class Zoo_function(object): output = O_Output() njson = N_json() def __init__(self, user, password): login = Zoo_login(user, password) token = login.get_token() try: tok = token["access_token"] self.token = tok except: self.output.print_error(token['message']) def host_search(self, query, page='1', facets=''): headers = {"Authorization": "JWT " + self.token} url = "\"" + \ query + "\"&page=" + str(page) + "&facet=" + facets res = self.njson.request(url, headers=headers, method="get") return res def web_search(self, query, page='1', facets=''): headers = {"Authorization": "JWT " + self.token} url = "\"" + \ query + "\"&page=" + str(page) + "&facet=" + facets # print url res = self.njson.request(url, headers=headers, method="get") return res
def __init__(self): = N_Request() self.config = config() self.db = DB() self.output = CLIOutput() self.output2 = O_Output() self.exp = exp() Cmd.__init__(self) os.system("clear") self.output.printYellow( self.config.logo + "Welcome To Auto-Exploit-Framework\nThe world Will Remember You Forever" ) self.case_insensitive = False self.prompt = self.config.default_console_words self.isused = False self.file = IO_File()
def __init__(self, user, password, host, port, db): self.__output = O_Output() self.__user = user self.__password = password self.__host = host self.__port = port self.__db = db self.__isconnected = True try: self.__conn = MySQLdb.connect( host=self.__host, user=self.__user, passwd=self.__password, port=self.__port, db=self.__db, ) self.__cur = self.__conn.cursor() except MySQLdb.Error, e: self.__output.print_error("MySQL Error " + e.args[0] + ':' + e.args[1]) self.__isconnected = False
class D_Mysql(object): def __init__(self, user, password, host, port, db): self.__output = O_Output() self.__user = user self.__password = password self.__host = host self.__port = port self.__db = db self.__isconnected = True try: self.__conn = MySQLdb.connect( host=self.__host, user=self.__user, passwd=self.__password, port=self.__port, db=self.__db, ) self.__cur = self.__conn.cursor() except MySQLdb.Error, e: self.__output.print_error( "MySQL Error " + e.args[0] + ':' + e.args[1]) self.__isconnected = False
class AEFbase(object): request = N_Request() db = DB() search = Search() type = AEFType() level = AEFLevel() __output = O_Output() def __init__(self): = { "Type": self.type.other, "Level": self.level.medium, "Author": "", "Desc": "", "Name": "", "Version": "1.0.0", "Keyword": "", } super(AEFbase, self).__init__() def __get_level(self, level): level2 = ('low', 'medium', 'high') return level2[level] def print_desc(self): name = [] value = [] temp = [''] info = info['Level'] = self.__get_level(info['Level']) for key in info: name.append(key) value.append(info[key]) temp[0] = value value = temp # print temp self.__output.print_form(name, value) def run(self): pass def print_error(self, content): self.__output.print_error(content) def print_info(self, content): self.__output.print_default(content) def print_warning(self, content): self.__output.print_warning(content)
def __init__(self): = N_Request() self.config = config() self.db = DB() self.output = CLIOutput() self.output2 = O_Output() self.exp = exp() Cmd.__init__(self) os.system("clear") self.output.printYellow(self.config.logo + "Welcome To Auto-Exploit-Framework\nThe world Will Remember You Forever") self.case_insensitive = False self.prompt = self.config.default_console_words self.isused = False self.file = IO_File()
class C_Base(Cmd): def __init__(self): = N_Request() self.config = config() self.db = DB() self.output = CLIOutput() self.output2 = O_Output() self.exp = exp() Cmd.__init__(self) os.system("clear") self.output.printYellow( self.config.logo + "Welcome To Auto-Exploit-Framework\nThe world Will Remember You Forever" ) self.case_insensitive = False self.prompt = self.config.default_console_words self.isused = False self.file = IO_File() def do_help(self, arg): self.output.printYellow("[Command]") print " use [exp] : use exploit" print " show exploit : show the info of exploit" print " del [exp] : del exploit" print " load exploit : load exploit" print " proxysearch [page] : Search Proxy" print " subdimain [domain] : Search Subdimain" self.output.printYellow("[System]") print " exit : exit the system" self.output.printYellow("[Web]") print " runserver : start server" self.output.printYellow("[Exploit]") print " run : run exploit" print " show config : show the config of exploit" print " config [var] [value] : set the var's value" self.output.printYellow("[Help]") print " help [command] : show help" def do_proxysearch(self, arg): page = int(arg) pro = D_Proxy() re = pro.get(page) name = ['IP', 'PORT'] self.output2.print_form(name, re) def do_use(self, arg): if arg: try: exploit = self.exp.load_exp(arg) self.exploit = exploit self.exploit.print_desc() self.isused = True except: self.output2.print_error('Failed to load exploit') def do_show(self, arg): if not arg: pass elif arg == 'exp' or arg == 'exploit': self.case_insensitive = True exploit = self.db.get_exp() name = ['id', 'name', 'desc', 'level', 'author'] exploit = list(exploit) for i in range(len(exploit)): exploit[i] = list(exploit[i]) exploit[i][3] = self.__get_level(exploit[i][3]) self.output2.print_form(name, exploit) elif arg == "config": self.do_config(None) def do_run(self, arg): if self.isused: else: self.output2.print_warning('Please Use an Exploit') def do_config(self, arg): if arg != None: if self.isused: try: key = arg.split()[0] value = arg.split()[1] self.exploit.var[key] = value except: self.output2.print_error("Must Be 2 Arguements") else: if self.isused: try: value = [] var = self.exploit.var keys = var.keys() for key in keys: value.append(var[key]) temp = [''] temp[0] = value value = temp # progress data self.output2.print_form(keys, value) except: self.output2.print_error( "This Exploit Can't Be Configured") def do_load(self, arg): if not arg: pass else: # print self.config.path+'exploit/'+arg+'.py' if self.file.check_file(self.config.path + 'exploit/' + arg + '.py'): exp = self.exp.load_exp(arg) # print arg if arg ==['Name']: self.db.insert_exp(['Name'],['Desc'],['Level'],['Author']) else: self.output2.print_error("Exploit Name != File Name") else: self.output2.print_error('Please Move You Exploit To /exploit') def do_del(self, arg): self.db.del_exp(arg) pass def do_exit(self, arg): quit() pass def __get_level(self, level): a = ['low', 'medium', 'high'] return a[level] def default(self, line): pass def do_subdomain(self, domain): d = DNSBrute(target=domain, names_file=self.config.default_subdomainfix, ignore_intranet=False, threads_num=10) def do_runserver(self, arg): create_server(, self.config.api_port) def emptyline(self): self.default('')
@get("/del/exp/:id") def del_exp(id): pass @post("/edit/exp") def edit_exp(): text = request.forms.get("text") name = request.forms.get("name") pass @get("/test") def test(): return "test" server_output = O_Output() def create_server(host, port): try: run(host=host, port=int(port)) except Exception, e: server_output.print_error("Unable to create server: " + str(e)) return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": pass
class C_Base(Cmd): def __init__(self): = N_Request() self.config = config() self.db = DB() self.output = CLIOutput() self.output2 = O_Output() self.exp = exp() Cmd.__init__(self) os.system("clear") self.output.printYellow(self.config.logo + "Welcome To Auto-Exploit-Framework\nThe world Will Remember You Forever") self.case_insensitive = False self.prompt = self.config.default_console_words self.isused = False self.file = IO_File() def do_help(self, arg): self.output.printYellow("[Command]") print " use [exp] : use exploit" print " show exploit : show the info of exploit" print " del [exp] : del exploit" print " load exploit : load exploit" print " proxysearch [page] : Search Proxy" print " subdimain [domain] : Search Subdimain" self.output.printYellow("[System]") print " exit : exit the system" self.output.printYellow("[Web]") print " runserver : start server" self.output.printYellow("[Exploit]") print " run : run exploit" print " show config : show the config of exploit" print " config [var] [value] : set the var's value" self.output.printYellow("[Help]") print " help [command] : show help" def do_proxysearch(self, arg): page = int(arg) pro = D_Proxy() re = pro.get(page) name = ['IP', 'PORT'] self.output2.print_form(name, re) def do_use(self, arg): if arg: try: exploit = self.exp.load_exp(arg) self.exploit = exploit self.exploit.print_desc() self.isused = True except: self.output2.print_error('Failed to load exploit') def do_show(self, arg): if not arg: pass elif arg == 'exp' or arg == 'exploit': self.case_insensitive = True exploit = self.db.get_exp() name = ['id', 'name', 'desc', 'level', 'author'] exploit = list(exploit) for i in range(len(exploit)): exploit[i] = list(exploit[i]) exploit[i][3] = self.__get_level(exploit[i][3]) self.output2.print_form(name, exploit) elif arg == "config": self.do_config(None) def do_run(self, arg): if self.isused: else: self.output2.print_warning('Please Use an Exploit') def do_config(self, arg): if arg != None: if self.isused: try: key = arg.split()[0] value = arg.split()[1] self.exploit.var[key] = value except: self.output2.print_error("Must Be 2 Arguements") else: if self.isused: try: value = [] var = self.exploit.var keys = var.keys() for key in keys: value.append(var[key]) temp = [''] temp[0] = value value = temp # progress data self.output2.print_form(keys, value) except: self.output2.print_error("This Exploit Can't Be Configured") def do_load(self, arg): if not arg: pass else: # print self.config.path+'exploit/'+arg+'.py' if self.file.check_file(self.config.path + 'exploit/' + arg + '.py'): exp = self.exp.load_exp(arg) # print arg if arg ==['Name']: self.db.insert_exp(['Name'],['Desc'],[ 'Level'],['Author']) else: self.output2.print_error("Exploit Name != File Name") else: self.output2.print_error('Please Move You Exploit To /exploit') def do_del(self, arg): self.db.del_exp(arg) pass def do_exit(self, arg): quit() pass def __get_level(self, level): a = ['low', 'medium', 'high'] return a[level] def default(self, line): pass def do_subdomain(self, domain): d = DNSBrute(target=domain, names_file=self.config.default_subdomainfix, ignore_intranet=False, threads_num=10) def do_runserver(self, arg): create_server(, self.config.api_port) def emptyline(self): self.default('')