[k] == table.meta[k]
    assert 'chianti_version' in table_parsed.meta
    assert 'descriptions' in table_parsed.meta
예제 #26
def test_dl3_energy_dependent_cuts():
    temp_cuts = DL3Cuts()

    temp_cuts.gh_max_efficiency = 0.8
    temp_cuts.theta_containment = 0.68
    temp_cuts.alpha_containment = 0.68
    temp_cuts.min_event_p_en_bin = 2

    temp_data = QTable({
        u.Quantity(np.tile(np.arange(0.35, 0.85, 0.05), 3)),
        np.geomspace(50 * u.GeV, 50 * u.TeV, 30),
        u.Quantity(np.tile(np.arange(0.05, 0.35, 0.03), 3), unit=u.deg),
        u.Quantity(np.tile(np.arange(5, 85, 8), 3), unit=u.deg),
        u.Quantity(np.repeat([1, 2, 3], 10)),
        u.Quantity(np.repeat([0], 30)),
    en_range = u.Quantity([0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, np.inf], unit=u.TeV)

    theta_cut = temp_cuts.energy_dependent_theta_cuts(

    gh_cut = temp_cuts.energy_dependent_gh_cuts(

    alpha_cut = temp_cuts.energy_dependent_alpha_cuts(

    data_th = temp_cuts.apply_energy_dependent_theta_cuts(temp_data, theta_cut)
    data_gh = temp_cuts.apply_energy_dependent_gh_cuts(temp_data, gh_cut)
    data_al = temp_cuts.apply_energy_dependent_alpha_cuts(temp_data, alpha_cut)

    assert theta_cut["cut"][0] == 0.0908 * u.deg
    assert gh_cut["cut"][1] == 0.3725
    assert alpha_cut["cut"][0] == 15.88 * u.deg
    assert len(data_th) == 21
    assert len(data_gh) == 26
    assert len(data_al) == 14
예제 #27
def test_mutable_operations(T1):
    Operations like adding or deleting a row should removing grouping,
    but adding or removing or renaming a column should retain grouping.
    for masked in (False, True):
        t1 = QTable(T1, masked=masked)

        # add row
        tg = t1.group_by('a')
        tg.add_row((0, 'a', 3.0, 4, 4 * u.m))
        assert np.all(tg.groups.indices == np.array([0, len(tg)]))
        assert tg.groups.keys is None

        # remove row
        tg = t1.group_by('a')
        assert np.all(tg.groups.indices == np.array([0, len(tg)]))
        assert tg.groups.keys is None

        # add column
        tg = t1.group_by('a')
        indices = tg.groups.indices.copy()
        tg.add_column(Column(name='e', data=np.arange(len(tg))))
        assert np.all(tg.groups.indices == indices)
        assert np.all(tg['e'].groups.indices == indices)
        assert np.all(tg['e'].groups.keys == tg.groups.keys)

        # remove column (not key column)
        tg = t1.group_by('a')
        assert np.all(tg.groups.indices == indices)
        # Still has original key col names
        assert tg.groups.keys.dtype.names == ('a', )
        assert np.all(tg['a'].groups.indices == indices)

        # remove key column
        tg = t1.group_by('a')
        assert np.all(tg.groups.indices == indices)
        assert tg.groups.keys.dtype.names == ('a', )
        assert np.all(tg['b'].groups.indices == indices)

        # rename key column
        tg = t1.group_by('a')
        tg.rename_column('a', 'aa')
        assert np.all(tg.groups.indices == indices)
        assert tg.groups.keys.dtype.names == ('a', )
        assert np.all(tg['aa'].groups.indices == indices)
예제 #28
def test_votable_quantity_write(tmpdir):
    Test that table with Quantity mixin column can be round-tripped by
    io.votable.  Note that FITS and HDF5 mixin support are tested (much more
    thoroughly) in their respective subpackage tests
    (io/fits/tests/test_connect.py and io/misc/tests/test_hdf5.py).
    t = QTable()
    t['a'] = u.Quantity([1, 2, 4], unit='Angstrom')

    filename = str(tmpdir.join('table-tmp'))
    t.write(filename, format='votable', overwrite=True)
    qt = QTable.read(filename, format='votable')
    assert isinstance(qt['a'], u.Quantity)
    assert qt['a'].unit == 'Angstrom'
예제 #29
def test_rename_mixin_columns(mixin_cols):
    Rename a mixin column.
    t = QTable(mixin_cols)
    tc = t.copy()
    t.rename_column('m', 'mm')
    assert t.colnames == ['i', 'a', 'b', 'mm']
    if isinstance(t['mm'], table_helpers.ArrayWrapper):
        assert np.all(t['mm'].data == tc['m'].data)
    elif isinstance(t['mm'], coordinates.SkyCoord):
        assert np.all(t['mm'].ra == tc['m'].ra)
        assert np.all(t['mm'].dec == tc['m'].dec)
        assert np.all(t['mm'] == tc['m'])
예제 #30
def test_info_no_copy_mixin_with_index(col):
    """Test that getting a single item from Table column object does not copy info.
    See #10889.
    t = QTable([col], names=['col'])
    val = t['col'][0]
    assert 'info' not in val.__dict__
    assert val.info.indices == []
    val = t['col'][:]
    assert 'info' in val.__dict__
    assert val.info.indices == []
    val = t[:]['col']
    assert 'info' in val.__dict__
    assert isinstance(val.info.indices[0], SlicedIndex)