def compute_fundamental_matrix(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): """ Estimate the fundamental matrix (F) using the correspondences tagged to this edge. Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list Of strings used to apply masks to omit correspondences method : {linear, nonlinear} Method to use to compute F. Linear is significantly faster at the cost of reduced accuracy. See Also -------- autocnet.transformation.transformations.FundamentalMatrix : """ if not hasattr(self, 'matches'): raise AttributeError( 'Matches have not been computed for this edge') return matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) # TODO: Homogeneous is horribly inefficient here, use Numpy array notation s_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates( index=matches['source_idx'], homogeneous=True) d_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates( index=matches['destination_idx'], homogeneous=True) # Replace the index with the matches index. s_keypoints.index = matches.index d_keypoints.index = matches.index self.fundamental_matrix = FundamentalMatrix(np.zeros((3, 3)), index=matches.index) self.fundamental_matrix.compute(s_keypoints, d_keypoints, **kwargs) # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask mask[mask] = self.fundamental_matrix.mask # Subscribe the health watcher to the fundamental matrix observable self.fundamental_matrix.subscribe(self._health.update) self.fundamental_matrix._notify_subscribers(self.fundamental_matrix) # Set the initial state of the fundamental mask in the masks self.masks = ('fundamental', mask)
def compute_fundamental_matrix(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): matches = self.matches else: raise AttributeError('Matches have not been computed for this edge') return all_source_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['source_idx']) all_destin_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['destination_idx']) matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) s_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['source_idx']).values d_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['destination_idx']).values transformation_matrix, fundam_mask = od.compute_fundamental_matrix(s_keypoints, d_keypoints, **kwargs) try: fundam_mask = fundam_mask.ravel() except: return # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask mask[mask] = fundam_mask self.fundamental_matrix = FundamentalMatrix(transformation_matrix, all_source_keypoints, all_destin_keypoints, mask=mask) # Subscribe the health watcher to the fundamental matrix observable self.fundamental_matrix.subscribe(self._health.update) self.fundamental_matrix._notify_subscribers(self.fundamental_matrix) # Set the initial state of the fundamental mask in the masks self.masks = ('fundamental', mask)
def compute_fundamental_matrix(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): """ Estimate the fundamental matrix (F) using the correspondences tagged to this edge. Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list Of strings used to apply masks to omit correspondences method : {linear, nonlinear} Method to use to compute F. Linear is significantly faster at the cost of reduced accuracy. See Also -------- autocnet.transformation.transformations.FundamentalMatrix : """ if not hasattr(self, 'matches'): raise AttributeError('Matches have not been computed for this edge') return matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) # TODO: Homogeneous is horribly inefficient here, use Numpy array notation s_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(index=matches['source_idx'], homogeneous=True) d_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(index=matches['destination_idx'], homogeneous=True) # Replace the index with the matches index. s_keypoints.index = matches.index d_keypoints.index = matches.index self.fundamental_matrix = FundamentalMatrix(np.zeros((3,3)), index=matches.index) self.fundamental_matrix.compute(s_keypoints, d_keypoints, **kwargs) # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask mask[mask] = self.fundamental_matrix.mask # Subscribe the health watcher to the fundamental matrix observable self.fundamental_matrix.subscribe(self._health.update) self.fundamental_matrix._notify_subscribers(self.fundamental_matrix) # Set the initial state of the fundamental mask in the masks self.masks = ('fundamental', mask)
def compute_fundamental_matrix(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): matches = self.matches else: raise AttributeError('Matches have not been computed for this edge') all_source_keypoints = self.source.keypoints.iloc[matches['source_idx']] all_destin_keypoints = self.destination.keypoints.iloc[matches['destination_idx']] if clean_keys: matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) s_keypoints = self.source.keypoints.iloc[matches['source_idx'].values] d_keypoints = self.destination.keypoints.iloc[matches['destination_idx'].values] transformation_matrix, fundam_mask = od.compute_fundamental_matrix(s_keypoints[['x', 'y']].values, d_keypoints[['x', 'y']].values, **kwargs) fundam_mask = fundam_mask.ravel() # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask if clean_keys: mask[mask == True] = fundam_mask else: mask = fundam_mask self.fundamental_matrix = FundamentalMatrix(transformation_matrix, all_source_keypoints[['x', 'y']], all_destin_keypoints[['x', 'y']], mask=mask) # Subscribe the health watcher to the fundamental matrix observable self.fundamental_matrix.subscribe(self._health.update) self.fundamental_matrix._notify_subscribers(self.fundamental_matrix) # Set the initial state of the fundamental mask in the masks self.masks = ('fundamental', mask)
class Edge(dict, MutableMapping): """ Attributes ---------- source : hashable The source node destination : hashable The destination node masks : set A list of the available masking arrays provenance : dict With key equal to an autoincrementing integer and value equal to a dict of parameters used to generate this realization. """ def __init__(self, source=None, destination=None): self.source = source self.destination = destination self.homography = None self.fundamental_matrix = None self._subpixel_offsets = None self._observers = set() # Subscribe the heatlh observer self._health = health.EdgeHealth() def __repr__(self): return """ Source Image Index: {} Destination Image Index: {} Available Masks: {} """.format(self.source, self.destination, self.masks) @property def masks(self): mask_lookup = {'fundamental': 'fundamental_matrix', 'ratio': 'distance_ratio'} if not hasattr(self, '_masks'): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): self._masks = pd.DataFrame(True, columns=['symmetry'], index=self.matches.index) else: self._masks = pd.DataFrame() # If the mask is coming form another object that tracks # state, dynamically draw the mask from the object. for c in self._masks.columns: if c in mask_lookup: self._masks[c] = getattr(self, mask_lookup[c]).mask return self._masks @masks.setter def masks(self, v): column_name = v[0] boolean_mask = v[1] self.masks[column_name] = boolean_mask @property def health(self): return def symmetry_check(self): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): mask = od.mirroring_test(self.matches) self.masks = ('symmetry', mask) else: raise AttributeError('No matches have been computed for this edge.') def ratio_check(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): _, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) self.distance_ratio = od.DistanceRatio(self.matches) self.distance_ratio.compute(mask=mask, **kwargs) # Setup to be notified self.distance_ratio._notify_subscribers(self.distance_ratio) self.masks = ('ratio', self.distance_ratio.mask) else: raise AttributeError('No matches have been computed for this edge.') def compute_fundamental_matrix(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): matches = self.matches else: raise AttributeError('Matches have not been computed for this edge') return all_source_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['source_idx']) all_destin_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['destination_idx']) matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) s_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['source_idx']).values d_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['destination_idx']).values transformation_matrix, fundam_mask = od.compute_fundamental_matrix(s_keypoints, d_keypoints, **kwargs) try: fundam_mask = fundam_mask.ravel() except: return # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask mask[mask] = fundam_mask self.fundamental_matrix = FundamentalMatrix(transformation_matrix, all_source_keypoints, all_destin_keypoints, mask=mask) # Subscribe the health watcher to the fundamental matrix observable self.fundamental_matrix.subscribe(self._health.update) self.fundamental_matrix._notify_subscribers(self.fundamental_matrix) # Set the initial state of the fundamental mask in the masks self.masks = ('fundamental', mask) def compute_homography(self, method='ransac', clean_keys=[], pid=None, **kwargs): """ For each edge in the (sub) graph, compute the homography Parameters ---------- outlier_algorithm : object An openCV outlier detections algorithm, e.g. cv2.RANSAC clean_keys : list of string keys to masking arrays (created by calling outlier detection) Returns ------- transformation_matrix : ndarray The 3x3 transformation matrix mask : ndarray Boolean array of the outliers """ if hasattr(self, 'matches'): matches = self.matches else: raise AttributeError('Matches have not been computed for this edge') matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) s_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['source_idx']) d_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(matches['destination_idx']) transformation_matrix, ransac_mask = od.compute_homography(s_keypoints.values, d_keypoints.values, **kwargs) # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask mask[mask] = ransac_mask.ravel() self.masks = ('ransac', mask) self.homography = Homography(transformation_matrix, s_keypoints[ransac_mask], d_keypoints[ransac_mask], mask=mask[mask].index) # Finalize the array to get custom attrs to propagate self.homography.__array_finalize__(self.homography) def subpixel_register(self, clean_keys=[], threshold=0.8, template_size=19, search_size=53, max_x_shift=1.0, max_y_shift=1.0, tiled=False, **kwargs): """ For the entire graph, compute the subpixel offsets using pattern-matching and add the result as an attribute to each edge of the graph. Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list of string keys to masking arrays (created by calling outlier detection) threshold : float On the range [-1, 1]. Values less than or equal to this threshold are masked and can be considered outliers upsampling : int The multiplier to the template and search shapes to upsample for subpixel accuracy template_size : int The size of the template in pixels, must be odd search_size : int The size of the search max_x_shift : float The maximum (positive) value that a pixel can shift in the x direction without being considered an outlier max_y_shift : float The maximum (positive) value that a pixel can shift in the y direction without being considered an outlier """ matches = self.matches for column, default in {'x_offset': 0, 'y_offset': 0, 'correlation': 0, 'reference': -1}.items(): if column not in self.matches.columns: self.matches[column] = default # Build up a composite mask from all of the user specified masks matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) # Grab the full images, or handles if tiled is True: s_img = self.source.geodata d_img = self.destination.geodata else: s_img = self.source.geodata.read_array() d_img = self.destination.geodata.read_array() source_image = (matches.iloc[0]['source_image']) # for each edge, calculate this for each keypoint pair for i, (idx, row) in enumerate(matches.iterrows()): s_idx = int(row['source_idx']) d_idx = int(row['destination_idx']) s_keypoint = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(s_idx) d_keypoint = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(d_idx) # Get the template and search window s_template = sp.clip_roi(s_img, s_keypoint, template_size) d_search = sp.clip_roi(d_img, d_keypoint, search_size) try: x_offset, y_offset, strength = sp.subpixel_offset(s_template, d_search, **kwargs) self.matches.loc[idx, ('x_offset', 'y_offset', 'correlation', 'reference')] = [x_offset, y_offset, strength, source_image] except: warnings.warn('Template-Search size mismatch, failing for this correspondence point.') continue # Compute the mask for correlations less than the threshold threshold_mask = self.matches['correlation'] >= threshold # Compute the mask for the point shifts that are too large query_string = 'x_offset <= -{0} or x_offset >= {0} or y_offset <= -{1} or y_offset >= {1}'.format(max_x_shift, max_y_shift) sp_shift_outliers = self.matches.query(query_string) shift_mask = pd.Series(True, index=self.matches.index) shift_mask.loc[sp_shift_outliers.index] = False # Generate the composite mask and write the masks to the mask data structure mask = threshold_mask & shift_mask self.masks = ('shift', shift_mask) self.masks = ('threshold', threshold_mask) self.masks = ('subpixel', mask) def suppress(self, suppression_func=spf.correlation, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): """ Apply a disc based suppression algorithm to get a good spatial distribution of high quality points, where the user defines some function to be used as the quality metric. Parameters ---------- suppression_func : object A function that returns a scalar value to be used as the strength of a given row in the matches data frame. clean_keys : list of mask keys to be used to reduce the total size of the matches dataframe. """ if not hasattr(self, 'matches'): raise AttributeError('This edge does not yet have any matches computed.') matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) domain = self.source.geodata.raster_size # Massage the dataframe into the correct structure coords = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates() merged = matches.merge(coords, left_on=['source_idx'], right_index=True) merged['strength'] = merged.apply(suppression_func, axis=1) if not hasattr(self, 'suppression'): # Instantiate the suppression object and suppress matches self.suppression = od.SpatialSuppression(merged, domain, **kwargs) self.suppression.suppress() else: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self.suppression, k): setattr(self.suppression, k, v) self.suppression.suppress() mask[mask] = self.suppression.mask self.masks = ('suppression', mask) def coverage_ratio(self, clean_keys=[]): """ Compute the ratio $area_{convexhull} / area_{imageoverlap}$. Returns ------- ratio : float The ratio $area_{convexhull} / area_{imageoverlap}$ """ if self.homography is None: raise AttributeError('A homography has not been computed. Unable to determine image overlap.') matches = self.matches # Build up a composite mask from all of the user specified masks matches, _ = self._clean(clean_keys) d_idx = matches['destination_idx'].values keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(d_idx) if len(keypoints) < 3: raise ValueError('Convex hull computation requires at least 3 measures.') source_geom, proj_geom, ideal_area = self.compute_homography_overlap() ratio = convex_hull_ratio(keypoints, ideal_area) return ratio def compute_homography_overlap(self): """ Using the homography, estimate the overlapping area between images on the edge Returns ------- source_geom : object PySAL Polygon object of the source pixel bounding box projected_geom : object PySAL Polygon object of the destination geom projected into the source reference system using the current homography area : float The estimated area """ source_geom = self.source.geodata.pixel_polygon destination_geom = self.destination.geodata.pixel_polygon # Project using the homography vertices_to_project = destination_geom.vertices for i, v in enumerate(vertices_to_project): vertices_to_project[i] = tuple(np.array([v[0], v[1], 1]).dot(self.homography)[:2]) projected_geom = Polygon(vertices_to_project) # Estimate the overlapping area area = overlapping_polygon_area([source_geom, projected_geom]) return source_geom, projected_geom, area def plot(self, ax=None, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): return plot_edge(self, ax=ax, clean_keys=clean_keys, **kwargs) def _clean(self, clean_keys, pid=None): """ Given a list of clean keys and a provenance id compute the mask of valid matches Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list of columns names (clean keys) pid : int The provenance id of the parameter set to be cleaned. Defaults to the last run. Returns ------- matches : dataframe A masked view of the matches dataframe mask : series A boolean series to inflate back to the full match set """ if clean_keys: panel = self.masks mask = panel[clean_keys].all(axis=1) matches = self.matches[mask] else: matches = self.matches mask = pd.Series(True, self.matches.index) return matches, mask
class Edge(dict, MutableMapping): """ Attributes ---------- source : hashable The source node destination : hashable The destination node masks : set A list of the available masking arrays provenance : dict With key equal to an autoincrementing integer and value equal to a dict of parameters used to generate this realization. weight : dict Dictionary with two keys overlap_area, and overlap_percn overlap_area returns the area overlaped by both images overlap_percn retuns the total percentage of overlap """ def __init__(self, source=None, destination=None): self.source = source self.destination = destination self.homography = None self.fundamental_matrix = None self.matches = None self._subpixel_offsets = None self.weight = {} self._observers = set() # Subscribe the heatlh observer self._health = health.EdgeHealth() def __repr__(self): return """ Source Image Index: {} Destination Image Index: {} Available Masks: {} """.format(self.source, self.destination, self.masks) @property def masks(self): mask_lookup = { 'fundamental': 'fundamental_matrix', 'ratio': 'distance_ratio' } if not hasattr(self, '_masks'): if self.matches is not None: self._masks = pd.DataFrame(True, columns=['symmetry'], index=self.matches.index) else: self._masks = pd.DataFrame() # If the mask is coming form another object that tracks # state, dynamically draw the mask from the object. for c in self._masks.columns: if c in mask_lookup: truncated_mask = getattr(self, mask_lookup[c]).mask self._masks[c] = False self._masks[c].iloc[truncated_mask.index] = truncated_mask return self._masks @masks.setter def masks(self, v): column_name = v[0] boolean_mask = v[1] self.masks[column_name] = boolean_mask @property def health(self): return def match(self, k=2): """ Given two sets of descriptors, utilize a FLANN (Approximate Nearest Neighbor KDTree) matcher to find the k nearest matches. Nearness is the euclidean distance between descriptors. The matches are then added as an attribute to the edge object. Parameters ---------- k : int The number of neighbors to find Returns ------- """ def mono_matches(a, b): fl.add(a.descriptors, a.node_id) fl.train() self._add_matches(fl.query(b.descriptors, b.node_id, k)) fl.clear() fl = FlannMatcher() mono_matches(self.source, self.destination) mono_matches(self.destination, self.source) def _add_matches(self, matches): """ Given a dataframe of matches, either append to an existing matches edge attribute or initially populate said attribute. Parameters ---------- matches : dataframe A dataframe of matches """ if self.matches is None: self.matches = matches else: df = self.matches self.matches = df.append(matches, ignore_index=True, verify_integrity=True) def symmetry_check(self): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): mask = od.mirroring_test(self.matches) self.masks = ('symmetry', mask) else: raise AttributeError( 'No matches have been computed for this edge.') def ratio_check(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) self.distance_ratio = od.DistanceRatio(matches) self.distance_ratio.compute(mask=mask, **kwargs) # Setup to be notified self.distance_ratio._notify_subscribers(self.distance_ratio) self.masks = ('ratio', self.distance_ratio.mask) else: raise AttributeError( 'No matches have been computed for this edge.') def compute_fundamental_matrix(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): """ Estimate the fundamental matrix (F) using the correspondences tagged to this edge. Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list Of strings used to apply masks to omit correspondences method : {linear, nonlinear} Method to use to compute F. Linear is significantly faster at the cost of reduced accuracy. See Also -------- autocnet.transformation.transformations.FundamentalMatrix : """ if not hasattr(self, 'matches'): raise AttributeError( 'Matches have not been computed for this edge') return matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) # TODO: Homogeneous is horribly inefficient here, use Numpy array notation s_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates( index=matches['source_idx'], homogeneous=True) d_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates( index=matches['destination_idx'], homogeneous=True) # Replace the index with the matches index. s_keypoints.index = matches.index d_keypoints.index = matches.index self.fundamental_matrix = FundamentalMatrix(np.zeros((3, 3)), index=matches.index) self.fundamental_matrix.compute(s_keypoints, d_keypoints, **kwargs) # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask mask[mask] = self.fundamental_matrix.mask # Subscribe the health watcher to the fundamental matrix observable self.fundamental_matrix.subscribe(self._health.update) self.fundamental_matrix._notify_subscribers(self.fundamental_matrix) # Set the initial state of the fundamental mask in the masks self.masks = ('fundamental', mask) def compute_homography(self, method='ransac', clean_keys=[], pid=None, **kwargs): """ For each edge in the (sub) graph, compute the homography Parameters ---------- outlier_algorithm : object An openCV outlier detections algorithm, e.g. cv2.RANSAC clean_keys : list of string keys to masking arrays (created by calling outlier detection) Returns ------- transformation_matrix : ndarray The 3x3 transformation matrix mask : ndarray Boolean array of the outliers """ if hasattr(self, 'matches'): matches = self.matches else: raise AttributeError( 'Matches have not been computed for this edge') matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) s_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates( index=matches['source_idx']) d_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates( index=matches['destination_idx']) self.homography = Homography(np.zeros((3, 3)), index=self.masks.index) self.homography.compute(s_keypoints.values, d_keypoints.values) # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask mask[mask] = self.homography.mask self.masks = ('ransac', mask) # Finalize the array to get custom attrs to propagate self.homography.__array_finalize__(self.homography) def subpixel_register(self, clean_keys=[], threshold=0.8, template_size=19, search_size=53, max_x_shift=1.0, max_y_shift=1.0, tiled=False, **kwargs): """ For the entire graph, compute the subpixel offsets using pattern-matching and add the result as an attribute to each edge of the graph. Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list of string keys to masking arrays (created by calling outlier detection) threshold : float On the range [-1, 1]. Values less than or equal to this threshold are masked and can be considered outliers upsampling : int The multiplier to the template and search shapes to upsample for subpixel accuracy template_size : int The size of the template in pixels, must be odd search_size : int The size of the search max_x_shift : float The maximum (positive) value that a pixel can shift in the x direction without being considered an outlier max_y_shift : float The maximum (positive) value that a pixel can shift in the y direction without being considered an outlier """ matches = self.matches for column, default in { 'x_offset': 0, 'y_offset': 0, 'correlation': 0, 'reference': -1 }.items(): if column not in self.matches.columns: self.matches[column] = default # Build up a composite mask from all of the user specified masks matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) # Grab the full images, or handles if tiled is True: s_img = self.source.geodata d_img = self.destination.geodata else: s_img = self.source.geodata.read_array() d_img = self.destination.geodata.read_array() source_image = (matches.iloc[0]['source_image']) # for each edge, calculate this for each keypoint pair for i, (idx, row) in enumerate(matches.iterrows()): s_idx = int(row['source_idx']) d_idx = int(row['destination_idx']) s_keypoint = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(s_idx) d_keypoint = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(d_idx) # Get the template and search window s_template = sp.clip_roi(s_img, s_keypoint, template_size) d_search = sp.clip_roi(d_img, d_keypoint, search_size) try: x_offset, y_offset, strength = sp.subpixel_offset( s_template, d_search, **kwargs) self.matches.loc[idx, ('x_offset', 'y_offset', 'correlation', 'reference')] = [ x_offset, y_offset, strength, source_image ] except: warnings.warn( 'Template-Search size mismatch, failing for this correspondence point.' ) continue # Compute the mask for correlations less than the threshold threshold_mask = self.matches['correlation'] >= threshold # Compute the mask for the point shifts that are too large query_string = 'x_offset <= -{0} or x_offset >= {0} or y_offset <= -{1} or y_offset >= {1}'.format( max_x_shift, max_y_shift) sp_shift_outliers = self.matches.query(query_string) shift_mask = pd.Series(True, index=self.matches.index) shift_mask.loc[sp_shift_outliers.index] = False # Generate the composite mask and write the masks to the mask data structure mask = threshold_mask & shift_mask self.masks = ('shift', shift_mask) self.masks = ('threshold', threshold_mask) self.masks = ('subpixel', mask) def suppress(self, suppression_func=spf.correlation, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): """ Apply a disc based suppression algorithm to get a good spatial distribution of high quality points, where the user defines some function to be used as the quality metric. Parameters ---------- suppression_func : object A function that returns a scalar value to be used as the strength of a given row in the matches data frame. suppression_args : tuple Arguments to be passed on to the suppression function clean_keys : list of mask keys to be used to reduce the total size of the matches dataframe. """ if not hasattr(self, 'matches'): raise AttributeError( 'This edge does not yet have any matches computed.') matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) domain = self.source.geodata.raster_size # Massage the dataframe into the correct structure coords = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates() merged = matches.merge(coords, left_on=['source_idx'], right_index=True) merged['strength'] = merged.apply(suppression_func, axis=1, args=([self])) if not hasattr(self, 'suppression'): # Instantiate the suppression object and suppress matches self.suppression = od.SpatialSuppression(merged, domain, **kwargs) self.suppression.suppress() else: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self.suppression, k): setattr(self.suppression, k, v) self.suppression.suppress() mask[mask] = self.suppression.mask self.masks = ('suppression', mask) def plot(self, ax=None, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): return plot_edge(self, ax=ax, clean_keys=clean_keys, **kwargs) def _clean(self, clean_keys, pid=None): """ Given a list of clean keys and a provenance id compute the mask of valid matches Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list of columns names (clean keys) pid : int The provenance id of the parameter set to be cleaned. Defaults to the last run. Returns ------- matches : dataframe A masked view of the matches dataframe mask : series A boolean series to inflate back to the full match set """ if clean_keys: mask = self.masks[clean_keys].all(axis=1) else: mask = pd.Series(True, self.matches.index) return self.matches[mask], mask def overlap(self): """ Acts on an edge and returns the overlap area and percentage of overlap between the two images on the edge. Data is returned to the weight dictionary """ poly1 = self.source.geodata.footprint poly2 = self.destination.geodata.footprint overlapinfo = cg.two_poly_overlap(poly1, poly2) self.weight['overlap_area'] = overlapinfo[1] self.weight['overlap_percn'] = overlapinfo[0] def coverage(self, clean_keys=[]): """ Acts on the edge given either the source node or the destination node and returns the percentage of overlap covered by the keypoints. Data for the overlap is gathered from the source node of the edge resulting in a maximum area difference of 2% when compared to the destination. Returns ------- total_overlap_percentage : float returns the overlap area covered by the keypoints """ if self.matches is None: raise AttributeError( 'Edge needs to have features extracted and matched') return matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) source_array = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates( index=matches['source_idx']).values source_coords = self.source.geodata.latlon_corners destination_coords = self.destination.geodata.latlon_corners convex_hull = cg.convex_hull(source_array) convex_points = [ self.source.geodata.pixel_to_latlon(row[0], row[1]) for row in convex_hull.points[convex_hull.vertices] ] convex_coords = [(x, y) for x, y in convex_points] source_poly = utils.array_to_poly(source_coords) destination_poly = utils.array_to_poly(destination_coords) convex_poly = utils.array_to_poly(convex_coords) intersection_area = cg.get_area(source_poly, destination_poly) total_overlap_coverage = (convex_poly.GetArea() / intersection_area) return total_overlap_coverage
class Edge(dict, MutableMapping): """ Attributes ---------- source : hashable The source node destination : hashable The destination node masks : set A list of the available masking arrays provenance : dict With key equal to an autoincrementing integer and value equal to a dict of parameters used to generate this realization. weight : dict Dictionary with two keys overlap_area, and overlap_percn overlap_area returns the area overlaped by both images overlap_percn retuns the total percentage of overlap """ def __init__(self, source=None, destination=None): self.source = source self.destination = destination self.homography = None self.fundamental_matrix = None self.matches = None self._subpixel_offsets = None self.weight = {} self._observers = set() # Subscribe the heatlh observer self._health = health.EdgeHealth() def __repr__(self): return """ Source Image Index: {} Destination Image Index: {} Available Masks: {} """.format(self.source, self.destination, self.masks) @property def masks(self): mask_lookup = {'fundamental': 'fundamental_matrix', 'ratio': 'distance_ratio'} if not hasattr(self, '_masks'): if self.matches is not None: self._masks = pd.DataFrame(True, columns=['symmetry'], index=self.matches.index) else: self._masks = pd.DataFrame() # If the mask is coming form another object that tracks # state, dynamically draw the mask from the object. for c in self._masks.columns: if c in mask_lookup: truncated_mask = getattr(self, mask_lookup[c]).mask self._masks[c] = False self._masks[c].iloc[truncated_mask.index] = truncated_mask return self._masks @masks.setter def masks(self, v): column_name = v[0] boolean_mask = v[1] self.masks[column_name] = boolean_mask @property def health(self): return def match(self, k=2): """ Given two sets of descriptors, utilize a FLANN (Approximate Nearest Neighbor KDTree) matcher to find the k nearest matches. Nearness is the euclidean distance between descriptors. The matches are then added as an attribute to the edge object. Parameters ---------- k : int The number of neighbors to find Returns ------- """ def mono_matches(a, b): fl.add(a.descriptors, a.node_id) fl.train() self._add_matches(fl.query(b.descriptors, b.node_id, k)) fl.clear() fl = FlannMatcher() mono_matches(self.source, self.destination) mono_matches(self.destination, self.source) def _add_matches(self, matches): """ Given a dataframe of matches, either append to an existing matches edge attribute or initially populate said attribute. Parameters ---------- matches : dataframe A dataframe of matches """ if self.matches is None: self.matches = matches else: df = self.matches self.matches = df.append(matches, ignore_index=True, verify_integrity=True) def symmetry_check(self): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): mask = od.mirroring_test(self.matches) self.masks = ('symmetry', mask) else: raise AttributeError('No matches have been computed for this edge.') def ratio_check(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): if hasattr(self, 'matches'): matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) self.distance_ratio = od.DistanceRatio(matches) self.distance_ratio.compute(mask=mask, **kwargs) # Setup to be notified self.distance_ratio._notify_subscribers(self.distance_ratio) self.masks = ('ratio', self.distance_ratio.mask) else: raise AttributeError('No matches have been computed for this edge.') def compute_fundamental_matrix(self, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): """ Estimate the fundamental matrix (F) using the correspondences tagged to this edge. Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list Of strings used to apply masks to omit correspondences method : {linear, nonlinear} Method to use to compute F. Linear is significantly faster at the cost of reduced accuracy. See Also -------- autocnet.transformation.transformations.FundamentalMatrix : """ if not hasattr(self, 'matches'): raise AttributeError('Matches have not been computed for this edge') return matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) # TODO: Homogeneous is horribly inefficient here, use Numpy array notation s_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(index=matches['source_idx'], homogeneous=True) d_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(index=matches['destination_idx'], homogeneous=True) # Replace the index with the matches index. s_keypoints.index = matches.index d_keypoints.index = matches.index self.fundamental_matrix = FundamentalMatrix(np.zeros((3,3)), index=matches.index) self.fundamental_matrix.compute(s_keypoints, d_keypoints, **kwargs) # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask mask[mask] = self.fundamental_matrix.mask # Subscribe the health watcher to the fundamental matrix observable self.fundamental_matrix.subscribe(self._health.update) self.fundamental_matrix._notify_subscribers(self.fundamental_matrix) # Set the initial state of the fundamental mask in the masks self.masks = ('fundamental', mask) def compute_homography(self, method='ransac', clean_keys=[], pid=None, **kwargs): """ For each edge in the (sub) graph, compute the homography Parameters ---------- outlier_algorithm : object An openCV outlier detections algorithm, e.g. cv2.RANSAC clean_keys : list of string keys to masking arrays (created by calling outlier detection) Returns ------- transformation_matrix : ndarray The 3x3 transformation matrix mask : ndarray Boolean array of the outliers """ if hasattr(self, 'matches'): matches = self.matches else: raise AttributeError('Matches have not been computed for this edge') matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) s_keypoints = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(index=matches['source_idx']) d_keypoints = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(index=matches['destination_idx']) self.homography = Homography(np.zeros((3,3)), index=self.masks.index) self.homography.compute(s_keypoints.values, d_keypoints.values) # Convert the truncated RANSAC mask back into a full length mask mask[mask] = self.homography.mask self.masks = ('ransac', mask) # Finalize the array to get custom attrs to propagate self.homography.__array_finalize__(self.homography) def subpixel_register(self, clean_keys=[], threshold=0.8, template_size=19, search_size=53, max_x_shift=1.0, max_y_shift=1.0, tiled=False, **kwargs): """ For the entire graph, compute the subpixel offsets using pattern-matching and add the result as an attribute to each edge of the graph. Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list of string keys to masking arrays (created by calling outlier detection) threshold : float On the range [-1, 1]. Values less than or equal to this threshold are masked and can be considered outliers upsampling : int The multiplier to the template and search shapes to upsample for subpixel accuracy template_size : int The size of the template in pixels, must be odd search_size : int The size of the search max_x_shift : float The maximum (positive) value that a pixel can shift in the x direction without being considered an outlier max_y_shift : float The maximum (positive) value that a pixel can shift in the y direction without being considered an outlier """ matches = self.matches for column, default in {'x_offset': 0, 'y_offset': 0, 'correlation': 0, 'reference': -1}.items(): if column not in self.matches.columns: self.matches[column] = default # Build up a composite mask from all of the user specified masks matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) # Grab the full images, or handles if tiled is True: s_img = self.source.geodata d_img = self.destination.geodata else: s_img = self.source.geodata.read_array() d_img = self.destination.geodata.read_array() source_image = (matches.iloc[0]['source_image']) # for each edge, calculate this for each keypoint pair for i, (idx, row) in enumerate(matches.iterrows()): s_idx = int(row['source_idx']) d_idx = int(row['destination_idx']) s_keypoint = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(s_idx) d_keypoint = self.destination.get_keypoint_coordinates(d_idx) # Get the template and search window s_template = sp.clip_roi(s_img, s_keypoint, template_size) d_search = sp.clip_roi(d_img, d_keypoint, search_size) try: x_offset, y_offset, strength = sp.subpixel_offset(s_template, d_search, **kwargs) self.matches.loc[idx, ('x_offset', 'y_offset', 'correlation', 'reference')] = [x_offset, y_offset, strength, source_image] except: warnings.warn('Template-Search size mismatch, failing for this correspondence point.') continue # Compute the mask for correlations less than the threshold threshold_mask = self.matches['correlation'] >= threshold # Compute the mask for the point shifts that are too large query_string = 'x_offset <= -{0} or x_offset >= {0} or y_offset <= -{1} or y_offset >= {1}'.format(max_x_shift, max_y_shift) sp_shift_outliers = self.matches.query(query_string) shift_mask = pd.Series(True, index=self.matches.index) shift_mask.loc[sp_shift_outliers.index] = False # Generate the composite mask and write the masks to the mask data structure mask = threshold_mask & shift_mask self.masks = ('shift', shift_mask) self.masks = ('threshold', threshold_mask) self.masks = ('subpixel', mask) def suppress(self, suppression_func=spf.correlation, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): """ Apply a disc based suppression algorithm to get a good spatial distribution of high quality points, where the user defines some function to be used as the quality metric. Parameters ---------- suppression_func : object A function that returns a scalar value to be used as the strength of a given row in the matches data frame. suppression_args : tuple Arguments to be passed on to the suppression function clean_keys : list of mask keys to be used to reduce the total size of the matches dataframe. """ if not hasattr(self, 'matches'): raise AttributeError('This edge does not yet have any matches computed.') matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) domain = self.source.geodata.raster_size # Massage the dataframe into the correct structure coords = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates() merged = matches.merge(coords, left_on=['source_idx'], right_index=True) merged['strength'] = merged.apply(suppression_func, axis=1, args=([self])) if not hasattr(self, 'suppression'): # Instantiate the suppression object and suppress matches self.suppression = od.SpatialSuppression(merged, domain, **kwargs) self.suppression.suppress() else: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(self.suppression, k): setattr(self.suppression, k, v) self.suppression.suppress() mask[mask] = self.suppression.mask self.masks = ('suppression', mask) def plot(self, ax=None, clean_keys=[], **kwargs): return plot_edge(self, ax=ax, clean_keys=clean_keys, **kwargs) def _clean(self, clean_keys, pid=None): """ Given a list of clean keys and a provenance id compute the mask of valid matches Parameters ---------- clean_keys : list of columns names (clean keys) pid : int The provenance id of the parameter set to be cleaned. Defaults to the last run. Returns ------- matches : dataframe A masked view of the matches dataframe mask : series A boolean series to inflate back to the full match set """ if clean_keys: mask = self.masks[clean_keys].all(axis=1) else: mask = pd.Series(True, self.matches.index) return self.matches[mask], mask def overlap(self): """ Acts on an edge and returns the overlap area and percentage of overlap between the two images on the edge. Data is returned to the weight dictionary """ poly1 = self.source.geodata.footprint poly2 = self.destination.geodata.footprint overlapinfo = cg.two_poly_overlap(poly1, poly2) self.weight['overlap_area'] = overlapinfo[1] self.weight['overlap_percn'] = overlapinfo[0] def coverage(self, clean_keys = []): """ Acts on the edge given either the source node or the destination node and returns the percentage of overlap covered by the keypoints. Data for the overlap is gathered from the source node of the edge resulting in a maximum area difference of 2% when compared to the destination. Returns ------- total_overlap_percentage : float returns the overlap area covered by the keypoints """ if self.matches is None: raise AttributeError('Edge needs to have features extracted and matched') return matches, mask = self._clean(clean_keys) source_array = self.source.get_keypoint_coordinates(index=matches['source_idx']).values source_coords = self.source.geodata.latlon_corners destination_coords = self.destination.geodata.latlon_corners convex_hull = cg.convex_hull(source_array) convex_points = [self.source.geodata.pixel_to_latlon(row[0], row[1]) for row in convex_hull.points[convex_hull.vertices]] convex_coords = [(x, y) for x, y in convex_points] source_poly = utils.array_to_poly(source_coords) destination_poly = utils.array_to_poly(destination_coords) convex_poly = utils.array_to_poly(convex_coords) intersection_area = cg.get_area(source_poly, destination_poly) total_overlap_coverage = (convex_poly.GetArea()/intersection_area) return total_overlap_coverage