예제 #1
def main():
    # Asking the user to input the values of N, decay const and time step
    N, dConst, time = input(
        " the length of the 2D,value of the decay constant λ,and the timestep Δt "
    ).split(" ")
    # making the object of our class
    test = Atom(int(N), float(dConst), float(time))
    simHalf = test.simHalfLife()
    actualHalf = test.actualHalfLife()
    undecayedNuclei = test.undecayedAtoms()
    print(f"The simulated half-life is {simHalf}")
    print(f"The actual half-life is {actualHalf}")
    print(f"The no. of undecayed nuclei are {undecayedNuclei}")