def table(self, filter_homogenous=False): """Return a text table for this datagroup. See :meth:`output`. .. note:: This method currently returns a list of strings. In the future, it will return an :class:`astropy.table.Table` object containing only the desired header keywords. """ from astropy.table import Table, Column if filter_homogenous: groups = [ group for group in self if not isinstance(group, ListFITSDataGroup) ] list_groups = [] else: groups = [ group for group in self if not isinstance(group, ListFITSDataGroup) ] list_groups = [ group for group in self if isinstance(group, ListFITSDataGroup) ] groups.sort(key=lambda g : result = Table([ group.keylist for group in groups ], names=map(str, self.keywords)) name_column = Column(name=str("Name"), data=[ for group in groups ]) result.add_column(name_column, index=0) number_column = Column(name=str("N"), data=[ len(group) for group in groups ]) result.add_column(number_column) for lgroup in list_groups: result.add_row({"Name", "N":len(lgroup)}) return result
def get_feature_importances(data_table, obs_metadata, lines_table, use_con_flux=False): feature_importances_list = [] X_colnames = None for line_name, line_wavelength in lines_table['source', 'wavelength_target']: subset = data_table[(data_table['source'] == line_name) & (data_table['wavelength_target'] == line_wavelength)] X, y, labels = get_X_and_y(subset, obs_metadata, use_con_flux) if X_colnames is None: X_colnames = X.colnames params = {'n_estimators': 500, 'max_depth': 4, 'min_samples_split': 1, 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'loss': 'lad'} clf = ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor(**params) X = ndarrayidze(X) # Scaling is optional, but I think I'm going to do it (for now) for all methods, # just in comparing between valued here and with e.g. ICA there are fewer diffs X = skpp.scale(X) y = skpp.scale(y), y) feature_importances_list.append(clf.feature_importances_) fi = np.array(feature_importances_list) fi_table = Table(fi, names = X_colnames) fi_table.add_column(lines_table['source']) fi_table.add_column(lines_table['wavelength_target']) return fi_table
def print_table(fname): tab = pickle.load(open(fname)) data = Table() data.add_column( Column(data=processes_pretty, name='process') ) for rowname, row in zip([t[0] for t in tab], tab): data.add_column( Column(data=row[1:], name=rownames[rowname]) ) data[rownames[rowname]].format = '%.0f' class MyLatex(ascii.Latex): def __init__(self, **kwargs): ascii.Latex.__init__(self, **kwargs) = ['process'] + order self.latex['header_start'] = '\hline' self.latex['header_end'] = '\hline' self.latex['preamble'] = r'\begin{center}' self.latex['tablefoot'] = r'\end{center}' self.latex['data_end'] = r'\hline' self.header.comment = r"\%Generated by src/yields/" print r"% BEGIN AUTOGENERATED, NOT FOR CHANGING" print r"% Generated by src/yields/ on " + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) print r"% Hostname: " + socket.gethostname() + " User: "******"% Input file: " + fname ascii.write(data, Writer=MyLatex, latexdict = {'col_align':'|c|cccccc|c|'}) print r"% END AUTOGENERATED"
def test_load_lc_fits(): dt = 0.1 n_seg = 5 n_seconds = 100 output_file = 'out.fits' ref_lc = np.arange(0, n_seconds, dt) ci_lc = np.array(np.array_split(np.arange(0, n_seconds*n_seg, dt), n_seg)) n_bins = len(ref_lc) lightcurves = Table() lightcurves.add_column(Column(name='REF', data=ref_lc.T/dt)) lightcurves.add_column(Column(name='CI', data=ci_lc.T/dt)) lightcurves.meta['N_BINS'] = n_bins lightcurves.meta['DT'] = dt lightcurves.meta['N_SEG'] = n_seg lightcurves.meta['NSECONDS'] = n_seconds lightcurves.write(output_file, format='fits', overwrite=True) ref, ci, meta = spec.load_lc_fits(output_file, counts_type=False) remove(output_file) assert np.all(ref_lc == ref) assert np.all(ci_lc == ci) assert meta['N_BINS'] == n_bins assert meta['DT'] == dt assert meta['N_SEG'] == n_seg assert meta['NSECONDS'] == n_seconds
def do_surf_phot(img_list=imglist, aperture_radii=np.arange(1,20,1)*u.arcsec): ''' Do aperture photometry on a list of images in a bunch of apertures input: img_list: list of images aperture_list: apertures to use (same for all) output: astropy table with photomety for all ''' # make an empty table to hold the output rcol = Column(aperture_radii.value, name=('r_arcsec')) phot_tab = Table([rcol]) # loop over the images for (img_num,img_name) in enumerate(img_list): img = photlist = multi_ap_phot(img, glx_ctr, aperture_radii, sb=True) # calibrate photmetry: TODO # obs_val = out_tab['aperture_sum'][0] * out_tab['aperture_sum'].unit # cal_phot = calib_phot(obs_val, img, output_units='MJy') phot_tab.add_column(Column(photlist, name=img_name)) # done loop over images return(phot_tab)
def test_read_write_memory(tmpdir): with h5py.File('test', 'w', driver='core', backing_store=False) as output_file: t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) t1.write(output_file, path='the_table') t2 =, path='the_table') assert np.all(t2['a'] == [1, 2, 3])
def test_from_table_without_mask(): from astropy.table import Table, Column t = Table() c = Column(data=[1, 2, 3], name='a') t.add_column(c) output = io.BytesIO() t.write(output, format='votable')
def _get_uncertainties(self, star_group_size): """ Retrieve uncertainties on fitted parameters from the fitter object. Parameters ---------- star_group_size : int Number of stars in the given group. Returns ------- unc_tab : `~astropy.table.Table` Table which contains uncertainties on the fitted parameters. The uncertainties are reported as one standard deviation. """ unc_tab = Table() for param_name in self.psf_model.param_names: if not self.psf_model.fixed[param_name]: unc_tab.add_column(Column(name=param_name + "_unc", data=np.empty(star_group_size))) if 'param_cov' in self.fitter.fit_info.keys(): if self.fitter.fit_info['param_cov'] is not None: k = 0 n_fit_params = len(unc_tab.colnames) for i in range(star_group_size): unc_tab[i] = np.sqrt(np.diag( self.fitter.fit_info['param_cov']) )[k: k + n_fit_params] k = k + n_fit_params return unc_tab
def test_write_nopath(tmpdir): test_file = str(tmpdir.join('test.hdf5')) t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc: t1.write(test_file) assert exc.value.args[0] == "table path should be set via the path= argument"
def test_read_nopath(tmpdir): test_file = str(tmpdir.join('test.hdf5')) t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) t1.write(test_file, path='the_table') t2 = assert np.all(t1['a'] == t2['a'])
def test_write_invalid_path(tmpdir): test_file = str(tmpdir.join('test.hdf5')) t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc: t1.write(test_file, path='test/') assert exc.value.args[0] == "table path should end with table name, not /"
def get_table(self, **kwargs): D = self.lineLum(**kwargs) # remap names to match RADEX name_mapping = {'upper':'upperlevel', 'lower':'lowerlevel', 'freq':'frequency',} names = D[0].keys() T = Table(names=[name_mapping[n] if n in name_mapping else n for n in names], dtype=[type(D[0][k]) for k in names]) for row in D: T.add_row([row[k] for k in names]) T.add_column(Column(name='upperlevelpop', data=self.upperlevelpop, dtype='float')) T.add_column(Column(name='lowerlevelpop', data=self.lowerlevelpop, dtype='float')) return T
def save_fluxes(model_fluxes, model_parameters, filters, names, filename, directory=OUT_DIR, out_format='ascii.commented_header'): """Save fluxes and associated parameters into a table. Parameters ---------- model_fluxes: RawArray Contains the fluxes of each model. model_parameters: RawArray Contains the parameters associated to each model. filters: list Contains the filter names. names: List Contains the parameters names. filename: str Name under which the file should be saved. directory: str Directory under which the file should be saved. out_format: str Format of the output file """ out_fluxes = np.ctypeslib.as_array(model_fluxes[0]) out_fluxes = out_fluxes.reshape(model_fluxes[1]) out_params = np.ctypeslib.as_array(model_parameters[0]) out_params = out_params.reshape(model_parameters[1]) out_table = Table(np.hstack((out_fluxes, out_params)), names=filters + list(names)) out_table.add_column(Column(np.arange(model_fluxes[1][0]), name='id'), index=0) out_table.write("{}/{}".format(directory, filename), format=out_format)
def compute_Q_analytical(component_table): """Compute Q factors analytically. """ q_table = Table() q_table.add_column(Column(data=component_table['Name'], name='Q_AB')) Q_all_list = ['All others'] for j in range(len(component_table)): # Get parameters A row_A = component_table[j] x_A, y_A, sigma_A, N_A = row_A['GLON'], row_A['GLAT'], row_A['Sigma'], row_A['Norm'] # Compute Q_factor all others components_all = [[row['GLON'], row['GLAT'], row['Sigma'], row['Norm']] for row in component_table if not row == row_A] Q_All = compute_Q_from_components([[x_A, y_A, sigma_A, N_A]], components_all) Q_all_list.append(Q_All) # Compute Q factors pairwise Q_AB_list = np.zeros(len(component_table)) for i, row_B in enumerate(component_table): # Get parameters B x_B, y_B, sigma_B, N_B = row_B['GLON'], row_B['GLAT'], row_B['Sigma'], row_B['Norm'] # Compute Q_factor Q_AB = Q_factor_analytical(sigma_A, sigma_B, x_A, y_A, x_B, y_B) Q_AB_list[i] = Q_AB q_table.add_column(Column(data=Q_AB_list, name=row_A['Name'])) q_table.add_row(Q_all_list) return q_table
def ions(self, iZion, Ej=0., skip_null=False): """ Generate a Table of columns and so on Restrict to those systems where flg_clm > 0 Parameters ---------- iZion : tuple Z, ion e.g. (6,4) for CIV Ej : float [1/cm] Energy of the lower level (0. is resonance) skip_null : boolean (False) Skip systems without an entry, else pad with zeros Returns ------- Table of values for the Survey """ if len(self.abs_sys()[0]._ionN) == 0: raise IOError("ionN table not set. Use fill_ionN") # keys = [u'name', ] + self.abs_sys()[0]._ionN.keys() t = Table(self.abs_sys()[0]._ionN[0:1]).copy() # Avoids mixin trouble t.add_column(Column(['dum'], name='name', dtype='<U32')) t = t[keys] if 'Ej' not in keys: warnings.warn("Ej not in your ionN table. Ignoring. Be careful..") # Loop on systems (Masked) for abs_sys in self.abs_sys(): # Grab if 'Ej' in keys: mt = ((abs_sys._ionN['Z'] == iZion[0]) & (abs_sys._ionN['ion'] == iZion[1]) & (abs_sys._ionN['Ej'] == Ej)) else: mt = ((abs_sys._ionN['Z'] == iZion[0]) & (abs_sys._ionN['ion'] == iZion[1])) if np.sum(mt) == 1: irow = abs_sys._ionN[mt] # Cut on flg_clm if irow['flag_N'] > 0: row = [] + [irow[key] for key in keys[1:]] t.add_row(row) # This could be slow else: if skip_null is False: row = [] + [0 for key in keys[1:]] t.add_row(row) elif np.sum(mt) == 0: if skip_null is False: row = [] + [0 for key in keys[1:]] t.add_row( row ) continue else: raise ValueError("Multple entries") # Return return t[1:]
def test_read_write_existing_overwrite(tmpdir): test_file = str(tmpdir.join('test.hdf5')) h5py.File(test_file, 'w').close() # create empty file t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) t1.write(test_file, path='the_table', overwrite=True) t2 =, path='the_table') assert np.all(t2['a'] == [1, 2, 3])
def test_read_invalid_path(tmpdir): test_file = str(tmpdir.join('test.hdf5')) t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) t1.write(test_file, path='the_table') with pytest.raises(OSError) as exc:, path='test/') assert exc.value.args[0] == "Path test/ does not exist"
def test_read_write_existing_table(tmpdir): test_file = str(tmpdir.join('test.hdf5')) t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) t1.write(test_file, path='the_table') with pytest.raises(OSError) as exc: t1.write(test_file, path='the_table', append=True) assert exc.value.args[0] == "Table the_table already exists"
def test_read_write_existing(tmpdir): test_file = str(tmpdir.join('test.hdf5')) h5py.File(test_file, 'w').close() # create empty file t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) with pytest.raises(OSError) as exc: t1.write(test_file, path='the_table') assert exc.value.args[0].startswith("File exists:")
def test_write_wrong_type(): t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: t1.write(1212, path='path/to/data/the_table', format='hdf5') assert exc.value.args[0] == ('output should be a string ' 'or an h5py File or Group object')
def get_asol(info=None): """ Get aspect solution DY, DZ, DTHETA values sampled at 1 ksec intervals during all science observations. :param info: dict of processing information and outputs :returns: aspect solution data (Table) """ start = Time(opt.start) stop = Time(opt.stop) h5_file = os.path.join(opt.data_root, 'aimpoint_asol_values.h5')'Reading asol file {}'.format(h5_file)) h5 = tables.openFile(h5_file) asol = Table([:]) h5.close() bad = (asol['dy'] == 0.0) & (asol['dz'] == 0.0) asol = asol[~bad] year = Column(Time(asol['time'], format='cxcsec').decimalyear, name='year') asol.add_column(year, index=0) asol.sort('time') # Include only points between --start and --stop i0, i1 = np.searchsorted(asol['time'], [start.cxcsec, stop.cxcsec]) asol = asol[i0:i1] # Exclude from 10ksec before to 3 days after any normal sun or safe sun intervals. normal_suns = events.normal_suns() safe_suns = events.safe_suns() normal_suns.interval_pad = 10000, 86400 * 3 safe_suns.interval_pad = 10000, 86400 * 3 exclude_intervals = (normal_suns | safe_suns).intervals(asol['time'][0], asol['time'][-1]) ok = np.ones(len(asol), dtype=np.bool) for date0, date1 in exclude_intervals:'Excluding asol values from {} to {} (normal/safe sun)'.format(date0, date1)) i0, i1 = np.searchsorted(asol['time'], Time([date0, date1], format='yday').cxcsec) ok[i0:i1] = False asol = asol[ok] if info is not None: info['last_ctime'] = Time(asol['time'][-1], format='cxcsec').datetime.ctime() info['last_obsid'] = asol['obsid'][-1] for date, jump in AIMPOINT_JUMPS.items(): jump_date = Time(date) if jump_date < stop: # Make the mean of the "before" interval match the mean of the "after" interval. i0 = np.searchsorted(asol['time'], jump_date.cxcsec) asol['dy'][:i0] -= jump['d_dy'] / 20.0 asol['dz'][:i0] -= jump['d_dz'] / 20.0 # Capture info about jump info.setdefault('aimpoint_jumps', {})[date] = jump'Applying aimpoint jump of {} at {}'.format(jump, date)) return asol
def test_add_masked_row_to_masked_table_mapping4(self): # When adding values to a masked table, if the mask is specified as a # dict, then keys in values should match keys in mask t = Table(masked=True) t.add_column(MaskedColumn(name='a', data=[1], mask=[0])) t.add_column(MaskedColumn(name='b', data=[4], mask=[1])) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc: t.add_row({'b': 5}, mask={'a': True}) assert exc.value.args[0] == 'keys in mask should match keys in vals'
def createBiomassTable(species, biomass, inputCount): if inputCount == (): t = Table([tuple(species), biomass], names = ('species', 'biomass')) #simple table return t else: t = Table([tuple(species), biomass[:, 0]], names = ('species', 'biomass input1')) for col in range(inputCount - 1): t.add_column(Column(biomass[:, col + 1], name = 'biomass input%d' %(col + 2))) #simple table + more columns return t
def test_write_csv(tmpdir): '''If properly registered, filename should be sufficient to specify format #3189 ''' t = Table() t.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) t.add_column(Column(name='b', data=['a', 'b', 'c'])) path = str(tmpdir.join("data.csv")) t.write(path)
def csv_per_order(infile, col, outfile): '''Rewrite one column in ``aeffRfromraygrid`` to csv file Turn one vector-valued (all orders in one cell) column into a csv table with one entry per cell. ''' tab = outtab = Table(tab[col], names=['order_{0}'.format(o) for o in orders_from_meta(tab.meta)]) outtab.add_column(tab['wave'], index=0) outtab.write(outfile, format='ascii.csv', overwrite=True)
def test_rename_masked_column(self): t = Table(masked=True) t.add_column(MaskedColumn(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 1, 0])) t['a'].fill_value = 42 t.rename_column('a', 'b') assert t.masked assert np.all(t['b'] == np.array([1, 2, 3])) assert np.all(t['b'].mask == np.array([0, 1, 0], bool)) assert t['b'].fill_value == 42 assert t.colnames == ['b']
def test_add_masked_row_to_masked_table_mismatch(self): t = Table(masked=True) t.add_column(MaskedColumn(name='a', data=[1], mask=[0])) t.add_column(MaskedColumn(name='b', data=[4], mask=[1])) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: t.add_row([2, 5], mask={'a': 1, 'b': 0}) assert exc.value.args[0] == "Mismatch between type of vals and mask" with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: t.add_row({'b': 5, 'a': 2}, mask=[1, 0]) assert exc.value.args[0] == "Mismatch between type of vals and mask"
def test_fail_meta_serialize(tmpdir): test_file = str(tmpdir.join('test.hdf5')) t1 = Table() t1.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) t1.meta['f'] = str with pytest.raises(Exception) as err: t1.write(test_file, path='the_table', serialize_meta=True) assert "cannot represent an object: <class 'str'>" in str(err)
def test_add_masked_row_to_masked_table_mapping1(self): t = Table(masked=True) t.add_column(MaskedColumn(name='a', data=[1], mask=[0])) t.add_column(MaskedColumn(name='b', data=[4], mask=[1])) t.add_row({'b': 5, 'a': 2}, mask={'a': 1, 'b': 0}) t.add_row({'a': 3, 'b': 6}, mask={'b': 1, 'a': 0}) assert t.masked assert np.all(np.array(t['a']) == np.array([1, 2, 3])) assert np.all(t['a'].mask == np.array([0, 1, 0], bool)) assert np.all(np.array(t['b']) == np.array([4, 5, 6])) assert np.all(t['b'].mask == np.array([1, 0, 1], bool))
def unify_qso_catalog_mq(qsos): qsos = Table(qsos) qsos.rename_column('name','NAME_OLD') qsos.rename_column("z", 'redshift') qsos.add_column(Column(name='objid_mq', data=np.arange(len(qsos))+1)) qsos.rename_column("FUV", 'mag_fuv') # unify name name = [give_name(ra,dec) for ra,dec in zip(qsos['ra_d'],qsos['dec_d'])] qsos['name'] = name return qsos
def mk_meta(files, ztbl, fname=False, stype='QSO', skip_badz=False, mdict=None, parse_head=None, debug=False, chkz=False, mtbl_file=None, verbose=False, specdb=None, sdb_key=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a meta Table from an input list of files Parameters ---------- files : list List of FITS files ztbl : Table Table of redshifts. Must include RA, DEC, ZEM, ZEM_SOURCE Used for RA/DEC if fname=False; then requires SPEC_FILE too fname : bool, optional Attempt to parse RA/DEC from the file name Format must be SDSSJ######(.##)+/-######(.#)[x] where x cannot be a #. or +/- stype : str, optional Description of object type (e.g. 'QSO', 'Galaxy', 'SN') specdb : SpecDB, optional Database object to grab ID values from Requires sdb_key sdb_key : str, optional ID key in SpecDB object skip_badz : bool, optional Skip spectra without a parseable redshift (using the Myers catalog) parse_head : dict, optional Parse header for meta info with this dict mdict : dict, optional Input meta data in dict form e.g. mdict=dict(INSTR='ESI') chkz : bool, optional If any sources have no parseable redshift, hit a set_trace mtbl_file : str Filename of input meta table. Current allowed extensions are _meta.ascii or _meta.fits and they must be readable by The values in this table will overwrite any others generated. Table must include a SPEC_FILE column to link meta data Returns ------- meta : Table Meta table """ if specdb is not None: if sdb_key is None: raise IOError("Must specify sdb_key if you are passing in specdb") Rdicts = defs.get_res_dicts() # coordlist = [] snames = [] for ifile in files: sname = ifile.split('/')[-1] snames.append(sname) if fname: # Starting index if 'SDSSJ' in ifile: i0 = ifile.find('SDSSJ') + 4 else: i0 = ifile.rfind('J') + 1 # Find end (ugly) for ii in range(i0 + 1, 99999): if ifile[ii] in ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '+', '-'): continue else: i1 = ii break # Deal with .fits if ifile[i1 - 1] == '.': i1 -= 1 # Get coord try: coord = ltu.radec_to_coord(ifile[i0:i1]) except (UnboundLocalError, ValueError): pdb.set_trace() else: mt = np.where(ztbl['SPEC_FILE'] == sname)[0] if len(mt) != 1: raise IndexError("NO MATCH FOR {:s}".format(sname)) coord = ltu.radec_to_coord((ztbl['RA'][mt], ztbl['DEC'][mt]))[0] coordlist.append(coord) ras = np.array([ for coord in coordlist]) decs = np.array([ for coord in coordlist]) coords = SkyCoord(ra=ras, dec=decs, unit='deg') # Generate maindb Table #maindb, tkeys = spbu.start_maindb(private=True) # Fill meta = Table() meta['RA_GROUP'] = coords.ra.deg meta['DEC_GROUP'] = coords.dec.deg meta['STYPE'] = [str(stype)] * len(meta) zem, zsource = spzu.zem_from_radec(meta['RA_GROUP'], meta['DEC_GROUP'], ztbl, **kwargs) badz = zem <= 0. if np.sum(badz) > 0: if skip_badz: warnings.warn( "Skipping {:d} entries without a parseable redshift".format( np.sum(badz))) else: if chkz: # Turn this on to hit a stop instead of an Exception pdb.set_trace() else: raise ValueError( "{:d} entries without a parseable redshift".format( np.sum(badz))) meta['zem_GROUP'] = zem meta['sig_zem'] = 0. # Need to add meta['flag_zem'] = zsource # Cut meta = meta[~badz] # specdb IDs if sdb_key is not None: meta[sdb_key] = [-9999] * len(meta) if sdb_key not in meta.keys(): meta[sdb_key] = [-9999] * len(meta) c_igmsp = SkyCoord(['RA'],['DEC'], unit='deg') c_new = SkyCoord(ra=meta['RA_GROUP'], dec=meta['DEC_GROUP'], unit='deg') # Find new sources idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(c_new, c_igmsp, nthneighbor=1) cdict = defs.get_cat_dict() mtch = d2d < cdict['match_toler'] meta[sdb_key][mtch] =[sdb_key][idx[mtch]] # Stack (primarily as a test) ''' try: maindb = vstack([maindb,meta], join_type='exact') except: pdb.set_trace() ''' # SPEC_FILE meta['SPEC_FILE'] = np.array(files)[~badz] root_names = np.array(snames)[~badz] # Try Header? if parse_head is not None: # Setup to store plist = {} for key in parse_head.keys(): plist[key] = [] # Loop on files for sfile in meta['SPEC_FILE']: if verbose: print('Parsing {:s}'.format(sfile)) try: head =[0].header except FileNotFoundError: # Try for compressed head = + '.gz')[0].header for key, item in parse_head.items(): # R if key == 'R': if parse_head[key] is True: try: plist[key].append(spbu.set_resolution(head)) except ValueError: if mdict is not None: try: plist[key].append(mdict['R']) except KeyError: pdb.set_trace() else: pdb.set_trace() plist[key].append(0.) else: raise ValueError("Set something else for R") elif key == 'DATE-OBS': if 'MJD' in item: tval = Time(head[item], format='mjd', out_subfmt='date') else: tval = Time(head[item].replace('/', '-'), format='isot', out_subfmt='date') plist[key].append(tval.iso) else: plist[key].append(head[item]) # INSTRUMENT SPECIFIC try: instr = head['INSTRUME'] except KeyError: instr = 'none' if 'LRIS' in instr: if 'DISPERSER' not in plist.keys(): plist['DISPERSER'] = [] plist['INSTR'] = [] plist['R'] = [] try: det = head['DETECTOR'] except KeyError: if head['OUTFILE'] == 'lred': det = 'LRIS-R' else: det = 'LRIS-B' if 'LRIS-R' in det: plist['DISPERSER'].append(head['GRANAME']) plist['INSTR'].append('LRISr') else: plist['DISPERSER'].append(head['GRISNAME']) plist['INSTR'].append('LRISb') # Resolution res = Rdicts[plist['INSTR'][-1]][plist['DISPERSER'][-1]] try: sname = head['SLITNAME'] except KeyError: swidth = 1. else: swidth = defs.slit_width(sname, LRIS=True) plist['R'].append(res / swidth) # Finish for key in plist.keys(): meta[key] = plist[key] # mdict if mdict is not None: for key, item in mdict.items(): meta[key] = [item] * len(meta) # EPOCH if 'EPOCH' not in meta.keys(): warnings.warn("EPOCH not defined. Filling with 2000.") meta['EPOCH'] = 2000. # GROUP ID meta['GROUP_ID'] = np.arange(len(meta)).astype(int) # Fill in empty columns with warning mkeys = meta.keys() req_clms = defs.get_req_clms(sdb_key=sdb_key) for clm in req_clms: if clm not in mkeys: if clm not in ['NPIX', 'WV_MIN', 'WV_MAX']: # File in ingest_spec warnings.warn( "Meta Column {:s} not defined. Filling with DUMMY".format( clm)) if clm == 'DATE-OBS': meta[clm] = ['9999-1-1'] * len(meta) else: meta[clm] = ['DUMMY'] * len(meta) # Input meta table if mtbl_file is not None: # Read if '_meta.ascii' in mtbl_file: imtbl =, format='ascii') elif '_meta.fits' in mtbl_file: imtbl = else: raise IOError( "Input meta table must have either an ascii or fits extension") # Check length if len(imtbl) != len(meta): raise IOError( "Input meta table must have same length as self-generated one") # Check for SPEC_FILE if 'SPEC_FILE' not in imtbl.keys(): raise ValueError("Input meta table must include SPEC_FILE column") # Loop to get indices idx = [] for row in imtbl: imt = np.where(root_names == row['SPEC_FILE'])[0] if len(imt) == 0: print("No match to spec file {:s}. Will ignore".format( row['SPEC_FILE'])) elif len(imt) == 1: idx.append(imt[0]) else: raise ValueError( "Two entries with the same SPEC_FILE. Something went wrong.." ) idx = np.array(idx) # Loop on keys for key in imtbl.keys(): # Skip? if key in ['SPEC_FILE']: continue if key in meta.keys(): pdb.set_trace() else: # Add Column meta.add_column(imtbl[key][idx]) # Return if debug: meta[['RA_GROUP', 'DEC_GROUP', 'SPEC_FILE']].pprint(max_width=120) pdb.set_trace() return meta
def test_cutout_tool_correctness(self): # Construct image: image_hdu = self.construct_test_image() # Construct catalog ra = [0] * u.deg # Center pixel dec = [45] * u.deg # Center pixel ids = ["target_1"] # Cutout should be 3 by 3: cutout_width = cutout_height = [3.0] * u.pix catalog = Table( data=[ids, ra, dec, cutout_width, cutout_height], names=['id', 'ra', 'dec', 'cutout_width', 'cutout_height']) # Call cutout tool and extract the first cutout: cutout = cutouts_from_fits(image_hdu, catalog)[0] # check if values are correct: w_orig = WCS(image_hdu.header) w_new = WCS(cutout.header) for x_new, x_orig in enumerate(range(3, 6)): for y_new, y_orig in enumerate(range(3, 6)): coords_orig = SkyCoord.from_pixel(x_orig, y_orig, w_orig, origin=0) coords_new = SkyCoord.from_pixel(x_new, y_new, w_new, origin=0) assert_almost_equal([x_orig][y_orig],[x_new][y_new]) assert_almost_equal(coords_orig.ra.value, coords_new.ra.value) assert_almost_equal(coords_orig.dec.value, coords_new.dec.value) # Test for rotation: pa = [180] * u.deg catalog.add_column(pa, name="cutout_pa") # Call cutout tool: cutout = cutouts_from_fits(image_hdu, catalog)[0] # check if values are correct: w_orig = WCS(image_hdu.header) w_new = WCS(cutout.header) for x_new, x_orig in enumerate(range(5, 2, -1)): for y_new, y_orig in enumerate(range(5, 2, -1)): coords_orig = SkyCoord.from_pixel(x_orig, y_orig, w_orig, origin=0) coords_new = SkyCoord.from_pixel(x_new, y_new, w_new, origin=0) assert_almost_equal([x_orig][y_orig],[x_new][y_new]) assert_almost_equal(coords_orig.ra.value, coords_new.ra.value) assert_almost_equal(coords_orig.dec.value, coords_new.dec.value)
def fit_SB1_gp(time, rv,rv_err, initial_params, bounds, priors, flux_weighted=False, plot_guess=True, freeze_parameters=['r1', 'k', 'sbratio', 'b', 'q', \ 'Pdot', 'T_ld', 'M_ld',\ 'Logg_ld', 'dV0'], emcee_fit=False, draws =1000): print('\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') print('RV fitting procedure with Gaussian Processes') print('S. Gill ([email protected])') print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n') mean_model = _SB1_Model(**initial_params, bounds=bounds) time_upsampled = np.linspace(min(time), max(time), len(time) * 1000) if plot_guess: print('Plotting initial Guess. . .') plt.plot(time_upsampled,mean_model.get_value(time_upsampled), 'r--', linewidth=2, \ label='Starting guess', alpha = 0.7) plt.errorbar(time, rv, yerr=rv_err, fmt='ko') plt.legend() return ###################### # Initiate the kernel ###################### #kernel = (terms.RealTerm(log_a=-9.77, log_c=1.91) ) kernel = (terms.Matern32Term(log_sigma=-2, log_rho=2)) ######################## # Initiate the GP model ######################## gp = celerite.GP(kernel, mean=mean_model, fit_mean=True) ######################################## # Freeze parameter we do ot wish to fit ######################################## for i in freeze_parameters: gp.freeze_parameter('mean:{}'.format(i)) ############################################# # Compute and calculate the initial log like ############################################# gp.compute(time, rv_err) print('Minimisation of lightcurve with GP') print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') print("{:>20}: {:.3f}".format('Initial log-like', gp.log_likelihood(rv))) ################## # Now optimise ################## initial_params = gp.get_parameter_vector() bounds_ = gp.get_parameter_bounds() soln = minimize(neg_log_like, initial_params, method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bounds_, args=(rv, gp)) ################### # Print the output ################### print("{:>20}: {:.3f} ({} iterations)".format('Final log-like',, soln.nit)) print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') #for i in range(len(gp.get_parameter_names())): # print('{:.3f} {}'.format(soln.x[i], gp.get_parameter_names()[i])) ############################################################################ # Now get the best model as a fictionary so we can put it back in and plot ############################################################################ best_params = {} for i in range(len(gp.parameter_names)): if gp.parameter_names[i][:5] == 'mean:': best_params[gp.parameter_names[i][5:]] = gp.parameter_vector[i] print('{:>12}: {:.3f}'.format(gp.parameter_names[i][5:], gp.parameter_vector[i])) ######################### # Now get the best model ######################### plt.cla() plt.errorbar(time, rv, yerr=rv_err, fmt='ko', alpha=0.3) # Plot the best model (just to be sure) mean_model_better = _SB1_Model(**best_params, bounds=bounds) plt.plot(time,mean_model_better.get_value(time), 'b--', linewidth=2, \ label='Model selected') # Plot the variance with upsampled time series mu, var = gp.predict(rv, time_upsampled, return_var=True) std = np.sqrt(abs(var)) color = "#ff7f0e" plt.fill_between( time_upsampled, \ mu+std, \ mu-std, color=color, alpha=0.8, edgecolor="none", label = 'Best fit') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('RV [km/s]') plt.legend() if emcee_fit: initial = np.array(soln.x) ndim, nwalkers = len(initial), 32 sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, log_probability, args=(gp, rv, priors, flux_weighted), threads=8) print("Running burn-in...") p0 = initial + 1e-5 * np.random.randn(nwalkers, ndim) burn_in = draws width = 30 start_time = time_.time() i, result = [], [] for i, result in enumerate(sampler.sample(p0, iterations=burn_in)): n = int((width + 1) * float(i) / burn_in) delta_t = time_.time( ) - start_time # time to do float(i) / n_steps % of caluculations time_incr = delta_t / (float(i + 1) / burn_in ) # seconds per increment time_left = time_incr * (1 - float(i) / burn_in) m, s = divmod(time_left, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) sys.stdout.write('\r[{0}{1}] {2}% - {3}h:{4}m:{5:.2f}s'.format( '#' * n, ' ' * (width - n), 100 * float(i) / burn_in, h, m, s)) names = gp.get_parameter_names() cols = mean_model.get_parameter_names() inds = np.array([names.index("mean:" + k) for k in cols]) samples = sampler.chain[:, int(np.floor(draws * 0.75)):, :].reshape( (-1, ndim)) print(samples.shape, cols) corner.corner(samples, labels=gp.get_parameter_names()) ######################## # Now save to fits file ######################## from astropy.table import Table, Column chain_file = 'rv_fit.fits' try: os.remove(chain_file) except: pass t = Table(sampler.flatchain, names=gp.get_parameter_names()) t.add_column(Column(sampler.flatlnprobability, name='loglike')) indices = np.mgrid[0:nwalkers, 0:burn_in] step = indices[1].flatten() walker = indices[0].flatten() t.add_column(Column(step, name='step')) t.add_column(Column(walker, name='walker')) t.write(chain_file)
def get_simspec(simspecfile, log=None, nspec=None): ''' Get the simspec object The simspec table holds the "truth" spectra and the intrinsic properties of each object (redshift, noiseless photometry, [OII] flux, etc.). (Input spectra to simulate with pixsim.) Parameters: simspecfile (str): The filename of the input simspec file ''' minwave = 3533. maxwave = 9913.1 stepwave = 0.2 scale = 1.e17 exptime = 5. # typical BOSS exposure time in s if simspecfile: if log:'Reading input file {}'.format(args.simspec)) # create SimSpec object simspec = # number of spectra to simulate from SimSpec sim_nspec = simspec.nspec # get the spectra and wavelengths arrays for different flavors if simspec.flavor == 'arc': # - TODO: do we need quickgen to support arcs? For full pipeline # - arcs are used to measure PSF but aren't extracted except for # - debugging. # - TODO: if we do need arcs, this needs to be redone. # - conversion from phot to flux doesn't include throughput, # - and arc lines are rebinned to nearest 0.2 A. # Create full wavelength and flux arrays for arc exposure wave_b = np.array(simspec.wave['b']) wave_r = np.array(simspec.wave['r']) wave_z = np.array(simspec.wave['z']) phot_b = np.array(simspec.phot['b'][0]) phot_r = np.array(simspec.phot['r'][0]) phot_z = np.array(simspec.phot['z'][0]) sim_wave = np.concatenate((wave_b, wave_r, wave_z)) sim_phot = np.concatenate((phot_b, phot_r, phot_z)) wavelengths = np.arange(minwave, maxwave, stepwave) phot = np.zeros(len(wavelengths)) for i in range(len(sim_wave)): wavelength = sim_wave[i] flux_index = np.argmin(abs(wavelength - wavelengths)) phot[flux_index] = sim_phot[i] # Convert photons to flux: following specter conversion method dw = np.gradient(wavelengths) fibarea = const.pi * (1.07e-2 / 2)**2 # cross-sectional fiber area in cm^2 hc = scale * const.h * const.c # convert to erg A spectra = (hc * exptime * fibarea * dw * phot) / wavelengths else: wavelengths = simspec.wave['brz'] spectra = simspec.flux # check there's enough spectra to simulate from what we ask for if sim_nspec < nspec:"Only {} spectra in input file".format(sim_nspec)) nspec = sim_nspec else: # Initialize the output truth table. spectra = [] wavelengths = npix = len(wavelengths) truth = dict() meta = Table() truth['OBJTYPE'] = np.zeros(args.nspec, dtype=(str, 10)) truth['FLUX'] = np.zeros((args.nspec, npix)) truth['WAVE'] = wavelengths jj = list() for thisobj in set(true_objtype): ii = np.where(true_objtype == thisobj)[0] nobj = len(ii) truth['OBJTYPE'][ii] = thisobj if log:'Generating {} template'.format(thisobj)) # Generate the templates if thisobj == 'ELG': elg = lvmsim.templates.ELG(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = elg.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_elg, sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'LRG': lrg = lvmsim.templates.LRG(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = lrg.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_lrg, sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'QSO': qso = lvmsim.templates.QSO(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = qso.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_qso) elif thisobj == 'BGS': bgs = lvmsim.templates.BGS(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = bgs.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_bgs, rmagrange=args.rmagrange_bgs, sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'STD': fstd = lvmsim.templates.FSTD(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = fstd.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'QSO_BAD': # use STAR template no color cuts star = lvmsim.templates.STAR(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = star.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'MWS_STAR' or thisobj == 'MWS': mwsstar = lvmsim.templates.MWS_STAR(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = mwsstar.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'WD': wd = lvmsim.templates.WD(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = wd.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'SKY': flux = np.zeros((nobj, npix)) meta1 = Table(dict(REDSHIFT=np.zeros(nobj, dtype=np.float32))) elif thisobj == 'TEST': flux = np.zeros((args.nspec, npix)) indx = np.where(wave > 5800.0 - 1E-6)[0][0] ref_integrated_flux = 1E-10 ref_cst_flux_density = 1E-17 single_line = (np.arange(args.nspec) % 2 == 0).astype( np.float32) continuum = (np.arange(args.nspec) % 2 == 1).astype(np.float32) for spec in range(nspec): flux[spec, indx] = single_line[ spec] * ref_integrated_flux / np.gradient(wavelengths)[ indx] # single line flux[spec] += continuum[ spec] * ref_cst_flux_density # flat continuum meta1 = Table( dict(REDSHIFT=np.zeros(args.nspec, dtype=np.float32), LINE=wave[indx] * np.ones(args.nspec, dtype=np.float32), LINEFLUX=single_line * ref_integrated_flux, CONSTFLUXDENSITY=continuum * ref_cst_flux_density)) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown object type') # Pack it in. truth['FLUX'][ii] = flux meta = vstack([meta, meta1]) jj.append(ii.tolist()) # Sanity check on units; templates currently return ergs, not 1e-17 ergs... # assert (thisobj == 'SKY') or (np.max(truth['FLUX']) < 1e-6) # Sort the metadata table. jj = sum(jj, []) meta_new = Table() for k in range(nspec): index = int(np.where(np.array(jj) == k)[0]) meta_new = vstack([meta_new, meta[index]]) meta = meta_new # Add TARGETID and the true OBJTYPE to the metadata table. meta.add_column( Column(true_objtype, dtype=(str, 10), name='TRUE_OBJTYPE')) meta.add_column(Column(targetids, name='TARGETID')) # Rename REDSHIFT -> TRUEZ anticipating later table joins with zbest.Z meta.rename_column('REDSHIFT', 'TRUEZ') return spectra, wavelengths, nspec
def ref_fk4_no_e_fk4(fnout='fk4_no_e_fk4.csv'): """ Accuracy tests for the FK4 (with no E-terms of aberration) to/from FK4 conversion, with arbitrary equinoxes and epoch of observation. """ import os import numpy as np import starlink.Ast as Ast from astropy.table import Table, Column np.random.seed(12345) N = 200 # Sample uniformly on the unit sphere. These will be either the FK4 # coordinates for the transformation to FK5, or the FK5 coordinates for the # transformation to FK4. ra = np.random.uniform(0., 360., N) dec = np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.random.uniform(-1., 1., N))) # Generate random observation epoch and equinoxes obstime = [ "B{0:7.2f}".format(x) for x in np.random.uniform(1950., 2000., N) ] ra_fk4ne, dec_fk4ne = [], [] ra_fk4, dec_fk4 = [], [] for i in range(N): # Set up frames for AST frame_fk4ne = Ast.SkyFrame( 'System=FK4-NO-E,Epoch={epoch},Equinox=B1950'.format( epoch=obstime[i])) frame_fk4 = Ast.SkyFrame( 'System=FK4,Epoch={epoch},Equinox=B1950'.format(epoch=obstime[i])) # FK4 to FK4 (no E-terms) frameset = frame_fk4.convert(frame_fk4ne) coords = np.degrees( frameset.tran([[np.radians(ra[i])], [np.radians(dec[i])]])) ra_fk4ne.append(coords[0, 0]) dec_fk4ne.append(coords[1, 0]) # FK4 (no E-terms) to FK4 frameset = frame_fk4ne.convert(frame_fk4) coords = np.degrees( frameset.tran([[np.radians(ra[i])], [np.radians(dec[i])]])) ra_fk4.append(coords[0, 0]) dec_fk4.append(coords[1, 0]) # Write out table to a CSV file t = Table() t.add_column(Column(name='obstime', data=obstime)) t.add_column(Column(name='ra_in', data=ra)) t.add_column(Column(name='dec_in', data=dec)) t.add_column(Column(name='ra_fk4ne', data=ra_fk4ne)) t.add_column(Column(name='dec_fk4ne', data=dec_fk4ne)) t.add_column(Column(name='ra_fk4', data=ra_fk4)) t.add_column(Column(name='dec_fk4', data=dec_fk4)) f = open(fnout, 'wb') f.write("# This file was generated with the {0} script, and the reference " "values were computed using AST\n".format( os.path.basename(__file__))) t.write(f, format='ascii', delimiter=',')
def get_acq_table(obsid): manvrs = events.manvrs.filter(obsid=obsid) if not len(manvrs): return None manvr = manvrs[0] start_time = DateTime(manvr.acq_start).secs stop_time = start_time + (60 * 5) acq_data = fetch.MSIDset(msids + slot_msids, start_time, stop_time) vals = Table([acq_data[col].vals for col in msids], names=msids) for field in slot_msids: vals.add_column(Column(name=field, data=acq_data[field].vals)) times = Table([acq_data['AOACASEQ'].times], names=['time']) def compress_data(data, dtime): return data[data['AOREPEAT'] == '0 '], dtime[data['AOREPEAT'] == '0 '] vals, times = compress_data(vals, times) # Get the catalog for the stars # This is used both to map ACQID to the right slot and # to get the star positions to estimate deltas later timeline_at_acq = mica.starcheck.starcheck.get_timeline_at_date(manvr.start) mp_dir = None if (timeline_at_acq is None) else timeline_at_acq['mp_dir'] starcheck = mica.starcheck.get_starcheck_catalog(int(obsid), mp_dir=mp_dir) if 'cat' not in starcheck: raise ValueError('No starcheck catalog found for {}'.format(obsid)) catalog = Table(starcheck['cat']) catalog.sort('idx') # Filter the catalog to be just acquisition stars catalog = catalog[(catalog['type'] == 'ACQ') | (catalog['type'] == 'BOT')] slot_for_pos = [cat_row['slot'] for cat_row in catalog] pos_for_slot = dict([(slot, idx) for idx, slot in enumerate(slot_for_pos)]) # Also, save out the starcheck index for each slot for later index_for_slot = dict([(cat_row['slot'], cat_row['idx']) for cat_row in catalog]) # Estimate the offsets from the expected catalog positions dy, dz = deltas_vs_obc_quat(vals, times['time'], catalog) for slot in range(0, 8): vals.add_column(Column(name='dy{}'.format(slot), data=dy[slot].data)) vals.add_column(Column(name='dz{}'.format(slot), data=dz[slot].data)) cat_entry = catalog[catalog['slot'] == slot][0] dmag = vals['AOACMAG{}'.format(slot)] - cat_entry['mag'] vals.add_column(Column(name='dmag{}'.format(slot), # make a list of dicts of the table simple_data = [] kalm_start = None for drow, trow in zip(vals, times): if (kalm_start is None) and (drow['AOACASEQ'] == 'KALM'): kalm_start = trow['time'] if (kalm_start is not None) and (trow['time'] > kalm_start + 5): continue slot_data = {'slots': [], 'time': trow['time'], 'aorfstr1_slot': slot_for_pos[int(drow['AORFSTR1'])], 'aorfstr2_slot': slot_for_pos[int(drow['AORFSTR2'])], } for m in msids: slot_data[m] = drow[m] for slot in range(0, 8): row_dict = {'slot': slot, 'catpos': pos_for_slot[slot], 'index': index_for_slot[slot]} for col in per_slot: if col not in ['AOACQID']: row_dict[col] = drow['{}{}'.format(col, slot)] for col in ['dy', 'dz', 'dmag']: row_dict[col] = drow['{}{}'.format(col, slot)] row_dict['POS_ACQID'] = drow['AOACQID{}'.format(pos_for_slot[slot])] slot_data['slots'].append(row_dict) simple_data.append(slot_data) return simple_data
sds_val = np.array(ap_summed['aperture_sum']) sds_val = np.flip(sds_val) #%% """ Data save """ Savepath = Path('/home/astro_02/AO2019-2/2019-10-24/Specdata') #%% table = Table() wave_length = Column(data=sds_wvlt, name='Wavelength') Value = Column(data=sds_val, name='Value') table.add_column(wave_length, index=0) table.add_column(Value, index=1) table.write(Savepath / 'NGC676_01.csv', format='ascii.csv', overwrite=True) #%% # Object만 바꿔서 저장용 #%% Savepath = Path('/home/astro_02/AO2019-2/2019-10-24/Specdata') DISPAXIS = 2 # 1 = line = python_axis_1 // 2 = column = python_axis_0 FONTSIZE = 12 # Change it on your computer if you wish. rcParams.update({'font.size': FONTSIZE}) COMPIMAGE = ppdpath / 'Comp-master.fits' # Change directory if needed! LINE_FITTER = LevMarLSQFitter()
def write(self,filename=None,max_rows=None,format="ascii.latex",column_format="{0:.3f}",**kwargs): """ Outputs the points that make up the design in a nicely formatted table :param filename: name of the file to which the table will be saved; if None the contents will be printed :type filename: str. or file descriptor :param max_rows: maximum number of rows in the table, if smaller than the number of points the different chunks are hstacked (useful if there are too many rows for display) :type max_rows: int. :param format: passed to the Table.write astropy method :type format: str. :param column_format: format specifier for the numerical values in the Table :type column_format: str. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments are passed to astropy.Table.write method :type kwargs: dict. :returns: the Table instance with the design parameters """ #Check that there is something to save assert hasattr(self,"points"),"There are no points in your design yet!" names = [ self.label[p] for p in self.parameters ] if (max_rows is None) or (max_rows>=len(self)): #Build the table design_table = Table(self.values,names=names) #Add the number column to the left design_table.add_column(Column(data=range(1,len(self)+1),name=r"$N$"),index=0) else: #Figure out the splitting num_chunks = len(self) // max_rows if len(self)%max_rows!=0: num_chunks+=1 #Construct the list of tables to hstack design_table = list() #Cycle through the chunks and create the sub-tables for n in range(num_chunks-1): columns = self.values[n*max_rows:(n+1)*max_rows] #Build the sub-table design_table.append(Table(columns,names=names)) #Add the number column to the left design_table[-1].add_column(Column(data=range(n*max_rows+1,(n+1)*max_rows+1),name=r"$N$"),index=0) #Create the last sub-table columns = self.values[(num_chunks-1)*max_rows:] design_table.append(Table(columns,names=names)) design_table[-1].add_column(Column(data=range((num_chunks-1)*max_rows+1,len(self)+1),name=r"$N$"),index=0) #hstack in a single table design_table = hstack(design_table) #Tune the format for colname in design_table.colnames: if not design_table.dtype[colname] design_table[colname].format = column_format #Write the table or return it if filename is not None: design_table.write(filename,format=format,**kwargs) return None else: return design_table
#y_err = d[1].data['jackknifStackErrors'][sel] N_spec = d[1].data['NspectraPerPixel'][sel] N_spectra[index] = int(n.median(N_spec)) hduSPM = table_entry_1 = get_table_entry_full(hduSPM[1]) table_entry_2 = get_table_entry_full(hduSPM[2]) table_all[index] = n.hstack((table_entry_1, table_entry_2)) newDat = n.transpose(table_all) headers = " Chabrier_MILES_age_lightW Chabrier_MILES_age_lightW_up_1sig Chabrier_MILES_age_lightW_low_1sig Chabrier_MILES_age_lightW_up_2sig Chabrier_MILES_age_lightW_low_2sig Chabrier_MILES_age_lightW_up_3sig Chabrier_MILES_age_lightW_low_3sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_lightW Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_lightW_up_1sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_lightW_low_1sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_lightW_up_2sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_lightW_low_2sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_lightW_up_3sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_lightW_low_3sig Chabrier_MILES_age_massW Chabrier_MILES_age_massW_up_1sig Chabrier_MILES_age_massW_low_1sig Chabrier_MILES_age_massW_up_2sig Chabrier_MILES_age_massW_low_2sig Chabrier_MILES_age_massW_up_3sig Chabrier_MILES_age_massW_low_3sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_massW Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_massW_up_1sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_massW_low_1sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_massW_up_2sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_massW_low_2sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_massW_up_3sig Chabrier_MILES_metallicity_massW_low_3sig Chabrier_MILES_total_mass Chabrier_MILES_stellar_mass Chabrier_MILES_living_stars_mass Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_blackholes Chabrier_MILES_mass_of_ejecta Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_up_1sig Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_low_1sig Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_up_2sig Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_low_2sig Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_up_3sig Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_low_3sig Chabrier_MILES_spm_EBV Chabrier_MILES_nComponentsSSP Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_stellar_mass_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_living_stars_mass_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_log_age_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_metal_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_SFR_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_weightMass_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_weightLight_ssp_0 Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_stellar_mass_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_living_stars_mass_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_log_age_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_metal_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_SFR_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_weightMass_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_weightLight_ssp_1 Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_stellar_mass_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_living_stars_mass_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_log_age_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_metal_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_SFR_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_weightMass_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_weightLight_ssp_2 Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_stellar_mass_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_living_stars_mass_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_log_age_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_metal_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_SFR_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_weightMass_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_weightLight_ssp_3 Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_stellar_mass_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_living_stars_mass_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_log_age_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_metal_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_SFR_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_weightMass_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_weightLight_ssp_4 Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_stellar_mass_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_living_stars_mass_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_log_age_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_metal_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_SFR_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_weightMass_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_weightLight_ssp_5 Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_stellar_mass_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_living_stars_mass_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_log_age_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_metal_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_SFR_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_weightMass_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_weightLight_ssp_6 Chabrier_MILES_total_mass_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_stellar_mass_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_living_stars_mass_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_log_age_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_metal_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_SFR_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_weightMass_ssp_7 Chabrier_MILES_weightLight_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_age_lightW Chabrier_ELODIE_age_lightW_up_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_lightW_low_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_lightW_up_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_lightW_low_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_lightW_up_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_lightW_low_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_lightW Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_lightW_up_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_lightW_low_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_lightW_up_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_lightW_low_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_lightW_up_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_lightW_low_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_massW Chabrier_ELODIE_age_massW_up_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_massW_low_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_massW_up_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_massW_low_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_massW_up_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_age_massW_low_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_massW Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_massW_up_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_massW_low_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_massW_up_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_massW_low_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_massW_up_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_metallicity_massW_low_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass Chabrier_ELODIE_stellar_mass Chabrier_ELODIE_living_stars_mass Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_blackholes Chabrier_ELODIE_mass_of_ejecta Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_up_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_low_1sig Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_up_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_low_2sig Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_up_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_low_3sig Chabrier_ELODIE_spm_EBV Chabrier_ELODIE_nComponentsSSP Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_stellar_mass_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_living_stars_mass_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_log_age_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_metal_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_SFR_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightMass_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightLight_ssp_0 Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_stellar_mass_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_living_stars_mass_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_log_age_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_metal_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_SFR_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightMass_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightLight_ssp_1 Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_stellar_mass_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_living_stars_mass_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_log_age_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_metal_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_SFR_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightMass_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightLight_ssp_2 Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_stellar_mass_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_living_stars_mass_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_log_age_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_metal_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_SFR_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightMass_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightLight_ssp_3 Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_stellar_mass_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_living_stars_mass_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_log_age_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_metal_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_SFR_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightMass_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightLight_ssp_4 Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_stellar_mass_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_living_stars_mass_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_log_age_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_metal_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_SFR_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightMass_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightLight_ssp_5 Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_stellar_mass_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_living_stars_mass_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_log_age_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_metal_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_SFR_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightMass_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightLight_ssp_6 Chabrier_ELODIE_total_mass_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_stellar_mass_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_living_stars_mass_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_whitedwarfs_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_neutronstars_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_remnant_mass_in_blackholes_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_mass_of_ejecta_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_log_age_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_metal_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_SFR_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightMass_ssp_7 Chabrier_ELODIE_weightLight_ssp_7" t = Table() for data_array, head in zip(newDat, headers.split()): t.add_column(Column(name=head, format='D', data=data_array)) for id_col, (col_chi2, col_ndof) in enumerate(zip(n.transpose(chi2), n.transpose(ndof))): t.add_column( Column(name=hdu_header_prefix[id_col] + "chi2", format='D', data=col_chi2)) t.add_column( Column(name=hdu_header_prefix[id_col] + "ndof", format='D', data=col_ndof)) t.add_column(Column(name="z_min", format='D', data=th_min)) t.add_column(Column(name="z_max", format='D', data=th_max)) t.add_column(Column(name="radial_bin", format='D', data=cz_sel))
# printed output print() print() print((' Target: ' + target_name)) print() print() print(("Luminosity\t\t" + str(round(luminosity)))) print(("Optical depth\t\t" + str(grid_outputs[model_index]['odep']))) print(("Expansion velocity (scaled)\t" + str(round(scaled_vexp, 2)))) print(("Mass loss (scaled)\t\t" + str("%.2E" % float(scaled_mdot)))) # saves results csv file file_a = Table(np.array(latex_array), names=('source', 'L', 'vexp_predicted', 'teff', 'tinner', 'odep', 'mdot'), dtype=('S16', 'int32', 'f8', 'int32', 'int32', 'f8', 'f8')) file_a.write('../fitting_results.csv', format='csv', overwrite=True) # saves plotting file file_b = Table(np.array(follow_up_array)) file_b.add_column(Column(follow_up_index, name='index'), index=0) file_b.add_column(Column(follow_up_normilazation, name='norm'), index=0) file_b.add_column(Column(targets, name='data_file'), index=0) file_b.add_column(Column(follow_up_names, name='target_name'), index=0) file_b.remove_columns(('c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i')) file_b.write('../fitting_plotting_outputs.csv', format='csv', overwrite=True) end = time.time() print('Time:' + str((end - start) / 60) + 'minutes')
def run_LS(self, minf=1/12.5, maxf=1/0.1, spp=50): """ Runs LS fit for each light curve. Parameters ---------- minf : float, optional The minimum frequency to search in the LS routine. Default = 1/20. maxf : float, optional The maximum frequency to search in the LS routine. Default = 1/0.1. spp : int, optional The number of samples per peak. Default = 50. Attributes ---------- LS_results : astropy.table.Table """ def per_orbit(t, f): nonlocal maxf, spp minf = 1/(t[-1]-t[0]) if minf > 1/12.0: minf = 1/12.0 freq, power = LombScargle(t, f).autopower(minimum_frequency=minf, maximum_frequency=maxf, samples_per_peak=spp) arg = np.argmax(power) per = 1.0/freq popt = self.fit_LS_peak(per, power, arg) ## SEARCHES & MASKS RESONANCES OF THE BEST-FIT PERIOD perlist = per[arg] * np.array([0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0]) remove_res = np.zeros(len(per)) maskreg = int(spp/1.5) for p in perlist: where = np.where( (per <= p))[0] if len(where) > 0: ind = int(where[0]) if ind-maskreg > 0 and ind<len(per)-maskreg: remove_res[int(ind-maskreg):int(ind+maskreg)] = 1 elif ind < maskreg: remove_res[0:int(maskreg)] = 1 elif ind > len(per)-maskreg: remove_res[int(len(per)-maskreg):len(per)] = 1 if perlist[1] == 1/minf: remove_res[0:int(spp/2)] = 1 rr = remove_res == 0 arg1 = np.argmax(power[rr]) ## REDOS PERIOD ROUTINE FOR SECOND HIGHEST PEAK if arg1 == len(per[rr]): arg1 = int(arg1-3) popt2 = self.fit_LS_peak(per[rr], power[rr], arg1) maxpower = power[arg] secpower = power[rr][arg1] bestperiod = per[arg] secbperiod = per[rr][arg1] bestwidth = popt[0] return bestperiod, secbperiod, maxpower, secpower, bestwidth tab = Table() periods = np.zeros(len(self.IDs)) stds = np.zeros(len(self.IDs)) peak_power = np.zeros(len(self.IDs)) periods2 = np.zeros(len(self.IDs)) peak_power2 = np.zeros(len(self.IDs)) orbit_flag = np.zeros(len(self.IDs)) orbit_flag1 = np.zeros(len(self.IDs)) orbit_flag2 = np.zeros(len(self.IDs)) for i in tqdm(range(len(self.flux)), desc="Finding most likely periods"): time, flux, flux_err = self.time[i], self.flux[i], self.flux_err[i] # SPLITS BY ORBIT diff = np.diff(time) brk = np.where(diff >= np.nanmedian(diff)+14*np.nanstd(diff))[0] if len(brk) > 1: brk_diff = brk - (len(time)/2) try: brk_diff = np.where(brk_diff<0)[0][-1] except IndexError: brk_diff = np.argmin(brk_diff) brk = np.array([brk[brk_diff]], dtype=int) # DEFINITELY TRIMS OUT EARTHSHINE MOFO t1, f1 = time[:brk[0]], flux[:brk[0]]#[300:-500], flux[:brk[0]]#[300:-500] t2, f2 = time[brk[0]:], flux[brk[0]:]#[800:-200], flux[brk[0]:]#[800:-200] o1_params = per_orbit(t1, f1) o2_params = per_orbit(t2, f2) both = np.array([o1_params[0], o2_params[0]]) avg_period = np.nanmedian(both) flag1 = self.assign_flag(o1_params[0], o1_params[2], o1_params[-1], avg_period, o1_params[-2], t1[-1]-t1[0]) flag2 = self.assign_flag(o2_params[0], o2_params[2], o2_params[-1], avg_period, o2_params[-2], t2[-1]-t2[0]) if np.abs(o1_params[1]-avg_period) < 0.5 and np.abs(o2_params[1]-avg_period)<0.5: flag1 = flag2 = 0.0 if flag1 != 0 and flag2 != 0: orbit_flag[i] = 1.0 else: orbit_flag[i] = 0.0 periods[i] = np.nanmedian([o1_params[0], o2_params[0]]) orbit_flag1[i] = flag1 orbit_flag2[i] = flag2 stds[i] = o1_params[-1] peak_power[i] = o1_params[2] periods2[i] = o2_params[0] peak_power2[i] = o1_params[-2] tab.add_column(Column(self.IDs, 'Target_ID')) tab.add_column(Column(periods, name='period_days')) tab.add_column(Column(periods2, name='secondary_period_days')) tab.add_column(Column(stds, name='gauss_width')) tab.add_column(Column(peak_power, name='max_power')) tab.add_column(Column(peak_power2, name='secondary_max_power')) tab.add_column(Column(orbit_flag, name='orbit_flag')) tab.add_column(Column(orbit_flag1, name='oflag1')) tab.add_column(Column(orbit_flag2, name='oflag2')) tab = self.averaged_per_sector(tab) self.LS_results = tab
def nstar(self, image, star_groups): """ Fit, as appropriate, a compound or single model to the given ``star_groups``. Groups are fitted sequentially from the smallest to the biggest. In each iteration, ``image`` is subtracted by the previous fitted group. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray Background-subtracted image. star_groups : `~astropy.table.Table` This table must contain the following columns: ``id``, ``group_id``, ``x_0``, ``y_0``, ``flux_0``. ``x_0`` and ``y_0`` are initial estimates of the centroids and ``flux_0`` is an initial estimate of the flux. Additionally, columns named as ``<param_name>_0`` are required if any other parameter in the psf model is free (i.e., the ``fixed`` attribute of that parameter is ``False``). Returns ------- result_tab : `~astropy.table.Table` Astropy table that contains photometry results. image : numpy.ndarray Residual image. """ result_tab = Table() for param_tab_name in self._pars_to_output.keys(): result_tab.add_column(Column(name=param_tab_name)) unc_tab = Table() for param, isfixed in self.psf_model.fixed.items(): if not isfixed: unc_tab.add_column(Column(name=param + "_unc")) y, x = np.indices(image.shape) star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id') for n in range(len(star_groups.groups)): group_psf = get_grouped_psf_model(self.psf_model, star_groups.groups[n], self._pars_to_set) usepixel = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=bool) for row in star_groups.groups[n]: usepixel[overlap_slices(large_array_shape=image.shape, small_array_shape=self.fitshape, position=(row['y_0'], row['x_0']), mode='trim')[0]] = True fit_model = self.fitter(group_psf, x[usepixel], y[usepixel], image[usepixel]) param_table = self._model_params2table(fit_model, len(star_groups.groups[n])) result_tab = vstack([result_tab, param_table]) if 'param_cov' in self.fitter.fit_info.keys(): unc_tab = vstack([ unc_tab, self._get_uncertainties(len(star_groups.groups[n])) ]) try: from astropy.nddata.utils import NoOverlapError except ImportError: raise ImportError("astropy 1.1 or greater is required in " "order to use this class.") # do not subtract if the fitting did not go well try: image = subtract_psf(image, self.psf_model, param_table, subshape=self.fitshape) except NoOverlapError: pass if 'param_cov' in self.fitter.fit_info.keys(): result_tab = hstack([result_tab, unc_tab]) return result_tab, image
## stuff for later galaxy_name = sys.argv[1] #ptype = sys.argv[2] ptype = 'coarse_final/' from import fits from astropy.table import Table, Column arr = [[0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0]] varnames = ['mass', 'logzsol', 'tau', 'tage', 'dust2'] coltit = [ty + par for par in varnames for ty in ['low ', 'best ', 'high ']] table = Table(arr, names=(coltit)) obname = Column(name='objid', data=['J0000+0000']) table.add_column(obname, index=0) table.remove_row(0) # In [10] def lnprobfn(theta): """Given a parameter vector, a dictionary of observational data and a model object, return the ln of the posterior. This requires that an sps object (and if using spectra and gaussian processes, a GP object) be instantiated. """ #print('lnprobfn loves pizza') # Calculate prior probability and exit if not within prior lnp_prior = model.prior_product(theta) if not np.isfinite(lnp_prior):
def main(args): # Set up the logger if args.verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() # Make sure all necessary environment variables are set setup_envs() # Initialize random number generator to use. np.random.seed(args.seed) random_state = np.random.RandomState(args.seed) # Derive spectrograph number from nstart if needed if args.spectrograph is None: args.spectrograph = args.nstart / args.n_fibers # Read fibermapfile to get object type, night and expid fibermap, objtype, night, expid = get_fibermap(args.fibermap, log=log, nspec=args.nspec) # Initialize the spectral simulator"Initializing SpecSim with config {}".format(args.config)) lvmparams = load_lvmparams(config=args.config, telescope=args.telescope) qsim = get_simulator(args.config, num_fibers=1, params=lvmparams) if args.simspec: # Read the input file'Reading input file {}'.format(args.simspec)) simspec = nspec = simspec.nspec if simspec.flavor == 'arc': # - TODO: do we need quickgen to support arcs? For full pipeline # - arcs are used to measure PSF but aren't extracted except for # - debugging. # - TODO: if we do need arcs, this needs to be redone. # - conversion from phot to flux doesn't include throughput, # - and arc lines are rebinned to nearest 0.2 A. # Create full wavelength and flux arrays for arc exposure wave_b = np.array(simspec.wave['b']) wave_r = np.array(simspec.wave['r']) wave_z = np.array(simspec.wave['z']) phot_b = np.array(simspec.phot['b'][0]) phot_r = np.array(simspec.phot['r'][0]) phot_z = np.array(simspec.phot['z'][0]) sim_wave = np.concatenate((wave_b, wave_r, wave_z)) sim_phot = np.concatenate((phot_b, phot_r, phot_z)) wavelengths = np.arange(3533., 9913.1, 0.2) phot = np.zeros(len(wavelengths)) for i in range(len(sim_wave)): wavelength = sim_wave[i] flux_index = np.argmin(abs(wavelength - wavelengths)) phot[flux_index] = sim_phot[i] # Convert photons to flux: following specter conversion method dw = np.gradient(wavelengths) exptime = 5. # typical BOSS exposure time in s fibarea = const.pi * (1.07e-2 / 2)**2 # cross-sectional fiber area in cm^2 hc = 1.e17 * const.h * const.c # convert to erg A spectra = (hc * exptime * fibarea * dw * phot) / wavelengths else: wavelengths = simspec.wave['brz'] spectra = simspec.flux if nspec < args.nspec:"Only {} spectra in input file".format(nspec)) args.nspec = nspec else: # Initialize the output truth table. spectra = [] wavelengths = npix = len(wavelengths) truth = dict() meta = Table() truth['OBJTYPE'] = np.zeros(args.nspec, dtype=(str, 10)) truth['FLUX'] = np.zeros((args.nspec, npix)) truth['WAVE'] = wavelengths jj = list() for thisobj in set(true_objtype): ii = np.where(true_objtype == thisobj)[0] nobj = len(ii) truth['OBJTYPE'][ii] = thisobj'Generating {} template'.format(thisobj)) # Generate the templates if thisobj == 'ELG': elg = lvmsim.templates.ELG(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = elg.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_elg, sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'LRG': lrg = lvmsim.templates.LRG(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = lrg.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_lrg, sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'QSO': qso = lvmsim.templates.QSO(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = qso.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_qso) elif thisobj == 'BGS': bgs = lvmsim.templates.BGS(wave=wavelengths, add_SNeIa=args.add_SNeIa) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = bgs.make_templates( nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed, zrange=args.zrange_bgs, rmagrange=args.rmagrange_bgs, sne_rfluxratiorange=args.sne_rfluxratiorange) elif thisobj == 'STD': fstd = lvmsim.templates.FSTD(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = fstd.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'QSO_BAD': # use STAR template no color cuts star = lvmsim.templates.STAR(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = star.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'MWS_STAR' or thisobj == 'MWS': mwsstar = lvmsim.templates.MWS_STAR(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = mwsstar.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'WD': wd = lvmsim.templates.WD(wave=wavelengths) flux, tmpwave, meta1 = wd.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=args.seed) elif thisobj == 'SKY': flux = np.zeros((nobj, npix)) meta1 = Table(dict(REDSHIFT=np.zeros(nobj, dtype=np.float32))) elif thisobj == 'TEST': flux = np.zeros((args.nspec, npix)) indx = np.where(wave > 5800.0 - 1E-6)[0][0] ref_integrated_flux = 1E-10 ref_cst_flux_density = 1E-17 single_line = (np.arange(args.nspec) % 2 == 0).astype( np.float32) continuum = (np.arange(args.nspec) % 2 == 1).astype(np.float32) for spec in range(args.nspec): flux[spec, indx] = single_line[ spec] * ref_integrated_flux / np.gradient(wavelengths)[ indx] # single line flux[spec] += continuum[ spec] * ref_cst_flux_density # flat continuum meta1 = Table( dict(REDSHIFT=np.zeros(args.nspec, dtype=np.float32), LINE=wave[indx] * np.ones(args.nspec, dtype=np.float32), LINEFLUX=single_line * ref_integrated_flux, CONSTFLUXDENSITY=continuum * ref_cst_flux_density)) else: log.fatal('Unknown object type {}'.format(thisobj)) sys.exit(1) # Pack it in. truth['FLUX'][ii] = flux meta = vstack([meta, meta1]) jj.append(ii.tolist()) # Sanity check on units; templates currently return ergs, not 1e-17 ergs... # assert (thisobj == 'SKY') or (np.max(truth['FLUX']) < 1e-6) # Sort the metadata table. jj = sum(jj, []) meta_new = Table() for k in range(args.nspec): index = int(np.where(np.array(jj) == k)[0]) meta_new = vstack([meta_new, meta[index]]) meta = meta_new # Add TARGETID and the true OBJTYPE to the metadata table. meta.add_column( Column(true_objtype, dtype=(str, 10), name='TRUE_OBJTYPE')) meta.add_column(Column(targetids, name='TARGETID')) # Rename REDSHIFT -> TRUEZ anticipating later table joins with zbest.Z meta.rename_column('REDSHIFT', 'TRUEZ') # ---------- end simspec # explicitly set location on focal plane if needed to support airmass # variations when using specsim v0.5 if qsim.source.focal_xy is None: qsim.source.focal_xy = (u.Quantity(0, 'mm'), u.Quantity(100, 'mm')) # Set simulation parameters from the simspec header or lvmparams bright_objects = ['bgs', 'mws', 'bright', 'BGS', 'MWS', 'BRIGHT_MIX'] gray_objects = ['gray', 'grey'] if args.simspec is None: object_type = objtype flavor = None elif simspec.flavor == 'science': object_type = None flavor = simspec.header['PROGRAM'] else: object_type = None flavor = simspec.flavor log.warning( 'Maybe using an outdated simspec file with flavor={}'.format( flavor)) # Set airmass if args.airmass is not None: qsim.atmosphere.airmass = args.airmass elif args.simspec and 'AIRMASS' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.airmass = simspec.header['AIRMASS'] else: qsim.atmosphere.airmass = 1.25 # Science Req. Doc L3.3.2 # Set site location if args.location is not None: qsim.observation.observatory = args.location else: qsim.observation.observatory = 'APO' # Set exptime if args.exptime is not None: qsim.observation.exposure_time = args.exptime * u.s elif args.simspec and 'EXPTIME' in simspec.header: qsim.observation.exposure_time = simspec.header['EXPTIME'] * u.s elif objtype in bright_objects: qsim.observation.exposure_time = lvmparams['exptime_bright'] * u.s else: qsim.observation.exposure_time = lvmparams['exptime_dark'] * u.s # Set Moon Phase if args.moon_phase is not None: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = args.moon_phase elif args.simspec and 'MOONFRAC' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = simspec.header['MOONFRAC'] elif flavor in bright_objects or object_type in bright_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = 0.7 elif flavor in gray_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = 0.1 else: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_phase = 0.5 # Set Moon Zenith if args.moon_zenith is not None: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = args.moon_zenith * u.deg elif args.simspec and 'MOONALT' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = simspec.header['MOONALT'] * u.deg elif flavor in bright_objects or object_type in bright_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = 30 * u.deg elif flavor in gray_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = 80 * u.deg else: qsim.atmosphere.moon.moon_zenith = 100 * u.deg # Set Moon - Object Angle if args.moon_angle is not None: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = args.moon_angle * u.deg elif args.simspec and 'MOONSEP' in simspec.header: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = simspec.header[ 'MOONSEP'] * u.deg elif flavor in bright_objects or object_type in bright_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = 50 * u.deg elif flavor in gray_objects: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = 60 * u.deg else: qsim.atmosphere.moon.separation_angle = 60 * u.deg # Initialize per-camera output arrays that will be saved waves, trueflux, noisyflux, obsivar, resolution, sflux = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} maxbin = 0 nmax = args.nspec for camera in qsim.instrument.cameras: # Lookup this camera's resolution matrix and convert to the sparse format used in lvmspec. R = Resolution(camera.get_output_resolution_matrix()) resolution[] = np.tile(R.to_fits_array(), [args.nspec, 1, 1]) waves[] = ( u.Angstrom).value.astype(np.float32)) nwave = len(waves[]) maxbin = max(maxbin, len(waves[])) nobj = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # object photons nsky = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # sky photons nivar = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # inverse variance (object+sky) cframe_observedflux = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # calibrated object flux cframe_ivar = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # inverse variance of calibrated object flux cframe_rand_noise = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to calibrated flux sky_ivar = np.zeros((nmax, 3, maxbin)) # inverse variance of sky sky_rand_noise = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to sky only frame_rand_noise = np.zeros( (nmax, 3, maxbin)) # random Gaussian noise to nobj+nsky trueflux[] = np.empty( (args.nspec, nwave)) # calibrated flux noisyflux[] = np.empty( (args.nspec, nwave)) # observed flux with noise obsivar[] = np.empty( (args.nspec, nwave)) # inverse variance of flux if args.simspec: dw = np.gradient(simspec.wave[]) else: sflux = np.empty((args.nspec, npix)) # - Check if input simspec is for a continuum flat lamp instead of science # - This does not convolve to per-fiber resolution if args.simspec: if simspec.flavor == 'flat':"Simulating flat lamp exposure") for i, camera in enumerate(qsim.instrument.cameras): channel = assert camera.output_wavelength.unit == u.Angstrom num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) dw = np.gradient(simspec.wave[channel]) meanspec = resample_flux( waves[channel], simspec.wave[channel], np.average(simspec.phot[channel] / dw, axis=0)) fiberflat = random_state.normal(loc=1.0, scale=1.0 / np.sqrt(meanspec), size=(nspec, num_pixels)) ivar = np.tile(meanspec, [nspec, 1]) mask = np.zeros((simspec.nspec, num_pixels), dtype=np.uint32) for kk in range((args.nspec + args.nstart - 1) // args.n_fibers + 1): camera = channel + str(kk) outfile ='fiberflat', night, expid, camera) start = max(args.n_fibers * kk, args.nstart) end = min(args.n_fibers * (kk + 1), nmax) if (args.spectrograph <= kk): "Writing files for channel:{}, spectrograph:{}, spectra:{} to {}" .format(channel, kk, start, end)) ff = FiberFlat(waves[channel], fiberflat[start:end, :], ivar[start:end, :], mask[start:end, :], meanspec, header=dict(CAMERA=camera)) write_fiberflat(outfile, ff) filePath ="fiberflat", night, expid, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(filePath)) sys.exit(0) # Repeat the simulation for all spectra scale = 1e-17 fluxunits = scale * u.erg / (u.s ***2 * u.Angstrom) for j in range(args.nspec): thisobjtype = objtype[j] sys.stdout.flush() if flavor == 'arc': qsim.source.update_in('Quickgen source {0}'.format, 'perfect', wavelengths * u.Angstrom, spectra * fluxunits) else: qsim.source.update_in('Quickgen source {0}'.format(j), thisobjtype.lower(), wavelengths * u.Angstrom, spectra[j, :] * fluxunits) qsim.source.update_out() qsim.simulate() qsim.generate_random_noise(random_state) for i, output in enumerate(qsim.camera_output): assert output['observed_flux'].unit == 1e17 * fluxunits # Extract the simulation results needed to create our uncalibrated # frame output file. num_pixels = len(output) nobj[j, i, :num_pixels] = output['num_source_electrons'][:, 0] nsky[j, i, :num_pixels] = output['num_sky_electrons'][:, 0] nivar[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1.0 / output['variance_electrons'][:, 0] # Get results for our flux-calibrated output file. cframe_observedflux[ j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e17 * output['observed_flux'][:, 0] cframe_ivar[ j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e-34 * output['flux_inverse_variance'][:, 0] # Fill brick arrays from the results. camera = output.meta['name'] trueflux[camera][j][:] = 1e17 * output['observed_flux'][:, 0] noisyflux[camera][j][:] = 1e17 * ( output['observed_flux'][:, 0] + output['flux_calibration'][:, 0] * output['random_noise_electrons'][:, 0]) obsivar[camera][j][:] = 1e-34 * output['flux_inverse_variance'][:, 0] # Use the same noise realization in the cframe and frame, without any # additional noise from sky subtraction for now. frame_rand_noise[ j, i, :num_pixels] = output['random_noise_electrons'][:, 0] cframe_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] = 1e17 * ( output['flux_calibration'][:, 0] * output['random_noise_electrons'][:, 0]) # The sky output file represents a model fit to ~40 sky fibers. # We reduce the variance by a factor of 25 to account for this and # give the sky an independent (Gaussian) noise realization. sky_ivar[ j, i, :num_pixels] = 25.0 / (output['variance_electrons'][:, 0] - output['num_source_electrons'][:, 0]) sky_rand_noise[j, i, :num_pixels] = random_state.normal( scale=1.0 / np.sqrt(sky_ivar[j, i, :num_pixels]), size=num_pixels) armName = {"b": 0, "r": 1, "z": 2} for channel in 'brz': # Before writing, convert from counts/bin to counts/A (as in Pixsim output) # Quicksim Default: # FLUX - input spectrum resampled to this binning; no noise added [1e-17 erg/s/cm2/s/Ang] # COUNTS_OBJ - object counts in 0.5 Ang bin # COUNTS_SKY - sky counts in 0.5 Ang bin num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) dwave = np.gradient(waves[channel]) nobj[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave frame_rand_noise[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave nivar[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] *= dwave**2 nsky[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave sky_rand_noise[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave sky_ivar[:, armName[channel], :num_pixels] /= dwave**2 # Now write the outputs in DESI standard file system. None of the output file can have more than args.n_fibers spectra # Looping over spectrograph for ii in range((args.nspec + args.nstart - 1) // args.n_fibers + 1): start = max(args.n_fibers * ii, args.nstart) # first spectrum for a given spectrograph end = min(args.n_fibers * (ii + 1), nmax) # last spectrum for the spectrograph if (args.spectrograph <= ii): camera = "{}{}".format(channel, ii) "Writing files for channel:{}, spectrograph:{}, spectra:{} to {}" .format(channel, ii, start, end)) num_pixels = len(waves[channel]) # Write frame file framefileName ="frame", night, expid, camera) frame_flux = nobj[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] + \ nsky[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] + \ frame_rand_noise[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] frame_ivar = nivar[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] # required for slicing the resolution metric, resolusion matrix has (nspec, ndiag, wave) # for example if nstart =400, nspec=150: two spectrographs: # 400-499=> 0 spectrograph, 500-549 => 1 sh1 = frame_flux.shape[0] if (args.nstart == start): resol = resolution[channel][:sh1, :, :] else: resol = resolution[channel][-sh1:, :, :] # must create lvmspec.Frame object frame = Frame(waves[channel], frame_flux, frame_ivar, resolution_data=resol, spectrograph=ii, fibermap=fibermap[start:end], meta=dict(CAMERA=camera, FLAVOR=simspec.flavor)), frame) framefilePath ="frame", night, expid, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(framefilePath)) if args.frameonly or simspec.flavor == 'arc': continue # Write cframe file cframeFileName ="cframe", night, expid, camera) cframeFlux = cframe_observedflux[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] + \ cframe_rand_noise[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] cframeIvar = cframe_ivar[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] # must create lvmspec.Frame object cframe = Frame(waves[channel], cframeFlux, cframeIvar, resolution_data=resol, spectrograph=ii, fibermap=fibermap[start:end], meta=dict(CAMERA=camera, FLAVOR=simspec.flavor)), cframe) cframefilePath ="cframe", night, expid, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(cframefilePath)) # Write sky file skyfileName ="sky", night, expid, camera) skyflux = nsky[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] + \ sky_rand_noise[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] skyivar = sky_ivar[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] skymask = np.zeros(skyflux.shape, dtype=np.uint32) # must create lvmspec.Sky object skymodel = SkyModel(waves[channel], skyflux, skyivar, skymask, header=dict(CAMERA=camera)), skymodel) skyfilePath ="sky", night, expid, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(skyfilePath)) # Write calib file calibVectorFile ="calib", night, expid, camera) flux = cframe_observedflux[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] phot = nobj[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] calibration = np.zeros_like(phot) jj = (flux > 0) calibration[jj] = phot[jj] / flux[jj] # - TODO: what should calibivar be? # - For now, model it as the noise of combining ~10 spectra calibivar = 10 / cframe_ivar[start:end, armName[channel], :num_pixels] # mask=(1/calibivar>0).astype(int)?? mask = np.zeros(calibration.shape, dtype=np.uint32) # write flux calibration fluxcalib = FluxCalib(waves[channel], calibration, calibivar, mask) write_flux_calibration(calibVectorFile, fluxcalib) calibfilePath ="calib", night, expid, camera)"Wrote file {}".format(calibfilePath))
decintpix, 0, psf_in[0].data.shape[0] - 1) # Yes, it's bonkers that the wcs is the other way round compared to the fits file psf_ratio = psf_in[0].data[decclip, raclip] # Get the PSF information a_in = b_in = pa_in = a = a_in[0].data[decclip, raclip] b = b_in[0].data[decclip, raclip] pa = pa_in[0].data[decclip, raclip] # Scale the peak fluxes if options.scaleint: data['int_flux'] /= psf_ratio else: data['peak_flux'] *= psf_ratio vot = Table(data) # Add the PSF columns vot.add_column(Column(data=a, name='a_psf')) vot.add_column(Column(data=b, name='b_psf')) vot.add_column(Column(data=pa, name='pa_psf')) # description of this votable vot.description = "Corrected for position-dependent PSF variation" print "Writing to " + output writetoVO(vot, output)
pos = np.array([position[0] * np.ones(n), position[1] * np.ones(n), position[2] * np.ones(n), np.ones(n)]) #print 'Positions:' #print pos dir = np.array([dir[0] * np.ones(n) + dir_diff[0] * np.arange(0, n), dir[1] * np.ones(n) + dir_diff[1] * np.arange(0, n), dir[2] * np.ones(n) + dir_diff[2] * np.arange(0, n), np.zeros(n)]) if dir_diff != [0, 0, 0]: print 'Directions:' print dir photons.add_column(Column(name='pos', data=pos.T)) photons.add_column(Column(name='dir', data=dir.T)) photons.add_column(Column(name='polarization', data=polarization_vectors(dir.T, photons['polangle']))) return photons def fullRotation(exp_time, offset = 0, ): '''The source and first mirror are rotated around 360 degrees, and the simulation is run at 10 degree intervals. ''' counts = np.zeros(36) for i in np.arange(0, 360, 10): print 'angle: ' + str(i) photons = sourceMirrorDetector(sourceAngle = i, time = float(exp_time), sourceOffset = offset, detOffset = offset) p = photons[photons['probability'] > 0].copy() #p['probability'] *= 100
def _json_to_table(json_obj): """ Takes a JSON object as returned from a MAST microservice request and turns it into an `~astropy.table.Table`. Parameters ---------- json_obj : dict A MAST microservice response JSON object (python dictionary) Returns ------- response : `~astropy.table.Table` """ data_table = Table(masked=True) if not all(x in json_obj.keys() for x in ['info', 'data']): raise KeyError("Missing required key(s) 'data' and/or 'info.'") # determine database type key in case missing type_key = 'type' if json_obj['info'][0].get('type') else 'db_type' # for each item in info, store the type and column name for idx, col, col_type, ignore_value in \ [(idx, x['name'], x[type_key], "NULL") for idx, x in enumerate(json_obj['info'])]: # if default value is NULL, set ignore value to None if ignore_value == "NULL": ignore_value = None # making type adjustments if col_type == "char" or col_type == "STRING": col_type = "str" ignore_value = "" if (ignore_value is None) else ignore_value elif col_type == "boolean" or col_type == "BINARY": col_type = "bool" elif col_type == "unsignedByte": col_type = np.ubyte elif col_type == "int" or col_type == "short" or col_type == "long" or col_type == "NUMBER": # int arrays do not admit Non/nan vals col_type = np.int64 ignore_value = -999 if (ignore_value is None) else ignore_value elif col_type == "double" or col_type == "float" or col_type == "DECIMAL": # int arrays do not admit Non/nan vals col_type = np.float64 ignore_value = -999 if (ignore_value is None) else ignore_value elif col_type == "DATETIME": col_type = "str" ignore_value = "" if (ignore_value is None) else ignore_value # Make the column list (don't assign final type yet or there will be errors) # Step through data array of values col_data = np.array([x[idx] for x in json_obj['data']], dtype=object) if ignore_value is not None: col_data[np.where(np.equal(col_data, None))] = ignore_value # no consistant way to make the mask because np.equal fails on '' # and array == value fails with None if col_type == 'str': col_mask = (col_data == ignore_value) else: col_mask = np.equal(col_data, ignore_value) # add the column data_table.add_column( MaskedColumn(col_data.astype(col_type), name=col, mask=col_mask)) return data_table
def ref_galactic_fk4(fnout='galactic_fk4.csv'): """ Accuracy tests for the ICRS (with no E-terms of aberration) to/from FK5 conversion, with arbitrary equinoxes and epoch of observation. """ import os import numpy as np import starlink.Ast as Ast from astropy.table import Table, Column np.random.seed(12345) N = 200 # Sample uniformly on the unit sphere. These will be either the ICRS # coordinates for the transformation to FK5, or the FK5 coordinates for the # transformation to ICRS. lon = np.random.uniform(0., 360., N) lat = np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.random.uniform(-1., 1., N))) # Generate random observation epoch and equinoxes obstime = [ "B{0:7.2f}".format(x) for x in np.random.uniform(1950., 2000., N) ] equinox_fk4 = [ "J{0:7.2f}".format(x) for x in np.random.uniform(1975., 2025., N) ] lon_gal, lat_gal = [], [] ra_fk4, dec_fk4 = [], [] for i in range(N): # Set up frames for AST frame_gal = Ast.SkyFrame( 'System=Galactic,Epoch={epoch}'.format(epoch=obstime[i])) frame_fk4 = Ast.SkyFrame( 'System=FK4,Epoch={epoch},Equinox={equinox_fk4}'.format( epoch=obstime[i], equinox_fk4=equinox_fk4[i])) # ICRS to FK5 frameset = frame_gal.convert(frame_fk4) coords = np.degrees( frameset.tran([[np.radians(lon[i])], [np.radians(lat[i])]])) ra_fk4.append(coords[0, 0]) dec_fk4.append(coords[1, 0]) # FK5 to ICRS frameset = frame_fk4.convert(frame_gal) coords = np.degrees( frameset.tran([[np.radians(lon[i])], [np.radians(lat[i])]])) lon_gal.append(coords[0, 0]) lat_gal.append(coords[1, 0]) # Write out table to a CSV file t = Table() t.add_column(Column(name='equinox_fk4', data=equinox_fk4)) t.add_column(Column(name='obstime', data=obstime)) t.add_column(Column(name='lon_in', data=lon)) t.add_column(Column(name='lat_in', data=lat)) t.add_column(Column(name='ra_fk4', data=ra_fk4)) t.add_column(Column(name='dec_fk4', data=dec_fk4)) t.add_column(Column(name='lon_gal', data=lon_gal)) t.add_column(Column(name='lat_gal', data=lat_gal)) f = open(fnout, 'wb') f.write("# This file was generated with the {0} script, and the reference " "values were computed using AST\n".format( os.path.basename(__file__))) t.write(f, format='ascii', delimiter=',')
fint=np.append(ynew2,ynew1[i1]) fint=np.sort(fint)[::-1] finn=np.append(xnew2,xnew1[i1]) finn=np.sort(finn)[::-1] fint=np.reshape(fint,(np.shape(fint)[0],1)) finn=np.reshape(finn,(np.shape(finn)[0],1)) fX3=np.concatenate((fint, finn), axis=1) fX3=fX3[fX3[:, 0].argsort()] mytck3,myu3=itp.splprep([kx3,ky3],k=1) xnew3,ynew3=itp.splev(np.linspace(0,1,550),mytck3) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Exporting the points of the fit to a text file tab1=Table() tab2=Table() tab1.add_column(Column(data=fX3[:, 0],name='Latitude')) tab1.add_column(Column(data=fX3[:, 1],name='Longitude')) tab2.add_column(Column(data=ynew3,name='Latitude')) tab2.add_column(Column(data=xnew3,name='Longitude')) sys.stdout = open(output_file_path1, 'w') tab1.pprint(max_lines=-1, max_width=-1) sys.stdout = open(output_file_path2, 'w') tab2.pprint(max_lines=-1, max_width=-1) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
def test_write_html(tmpdir): t = Table() t.add_column(Column(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3])) t.add_column(Column(name='b', data=['a', 'b', 'c'])) path = str(tmpdir.join("data.html")) t.write(path, format='html')
def savestats( basepath="/bio/web/secure/adamginsburg/ALMA-IMF/October31Release", suffix='image.tt0', filetype=".fits"): if 'October31' in basepath: stats = assemble_stats(f"{basepath}/*/*/*_12M_*.{suffix}*{filetype}", ditch_suffix=f".{suffix[:-1]}") else: # extra layer: bsens, cleanest, etc stats = assemble_stats(f"{basepath}/*/*/*/*_12M_*.{suffix}*{filetype}", ditch_suffix=f".{suffix[:-1]}") with open(f'{basepath}/tables/metadata_{suffix}.json', 'w') as fh: json.dump(stats, fh, cls=MyEncoder) requested = get_requested_sens() meta_keys = [ 'region', 'band', 'array', 'selfcaliter', 'robust', 'suffix', 'bsens', 'pbcor', 'filename' ] stats_keys = [ 'bmaj', 'bmin', 'bpa', 'peak', 'sum', 'fluxsum', 'sumgt3sig', 'sumgt5sig', 'mad', 'mad_sample', 'std_sample', 'peak/mad', 'psf_secondpeak', 'psf_secondpeak_radius', 'psf_secondpeak_sidelobefraction', ] req_keys = ['B3_res', 'B3_sens', 'B6_res', 'B6_sens'] req_keys_head = ['Req_Res', 'Req_Sens'] rows = [] for entry in stats: band = entry['meta']['band'] requested_this = requested[requested['Field'] == entry['meta'] ['region']] if len(requested_this) == 0: print(f"Skipped {entry['meta']['region']}") continue rows += [[entry['meta'][key] for key in meta_keys] + [ entry['stats'][key] if key in entry['stats'] else np.nan for key in stats_keys ] + [requested_this[key][0] for key in req_keys if band in key]] tbl = Table(rows=rows, names=meta_keys + stats_keys + req_keys_head) # do some QA tbl.add_column( Column(name='SensVsReq', data=tbl['mad'] * 1e3 / tbl['Req_Sens'])) tbl.add_column( Column(name='BeamVsReq', data=(tbl['bmaj'] * tbl['bmin'])**0.5 / tbl['Req_Res'])) tbl.write(f'{basepath}/tables/metadata_{suffix}.ecsv', overwrite=True) tbl.write(f'{basepath}/tables/metadata_{suffix}.html', format='ascii.html', overwrite=True) tbl.write(f'{basepath}/tables/metadata_{suffix}.tex', overwrite=True) tbl.write(f'{basepath}/tables/metadata_{suffix}.js.html', format='jsviewer') return tbl
fdic['dark'][float(hdr['EXPTIME'])].append(filename) elif hdr['OBJECT'].lower().startswith('bias'): fdic['bias'].append(filename) elif hdr['OBJECT'].lower().startswith('flat'): fdic['flat'].append(filename) elif hdr['OBJECT'].lower().startswith('comp'): fdic['comp'].append(filename) else: fdic['objt'].append(filename) obnames.append(hdr["OBJECT"]) # table에 이름 column 추가 fnames = Column(data=fnames, name='FILE') table.add_column(fnames, index=0) table.sort('FILE') # table 폴더를 따로 만들어 저장함 tablepath = Path(newfitspath / 'Headertable') if not tablepath.exists(): tablepath.mkdir() else: print("Table 저장 폴더가 이미 있어서 새로 만들지 않음") table.write(tablepath / 'Headersumm.csv', format='ascii.csv', overwrite=True) #%% """Preprocess용 Table 나누기""" biastab = table[(table['OBJECT'] == 'Bias')] # exptime 가짓 수 darkdic = {}
def mark(tv, stars=None, rad=3, auto=False, color='m', new=False, exit=False): """ Interactive mark stars on TV, or recenter current list Args : tv : TV instance from which user will mark stars stars = : existing star table auto= (bool) : if True, recentroid from existing position radius= (int): radius to use for centroiding and for size of circles (default=3) color= (char) : color for circles (default='m') """ # clear display and mark current star list( if not new) if new: tv.tvclear() try: dateobs = Time(tv.hdr['DATE-OBS'], format='fits') except: dateobs = None #try: exptime=tv.hdr['EXPTIME'] #except: exptime=None #try: filt=tv.hdr['FILTER'] #except: filt=None cards = ['EXPTIME', 'FILTER', 'AIRMASS'] types = ['f4', 'S', 'f4'] if stars == None: stars = Table(names=('id', 'x', 'y'), dtype=('i4', 'f4', 'f4')) stars['x'].info.format = '.2f' stars['y'].info.format = '.2f' if dateobs is not None: stars.add_column(Column([], name='MJD', dtype=('f8'))) stars['MJD'].info.format = '.6f' #if exptime is not None : # stars.add_column(Column([],name='EXPTIME',dtype=('f4'))) #if filt is not None : # stars.add_column(Column([],name='FILTER',dtype=('S'))) for icard, card in enumerate(cards): try: stars.add_column(Column([], name=card, dtype=(types[icard]))) except: pass else: if auto: # with auto option, recentroid and update from current header for star in stars: x, y = centroid(tv.img, star['x'], star['y'], rad) star['x'] = x star['y'] = y if dateobs is not None: star['MJD'] = dateobs.mjd #if exptime is not None : star['EXPTIME'] = exptime #if filt is not None : star['FILTER'] = filt for icard, card in enumerate(cards): try: star[card] = tv.hdr[card] except: pass # display stars for star in stars: tv.tvcirc(star['x'], star['y'], rad, color=color) if exit: return stars istar = len(stars) + 1 while True: key, x, y = tv.tvmark() if key == 'q' or key == 'e': break if key == 'i': # add at nearest integer pixel x = round(x) y = round(y) elif key == 'c': # centroid around marked position x, y = centroid(tv.img, x, y, rad) # add blank row, recognizing that we may have added other columns stars.add_row() stars[len(stars) - 1]['id'] = istar stars[len(stars) - 1]['x'] = x stars[len(stars) - 1]['y'] = y tv.tvcirc(x, y, rad, color=color) if dateobs is not None: stars[len(stars) - 1]['MJD'] = dateobs.mjd for icard, card in enumerate(cards): try: stars[len(stars) - 1][card] = tv.hdr[card] except: pass #if exptime is not None : # stars[len(stars)-1]['EXPTIME'] = exptime #if filt is not None : # stars[len(stars)-1]['FILTER'] = filt istar += 1 return stars
if get_quality(qa_txt, nline=47)==1: over_masked[i]='O' if get_quality(qa_txt, nline=20)==1: fov[i]='V' if get_quality(qa_txt, nline=19)==1: multiple[i]='M' if get_quality(qa_txt, nline=18)==1: bright_star[i]='B' if get_quality(qa_txt, nline=17)==1: uncertain[i]='U' note[i]= read_note(qa_txt) ##################################################################### myTable = Table() myTable.add_column(Column(data=pgc_, name='pgc')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=ra_, name='ra', format='%0.4f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=dec_, name='dec', format='%0.4f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=l_, name='gl', format='%0.4f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=b_, name='gb', format='%0.4f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=sgl_, name='sgl', format='%0.4f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=sgb_, name='sgb', format='%0.4f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=d25_, name='d25', format='%0.2f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=b_a_, name='b_a', format='%0.2f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=pa_, name='pa', format='%0.1f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=ty_, name='ty', format='%0.1f')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=type_, name='type')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=sdss_, name='sdss')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=alfa100, name='alfa100')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=QA, name='QA_sdss')) myTable.add_column(Column(data=QA_wise, name='QA_wise'))
def quickcat(tilefiles, targets, truth, zcat=None, obsconditions=None, perfect=False): """ Generates quick output zcatalog Args: tilefiles : list of fiberassign tile files that were observed targets : astropy Table of targets truth : astropy Table of input truth with columns TARGETID, TRUEZ, and TRUETYPE zcat (optional): input zcatalog Table from previous observations obsconditions (optional): Table or ndarray with observing conditions from surveysim perfect (optional): if True, treat spectro pipeline as perfect with input=output, otherwise add noise and zwarn!=0 flags Returns: zcatalog astropy Table based upon input truth, plus ZERR, ZWARN, NUMOBS, and TYPE columns """ #- convert to Table for easier manipulation if not isinstance(truth, Table): truth = Table(truth) #- Count how many times each target was observed for this set of tiles print('{} QC Reading {} tiles'.format(asctime(), len(tilefiles))) nobs = Counter() targets_in_tile = {} tileids = list() for infile in tilefiles: fibassign, header = fits.getdata(infile, 'FIBER_ASSIGNMENTS', header=True) tile_id = header['TILEID'] tileids.append(tile_id) ii = (fibassign['TARGETID'] != -1) #- targets with assignments nobs.update(fibassign['TARGETID'][ii]) targets_in_tile[tile_id] = fibassign['TARGETID'][ii] #- Trim obsconditions to just the tiles that were observed if obsconditions is not None: ii = np.in1d(obsconditions['TILEID'], tileids) if np.any(ii == False): obsconditions = obsconditions[ii] assert len(obsconditions) > 0 #- Sort obsconditions to match order of tiles #- This might not be needed, but is fast for O(20k) tiles and may #- prevent future surprises if code expects them to be row aligned tileids = np.array(tileids) if (obsconditions is not None) and \ (np.any(tileids != obsconditions['TILEID'])): i = np.argsort(tileids) j = np.argsort(obsconditions['TILEID']) k = np.argsort(i) obsconditions = obsconditions[j[k]] assert np.all(tileids == obsconditions['TILEID']) #- Trim truth down to just ones that have already been observed print('{} QC Trimming truth to just observed targets'.format(asctime())) obs_targetids = np.array(list(nobs.keys())) iiobs = np.in1d(truth['TARGETID'], obs_targetids) truth = truth[iiobs] targets = targets[iiobs] #- Construct initial new z catalog print('{} QC Constructing new redshift catalog'.format(asctime())) newzcat = Table() newzcat['TARGETID'] = truth['TARGETID'] if 'BRICKNAME' in truth.dtype.names: newzcat['BRICKNAME'] = truth['BRICKNAME'] else: newzcat['BRICKNAME'] = np.zeros(len(truth), dtype=(str, 8)) #- Copy TRUETYPE -> SPECTYPE so that we can change without altering original newzcat['SPECTYPE'] = truth['TRUESPECTYPE'].copy() #- Add ZERR and ZWARN print('{} QC Adding ZERR and ZWARN'.format(asctime())) nz = len(newzcat) if perfect: newzcat['Z'] = truth['TRUEZ'].copy() newzcat['ZERR'] = np.zeros(nz, dtype=np.float32) newzcat['ZWARN'] = np.zeros(nz, dtype=np.int32) else: # get the observational conditions for the current tilefiles if obsconditions is None: obsconditions = get_median_obsconditions(tileids) # get the redshifts z, zerr, zwarn = get_observed_redshifts(targets, truth, targets_in_tile, obsconditions) newzcat['Z'] = z #- update with noisy redshift newzcat['ZERR'] = zerr newzcat['ZWARN'] = zwarn #- Add numobs column print('{} QC Adding NUMOBS column'.format(asctime())) newzcat.add_column(Column(name='NUMOBS', length=nz, dtype=np.int32)) for i in range(nz): newzcat['NUMOBS'][i] = nobs[newzcat['TARGETID'][i]] #- Merge previous zcat with newzcat print('{} QC Merging previous zcat'.format(asctime())) if zcat is not None: #- don't modify original #- Note: this uses copy on write for the columns to be memory #- efficient while still letting us modify a column if needed zcat = zcat.copy() #- targets that are in both zcat and newzcat repeats = np.in1d(zcat['TARGETID'], newzcat['TARGETID']) #- update numobs in both zcat and newzcat ii = np.in1d(newzcat['TARGETID'], zcat['TARGETID'][repeats]) orig_numobs = zcat['NUMOBS'][repeats].copy() new_numobs = newzcat['NUMOBS'][ii].copy() zcat['NUMOBS'][repeats] += new_numobs newzcat['NUMOBS'][ii] += orig_numobs #- replace only repeats that had ZWARN flags in original zcat #- replace in new replace = repeats & (zcat['ZWARN'] != 0) jj = np.in1d(newzcat['TARGETID'], zcat['TARGETID'][replace]) zcat[replace] = newzcat[jj] #- trim newzcat to ones that shouldn't override original zcat discard = np.in1d(newzcat['TARGETID'], zcat['TARGETID']) newzcat = newzcat[~discard] #- Should be non-overlapping now assert np.all(np.in1d(zcat['TARGETID'], newzcat['TARGETID']) == False) #- merge them newzcat = vstack([zcat, newzcat]) #- check for duplicates targetids = newzcat['TARGETID'] assert len(np.unique(targetids)) == len(targetids) #- Metadata for header newzcat.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'ZCATALOG' print('{} QC done'.format(asctime())) return newzcat
# Build the gorup ID number groupID = i + 1 # Count the number of images in this group numberOfImages = groupEndInd - groupStartInd # Build the list of ID numbers for THIS group and append it to the full list thisGroupID = numberOfImages * [groupID] groupIDs.extend(thisGroupID) # Fill in the final entry groupIDs.append(groupID) # Store the groupID number in the reducedFileIndex groupIDcolumn = Column(name='GROUP_ID', data=groupIDs) reducedFileIndex.add_column(groupIDcolumn, index=2) # Now remove any GROUPS with less than 8 images groupIndex = reducedFileIndex.group_by('GROUP_ID') goodGroupInds = [] groupInds = groupIndex.groups.indices for startInd, endInd in zip(groupInds[:-1], groupInds[+1:]): # Count the number of images in this group and test if it's any good. if (endInd - startInd) >= 8: goodGroupInds.extend(range(startInd, endInd)) # Cull the reducedFileIndex to only include viable groups goodGroupInds = np.array(goodGroupInds) reducedFileIndex = reducedFileIndex[goodGroupInds] # Match a dither type for each group ("ABBA" or "HEX")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import ascii from astropy.table import Table import numpy as np from scipy import spatial import seaborn lbox=205. basePath = '/home/fede/TNG300-1/output/' fields = ['SubhaloPos','SubhaloMass'] subgroups = il.groupcat.loadSubhalos(basePath,99,fields=fields) gxs = Table(subgroups['SubhaloPos'],names=['x','y','z'],dtype=['float64','float64','float64']) col_m = Table.Column(subgroups['SubhaloMass'],name='mass',dtype='float64') gxs.add_column(col_m) gxs = gxs[(np.log10(gxs['mass'])>-1.)&(np.log10(gxs['mass'])<3.)] for col in ['x','y','z']: gxs[col]/=1000. gxs.remove_row(np.where(gxs['y']==205.0)[0][0]) gxs.remove_row(np.where(gxs['x']<0.)[0][0]) tree = spatial.cKDTree(data=np.column_stack((gxs['x'],gxs['y'],gxs['z'])),boxsize=lbox) voids ='../data/tng300-1_voids.dat',names=['r','x','y','z','vx','vy','vz','deltaint_1r','maxdeltaint_2-3r','log10Poisson','Nrecenter']) #%% # N=[] # for i in range(len(voids)): # if i%1000==0: print(i)
def _do_photometry(self, param_tab, n_start=1): """ Helper function which performs the iterations of the photometry process. Parameters ---------- param_names : list Names of the columns which represent the initial guesses. For example, ['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], for intial guesses on the center positions and the flux. n_start : int Integer representing the start index of the iteration. It is 1 if init_guesses are None, and 2 otherwise. Returns ------- output_table : `~astropy.table.Table` or None Table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start the fitting process. """ output_table = Table() self._define_fit_param_names() for (init_parname, fit_parname) in zip(self._pars_to_set.keys(), self._pars_to_output.keys()): output_table.add_column(Column(name=init_parname)) output_table.add_column(Column(name=fit_parname)) sources = self.finder(self._residual_image) n = n_start while (sources is not None and (self.niters is None or n <= self.niters)): positions = np.transpose( (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'])) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=self.aperture_radius) sources['aperture_flux'] = aperture_photometry( self._residual_image, apertures)['aperture_sum'] init_guess_tab = Table(names=['id', 'x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], data=[ sources['id'], sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], sources['aperture_flux'] ]) self._get_additional_columns(sources, init_guess_tab) for param_tab_name, param_name in self._pars_to_set.items(): if param_tab_name not in (['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0']): init_guess_tab.add_column( Column(name=param_tab_name, data=(getattr(self.psf_model, param_name) * np.ones(len(sources))))) star_groups = self.group_maker(init_guess_tab) table, self._residual_image = super().nstar( self._residual_image, star_groups) star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id') table = hstack([star_groups, table]) table['iter_detected'] = n * np.ones(table['x_fit'].shape, dtype=np.int32) output_table = vstack([output_table, table]) # do not warn if no sources are found beyond the first iteration with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', NoDetectionsWarning) sources = self.finder(self._residual_image) n += 1 return output_table
def _fits_summary(self, header_keywords): """ Generate a summary table of keywords from FITS headers. Parameters ---------- header_keywords : list of str or '*' Keywords whose value should be extracted from FITS headers or '*' to extract all. """ if not self.files: return None # Make sure we have a list...for example, in python 3, dict.keys() # is not a list. original_keywords = list(header_keywords) # Get rid of any duplicate keywords, also forces a copy. header_keys = set(original_keywords) header_keys.add('file') file_name_column = MaskedColumn(name='file', data=self.files) if not header_keys or (header_keys == {'file'}): summary_table = Table(masked=True) summary_table.add_column(file_name_column) return summary_table summary_dict = None missing_marker = None for file_name in file_name_column.tolist(): file_path = path.join(self.location, file_name) try: # Note: summary_dict is an OrderedDict, so should preserve # the order of the keywords in the FITS header. summary_dict = self._dict_from_fits_header( file_path, input_summary=summary_dict, missing_marker=missing_marker) except IOError as e: logger.warning('unable to get FITS header for file %s: %s.', file_path, e) continue summary_table = Table(summary_dict, masked=True) for column in summary_table.colnames: summary_table[column].mask = [ v is missing_marker for v in summary_table[column].tolist() ] self._set_column_name_case_to_match_keywords(header_keys, summary_table) missing_columns = header_keys - set(summary_table.colnames) missing_columns -= {'*'} length = len(summary_table) for column in missing_columns: all_masked = MaskedColumn(name=column, data=np.zeros(length), mask=np.ones(length)) summary_table.add_column(all_masked) if '*' not in header_keys: # Rearrange table columns to match order of keywords. # File always comes first. header_keys -= {'file'} original_order = ['file'] + sorted(header_keys, key=original_keywords.index) summary_table = summary_table[original_order] if not summary_table.masked: summary_table = Table(summary_table, masked=True) return summary_table
def test_from_table_without_mask(): t = Table() c = Column(data=[1, 2, 3], name='a') t.add_column(c) output = io.BytesIO() t.write(output, format='votable')