예제 #1
def test_homepage_dashboard_flagged(user: User, user2: User, package: Package):
    pkgbase = package.PackageBase

    now = time.utcnow()
    with db.begin():
        pkgbase.OutOfDateTS = now - 5
        pkgbase.Flagger = user

    # Test that a comaintainer viewing the dashboard shows them their
    # flagged co-maintained packages.
    comaint_cookies = {"AURSID": user2.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.get("/", cookies=comaint_cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)

    root = parse_root(resp.text)
    flagged = root.xpath('//table[@id="flagged-packages"]//tr/td/a')[0]
    assert flagged.text.strip() == package.Name

    # Test that a maintainer viewing the dashboard shows them their
    # flagged maintained packages.
    cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.get("/", cookies=cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)

    root = parse_root(resp.text)
    flagged = root.xpath('//table[@id="flagged-packages"]//tr/td/a')[0]
    assert flagged.text.strip() == package.Name
예제 #2
def test_user_is_developer(user: User):
    with db.begin():
        user.AccountTypeID = at.DEVELOPER_ID
    assert user.is_developer() is True

    # Do it again with the combined role.
    with db.begin():
        user.AccountTypeID = at.TRUSTED_USER_AND_DEV_ID
    assert user.is_developer() is True
예제 #3
def test_user_login_with_outdated_sid(user: User):
    # Make a session with a LastUpdateTS 5 seconds ago, causing
    # user.login to update it with a new sid.
    with db.begin():
                  LastUpdateTS=datetime.utcnow().timestamp() - 5)
    sid = user.login(Request(), "testPassword")
    assert sid and user.is_authenticated()
    assert sid != "stub"
예제 #4
def test_legacy_user_authentication(user: User):
    with db.begin():
        user.Salt = bcrypt.gensalt().decode()
        user.Passwd = hashlib.md5(

    assert not user.valid_password("badPassword")
    assert user.valid_password("testPassword")

    # Test by passing a password of None value in.
    assert not user.valid_password(None)
def test_tu_addvote_post_invalid_agenda(client: TestClient, tu_user: User,
                                        user: User):
    cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    data = {"user": user.Username, "type": "add_tu"}
    with client as request:
        response = request.post("/addvote", cookies=cookies, data=data)
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
def test_tu_index_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User):
    cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    with client as request:
        # Login as a normal user, not a TU.
        response = request.get("/tu", cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert response.headers.get("location") == "/"
예제 #7
def test_user_json(user: User):
    data = json.loads(user.json())
    assert data.get("ID") == user.ID
    assert data.get("Username") == user.Username
    assert data.get("Email") == user.Email
    # .json() converts datetime values to integer timestamps.
    assert isinstance(data.get("RegistrationTS"), int)
예제 #8
def test_user_as_dict(user: User):
    data = user.as_dict()
    assert data.get("ID") == user.ID
    assert data.get("Username") == user.Username
    assert data.get("Email") == user.Email
    # .as_dict() does not convert values to json-capable types.
    assert isinstance(data.get("RegistrationTS"), datetime)
def test_tu_addvote_post_bylaws(client: TestClient, tu_user: User):
    # Bylaws votes do not need a user specified.
    cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    data = {"type": "bylaws", "agenda": "Blah blah!"}
    with client as request:
        response = request.post("/addvote", cookies=cookies, data=data)
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
예제 #10
def test_login_suspended(client: TestClient, user: User):
    with db.begin():
        user.Suspended = 1

    data = {"user": user.Username, "passwd": "testPassword", "next": "/"}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.post("/login", data=data)
    errors = get_errors(resp.text)
    assert errors[0].text.strip() == "Account Suspended"
예제 #11
def test_user_login_banned(user: User):
    # Add ban for the next 30 seconds.
    banned_timestamp = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=30)
    with db.begin():
        db.create(Ban, IPAddress="", BanTS=banned_timestamp)

    request = Request()
    request.client.host = ""
    assert not user.login(request, "testPassword")
예제 #12
def test_archdev_navbar_authenticated(client: TestClient, user: User):
    expected = ["Dashboard", "Packages", "Requests", "My Account", "Logout"]
    cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    with client as request:
        resp = request.get("/", cookies=cookies)
    assert resp.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)

    root = parse_root(resp.text)
    items = root.xpath('//div[@id="archdev-navbar"]/ul/li/a')
    for i, item in enumerate(items):
        assert item.text.strip() == expected[i]
def test_tu_addvote_invalid_type(client: TestClient, tu_user: User):
    cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    with client as request:
        response = request.get("/addvote",
                               params={"type": "faketype"},
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)

    root = parse_root(response.text)
    error = root.xpath('//*[contains(@class, "error")]/text()')[0]
    assert error.strip() == "Invalid type."
def test_tu_addvote_post(client: TestClient, tu_user: User, user: User):
    cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}

    data = {"user": user.Username, "type": "add_tu", "agenda": "Blah"}

    with client as request:
        response = request.post("/addvote", cookies=cookies, data=data)
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)

    voteinfo = db.query(TUVoteInfo, TUVoteInfo.Agenda == "Blah").first()
    assert voteinfo is not None
예제 #15
def test_user_login_logout(user: User):
    """ Test creating a user and reading its columns. """
    # Assert that make_user created a valid user.
    assert bool(user.ID)

    # Test authentication.
    assert user.valid_password("testPassword")
    assert not user.valid_password("badPassword")

    # Make a raw request.
    request = Request()
    assert not user.login(request, "badPassword")
    assert not user.is_authenticated()

    sid = user.login(request, "testPassword")
    assert sid is not None
    assert user.is_authenticated()

    # Expect that User session relationships work right.
    user_session = db.query(Session, Session.UsersID == user.ID).first()
    assert user_session == user.session
    assert user.session.SessionID == sid
    assert user.session.User == user

    # Search for the user via query API.
    result = db.query(User, User.ID == user.ID).first()

    # Compare the result and our original user.
    assert result == user
    assert result.ID == user.ID
    assert result.AccountType.ID == user.AccountType.ID
    assert result.Username == user.Username
    assert result.Email == user.Email

    # Test result authenticate methods to ensure they work the same.
    assert not result.valid_password("badPassword")
    assert result.valid_password("testPassword")
    assert result.is_authenticated()

    # Test out user string functions.
    assert repr(user) == f"<User(ID='{user.ID}', " + \
        "AccountType='User', Username='******')>"

    # Test logout.
    assert not user.is_authenticated()
예제 #16
def test_user_credential_types(user: User):
    assert user.AccountTypeID in creds.user_developer_or_trusted_user
    assert user.AccountTypeID not in creds.trusted_user
    assert user.AccountTypeID not in creds.developer
    assert user.AccountTypeID not in creds.trusted_user_or_dev

    with db.begin():
        user.AccountTypeID = at.TRUSTED_USER_ID

    assert user.AccountTypeID in creds.trusted_user
    assert user.AccountTypeID in creds.trusted_user_or_dev

    with db.begin():
        user.AccountTypeID = at.DEVELOPER_ID

    assert user.AccountTypeID in creds.developer
    assert user.AccountTypeID in creds.trusted_user_or_dev

    with db.begin():
        user.AccountTypeID = at.TRUSTED_USER_AND_DEV_ID

    assert user.AccountTypeID in creds.trusted_user
    assert user.AccountTypeID in creds.developer
    assert user.AccountTypeID in creds.trusted_user_or_dev

    # Some model authorization checks.
    assert user.is_elevated()
    assert user.is_trusted_user()
    assert user.is_developer()
def test_tu_stats(client: TestClient, tu_user: User):
    cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    with client as request:
        response = request.get("/tu", cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
    assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK

    root = parse_root(response.text)
    stats = root.xpath('//table[@class="no-width"]')[0]
    rows = stats.xpath("./tbody/tr")

    # We have one trusted user.
    total = rows[0]
    label, count = total.xpath("./td")
    assert int(count.text.strip()) == 1

    # And we have one active TU.
    active = rows[1]
    label, count = active.xpath("./td")
    assert int(count.text.strip()) == 1

    with db.begin():
        tu_user.InactivityTS = time.utcnow()

    with client as request:
        response = request.get("/tu", cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
    assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK

    root = parse_root(response.text)
    stats = root.xpath('//table[@class="no-width"]')[0]
    rows = stats.xpath("./tbody/tr")

    # We have one trusted user.
    total = rows[0]
    label, count = total.xpath("./td")
    assert int(count.text.strip()) == 1

    # But we have no more active TUs.
    active = rows[1]
    label, count = active.xpath("./td")
    assert int(count.text.strip()) == 0
예제 #18
def test_user_language(client: TestClient, user: User):
    """ Test the language post route as an authenticated user. """
    post_data = {
        "set_lang": "de",
        "next": "/"

    sid = user.login(Request(), "testPassword")
    assert sid is not None

    with client as req:
        response = req.post("/language", data=post_data,
                            cookies={"AURSID": sid})
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert user.LangPreference == "de"
def test_tu_addvote_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User,
                                 proposal: Tuple[User, User, TUVoteInfo]):
    cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    with client as request:
        response = request.get("/addvote",
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert response.headers.get("location") == "/tu"

    with client as request:
        response = request.post("/addvote",
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert response.headers.get("location") == "/tu"
def test_tu_proposal_unauthorized(client: TestClient, user: User,
                                  proposal: Tuple[User, User, TUVoteInfo]):
    cookies = {"AURSID": user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    endpoint = f"/tu/{proposal[2].ID}"
    with client as request:
        response = request.get(endpoint,
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert response.headers.get("location") == "/tu"

    with client as request:
        response = request.post(endpoint,
                                data={"decision": False},
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.SEE_OTHER)
    assert response.headers.get("location") == "/tu"
def test_tu_index_last_votes(client: TestClient, tu_user: User, tu_user2: User,
                             user: User):
    ts = time.utcnow()

    with db.begin():
        # Create a proposal which has ended.
        voteinfo = db.create(TUVoteInfo,
                             Agenda="Test agenda",
                             Submitted=(ts - 1000),
                             End=(ts - 5),

        # Create a vote on it from tu_user.
        db.create(TUVote, VoteInfo=voteinfo, User=tu_user)
        db.create(TUVote, VoteInfo=voteinfo, User=tu_user2)

    # Now, check that tu_user got populated in the .last-votes table.
    cookies = {"AURSID": tu_user.login(Request(), "testPassword")}
    with client as request:
        response = request.get("/tu", cookies=cookies)
    assert response.status_code == int(HTTPStatus.OK)

    root = parse_root(response.text)
    table = get_table(root, "last-votes")
    rows = get_table_rows(table)
    assert len(rows) == 2

    last_vote = rows[0]
    user, vote_id = last_vote.xpath("./td/a")
    assert user.text.strip() == tu_user.Username
    assert int(vote_id.text.strip()) == voteinfo.ID

    last_vote = rows[1]
    user, vote_id = last_vote.xpath("./td/a")
    assert int(vote_id.text.strip()) == voteinfo.ID
    assert user.text.strip() == tu_user2.Username
예제 #22
def test_user_login_twice(user: User):
    request = Request()
    assert user.login(request, "testPassword")
    assert user.login(request, "testPassword")
예제 #23
def test_can_edit_user(user: User, tu_user: User, dev_user: User,
                       tu_and_dev_user: User):
    # User can edit.
    assert user.can_edit_user(user)

    # User cannot edit.
    assert not user.can_edit_user(tu_user)
    assert not user.can_edit_user(dev_user)
    assert not user.can_edit_user(tu_and_dev_user)

    # Trusted User can edit.
    assert tu_user.can_edit_user(user)
    assert tu_user.can_edit_user(tu_user)

    # Trusted User cannot edit.
    assert not tu_user.can_edit_user(dev_user)
    assert not tu_user.can_edit_user(tu_and_dev_user)

    # Developer can edit.
    assert dev_user.can_edit_user(user)
    assert dev_user.can_edit_user(tu_user)
    assert dev_user.can_edit_user(dev_user)

    # Developer cannot edit.
    assert not dev_user.can_edit_user(tu_and_dev_user)

    # Trusted User & Developer can edit.
    assert tu_and_dev_user.can_edit_user(user)
    assert tu_and_dev_user.can_edit_user(tu_user)
    assert tu_and_dev_user.can_edit_user(dev_user)
    assert tu_and_dev_user.can_edit_user(tu_and_dev_user)
예제 #24
def test_user_packages(user: User, package: Package):
    assert package in user.packages()
예제 #25
def test_user_notified(user: User, package: Package):
    pkgbase = package.PackageBase
    with db.begin():
        db.create(PackageNotification, PackageBase=pkgbase, User=user)
    assert user.notified(package)
예제 #26
def test_user_voted_for(user: User, package: Package):
    pkgbase = package.PackageBase
    now = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
    with db.begin():
        db.create(PackageVote, PackageBase=pkgbase, User=user, VoteTS=now)
    assert user.voted_for(package)
예제 #27
def test_user_login_suspended(user: User):
    with db.begin():
        user.Suspended = True
    assert not user.login(Request(), "testPassword")
예제 #28
def test_user_has_credential(user: User):
    assert not user.has_credential(creds.ACCOUNT_CHANGE_TYPE)
예제 #29
def test_user_minimum_passwd_length():
    passwd_min_len = aurweb.config.getint("options", "passwd_min_len")
    assert User.minimum_passwd_length() == passwd_min_len
예제 #30
def test_user_update_password(user: User):
    assert not user.valid_password("testPassword")
    assert user.valid_password("secondPassword")