예제 #1
파일: test_odict.py 프로젝트: MQQ/astropy
 def test_iterators(self):
     pairs = [('c', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3), ('d', 4), ('e', 5), ('f', 6)]
     od = OrderedDict(pairs)
     self.assertEqual(list(od), [t[0] for t in pairs])
     self.assertEqual(od.keys()[:], [t[0] for t in pairs])
     self.assertEqual(od.values()[:], [t[1] for t in pairs])
     self.assertEqual(od.items()[:], pairs)
     self.assertEqual(list(od.iterkeys()), [t[0] for t in pairs])
     self.assertEqual(list(od.itervalues()), [t[1] for t in pairs])
     self.assertEqual(list(od.iteritems()), pairs)
                      [t[0] for t in reversed(pairs)])
예제 #2
def main(srcdir, outfn, templateloc, verbose=True):
    from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader

    if verbose:
        print_ = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, **kwargs)
        print_ = lambda *args, **kwargs: None

    #Prepare the jinja2 templating environment
    env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templateloc))

    def prefix(a_list, pre):
        return [pre+'{0}'.format(an_element) for an_element in a_list]
    def postfix(a_list, post):
        return ['{0}'.format(an_element)+post for an_element in a_list]
    def surround(a_list, pre, post):
        return [pre+'{0}'.format(an_element)+post for an_element in a_list]
    env.filters['prefix'] = prefix
    env.filters['postfix'] = postfix
    env.filters['surround'] = surround

    erfa_c_in = env.get_template('core.c.templ')
    erfa_py_in = env.get_template('core.py.templ')

    #Extract all the ERFA function names from erfa.h
    if os.path.isdir(srcdir):
        erfahfn = os.path.join(srcdir, 'erfa.h')
        multifilserc = True
        erfahfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(srcdir)[0], 'erfa.h')
        multifilserc = False

    with open(erfahfn, "r") as f:
        erfa_h = f.read()

    funcs = OrderedDict()
    section_subsection_functions = re.findall('/\* (\w*)/(\w*) \*/\n(.*?)\n\n',
                                              erfa_h, flags=re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
    for section, subsection, functions in section_subsection_functions:
        print_("{0}.{1}".format(section, subsection))
        if section == "Astronomy":
            func_names = re.findall(' (\w+)\(.*?\);', functions, flags=re.DOTALL)
            for name in func_names:
                print_("{0}.{1}.{2}...".format(section, subsection, name))
                if multifilserc:
                    # easy because it just looks in the file itself
                    funcs[name] = Function(name, srcdir)
                    # Have to tell it to look for a declaration matching
                    # the start of the header declaration, otherwise it
                    # might find a *call* of the function instead of the
                    # definition
                    for line in functions.split('\n'):
                        if name in line:
                            # [:-1] is to remove trailing semicolon, and
                            # splitting on '(' is because the header and
                            # C files don't necessarily have to match
                            # argument names and line-breaking or
                            # whitespace
                            match_line = line[:-1].split('(')[0]
                            funcs[name] = Function(name, srcdir, match_line)
                        raise ValueError("A name for a C file wasn't "
                                         "found in the string that "
                                         "spawned it.  This should be "

    funcs = list(funcs.values())

    #Extract all the ERFA constants from erfam.h
    erfamhfn = os.path.join(srcdir, 'erfam.h')
    with open(erfamhfn, 'r') as f:
        erfa_m_h = f.read()
    constants = []
    for chunk in erfa_m_h.split("\n\n"):
        result = re.findall("#define (ERFA_\w+?) (.+?)$", chunk, flags=re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
        if result:
            doc = re.findall("/\* (.+?) \*/\n", chunk, flags=re.DOTALL)
            for (name, value) in result:
                constants.append(Constant(name, value, doc))

    print_("Rendering template")
    erfa_c = erfa_c_in.render(funcs=funcs)
    erfa_py = erfa_py_in.render(funcs=funcs, constants=constants)

    if outfn is not None:
        outfn_c = os.path.splitext(outfn)[0] + ".c"
        print_("Saving to", outfn, 'and', outfn_c)
        with open(outfn, "w") as f:
        with open(outfn_c, "w") as f:


    return erfa_c, erfa_py, funcs
예제 #3
def main(srcdir, outfn, templateloc, verbose=True):
    from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader

    if verbose:
        print_ = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, **kwargs)
        print_ = lambda *args, **kwargs: None

    #Prepare the jinja2 templating environment
    env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templateloc))

    def prefix(a_list, pre):
        return [pre + '{0}'.format(an_element) for an_element in a_list]

    def postfix(a_list, post):
        return ['{0}'.format(an_element) + post for an_element in a_list]

    def surround(a_list, pre, post):
        return [pre + '{0}'.format(an_element) + post for an_element in a_list]

    env.filters['prefix'] = prefix
    env.filters['postfix'] = postfix
    env.filters['surround'] = surround

    erfa_c_in = env.get_template('core.c.templ')
    erfa_py_in = env.get_template('core.py.templ')

    #Extract all the ERFA function names from erfa.h
    if os.path.isdir(srcdir):
        erfahfn = os.path.join(srcdir, 'erfa.h')
        multifilserc = True
        erfahfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(srcdir)[0], 'erfa.h')
        multifilserc = False

    with open(erfahfn, "r") as f:
        erfa_h = f.read()

    funcs = OrderedDict()
    section_subsection_functions = re.findall('/\* (\w*)/(\w*) \*/\n(.*?)\n\n',
                                              flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
    for section, subsection, functions in section_subsection_functions:
        print_("{0}.{1}".format(section, subsection))
        if section == "Astronomy":
            func_names = re.findall(' (\w+)\(.*?\);',
            for name in func_names:
                print_("{0}.{1}.{2}...".format(section, subsection, name))
                if multifilserc:
                    # easy because it just looks in the file itself
                    funcs[name] = Function(name, srcdir)
                    # Have to tell it to look for a declaration matching
                    # the start of the header declaration, otherwise it
                    # might find a *call* of the function instead of the
                    # definition
                    for line in functions.split('\n'):
                        if name in line:
                            # [:-1] is to remove trailing semicolon, and
                            # splitting on '(' is because the header and
                            # C files don't necessarily have to match
                            # argument names and line-breaking or
                            # whitespace
                            match_line = line[:-1].split('(')[0]
                            funcs[name] = Function(name, srcdir, match_line)
                        raise ValueError("A name for a C file wasn't "
                                         "found in the string that "
                                         "spawned it.  This should be "

    funcs = list(funcs.values())

    #Extract all the ERFA constants from erfam.h
    erfamhfn = os.path.join(srcdir, 'erfam.h')
    with open(erfamhfn, 'r') as f:
        erfa_m_h = f.read()
    constants = []
    for chunk in erfa_m_h.split("\n\n"):
        result = re.findall("#define (ERFA_\w+?) (.+?)$",
                            flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
        if result:
            doc = re.findall("/\* (.+?) \*/\n", chunk, flags=re.DOTALL)
            for (name, value) in result:
                constants.append(Constant(name, value, doc))

    print_("Rendering template")
    erfa_c = erfa_c_in.render(funcs=funcs)
    erfa_py = erfa_py_in.render(funcs=funcs, constants=constants)

    if outfn is not None:
        outfn_c = os.path.splitext(outfn)[0] + ".c"
        print_("Saving to", outfn, 'and', outfn_c)
        with open(outfn, "w") as f:
        with open(outfn_c, "w") as f:


    return erfa_c, erfa_py, funcs