예제 #1
def read_cmap(datafile, yearmin=None, yearmax=None, pentad_day=3):
    """Read CMAP pentad data for selected years.

    datafile : str
        File path for CMAP data in NetCDF format.
    yearmin, yearmax : ints, optional
        Min and max years (inclusive) to extract.
    pentad_day : int, optional
        Which day of pentad to use for day coordinate.

    precip : xray.DataArray
        CMAP pentad data for selected years, reshaped to
        [year, pentad, lat, lon].

    NPYR = 73       # Number of pentads per year
    YRMIN = 1979    # First year of CMAP data

    if yearmin is None:
        yearmin = YRMIN

    # Read data
    with xray.open_dataset(datafile) as ds:
        precip = ds['precip'].load()

    # Discard incomplete year at end
    ny = precip.shape[0] // NPYR
    precip = precip[:ny*NPYR]

    # Split into individual years
    years = np.arange(YRMIN, YRMIN + ny)
    pentads = np.arange(1, NPYR + 1)
    precip = atm.split_timedim(precip, NPYR, time0_name='year',
                               time0_vals=years, time1_name='pentad',

    # Extract selected years
    if yearmax is None:
        years = np.arange(yearmin, YRMIN + ny)
        years = np.arange(yearmin, yearmax + 1)
    precip = precip.sel(year=years)
    precip.coords['day'] = atm.pentad_to_jday(precip['pentad'], pmin=1,

    precip = precip.swap_dims({'pentad' : 'day'})
    return precip
datadir = '/home/jwalker/eady/datastore/'
#datadir = '/home/jennifer/datastore/'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MERRA Daily
filename = datadir + 'merra/daily/merra_u200_198601.nc'
ds = atm.ncload(filename)
u = ds['U']
lat = atm.get_coord(u, 'lat')
lon = atm.get_coord(u, 'lon')

# Number of time points per day
n = 8

# Daily mean
u_split = atm.split_timedim(u, n, time0_name='day')
u_new = daily_from_subdaily(u, n, dayvals=np.arange(1,32))
print(np.array_equal(u_new, u_split.mean(axis=1)))

# ndarray version
u_new2 = daily_from_subdaily(u.values, n)
print(np.array_equal(u_new, u_new2))

# Sub-sample version
i = 2
u_new3 = daily_from_subdaily(u, n, method=i)
print(np.array_equal(u_split[:,i], u_new3))

# Plot data to check
d = 5
datadir = '/home/jwalker/eady/datastore/'
#datadir = '/home/jennifer/datastore/'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MERRA Daily
filename = datadir + 'merra/daily/merra_u200_198601.nc'
ds = atm.ncload(filename)
u = ds['U']
lat = atm.get_coord(u, 'lat')
lon = atm.get_coord(u, 'lon')

# Number of time points per day
n = 8

# Daily mean
u_split = atm.split_timedim(u, n, time0_name='day')
u_new = daily_from_subdaily(u, n, dayvals=np.arange(1, 32))
print(np.array_equal(u_new, u_split.mean(axis=1)))

# ndarray version
u_new2 = daily_from_subdaily(u.values, n)
print(np.array_equal(u_new, u_new2))

# Sub-sample version
i = 2
u_new3 = daily_from_subdaily(u, n, method=i)
print(np.array_equal(u_split[:, i], u_new3))

# Plot data to check
d = 5
datadir = '/home/jwalker/eady/datastore/'
#datadir = '/home/jennifer/datastore/'

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# NCEP2 Monthly
filename = datadir + 'atmos-tools/uwnd.mon.mean.nc'
ds = atm.ncload(filename)
u = ds['uwnd']
lat = atm.get_coord(u, 'lat')
lon = atm.get_coord(u, 'lon')

# Remove Jan-Jun of 2015
tlast = -7
u = u[:tlast]

unew = split_timedim(u.values, 12)
unew2 = split_timedim(u.values, 12, slowfast=False)

# Check that reshaping worked properly
m, y, k = 11, 20, 10
data1 = u[y*12 + m, k].values
data2 = unew[y, m, k]
data3 = unew2[m, y, k]
print(np.array_equal(data2, data3))

# Plot data to check
xi, yi = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
plt.pcolormesh(xi, yi, data1, cmap='jet')