def reduce_noise(click, url, select_data): if url is not None and select_data is not None: fs, y = audio_io.read_wave_local(TEMP_STORAGE + url, as_float=True) onsets = [point['customdata'] for point in select_data['points']] noises = [ y[int(start_s * fs):int(end_s * fs)] for start_s, end_s in onsets ] noises = np.concatenate(noises) y = nr.reduce_noise(audio_clip=y, noise_clip=noises) audio_io.save_wav(y, fs, path=TEMP_STORAGE + url) return 1
def full_spectrogram_graph(select_data, url, selection, n_clicks, bandpass, features, fig): if url is not None: if relayout_autosize_triggered(): raise PreventUpdate temp_path = f'/tmp/{os.path.splitext(url)[0]}' spectrum_path = temp_path + '_spectrum.npy' time_path = temp_path + '_time.npy' if select_data and event_triggered('embedding-graph.selectedData'): start = fig['data'][0]['x'][0] end = fig['data'][0]['x'][-1] onsets = [point['customdata'] for point in select_data['points']] shapes = visualize.shapes_from_onsets(onsets, x_min=start, x_max=end, color='red') fig['layout']['shapes'] = shapes elif selection is not None and 'xaxis.range[0]' in selection and 'xaxis.range[1]' in selection: start = selection['xaxis.range[0]'] end = selection['xaxis.range[1]'] Sxx = np.load(spectrum_path) time = np.load(time_path) fig = visualize.spectrogram_shaded(S=Sxx, time=time, fs=SAMPLING_RATE, start_time=start, end_time=end) elif os.path.exists(spectrum_path ) and not event_triggered('apply-button.n_clicks'): Sxx = np.load(spectrum_path) time = np.load(time_path) fig = visualize.spectrogram_shaded(S=Sxx, time=time, fs=SAMPLING_RATE) else: fs, y = audio_io.read_wave_local(TEMP_STORAGE + url) lowcut, higcut = bandpass y = filters.frequency_filter(y, fs=SAMPLING_RATE, lowcut=lowcut, highcut=higcut) freq, time, Sxx = visualize.calculate_spectrogram(y, fs, backend='yaafe'), Sxx), time) fig = visualize.spectrogram_shaded(S=Sxx, time=time, fs=SAMPLING_RATE) return fig else: raise PreventUpdate
def display_click_image(click_data, select_data, n_clicks, url, bandpass, fft_size): if url: lowcut, higcut = bandpass if click_data is not None and event_triggered( 'embedding-graph.clickData'): start, end = click_data['points'][0]['customdata'] wav = audio_io.read_wav_part_from_local(path=TEMP_STORAGE + url, start_s=start - AUDIO_MARGIN, end_s=end + AUDIO_MARGIN) wav = filters.frequency_filter(wav, fs=SAMPLING_RATE, lowcut=lowcut, highcut=higcut) im = visualize.specgram_base64(y=wav, fs=SAMPLING_RATE, start=start, end=end, margin=AUDIO_MARGIN) return html.Img(src='data:image/png;base64, ' + im, style={ 'height': '25vh', 'display': 'block', 'margin': 'auto' }) else: if select_data is not None: onsets = [ point['customdata'] for point in select_data['points'] ] if onsets: wavs = audio_io.read_wav_parts_from_local( path=TEMP_STORAGE + url, onsets=onsets, as_float=True) else: raise PreventUpdate else: fs, wavs = audio_io.read_wave_local(TEMP_STORAGE + url, as_float=True) wavs = filters.frequency_filter(wavs, fs=SAMPLING_RATE, lowcut=lowcut, highcut=higcut) fig = visualize.power_spectrum(wavs, fs=SAMPLING_RATE, block_size=fft_size, scaling='spectrum', cutoff=-90) return dcc.Graph(id='spectrum', figure=fig) else: raise PreventUpdate
def plot_embeddings(filename, n_clicks, embedding_type, fftsize, bandpass, onset_threshold, sample_len, neighbours, selected_features): if filename is not None: filepath = TEMP_STORAGE + filename lowpass, highpass = bandpass min_duration = sample_len - 0.05 fs, X = audio_io.read_wave_local(filepath, as_float=True) features = get(X, fs, n_jobs=1, selected_features=selected_features, lowcut=lowpass, highcut=highpass, block_size=fftsize, onset_detector_type='hfc', onset_silence_threshold=-90, onset_threshold=onset_threshold, min_duration_s=min_duration, sample_len=sample_len) params = map_parameters(embedding_type, neighbours) style = { 'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-left': 'auto', 'margin-right': '20px', 'float': 'right' } try: embeddings, algo, msg = get_embeddings( data=features.drop(columns=['onset', 'offset']), type=embedding_type, n_jobs=1, **params) # features.insert(0, column='filename', value=filenames[-1]) extra_data = ['onset', 'offset'] if 'freq_mean' in features: mean_freq = features['freq_mean'].astype(int).astype( str) + ' Hz<br>' elif 'pitch_median' in features: mean_freq = features['pitch_median'].astype(int).astype( str) + ' Hz<br>' else: mean_freq = '' interval = features['onset'].round(2).astype( str) + ' - ' + features['offset'].round(2).astype(str) + 's' text = mean_freq + interval figure = visualize.scatter_plot(x=embeddings[:, 0], y=embeddings[:, 1], customdata=features[extra_data], text=text) if msg is None: msg = f'Found {len(embeddings)} samples' else: style['color'] = 'red' features.insert(0, 'id', features.index) return figure, features.round(2).to_dict(orient='rows'), msg, style except Exception as ex: style['color'] = 'red' return go.Figure(), None, str(ex), style else: raise PreventUpdate