def illustrate_match(self, analyzer, ht, filename): """ Show the query fingerprints and the matching ones plotted over a spectrogram """ # Make the spectrogram # d, sr = librosa.load(filename, sr=analyzer.target_sr) d, sr = audio_read.audio_read(filename, sr=analyzer.target_sr, channels=1) sgram = np.abs( stft.stft(d, n_fft=analyzer.n_fft, hop_length=analyzer.n_hop, window=np.hanning(analyzer.n_fft + 2)[1:-1])) sgram = 20.0 * np.log10(np.maximum(sgram, np.max(sgram) / 1e6)) sgram = sgram - np.mean(sgram) # High-pass filter onset emphasis # [:-1,] discards top bin (nyquist) of sgram so bins fit in 8 bits # spectrogram enhancement if self.illustrate_hpf: HPF_POLE = 0.98 sgram = np.array([ scipy.signal.lfilter([1, -1], [1, -HPF_POLE], s_row) for s_row in sgram ])[:-1, ] sgram = sgram - np.max(sgram) librosa.display.specshow(sgram, sr=sr, hop_length=analyzer.n_hop, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', cmap='gray_r', vmin=-80.0, vmax=0) # Do the match? q_hashes = analyzer.wavfile2hashes(filename) # Run query, get back the hashes for match zero results, matchhashes = self.match_hashes(ht, q_hashes, hashesfor=0) if self.sort_by_time: results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: -x[2]) # Convert the hashes to landmarks lms = audfprint_analyze.hashes2landmarks(q_hashes) mlms = audfprint_analyze.hashes2landmarks(matchhashes) # Overplot on the spectrogram plt.plot( np.array([[x[0], x[0] + x[3]] for x in lms]).T, np.array([[x[1], x[2]] for x in lms]).T, '.-g') plt.plot( np.array([[x[0], x[0] + x[3]] for x in mlms]).T, np.array([[x[1], x[2]] for x in mlms]).T, '.-r') # Add title plt.title("Matched as " + ht.names[results[0][0]].split("/")[1].split(".")[0]) # Display plt.savefig("./src/static/sgram" + uuid.uuid4().hex + ".png", bbox_inces="tight") # # Return return results
def illustrate_match(self, analyzer, ht, filename): """ Show the query fingerprints and the matching ones plotted over a spectrogram """ # Make the spectrogram #d, sr = librosa.load(filename, sr=analyzer.target_sr) d, sr = audio_read.audio_read(filename, sr=analyzer.target_sr, channels=1) sgram = np.abs(librosa.stft(d, n_fft=analyzer.n_fft, hop_length=analyzer.n_hop, window=np.hanning(analyzer.n_fft+2)[1:-1])) sgram = 20.0*np.log10(np.maximum(sgram, np.max(sgram)/1e6)) sgram = sgram - np.mean(sgram) # High-pass filter onset emphasis # [:-1,] discards top bin (nyquist) of sgram so bins fit in 8 bits # spectrogram enhancement if self.illustrate_hpf: HPF_POLE = 0.98 sgram = np.array([scipy.signal.lfilter([1, -1], [1, -HPF_POLE], s_row) for s_row in sgram])[:-1,] sgram = sgram - np.max(sgram) librosa.display.specshow(sgram, sr=sr, hop_length=analyzer.n_hop, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', cmap='gray_r', vmin=-80.0, vmax=0) # Do the match? q_hashes = analyzer.wavfile2hashes(filename) # Run query, get back the hashes for match zero results, matchhashes = self.match_hashes(ht, q_hashes, hashesfor=0) if self.sort_by_time: results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: -x[2]) # Convert the hashes to landmarks lms = audfprint_analyze.hashes2landmarks(q_hashes) mlms = audfprint_analyze.hashes2landmarks(matchhashes) # Overplot on the spectrogram plt.plot(np.array([[x[0], x[0]+x[3]] for x in lms]).T, np.array([[x[1], x[2]] for x in lms]).T, '.-g') plt.plot(np.array([[x[0], x[0]+x[3]] for x in mlms]).T, np.array([[x[1], x[2]] for x in mlms]).T, '.-r') # Add title plt.title(filename + " : Matched as " + ht.names[results[0][0]] + (" with %d of %d hashes" % (len(matchhashes), len(q_hashes)))) # Display # Return return results