예제 #1
def pcSetTransposer(chord, trans):
    """transposes an entire set by trans. w/ mod12
    will strip oct info, retain micro info

    >>> pcSetTransposer([3,4,5], 3)
    (6, 7, 8)
    newSet = []
    for pc in chord:
        newSet.append(pitchTools.pcTransposer(pc, trans))
    return tuple(newSet)
예제 #2
def pcSetTransposer(chord, trans):
    """transposes an entire set by trans. w/ mod12
    will strip oct info, retain micro info

    >>> pcSetTransposer([3,4,5], 3)
    (6, 7, 8)
    newSet = []
    for pc in chord:
        newSet.append(pitchTools.pcTransposer(pc, trans))
    return tuple(newSet)
예제 #3
def psSetToMason(chord):
    """named after a music educator named Mason by Michael Gogins
    convert any pitch space / class set to a 'mason' value
    OR-ing, to be precise, mod 4095 (the total number of unordered
    pitch-class sets in 12TET), not adding. In other words, a bit-field of 12
    bits, one bit per pitch-class.
    newSet = []
    for pc in chord:
        pc = pitchTools.pcTransposer(pc, 0)  # make mod 12
        if pc not in newSet:  # remove redundancies
    mason = 0
    for i in newSet:
        mason = mason + pow(2, i)
    return mason % 4095
예제 #4
def psSetToMason(chord):
    """named after a music educator named Mason by Michael Gogins
    convert any pitch space / class set to a 'mason' value
    OR-ing, to be precise, mod 4095 (the total number of unordered
    pitch-class sets in 12TET), not adding. In other words, a bit-field of 12
    bits, one bit per pitch-class.
    newSet = []
    for pc in chord:
        pc = pitchTools.pcTransposer(pc, 0) # make mod 12
        if pc not in newSet: # remove redundancies
    mason = 0
    for i in newSet:
        mason = mason + pow(2, i)
    return mason % 4095
예제 #5
def extractNeighbors(pitchGroup, baseNote, scales=None):
    """takes a set, or a whole path, and derives a pc scale, 
    a pitch space scale, and provides the upper and lower note to 
    baseNote should be represented in the pitch group
    we need to know our current reference position in the pitchGroup
    pitchGroup has pitch pre-temperament; thus baseNote should be
    may be a psReal
    pitchGroup: from a refDict, containing stateCurrentChord, or statePathList
    will be a list of raw psReal values: could be floats, and could have micro
    # if scales given and no pitchGroup is given
    if scales != None and pitchGroup == None:
        colPitchSpace = scales[0]
        colPitchClass = scales[1]
    else:  # given a set or path as pitchGroup
        if drawer.isNum(pitchGroup[0]):
            pitchGroup = [
            ]  # make all look like paths
        colPitchSpace = []
        colPitchClass = []
        for set in pitchGroup:
            for entry in set:
                if entry not in colPitchSpace:
                # round; zero trans gets mod12
                entryPC = pitchTools.pcTransposer(entry, 0)
                if entryPC not in colPitchClass:
        scales = colPitchSpace, colPitchClass

    # use pitch class space to get neighbors
    # can use pitch space in the future? wrap around is strange
    octaveAdjust = 0
    baseOctMult, basePC = pitchTools.splitOctPs(baseNote)

    # although baseNote may be a float (already tempered)
    # basePC seems to    need to be an int, as it is used to find
    # a position in the scale; for this reason it seems like
    # the path positions value, and not the tempered pitch
    # should be coming in as the baseNote: tmerperament could cause
    # a rounding error and pass a pitch that is not in the scale at all

    #print _MOD, basePC, colPitchClass
    idx = None
        idx = colPitchClass.index(basePC)
    except ValueError:  # not in the collected pitches; try rounding
        for i in range(len(colPitchClass)):
            # compare rounded versions, as floats may not match
            if round(colPitchClass[i], 2) == round(basePC, 2):
                idx = i
                # print _MOD, 'found rounded match'
        if idx == None:
            idx = 0
                'no match between base pitch and collected pitches')

    idxL = idx - 1  # lower neighbor
    if idxL == -1:  # wrap index around
        idxL = len(colPitchClass) - 1
        octaveAdjust = -1
    idxU = idx + 1  # upper neighbor
    if idxU == len(colPitchClass):
        idxU = 0
        octaveAdjust = 1

    neighborL = colPitchClass[idxL]
    if octaveAdjust == -1:
        neighborL = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborL, -12)

    neighborU = colPitchClass[idxU]
    if octaveAdjust == 1:
        neighborU = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborU, 12)

    # do octave adjust ment relative to baseNote in pitch space
    neighborL = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborL, (12 * baseOctMult))
    neighborU = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborU, (12 * baseOctMult))
    lowerUpper = neighborL, neighborU

    return scales, lowerUpper
예제 #6
def extractNeighbors(pitchGroup, baseNote, scales=None):
    """takes a set, or a whole path, and derives a pc scale, 
    a pitch space scale, and provides the upper and lower note to 
    baseNote should be represented in the pitch group
    we need to know our current reference position in the pitchGroup
    pitchGroup has pitch pre-temperament; thus baseNote should be
    may be a psReal
    pitchGroup: from a refDict, containing stateCurrentChord, or statePathList
    will be a list of raw psReal values: could be floats, and could have micro
    # if scales given and no pitchGroup is given
    if scales != None and pitchGroup == None:
        colPitchSpace = scales[0]
        colPitchClass = scales[1]
    else: # given a set or path as pitchGroup
        if drawer.isNum(pitchGroup[0]):
            pitchGroup = [pitchGroup, ] # make all look like paths
        colPitchSpace = []
        colPitchClass = []
        for set in pitchGroup:
            for entry in set:
                if entry not in colPitchSpace:
                # round; zero trans gets mod12
                entryPC = pitchTools.pcTransposer(entry, 0) 
                if entryPC not in colPitchClass:
        scales = colPitchSpace, colPitchClass

    # use pitch class space to get neighbors
    # can use pitch space in the future? wrap around is strange
    octaveAdjust = 0
    baseOctMult, basePC = pitchTools.splitOctPs(baseNote)
    # although baseNote may be a float (already tempered)
    # basePC seems to    need to be an int, as it is used to find
    # a position in the scale; for this reason it seems like
    # the path positions value, and not the tempered pitch
    # should be coming in as the baseNote: tmerperament could cause
    # a rounding error and pass a pitch that is not in the scale at all
    #print _MOD, basePC, colPitchClass
    idx = None
        idx = colPitchClass.index(basePC)
    except ValueError: # not in the collected pitches; try rounding
        for i in range(len(colPitchClass)):
            # compare rounded versions, as floats may not match
            if round(colPitchClass[i], 2) == round(basePC, 2):
                idx = i
                # print _MOD, 'found rounded match'
        if idx == None:
            idx = 0
            environment.printDebug('no match between base pitch and collected pitches')
    idxL = idx - 1 # lower neighbor
    if idxL == -1: # wrap index around 
        idxL = len(colPitchClass) - 1
        octaveAdjust = -1
    idxU = idx + 1 # upper neighbor
    if idxU == len(colPitchClass):
        idxU = 0
        octaveAdjust = 1

    neighborL = colPitchClass[idxL]
    if octaveAdjust == -1:
        neighborL = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborL, -12)

    neighborU = colPitchClass[idxU]
    if octaveAdjust == 1:
        neighborU = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborU, 12)

    # do octave adjust ment relative to baseNote in pitch space
    neighborL = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborL, (12 * baseOctMult))
    neighborU = pitchTools.psTransposer(neighborU, (12 * baseOctMult))
    lowerUpper = neighborL, neighborU
    return scales, lowerUpper