예제 #1
def model_instance_diff(old, new):
    Calculates the differences between two model instances. One of the instances may be ``None`` (i.e., a newly
    created model or deleted model). This will cause all fields with a value to have changed (from ``None``).

    :param old: The old state of the model instance.
    :type old: Model
    :param new: The new state of the model instance.
    :type new: Model
    :return: A dictionary with the names of the changed fields as keys and a two tuple of the old and new field values
             as value.
    :rtype: dict
    from auditlog.registry import auditlog

    if not(old is None or isinstance(old, Model)):
        raise TypeError("The supplied old instance is not a valid model instance.")
    if not(new is None or isinstance(new, Model)):
        raise TypeError("The supplied new instance is not a valid model instance.")

    diff = {}

    if old is not None and new is not None:
        fields = set(old._meta.fields + new._meta.fields)
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(new._meta.model)
    elif old is not None:
        fields = set(get_fields_in_model(old))
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(old._meta.model)
    elif new is not None:
        fields = set(get_fields_in_model(new))
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(new._meta.model)
        fields = set()
        model_fields = None

    # Check if fields must be filtered
    if model_fields and (model_fields['include_fields'] or model_fields['exclude_fields']) and fields:
        filtered_fields = []
        if model_fields['include_fields']:
            filtered_fields = [field for field in fields
                               if field.name in model_fields['include_fields']]
            filtered_fields = fields
        if model_fields['exclude_fields']:
            filtered_fields = [field for field in filtered_fields
                               if field.name not in model_fields['exclude_fields']]
        fields = filtered_fields

    for field in fields:
        old_value = get_field_value(old, field)
        new_value = get_field_value(new, field)

        if old_value != new_value:
            diff[field.name] = (smart_text(old_value), smart_text(new_value))

    if len(diff) == 0:
        diff = None

    return diff
예제 #2
    def log_create(self, instance, **kwargs):
        Helper method to create a new log entry. This method automatically populates some fields when no explicit value
        is given.

        :param instance: The model instance to log a change for.
        :type instance: Model
        :param kwargs: Field overrides for the :py:class:`LogEntry` object.
        :return: The new log entry or `None` if there were no changes.
        :rtype: LogEntry
        changes = kwargs.get('changes', None)
        pk = self._get_pk_value(instance)

        if changes is not None:
            content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance)
            kwargs.setdefault('content_type', content_type)
            kwargs.setdefault('object_pk', pk)
            kwargs.setdefault('object_repr', smart_text(instance))
            from auditlog.registry import auditlog
            model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(instance._meta.model)
            if model_fields['relate_field']:
                relate_object = getattr(instance, model_fields['relate_field'])
                kwargs.setdefault('relate_id', relate_object.pk)
                print 'relate_field', getattr(instance,
                kwargs.setdefault('relate_id', pk)
                kwargs.setdefault('relate_content_type', content_type)

            if isinstance(pk, integer_types):
                kwargs.setdefault('object_id', pk)

            get_additional_data = getattr(instance, 'get_additional_data',
            if callable(get_additional_data):
                kwargs.setdefault('additional_data', get_additional_data())

            # Delete log entries with the same pk as a newly created model. This should only be necessary when an pk is
            # used twice.
            if kwargs.get('action', None) is LogEntry.Action.CREATE:
                if kwargs.get('object_id', None) is not None and self.filter(
            # save LogEntry to same database instance is using
            db = instance._state.db
            return self.create(
                **kwargs) if db is None or db == '' else self.using(db).create(
        return None
예제 #3
    def changes_display_dict(self):
        :return: The changes recorded in this log entry intended for display to users as a dictionary object.
        # Get the model and model_fields
        from auditlog.registry import auditlog
        model = self.content_type.model_class()
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(model._meta.model)
        changes_display_dict = {}
        # grab the changes_dict and iterate through
        for field_name, values in iteritems(self.changes_dict):
            # try to get the field attribute on the model
                field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
            except FieldDoesNotExist:
                changes_display_dict[field_name] = values
            values_display = []
            # handle choices fields and Postgres ArrayField to get human readable version
            if field.choices or hasattr(field, 'base_field') and getattr(field.base_field, 'choices', False):
                choices_dict = dict(field.choices or field.base_field.choices)
                for value in values:
                        value = ast.literal_eval(value)
                        if type(value) is [].__class__:
                            values_display.append(', '.join([choices_dict.get(val, 'None') for val in value]))
                            values_display.append(choices_dict.get(value, 'None'))
                    except ValueError:
                        values_display.append(choices_dict.get(value, 'None'))
                        values_display.append(choices_dict.get(value, 'None'))
                field_type = field.get_internal_type()
                for value in values:
                    # handle case where field is a datetime, date, or time type
                    if field_type in ["DateTimeField", "DateField", "TimeField"]:
                            value = parser.parse(value)
                            if field_type == "DateField":
                                value = value.date()
                            elif field_type == "TimeField":
                                value = value.time()
                            value = formats.localize(value)
                        except ValueError:
                    # check if length is longer than 140 and truncate with ellipsis
                    if len(value) > 140:
                        value = "{}...".format(value[:140])

            verbose_name = model_fields['mapping_fields'].get(field.name, field.verbose_name)
            changes_display_dict[verbose_name] = values_display
        return changes_display_dict
예제 #4
def get_fields_in_model(instance: Any) -> List:
    Returns the list of fields in the given model instance.

    :param instance: The model instance to get the fields for
    :return: The list of fields for the given model (instance)
    from auditlog.registry import auditlog

    attrs = object_mapper(instance).iterate_properties
    model_attrs = auditlog.get_model_fields(instance.__class__)
    if model_attrs['include_fields']:
        attrs = (attr for attr in attrs
                 if attr.key in model_attrs['include_fields'])
    if model_attrs['exclude_fields']:
        attrs = (attr for attr in attrs
                 if attr.key not in model_attrs['exclude_fields'])

    return attrs
예제 #5
    def changes_display_dict(self):
        :return: The changes recorded in this log entry intended for display to users as a dictionary object.
        # Get the model and model_fields
        from auditlog.registry import auditlog
        model = self.content_type.model_class()
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(model._meta.model)
        changes_display_dict = {}
        # grab the changes_dict and iterate through
        for field_name, values in iteritems(self.changes_dict):
            # try to get the field attribute on the model
                field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
            except FieldDoesNotExist:
                changes_display_dict[field_name] = values
            values_display = []
            # handle choices fields and Postgres ArrayField to get human readable version
            choices_dict = None
            if hasattr(field, 'choices') and len(field.choices) > 0:
                choices_dict = dict(field.choices)
            if hasattr(field, 'base_field') and getattr(field.base_field, 'choices', False):
                choices_dict = dict(field.base_field.choices)

            if choices_dict:
                for value in values:
                        value = ast.literal_eval(value)
                        if type(value) is [].__class__:
                            values_display.append(', '.join([choices_dict.get(val, 'None') for val in value]))
                            values_display.append(choices_dict.get(value, 'None'))
                    except ValueError:
                        values_display.append(choices_dict.get(value, 'None'))
                        values_display.append(choices_dict.get(value, 'None'))
                    field_type = field.get_internal_type()
                except AttributeError:
                    # if the field is a relationship it has no internal type and exclude it
                for value in values:
                    # handle case where field is a datetime, date, or time type
                    if field_type in ["DateTimeField", "DateField", "TimeField"]:
                            value = parser.parse(value)
                            if field_type == "DateField":
                                value = value.date()
                            elif field_type == "TimeField":
                                value = value.time()
                            elif field_type == "DateTimeField":
                                value = value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                                value = value.astimezone(gettz(settings.TIME_ZONE))
                            value = formats.localize(value)
                        except ValueError:
                    # check if length is longer than 140 and truncate with ellipsis
                    if len(value) > 140:
                        value = "{}...".format(value[:140])

            verbose_name = model_fields['mapping_fields'].get(field.name, getattr(field, 'verbose_name', field.name))
            changes_display_dict[verbose_name] = values_display
        return changes_display_dict
예제 #6
def model_instance_diff(old, new, **kwargs):
    Calculate the differences between two model instances. One of the instances may be None (i.e., a newly
    created model or deleted model). This will cause all fields with a value to have changed (from None).

    from auditlog.registry import auditlog

    if not (old is None or isinstance(old, Model)):
        raise TypeError(
            "The supplied old instance is not a valid model instance.")
    if not (new is None or isinstance(new, Model)):
        raise TypeError(
            "The supplied new instance is not a valid model instance.")

    diff = {}

    if old is not None and new is not None:
        fields = set(old._meta.fields + new._meta.fields)
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(new._meta.model)
    elif old is not None:
        fields = set(old._meta.fields)
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(old._meta.model)
    elif new is not None:
        fields = set(new._meta.fields)
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(new._meta.model)
        fields = set()
        model_fields = None

    # Check if fields must be filtered
    if model_fields and (model_fields['include_fields']
                         or model_fields['exclude_fields']) and fields:
        filtered_fields = []
        if model_fields['include_fields']:
            filtered_fields = [
                field for field in fields
                if field.name in model_fields['include_fields']
            filtered_fields = fields
        if model_fields['exclude_fields']:
            filtered_fields = [
                field for field in filtered_fields
                if field.name not in model_fields['exclude_fields']
        fields = filtered_fields

    for field in fields:
            old_value = smart_text(getattr(old, field.name, None))
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            old_value = None

            new_value = smart_text(getattr(new, field.name, None))
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            new_value = None

        if old_value != new_value:
            diff[field.name] = (old_value, new_value)

    if len(diff) == 0:
        diff = None

    return diff
예제 #7
    def changes_display_dict(self):
        :return: The changes recorded in this log entry intended for display to users as a dictionary object.
        # Get the model and model_fields
        from auditlog.registry import auditlog

        model = self.content_type.model_class()
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(model._meta.model)
        changes_display_dict = {}
        # grab the changes_dict and iterate through
        for field_name, values in self.changes_dict.items():
            # try to get the field attribute on the model
                field = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
            except FieldDoesNotExist:
                changes_display_dict[field_name] = values
            values_display = []
            # handle choices fields and Postgres ArrayField to get human readable version
            choices_dict = None
            if getattr(field, "choices") and len(field.choices) > 0:
                choices_dict = dict(field.choices)
            if (
                hasattr(field, "base_field")
                and isinstance(field.base_field, Field)
                and getattr(field.base_field, "choices")
                and len(field.base_field.choices) > 0
                choices_dict = dict(field.base_field.choices)

            if choices_dict:
                for value in values:
                        value = ast.literal_eval(value)
                        if type(value) is [].__class__:
                                ", ".join(
                                    [choices_dict.get(val, "None") for val in value]
                            values_display.append(choices_dict.get(value, "None"))
                    except ValueError:
                        values_display.append(choices_dict.get(value, "None"))
                        values_display.append(choices_dict.get(value, "None"))
                    field_type = field.get_internal_type()
                except AttributeError:
                    # if the field is a relationship it has no internal type and exclude it
                for value in values:
                    # handle case where field is a datetime, date, or time type
                    if field_type in ["DateTimeField", "DateField", "TimeField"]:
                            value = parser.parse(value)
                            if field_type == "DateField":
                                value = value.date()
                            elif field_type == "TimeField":
                                value = value.time()
                            elif field_type == "DateTimeField":
                                value = value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                                value = value.astimezone(gettz(settings.TIME_ZONE))
                            value = formats.localize(value)
                        except ValueError:
                    # check if length is longer than 140 and truncate with ellipsis
                    if len(value) > 140:
                        value = "{}...".format(value[:140])

            verbose_name = model_fields["mapping_fields"].get(
                field.name, getattr(field, "verbose_name", field.name)
            changes_display_dict[verbose_name] = values_display
        return changes_display_dict
예제 #8
def model_instance_diff(old, new):
    Calculates the differences between two model instances. One of the instances may be ``None`` (i.e., a newly
    created model or deleted model). This will cause all fields with a value to have changed (from ``None``).

    :param old: The old state of the model instance.
    :type old: Model
    :param new: The new state of the model instance.
    :type new: Model
    :return: A dictionary with the names of the changed fields as keys and a two tuple of the old and new field values
             as value.
    :rtype: dict
    from auditlog.registry import auditlog

    if not(old is None or isinstance(old, Model)):
        raise TypeError("The supplied old instance is not a valid model instance.")
    if not(new is None or isinstance(new, Model)):
        raise TypeError("The supplied new instance is not a valid model instance.")

    diff = {}

    if old is not None and new is not None:
        fields = set(old._meta.fields + new._meta.fields)
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(new._meta.model)
    elif old is not None:
        fields = set(get_fields_in_model(old))
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(old._meta.model)
    elif new is not None:
        fields = set(get_fields_in_model(new))
        model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(new._meta.model)
        fields = set()
        model_fields = None

    # Check if fields must be filtered
    if model_fields and (model_fields['include_fields'] or model_fields['exclude_fields']) and fields:
        filtered_fields = []
        if model_fields['include_fields']:
            filtered_fields = [field for field in fields
                               if field.name in model_fields['include_fields']]
            filtered_fields = fields
        if model_fields['exclude_fields']:
            filtered_fields = [field for field in filtered_fields
                               if field.name not in model_fields['exclude_fields']]
        fields = filtered_fields

    for field in fields:
            old_value = smart_text(getattr(old, field.name, None))
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            old_value = field.default if field.default is not NOT_PROVIDED else None

            new_value = smart_text(getattr(new, field.name, None))
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            new_value = None

        if old_value != new_value:
            diff[field.name] = (smart_text(old_value), smart_text(new_value))

    if len(diff) == 0:
        diff = None

    return diff