예제 #1
# you need to install websockets before you use this

import asyncio
import websockets

from auto_everything.base import IO
io = IO()

import json
from opencv import MyOpencv

myopencv = MyOpencv()

async def hello(websocket, path):
    global one_frame_of_data
    while 1:
        data = await websocket.recv()

        if isinstance(data, str):
            json_data = json.loads(data)
        elif isinstance(data, bytes):

start_server = websockets.serve(hello, 'localhost', 8000)

예제 #2
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
from auto_everything.terminal import Terminal
from auto_everything.disk import Disk
from auto_everything.base import IO
from auto_everything.base import Python
import json
t = Terminal()
disk = Disk()
io = IO()
py = Python()

def seperate():

DEVICE = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
PRE_COMMAND = f"ampy -p {DEVICE} "
PUT = PRE_COMMAND + "put "

micropython_files = [
    name.strip("/") for name in t.run_command(LS).split("\n")
    if name.strip() != "" and name[-3:] == ".py"
if len(micropython_files) == 0:
예제 #3
from model import generate_model
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import numpy as np
from random import randint
from nes_py.wrappers import JoypadSpace
import gym_super_mario_bros
from gym_super_mario_bros.actions import SIMPLE_MOVEMENT
import time
import random
from auto_everything.base import IO
io = IO()

env = gym_super_mario_bros.make('SuperMarioBros-v2')
env = JoypadSpace(env, SIMPLE_MOVEMENT)

model_file_path = './nn_model.HDF5'
final_model_file_path = './final_nn_model.HDF5'
if os.path.exists(model_file_path):
    model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_file_path)
    model = generate_model()

# env.action_space.sample() = numbers, for example, 0,1,2,3...
# state = RGB of raw picture; is a numpy array with shape (240, 256, 3)
# reward = int; for example, 0, 1 ,2, ...
# done = False or True
# info = {'coins': 0, 'flag_get': False, 'life': 3, 'score': 0, 'stage': 1, 'status': 'small', 'time': 400, 'world': 1, 'x_pos': 40}

done = True
last_state = None
예제 #4
from auto_everything.base import IO
io = IO()

import os
import json

files = os.listdir("../data")
files = [file for file in files if '.json' in file]

item_list = []
for index, file in enumerate(files):
    file = file.replace(".json", "")
    item_list.append({'index': index, 'label_name': file})
    print(index, file)

start = """
export const motion_classes = {
end = "}"

final_js = start
for item in item_list:
    final_js += '{index}: "{name}",'.format(index=item['index'],
                                            name=item['label_name']) + '\n'
final_js += end

io.write('../js/motion_classes.js', final_js)
예제 #5
from model import generate_model
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import numpy as np

import time
from random import randint
from nes_py.wrappers import JoypadSpace
import gym_super_mario_bros
from gym_super_mario_bros.actions import COMPLEX_MOVEMENT

from auto_everything.base import IO
io = IO()

env = gym_super_mario_bros.make('SuperMarioBros-v2')
env = JoypadSpace(env, COMPLEX_MOVEMENT)

model_file_path = './nn_model.HDF5'
final_model_file_path = './final_nn_model.HDF5'
if os.path.exists(model_file_path):
    model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_file_path)
    model = generate_model()

# env.action_space.sample() = numbers, for example, 0,1,2,3...
# state = RGB of raw picture; is a numpy array with shape (240, 256, 3)
# reward = int; for example, 0, 1 ,2, ...
# done = False or True
# info = {'coins': 0, 'flag_get': False, 'life': 3, 'score': 0, 'stage': 1, 'status': 'small', 'time': 400, 'world': 1, 'x_pos': 40}

identity = np.identity(
예제 #6
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3

#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
from auto_everything.base import Python, Terminal, IO
py = Python()
t = Terminal()
io_ = IO()

class Tools():
    def build(self):
        t.run('yarn build')
        content = io_.read("./build/index.html")
        content = content.replace(
            "<title>React App</title>", """
                <title>yingshaoxo | 技术宅</title>
                <meta name="author" content="yingshaoxo" />
                <meta name="description" content="yingshaoxo, born in 1998, love IT. Want to find out all those mysteries in this universe, especially how human thinks. So I embrace AI." />
                <meta name="keywords" content="yingshaoxo, Python, Javascript, C++" />
                """.replace("\n", ""))
        io_.write("./build/index.html", content)

예제 #7
import eventlet

from king_chat import Server
server = Server(ip="", port=5920)

import json
import os 

from auto_everything.base import IO
io = IO()

from flask import Flask, render_template,redirect
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
# make sure static folder is the react build folder, and static path is the root, so static_url_path = ''
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='../front-end_app/build', static_url_path='', static_folder='../front-end_app/build')
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'yingshaoxo is the king'
socketio = SocketIO(app)

msgs = []
temp_json_file = "msgs.json"
if not os.path.exists(temp_json_file):
    io.write(temp_json_file, json.dumps([]))

def handle(protocol, text):
예제 #8
from auto_everything.base import IO
io = IO()

import os
import json

files = os.listdir("../data")
files = [file for file in files if '.json' in file]

item_list = []
for index, file in enumerate(files):
    file = file.replace(".json", "")
    item_list.append({'index': index, 'label_name': file})
    print(index, file)

start = """
export const looking_classes = {
end = "}"

final_js = start
for item in item_list:
    final_js += '{index}: "{name}",'.format(index=item['index'],
                                            name=item['label_name']) + '\n'
final_js += end

io.write('../js/looking_classes.js', final_js)
예제 #9
import os
from auto_everything.base import IO
io = IO()

import json
from pprint import pprint

import numpy as np

files = os.listdir("../data")
files = [file for file in files if '.json' in file]

global x, y

for index, file in enumerate(files):
    # get x
    xx = json.loads(io.read("../data/{name}".format(name=file)))
    xx = np.array(xx)
    # get y
    #yy = np.zeros(xx.shape[0])
    yy = np.full(xx.shape[0], index)

    if index == 0:
        x = xx
        y = yy
        x = np.append(x, xx, axis=0)
        y = np.append(y, yy, axis=0)
예제 #10
from auto_everything.base import IO
io = IO()

import os
import json

files = os.listdir("../data")
files = [file for file in files if '.json' in file]

item_list = []
for index, file in enumerate(files):
    file = file.replace(".json", "")
    item_list.append({'index': index, 'label_name': file})
    print(index, file)

start = """
export const pose_classes = {
end = "}"

final_js = start
for item in item_list:
    final_js += '{index}: "{name}",'.format(index=item['index'],
                                            name=item['label_name']) + '\n'
final_js += end

io.write('../js/pose_classes.js', final_js)