예제 #1
def profile_index():
    currentUser = users.get_current_user()
    userProfile = UserRepository.get(currentUser) 
    if userProfile == None:
        userProfile = UserRepository.new(currentUser)   
    logging.info('userprofile %s' % userProfile)
        isLatitudeInstalled = ServiceRepository.get('latitude', userProfile) != None
        isFoursquareInstalled = ServiceRepository.get('foursquare', userProfile) != None
    if(isLatitudeInstalled == False and isFoursquareInstalled == False):
        return render_template('setup_step1.html', user=currentUser, logout_url=users.create_logout_url("/"));

    if(isLatitudeInstalled == False and isFoursquareInstalled == True):
            return render_template('setup_step1.html', user=currentUser, logout_url=users.create_logout_url("/"));

    if(isLatitudeInstalled == True and isFoursquareInstalled == False):
        return render_template('setup_step2.html', user=currentUser, logout_url=users.create_logout_url("/"));
    if(userProfile.isPaused == True):                
        return render_template('setup_off.html', user=currentUser, logout_url=users.create_logout_url("/"));
    return render_template('setup_on.html', user=currentUser, logout_url=users.create_logout_url("/"));
예제 #2
def service_auth(service):
    userProfile = UserRepository.get(users.get_current_user()) 
    if(ServiceRepository.get(service, userProfile) != None):
        return redirect(url_for('profile.profile_index'))
    callback_url = 'http://autocheckin.appspot.com/profile/setup/' + service + '/authorized'
        callback_url = 'http://localhost:8080/profile/setup/' + service + '/authorized' 

    if service == 'latitude':
        consumer = oauth.Consumer(settings.latitude_key, settings.latitude_secret)
        request_token_url = settings.latitude_request_token_url
        authorize_base_url = settings.latitude_authorize_url
        session_key = 'oauth_latitude_request_secret'
    if service == 'foursquare':
        consumer = oauth.Consumer(settings.foursquare_key, settings.foursquare_secret)
        request_token_url = settings.foursquare_request_token_url
        authorize_base_url = settings.foursquare_authorize_url
        session_key = 'oauth_foursquare_request_secret'
    helper = oauth_helper.OAuthHelper(consumer)    
    request_token = helper.get_request_token(request_token_url, callback_url)
    authorize_url = helper.get_authorize_url(request_token, authorize_base_url)

    session[session_key] = request_token.secret

    return redirect(authorize_url)
예제 #3
def blah():
    userProfile = UserRepository.get(users.get_current_user()) 

    service = ServiceRepository.get('latitude', userProfile)
    userProfile = UserRepository.get(users.get_current_user())

    client = clients.latitude.LatitudeClient(service.access_token, service.access_secret)
    location = client.current_location()

    return json.dumps(location)
예제 #4
def oauth_authorized(service):
    if service == 'latitude':   
        consumer = oauth.Consumer(settings.latitude_key, settings.latitude_secret)
        request_secret = session['oauth_latitude_request_secret']
        access_token_url = settings.latitude_access_token_url
    if service == 'foursquare':
        consumer = oauth.Consumer(settings.foursquare_key, settings.foursquare_secret)
        request_secret = session['oauth_foursquare_request_secret']
        access_token_url = settings.foursquare_access_token_url
    userProfile = UserRepository.get(users.get_current_user()) 
    helper = oauth_helper.OAuthHelper(consumer)    
    token = oauth.Token(request.args.get('oauth_token'), request_secret)
    verifier = request.args.get('oauth_verifier')
    access_token = helper.get_access_token(token, verifier, access_token_url)

    ServiceRepository.new(userProfile, service, access_token.key, access_token.secret)

    return redirect(url_for('profile.profile_index'))
예제 #5
def fake():
    lng = request.args.get('lng')
    lat = request.args.get('lat')
    accuracy = request.args.get('a')
    logging.warning('Faking location: %s)' % accuracy) 
    userProfile = UserRepository.get(users.get_current_user()) 

    service = ServiceRepository.get('latitude', userProfile)
    userProfile = UserRepository.get(users.get_current_user())

    client = clients.latitude.LatitudeClient(service.access_token, service.access_secret)
    location = client.update_location(lat, lng, accuracy)
    return json.dumps(location)
예제 #6
def getNearByVenues(user, location):

    foursquareService = ServiceRepository.get('foursquare', user)

    logging.info('Trying to fecth data from FourSquare (user-key%s)' % user.key)    
    client = foursquare.FoursquareClient(foursquareService.access_token, foursquareService.access_secret)
    # Get nearby Venues        
    venues = client.venues(location.latitude, location.longitude)
    venueList = []

    if venues and not 'groups' in venues:
        logging.warning('Skipping, couldnt get near by venues for user (userkey: %s)' % userKey)
        return None
    # Merge all Venues
    for group in venues['groups']:
    if(len(venueList) == 0):
        logging.warning('Skipping, No near by venues found for user (userkey: %s)' % userKey)
        return None
    # Get venue stats
    for venue in venueList:  
        #venue['stats'] = client.venue(venue['id'])['venue']['stats']
        venue['rank'] = 1
        venue['score'] = 0
    # Category filter
    # Ranking
    for venue in venueList:  
         # if venue['stats']['beenhere']['me'] == True:
         #    venue['rank'] += 2
        venue['score'] = int(venue['rank'])  * (int(location.accuracy) - int(venue['distance']))
    # 7. Sorting
    def distance_compare(x, y):
        return y['score'] - x['score']

    sortedVenues = sorted(venueList, cmp = distance_compare)
    return sortedVenues
예제 #7
    def post(self):
        # extract the parameters for this task   
        userKey = self.request.get('userKey')
        locationKey = self.request.get('locationKey')
        if(userKey == None):
            logging.error('Aborting, didnt receive a userKey')
            return ""
        if(locationKey == None):
            logging.error('Aborting, didnt receive a locationKey')
            return ""
        logging.info('started handling checkin-task with user-key: %s' % userKey)

        # 1. get User
        userProfile = UserRepository.getByKey(userKey)
        if(userProfile == None):
            logging.error('Aborting. Didnt find the user (user-key: %s)' % userKey)
            return ""
        # 2. get Location
        location = LocationRepository.getByKey(locationKey)
        if(location == None):
            logging.error('Aborting. Didnt find location for user (user-key: %s, location : %s)', userKey, location)
            return ""
        # 3. foursquare client    
        foursquareService = ServiceRepository.get('foursquare', userProfile)
        if(foursquareService == None):
            logging.warning('Skipping. User didnt have a foursquare-service installed (user-key: %s)' % userKey) 
            return ""

        logging.info('Trying to fecth data from FourSquare (user-key%s)' % userKey)    
        client = foursquare.FoursquareClient(foursquareService.access_token, foursquareService.access_secret) 
        # 4. Get history
        logging.info('Trying to get history from FourSquare (user-key%s)' % userKey) 
        history = client.history(1)
        if(history and 'unauthorized' in history):
            logging.warning('Skipping, unauthorized from foursquare (userkey: %s)' % userKey)
            logging.warning('Removing service, since its unauthorized (userkey: %s, serviceKey: %s)', userKey, foursquareService.key())
            return ""
        if history and not 'checkins' in history:
            logging.warning('Skipping, couldnt get history for user (userkey: %s)' % userKey)
            lastVenueId = 0
            logging.info('Got history for user (userkey: %s, history: %s)', userKey, history)
            lastVenueId = history['checkins'][0]['venue']['id']
        logging.info('Foursquare lastVenueId: %s' % lastVenueId)

        # 5. Get Near by venues        
        venues = VenueRepository.getNearByVenues(userProfile, location)
        if(venues == None):
            return ""
        theVenue = venues[0]    
        if(lastVenueId == theVenue['id']):
            logging.warning('Skipping, User already checked into this venue (userkey: %s, venueId: %s)', userKey, theVenue['id'])
            return ""
        # 8. Check in
        logging.info('Foursquare checking user into new venue (id= %s)' % theVenue['id']) 
        client.checkin(theVenue['id'], None, '(autocheckin.appspot.com)', location.latitude, location.longitude)
        return ""
예제 #8
    def post(self):
        # extract the parameters for this task   
        userKey = self.request.get('userKey')

        logging.info('started handling location-task with user-key: %s' % userKey)

        # 1. get User
        userProfile = UserRepository.getByKey(userKey)
        if(userProfile == None):
            logging.warning('Skipping. Didnt find the user (user-key: %s)' % userKey)
            return ""
        logging.info('User Found for with user-key: %s' % userKey)
        # 2. get current location
        currentLocation = LocationRepository.getLatestForUser(userProfile)
        latitudeService = ServiceRepository.get('latitude', userProfile)
        if(latitudeService == None):
            logging.warning('Skipping. User didnt have a latitude-service installed (user-key: %s)' % userKey)  
            return ""
        # 3. get Location from Latitude
        client = latitude.LatitudeClient(latitudeService.access_token, latitudeService.access_secret)
        latitudeLocation = client.current_location()

        # Check if authorized
        if(latitudeLocation and 'error' in latitudeLocation and latitudeLocation['error']['message'] == 'Unknown authorization header'):
            logging.warning('Skipping, unauthorized from latitude (userkey: %s)' % userKey)
            logging.warning('Removing service, since its unauthorized (userkey: %s, serviceKey: %s)', userKey, latitudeService.key())
            return ""
        if not latitudeLocation or not 'data' in latitudeLocation:
             logging.warning('Aborting, couldnt get location form Google Latitude (userkey: %s, location: %s)', userKey, latitudeLocation)   
             return ""
        logging.info('Location received Google Latitude (userkey: %s, location: %s) ', userKey, latitudeLocation)  
        location = latitudeLocation['data']       

        if not location or not 'latitude' in location:
            logging.warning('Aborting, Google Latitude did not return a valid location (userkey: %s, location: %s)', userKey, location)
            return ""
        #userLocationAccuracyThreshold = SettingsRepository.getValue(userProfile, 'location-accuracy-threshold')
        #if(userLocationAccuracyThreshold == None):
        #    userLocationAccuracyThreshold = 100
        #    userLocationAccuracyThreshold = int(userLocationAccuracyThreshold)
        userLocationAccuracyThreshold = 80
        if(location['accuracy'] > userLocationAccuracyThreshold):
            logging.warning('Skipping, Accuracy for location isnt good enough (more than %s meters) (userkey: %s, location: %s)', userLocationAccuracyThreshold, userKey, location)
            return ""     
        # 4. Has the location changed?
        if(currentLocation != None and currentLocation.latitude == location['latitude'] and currentLocation.longitude == location['longitude']):            
            timeDelta = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - currentLocation.importDate
            userLocationTimeThreshold = SettingsRepository.getValue(userProfile, 'location-time-threshold')
            if(userLocationTimeThreshold == None):
                userLocationTimeThreshold = 10
                userLocationTimeThreshold = int(userLocationTimeThreshold)
            if timeDelta < datetime.timedelta(minutes=userLocationTimeThreshold):
                logging.warning('Skipping, Location changed, but user hasn been there for %s minutes (userkey: %s)', userLocationTimeThreshold, userKey) 
                return ""
            userLocationDistanceThreshold = SettingsRepository.getValue(userProfile, 'location-distance-threshold')
            if(userLocationDistanceThreshold == None):
                userLocationDistanceThreshold = 10      
                userLocationDistanceThreshold = int(userLocationDistanceThreshold)     
            #distance = geocode_distance( (currentLocation.latitude, currentLocation.longitude), (location['latitude'], location['longitude']) )
            #if( (distance) < userLocationDistanceThreshold):
            #    logging.warning('Skipping, Location changed %s meters, but not more than the location treshhold (%s meters) (userkey: %s)', distance, userLocationDistanceThreshold, userKey) 
            #    return ""
            logging.info('Continue, user hasn been there for time limit (userkey: %s)' % userKey) 
            # 5. Add Foursquare task
            logging.info('Adding task "/task/checkin" to checkin-queue. (userkey: %s, locationKey: %s)', userKey, currentLocation.key())
            task = taskqueue.Task(url='/task/checkin', params={ 'userKey': userKey, 'locationKey' : currentLocation.key() })   
        elif currentLocation == None:
            # 5. Store new Location  
            logging.info('Storing location for the first time (userkey: %s, location: %s) ', userKey, location)
            LocationRepository.new(location['latitude'], location['longitude'], location['accuracy'], latitudeService, userProfile)            
            # 5. Store new Location  
            logging.info('Storing new location (userkey: %s, location: %s) ', userKey, location)
            LocationRepository.new(location['latitude'], location['longitude'], location['accuracy'], latitudeService, userProfile)
        return ""