예제 #1
def file_reader(filename, chan):
    file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    if file_ext.lower() == '.aup':
        import audacity
        aud = audacity.Aup(filename)
        w = aud.get_channel_data(chan)
        sr = aud.rate
        sys.stderr.write("Format not recognized: %s" % file_ext)
    return (sr, w)
예제 #2
        sep.append([inputfile, float(t0), float(t1)])

outpath = "data_split/"
os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True)

def get_out_wav_filename(aupfilename):
    fname, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    wavfilename = fname + ".wav"
    wavbasename = os.path.basename(wavfilename)
    out = outpath + "_".join(wavbasename.split(" "))
    return out

for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
    aup = audacity.Aup(filename)
    out = get_out_wav_filename(filename)
    labels = []
    for label in aup.get_labels(0):
        t0 = label[0]
        t1 = label[1]
        l = label[2]
        interval = t1 - t0
        if interval <= 0.0:
            print("[ERROR]", out, filename)
        count = 0
        for s in sep:
            if s[0].startswith(out):
                #if not (s[2]<t0 or t1<s[1]):#overlap
                if (t0 <= s[1] and s[2] <= t1):  #including
예제 #3
def get_fsdata(aupfile, *args, nfft=1024):
    Pads the data and utilizes the numpy.fft package to:
    - get the discrete fourier transforms of the (raw) audio
    - get the corresponding frequency axes
    aupfile : audacity project file
    nfft : number of samples to use for fft calculation
            (power of 2 recommended - defaults to 1024)
    *args: (optional) channel numbers starting with 0 
        in the following order...
        internal, external, labium, infrared
        defaults are 0, 1, 2, 3
    Output (numpy array format)
    returns a dictionary of the data with the following keys:
    'int_fs' : internal fourier spectrum data
    'ext_fs' : external fourier spectrum data
    'lab_fs' : labium fourier spectrum data
    'int_wf', 'ext_wf', 'lab_wf' : corresponding waveforms
    optional keys returned only if infrared channel is given:
    'ir' : infrared sensor RMS amplitude
    auf = audacity.Aup(aupfile)
    sr = auf.rate
    rawdata = []
    chnums = []
    maxlen = 0
    for chno in range(auf.nchannels):
        maxlen = max(maxlen, len(rawdata[-1]))

    data = np.zeros((len(rawdata), maxlen))
    for chno, chdata in enumerate(rawdata):
        data[chno, :len(chdata)] = chdata

    chtags = []
    if len(args) == 0:
        if len(data) < 2 or len(data) > 4:
            raise ValueError("Invalid number of data channels.",
                             "Use *args to specify channel numbers")
            chtags = chnums

        chtags = list(args)

    chdict = {}
    chnames = ['int', 'ext', 'lab', 'ir']
    for tag, num in zip(chtags, chnums):
        chdict[chnames[num]] = data[tag]

    outdict = {}
    for chname, chdata in chdict.items():
        if chname == 'ir':
            outdict['ir'] = np.sqrt(np.mean((chdata - np.mean(chdata))**2))
            fourier = np.fft.rfft(chdata, nfft)
            outdict[chname + '_fs'] = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(fourier))
            outdict[chname + '_wf'] = chdata
    return outdict
예제 #4
def get_tfdata(aupfile, *args, nfft, testing=False):
    Utilizes the TransferFunctions package to:
    - pad the data and remove audio delays
    - estimate the transfer function from
      an external to an internal receiver
    aupfile : audacity project file
    nfft : window length for transfer function calculation
    testing : (optional) boolean, if True returns additional
              transfer functions from source to receivers
    *args: (optional) channel numbers starting with 0 
        in the following order...
        internal, external, source, infrared
        defaults are 0, 1, 2, 3
    Output (numpy array format)
    returns a dictionary of the data with the following keys:
    'tf' : transfer function amplitude data
    'f' : transfer function frequency data
    optional keys returned only if infrared channel is given:
    'ir' : infrared sensor RMS amplitude
    optional keys returned only if testing==True:
    'tf_src_int' : transfer function from source to internal
    'tf_src_ext' : transfer function from source to external
    'f_int', 'f_ext' : corresponding frequency values
    auf = audacity.Aup(aupfile)
    sr = auf.rate
    rawdata = []
    chnums = []
    maxlen = 0
    for chno in range(auf.nchannels):
        maxlen = max(maxlen, len(rawdata[-1]))

    data = np.zeros((len(rawdata), maxlen))
    for chno, chdata in enumerate(rawdata):
        data[chno, :len(chdata)] = chdata

    chtags = []
    if len(args) == 0:
        if len(data) < 2 or len(data) > 4:
            raise ValueError("Unrecognised number of data channels.",
                             "Use *args to specify channel numbers")
            chtags = chnums

        chtags = list(args)

    chdict = {}
    chnames = ['int', 'ext', 'src', 'ir']
    for tag, num in zip(chtags, chnums):
        chdict[chnames[num]] = data[tag]

    outdict = {}
    tfxy, ff = tf.tfe(chdict['int'], chdict['ext'], Fs=sr, NFFT=nfft)
    outdict['tf'] = np.array(tfxy)
    outdict['f'] = np.array(ff)
    for chname, chdata in chdict.items():
        if chname == 'ir':
            outdict['ir'] = np.sqrt(np.mean((chdata - np.mean(chdata))**2))

    if testing == True:
        delay = tf.determineDelay(chdict['src'] / np.mean(chdict['src']),
                                  chdict['ext'] / np.mean(chdict['ext']),
        print("Delay: %d samples" % delay)
        chdict['src'] = np.roll(chdict['src'], delay)
        for chname, chdata in zip(chnames[0:2],
                                  [chdict['int'], chdict['ext']]):
            tfxy, ff = tf.tfe(chdata, chdict['src'], Fs=sr, NFFT=nfft)
            outdict['tf_src_%s' % chname] = np.array(tfxy)
            outdict['f_%s' % chname] = np.array(ff)

    return outdict