예제 #1
def test_chart_with_wcs():
    """test cartographer.chart"""


    out_dir = helpers.TEST_PATH
    title = "test"
    map_layer_names = "test_layer"
    marker_file_names = "test_marker"
    wcs = WCS(os.path.join(out_dir, "test_image.fits"))
    columns = "a,b,c"

    with open(os.path.join(out_dir, f"{marker_file_names}.columns"), "w") as f:

            lambda r: os.makedirs(
                os.path.join(out_dir, map_layer_names, str(r))),

    os.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, "js"))
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, "css"))

        [100, 100],

    # inject current version in to test_index.html
    version = helpers.get_version()
    raw_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "test_index_wcs.html")
    with open(raw_path, "r") as f:
        converted = list(
            map(lambda l: l.replace("VERSION", version), f.readlines()))

    with open(raw_path, "w") as f:

    actual_html = os.path.join(out_dir, "index.html")
    expected_html = os.path.join(out_dir, "test_index_wcs.html")

    files_match = filecmp.cmp(expected_html, actual_html)


    assert files_match
예제 #2
def test_time_1d_location_geocenter(header_time_1d_no_obs):

    header_time_1d_no_obs['TREFPOS'] = 'GEOCENTER'

    wcs = WCS(header_time_1d_no_obs)
    time = wcs.pixel_to_world(10)

    x, y, z = time.location.to_geocentric()

    assert_allclose(x.to_value(u.m), 0)
    assert_allclose(y.to_value(u.m), 0)
    assert_allclose(z.to_value(u.m), 0)
예제 #3
def spatial_wcs_2d_small_angle():
    This WCS has an almost linear correlation between the pixel and world axes
    close to the reference pixel.
    wcs = WCS(naxis=2)
    wcs.wcs.ctype = ['HPLN-TAN', 'HPLT-TAN']
    wcs.wcs.crpix = [3.0] * 2
    wcs.wcs.cdelt = [0.002] * 2
    wcs.wcs.crval = [0] * 2
    return wcs
예제 #4
def test_pixel_to_world_correlation_matrix_spectral_cube_correlated():

    wcs = WCS(naxis=3)
    wcs.wcs.ctype = 'RA---TAN', 'FREQ', 'DEC--TAN'
    wcs.wcs.cd = np.ones((3, 3))

                 [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
    matrix, classes = _pixel_to_world_correlation_matrix(wcs)
    assert_equal(matrix, [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
    assert classes == [SkyCoord, Quantity]
예제 #5
def getCenterRADec(header):
    Returns RA,Dec for the image center.
    :param header: must also contain IMAGEW and IMAGEH
    :rtype: tuple (ra,dec) in degrees, ra is [0,360], dec is [-90,90]
    w = header['IMAGEW']
    h = header['IMAGEH']
    del header[
        'NAXIS']  # emits a warning in WCS constructor if present (as it's 0 for .wcs files)
    return WCS(header).all_pix2world(w / 2, h / 2, 0, ra_dec_order=True)
예제 #6
def test_time_1d_location_unsupported(header_time_1d_no_obs):

    # Check what happens when TREFPOS is unsupported

    header_time_1d_no_obs['TREFPOS'] = 'BARYCENTER'

    wcs = WCS(header_time_1d_no_obs)
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning,
                      match="Observation location 'barycenter' is not "
                      "supported, setting location in Time to None"):
        time = wcs.pixel_to_world(10)

    assert time.location is None
예제 #7
def test_time_1d_location_incomplete(header_time_1d_noobs):

    # Check what happens when location information is incomplete

    header_time_1d_noobs['OBSGEO-L'] = 10.

    wcs = WCS(header_time_1d_noobs)
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning,
                      match='Missing or incomplete observer location '
                      'information, setting location in Time to None'):
        time = wcs.pixel_to_world(10)

    assert time.location is None
예제 #8
def test_time_1d_unsupported_ctype(header_time_1d_no_obs):

    # For cases that we don't support yet, e.g. UT(...), use Time and drop sub-scale

    # Case where the MJDREF is split into two for high precision
    header_time_1d_no_obs['CTYPE1'] = 'UT(WWV)'

    wcs = WCS(header_time_1d_no_obs)
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning,
                      match="Dropping unsupported sub-scale WWV from scale UT"):
        time = wcs.pixel_to_world(10)

    assert isinstance(time, Time)
예제 #9
def test_wcs_swapping():
    wcs = WCS(naxis=4)
    wcs.wcs.pc = np.zeros([4, 4])
    np.fill_diagonal(wcs.wcs.pc, np.arange(1, 5))
    pc = wcs.wcs.pc  # for later use below

    swapped = wcs.swapaxes(0, 1)
    assert np.all(swapped.wcs.get_pc().diagonal() == np.array([2, 1, 3, 4]))
    swapped = wcs.swapaxes(0, 3)
    assert np.all(swapped.wcs.get_pc().diagonal() == np.array([4, 2, 3, 1]))
    swapped = wcs.swapaxes(2, 3)
    assert np.all(swapped.wcs.get_pc().diagonal() == np.array([1, 2, 4, 3]))

    wcs = WCS(naxis=4)
    wcs.wcs.cd = pc

    swapped = wcs.swapaxes(0, 1)
    assert np.all(swapped.wcs.get_pc().diagonal() == np.array([2, 1, 3, 4]))
    swapped = wcs.swapaxes(0, 3)
    assert np.all(swapped.wcs.get_pc().diagonal() == np.array([4, 2, 3, 1]))
    swapped = wcs.swapaxes(2, 3)
    assert np.all(swapped.wcs.get_pc().diagonal() == np.array([1, 2, 4, 3]))
예제 #10
def test_time_1d_location_geodetic(header_time_1d):

    # Make sure that the location is correctly returned (geodetic case)

    wcs = WCS(header_time_1d)
    time = wcs.pixel_to_world(10)

    lon, lat, alt = time.location.to_geodetic()

    # FIXME: alt won't work for now because ERFA doesn't implement the IAU 1976
    # ellipsoid (https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/9420)
    assert_allclose(lon.degree, -20)
    assert_allclose(lat.degree, -70)
예제 #11
def test_fit_wcs_from_points_CRPIX_bounds():
    # Test CRPIX bounds requirement
    wcs_str = """
WCSAXES =                    2 / Number of coordinate axes
CRPIX1  =               1045.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point
CRPIX2  =               1001.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point
PC1_1   =  0.00056205870415378 / Coordinate transformation matrix element
PC1_2   =    -0.00569181083243 / Coordinate transformation matrix element
PC2_1   =   0.0056776810932466 / Coordinate transformation matrix element
PC2_2   =   0.0004208048403273 / Coordinate transformation matrix element
CDELT1  =                  1.0 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point
CDELT2  =                  1.0 / [deg] Coordinate increment at reference point
CUNIT1  = 'deg'                / Units of coordinate increment and value
CUNIT2  = 'deg'                / Units of coordinate increment and value
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Right ascension, gnomonic projection
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Declination, gnomonic projection
CRVAL1  =      104.57797893504 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point
CRVAL2  =     -74.195502593322 / [deg] Coordinate value at reference point
LONPOLE =                180.0 / [deg] Native longitude of celestial pole
LATPOLE =     -74.195502593322 / [deg] Native latitude of celestial pole
TIMESYS = 'TDB'                / Time scale
TIMEUNIT= 'd'                  / Time units
DATEREF = '1858-11-17'         / ISO-8601 fiducial time
MJDREFI =                  0.0 / [d] MJD of fiducial time, integer part
MJDREFF =                  0.0 / [d] MJD of fiducial time, fractional part
DATE-OBS= '2019-03-27T03:30:13.832Z' / ISO-8601 time of observation
MJD-OBS =      58569.145993426 / [d] MJD of observation
MJD-OBS =      58569.145993426 / [d] MJD at start of observation
TSTART  =      1569.6467941661 / [d] Time elapsed since fiducial time at start
DATE-END= '2019-03-27T04:00:13.831Z' / ISO-8601 time at end of observation
MJD-END =      58569.166826748 / [d] MJD at end of observation
TSTOP   =      1569.6676274905 / [d] Time elapsed since fiducial time at end
TELAPSE =        0.02083332443 / [d] Elapsed time (start to stop)
TIMEDEL =    0.020833333333333 / [d] Time resolution
TIMEPIXR=                  0.5 / Reference position of timestamp in binned data
RADESYS = 'ICRS'               / Equatorial coordinate system
    wcs_header = fits.Header.fromstring(wcs_str, sep='\n')
    ffi_wcs = WCS(wcs_header)

    yi, xi = (1000, 1000)
    y, x = (10, 200)

    center_coord = SkyCoord(ffi_wcs.all_pix2world([[xi+x//2, yi+y//2]], 0), unit='deg')[0]
    ypix, xpix = [arr.flatten() for arr in np.mgrid[xi : xi + x, yi : yi + y]]
    world_pix = SkyCoord(*ffi_wcs.all_pix2world(xpix, ypix, 0), unit='deg')

    fit_wcs = fit_wcs_from_points((ypix, xpix), world_pix, proj_point='center')

    assert (fit_wcs.wcs.crpix.astype(int) == [1100, 1005]).all()
    assert fit_wcs.pixel_shape == (1199, 1009)
예제 #12
def test_pixel_to_pixel_correlation_matrix_mismatch():

    wcs_in = WCS(naxis=2)
    wcs_in.wcs.ctype = 'RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'

    wcs_out = WCS(naxis=3)
    wcs_out.wcs.ctype = 'DEC--TAN', 'FREQ', 'RA---TAN'

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
        _pixel_to_pixel_correlation_matrix(wcs_in, wcs_out)
    assert exc.value.args[
        0] == "The two WCS return a different number of world coordinates"

    wcs3 = WCS(naxis=2)
    wcs3.wcs.ctype = 'FREQ', 'PIXEL'

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
        _pixel_to_pixel_correlation_matrix(wcs_out, wcs3)
    assert exc.value.args[
        0] == "The world coordinate types of the two WCS do not match"

    wcs4 = WCS(naxis=4)
    wcs4.wcs.ctype = 'RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN', 'Q1', 'Q2'
    wcs4.wcs.cunit = ['deg', 'deg', 'm/s', 'm/s']

    wcs5 = WCS(naxis=4)
    wcs5.wcs.ctype = 'Q1', 'RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN', 'Q2'
    wcs5.wcs.cunit = ['m/s', 'deg', 'deg', 'm/s']

    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="World coordinate order doesn't match "
                       "and automatic matching is ambiguous"):
        _pixel_to_pixel_correlation_matrix(wcs4, wcs5)
예제 #13
def test_invalid_slice():
    mywcs = WCS(naxis=2)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Cannot downsample a WCS with indexing.  Use "
                                 "wcs.sub or wcs.dropaxis if you want to remove "

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
        mywcs[0, ::2]
    assert exc.value.args[0] == ("Cannot downsample a WCS with indexing.  Use "
                                 "wcs.sub or wcs.dropaxis if you want to remove "
예제 #14
def test_time_1d_high_precision(header_time_1d):

    # Case where the MJDREF is split into two for high precision
    del header_time_1d['MJDREF']
    header_time_1d['MJDREFI'] = 52000.
    header_time_1d['MJDREFF'] = 1e-11

    wcs = WCS(header_time_1d)
    time = wcs.pixel_to_world(10)

    # Here we have to use a very small rtol to really test that MJDREFF is
    # taken into account
    assert_allclose(time.jd1, 2452001.0, rtol=1e-12)
    assert_allclose(time.jd2, -0.5 + 25 / 3600 / 24 + 1e-11, rtol=1e-13)
예제 #15
def test_wcs_to_celestial_frame_correlated():

    # Regression test for a bug that caused wcs_to_celestial_frame to fail when
    # the celestial axes were correlated with other axes.

    # Import astropy.coordinates here to avoid circular imports
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS

    mywcs = WCS(naxis=3)
    mywcs.wcs.ctype = 'RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN', 'FREQ'
    mywcs.wcs.cd = np.ones((3, 3))
    frame = wcs_to_celestial_frame(mywcs)
    assert isinstance(frame, ICRS)
예제 #16
def test_noncelestial_scale(cdelt, pc, cd):

    mywcs = WCS(naxis=2)
    if cd is not None:
        mywcs.wcs.cd = cd
    if pc is not None:
        mywcs.wcs.pc = pc
    mywcs.wcs.cdelt = cdelt

    mywcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'FREQ']

    ps = non_celestial_pixel_scales(mywcs)

    assert_almost_equal(ps.to_value(u.deg), np.array([0.1, 0.2]))
예제 #17
def test_pixel_to_world_itrs(x_in, y_in):
    """Regression test for https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/9609"""
    wcs = WCS({'NAXIS': 2,
               'CTYPE1': 'TLON-CAR',
               'CTYPE2': 'TLAT-CAR',
               'RADESYS': 'ITRS ',
               'DATE-OBS': '2017-08-17T12:41:04.444'})

    # This shouldn't raise an exception.
    coord = wcs.pixel_to_world(x_in, y_in)

    # Check round trip transformation.
    x, y = wcs.world_to_pixel(coord)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(x, x_in)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y, y_in)
예제 #18
def test_time_1d_location_incomplete(header_time_1d_no_obs):

    # Check what happens when location information is incomplete

    header_time_1d_no_obs['OBSGEO-L'] = 10.

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FITSFixedWarning)
        wcs = WCS(header_time_1d_no_obs)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning,
                      match='Missing or incomplete observer location '
                      'information, setting location in Time to None'):
        time = wcs.pixel_to_world(10)

    assert time.location is None
예제 #19
def test_slice_fitsorder():
    mywcs = WCS(naxis=2)
    mywcs.wcs.crval = [1, 1]
    mywcs.wcs.cdelt = [0.1, 0.1]
    mywcs.wcs.crpix = [1, 1]

    slice_wcs = mywcs.slice([slice(1, None), slice(0, None)], numpy_order=False)
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.crpix == np.array([0, 1]))

    slice_wcs = mywcs.slice([slice(1, None, 2), slice(0, None, 4)], numpy_order=False)
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.crpix == np.array([0.25, 0.625]))
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.cdelt == np.array([0.2, 0.4]))

    slice_wcs = mywcs.slice([slice(1, None, 2)], numpy_order=False)
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.crpix == np.array([0.25, 1]))
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.cdelt == np.array([0.2, 0.1]))
예제 #20
def test_noncelestial_scale(cdelt, pc, cd):

    mywcs = WCS(naxis=2)
    if cd is not None:
        mywcs.wcs.cd = cd
    if pc is not None:
        mywcs.wcs.pc = pc

    # TODO: Some inputs emit RuntimeWarning from here onwards.
    #       Fix the test data. See @nden's comment in PR 9010.
    mywcs.wcs.cdelt = cdelt

    mywcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'FREQ']

    ps = non_celestial_pixel_scales(mywcs)

    assert_almost_equal(ps.to_value(u.deg), np.array([0.1, 0.2]))
예제 #21
def test_obsgeo_spherical(dkist_location):
    obstime = Time("2021-05-21T03:00:00")
    dkist_location = dkist_location.get_itrs(obstime)
    loc_sph = dkist_location.spherical

    wcs = WCS(naxis=2)
    wcs.wcs.obsgeo = [0, 0, 0] + [
        loc_sph.lon.value, loc_sph.lat.value, loc_sph.distance.value
    wcs.wcs.dateobs = obstime.isot

    frame = obsgeo_to_frame(wcs.wcs.obsgeo, obstime)

    assert isinstance(frame, ITRS)
    assert u.allclose(frame.x, dkist_location.x)
    assert u.allclose(frame.y, dkist_location.y)
    assert u.allclose(frame.z, dkist_location.z)
예제 #22
def test_skycoord_to_pixel_distortions(mode):

    # Import astropy.coordinates here to avoid circular imports
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

    header = get_pkg_data_filename('data/sip.fits')
    wcs = WCS(header)

    ref = SkyCoord(202.50 * u.deg, 47.19 * u.deg, frame='icrs')

    xp, yp = skycoord_to_pixel(ref, wcs, mode=mode)

    # WCS is in FK5 so we need to transform back to ICRS
    new = pixel_to_skycoord(xp, yp, wcs, mode=mode).transform_to('icrs')

    assert_allclose(new.ra.degree, ref.ra.degree)
    assert_allclose(new.dec.degree, ref.dec.degree)
예제 #23
def test_time_1d_location_geocentric(header_time_1d_noobs):

    # Make sure that the location is correctly returned (geocentric case)

    header = header_time_1d_noobs

    header['OBSGEO-X'] = 10
    header['OBSGEO-Y'] = -20
    header['OBSGEO-Z'] = 30

    wcs = WCS(header)
    time = wcs.pixel_to_world(10)

    x, y, z = time.location.to_geocentric()

    assert_allclose(x.to_value(u.m), 10)
    assert_allclose(y.to_value(u.m), -20)
    assert_allclose(z.to_value(u.m), 30)
예제 #24
def test_slice_getitem():
    mywcs = WCS(naxis=2)
    mywcs.wcs.crval = [1, 1]
    mywcs.wcs.cdelt = [0.1, 0.1]
    mywcs.wcs.crpix = [1, 1]

    slice_wcs = mywcs[1::2, 0::4]
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.crpix == np.array([0.625, 0.25]))
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.cdelt == np.array([0.4, 0.2]))

    mywcs.wcs.crpix = [2, 2]
    slice_wcs = mywcs[1::2, 0::4]
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.crpix == np.array([0.875, 0.75]))
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.cdelt == np.array([0.4, 0.2]))

    # Default: numpy order
    slice_wcs = mywcs[1::2]
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.crpix == np.array([2, 0.75]))
    assert np.all(slice_wcs.wcs.cdelt == np.array([0.1, 0.2]))
예제 #25
def test_time_1d_roundtrip(header_time_1d, scale):

    # Check that coordinates round-trip

    pixel_in = np.arange(3, 10)

    header_time_1d['CTYPE1'] = scale.upper()
    wcs = WCS(header_time_1d)

    # Simple test
    time = wcs.pixel_to_world(pixel_in)
    pixel_out = wcs.world_to_pixel(time)
    assert_allclose(pixel_in, pixel_out)

    # Test with an intermediate change to a different scale/format
    time = wcs.pixel_to_world(pixel_in).tdb
    time.format = 'isot'
    pixel_out = wcs.world_to_pixel(time)
    assert_allclose(pixel_in, pixel_out)
예제 #26
def test_time_1d_location_geocentric(header_time_1d_no_obs):

    # Make sure that the location is correctly returned (geocentric case)

    header = header_time_1d_no_obs

    header['OBSGEO-X'] = 10
    header['OBSGEO-Y'] = -20
    header['OBSGEO-Z'] = 30

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FITSFixedWarning)
        wcs = WCS(header)

    time = wcs.pixel_to_world(10)

    x, y, z = time.location.to_geocentric()

    assert_allclose(x.to_value(u.m), 10)
    assert_allclose(y.to_value(u.m), -20)
    assert_allclose(z.to_value(u.m), 30)
예제 #27
def test_noncelestial_scale(cdelt, pc, cd):

    mywcs = WCS(naxis=2)
    if cd is not None:
        mywcs.wcs.cd = cd
    if pc is not None:
        mywcs.wcs.pc = pc

    # TODO: Some inputs emit RuntimeWarning from here onwards.
    #       Fix the test data. See @nden's comment in PR 9010.
    with pytest.warns(None) as warning_lines:
        mywcs.wcs.cdelt = cdelt
    for w in warning_lines:
        assert issubclass(w.category, RuntimeWarning)
        assert 'cdelt will be ignored since cd is present' in str(w.message)

    mywcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'FREQ']

    ps = non_celestial_pixel_scales(mywcs)

    assert_almost_equal(ps.to_value(u.deg), np.array([0.1, 0.2]))
예제 #28
def test_fit_wcs_from_points(header_str, crval, sip_degree, user_proj_point,
                             exp_max_dist, exp_std_dist):
    header = fits.Header.fromstring(header_str, sep='\n')
    header["CRVAL1"] = crval

    true_wcs = WCS(header, relax=True)

    # Getting the pixel coordinates
    x, y = np.meshgrid(list(range(10)), list(range(10)))
    x = x.flatten()
    y = y.flatten()

    # Calculating the true sky positions
    world_pix = true_wcs.pixel_to_world(x, y)

    # which projection point to use
    if user_proj_point:
        proj_point = world_pix[0]
        projlon = proj_point.data.lon.deg
        projlat = proj_point.data.lat.deg
        proj_point = 'center'

    # Fitting the wcs
    fit_wcs = fit_wcs_from_points((x, y),

    # Validate that the true sky coordinates
    # match sky coordinates calculated from the wcs fit
    world_pix_new = fit_wcs.pixel_to_world(x, y)

    dists = world_pix.separation(world_pix_new)

    assert dists.max() < exp_max_dist
    assert np.std(dists) < exp_std_dist

    if user_proj_point:
        assert (fit_wcs.wcs.crval == [projlon, projlat]).all()
예제 #29
def wcsTest():
    wcsPath = getResourcePath('ISS030-E-102170_dc.wcs')
    header = readHeader(wcsPath)
    # the pixel coordinates of which we want the world coordinates
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,4000), np.arange(0,2000))
    x = x.ravel()
    y = y.ravel()
    # first, calculate using astropy as reference
    wcs = WCS(header)
    t0 = time.time()
    ra_astropy, dec_astropy = wcs.wcs_pix2world(x, y, 0)
    print('astropy wcs:', time.time()-t0, 's')
    # now, check against our own implementation
    #tan_pix2world(header, x, y, 0) # warmup
    t0 = time.time()
    ra, dec = tan_pix2world(header, x, y, 0)
    print('own wcs:', time.time()-t0, 's')
    assert_almost_equal([ra, dec], [ra_astropy, dec_astropy])
예제 #30
def test_wcs_to_celestial_frame_extend():

    mywcs = WCS(naxis=2)
    mywcs.wcs.ctype = ['XOFFSET', 'YOFFSET']
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    class OffsetFrame:

    def identify_offset(wcs):
        if wcs.wcs.ctype[0].endswith('OFFSET') and wcs.wcs.ctype[1].endswith('OFFSET'):
            return OffsetFrame()

    with custom_wcs_to_frame_mappings(identify_offset):
        frame = wcs_to_celestial_frame(mywcs)
    assert isinstance(frame, OffsetFrame)

    # Check that things are back to normal after the context manager
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):