예제 #1
파일: ephem.py 프로젝트: migueldvb/sbpy
    def from_mpc(cls, targetids, epochs=None, location='500', **kwargs):
        """Load ephemerides from the
        `Minor Planet Center <https://minorplanetcenter.net>`_.

        targetids : str or iterable of str
            Target identifier, resolvable by the Minor Planet
            Ephemeris Service [MPES]_, e.g., 2P, C/1995 O1, P/Encke,
            (1), 3200, Ceres, and packed designations, for one or more

        epochs : `~astropy.time.Time` object, or dictionary, optional
            Request ephemerides at these epochs.  May be a single
            epoch or multiple epochs as `~astropy.time.Time`
            (see :ref:`epochs`)or a
            dictionary describing a linearly-spaced array
            of epochs. All epochs should be provided in UTC; if not,
            they will be converted to UTC and a
            `~sbpy.data.TimeScaleWarning` will be raised.
            If ``None`` (default), the current date and
            time will be used.

            For the dictionary format, the keys ``start`` (start
            epoch), ``step`` (step size), ``stop`` (end epoch), and/or
            ``number`` (number of epochs total) are used.  Only one of
            ``stop`` and ``number`` may be specified at a time.
            ``step``, ``stop``, and ``number`` are optional. The values of
            of ``start`` and ``stop`` must be `~astropy.time.Time` objects.
            ``number`` should be an integer value; ``step`` should be a
            `~astropy.units.Quantity` with an integer value and units of
            seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

            All epochs should be provided in UTC; if not, they will be
            converted to UTC and a `~sbpy.data.TimeScaleWarning` will be

        location : various, optional
            Location of the observer as an IAU observatory code
            [OBSCODES]_ (string), a 3-element array of Earth
            longitude, latitude, altitude, or an
            `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`.  Longitude and
            latitude should be parseable by
            `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, and altitude should be
            parsable by `~astropy.units.Quantity` (with units of
            length).  If ``None``, then the geocenter (code 500) is

            Additional keyword arguments are passed to
            `~astroquery.mpc.MPC.get_ephemerides`: ``eph_type``,
            ``ra_format``, ``dec_format``, ``proper_motion``,
            ``proper_motion_unit``, ``suppress_daytime``,
            ``suppress_set``, ``perturbed``, ``unc_links``, ``cache``.

        `~Ephem` object
            The resulting object will be populated with columns as
            defined in
            `~astroquery.mpc.get_ephemerides`; refer
            to that document on information on how to modify the list
            of queried parameters.

        Query a single set of ephemerides of Ceres as observed from
        >>> from sbpy.data import Ephem
        >>> from astropy.time import Time
        >>> epoch = Time('2018-05-14', scale='utc')
        >>> eph = Ephem.from_mpc('ceres', epoch, 568) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA

        Query a range of ephemerides of comet 2P/Encke as observed from
        >>> epochs = {'start': Time('2019-01-01'),
        ...           'step': 1*u.d, 'number': 365}
        >>> eph = Ephem.from_mpc('2P', epochs, 568) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA

        * All properties are provided in the J2000.0 reference system.
        * See `astroquery.mpc.MPC.get_ephemerides` and the Minor
          Planet Ephemeris Service user's guide [MPES]_ for details,
          including acceptable target names.

        .. [MPES] Wiliams, G. The Minor Planet Ephemeris Service.

        .. [OBSCODES] IAU Minor Planet Center.  List of observatory
           codes. https://minorplanetcenter.org/iau/lists/ObsCodesF.html


        # parameter check

        # if targetids is a list, run separate Horizons queries and append
        if not isinstance(targetids, (list, ndarray, tuple)):
            targetids = [targetids]

        _epochs = None  # avoid modifying epochs in-place
        start = None
        if epochs is None:
            _epochs = Time([Time.now()])
        elif isinstance(epochs, Time):
            if not iterable(epochs):
                _epochs = Time([epochs])
                _epochs = epochs

            if _epochs.scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} epochs to utc for use in '
                _epochs = _epochs.utc
        elif isinstance(epochs, dict):
            _epochs = epochs.copy()
            start = _epochs['start']  # required
            if start.scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} start epoch to utc for use in '
                      'astroquery.mpc').format(start.scale), TimeScaleWarning)
                start = start.utc
            step = _epochs.get('step')
            stop = _epochs.get('stop')
            if stop is not None and stop.scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} stop epoch to utc for use in '
                      'astroquery.mpc').format(stop.scale), TimeScaleWarning)
                stop = stop.utc
            number = _epochs.get('number')

            if step is not None and stop is None:
                step = u.Quantity(step)
                if step.unit not in (u.d, u.h, u.min, u.s):
                    raise QueryError(
                        'step must have units of days, hours, minutes,'
                        ' or seconds')
            if stop is not None:
                if step is not None and number is None:
                    # start and stop both defined, estimate number of steps
                    dt = (Time(stop).jd - Time(start).jd) * u.d
                    number = int((dt / step).decompose()) + 1
                elif step is None and number is not None:
                    step = int(
                        (stop - start).jd * 1440 / (number - 1)) * u.minute
                    raise QueryError(
                        ('epoch definition unclear; step xor number '
                         'must be provided with start and stop'))
            raise ValueError('Invalid `epochs` parameter')

        # append ephemerides table for each targetid
        all_eph = None
        for targetid in targetids:
                # get ephemeris
                if start is None:
                    eph = []
                    for i in range(len(_epochs)):
                        e = MPC.get_ephemeris(targetid,
                        e['Date'] = e['Date'].iso  # for vstack to work
                    eph = vstack(eph)
                    eph['Date'] = Time(eph['Date'], scale='utc')
                    eph = MPC.get_ephemeris(targetid,
            except InvalidQueryError as e:
                raise QueryError('Error raised by astroquery.mpc: {:s}'.format(

            # add targetname column
            eph.add_column(Column([targetid] * len(eph), name='Targetname'),

            if all_eph is None:
                all_eph = eph
                all_eph = vstack([all_eph, eph])

        # if ra_format or dec_format is defined, then units must be
        # dropped or else QTable will raise an exception because
        # strings cannot have units
        if 'ra_format' in kwargs:
            all_eph['RA'].unit = None
        if 'dec_format' in kwargs:
            all_eph['Dec'].unit = None

        return cls.from_table(all_eph)