예제 #1
def test_auction_simulation(chain, web3, owner, get_bidders, auction_contract,
                            token_contract, contract_params,
                            auction_bid_tested, auction_end_tests,
                            auction_claim_tokens_tested, create_accounts,
                            txnCost, event_handler):
    eth = web3.eth
    auction = auction_contract
    ev_handler = event_handler(auction)
    bidders = get_bidders(12)

    # Initialize token
    token = token_contract(auction.address)

    # Initial Auction state
    assert auction.call().stage() == 0  # AuctionDeployed
    assert eth.getBalance(auction.address) == 0
    assert auction.call().received_wei() == 0

    # Auction setup without being the owner should fail
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': bidders[1]}).setup(token.address)

    txn_hash = auction.transact({'from': owner}).setup(token.address)
    ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'Setup')

    assert auction.call().stage() == 1  # AuctionSetUp

    token_multiplier = auction.call().token_multiplier()

    # We want to revert to these, because we set them in the fixtures
    initial_args = [

    # changeSettings is a private method
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        auction.transact({'from': owner}).changeSettings(1000, 556, 322)

    # startAuction without being the owner should fail
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': bidders[1]}).startAuction()

    auction.transact({'from': owner}).startAuction()
    assert auction.call().stage() == 2  # AuctionStarted

    # transferFundsToToken should fail (private)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        auction.transact({'from': bidders[1]}).transferFundsToToken()

    # finalizeAuction should fail (missing funds not 0)
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': bidders[1]}).finalizeAuction()
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': owner}).finalizeAuction()

    # Set maximum amount for a bid - we don't want 1 account draining the auction
    missing_funds = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()
    maxBid = missing_funds / 4

    # TODO Test multiple orders from 1 buyer

    # Bidders start ordering tokens
    bidders_len = len(bidders) - 1
    bidded = 0  # Total bidded amount
    index = 0  # bidders index

    # Make some bids with 1 wei to be sure we test rounding errors
    txn_hash = auction_bid_tested(auction, bidders[0], 1)
    ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'BidSubmission',
                   checkBidEvent(bidders[0], 1, missing_funds))

    missing_funds = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()
    txn_hash = auction_bid_tested(auction, bidders[1], 1)
    ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'BidSubmission',
                   checkBidEvent(bidders[1], 1, missing_funds))

    index = 2
    bidded = 2
    approx_bid_txn_cost = 4000000

    while auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction() > 0:
        if bidders_len < index:
            new_account = create_accounts(1)[0]
            bidders_len += 1
            print('Creating 1 additional bidder account', new_account)

        bidder = bidders[index]

        bidder_balance = eth.getBalance(bidder)
        assert auction.call().bids(bidder) == 0

        missing_funds = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()
        amount = int(min(bidder_balance - approx_bid_txn_cost, maxBid))

        if amount <= missing_funds:
            txn_hash = auction.transact({
                'from': bidder,
                "value": amount
            # Fail if we bid more than missing_funds
            with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
                auction.transact({'from': bidder, "value": amount}).bid()

            # Bid exactly the amount needed in order to end the auction
            amount = missing_funds
            txn_hash = auction.transact({
                'from': bidder,
                "value": amount

        assert auction.call().bids(bidder) == amount
        ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'BidSubmission',
                       checkBidEvent(bidder, amount, missing_funds))

        txn_cost = txnCost(txn_hash)
        post_balance = bidder_balance - amount - txn_cost
        bidded += min(amount, missing_funds)

        assert eth.getBalance(bidder) == post_balance
        index += 1

    print('NO OF BIDDERS', index)

    # Auction ended, no more orders possible
    if bidders_len < index:
            '!! Not enough accounts to simulate bidders. 1 additional account needed'

    # Finalize Auction
    txn_hash = auction.transact({'from': owner}).finalizeAuction()

    # Final price per TKN (Tei * token_multiplier)
    final_price = auction.call().final_price()

    # Make sure events are issued correctly
    ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'AuctionEnded',

    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': owner}).finalizeAuction()

    assert auction.call().received_wei() == bidded
    auction_end_tests(auction, bidders[index])

    # Claim all tokens

    funds_at_price = auction.call().num_tokens_auctioned(
    ) * final_price // token_multiplier
    received_wei = auction.call().received_wei()
    # FIXME sometimes: assert 5000000002 == 5000000000
    assert received_wei == funds_at_price

    # Total Tei claimable
    total_tokens_claimable = auction.call().received_wei(
    ) * token_multiplier // final_price
    print('FINAL PRICE', final_price)
    print('TOTAL TOKENS CLAIMABLE', int(total_tokens_claimable))
    # FIXME assert 5000000002000000000000000 == 5000000000000000000000000
    assert int(total_tokens_claimable) == auction.call().num_tokens_auctioned()

    rounding_error_tokens = 0

    end_time = auction.call().end_time()
    elapsed = auction.call().token_claim_waiting_period()
    claim_ok_timestamp = end_time + elapsed + 1

    # We cannot claim tokens before waiting period has passed
    if claim_ok_timestamp > web3.eth.getBlock('latest')['timestamp']:
        with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
            auction_claim_tokens_tested(token, auction, bidders[0])

        # Simulate time travel

    for i in range(0, index):
        bidder = bidders[i]

        tokens_expected = token_multiplier * auction.call().bids(
            bidder) // final_price
        txn_hash = auction_claim_tokens_tested(token, auction, bidder)

        ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'ClaimedTokens',
                       checkClaimedTokensEvent(bidder, tokens_expected))

        # If auction funds not transferred to owner (last claimTokens)
        # we test for a correct claimed tokens calculation
        balance_auction = auction.call().received_wei()
        if balance_auction > 0:

            # Auction supply = unclaimed tokens, including rounding errors
            unclaimed_token_supply = token.call().balanceOf(auction.address)

            # Calculated unclaimed tokens
            unclaimed_funds = balance_auction - auction.call().funds_claimed()
            unclaimed_tokens = token_multiplier * unclaimed_funds // auction.call(

            # Adding previous rounding errors
            unclaimed_tokens += rounding_error_tokens

            # Token's auction balance should be the same as
            # the unclaimed tokens calculation based on the final_price
            # We assume a rounding error of 1
            if unclaimed_token_supply != unclaimed_tokens:
                rounding_error_tokens += 1
                unclaimed_tokens += 1

            # FIXME assert 4999999999000000000000000 == 5000000001000000000000001
            assert unclaimed_token_supply == unclaimed_tokens

    # Auction balance might be > 0 due to rounding errors
    assert token.call().balanceOf(auction.address) == rounding_error_tokens
    print('FINAL UNCLAIMED TOKENS', rounding_error_tokens)

    # Last claimTokens also triggers a TokensDistributed event
    ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'TokensDistributed')


    # Check if all registered events have been triggered
예제 #2
def test_auction_bid(chain, web3, owner, wallet_address, get_bidders,
                     auction_contract_fast_decline, token_contract,
                     contract_params, txnCost, auction_end_tests,
                     auction_claim_tokens_tested, event_handler):
    eth = web3.eth
    auction = auction_contract_fast_decline
    ev_handler = event_handler(auction)
    (A, B) = get_bidders(2)

    # Initialize token
    token = token_contract(auction.address)

    # Try sending funds before auction starts
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        eth.sendTransaction({'from': A, 'to': auction.address, 'value': 100})

    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': A, "value": 100}).bid()

    txn_hash = auction.transact({'from': owner}).setup(token.address)
    ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'Setup')

    token_multiplier = auction.call().token_multiplier()

    txn_hash = auction.transact({'from': owner}).startAuction()
    ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'AuctionStarted')

    missing_funds = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()

    # Test fallback function
    # 76116 gas cost
    txn_hash = eth.sendTransaction({
        'from': A,
        'to': auction.address,
        'value': 100
    ev_handler.add(txn_hash, 'BidSubmission',
                   checkBidEvent(A, 100, missing_funds))

    assert auction.call().received_wei() == 100
    assert auction.call().bids(A) == 100

    # End auction by bidding the needed amount
    missing_funds = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()

    # 46528 gas cost
    txn_hash2 = auction.transact({'from': A, "value": missing_funds}).bid()
    ev_handler.add(txn_hash2, 'BidSubmission',
                   checkBidEvent(A, missing_funds, missing_funds))

    assert auction.call().received_wei() == missing_funds + 100
    assert auction.call().bids(A) == missing_funds + 100

    auction.transact({'from': owner}).finalizeAuction()
    auction_end_tests(auction, B)

    # Any payable transactions should fail now
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': A, "value": 1}).bid()
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        eth.sendTransaction({'from': A, 'to': auction.address, 'value': 1})

    end_time = auction.call().end_time()
    elapsed = auction.call().token_claim_waiting_period()
    claim_ok_timestamp = end_time + elapsed + 1

    # We cannot claim tokens before waiting period has passed
    if claim_ok_timestamp > web3.eth.getBlock('latest')['timestamp']:
        with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
            auction_claim_tokens_tested(token, auction, A)

        # Simulate time travel

    auction_claim_tokens_tested(token, auction, A)

    assert auction.call().stage() == 4  # TokensDistributed

    # Any payable transactions should fail now
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': A, "value": 100}).bid()
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        eth.sendTransaction({'from': A, 'to': auction.address, 'value': 100})

예제 #3
def test_distributor_distribute(chain, web3, wallet_address, owner,
                                get_bidders, create_contract, token_contract,
                                auction_post_distributed_tests, event_handler):
    bidders = get_bidders(10)
    auction = auction_contract_fast_decline
    token = token_contract(auction.address)
    ev_handler = event_handler(auction)

    auction.transact({'from': owner}).setup(token.address)
    auction.transact({'from': owner}).startAuction()

    Distributor = chain.provider.get_contract_factory('Distributor')
    distributor = create_contract(Distributor, [auction.address])

    collector = ClaimsCollector(auction, token)
    bidders_number = 0

    # Simulate some bids and collect the addresses from the events
    for bidder in bidders[:-1]:
        missing = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()
        balance = web3.eth.getBalance(bidder)
        cap = (balance - 500000) // 1000000000000000000
        amount = min(missing, cap)
        # print('-- BIDDING', bidder, amount, missing, balance, cap)
        if (amount > 0):
            tx_hash = auction_bid_tested(auction, bidder, amount)
            ev_handler.add(tx_hash, 'BidSubmission', collector.add)
            bidders_number += 1

    missing = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()
    if missing > 0:
        tx_hash = auction_bid_tested(auction, bidders[-1], missing)
        ev_handler.add(tx_hash, 'BidSubmission', collector.add)
        bidders_number += 1

    assert auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction() == 0
    auction.transact({'from': owner}).finalizeAuction()

    assert len(collector.addresses) == bidders_number

    end_time = auction.call().end_time()
    elapsed = auction.call().token_claim_waiting_period()
    claim_ok_timestamp = end_time + elapsed + 1

    if claim_ok_timestamp > web3.eth.getBlock('latest')['timestamp']:
        # We cannot claim tokens before waiting period has passed
        with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
                'from': owner

        # Simulate time travel

    # Send 5 claiming transactions in a single batch to not run out of gas
    safe_distribution_no = 5
    steps = math.ceil(len(collector.addresses) / safe_distribution_no)

    # Call the distributor contract with batches of bidder addresses
    for i in range(0, steps):
        start = i * safe_distribution_no
        end = (i + 1) * safe_distribution_no
        tx_hash = auction_claim_tokens_tested(token, auction,
        ev_handler.add(tx_hash, 'ClaimedTokens', collector.verify)
        # distributor.transact({'from': owner}).distribute(collector.addresses[start:end])

예제 #4
def test_distributor_distribute(chain, web3, wallet_address, owner,
                                get_bidders, create_contract, token_contract,
    bidders = get_bidders(10)
    auction = auction_contract_fast_decline
    token = token_contract(auction.address)
    auction.transact({'from': owner}).setup(token.address)
    auction.transact({'from': owner}).startAuction()

    Distributor = chain.provider.get_contract_factory('Distributor')
    distributor = create_contract(Distributor, [auction.address])

    # Retrieve bidder addresses from contract bid events
    def get_bidders_addresses(event):
        address = event['args']['_sender']

        if address not in addresses:
            index = len(addresses) - 1
            index = addresses.index(address)

        values[index] += event['args']['_amount']

    def verify_claim(event):
        addr = event['args']['_recipient']
        sent_amount = event['args']['_sent_amount']

        # Check for double claiming
        assert addr not in verified_claim
        assert auction.call().bids(addr) == 0
        assert sent_amount == token.call().balanceOf(addr)

    for bidder in bidders:
        missing = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()
        balance = web3.eth.getBalance(bidder)
        amount = min(missing, balance - 500000)
        if (amount > 0):
            print('-- BIDDING', amount, missing, balance)
            auction_bid_tested(auction, bidder, amount)

    assert auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction() == 0
    auction.transact({'from': owner}).finalizeAuction()

    addresses = []
    values = []
    claimed = []
    verified_claim = []


    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        distributor.transact({'from': owner}).distribute(addresses[0:2])

    end_time = auction.call().end_time()
    elapsed = auction.call().token_claim_waiting_period()
    web3.testing.timeTravel(end_time + elapsed + 1)

    # Send 5 claiming transactions in a single batch to not run out of gas
    safe_distribution_no = 5
    steps = math.ceil(len(addresses) / safe_distribution_no)

    # Call the distributor contract with batches of bidder addresses
    for i in range(0, steps):
        start = i * safe_distribution_no
        end = (i + 1) * safe_distribution_no
        auction_claim_tokens_tested(token, auction, addresses[start:end],
        # distributor.transact({'from': owner}).distribute(addresses[start:end])


    # Verify that a single "ClaimedTokens" event has been issued by the auction contract
    # for each address
    for j in range(0, len(addresses) - 1):
        address = addresses[j]
        assert auction.call().bids(address) == 0

        # check if auction event was triggered for this user
                    params={'filter': {
                        '_recipient': address
예제 #5
def test_auction_bid(chain, web3, owner, wallet_address, get_bidders,
                     auction_contract_fast_decline, token_contract,
                     contract_params, txnCost, auction_end_tests,
    eth = web3.eth
    auction = auction_contract_fast_decline
    (A, B) = get_bidders(2)

    # Initialize token
    token = token_contract(auction.address)

    # Try sending funds before auction starts
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        eth.sendTransaction({'from': A, 'to': auction.address, 'value': 100})

    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': A, "value": 100}).bid()

    auction.transact({'from': owner}).setup(token.address)
    token_multiplier = auction.call().token_multiplier()

    auction.transact({'from': owner}).startAuction()

    # End auction by bidding the needed amount
    missing_funds = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()

    # Test fallback function
    # 76116 gas cost
    txn_hash = eth.sendTransaction({
        'from': A,
        'to': auction.address,
        'value': 100
    receipt = check_succesful_tx(web3, txn_hash)

    assert auction.call().received_wei() == 100
    assert auction.call().bids(A) == 100

    missing_funds = auction.call().missingFundsToEndAuction()

    # 46528 gas cost
    txn_hash = auction.transact({'from': A, "value": missing_funds}).bid()
    receipt = check_succesful_tx(web3, txn_hash)

    assert auction.call().received_wei() == missing_funds + 100
    assert auction.call().bids(A) == missing_funds + 100

    auction.transact({'from': owner}).finalizeAuction()
    auction_end_tests(auction, B)

    # Any payable transactions should fail now
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': A, "value": 1}).bid()
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        eth.sendTransaction({'from': A, 'to': auction.address, 'value': 1})

    auction_claim_tokens_tested(token, auction, A)

    assert auction.call().stage() == 4  # TokensDistributed

    # Any payable transactions should fail now
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        auction.transact({'from': A, "value": 100}).bid()
    with pytest.raises(tester.TransactionFailed):
        eth.sendTransaction({'from': A, 'to': auction.address, 'value': 100})