예제 #1
    def get_initial(self):
        data = get_billing_plan_mapping(self.request, self.kwargs['id'])
        projects = {}
        for project in get_projects(self.request):
            projects[str(project.id)] = project
        plans = {}
        for plan in get_plans(self.request):
            plans[str(plan['id'])] = plan
        # insert required data
        project = projects.get(str(data['user']))
        data['user_name'] =  project.name if project else '!ERR: ' + data['user']
        plan = plans.get(str(data['plan_id']))
        if plan:
            data['plan_name'] = plan['name']
            data['service_type'] = plan['service_type']
            data['plan_name'] = '!ERR: plan: ' + str(plan_map['id'])
            data['service_type'] = None

        disc_map = data.get('discount_mapping', None)
        if disc_map:
            data['discount'] = disc_map['discount_id']
            data['apply_type'] = disc_map['apply_type']
            data['apply_interval'] = disc_map['apply_interval']
            data['apply_amt'] = disc_map['apply_amt']
        return data
예제 #2
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(UserInvoiceDetailsView,
        id = self.kwargs['invoice_id']

        #Commented the below line to make display in sync with admin >> billing >> invoice display
        #context['invoice'] = get_invoice(self.request, id, verbose=False)
        context['invoice'] = get_invoice(self.request, id, verbose=True)
        #context['invoice'] =  get_user_inv_details(self.request, id, verbose=True)

        plans = {}
        for plan in get_plans(self.request):
            plans[plan['id']] = plan

        #Same as Admin/Invoice Details View page
        discounts = {}
        for discount in get_discounts(self.request):
            discounts[discount['id']] = discount

        for item in context['invoice']['items']:
            #item['plan'] = plans.get(item['plan_id'])['name']
            item['bill_start_date'] = item['bill_start_date'].split(' ')[0]
            item['bill_end_date'] = item['bill_end_date'].split(' ')[0]
            disc = discounts.get(item.get('discount_id'))
            if disc:
                if disc['discount_type_code'] == 'percentage':
                    item['discount'] = str(disc.get('amt')) + '%'
                elif disc['discount_type_code'] == 'override':
                    item['discount'] = '$' + str(disc.get('amt'))
                    item['discount'] = '-'
        return context
예제 #3
 def get_data(self):
     data = get_discount_mappings(self.request)
     projects = dict([(str(p.id), p) for p in get_projects(self.request)])
     disc_types = dict([(str(dt['id']), dt) for dt in get_discount_types(self.request)])
     discounts = dict([(str(d['id']), d) for d in get_discounts(self.request)])
     plans = dict([(str(p['id']), p) for p in get_plans(self.request)])
     plan_mappings = dict([(str(pm['id']), pm) for pm in get_billing_plan_mappings(self.request)])
     for item in data:
         project = projects.get(str(item['user']))
         item['user_name'] =  project.name if project else '!ERR: ' + item['user']
         if item['map_object'] == 'user_plan':
           plan_map = plan_mappings.get(item['ref_id'])
           if plan_map:
               plan = plans.get(str(plan_map['plan_id']))
               item['plan_name'] = plan['name'] if plan else '!ERR: plan: ' + str(plan_map['id'])
               '!ERR: plan mapping: ' + item['ref_id']
         disc = discounts.get(str(item['discount_id']))
         disc_type = disc_types.get(str(item['discount_type_id']))
         item['discount_type'] = disc_type['name'] if disc_type else '!ERR: ' + str(item['discount_type_id'])
         item['discount_amt'] = str(disc['amt']) + '%' if disc else '!ERR: ' + str(item['discount_id'])
         item['apply_type'] = apply_intervals.get(item['apply_type']) or '!ERR: ' + item['apply_type']
         if item['apply_amt']:
             item['discount_amt'] = item['apply_amt']
     return data
예제 #4
    def get_plans_data(self):
            data = get_plans(self.request, verbose=True)
            for item in data:
                item['rate'] = "%.2f" % (item.get('rate') or 0.0)
                item['setup_fee'] = "%.2f" % (item.get('setup_fee') or 0.00)
            return data

        except Exception:
            self._has_more = False
            error_message = _('Unable to get plans')
            exceptions.handle(self.request, error_message)

            return []
예제 #5
def get_avbl_user_plans(req, verbose=False):
    """Get all the plans under the current billing type"""

    user_id = req.user.tenant_id
    plan_list = get_plans(req)
    #user_sub_plan_list = get_user_sub_plans(req)
    user_billing_details = get_user_billing_type(req)

    if user_billing_details:
        #Billing type code should already be present for a user
        billing_type_code = user_billing_details[0]['type_code']

        #Display only additional services for rab billing type
        if billing_type_code == 'rab':
            #print "Entering rab section"
            rab_billing_typeId = user_billing_details[0]['billing_type']
            data = filter(
                lambda x: (x['billing_type'] == None and x['service_name'] !=
                           'SetupFee'), plan_list)

        if billing_type_code == 'payg':
            #print "Entering payg section"
            payg_billing_typeId = user_billing_details[0]['billing_type']
            data = filter(
                lambda x:
                ((x['billing_type'] == payg_billing_typeId or x['billing_type']
                  == None) and (x['service_name'] != 'SetupFee')), plan_list)

        for item in data:
            if billing_type_code == 'payg':
                item['billing_type'] = 'Usage Based Billing'
            elif billing_type_code == 'rab':
                item['billing_type'] = 'Resource Allocation Based Billing'
                item['billing_type'] = 'NA'
        data = []
    for item in data:
        billing_type_id = item['billing_type']
    # filteredList = filter(lambda x: (x['billing_type'] == 1 and x['name'] not in keyVal2List), plan_list)
    return data
예제 #6
    def populate_image_id_choices(self, request, context):
        choices = []
        images = image_utils.get_available_images(request,

        # prepare account plan marks
        plans = dict([(plan['id'], plan) for plan in get_plans(request)])
        marks = []
        for plan_map in get_project_plan_mappings(request,
            plan = plans.get(plan_map['plan_id'])
            if plan:
                mark = plan.get('metadata_mark')
                if mark:

        for image in images:
            # filter out image by `astute_plan_mark`
            if marks:
                plan_mark = image.properties.get('astute_plan_mark')
                if plan_mark and not plan_mark.upper() in marks:
            image.bytes = getattr(image, 'virtual_size', None) or image.size
            image.volume_size = max(image.min_disk,
            choices.append((image.id, image))
            if context.get('image_id') == image.id and \
                    'volume_size' not in context:
                context['volume_size'] = image.volume_size
        if choices:
            #choices.sort(key=lambda c: c[1].name)
            #Converting to lowercase for sorting in alphabetical order
            choices.sort(key=lambda c: c[1].name.lower())

            choices.insert(0, ("", _("Select Image")))
            choices.insert(0, ("", _("No images available")))
        return choices
예제 #7
 def get_initial(self):
     data = get_discount_mapping(self.request, self.kwargs['id'])
     projects = {}
     for project in get_projects(self.request):
         projects[str(project.id)] = project
     plans = {}
     for plan in get_plans(self.request):
         plans[str(plan['id'])] = plan
     plan_mappings = {}
     for plan_map in get_billing_plan_mappings(self.request):
         plan_mappings[str(plan_map['id'])] = plan_map
     # insert required data
     project = projects.get(str(data['user']))
     data['user_id'] = data['user']
     data['user_name'] =  project.name if project else '!ERR: ' + data['user']
     if data['map_object'] == 'user_plan':
         plan_map = plan_mappings.get(data['ref_id'])
         if plan_map:
             data['plan_mapping_id'] = plan_map['id']
             plan = plans.get(str(plan_map['plan_id']))
             data['plan_name'] = plan['name'] if plan else '!ERR: plan: ' + str(plan_map['id'])
             '!ERR: plan mapping: ' + data['ref_id']
     return data
예제 #8
def export_as_csv(request, id):
    invoices = []
    # get list of invoice(s) for export
    # export all (filtered) invoices
    account = request.session.get('admin_billing_invoices_filter_account')
    period_from = request.session.get(
    period_to = request.session.get('admin_billing_invoices_filter_period_to')
    if id == '*':
        invoices = get_invoices(request,
        # export single invoice
        invoices.append(get_invoice(request, id))

    # prepare required strings
    timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    seq_number = request.session.get(
        'admin_billing_invoices_export_csv_seq_number') or 0
    if seq_number >= 9999:
        seq_number = 0
    seq_number += 1
        'admin_billing_invoices_export_csv_seq_number'] = seq_number
    request.session.modified = True

    seq_number = "{:0>4}".format(seq_number)

    # prepare required data
    services = dict([(s['id'], s) for s in get_service_types(request)])
    accounts = dict([(a['user'], a)
                     for a in get_billing_type_mappings(request)])
    plan_maps = dict([(pm['user'], pm)
                      for pm in get_billing_plan_mappings(request)])
    plans = dict([(p['id'], p) for p in get_plans(request)])

    # prepare file content
    content = ""
    # title
    content += "Usage & Billing Report Reference numver: SGM1%s\n" % timestamp[
    content += "Period: %s to %s\n" % (period_from, period_to)
    content += "\n"
    # table header
    content += ",".join([
        "Customer Account ID", "Service ID", "Customer Name",
        "Billing Period (From)", "Billing Period (To)", "Item Code",
        "Product Description", "Bill Description", "Unit", "Quantity",
        "Service Start Date", "Service Termination Date",
        "Quantity (after proration) or Usage cut off at 25th",
        "Unit Price according to product catalogue (SGD)",
        "Mothly Total before discount (SGD)", "Discount",
        "Billing Amount in M1 bill (SGD)", "\n"
    #content += "\n"
    # table content
    for invoice in invoices:
        content += "\n"
        account = accounts.get(invoice['user'])
        for item in invoice['items']:
            if (item.get('qty') == 0) or (item.get('rate') == 0):
                discount = '0%'
                discount = str(
                        item.get('discount_amt') /
                        (item.get('qty') * item.get('rate')) * 100)) + '%'
            plan_map = plan_maps.get(invoice['user'])
            plan = plans.get(item['plan_id'])
            #yad: delete
            #            plan = plans.get(plan_map and plan_map['plan_id'])
            service = services.get(plan and plan['service_type'])
            content += ",".join([
                '"%s"' %
                (account and account['extra_fields'].get('crm_account_num')
                 or '#%s' % invoice.get('user')),
                '"%s"' % (account and account['extra_fields'].get('service_id')
                          or '#%s' % invoice.get('user')),
                '"%s"' %
                (account and account['extra_fields'].get('customer_name')
                 or '#%s' % invoice.get('user')),
                invoice.get('inv_from') or '-',
                invoice.get('inv_to') or '-',
                plan and plan.get('code') or '-',
                #yad: delete
                #                service and service.get('code') or '-',
                '"%s"' % plan and plan.get('description'),
                #yad: delete
                #                '"%s"' % item.get('description'),
                service and service.get('units') or '-',
                str(item.get('qty')) or '-',
                #yad: delete
                #                plan_maps and plan_maps.get('created_on') or '-',
                #                plan_maps and plan_maps.get('inactive_on') or '-',
                plan_map and plan_map.get('created_on') or '-',
                plan_map and plan_map.get('inactive_on') or '-',
                str(item.get('qty')) or '-',
                '$' + str(item.get('rate')) or '-',
                '$' + str(item.get('qty') * item.get('rate')) or '-',
                '$' + str(item.get('total_amt')) or '-',

    # return data
    response = HttpResponse(content, content_type='application/force-download')
        'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=HDS_CHARGINGCDR_%s_%s.csv' % (
            timestamp[:-2], seq_number)
    return response
예제 #9
def export_as_dat(request, id):
    invoices = []
    # get list of invoice(s) for export
    account = request.session.get('admin_billing_invoices_filter_account')
    period_from = request.session.get(
    period_to = request.session.get('admin_billing_invoices_filter_period_to')
    if id == '*':
        # export all (filtered) invoices
        invoices = get_invoices(request,
#yad: delete
#            verbose=True)
        # export single invoice
        invoices.append(get_invoice(request, id))

    # prepare required data
    accounts = {}
    for account in get_billing_type_mappings(request):
        accounts[account['user']] = account
    plans = {}
    for plan in get_plans(request):
        plans[plan['id']] = plan

    # prepare required strings
    timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    seq_number = request.session.get(
        'admin_billing_invoices_export_dat_seq_number') or 0
    if seq_number >= 9999:
        seq_number = 0
    seq_number += 1
        'admin_billing_invoices_export_dat_seq_number'] = seq_number
    request.session.modified = True

    seq_number = "{:0>4}".format(seq_number)

    # prepare file content
    content = ""

    # add header
    content += "{:3}{:14}{:4}{:7}{:16}{:5}{:3}{:8}{:4}\n".format(
        'HDR', timestamp, '0', '0', 'HDS', 'V1.0', '', '', '')
    # add detail records
    records_sequence = 0
    for invoice in invoices:
        account = accounts.get(invoice['user'])
        service_id = (account.get('extra_fields')
                      or {}).get('service_id') or ''
        for item in invoice['items']:
            records_sequence += 1
            plan = plans.get(item['plan_id'])
            content += "{:3}{:32}{:21}{:21}{:5}{:5}{:5}{:5}{:5}{:23}{:14}{:8}{:8}{:3}{:2}{:{lenght}}{:{lenght}}{:8}{:8}{:10}{:5}{:1}\n".format(
                    invoice['id'], invoice['inv_date'].replace(
                        '-', '').replace(' ', '').replace(':', ''))[:32],
                #yad: delete
                #                invoice['inv_code'][:21],
                #yad: delete
                #                timestamp,
                str(item['total_amt'] * 100).split('.')[0][:8],
                #yad: delete
                #                str(int(float(item['total_amt']) * 100))[:8], # ???
                #yad: delete
                #                int(float(invoice['total_amt']) * 100), # ???
                plan and plan.get('description').encode('utf8')[:50],
                plan and plan.get('description').encode('utf8')[:50],
                #yad: delete
                #                item['description'].encode('utf8'),
                #                item['description'].encode('utf8'),
                item['bill_start_date'].split(' ')[0].replace('-', ''),
                item['bill_end_date'].split(' ')[0].replace('-', ''),
                #yad: delete
                #                invoice['notes'],
                #                invoice['notes'],
                #                invoice['inv_from'].split(' ')[0].replace('-', ''),
                #                invoice['inv_to'].split(' ')[0].replace('-', ''),
                lenght=50 + len(plan.get('description').encode('utf8')) -

    # add trailer
    content += "{:3}{:14}{:4}{:7}{:16}{:5}{:8}{:10}{:10}{:42}\n".format(
        'TRL', timestamp, '0',
        str(records_sequence)[:7], 'HDS', 'V1.0', seq_number[:8], '', '', '')

    # return data
    response = HttpResponse(content, content_type='application/force-download')
        'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=HDS_CHARGINGCDR_%s_%s.dat' % (
            timestamp[:-2], seq_number)
    return response
예제 #10
 def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
     context = super(CreateBillingPlanMappingView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
     context['submit_url'] = reverse(self.submit_url)
     context['plans'] = get_plans(self.request)
     return context