예제 #1
def table_to_hdu(table, character_as_bytes=False):
    Convert an `~astropy.table.Table` object to a FITS

    table : astropy.table.Table
        The table to convert.
    character_as_bytes : bool
        Whether to return bytes for string columns when accessed from the HDU.
        By default this is `False` and (unicode) strings are returned, but for
        large tables this may use up a lot of memory.

    table_hdu : `~astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU`
        The FITS binary table HDU.
    # Avoid circular imports
    from .connect import is_column_keyword, REMOVE_KEYWORDS
    from .column import python_to_tdisp

    # Header to store Time related metadata
    hdr = None

    # Not all tables with mixin columns are supported
    if table.has_mixin_columns:
        # Import is done here, in order to avoid it at build time as erfa is not
        # yet available then.
        from astropy.table.column import BaseColumn
        from astropy.time import Time
        from astropy.units import Quantity
        from .fitstime import time_to_fits

        # Only those columns which are instances of BaseColumn, Quantity or Time can
        # be written
        unsupported_cols = table.columns.not_isinstance(
            (BaseColumn, Quantity, Time))
        if unsupported_cols:
            unsupported_names = [col.info.name for col in unsupported_cols]
            raise ValueError(
                'cannot write table with mixin column(s) {0}'.format(

        time_cols = table.columns.isinstance(Time)
        if time_cols:
            table, hdr = time_to_fits(table)

    # Create a new HDU object
    if table.masked:
        # float column's default mask value needs to be Nan
        for column in table.columns.values():
            fill_value = column.get_fill_value()
            if column.dtype.kind == 'f' and np.allclose(fill_value, 1e20):

        # TODO: it might be better to construct the FITS table directly from
        # the Table columns, rather than go via a structured array.
        table_hdu = BinTableHDU.from_columns(np.array(table.filled()),
        for col in table_hdu.columns:
            # Binary FITS tables support TNULL *only* for integer data columns
            # TODO: Determine a schema for handling non-integer masked columns
            # in FITS (if at all possible)
            int_formats = ('B', 'I', 'J', 'K')
            if not (col.format in int_formats
                    or col.format.p_format in int_formats):

            # The astype is necessary because if the string column is less
            # than one character, the fill value will be N/A by default which
            # is too long, and so no values will get masked.
            fill_value = table[col.name].get_fill_value()

            col.null = fill_value.astype(table[col.name].dtype)
        table_hdu = BinTableHDU.from_columns(

    # Set units and format display for output HDU
    for col in table_hdu.columns:

        if table[col.name].info.format is not None:
            # check for boolean types, special format case
            logical = table[col.name].info.dtype == bool

            tdisp_format = python_to_tdisp(table[col.name].info.format,
            if tdisp_format is not None:
                col.disp = tdisp_format

        unit = table[col.name].unit
        if unit is not None:
            # Local imports to avoid importing units when it is not required,
            # e.g. for command-line scripts
            from astropy.units import Unit
            from astropy.units.format.fits import UnitScaleError
                col.unit = unit.to_string(format='fits')
            except UnitScaleError:
                scale = unit.scale
                raise UnitScaleError(
                    "The column '{0}' could not be stored in FITS format "
                    "because it has a scale '({1})' that "
                    "is not recognized by the FITS standard. Either scale "
                    "the data or change the units.".format(
                        col.name, str(scale)))
            except ValueError:
                    "The unit '{0}' could not be saved to FITS format".format(
                        unit.to_string()), AstropyUserWarning)

            # Try creating a Unit to issue a warning if the unit is not FITS compliant
            Unit(col.unit, format='fits', parse_strict='warn')

    # Column-specific override keywords for coordinate columns
    coord_meta = table.meta.pop('__coordinate_columns__', {})
    for col_name, col_info in coord_meta.items():
        col = table_hdu.columns[col_name]
        # Set the column coordinate attributes from data saved earlier.
        # Note: have to set all three, even if we have no data.
        for attr in 'coord_type', 'coord_unit', 'time_ref_pos':
            setattr(col, attr, col_info.get(attr, None))

    for key, value in table.meta.items():
        if is_column_keyword(key.upper()) or key.upper() in REMOVE_KEYWORDS:
                "Meta-data keyword {0} will be ignored since it conflicts "
                "with a FITS reserved keyword".format(key), AstropyUserWarning)

        # Convert to FITS format
        if key == 'comments':
            key = 'comment'

        if isinstance(value, list):
            for item in value:
                    table_hdu.header.append((key, item))
                except ValueError:
                        "Attribute `{0}` of type {1} cannot be added to "
                        "FITS Header - skipping".format(key, type(value)),
                table_hdu.header[key] = value
            except ValueError:
                    "Attribute `{0}` of type {1} cannot be added to FITS "
                    "Header - skipping".format(key, type(value)),
    return table_hdu
예제 #2
def table_to_hdu(table, character_as_bytes=False):
    Convert an `~astropy.table.Table` object to a FITS

    table : astropy.table.Table
        The table to convert.
    character_as_bytes : bool
        Whether to return bytes for string columns when accessed from the HDU.
        By default this is `False` and (unicode) strings are returned, but for
        large tables this may use up a lot of memory.

    table_hdu : `~astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU`
        The FITS binary table HDU.
    # Avoid circular imports
    from .connect import is_column_keyword, REMOVE_KEYWORDS
    from .column import python_to_tdisp

    # Header to store Time related metadata
    hdr = None

    # Not all tables with mixin columns are supported
    if table.has_mixin_columns:
        # Import is done here, in order to avoid it at build time as erfa is not
        # yet available then.
        from astropy.table.column import BaseColumn
        from astropy.time import Time
        from astropy.units import Quantity
        from .fitstime import time_to_fits

        # Only those columns which are instances of BaseColumn, Quantity or Time can
        # be written
        unsupported_cols = table.columns.not_isinstance(
            (BaseColumn, Quantity, Time))
        if unsupported_cols:
            unsupported_names = [col.info.name for col in unsupported_cols]
            raise ValueError(f'cannot write table with mixin column(s) '

        time_cols = table.columns.isinstance(Time)
        if time_cols:
            table, hdr = time_to_fits(table)

    # Create a new HDU object
    tarray = table.as_array()
    if isinstance(tarray, np.ma.MaskedArray):
        # Fill masked values carefully:
        # float column's default mask value needs to be Nan and
        # string column's default mask should be an empty string.
        # Note: getting the fill value for the structured array is
        # more reliable than for individual columns for string entries.
        # (no 'N/A' for a single-element string, where it should be 'N').
        default_fill_value = np.ma.default_fill_value(tarray.dtype)
        for colname, (coldtype, _) in tarray.dtype.fields.items():
            if np.all(
                    tarray.fill_value[colname] == default_fill_value[colname]):
                # Since multi-element columns with dtypes such as '2f8' have
                # a subdtype, we should look up the type of column on that.
                coltype = (coldtype.subdtype[0].type
                           if coldtype.subdtype else coldtype.type)
                if issubclass(coltype, np.complexfloating):
                    tarray.fill_value[colname] = complex(np.nan, np.nan)
                elif issubclass(coltype, np.inexact):
                    tarray.fill_value[colname] = np.nan
                elif issubclass(coltype, np.character):
                    tarray.fill_value[colname] = ''

        # TODO: it might be better to construct the FITS table directly from
        # the Table columns, rather than go via a structured array.
        table_hdu = BinTableHDU.from_columns(
            tarray.filled(), header=hdr, character_as_bytes=character_as_bytes)
        for col in table_hdu.columns:
            # Binary FITS tables support TNULL *only* for integer data columns
            # TODO: Determine a schema for handling non-integer masked columns
            # with non-default fill values in FITS (if at all possible).
            int_formats = ('B', 'I', 'J', 'K')
            if not (col.format in int_formats
                    or col.format.p_format in int_formats):

            fill_value = tarray[col.name].fill_value
            col.null = fill_value.astype(int)
        table_hdu = BinTableHDU.from_columns(
            tarray, header=hdr, character_as_bytes=character_as_bytes)

    # Set units and format display for output HDU
    for col in table_hdu.columns:

        if table[col.name].info.format is not None:
            # check for boolean types, special format case
            logical = table[col.name].info.dtype == bool

            tdisp_format = python_to_tdisp(table[col.name].info.format,
            if tdisp_format is not None:
                col.disp = tdisp_format

        unit = table[col.name].unit
        if unit is not None:
            # Local imports to avoid importing units when it is not required,
            # e.g. for command-line scripts
            from astropy.units import Unit
            from astropy.units.format.fits import UnitScaleError
                col.unit = unit.to_string(format='fits')
            except UnitScaleError:
                scale = unit.scale
                raise UnitScaleError(
                    f"The column '{col.name}' could not be stored in FITS "
                    f"format because it has a scale '({str(scale)})' that "
                    f"is not recognized by the FITS standard. Either scale "
                    f"the data or change the units.")
            except ValueError:
                # Warn that the unit is lost, but let the details depend on
                # whether the column was serialized (because it was a
                # quantity), since then the unit can be recovered by astropy.
                warning = (
                    f"The unit '{unit.to_string()}' could not be saved in "
                    f"native FITS format ")
                if any('SerializedColumn' in item and 'name: ' +
                       col.name in item
                       for item in table.meta.get('comments', [])):
                    warning += (
                        "and hence will be lost to non-astropy fits readers. "
                        "Within astropy, the unit can roundtrip using QTable, "
                        "though one has to enable the unit before reading.")
                    warning += (
                        "and cannot be recovered in reading. It can roundtrip "
                        "within astropy by using QTable both to write and read "
                        "back, though one has to enable the unit before reading."
                warnings.warn(warning, AstropyUserWarning)

                # Try creating a Unit to issue a warning if the unit is not
                # FITS compliant
                Unit(col.unit, format='fits', parse_strict='warn')

    # Column-specific override keywords for coordinate columns
    coord_meta = table.meta.pop('__coordinate_columns__', {})
    for col_name, col_info in coord_meta.items():
        col = table_hdu.columns[col_name]
        # Set the column coordinate attributes from data saved earlier.
        # Note: have to set these, even if we have no data.
        for attr in 'coord_type', 'coord_unit':
            setattr(col, attr, col_info.get(attr, None))
        trpos = col_info.get('time_ref_pos', None)
        if trpos is not None:
            setattr(col, 'time_ref_pos', trpos)

    for key, value in table.meta.items():
        if is_column_keyword(key.upper()) or key.upper() in REMOVE_KEYWORDS:
                f"Meta-data keyword {key} will be ignored since it conflicts "
                f"with a FITS reserved keyword", AstropyUserWarning)

        # Convert to FITS format
        if key == 'comments':
            key = 'comment'

        if isinstance(value, list):
            for item in value:
                    table_hdu.header.append((key, item))
                except ValueError:
                        f"Attribute `{key}` of type {type(value)} cannot be "
                        f"added to FITS Header - skipping", AstropyUserWarning)
                table_hdu.header[key] = value
            except ValueError:
                    f"Attribute `{key}` of type {type(value)} cannot be "
                    f"added to FITS Header - skipping", AstropyUserWarning)
    return table_hdu
예제 #3
def write_table_fits(input, output, overwrite=False):
    Write a Table object to a FITS file

    input : Table
        The table to write out.
    output : str
        The filename to write the table to.
    overwrite : bool
        Whether to overwrite any existing file without warning.

    # Tables with mixin columns are not supported
    if input.has_mixin_columns:
        mixin_names = [name for name, col in input.columns.items()
                       if not isinstance(col, input.ColumnClass)]
        raise ValueError('cannot write table with mixin column(s) {0} to FITS'

    # Check if output file already exists
    if isinstance(output, string_types) and os.path.exists(output):
        if overwrite:
            raise IOError("File exists: {0}".format(output))

    # Create a new HDU object
    if input.masked:
        #float column's default mask value needs to be Nan
        for column in six.itervalues(input.columns):
            fill_value = column.get_fill_value()
            if column.dtype.kind == 'f' and np.allclose(fill_value, 1e20):

        fits_rec = FITS_rec.from_columns(np.array(input.filled()))
        table_hdu = BinTableHDU(fits_rec)
        for col in table_hdu.columns:
            # Binary FITS tables support TNULL *only* for integer data columns
            # TODO: Determine a schema for handling non-integer masked columns
            # in FITS (if at all possible)
            int_formats = ('B', 'I', 'J', 'K')
            if not (col.format in int_formats or
                    col.format.p_format in int_formats):

            # The astype is necessary because if the string column is less
            # than one character, the fill value will be N/A by default which
            # is too long, and so no values will get masked.
            fill_value = input[col.name].get_fill_value()

            col.null = fill_value.astype(input[col.name].dtype)
        fits_rec = FITS_rec.from_columns(np.array(input.filled()))
        table_hdu = BinTableHDU(fits_rec)

    # Set units for output HDU
    for col in table_hdu.columns:
        unit = input[col.name].unit
        if unit is not None:
                col.unit = unit.to_string(format='fits')
            except UnitScaleError:
                scale = unit.scale
                raise UnitScaleError(
                    "The column '{0}' could not be stored in FITS format "
                    "because it has a scale '({1})' that "
                    "is not recognized by the FITS standard. Either scale "
                    "the data or change the units.".format(col.name, str(scale)))
            except ValueError:
                    "The unit '{0}' could not be saved to FITS format".format(
                        unit.to_string()), AstropyUserWarning)

    for key, value in input.meta.items():

        if is_column_keyword(key.upper()) or key.upper() in REMOVE_KEYWORDS:

                "Meta-data keyword {0} will be ignored since it conflicts "
                "with a FITS reserved keyword".format(key), AstropyUserWarning)

        if isinstance(value, list):
            for item in value:
                    table_hdu.header.append((key, item))
                except ValueError:
                        "Attribute `{0}` of type {1} cannot be written to "
                        "FITS files - skipping".format(key, type(value)),
                table_hdu.header[key] = value
            except ValueError:
                    "Attribute `{0}` of type {1} cannot be written to FITS "
                    "files - skipping".format(key, type(value)),

    # Write out file