예제 #1
    def load_model(self, model, name=None):
        Loads record contents from a given model.

        model : str or DataModelDict
            The model contents of the record to load.
        name : str, optional
            The name to assign to the record.  Often inferred from other
            attributes if not given.
        # Load universal and subset content
        super().load_model(model, name=name)
        calc = self.model[self.modelroot]

        # Load calculation-specific content
        run_params = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']
        self.strainrange = run_params['strain-range']

        # Load results
        if self.status == 'finished':
            self.__raw_Cij_negative = uc.value_unit(calc['raw-elastic-constants'][0]['Cij'])
            self.__raw_Cij_positive = uc.value_unit(calc['raw-elastic-constants'][1]['Cij'])
            Cij = uc.value_unit(calc['elastic-constants']['Cij'])
            self.__C = am.ElasticConstants(Cij=Cij)
예제 #2
파일: EvsRScan.py 프로젝트: lmhale99/iprPy
    def load_model(self, model, name=None):
        Loads record contents from a given model.

        model : str or DataModelDict
            The model contents of the record to load.
        name : str, optional
            The name to assign to the record.  Often inferred from other
            attributes if not given.
        # Load universal and subset content
        super().load_model(model, name=name)
        calc = self.model[self.modelroot]

        # Load calculation-specific content
        run_params = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']
        self.minimum_r = uc.value_unit(run_params['minimum_r'])
        self.maximum_r = uc.value_unit(run_params['maximum_r'])
        self.number_of_steps_r = run_params['number_of_steps_r']

        # Load results
        if self.status == 'finished':
            scan = calc['cohesive-energy-relation']
            self.r_values = uc.value_unit(scan['r'])
            self.a_values = uc.value_unit(scan['a'])
            self.energy_values = uc.value_unit(scan['cohesive-energy'])

            self.min_cells = []
            for cell in calc.aslist('minimum-atomic-system'):
                self.min_cells.append(DM([('atomic-system', cell)]))
예제 #3
    def load_model(self, model, name=None):
        Loads record contents from a given model.

        model : str or DataModelDict
            The model contents of the record to load.
        name : str, optional
            The name to assign to the record.  Often inferred from other
            attributes if not given.
        # Load universal and subset content
        super().load_model(model, name=name)
        calc = self.model[self.modelroot]

        # Load calculation-specific content
        run_params = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']
        self.minimum_r = uc.value_unit(run_params['minimum_r'])
        self.maximum_r = uc.value_unit(run_params['maximum_r'])
        self.number_of_steps_r = run_params['number_of_steps_r']

        self.symbols = calc['system-info']['symbol']

        # Load results
        if self.status == 'finished':
            scan = calc['diatom-energy-relation']
            self.r_values = uc.value_unit(scan['r'])
            self.energy_values = uc.value_unit(scan['potential-energy'])
예제 #4
    def load_model(self, model, name=None):
        Loads record contents from a given model.

        model : str or DataModelDict
            The model contents of the record to load.
        name : str, optional
            The name to assign to the record.  Often inferred from other
            attributes if not given.
        # Load universal and subset content
        super().load_model(model, name=name)
        calc = self.model[self.modelroot]

        # Load results
        if self.status == 'finished':
            self.__dumpfile_base = calc['defect-free-system']['artifact']['file']
            self.__potential_energy_base = uc.value_unit(calc['defect-free-system']['potential-energy'])
            self.__dumpfile_defect= calc['defect-system']['artifact']['file']
            self.__potential_energy_defect = uc.value_unit(calc['defect-system']['potential-energy'])

            self.__potential_energy = uc.value_unit(calc['cohesive-energy'])
            self.__surface_energy = uc.value_unit(calc['free-surface-energy'])
예제 #5
    def load_model(self, model, name=None):
        Loads record contents from a given model.

        model : str or DataModelDict
            The model contents of the record to load.
        name : str, optional
            The name to assign to the record.  Often inferred from other
            attributes if not given.
        # Load universal and subset content
        super().load_model(model, name=name)
        calc = self.model[self.modelroot]

        # Load calculation-specific content
        run_params = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']
        self.a1 = run_params['stackingfault_a1']
        self.a2 = run_params['stackingfault_a2']

        # Load results
        if self.status == 'finished':
            self.__dumpfile_base = calc['defect-free-system']['artifact'][
            self.__potential_energy_base = uc.value_unit(

            self.__dumpfile_defect = calc['defect-system']['artifact']['file']
            self.__potential_energy_defect = uc.value_unit(

            self.__gsf_energy = uc.value_unit(calc['stacking-fault-energy'])
            self.__gsf_displacement = uc.value_unit(calc['plane-separation'])
예제 #6
 def todict(self, record_model, params, full=True, flat=False):
     Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
     record_model : DataModelDict.DataModelDict
         The record content (after root element) to interpret.
     params : dict
         The dictionary to add the interpreted content to
     full : bool, optional
         Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
         terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
         of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
     flat : bool, optional
         Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
         dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
         values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
         values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
         (Default is False).
     prefix = self.prefix
     modelprefix = prefix.replace('_', '-')
     run_params = record_model['calculation']['run-parameter']
     params[f'{prefix}energytolerance'] = run_params[
     params[f'{prefix}forcetolerance'] = uc.value_unit(
     params[f'{prefix}maxiterations'] = run_params[
     params[f'{prefix}maxevaluations'] = run_params[
     params[f'{prefix}maxatommotion'] = uc.value_unit(
예제 #7
    def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
        Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
        full : bool, optional
            Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
            terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
            of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
        flat : bool, optional
            Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
            dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
            values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
            values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
            (Default is False).
            A dictionary representation of the record's content.

        # Extract universal content
        params = super().todict(full=full, flat=flat)
        calc = self.content[self.contentroot]

        params['minimum_r'] = uc.value_unit(
        params['maximum_r'] = uc.value_unit(
        params['number_of_steps_r'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter'][

        # Extract potential info
        subset('lammps_potential').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        # Extract system info
        subset('atomman_systemload').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        params['number_min_states'] = len(calc.aslist('minimum-atomic-system'))
        if params['status'] == 'not calculated':
            params['number_min_states'] = 1

        if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':

            if flat is False:
                plot = calc['cohesive-energy-relation']
                er_plot = {}
                er_plot['r'] = uc.value_unit(plot['r'])
                er_plot['a'] = uc.value_unit(plot['a'])
                er_plot['E_coh'] = uc.value_unit(plot['cohesive-energy'])
                params['e_vs_r_plot'] = pd.DataFrame(er_plot)

        return params
예제 #8
    def load(self, model, gamma=None):
        Load solution from a data model.
        model : str or DataModelDict
            The semi-discrete-Peierls-Nabarro data model to load.
        gamma : atomman.defect.GammaSurface, optional
            The gamma surface to use.  If not given, will check to see if the
            content is inside model.
            If the gamma surface information is not given and it is not found
            in model.

        # Identify model element
            sdpn = DM(model).find('semidiscrete-variational-Peierls-Nabarro')
            sdpn = DM(model).find('semi-discrete-Peierls-Nabarro')

        # Load calculation parameters
        params = sdpn['parameter']
            self.__transform = uc.value_unit(params['transform'])
            self.__transform = uc.value_unit(params['axes'])
        self.__K_tensor = uc.value_unit(params['K_tensor'])
        self.__burgers = uc.value_unit(params['burgers'])
        self.tau = uc.value_unit(params['tau'])
        self.alpha = uc.value_unit(params['alpha'])
        self.beta = uc.value_unit(params['beta'])
        self.cutofflongrange = uc.value_unit(params['cutofflongrange'])
        self.fullstress = params['fullstress']
        self.cdiffelastic = params['cdiffelastic']
        self.cdiffsurface = params['cdiffsurface']
        self.cdiffstress = params['cdiffstress']
        self.min_method = params['min_method']
        self.min_options = params['min_options']
        self.min_kwargs = params.get('min_kwargs', None)

        # Load gamma
        if gamma is None:
                gamma = GammaSurface(model)
                raise ValueError('No gamma surface in model or given!')
        elif not isinstance(gamma, GammaSurface):
            gamma = GammaSurface(gamma)
        self.__gamma = gamma

        # Load calculation solution
        solution = sdpn['solution']
        self.x = uc.value_unit(solution['x'])
        self.disregistry = uc.value_unit(solution['disregistry'])
예제 #9
    def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
        Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
        full : bool, optional
            Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
            terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
            of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
        flat : bool, optional
            Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
            dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
            values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
            values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
            (Default is False).
            A dictionary representation of the record's content.
        # Extract universal content
        params = super().todict(full=full, flat=flat)
        calc = self.content[self.contentroot]
        # Extract calculation-specific run parameters
        params['minimum_r'] = uc.value_unit(calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['minimum_r'])
        params['maximum_r'] = uc.value_unit(calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['maximum_r'])
        params['number_of_steps_r'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['number_of_steps_r']
        # Extract potential info
        subset('lammps_potential').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        # Extract symbols info
        symbols = aslist(calc['system-info']['symbol'])
        if flat is True:
            params['symbols'] = ' '.join(symbols)
            params['symbols'] = symbols
        # Set calculation status
        params['status'] = calc.get('status', 'finished')
        params['error'] = calc.get('error', np.nan)
        # Extract results
        if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':
            if flat is False:
                plot = calc['diatom-energy-relation']
                da_plot = {}
                da_plot['r'] = uc.value_unit(plot['r'])
                da_plot['energy'] = uc.value_unit(plot['potential-energy'])
                params['diatom_plot'] = pd.DataFrame(da_plot)
        return params
예제 #10
    def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
        Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
        full : bool, optional
            Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
            terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
            of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
        flat : bool, optional
            Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
            dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
            values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
            values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
            (Default is False).
            A dictionary representation of the record's content.
        # Fetch universal record params
        params = super().todict(full=full, flat=flat)
        crystal = self.content[self.contentroot]
        params['method'] = crystal['method']
        params['standing'] = crystal.get('standing', 'good')
        # Extract potential info
        subset('lammps_potential').todict(crystal, params, full=full, flat=flat)
        params['family'] = crystal['system-info']['family']
        params['parent_key'] = crystal['system-info']['parent_key']
        ucell = am.load('system_model', self.content, key='atomic-system')
        params['composition'] = ucell.composition

        #print('potential-energy' in crystal)
        if 'potential-energy' in crystal:
            params['E_pot'] = uc.value_unit(crystal['potential-energy'])
            params['E_coh'] = uc.value_unit(crystal['cohesive-energy'])
            params['E_coh'] = params['E_pot'] = uc.value_unit(crystal['cohesive-energy'])
        if flat is True:
            params['symbols'] = list(ucell.symbols)
            params['a'] = ucell.box.a
            params['b'] = ucell.box.b
            params['c'] = ucell.box.c
            params['alpha'] = ucell.box.alpha
            params['beta'] = ucell.box.beta
            params['gamma'] = ucell.box.gamma
            params['natoms'] = ucell.natoms
            params['ucell'] = ucell
        return params
    def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
        Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
        full : bool, optional
            Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
            terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
            of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
        flat : bool, optional
            Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
            dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
            values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
            values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
            (Default is False).
            A dictionary representation of the record's content.

        # Extract universal content
        params = super().todict(full=full, flat=flat)
        calc = self.content[self.contentroot]

        # Extract minimization info
        subset('lammps_minimize').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        params['shiftfraction1'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter'][
        params['shiftfraction2'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter'][

        # Extract potential info
        subset('lammps_potential').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        # Extract system info
        subset('atomman_systemload').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        subset('stackingfault').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        params['shiftvector1'] = calc['stacking-fault'][
        params['shiftvector2'] = calc['stacking-fault'][

        if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':
            params['gamma_sf'] = uc.value_unit(calc['stacking-fault-energy'])
            params['delta_disp_sf'] = uc.value_unit(calc['plane-separation'])

        return params
예제 #12
    def load_model(self, model):
        """Loads subset attributes from an existing model."""
        run_params = model['calculation']['run-parameter']

        self.energytolerance = run_params[f'{self.modelprefix}energytolerance']
        self.forcetolerance = uc.value_unit(run_params[f'{self.modelprefix}forcetolerance'])
        self.maxiterations = run_params[f'{self.modelprefix}maxiterations']
        self.maxevaluations = run_params[f'{self.modelprefix}maxevaluations']
        self.maxatommotion = uc.value_unit(run_params[f'{self.modelprefix}maxatommotion'])
    def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
        Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
        full : bool, optional
            Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
            terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
            of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
        flat : bool, optional
            Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
            dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
            values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
            values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
            (Default is False).
            A dictionary representation of the record's content.

        # Extract universal content
        params = super().todict(full=full, flat=flat)
        calc = self.content[self.contentroot]

        # Extract minimization info
        subset('lammps_minimize').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        # Extract potential info
        subset('lammps_potential').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        # Extract system info
        subset('atomman_systemload').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        subset('pointdefect').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':

            params['E_f'] = uc.value_unit(calc['defect-formation-energy'])
            params['pij'] = uc.value_unit(calc['defect-elastic-dipole-tensor'])
            params['natoms'] = calc['number-of-atoms']

            r_c = calc['reconfiguration-check']
            params['reconfigured'] = r_c['has_reconfigured']
            if flat is False:
                params['centrosummation'] = r_c['centrosummation']
                params['position_shift'] = r_c.get('position_shift', np.nan)
                params['db_vect_shift'] = r_c.get('db_vect_shift', np.nan)

        return params
def todict(record, full=True):

    model = DM(record)

    calc = model['calculation-cohesive-energy-relation']
    params = {}
    params['calc_key'] = calc['key']
    params['calc_script'] = calc['calculation']['script']
    params['minimum_r'] = uc.value_unit(
    params['maximum_r'] = uc.value_unit(
    params['number_of_steps_r'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter'][
    params['sizemults'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter'][
    params['sizemults'] = np.array([
        params['sizemults']['a'], params['sizemults']['b'],
    params['potential_key'] = calc['potential']['key']
    params['potential_id'] = calc['potential']['id']
    params['load'] = '%s %s' % (calc['system-info']['artifact']['format'],
    params['prototype'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['family']
    params['symbols'] = aslist(calc['system-info']['symbols'])

    if full is True:
        if 'error' in calc:
            params['status'] = calc['status']
            params['error'] = calc['error']
            params['e_vs_r_plot'] = np.nan
            params['number_min_states'] = 0

        elif 'status' in calc:
            params['status'] = calc['status']
            params['error'] = np.nan
            params['e_vs_r_plot'] = np.nan
            params['number_min_states'] = 1

            params['status'] = np.nan
            params['error'] = np.nan
            plot = calc['cohesive-energy-relation']
            params['e_vs_r_plot'] = pd.DataFrame({
            params['number_min_states'] = len(
    return params
    def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
        Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
        full : bool, optional
            Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
            terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
            of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
        flat : bool, optional
            Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
            dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
            values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
            values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
            (Default is False).
            A dictionary representation of the record's content.
        # Extract universal content
        params = super().todict(full=full, flat=flat)
        calc = self.content[self.contentroot]

        params['thermosteps']= calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['thermosteps']
        params['dumpsteps'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['dumpsteps']
        params['runsteps'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['runsteps']
        params['randomseed'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['randomseed']
        params['boundarywidth'] = uc.value_unit(calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['boundarywidth'])
        params['rigidboundaries'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['rigidboundaries']
        params['stress_xz'] = uc.value_unit(calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['stress-xz'])
        params['stress_yz'] = uc.value_unit(calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['stress-yz'])
        # Extract potential info
        subset('lammps_potential').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)
        # Extract system info
        subset('atomman_systemload').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)
        params['temperature'] = uc.value_unit(calc['phase-state']['temperature'])
        if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':
            params['strainrate_xz'] = uc.value_unit(calc['strain-rate-xz'])
            params['strainrate_yz'] = uc.value_unit(calc['strain-rate-yz'])

            if flat is True:
                plot = calc['strain-rate-relation']
                sr_plot = {}
                sr_plot['t'] = uc.value_unit(plot['time'])
                sr_plot['strain_xz'] = uc.value_unit(plot['strain-xz'])
                sr_plot['strain_yz'] = uc.value_unit(plot['strain-yz'])
                params['strain_vs_time_plot'] = pd.DataFrame(sr_plot)
        return params
예제 #16
 def test_model(self):
     box = am.Box.cubic(5.42)
     model = box.model()
     assert np.allclose(uc.value_unit(model['box']['avect']), np.array([5.42, 0.0, 0.0]))
     assert np.allclose(uc.value_unit(model['box']['bvect']), np.array([0.0, 5.42, 0.0]))
     assert np.allclose(uc.value_unit(model['box']['cvect']), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 5.42]))
     assert np.allclose(uc.value_unit(model['box']['origin']), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
     box = am.Box(model=model)
     assert np.allclose(box.vects, np.array([[5.42, 0.0, 0.0],
                                             [0.0, 5.42, 0.0], 
                                             [0.0, 0.0, 5.42]]))
예제 #17
    def load_model(self, model, name=None):
        Loads record contents from a given model.

        model : str or DataModelDict
            The model contents of the record to load.
        name : str, optional
            The name to assign to the record.  Often inferred from other
            attributes if not given.
        # Load universal and subset content
        super().load_model(model, name=name)
        calc = self.model[self.modelroot]

        # Load results
        if self.status == 'finished':
            self.__dumpfile_base = calc['defect-free-system']['artifact'][
            self.__symbols_base = calc['defect-free-system']['symbols']
            self.__potential_energy_base = uc.value_unit(
            self.__natoms_base = None

            self.__dumpfile_defect = calc['defect-system']['artifact']['file']
            self.__symbols_defect = calc['defect-system']['symbols']
            self.__potential_energy_defect = uc.value_unit(
            self.__natoms_defect = calc['number-of-atoms']

            self.__potential_energy = uc.value_unit(calc['cohesive-energy'])
            self.__formation_energy = uc.value_unit(
            self.__dipole_tensor = uc.value_unit(

            # Save the reconfiguration checks
            r_c = calc['reconfiguration-check']
            self.__has_reconfigured = r_c['has_reconfigured']
            self.__centrosummation = np.array(r_c['centrosummation'])
            if 'position_shift' in r_c:
                self.__position_shift = np.array(r_c['position_shift'])
                self.__position_shift = None
            if 'db_vect_shift' in r_c:
                self.__db_vect_shift = np.array(r_c['db_vect_shift'])
                self.__db_vect_shift = None
예제 #18
    def model(self, model=None, unit=None, crystal_system='triclinic'):
        Return or set DataModelDict representation of the elastic constants.
        model : DataModelDict, string, or file-like object, optional
            Data model containing exactly one 'elastic-constants' branch to
        unit : str, optional
            Units or pressure to save values in when building a data model.
            Default value is None (no conversion).
        crystal_system : str, optional
            Indicates the crystal system representation to normalize by.
            Default value is 'triclinic', i.e. no normalization.
            If model is not given as a parameter.

        # Set values if model given
        if model is not None:

            # Find elastic-constants element
            model = DM(model).find('elastic-constants')

            # Read in values
                # New format
                self.Cij = uc.value_unit(model['Cij'])
                # Old format
                c_dict = {}
                for C in model['C']:
                    key = 'C' + C['ij'][0] + C['ij'][2]
                    c_dict[key] = uc.value_unit(C['stiffness'])
                self.Cij = ElasticConstants(**c_dict).Cij

        # Return DataModelDict if model not given
            normCij = self.normalized_as(crystal_system).Cij
            model = DM()
            model['elastic-constants'] = DM()
            model['elastic-constants']['Cij'] = uc.model(normCij, unit)

            return model
예제 #19
    def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
        Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
        full : bool, optional
            Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
            terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
            of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
        flat : bool, optional
            Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
            dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
            values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
            values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
            (Default is False).
            A dictionary representation of the record's content.

        # Extract universal content
        params = super().todict(full=full, flat=flat)

        calc = self.content[self.contentroot]

        # Extract potential info
        subset('lammps_potential').todict(calc, params, full=full, flat=flat)

        # Set calculation status
        params['status'] = calc.get('status', 'finished')
        params['error'] = calc.get('error', np.nan)

        # Extract results
        if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':

            if flat is True:
                for value in calc.aslist('isolated-atom-energy'):
                    params[value['symbol']] = uc.value_unit(value['energy'])
            if flat is False:
                params['energy'] = {}
                for value in calc.aslist('isolated-atom-energy'):
                    params['energy'][value['symbol']] = uc.value_unit(

        return params
예제 #20
 def model(self, model=None, unit=None, crystal_system='triclinic'):
     Return or set DataModelDict representation of the elastic constants.
     model : DataModelDict, string, or file-like object, optional
         Data model containing exactly one 'elastic-constants' branch to
     unit : str, optional
         Units or pressure to save values in when building a data model.
         Default value is None (no conversion).
     crystal_system : str, optional
         Indicates the crystal system representation to normalize by.
         Default value is 'triclinic', i.e. no normalization.
         If model is not given as a parameter.
     # Set values if model given
     if model is not None:
         # Find elastic-constants element
         model = DM(model).find('elastic-constants')
         # Read in values
             # New format
             self.Cij = uc.value_unit(model['Cij'])
             # Old format
             c_dict = {}
             for C in model['C']:
                 key = 'C' + C['ij'][0] + C['ij'][2]
                 c_dict[key] = uc.value_unit(C['stiffness'])
             self.Cij = ElasticConstants(**c_dict).Cij 
     # Return DataModelDict if model not given
         normCij = self.normalized_as(crystal_system).Cij
         model = DM()
         model['elastic-constants'] = DM()
         model['elastic-constants']['Cij'] = uc.model(normCij, unit)
         return model
예제 #21
 def test_tensor_model(self):
     unit = 'mJ/s^2'
     v = np.array([[1234.214, 346.23], [109.124, 235.781]])
     value = uc.set_in_units(v, unit)
     model = uc.model(value, unit)
     value2 = uc.value_unit(model)
     assert np.allclose(value, value2)
예제 #22
 def test_vector_model(self):
     unit = 'mJ/s^2'
     v = np.array([1234.214, 346.23])
     value = uc.set_in_units(v, unit)
     model = uc.model(value, unit)
     value2 = uc.value_unit(model)
     assert np.allclose(value, value2)
예제 #23
 def test_scalar_model(self):
     unit = 'mJ/s^2'
     v = 1234.214
     value = uc.set_in_units(v, unit)
     model = uc.model(value, unit)
     value2 = uc.value_unit(model)
     assert pytest.approx(value, value2)
예제 #24
파일: todict.py 프로젝트: lmhale99/iprPy
def todict(record, full=True, flat=False):

    model = DM(record)

    calc = model['calculation-grain-boundary-search']
    params = {}
    params['calc_key'] = calc['key']
    params['calc_script'] = calc['calculation']['script']
    params['potential_key'] = calc['potential']['key']
    params['potential_id'] = calc['potential']['id']
    params['symbols'] = aslist(calc['system-info']['symbols'])
    params['x_axis_1'] = calc['grain-1']['crystallographic-axes']['x-axis']
    params['y_axis_1'] = calc['grain-1']['crystallographic-axes']['y-axis']
    params['z_axis_1'] = calc['grain-1']['crystallographic-axes']['z-axis']
    params['x_axis_2'] = calc['grain-2']['crystallographic-axes']['x-axis']
    params['y_axis_2'] = calc['grain-2']['crystallographic-axes']['y-axis']
    params['z_axis_2'] = calc['grain-2']['crystallographic-axes']['z-axis']

    params['status'] = calc.get('status', 'finished')

    if full is True:
        if params['status'] == 'error':
            params['error'] = calc['error']

        elif params['status'] == 'not calculated':

            params['E_gb'] = uc.value_unit(calc['lowest-energy']['E_gb'])

    return params
예제 #25
def todict(record, full=True):

    model = DM(record)

    calc = model['calculation-grain-boundary-search']
    params = {}
    params['calc_key'] = calc['key']
    params['calc_script'] = calc['calculation']['script']
    params['potential_key'] = calc['potential']['key']
    params['potential_id'] = calc['potential']['id']
    params['symbols'] = aslist(calc['system-info']['symbols'])
    params['x_axis_1'] = calc['grain-1']['crystallographic-axes']['x-axis']
    params['y_axis_1'] = calc['grain-1']['crystallographic-axes']['y-axis']
    params['z_axis_1'] = calc['grain-1']['crystallographic-axes']['z-axis']
    params['x_axis_2'] = calc['grain-2']['crystallographic-axes']['x-axis']
    params['y_axis_2'] = calc['grain-2']['crystallographic-axes']['y-axis']
    params['z_axis_2'] = calc['grain-2']['crystallographic-axes']['z-axis']

    if full is True:
        if 'error' in calc:
            params['status'] = calc['status']
            params['error'] = calc['error']
            params['E_gb'] = np.nan

        elif 'status' in calc:
            params['status'] = calc['status']
            params['error'] = np.nan
            params['E_gb'] = np.nan

            params['status'] = np.nan
            params['error'] = np.nan
            params['E_gb'] = uc.value_unit(calc['lowest-energy']['E_gb'])

    return params
예제 #26
    def load_model(self, model):
        """Loads subset attributes from an existing model."""
        sf = model[self.modelroot]

        self.__model = None
        self.__param_file = None
        self.key = sf['key']
        self.id = sf['id']
        self.family = sf['system-family']

        cp = sf['calculation-parameter']
        self.hkl = cp['hkl']
        self.a1vect_uvw = cp['a1vect_uvw']
        self.a2vect_uvw = cp['a2vect_uvw']
        self.shiftindex = int(cp['shiftindex'])
        self.cutboxvector = cp['cutboxvector']
        self.faultpos_rel = float(cp['faultpos_rel'])
        self.cellsetting = cp['cellsetting']

        run_params = model['calculation']['run-parameter']

        a_mult = run_params[f'{self.modelprefix}size-multipliers']['a'][1]
        b_mult = run_params[f'{self.modelprefix}size-multipliers']['b'][1]
        c_mult = run_params[f'{self.modelprefix}size-multipliers']['c'][1]
        self.sizemults = [a_mult, b_mult, c_mult]
        self.minwidth = uc.value_unit(
예제 #27
파일: SDVPN.py 프로젝트: usnistgov/atomman
 def load(self, model, gamma=None):
     Load solution from a data model.
     model : str or DataModelDict
         The semi-discrete-Peierls-Nabarro data model to load.
     gamma : atomman.defect.GammaSurface
         The gamma surface to use.
     # Identify model element
         sdpn = DM(model).find('semidiscrete-variational-Peierls-Nabarro')
         sdpn = DM(model).find('semi-discrete-Peierls-Nabarro')
     # Load calculation parameters
     params = sdpn['parameter']
     self.__axes = uc.value_unit(params['axes'])
     self.__K_tensor = uc.value_unit(params['K_tensor'])
     self.__tau = uc.value_unit(params['tau'])
     self.__alpha = uc.value_unit(params['alpha'])
     if not isinstance(self.__alpha, list):
         self.__alpha = [self.__alpha]
     self.__beta = uc.value_unit(params['beta'])
     self.__cutofflongrange = uc.value_unit(params['cutofflongrange'])
     self.__burgers = uc.value_unit(params['burgers'])
     self.__fullstress = params['fullstress']
     self.__cdiffelastic = params['cdiffelastic']
     self.__cdiffsurface = params['cdiffsurface']
     self.__cdiffstress = params['cdiffstress']
     self.__min_method = params['min_method']
     self.__min_options = params['min_options']
     # Load gamma
     if gamma is None:
             gamma = GammaSurface(model)
             raise ValueError('No gamma surface in model or given!')
     elif not isinstance(gamma, GammaSurface):
         gamma = GammaSurface(gamma)
     self.__gamma = gamma
     # Load calculation solution
     solution = sdpn['solution']
     self.__x = uc.value_unit(solution['x'])
     self.__disregistry = uc.value_unit(solution['disregistry'])
예제 #28
 def load(self, model, gamma=None):
     Load solution from a data model.
     model : str or DataModelDict
         The semi-discrete-Peierls-Nabarro data model to load.
     gamma : atomman.defect.GammaSurface
         The gamma surface to use.
     # Identify model element
         sdpn = DM(model).find('semidiscrete-variational-Peierls-Nabarro')
         sdpn = DM(model).find('semi-discrete-Peierls-Nabarro')
     # Load calculation parameters
     params = sdpn['parameter']
     self.__axes = uc.value_unit(params['axes'])
     self.__K_tensor = uc.value_unit(params['K_tensor'])
     self.__tau = uc.value_unit(params['tau'])
     self.__alpha = uc.value_unit(params['alpha'])
     if not isinstance(self.__alpha, list):
         self.__alpha = [self.__alpha]
     self.__beta = uc.value_unit(params['beta'])
     self.__cutofflongrange = uc.value_unit(params['cutofflongrange'])
     self.__burgers = uc.value_unit(params['burgers'])
     self.__fullstress = params['fullstress']
     self.__cdiffelastic = params['cdiffelastic']
     self.__cdiffsurface = params['cdiffsurface']
     self.__cdiffstress = params['cdiffstress']
     self.__min_method = params['min_method']
     self.__min_options = params['min_options']
     # Load gamma
     if gamma is None:
             gamma = GammaSurface(model)
             raise ValueError('No gamma surface in model or given!')
     elif not isinstance(gamma, GammaSurface):
         gamma = GammaSurface(gamma)
     self.__gamma = gamma
     # Load calculation solution
     solution = sdpn['solution']
     self.__x = uc.value_unit(solution['x'])
     self.__disregistry = uc.value_unit(solution['disregistry'])
예제 #29
    def __init__(self, sp):
        self.__direction = sp['direction']
        self.__error = sp.get('error', None)

        if self.__error is None:
            self.__coord = uc.value_unit(sp['minimum-energy-path'])
            #self.__path = self.gamma.path(self.coord)
            self.__usf_mep = uc.value_unit(sp['unstable-fault-energy-mep'])
            self.__usf_urp = uc.value_unit(
            self.__shear_mep = uc.value_unit(sp['ideal-shear-stress-mep'])
            self.__shear_urp = uc.value_unit(

            self.__coord = None
            #self.__path = None
            self.__usf_mep = None
            self.__usf_urp = None
            self.__shear_mep = None
            self.__shear_urp = None
예제 #30
    def model(self, model=None, length_unit='angstrom'):
        Reads or generates a data model for the box.

        model : str or DataModelDict, optional
            JSON/XML formatted data, or path to file containing said data.  If
            not given, then a model for the current box will be returned.
        length_unit : str, optional
            Unit of length to save box values in if data model is to be
            generated.  Default value is 'angstrom'.

            A JSON/XML equivalent data model for the box.  Returned if model
            is not given
        # Set values if model given
        if model is not None:
            # Find box element
            model = DM(model).find('box')
            avect = uc.value_unit(model['avect'])
            bvect = uc.value_unit(model['bvect'])
            cvect = uc.value_unit(model['cvect'])
            origin = uc.value_unit(model['origin'])
            self.set(avect=avect, bvect=bvect, cvect=cvect, origin=origin)
        # Return DataModelDict if model not given
            model = DM()
            model['box'] = DM()
            model['box']['avect'] = uc.model(self.avect, length_unit)
            model['box']['bvect'] = uc.model(self.bvect, length_unit)
            model['box']['cvect'] = uc.model(self.cvect, length_unit)
            model['box']['origin']= uc.model(self.origin, length_unit)

            return model
예제 #31
    def load_model(self, model, name=None):
        Loads record contents from a given model.

        model : str or DataModelDict
            The model contents of the record to load.
        name : str, optional
            The name to assign to the record.  Often inferred from other
            attributes if not given.
        # Load universal and subset content
        super().load_model(model, name=name)
        calc = self.model[self.modelroot]

        # Load calculation-specific content
        run_params = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']
        self.minimum_r = uc.value_unit(run_params['minimum_r'])
        self.maximum_r = uc.value_unit(run_params['maximum_r'])
        self.number_of_steps_r = run_params['number_of_steps_r']
        self.minimum_theta = run_params['minimum_theta']
        self.maximum_theta = run_params['maximum_theta']
        self.number_of_steps_theta = run_params['number_of_steps_theta']

        self.symbols = calc['system-info']['symbol']

        # Load results
        if self.status == 'finished':
           self.cluster = am.cluster.BondAngleMap(rmin=self.minimum_r,
           self.results_file = calc['calculation']['results']['file']
           self.results_length_unit = calc['calculation']['results']['length_unit']
           self.results_energy_unit = calc['calculation']['results']['energy_unit']
예제 #32
    def load_model(self, model, name=None):
        Loads record contents from a given model.

        model : str or DataModelDict
            The model contents of the record to load.
        name : str, optional
            The name to assign to the record.  Often inferred from other
            attributes if not given.
        # Load universal and subset content
        super().load_model(model, name=name)
        calc = self.model[self.modelroot]

        # Load calculation-specific content
        run_params = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']
        self.boundaryshape = run_params['dislocation_boundaryshape']
        self.boundarywidth = run_params['dislocation_boundarywidth']
        self.boundaryscale = run_params['dislocation_boundaryscale']
        self.annealtemperature = run_params['annealtemperature']
        self.annealsteps = run_params['annealsteps']

        # Load results
        if self.status == 'finished':
            self.__dumpfile_base = calc['base-system']['artifact']['file']
            self.__symbols_base = calc['base-system']['symbols']

            self.__dumpfile_defect = calc['defect-system']['artifact']['file']
            self.__symbols_defect = calc['defect-system']['symbols']
            self.__potential_energy_defect = uc.value_unit(

            elsol = calc['elastic-solution']
            self.__preln = uc.value_unit(elsol['pre-ln-factor'])
            self.__K_tensor = uc.value_unit(elsol['K-tensor'])
예제 #33
 def model(self, **kwargs):
     Return or set DataModelDict representation of the elastic constants.
     Keyword Arguments:
     model -- string or file-like object of json/xml model or DataModelDict.
     unit -- units to give values in. Default is None.
     crystal_system -- crystal system representation. Default is triclinic.
     If model is given, then model is converted into a DataModelDict and the elastic constants are read in if the model contains exactly one 'elastic-constants' branch.
     If model is not given, then a DataModelDict for the elastic constants is constructed. The values included will depend on the crystal system, and will be converted to the specified units.   
     #Set values if model given
     if 'model' in kwargs:        
         assert len(kwargs) == 1, 'no keyword arguments supported with model reading' 
         model = DM(kwargs['model']).find('elastic-constants')
         c_dict = {}
         for C in model['C']:
             key = 'C' + C['ij'][0] + C['ij'][2]
             c_dict[key] = uc.value_unit(C['stiffness'])
         self.Cij = ElasticConstants(**c_dict).Cij 
     #Return DataModelDict if model not given
         unit = kwargs.pop('unit', None)
         crystal_system = kwargs.pop('crystal_system', 'triclinic')
         assert len(kwargs) == 0, 'Invalid arguments'
         model = DM()
         model['elastic-constants'] = DM()
         model['elastic-constants']['C'] = C = []
         c = uc.get_in_units(self.Cij, unit)
         c_dict = DM()
         if crystal_system == 'cubic':
             c_dict['1 1'] = (c[0,0] + c[1,1] + c[2,2]) / 3
             c_dict['1 2'] = (c[0,1] + c[0,2] + c[1,2]) / 3
             c_dict['4 4'] = (c[3,3] + c[4,4] + c[5,5]) / 3
         elif crystal_system == 'hexagonal':
             c_dict['1 1'] = (c[0,0] + c[1,1]) / 2
             c_dict['3 3'] = c[2,2]
             c_dict['1 2'] = (c[0,1] + (c[0,0] - 2*c[5,5])) / 2
             c_dict['1 3'] = (c[0,2] + c[1,2]) / 2
             c_dict['4 4'] = (c[3,3] + c[4,4]) / 2   
         elif crystal_system == 'tetragonal':
             c_dict['1 1'] = (c[0,0] + c[1,1]) / 2
             c_dict['3 3'] = c[2,2]
             c_dict['1 2'] = c[0,1]
             c_dict['1 3'] = (c[0,2] + c[1,2]) / 2
             c_dict['1 6'] = (c[0,5] - c[1,5]) / 2
             c_dict['4 4'] = (c[3,3] + c[4,4]) / 2
             c_dict['6 6'] = c[5,5]
         elif crystal_system == 'orthorhombic':
             c_dict['1 1'] = c[0,0]
             c_dict['2 2'] = c[1,1]
             c_dict['3 3'] = c[2,2]
             c_dict['1 2'] = c[0,1]
             c_dict['1 3'] = c[0,2]
             c_dict['2 3'] = c[1,2]
             c_dict['4 4'] = c[3,3]
             c_dict['5 5'] = c[4,4]
             c_dict['6 6'] = c[5,5]   
             c_dict['1 1'] = c[0,0]
             c_dict['1 2'] = c[0,1]
             c_dict['1 3'] = c[0,2]
             c_dict['1 4'] = c[0,3]
             c_dict['1 5'] = c[0,4]
             c_dict['1 6'] = c[0,5]
             c_dict['2 2'] = c[1,1]
             c_dict['2 3'] = c[1,2]
             c_dict['2 4'] = c[1,3]  
             c_dict['2 5'] = c[1,4]
             c_dict['2 6'] = c[1,5]
             c_dict['3 3'] = c[2,2]
             c_dict['3 4'] = c[2,3]
             c_dict['3 5'] = c[2,4]
             c_dict['3 6'] = c[2,5]
             c_dict['4 4'] = c[3,3]
             c_dict['4 5'] = c[3,4]
             c_dict['4 6'] = c[3,5]  
             c_dict['5 5'] = c[4,4]
             c_dict['5 6'] = c[4,5]
             c_dict['6 6'] = c[5,5]
         for ij, value in c_dict.iteritems():
             C.append(DM([('stiffness', DM([ ('value', value), 
                                             ('unit', unit)   ])),
                          ('ij', ij)                              ]) )
         return model
예제 #34
파일: load.py 프로젝트: usnistgov/atomman
def load(model, symbols=None, key='atomic-system', index=0):
    Read in a data model containing a crystal structure.
    model : str, file-like object or DataModelDict
        The data model to read.
    symbols : tuple, optional
        Allows the list of element symbols to be assigned during loading.
    key : str, optional
        The key identifying the root element for the system definition.
        Default value is 'atomic-system'.
    index : int, optional.
        If the full model has multiple key entries, the index specifies which
        to access.  Default value is 0 (first, or only entry).
    system : atomman.System
        The system object associated with the data model.
    # Pull system model out of data model using key and index
    a_sys = DM(model).finds(key)
    if len(a_sys) == 0:
        raise KeyError(key + ' not found in model')
        a_sys = a_sys[index]
        raise IndexError('Invalid index ' + str(index) + ' for model key ' + key)
    # Extract crystal system and box values
    c_system = list(a_sys['cell'].keys())[0]
    cell = a_sys['cell'][c_system]
    if c_system == 'cubic': 
        a = b = c = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        alpha = beta = gamma = 90.0
    elif c_system == 'hexagonal':
        a = b = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        c = uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = beta = 90.0
        gamma = 120.0
    elif c_system == 'tetragonal':
        a = b = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        c = uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = beta = gamma = 90.0
    elif c_system == 'trigonal' or c_system == 'rhombohedral':
        a = b = c = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        alpha = beta = gamma = cell['alpha']
    elif c_system == 'orthorhombic':
        a = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        b = uc.value_unit(cell['b'])
        c = uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = beta = gamma = 90.0
    elif c_system == 'monoclinic':
        a = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        b = uc.value_unit(cell['b'])
        c = uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = gamma = 90.0
        beta = cell['beta']
    elif c_system == 'triclinic':
        a = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        b = uc.value_unit(cell['b'])
        c = uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = cell['alpha']
        beta = cell['beta']
        gamma = cell['gamma']
    box = Box(a=a, b=b, c=c, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma)
    # Count atypes and generate list of symbols if given
    atoms = []
    scale = None
    all_atypes = np.array(a_sys.finds('component'))
    all_symbols = np.array(a_sys.finds('symbol'))
    all_elements = np.array(a_sys.finds('element'))
    if len(all_atypes) == 0:
        if len(all_symbols) != 0:
            lsymbols, atypes = np.unique(all_symbols, return_inverse=True)
        elif len(all_elements) != 0:
            lsymbols, atypes = np.unique(all_elements, return_inverse=True)
            raise ValueError('No atom components, symbols or elements listed')
        atypes = all_atypes
        lsymbols = [None for i in range(max(all_atypes))]
        if len(all_elements) != 0 and len(all_symbols) == 0:
            all_symbols = all_elements
        if len(all_symbols) != 0:
            assert len(all_symbols) == len(atypes)
            sym_dict = {}
            for atype, symbol in zip(atypes, all_symbols):
                if atype not in sym_dict:
                    sym_dict[atype] = symbol
                    assert sym_dict[atype] == symbol
            for atype, symbol in iteritems(sym_dict):
                lsymbols[atype-1] = symbol
    # Use lsymbols if symbols parameter is not given.
    if symbols is None:
        symbols = lsymbols
    # Read per-atom properties
    natoms = len(atypes)
    prop = OrderedDict()
    prop['atype'] = atypes
    prop['pos'] = np.zeros((natoms, 3), dtype='float64')
    count = 0
    pos_units = []
    for atom in a_sys.iteraslist('atom'):
        # Read in pos for atom and unit info
        prop['pos'][count] = uc.value_unit(atom['position'])
        pos_units.append(atom['position'].get('unit', None))
        # Add other per-atom properties
        for property in atom.iteraslist('property'):
            if property['name'] not in prop:
                value = uc.value_unit(property)
                shape = (natoms, ) + value.shape
                prop[property['name']] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=value.dtype)
            prop[property['name']][count] = uc.value_unit(property)
        count += 1
    pos_unit = np.unique(pos_units)
    assert len(pos_unit) == 1, 'Mixed units for positions'
    if pos_unit[0] == 'scaled':
    atoms = Atoms(**prop)
    system = System(box=box, atoms=atoms, scale=scale, symbols=symbols)
    return system
 def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
     Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
     full : bool, optional
         Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
         terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
         of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
     flat : bool, optional
         Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
         dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
         values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
         values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
         (Default is False).
         A dictionary representation of the record's content.
     calc = self.content[self.contentroot]
     params = {}
     params['key'] = calc['key']
     params['script'] = calc['calculation']['script']
     params['iprPy_version'] = calc['calculation']['iprPy-version']
     params['LAMMPS_version'] = calc['calculation']['LAMMPS-version']
     params['energytolerance']= calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['energytolerance']
     params['forcetolerance'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['forcetolerance']
     params['maxiterations'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['maxiterations']
     params['maxevaluations'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['maxevaluations']
     params['maxatommotion'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['maxatommotion']
     sizemults = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['size-multipliers']
     params['potential_LAMMPS_key'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['key']
     params['potential_LAMMPS_id'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['id']
     params['potential_key'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['potential']['key']
     params['potential_id'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['potential']['id']
     params['load_file'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['file']
     params['load_style'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['format']
     params['load_options'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['load_options']
     params['family'] = calc['system-info']['family']
     symbols = aslist(calc['system-info']['symbol'])
     params['surface_key'] = calc['free-surface']['key']
     params['surface_id'] = calc['free-surface']['id']
     if flat is True:
         params['a_mult1'] = sizemults['a'][0]
         params['a_mult2'] = sizemults['a'][1]
         params['b_mult1'] = sizemults['b'][0]
         params['b_mult2'] = sizemults['b'][1]
         params['c_mult1'] = sizemults['c'][0]
         params['c_mult2'] = sizemults['c'][1]
         params['symbols'] = ' '.join(symbols)
         params['sizemults'] = np.array([sizemults['a'], sizemults['b'], sizemults['c']])
         params['symbols'] = symbols
     params['status'] = calc.get('status', 'finished')
     params['error'] = calc.get('error', np.nan)
     if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':
         params['E_coh'] = uc.value_unit(calc['cohesive-energy'])
         params['gamma_fs'] = uc.value_unit(calc['free-surface-energy'])
     return params
 def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
     Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
     full : bool, optional
         Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
         terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
         of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
     flat : bool, optional
         Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
         dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
         values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
         values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
         (Default is False).
         A dictionary representation of the record's content.
     calc = self.content[self.contentroot]
     params = {}
     params['key'] = calc['key']
     params['script'] = calc['calculation']['script']
     params['iprPy_version'] = calc['calculation']['iprPy-version']
     params['LAMMPS_version'] = calc['calculation']['LAMMPS-version']
     params['strainrange'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['strain-range']
     sizemults = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['size-multipliers']
     params['potential_LAMMPS_key'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['key']
     params['potential_LAMMPS_id'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['id']
     params['potential_key'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['potential']['key']
     params['potential_id'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['potential']['id']
     params['load_file'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['file']
     params['load_style'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['format']
     params['load_options'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['load_options']
     params['family'] = calc['system-info']['family']
     symbols = aslist(calc['system-info']['symbol'])
     if flat is True:
         params['a_mult1'] = sizemults['a'][0]
         params['a_mult2'] = sizemults['a'][1]
         params['b_mult1'] = sizemults['b'][0]
         params['b_mult2'] = sizemults['b'][1]
         params['c_mult1'] = sizemults['c'][0]
         params['c_mult2'] = sizemults['c'][1]
         params['symbols'] = ' '.join(symbols)
         params['sizemults'] = np.array([sizemults['a'], sizemults['b'], sizemults['c']])
         params['symbols'] = symbols
     params['status'] = calc.get('status', 'finished')
     params['error'] = calc.get('error', np.nan)
     if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':
         cij = uc.value_unit(calc['elastic-constants']['Cij'])
         if flat is True:
             params['C11'] = cij[0,0]
             params['C12'] = cij[0,1]
             params['C13'] = cij[0,2]
             params['C14'] = cij[0,3]
             params['C15'] = cij[0,4]
             params['C16'] = cij[0,5]
             params['C22'] = cij[1,1]
             params['C23'] = cij[1,2]
             params['C24'] = cij[1,3]
             params['C25'] = cij[1,4]
             params['C26'] = cij[1,5]
             params['C33'] = cij[2,2]
             params['C34'] = cij[2,3]
             params['C35'] = cij[2,4]
             params['C36'] = cij[2,5]
             params['C44'] = cij[3,3]
             params['C45'] = cij[3,4]
             params['C46'] = cij[3,5]
             params['C55'] = cij[4,4]
             params['C56'] = cij[4,5]
             params['C66'] = cij[5,5]
             params['raw_cij_negative'] = uc.value_unit(calc['raw-elastic-constants'][0]['Cij'])
             params['raw_cij_positive'] = uc.value_unit(calc['raw-elastic-constants'][1]['Cij'])
             params['C'] = am.ElasticConstants(Cij=cij)
     return params
    def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
        Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
        full : bool, optional
            Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
            terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
            of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
        flat : bool, optional
            Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
            dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
            values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
            values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
            (Default is False).
            A dictionary representation of the record's content.
        calc = self.content[self.contentroot]
        params = {}
        params['key'] = calc['key']
        params['script'] = calc['calculation']['script']
        params['iprPy_version'] = calc['calculation']['iprPy-version']
        params['LAMMPS_version'] = calc['calculation']['LAMMPS-version']
        params['thermosteps']= calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['thermosteps']
        params['runsteps'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['runsteps']
        params['randomseed'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['randomseed']
        sizemults = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['size-multipliers']
        params['potential_LAMMPS_key'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['key']
        params['potential_LAMMPS_id'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['id']
        params['potential_key'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['potential']['key']
        params['potential_id'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['potential']['id']
        params['load_file'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['file']
        params['load_style'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['format']
        params['load_options'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['load_options']
        params['family'] = calc['system-info']['family']
        symbols = aslist(calc['system-info']['symbol'])
        params['pointdefect_key'] = calc['point-defect']['key']
        params['pointdefect_id'] = calc['point-defect']['id']
        params['temperature'] = uc.value_unit(calc['phase-state']['temperature'])
        if flat is True:
            params['a_mult1'] = sizemults['a'][0]
            params['a_mult2'] = sizemults['a'][1]
            params['b_mult1'] = sizemults['b'][0]
            params['b_mult2'] = sizemults['b'][1]
            params['c_mult1'] = sizemults['c'][0]
            params['c_mult2'] = sizemults['c'][1]
            params['symbols'] = ' '.join(symbols)
            params['sizemults'] = np.array([sizemults['a'], sizemults['b'], sizemults['c']])
            params['symbols'] = symbols
        params['status'] = calc.get('status', 'finished')
        params['error'] = calc.get('error', np.nan)
        if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':
            params['measured_temperature'] = uc.value_unit(calc['measured-phase-state']['temperature'])
            params['measured_pressure_xx'] = uc.value_unit(calc['measured-phase-state']['pressure-xx'])
            params['measured_pressure_xx_std'] = uc.error_unit(calc['measured-phase-state']['pressure-xx'])
            params['measured_pressure_yy'] = uc.value_unit(calc['measured-phase-state']['pressure-yy'])
            params['measured_pressure_yy_std'] = uc.error_unit(calc['measured-phase-state']['pressure-yy'])
            params['measured_pressure_zz'] = uc.value_unit(calc['measured-phase-state']['pressure-zz'])
            params['measured_pressure_zz_std'] = uc.error_unit(calc['measured-phase-state']['pressure-zz'])
            params['measured_potential_energy'] = uc.value_unit(calc['measured-phase-state']['potential-energy'])
            params['measured_potential_energy_std'] = uc.error_unit(calc['measured-phase-state']['potential-energy'])
            params['d'] = uc.value_unit(calc['diffusion-rate']['total'])
            params['dx'] = uc.value_unit(calc['diffusion-rate']['x-direction'])
            params['dy'] = uc.value_unit(calc['diffusion-rate']['y-direction'])
            params['dz'] = uc.value_unit(calc['diffusion-rate']['z-direction'])
            params['natoms'] = calc['number-of-atoms']

        return params
예제 #38
 def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
     Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
     full : bool, optional
         Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
         terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
         of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
     flat : bool, optional
         Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
         dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
         values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
         values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
         (Default is False).
         A dictionary representation of the record's content.
     calc = self.content[self.contentroot]
     params = {}
     params['key'] = calc['key']
     params['script'] = calc['calculation']['script']
     params['iprPy_version'] = calc['calculation']['iprPy-version']
     params['atomman_version'] = calc['calculation']['atomman-version']
     rp = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']
     params['halfwidth'] = uc.value_unit(rp['halfwidth'])
     params['xmax'] = rp['xmax']
     params['xnum'] = rp['xnum']
     params['xstep'] = rp['xstep']
     params['load_file'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['file']
     params['load_style'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['format']
     params['load_options'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['load_options']
     params['family'] = calc['system-info']['family']
     symbols = aslist(calc['system-info']['symbol'])
     params['dislocation_key'] = calc['dislocation-monopole']['key']
     params['dislocation_id'] = calc['dislocation-monopole']['id']
     params['gammasurface_calc_key'] = calc['gamma-surface']['calc_key']
     pnp = calc['semidiscrete-variational-Peierls-Nabarro']['parameter']
         K_tensor = uc.value_unit(pnp['K_tensor'])
         K_tensor = np.nan
     tau = uc.value_unit(pnp['tau'])
     alpha = uc.value_unit(pnp['alpha'])
     beta = uc.value_unit(pnp['beta'])
     params['cdiffelastic'] = pnp['cdiffelastic']
     params['cdiffsurface'] = pnp['cdiffsurface']
     params['cdiffstress'] = pnp['cdiffstress']
     params['cutofflongrange'] = uc.value_unit(pnp['cutofflongrange'])
     params['fullstress'] = pnp['fullstress']
     params['min_method'] = pnp['min_method']
     params['min_options'] = pnp['min_options']
     if flat is True:
         params['symbols'] = ' '.join(symbols)
         for i in range(3):
             for j in range(i,3):
                     params['K'+str(i+1)+str(j+1)] = K_tensor[i,j]
                     params['K'+str(i+1)+str(j+1)] = np.nan
                 params['tau'+str(i+1)+str(j+1)] = tau[i,j]
                 params['beta'+str(i+1)+str(j+1)] = beta[i,j]
         if not isinstance(alpha, list):
             alpha = [alpha]
         for i in range(len(alpha)):
             params['alpha'+str(i+1)] = alpha[i]
         params['symbols'] = symbols
         params['K_tensor'] = K_tensor
         params['tau'] = tau
         params['alpha'] = alpha
         params['beta'] = beta
     params['status'] = calc.get('status', 'finished')
     if full is True:
         if params['status'] == 'error':
             params['error'] = calc['error']
         elif params['status'] == 'not calculated':
             if flat is True:
                     params['C'] = am.ElasticConstants(model=calc)
                     params['C'] = np.nan
                 if True:
                     params['SDVPN_model'] = DM()
                     params['SDVPN_model']['semidiscrete-variational-Peierls-Nabarro'] = calc.find('semidiscrete-variational-Peierls-Nabarro')
                     params['SDVPN_model'] = np.nan
     return params
    def todict(self, full=True, flat=False):
        Converts the structured content to a simpler dictionary.
        full : bool, optional
            Flag used by the calculation records.  A True value will include
            terms for both the calculation's input and results, while a value
            of False will only include input terms (Default is True).
        flat : bool, optional
            Flag affecting the format of the dictionary terms.  If True, the
            dictionary terms are limited to having only str, int, and float
            values, which is useful for comparisons.  If False, the term
            values can be of any data type, which is convenient for analysis.
            (Default is False).
            A dictionary representation of the record's content.
        calc = self.content[self.contentroot]
        params = {}
        params['key'] = calc['key']
        params['script'] = calc['calculation']['script']
        params['iprPy_version'] = calc['calculation']['iprPy-version']
        params['LAMMPS_version'] = calc['calculation']['LAMMPS-version']
        params['energytolerance']= calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['energytolerance']
        params['forcetolerance'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['forcetolerance']
        params['maxiterations'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['maxiterations']
        params['maxevaluations'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['maxevaluations']
        params['maxatommotion'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['maxatommotion']
        params['annealtemperature'] = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['annealtemperature']

        sizemults = calc['calculation']['run-parameter']['size-multipliers']
        params['potential_LAMMPS_key'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['key']
        params['potential_LAMMPS_id'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['id']
        params['potential_key'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['potential']['key']
        params['potential_id'] = calc['potential-LAMMPS']['potential']['id']
        params['load_file'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['file']
        params['load_style'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['format']
        params['load_options'] = calc['system-info']['artifact']['load_options']
        params['family'] = calc['system-info']['family']
        symbols = aslist(calc['system-info']['symbol'])
        params['dislocation_key'] = calc['dislocation-monopole']['key']
        params['dislocation_id'] = calc['dislocation-monopole']['id']
        if flat is True:
            params['a_mult1'] = sizemults['a'][0]
            params['a_mult2'] = sizemults['a'][1]
            params['b_mult1'] = sizemults['b'][0]
            params['b_mult2'] = sizemults['b'][1]
            params['c_mult1'] = sizemults['c'][0]
            params['c_mult2'] = sizemults['c'][1]
            params['symbols'] = ' '.join(symbols)
            params['sizemults'] = np.array([sizemults['a'], sizemults['b'], sizemults['c']])
            params['symbols'] = symbols
        params['status'] = calc.get('status', 'finished')
        params['error'] = calc.get('error', np.nan)
        K_tensor = uc.value_unit(calc['Stroh-K-tensor'])
        if full is True and params['status'] == 'finished':
            params['preln'] = uc.value_unit(calc['Stroh-pre-ln-factor'])
            if flat is True:
                for C in calc['elastic-constants'].aslist('C'):
                    params['C'+str(C['ij'][0])+str(C['ij'][2])] = uc.value_unit(C['stiffness'])
                params['K11'] = K_tensor[0,0]
                params['K12'] = K_tensor[0,1]
                params['K13'] = K_tensor[0,2]
                params['K22'] = K_tensor[1,1]
                params['K23'] = K_tensor[1,2]
                params['K33'] = K_tensor[2,2]
                    params['C'] = am.ElasticConstants(model=calc)
                    params['C'] = 'Invalid'
                params['K_tensor'] = K_tensor
        return params
예제 #40
def load(model, key='atomic-system', index=0):
    """Read in a data model containing a crystal-structure and return a System unit cell."""
    if isinstance(model, (str, unicode)) and os.path.isfile(model):
        with open(model) as f:
            model = f.read()
    #Pull system model out of data model using key and index
    a_sys = DataModelDict(model).finds(key)
    if len(a_sys) == 0:
        raise KeyError(key + ' not found in model')
        a_sys = a_sys[index]
        raise IndexError('Invalid index ' + str(index) + ' for model key ' + key)

    #identify the crystal system
    c_system = a_sys['cell'].keys()[0]
    cell = a_sys['cell'][c_system]
    if c_system == 'cubic': 
        a = b = c = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        alpha = beta = gamma = 90.0
    elif c_system == 'hexagonal':
        a = b = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        c =     uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = beta = 90.0
        gamma =       120.0
    elif c_system == 'tetragonal':
        a = b = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        c =     uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = beta = gamma = 90.0
    elif c_system == 'trigonal' or c_system == 'rhombohedral':
        a = b = c = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        alpha = beta = gamma = cell['alpha']
    elif c_system == 'orthorhombic':
        a = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        b = uc.value_unit(cell['b'])
        c = uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = beta = gamma = 90.0

    elif c_system == 'monoclinic':
        a = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        b = uc.value_unit(cell['b'])
        c = uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = gamma = 90.0
        beta = cell['beta']
    elif c_system == 'triclinic':
        a = uc.value_unit(cell['a'])
        b = uc.value_unit(cell['b'])
        c = uc.value_unit(cell['c'])
        alpha = cell['alpha']
        beta =  cell['beta']
        gamma = cell['gamma']
    box = am.Box(a=a, b=b, c=c, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma)
    #create list of atoms and list of elements
    atoms = []
    scale = None
    prop = DataModelDict()
    all_atypes = np.array(a_sys.finds('component'))
    all_symbols = np.array(a_sys.finds('symbol'))
    all_elements = np.array(a_sys.finds('element'))
    if len(all_atypes) == 0:
        if len(all_symbols) != 0:
            symbols, atypes = np.unique(all_symbols, return_inverse)
        elif len(all_elements) != 0:
            symbols, atypes = np.unique(all_elements, return_inverse)
            raise ValueError('No atom components, symbols or elements listed')
        atypes = all_atypes
        symbols = [None for i in xrange(max(all_atypes))]
        if len(all_elements) != 0 and len(all_symbols) == 0:
            all_symbols = all_elements
        if len(all_symbols) != 0:
            assert len(all_symbols) == len(atypes)
            sym_dict = {}
            for atype, symbol in zip(atypes, all_symbols):
                if atype not in sym_dict:
                    sym_dict[atype] = symbol
                    assert sym_dict[atype] == symbol
            for atype, symbol in sym_dict.iteritems():
                symbols[atype-1] = symbol
    prop['atype'] = atypes
    prop['pos'] = np.zeros((len(prop['atype']), 3), dtype='float64')
    count = 0
    pos_units = []
    for atom in a_sys.iteraslist('atom'):
        #read in pos for atom and unit info
        prop['pos'][count] = uc.value_unit(atom['position'])
        pos_units.append(atom['position'].get('unit', None))
        #Add per-atom properties       
        for property in atom.iteraslist('property'):
            if property['name'] not in prop:
                value = uc.value_unit(property)
                prop[property['name']] = np.zeros((len(prop['atype']), len(value)), dtype=value.dtype)
            prop[property['name']][count] = uc.value_unit(property)
        count += 1
    pos_unit = np.unique(pos_units)
    assert len(pos_unit) == 1, 'Mixed units for positions'
    if pos_unit[0] == 'scaled': scale=True
    else:                       scale=False
    atoms = am.Atoms(natoms=len(prop['atype']), prop=prop)
    system = am.System(box=box, atoms=atoms, scale=scale)
    return system, symbols