예제 #1
# Import custom module.
import auth_mongodb
import moneyMod1    # Custom module for "mymoney" web app.

# This parameter is the 'query' to the MongoDB collection find() method.
secID = 8

# Global variables for MongoDB access.
__db_auth__  = "mymoney"
__login__    = "money_user"
__password__ = "LLadmin8"
__host__     = "localhost"
__port__     = "27017"

hostDB = auth_mongodb.MongoDB_Login (__host__, __port__,
                   __login__, __password__, __db_auth__)
userDB = hostDB.connect_via_host ()
qry = moneyMod1.Queries_Money (userDB)

pipeline = [
  { "$match"  : {"security_id":secID} },
  { "$unwind" : "$quotes" },
  { "$sort"   : {"quotes.date":-1} },
  { "$group"  : { "_id": "$_id",
                  "security_id"   : {"$max" : "$security_id"},
                  "security_name" : {"$max" : "$security_name"},
                  "owners"        : {"$max" : "$owners"},
                  "quotes"        : {"$push" :
                     {"quote" : "$quotes.close",
                      "date"  : {"$dateToString" : 
                                {'format':"%Y-%m-%d", 'date':"$quotes.date" } },
예제 #2
# Modified By: Louis Lao
# Date: Dec 11, 2017
# Reason: For stocks or bonds that are quoted in USD but are reported to us
#         converted to CAD, I have coded to deal with that by multiplying
#         it by the current exchange rate. I modify the report to show both
#         original quote in USD and the converted quote in CAD together.

import sys
import re

import auth_mongodb
import moneyMod1

# Get access to the "mymoney" database.
hostDB = auth_mongodb.MongoDB_Login("localhost", "27017", "money_user",
                                    "LLadmin8", "mymoney")
userDB = hostDB.connect_via_host()
qry = moneyMod1.Queries_Money(userDB)

# Prepare the query filter to retrieve the security/ies you want to
#  check.
flt_docs = {"security_id": 8}
flt_docs = {"security_name": re.compile(r"edgepoint", re.IGNORECASE)}
flt_docs = {"security_name": re.compile(r"shares", re.IGNORECASE)}
cursor = qry.get_security_quote_by_qry(flt_docs)

# Scrape data to get canadian to USD currency exchange rate.
url_rate = "http://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/exchange/daily-exchange-rates/"
exchrate_scraper = moneyMod1.Scraper(url_rate, True)
exch_rate = exchrate_scraper.get_exchRate()