예제 #1
def main_build(ctx,                  # type: click.Context
               options,              # type: Dict[str, Any]
               all,                  # type: bool
               tag,                  # type: Iterable[str]
               pip_compile_options,  # type: Iterable[str]
    # type: (...) -> None
    """Build requirements with pip-compile."""
    if not options['directory'].exists():
        console.error('run `{} init\' first', ctx.find_root().info_name)
    if not all and not tag:
        console.error('either --all or --tag must be provided.')
    src_dir = options['directory'] / options['source_dir']
    dest_dir = options['directory'] / options['build_dir']
    if not dest_dir.exists():
    default_args = ['-r']
    if not tag:
        pattern = '*{}'.format(options['extension'])
        tag = (path.stem for path in src_dir.glob(pattern))
    for tag_name in tag:
        src = src_dir / ''.join((tag_name, options['extension']))
        dest = dest_dir / '{}.txt'.format(tag_name)
        console.info('building {}', click.format_filename(str(dest)))
        args = default_args[:]
        args += [str(src)]
        args += list(pip_compile_options)
        with atomicwrites.AtomicWriter(str(dest), 'w', True).open() as f:
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file:
                args += ['-o', temp_file.name]
                sh.pip_compile(*args, _out=f, _tty_out=False)
예제 #2
def insert_string_at_line(input_file: str,
                          string_to_be_inserted: str,
                          put_at_line_number: int,
                          output_file: str,
                          append: bool = True,
                          newline_character: str = os.linesep):
    r"""Write a string at the specified line.

    :parameter input_file: the file that needs to be read.
    :parameter string_to_be_inserted: the string that needs to be added.
    :parameter put_at_line_number: the line number on which to append the
    :parameter output_file: the file that needs to be written with the new
    :parameter append: decides whether to append or prepend the string at the
         selected line. Defaults to ``True``.
    :parameter newline_character: set the character used to fill the file
         in case line_number is greater than the number of lines of
         input_file. Defaults to the default platform newline,
         i.e: ``os.linesep``.
    :type input_file: str
    :type string_to_be_inserted: str
    :type line_number: int
    :type output_file: str
    :type append: bool
    :type newline_character: str
    :returns: None
    :raises: LineOutOfFileBoundsError or a built-in exception.

    .. note::
         Line numbers start from ``1``.

    .. note::
         Exsisting line endings of the input file are changed to
    if put_at_line_number < 1:
        raise ValueError

    with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    line_counter = 1
    i = 0
    loop = True
    extra_lines_done = False
    line_number_after_eof = len(lines) + 1

    # Atomicwrites does not support the newline argument so
    # all the file writing is done in binary mode.
    c = atomicwrites.AtomicWriter(output_file, 'w', overwrite=True, newline=newline_character)
    with c.open() as f:
        while loop:

            if put_at_line_number > len(
                    lines) and line_counter == line_number_after_eof:
                # There are extra lines to write.
                line = str()
                line = lines[i]

            # It is ok if the position of line to be written is greater
            # than the last line number of the input file. We just need to add
            # the appropriate number of newline characters which will fill
            # the non existing lines of the output file.
            if put_at_line_number > len(
                    lines) and line_counter == line_number_after_eof:
                for additional_newlines in range(
                        0, put_at_line_number - len(lines) - 1):
                    # Skip the newline in the line where we need to insert
                    # the new string.
                    line_counter += 1
                    i += 1
                extra_lines_done = True

            if line_counter == put_at_line_number:
                # A very simple append operation: if the original line ends
                # with a '\n' character, the string will be added on the next
                # line...
                if append:
                    line = line + string_to_be_inserted
                # ...otherwise the string is prepended.
                    line = string_to_be_inserted + line
            line_counter += 1
            i += 1
            # Quit the loop if there is nothing more to write.
            if i >= len(lines):
                loop = False
            # Continue looping if there are still extra lines to write.
            if put_at_line_number > len(lines) and not extra_lines_done:
                loop = True
예제 #3
def atomic_file_writebytes(b, fn, overwrite=False):
    with atomicwrites.AtomicWriter(fn, mode='wb',
                                   overwrite=overwrite).open() as f:
예제 #4
def _open_writable(path, is_binary):
    mode = 'wb' if is_binary else 'w'
    return atomicwrites.AtomicWriter(path, mode=mode, overwrite=True).open()