예제 #1
def add_user(usr_id, name, email, screen_name, password):
    '''Creates a new row in the user table with the passed in parameters and the current time.'''
    salt = auth.normalize(os.urandom(32))
    pass_hash = auth.saltedhash_hex(password, salt)
    con = db.connections.get_con()
    cur = db.DictCursor(con)
    cur.callproc('create_user', (usr_id, name, email, screen_name, pass_hash, salt))
    logger.writeln('added user: ', (usr_id, name, email, screen_name, pass_hash, salt))
예제 #2
def verify_passwd(req, email, password):
    '''this takes the user_name (ie the string the user uses to log-in with) if and the plain text
    password. The password is hashed if there is a user by the name passed in then the hashes of the
    passwords are compared. If they match it returns True else it returns False.'''
    user_dict = get_user_byemail(req, email) #get the user_dict from the database
    if user_dict:
        pass_hash = auth.saltedhash_hex(password, user_dict['salt'])
        return False, dict()
    #if the user_dict actually has information in it check to see if the passwords are the same
    if user_dict and user_dict.has_key('pass_hash') and pass_hash == user_dict['pass_hash']:
        return True, user_dict #if they are return true and the user dictionary
        return False, dict() #else return false and an empty dictionary
예제 #3
def add_user(srv, usr_id, name, email, password):
    '''Creates a new row in the user table with the passed in parameters and the current time.'''

    salt = auth.normalize(os.urandom(32))
    pass_hash = auth.saltedhash_hex(password, salt)
    srv.users[usr_id] = {
        'usr_id': usr_id,
        'last_login':time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
        'creation':time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
    srv.users_email[email] = usr_id
    return dict(srv.users[usr_id])