예제 #1
파일: record.py 프로젝트: jzlink/library
class Record:
    """Preside over a single record in the database
        including updating it"""

    def __init__(self, form_dict):
        """initialize variables and bring in column metadata"""
        self.book_id = form_dict["book_id"]
        self.activity = form_dict["activity"]
        self.connection = getDictConnection()
        self.columns = loadYaml("columns")
        self.author = Author()
        self.record_dict = dict.copy(form_dict)
        self.added_new_rec = False

        del self.record_dict["book_id"]
        del self.record_dict["activity"]

        if self.activity == "submit_new":
            start_sql = 'insert into book (title) values ("starter")'
            start = execute(self.connection, start_sql)
            find_sql = "select book_id from book where title like 'starter'"
            find = execute(self.connection, find_sql)
            self.book_id = find[0]["book_id"]
            self.activity = "update"
            self.added_new_rec = True

    def debug(self):
        return self.record_dict, self.processRecordDict()

    def updateRecord(self):
        """ given a dict of column value pairs
        figure out which should be updated
        update tables with new vals if necessary
        return two lists: changes made, values added"""

        book_items = {}
        update_dict = {}
        when_read_items = {}
        series_items = {}
        updated = {}
        added = {}
        removed = {}

        # sort and pre-process dict
        update_dict, author_items = self.processRecordDict()

        if update_dict:
            for column, value in update_dict.items():

                record_table = ""

                # figure out which table needs to be updated, amend that dict{}
                record_table = self.columns[column][0]["from"]

                if record_table == "book":
                    book_items.update({column: value})
                if record_table == "when_read":
                    when_read_items.update({column: value})
                if record_table == "series":
                    series_items.update({column: value})

            if book_items:
                book_updates, book_adds = self.updateBook(book_items)

            if series_items:
                series_updates, series_adds = self.updateSeries(series_items)

            if when_read_items:
                when_updates, when_adds = self.updateWhenRead(when_read_items)

        # send author_items out to be handled
        #        author_updates = self.updateAuthor(author_items)
        #        updated.update(author_updates)

        if self.added_new_rec:
            return self.book_id

            return updated, added

    def updateBook(self, book_items):
        updates = {}
        adds = {}

        if self.activity == "update":
            for item in book_items:
                sql = "update book set %s = %s where book.book_id = %s" % (item, book_items[item], self.book_id)
                results = execute(self.connection, sql)
                updates[item] = book_items[item]

        return updates, adds

    def updateSeries(self, series_items):
        series_id = "NULL"
        series = series_items["series"]
        updates = {}
        adds = {}

        # if the series recieved isn't blank, check if it is in the DB yet
        # if not add it and append message with that info
        # retrieve the series_id for the requested series
        if series != "''":
            searchSQL = "select series from series where series like %s" % series
            searchResults = execute(self.connection, searchSQL)

            if not searchResults:
                addSQL = "insert into series (series) values (%s)" % series
                addResults = execute(self.connection, addSQL)
                adds["series"] = series

            IdSQL = "select series_id from series where series like %s" % series
            IdResults = execute(self.connection, IdSQL)

            series_id = IdResults[0]["series_id"]

        # set the series_id in the book table to the correct series
        updateSQL = "update book set series_id = %s where book_id = %s" % (series_id, self.book_id)
        updateReults = execute(self.connection, updateSQL)
        updates["series"] = series
        return updates, adds

    def updateWhenRead(self, when_read_items):
        updates = {}
        adds = {}
        when = when_read_items["when_read"]

        if when != "":
            when = (datetime.strptime(when, "%m/%d/%Y")).date()
            when = when.isoformat()
            sql = "insert into when_read (when_read, book_id) values (%s, %s)" % (when, self.book_id)
            results = execute(self.connection, sql)
            adds["when_read"] = when

        return updates, adds

    def updateAuthor(self, author_items):
        firstLast = author_items.copy()
        fullNames = []
        listofAuthors = []
        authorIdDict = self.author.getAuthorIdDict()
        add = []
        remove = []
        update = {}

        # make a list of full names and a seperate dict for first and last name
        for item in author_items:
            if "full" in str(item):
                del firstLast[item]

        # If any item in firstLast has a value set newName to true
        newName = False
        for key, value in firstLast.items():
            if value:
                newName = True

        # bring in the data currently in the DB
        authorsOnRecord = self.author.getAuthors(self.book_id, "concat")

        # make a list of full names in the DB
        for count in range(len(authorsOnRecord)):

        # compare the list of full names currently in the DB to the
        # full names in author items to see what has to be added or removed
        for item in listofAuthors:
            if item not in fullNames:
        for item in fullNames:
            if item not in listofAuthors:

        # check if the new first and last name is in the DB yet
        if newName:
            sql = """                                                        
               select author_id from author                                   
               where last_name like '%s' and first_name like '%s'              
               """ % (
            matches = execute(self.connection, sql)

            # if the name is not in the DB add it and refresh the authorIdDict
            if not matches:
                sql = """
                      insert into author (last_name, first_name)
                      values ('%s', '%s')
                      """ % (
                results = execute(self.connection, sql)
                authorIdDict = self.author.getAuthorIdDict()

            # concat the first and last name add it to add list
            name = "%s, %s" % (author_items["author_last_name"], author_items["author_first_name"])

        # add the book_id/author_id pairs to the book_author table
        for item in add:
            author_id = authorIdDict[item]
            sql = """insert into book_author (author_id, book_id)
                   values (%s, %s)""" % (
            results = execute(self.connection, sql)
            update[item] = "added to record"

        # remove the book_id/author_id pairs from the book_author table
        for item in remove:
            author_id = authorIdDict[item]
            sql = """delete from book_author
                  where book_id = %s and author_id = %s                      
                  """ % (
            results = execute(self.connection, sql)
            update[item] = "removed from record"

        return update

    def processRecordDict(self):
        """given a dict of record items to update prepare them for DB insertion
        by: segregating author items from dict, calling selectDiffColumns,
        prepping the formats of the remaining values for insertion. Returns
        update_dict and author_items"""

        process_dict = dict.copy(self.record_dict)

        author_items = {}
        # find all keys with author in them, add those to author items
        for item in process_dict:
            if "author" in str(item):
                author_items[item] = process_dict[item]

        # remove all the stuff in author items from record dict
        for item in author_items:
            del process_dict[item]

        # if the acitvity is 'edit'call selectDiffCols on the remaining dict
        # if that returns any values format them for the DB and return them
        # otherwise all values need to be processed
        if self.activity == "update":
            update_dict = self.selectDiffColumns(process_dict)
            update_dict = process_dict

        if update_dict:
            for column, value in update_dict.items():
                colType = self.columns[column][0]["type"]

                # prep dic vlaues for database update
                if colType == "string" or colType == "int":
                    if value:
                        update_dict[column] = "'" + value + "'"
                        update_dict[column] = "'" + "'"

        return update_dict, author_items

    def selectDiffColumns(self, recievedData):
        """ given a dic of data recieve about a record
            compare it to the data in the DB
            remove entries in the recieved dictionary that already exist
            return truncated dict"""
        query = Query()
        where = "book.book_id =" + str(self.book_id)
        recordData = query.getData("edit", where)
        remove = []
        for col, val in recordData[0].items():
            if val == "":
                recordData[0][col] = None
                recordData[0][col] = str(val)

        for col in recievedData:
            if recievedData[col] == recordData[0][col]:
        for col in remove:
            del recievedData[col]

        return recievedData