예제 #1
    def getOffset(self, position):

        ret = {"X": 0.0, "Y": 0.0, "N": 0.0, "E": 0.0, "Status": self.state()}

            frame = self._takeImage()
            fname = "/tmp/autoguider.fits"
            if os.path.exists(fname):
            img = fits.getdata(fname)
            # Extract some backgroud
            img -= np.mean(img) * 0.9
            img[img < 0] = 0.0

            pY, pX = centroid(img)
            ret["X"] = pX - position["XWIN_IMAGE"]
            ret["Y"] = pY - position["YWIN_IMAGE"]
            centerPos = frame.worldAt([position["XWIN_IMAGE"], position["YWIN_IMAGE"]])
            currPos = frame.worldAt([pX, pY])
            # offset = centerPos.angsep(currPos)
            ret["E"] = Coord.fromAS((centerPos.ra.AS - currPos.ra.AS) * np.cos(currPos.dec.R))
            ret["N"] = Coord.fromAS(centerPos.dec.AS - currPos.dec.AS)
            if self.abort.isSet():
                ret["Status"] = GuiderStatus.ABORTED
                return ret

        self.plot(frame, position, ret)

        return ret
예제 #2
 def getCOM(self, gf):
     Calculates and stores the centroid of each star passed
     in as a numpy array.
     :param gf: fits file of single star, sized as guider box.
     # New version, uses astropysics.util.alg func.
     # Ego safety note: the results are within 0.01% var.
     # from the old method...
def main(argv):

    from optparse import OptionParser

    parser = OptionParser()

    parser.add_option('-f', '--filename',
                      help='Input list of fits files.'
                      , type='string')
    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
                      help='Run in verbose mode.', action='store_true',

    opt, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
    if opt.verbose:

    # 1 - Read list of images
    imglist = np.loadtxt(opt.filename,dtype='S')

    # 2 - First image is reference
    refimg = fits.open(imglist[0])

    # 2 - Telescope characteristics
    telescope_platescale = 133  # arcsec/mm

    # 2 - Autoguider center
    # For an SBIG ST7XME the parameters of the offset between the CCD and the guider are:
    guider_offset = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}  # in mm
    guider_size = {'x': refimg[0].header['CCDPXSZX']*1e-3*refimg[0].header['CCD_DIMX'],
                   'y': refimg[0].header['CCDPXSZY']*1e-3*refimg[0].header['CCD_DIMY'],
                   'x_px': refimg[0].header['CCD_DIMX'],
                   'y_px': refimg[0].header['CCD_DIMY']}  # in mm / px and pixels
    guider_pixelsize = {'x': refimg[0].header['CCDPXSZX']*1e-3,
                        'y': refimg[0].header['CCDPXSZY']*1e-3}  # in mm
    guider_pixelsize.update({'x_ang': telescope_platescale * guider_pixelsize['x'],
                             'y_ang': telescope_platescale * guider_pixelsize['y']})  # in arcsec / px

    # For plotting purposes
    ccd_size = {'x': guider_size['x'], 'y': guider_size['y']}  # in mm
    ccd_pixelsize = {'x': guider_pixelsize['x'], 'y': guider_pixelsize['y']}  # in mm

    # Get a DSS Image...
    img2 = np.array(refimg[0].data,copy=True)
    img = np.array(refimg[0].data,copy=True)
    # Image sizes in pixels
    imsize = int(round(guider_size['x'] / guider_pixelsize['x'])), int(round(guider_size['y'] / guider_pixelsize['y']))
    # img = imresize(img, imsize)
    # Image sizes in arcmins
    aux_width = guider_size['x'] * telescope_platescale / 60
    aux_height = guider_size['y'] * telescope_platescale / 60

    img_scale = 1.2  # in arcsec / pix
    imsize = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
    imsize_resampled = int(round(imsize[0] * img_scale / guider_pixelsize['x_ang'])), \
                       int(round(imsize[1] * img_scale / guider_pixelsize['y_ang']))
    pix = imresize(img, imsize_resampled)

    px_border = 20  # Number of pixels to throw away due to border-effect
    max_offset = 10  # Maximum offset between images, in pixels

    img_corner = [int(round(pix.shape[0] / 2 - guider_size['y_px'] / 2)),
                  int(round(pix.shape[1] / 2 - guider_size['x_px'] / 2))]

    mask = img < 1.1 * np.median(img)  # Background / weak stars subtraction
    #print img_new
    img[mask] = 0.
    segmap = label(img > 0)
    print segmap[segmap>0]
    # fig2 = plt.figure(2)
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.imshow(segmap)
    cent = []
    for i_object in range(1, np.max(segmap) + 1):
        mm = segmap == i_object
        if len(mm[mm]) > 1:
            cent.append(centroid(img * mm))
        # plt.plot(cent_new[-1][1], cent_new[-1][0], '.', lw=2, color='black')
        # if i > 0:
        # plt.plot(cent[-1][1], cent[-1][0], '.', lw=2, color='black')
    cent = np.array(cent)

    print img2.min(),img2.max(),img2.mean()

    for i in range(len(cent)):
    plt.xlim(0, img.shape[1])
    plt.ylim(0, img.shape[0])

    # plt.show()
    # return 0

    for i in range(len(imglist)):
        #offset = np.random.randint(-10, 10, size=2)
        #img_corner = np.sum([img_corner, offset], axis=0)  # Add an offset to the corner pixel of the image
        #img_cut_new = np.copy(
        #    pix[img_corner[0]:img_corner[0] + guider_size['y_px'], img_corner[1]:img_corner[1] + guider_size['x_px']])
        img_cut_new = fits.getdata(imglist[i])
        img_cut_new = img_cut_new[px_border:-px_border, px_border:-px_border]
        fig1 = plt.figure(1)
        plt.imshow(img_cut_new, ,interpolation='nearest',origin='lower',
        plt.xlim(0, img_cut_new.shape[1])
        plt.ylim(img_cut_new.shape[0], 0)
        mask = img_cut_new < 1.5 * np.median(img_cut_new)  # Background / weak stars subtraction
        img_cut_new[mask] = 0
        segmap = label(img_cut_new > 0)
        fig2 = plt.figure(2)
        cent_new = []
        for i_object in range(1, np.max(segmap) + 1):
            cent_new.append(centroid(img_cut_new * (segmap == i_object)))
            # plt.plot(cent_new[-1][1], cent_new[-1][0], '.', lw=2, color='black')
            # if i > 0:
            # plt.plot(cent[-1][1], cent[-1][0], '.', lw=2, color='black')
        cent_new = np.array(cent_new)

        if i > 0:
            #print 'Applied offset in pixels:', offset
            s = min(len(cent_new), len(cent))
            if s > 0:
                aux_diff = cent[:s] - cent_new[:s]
                # Throw away the differences above the threshold
                # mask_cent_diff = np.sqrt(np.sum(aux_diff **2, axis=1)) <= max_offset
                mask_cent_diff = np.bitwise_and(max_offset <= cent[:, 1][:s], cent[:, 1][:s] <= guider_size['x_px'] - max_offset)
                mask_cent_diff *= np.bitwise_and(max_offset <= cent[:, 0][:s], cent[:, 0][:s] <= guider_size['y_px'] - max_offset)
                mask_cent_diff *= np.bitwise_and(max_offset <= cent_new[:, 1][:s], cent_new[:, 1][:s] <= guider_size['x_px'] - max_offset)
                mask_cent_diff *= np.bitwise_and(max_offset <= cent_new[:, 0][:s], cent_new[:, 0][:s] <= guider_size['y_px'] - max_offset)
                cent_diff = np.median(aux_diff[mask_cent_diff], axis=0)
                print mask_cent_diff
                print 'Centroid differences:', cent_diff
                err = np.sqrt(np.sum((cent_diff - offset) ** 2))
                print 'Error:', err
                color = 'white' if err == 0 else 'red'
                plt.text(5, 15, 'Offset: %s px, Calculated: %s px, Error: %3.2f' % (offset, cent_diff, err),
                if color == 'red': print 'Attn: %i' % i
                for i_object in np.arange(s)[mask_cent_diff]:
                    plt.plot(cent[i_object][1], cent[i_object][0], '.', lw=10, color='green')
                    plt.plot(cent_new[i_object][1], cent_new[i_object][0], '.', lw=10, color='blue')
                plt.text(5, 15, 'Could not calculate offset!', color='red')

        cent = np.copy(cent_new)

        fig1.savefig('test/img_%04d.png' % i)
    img_cut_new = img_cut_new[px_border:-px_border, px_border:-px_border]
    fig1 = plt.figure(1);
    plt.imshow(np.log10(img_cut_new), cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    plt.xlim(0, img_cut_new.shape[1])
    plt.ylim(img_cut_new.shape[0], 0)
    mask = img_cut_new < 1.5 * np.median(img_cut_new)  # Background / weak stars subtraction
    img_cut_new[mask] = 0
    segmap = label(img_cut_new > 0)
    fig2 = plt.figure(2);
    cent_new = []
    for i_object in range(1, np.max(segmap) + 1):
        cent_new.append(centroid(img_cut_new * (segmap == i_object)))
        # plt.plot(cent_new[-1][1], cent_new[-1][0], '.', lw=2, color='black')
        # if i > 0:
        # plt.plot(cent[-1][1], cent[-1][0], '.', lw=2, color='black')
    cent_new = np.array(cent_new)

    if i > 0:
        print 'Applied offset in pixels:', offset
        s = min(len(cent_new), len(cent))
        if s > 0:
            aux_diff = cent[:s] - cent_new[:s]
            # Throw away the differences above the threshold
            # mask_cent_diff = np.sqrt(np.sum(aux_diff **2, axis=1)) <= max_offset
            mask_cent_diff = np.bitwise_and(max_offset <= cent[:, 1][:s], cent[:, 1][:s] <= guider_size['x_px'] - max_offset)
            mask_cent_diff *= np.bitwise_and(max_offset <= cent[:, 0][:s], cent[:, 0][:s] <= guider_size['y_px'] - max_offset)
            mask_cent_diff *= np.bitwise_and(max_offset <= cent_new[:, 1][:s], cent_new[:, 1][:s] <= guider_size['x_px'] - max_offset)