예제 #1
def test_model(data, with_units):
    t, y, dy, params = data

    # Compute the model using linear regression
    A = np.zeros((len(t), 2))
    p = params["period"]
    dt = np.abs((t-params["transit_time"]+0.5*p) % p-0.5*p)
    m_in = dt < 0.5*params["duration"]
    A[~m_in, 0] = 1.0
    A[m_in, 1] = 1.0
    w = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(A.T, A / dy[:, None]**2),
                        np.dot(A.T, y / dy**2))
    model_true = np.dot(A, w)

    if with_units:
        t = t * u.day
        y = y * u.mag
        dy = dy * u.mag
        model_true = model_true * u.mag

    # Compute the model using the periodogram
    pgram = BoxLeastSquares(t, y, dy)
    model = pgram.model(t, p, params["duration"], params["transit_time"])

    # Make sure that the transit mask is consistent with the model
    transit_mask = pgram.transit_mask(t, p, params["duration"],
    transit_mask0 = (model - model.max()) < 0.0
    assert_allclose(transit_mask, transit_mask0)

    assert_quantity_allclose(model, model_true)
예제 #2
def test_absolute_times(data, timedelta):

    # Make sure that we handle absolute times correctly. We also check that
    # TimeDelta works properly when timedelta is True.

    # The example data uses relative times
    t, y, dy, params = data

    # FIXME: There seems to be a numerical stability issue in that if we run
    # the algorithm with the same values but offset in time, the transit_time
    # is not offset by a fixed amount. To avoid this issue in this test, we
    # make sure the first time is also the smallest so that internally the
    # values of the relative time should be the same.
    t[0] = 0.

    # Add units
    t = t * u.day
    y = y * u.mag
    dy = dy * u.mag

    # We now construct a set of absolute times but keeping the rest the same.
    start = Time('2019-05-04T12:34:56')
    trel = TimeDelta(t) if timedelta else t
    t = trel + start

    # and we set up two instances of BoxLeastSquares, one with absolute and one
    # with relative times.
    bls1 = BoxLeastSquares(t, y, dy)
    bls2 = BoxLeastSquares(trel, y, dy)

    results1 = bls1.autopower(0.16 * u.day)
    results2 = bls2.autopower(0.16 * u.day)

    # All the results should match except transit time which should be
    # absolute instead of relative in the first case.

    for key in results1:
        if key == 'transit_time':
            assert_quantity_allclose((results1[key] - start).to(u.day), results2[key])
        elif key == 'objective':
            assert results1[key] == results2[key]
            assert_allclose(results1[key], results2[key])

    # Check that model evaluation works fine

    model1 = bls1.model(t, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, Time('2019-06-04T12:34:56'))
    model2 = bls2.model(trel, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, TimeDelta(1 * u.day))
    assert_quantity_allclose(model1, model2)

    # Check model validation

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls1.model(t, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, 1 * u.day)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('transit_time was provided as a relative time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with absolute times.')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls1.model(trel, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, Time('2019-06-04T12:34:56'))
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('t_model was provided as a relative time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with absolute times.')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls2.model(trel, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, Time('2019-06-04T12:34:56'))
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('transit_time was provided as an absolute time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with relative times.')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls2.model(t, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, 1 * u.day)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('t_model was provided as an absolute time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with relative times.')

    # Check compute_stats

    stats1 = bls1.compute_stats(0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, Time('2019-06-04T12:34:56'))
    stats2 = bls2.compute_stats(0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, 1 * u.day)

    for key in stats1:
        if key == 'transit_times':
            assert_quantity_allclose((stats1[key] - start).to(u.day), stats2[key], atol=1e-10 * u.day)
        elif key.startswith('depth'):
            for value1, value2 in zip(stats1[key], stats2[key]):
                assert_quantity_allclose(value1, value2)
            assert_allclose(stats1[key], stats2[key])

    # Check compute_stats validation

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls1.compute_stats(0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, 1 * u.day)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('transit_time was provided as a relative time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with absolute times.')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls2.compute_stats(0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, Time('2019-06-04T12:34:56'))
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('transit_time was provided as an absolute time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with relative times.')

    # Check transit_mask

    mask1 = bls1.transit_mask(t, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, Time('2019-06-04T12:34:56'))
    mask2 = bls2.transit_mask(trel, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, 1 * u.day)

    assert_equal(mask1, mask2)

    # Check transit_mask validation

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls1.transit_mask(t, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, 1 * u.day)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('transit_time was provided as a relative time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with absolute times.')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls1.transit_mask(trel, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, Time('2019-06-04T12:34:56'))
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('t was provided as a relative time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with absolute times.')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls2.transit_mask(trel, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, Time('2019-06-04T12:34:56'))
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('transit_time was provided as an absolute time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with relative times.')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        bls2.transit_mask(t, 0.2 * u.day, 0.05 * u.day, 1 * u.day)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ('t was provided as an absolute time '
                                 'but the BoxLeastSquares class was initialized '
                                 'with relative times.')