def lineplot_scenarios(incubes, outpath, region): """ Line plot showing how the metric evolves over the years for all models and all scenarios combined :param incubes: wildcard path to all tseries multi-model cubes :param outpath: the path where the plot is saved :param region: the region dictionary as defined in constants :return: plot """ ano_list = glob.glob(incubes + '') ano_list = atlas_utils.order(ano_list)[::-1] f = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5), dpi=300) ax = f.add_subplot(111) colors = ['gray', 'gold', 'green', 'mediumblue'][::-1] tag = cnst.SCENARIO[::-1] scenarios = [] for ano, co, ta in zip(ano_list, colors, tag): fdict = atlas_utils.split_filename_path(ano) scen = fdict['scenario'] metric = fdict['metric'] variable = fdict['variable'] season = fdict['season'] bc = fdict['bc_res'] scenarios.append(scen) cube = iris.load_cube(ano) time = cube.coord('year').points cube = ax.plot(time[0], 0, color=co, label=ta) for nb in range(cube.shape[0]): ax.plot(time, cube[nb, :], color=co, alpha=0.5, lw=0.75) bottom, top = ax.get_ylim() plt.vlines(2005, bottom, top, linestyle='--', linewidth=1.5, zorder=10) plt.ylabel(lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom="")) plt.title(lblr.getTitle(metric, variable, season, scenarios, bc, region[1], anom=''), fontsize=10) plt.legend() plt.savefig(outpath + os.sep + fdict['metric'] + '_' + fdict['variable'] + '_' + fdict['bc_res'] + '_' + fdict['season'] + '_' + region[0] + '_lineplot_allscen_' + '.png') plt.close(f)
def nbModels_histogram_scenarios(incubes, outpath, region, anomaly=False): """ Histogram plot showing the number of models within different ranges of the metric (anomaly) value for ALL scenarios :param incubes: wildcard path to all tseries multi-model cubes :param outpath: the path where the plot is saved :param region: the region dictionary as defined in constants :param anomaly: boolean, switch for anomaly calculation :return: plot """ fname = incubes + '' fdict = atlas_utils.split_filename_path(fname) if fdict['aggregation'] not in cnst.METRIC_AGGS[fdict['metric']]: return ano_list = glob.glob(fname) ano_list = atlas_utils.order(ano_list) ldata = [] scen = [] perc = [] for ano in ano_list: toplot = None fdict = atlas_utils.split_filename_path(ano) scenario = fdict['scenario'] metric = fdict['metric'] variable = fdict['variable'] season = fdict['season'] bc = fdict['bc_res'] if (anomaly == True) & (fdict['scenario'] == 'historical'): continue vname = cnst.VARNAMES[fdict['variable']] cube = iris.load_cube(ano) cube = atlas_utils.time_slicer(cube, fdict['scenario']) cube = cube.collapsed('year', iris.analysis.MEDIAN) if anomaly: ano_hist = ano.replace(fdict['scenario'], 'historical') hist = iris.load_cube(ano_hist) hist = atlas_utils.time_slicer(hist, 'historical') hist = hist.collapsed('year', iris.analysis.MEDIAN) data = atlas_utils.anomalies(hist, cube, percentage=False) data_perc = atlas_utils.anomalies(hist, cube, percentage=True) data = data_perc = hhisto, bi = np.histogram(data, bins=np.linspace(data.min(), data.max(), 10)) try: hhistop, bip = np.histogram(data_perc, bins=np.linspace( data_perc.min(), data_perc.max(), 10)) except: continue an = 'anomaly' ylabel = lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom="anomaly") an_p = 'percentageAnomaly' ylabel_p = lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom="percentageAnomaly") ldata.append((hhisto, bi)) perc.append((hhistop, bip)) else: cube = hhisto, bi = np.histogram(cube, bins=np.linspace(cube.min(), cube.max(), 10)) ldata.append((hhisto, bi)) ylabel = lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom="") an = 'scenarios' scen.append(fdict['scenario']) plot_dic1 = { 'data': ldata, 'ftag': an, 'ylabel': ylabel, } toplot = [plot_dic1] if anomaly and not 'tas' in variable: plot_dic2 = { 'data': perc, 'ftag': an_p, 'ylabel': ylabel_p, } toplot = [plot_dic1, plot_dic2] if toplot: # This will only fail if both the historical and future are zero for p in toplot: if len(p['data']) < 4: xp = len(p['data']) yp = 1 xx = 8 yy = 6 else: xp = 2 yp = 2 xx = 9 yy = 5 f = plt.figure(figsize=(xx, yy)) for id in range(len(p['data'])): ax = f.add_subplot(xp, yp, id + 1) bin = p['data'][id][1][0:-1] + ((bin[1::] - bin[0:-1]) / 2), p['data'][id][0], edgecolor='black', width=(bin[1::] - bin[0:-1]), align='edge', color='darkseagreen') ax.set_xlabel(p['ylabel']) if cnst.LANGUAGE == 'ENGLISH': ax.set_ylabel('Number of models') else: ax.set_ylabel(u'Nombre de modèles') ax.set_title(lblr.getTitle(metric, variable, season, scenario, bc, region[1], anom=p['ftag']), fontsize=10) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(outpath + os.sep + fdict['metric'] + '_' + fdict['variable'] + '_' + fdict['bc_res'] + '_' + fdict['season'] + '_' + region[0] + '_MultiNbModelHistogram_' + p['ftag'] + '.png') plt.close(f)
def barplot_scenarios(incubes, outpath, region, anomaly=False): """ Barplot showing the average of the (anomaly) metric over the climatological period for all individual models and scenarios. :param incubes: wildcard path to all tseries multi-model cubes :param outpath: the path where the plot is saved :param region: the region dictionary as defined in constants :param anomaly: boolean, switch for anomaly calculation :return: plot """ fname = incubes + '' fdict = atlas_utils.split_filename_path(fname) if fdict['aggregation'] not in cnst.METRIC_AGGS[fdict['metric']]: return # This creates a list of '*' files, one element for each scenario ano_list = glob.glob(fname) ano_list = atlas_utils.order(ano_list) ldata = [] scen = [] perc = [] lmodels = [] for ano in ano_list: fdict = atlas_utils.split_filename_path(ano) scenario = fdict['scenario'] metric = fdict['metric'] variable = fdict['variable'] season = fdict['season'] bc = fdict['bc_res'] if (anomaly == True) & (fdict['scenario'] == 'historical'): continue cube = iris.load_cube(ano) cube = atlas_utils.time_slicer(cube, fdict['scenario']) cube = cube.collapsed('year', iris.analysis.MEDIAN) lmodels.append(np.ndarray.tolist(cube.coord('model_name').points)) if anomaly: ano_hist = ano.replace(fdict['scenario'], 'historical') hist = iris.load_cube(ano_hist) hist = atlas_utils.time_slicer(hist, 'historical') hist = hist.collapsed('year', iris.analysis.MEDIAN) data = atlas_utils.anomalies(hist, cube, percentage=False) data_perc = atlas_utils.anomalies(hist, cube, percentage=True) an = 'anomaly' ylabel = lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom="anomaly") an_p = 'percentageAnomaly' ylabel_p = lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom="percentageAnomaly") dat_perc = np.ndarray.tolist( perc.append(dat_perc) else: data = cube an = 'scenarios' ylabel = lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom="") dat = dat = np.ndarray.tolist(dat) ldata.append(dat) scen.append(scenario) plot_dic1 = { 'data': ldata, 'xlabel': scen, 'ftag': an, 'ylabel': ylabel, 'models': lmodels } toplot = [plot_dic1] if anomaly and not 'tas' in variable: plot_dic2 = { 'data': perc, 'xlabel': scen, 'ftag': an_p, 'ylabel': ylabel_p, 'models': lmodels } toplot = [plot_dic1, plot_dic2] for p in toplot: if len(p['data']) < 4: xp = len(p['data']) yp = 1 xx = 8 yy = 7 else: xp = 2 yp = 2 xx = 13 yy = 8 f = plt.figure(figsize=(xx, yy)) for id in range(len(p['data'])): ax = f.add_subplot(xp, yp, id + 1) b =['models'][id])), p['data'][id], align='edge', label=p['models'][id], color='darkseagreen') # plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.8) xticks_pos = [ 0.65 * patch.get_width() + patch.get_xy()[0] for patch in b ] plt.xticks(xticks_pos, p['models'][id], ha='right', rotation=45) plt.ylabel(p['ylabel']) plt.title(p['xlabel'][id]) plt.tight_layout(h_pad=0.2, rect=(0, 0, 1, 0.92)) plt.suptitle(lblr.getTitle(metric, variable, season, scen, bc, region[1], anom=p['ftag']), fontsize=10) plt.savefig(outpath + os.sep + fdict['metric'] + '_' + fdict['variable'] + '_' + fdict['bc_res'] + '_' + fdict['season'] + '_' + region[0] + '_allModelHisto_' + p['ftag'] + '.png') plt.close(f)
def boxplot_scenarios(incubes, outpath, region, anomaly=False): """ Produces a boxplot with a box for each scenario, indicating the model spread. :param incubes: wildcard path to all tseries multi-model cubes :param outpath: the path where the plot is saved :param region: the region dictionary as defined in constants :param anomaly: boolean, switch for anomaly calculation :return: plot """ fname = incubes + '' fdict = atlas_utils.split_filename_path(fname) if fdict['aggregation'] not in cnst.METRIC_AGGS[fdict['metric']]: return ano_list = glob.glob(fname) ano_list = atlas_utils.order(ano_list) ldata = [] scen = [] perc = [] for ano in ano_list: print ano fdict = atlas_utils.split_filename_path(ano) metric = fdict['metric'] variable = fdict['variable'] season = fdict['season'] scenario = fdict['scenario'] bc = fdict['bc_res'] if (anomaly == True) & (fdict['scenario'] == 'historical'): continue cube = iris.load_cube(ano) cube = atlas_utils.time_slicer(cube, fdict['scenario']) cube = cube.collapsed('year', iris.analysis.MEDIAN) if anomaly: ano_hist = ano.replace(fdict['scenario'], 'historical') hist = iris.load_cube(ano_hist) hist = atlas_utils.time_slicer(hist, 'historical') hist = hist.collapsed('year', iris.analysis.MEDIAN) data = atlas_utils.anomalies(hist, cube, percentage=False) data_perc = atlas_utils.anomalies(hist, cube, percentage=True) an = 'anomaly' ylabel = lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom='absolute') an_p = 'percentageAnomaly' ylabel_p = lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom='percentage') dat_perc = np.ndarray.tolist( perc.append(dat_perc) else: data = cube an = 'scenarios' ylabel = lblr.getYlab(metric, variable, anom=None) dat = dat = np.ndarray.tolist(dat) ldata.append(dat) scen.append(fdict['scenario']) plot_dic1 = {'data': ldata, 'xlabel': scen, 'ftag': an, 'ylabel': ylabel} toplot = [plot_dic1] if anomaly and not 'tas' in variable: plot_dic2 = { 'data': perc, 'xlabel': scen, 'ftag': an_p, 'ylabel': ylabel_p } toplot = [plot_dic1, plot_dic2] for p in toplot: f = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) try: bp = plt.boxplot(p['data'], labels=p['xlabel'], sym='', patch_artist=True, notch=False, zorder=9, whis=[10, 90]) except ValueError: print('Boxplot data has a problem, please check. Cannot continue') pdb.set_trace() plt.title(lblr.getTitle(metric, variable, season, scenario, bc, region[1], anom=p['ftag']), fontsize=10) if cnst.LANGUAGE == 'ENGLISH': plt.xlabel('Scenario') plt.ylabel(p['ylabel']) else: plt.xlabel(u'Scénario') plt.ylabel(p['ylabel']) for median, box, lab in zip(bp['medians'], bp['boxes'], p['xlabel']): box.set(facecolor='none') median.set(linewidth=0) #, color='steelblue') for id, d in enumerate(p['data']): try: plt.scatter([id + 1] * len(d), d, marker='_', color='firebrick', s=60, zorder=9) except: pdb.set_trace() if np.nanmax(d) - np.nanmin(d) > np.nanmax(d): plt.hlines(0, 0, len(d), linestyle='dashed', color='grey') plt.savefig(outpath + os.sep + fdict['metric'] + '_' + fdict['variable'] + '_' + fdict['bc_res'] + '_' + fdict['season'] + '_' + region[0] + '_allModelBoxplot_' + p['ftag'] + '.png') plt.close(f)