def train(logpath, modeldir, batch_size=256, epochs=100): modelpath = modeldir + 'model.h5' dictpath = modeldir + 'word_dict.json' for filepath in [logpath, modelpath, dictpath]: check_validity(filepath) check_file(logpath) # load data train_data = get_train_dataset(logpath) # pre-process from autoencoder import AutoEncoder # lazy load pre_processor = Preprocessor(filepath=dictpath) train_sr, time_sr = pre_processor.pre_process(train_data) autoencoder = AutoEncoder(shape=(train_sr.shape[1], train_sr.shape[2]), filepath=modelpath) cluster_model = Cluster(dirpath=modeldir) # train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs) train_vector = autoencoder.transfer(train_sr) predict_result, cluster_number, dist_tbl = cluster_model.classify( train_vector) top_index = get_topn_sql(dist_tbl, topn=1) topn_sql = train_data[ top_index][:, -1] # typical SQL template for each cluster cluster_model.get_cluster_info(predict_result, time_sr, cluster_number) print("Train complete!") return cluster_number, topn_sql
def test_mnist(): # Gradient check using MNIST (train_x, _), (_, _) = mnist.load_data() train_x = train_x / 255 # Normalizing images # plotter.plot_mnist(train_x, "original") # Show original mnist images num_img, img_dim, _ = train_x.shape # Get number of images and # pixels per square img num_features = 500 mnist_in = np.reshape( train_x, (img_dim * img_dim, num_img)) # Reshape images to match autoencoder input ga = Algorithm(x=mnist_in, num_features=num_features, debug=1, pop_size=20) w_out, best_cost, logs = print( f"Average time/generation (sec): {sum(logs['times']) / len(logs['times'])}" ) print(f"Total time to run GA (sec): {logs['times']}") ae = AutoEncoder(mnist_in, num_features, random_seed=1234, use_gpu=True) z, _ = ae.psi(w_out) phi_w_img = ae.phi(w_out) # Calculate phi(W) new_mnist = z @ phi_w_img # Recreate original images using Z and phi(W) new_imgs = np.reshape( new_mnist, train_x.shape) # Reshape new images have original shape plotter.plot_mnist(new_imgs, f"{num_features}_features_ga") # Show new images # print(loss_values) plotter.plot_loss(logs['min'], "MNIST_Gradient_Loss_Over_Generations")
def train_ae(encoder_sizes, decoder_sizes, train_loader, num_epochs=1, bw=False): """ Pre-train Autoencoder on condition sketches :return trained encoder nn.Module """ AE = AutoEncoder(encoder_sizes, decoder_sizes, bw=bw).to(device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(AE.parameters(), lr=0.0005, weight_decay=3e-6) for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs), "Encoder pretraining"): epoch_loss = 0 for batch, (sketch, real, label) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader_train, "Batch")): optimizer.zero_grad() sketch, real, label =,, device) recon = AE(sketch) loss = torch.mean((sketch - recon)**2) loss.backward() epoch_loss += loss.item() / len(dataloader_train) optimizer.step() print("AutoEncoder pretraining: Epoch {} Loss: {}".format( epoch, epoch_loss)) del AE.decoder optimizer.zero_grad() del optimizer return AE.encoder
def build_interaction_and_encoded_attr_mat( self, interaction_and_attribute_info, attr_encoded_dim, interaction_and_encoded_attr_mat_info_name): print("start to build interaction and encode attribute matrix .... ") attrs_vec = interaction_and_attribute_info["attrs_vec"] attr_dim = len(attrs_vec[0]) print("encode attr embedding from {} to {}".format( attr_dim, attr_encoded_dim)) print(attrs_vec.shape) autoEncoder = AutoEncoder(attrs_vec, target_dim=attr_encoded_dim) autoEncoder.train() print("end to build interaction and encode attribute matrix .... ") self.encoded_attr_vec = np.asarray(autoEncoder.get_coded_val()) print("encoded_attr_vec : {}".format(self.encoded_attr_vec.shape)) print(self.encoded_attr_vec) interaction_and_attribute_info["attrs_vec"] = self.encoded_attr_vec cache_var = CacheVar(), interaction_and_attribute_info)
def test_random(): # Sanity test to make sure that feature number positively impacts least squares error. num_points = 100 num_data_per_point = 55 learning_rate = 0.5 x_in = np.random.normal(size=(num_data_per_point, num_points)) for num_features in [1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 70]: ae = AutoEncoder(x_in, num_features, random_seed=1234) w_in = np.random.normal(size=(num_data_per_point, num_features)) z_out, least_squares_test = ae.psi(w_in) print( f"(# features : Least squares error = ({num_features} : {least_squares_test})" ) print("Starting gradient decent...") loss_values = [] # Keep track of loss values over epochs for epoch in range(1000): z_grd, ls_grd, grd = ae.calc_g( w_in) # Calculate Z, Error, and Gradient Matrix w_in = w_in - (learning_rate * grd ) # Update W using Gradient Matrix loss_values.append(ls_grd) # Log loss print(f"Epoch: {epoch}\t----------\tLoss: {ls_grd}") # print(loss_values) plotter.plot_loss( loss_values, f"Gradient Loss Over Epochs (test) (num_features: {num_features})")
def __init__(self): self.edft = pd.read_csv(path + '/ML/data/pero_dft.csv', sep='\t') self.comps_wdup = pd.read_csv( path + '/ICSD_data/ICSD_all_data_with_all_phases.csv', sep='\t') # compositions with duplicates for phase prediction = AutoEncoder() self.VAE = self.VAE.load_weights(path + '/saved_models/best_model_VAE.h5') self.scaler = StandardScaler()
def sgd_da(corruption_level): # Initialize RNGs rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2 ** 30)) # Build the logistic regression class # Images in MNIST are 28*28, there are 10 output classes da = AutoEncoder( numpy_rng=rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, input=x, n_visible=28 * 28, n_hidden=500 ) # Cost to minimize cost = da.loss(corruption_level=corruption_level) # Stochastic Gradient descent updates = simple_sgd(cost, da.params, learning_rate) train_da = theano.function( inputs=[index], outputs=cost, updates=updates, givens=[ (x, train_set_x[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size]), ] ) ################ # TRAIN MODEL # ################ start_time = timeit.default_timer() print("... Training the model") for epoch in range(n_epochs): c = [] for batch_index in range(n_train_batches): c.append(train_da(batch_index)) print('Training epoch {0}, cost {1}'.format(epoch, numpy.mean(c))) end_time = timeit.default_timer() training_time = (end_time - start_time) print(('The {0} corruption code for file ' + os.path.split(__file__)[1] + ' ran for {1:.2f}m').format(corruption_level * 100, (training_time) / 60.)) image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=da.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)) )'filters_corrpution_' + str(int(corruption_level * 100)) + '.png')
def main(options): if options.num_classes == 2: TRAINING_PATH = 'train_2classes.txt' else: TRAINING_PATH = 'train.txt' IMG_PATH = '/Users/waz/JHU/CV-ADNI/ImageNoSkull' dset_train = AD_3DRandomPatch(IMG_PATH, TRAINING_PATH) train_loader = DataLoader(dset_train, batch_size=options.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, drop_last=True) sparsity = 0.05 beta = 0.5 mean_square_loss = nn.MSELoss() kl_div_loss = nn.KLDivLoss() use_gpu = len(options.gpuid) >= 1 autoencoder = AutoEncoder() autoencoder = autoencoder.cpu() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(autoencoder.parameters(), lr=options.learning_rate, weight_decay=options.weight_decay) train_loss = 0. for epoch in range(options.epochs): print("At {0}-th epoch.".format(epoch)) for i, patches in enumerate(train_loader): for b, batch in enumerate(patches): batch = Variable(batch) output, mean_activitaion = autoencoder(batch) loss1 = mean_square_loss(output, batch) loss2 = kl_div_loss(mean_activitaion, Variable(torch.Tensor([sparsity]))) print("loss1", loss1) print("loss2", loss2) loss = loss1 + loss2 train_loss += loss "batch {0} training loss is : {1:.5f}, {1:.5f}".format( b,[0],[0])) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_avg_loss = train_loss / len(train_loader * 1000) print( "Average training loss is {0:.5f} at the end of epoch {1}".format([0], epoch)), open("autoencoder_model", 'wb'))
def sgd_da(corruption_level): # Initialize RNGs rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2**30)) # Build the logistic regression class # Images in MNIST are 28*28, there are 10 output classes da = AutoEncoder(numpy_rng=rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, input=x, n_visible=28 * 28, n_hidden=500) # Cost to minimize cost = da.loss(corruption_level=corruption_level) # Stochastic Gradient descent updates = simple_sgd(cost, da.params, learning_rate) train_da = theano.function( inputs=[index], outputs=cost, updates=updates, givens=[ (x, train_set_x[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size]), ]) ################ # TRAIN MODEL # ################ start_time = timeit.default_timer() print("... Training the model") for epoch in range(n_epochs): c = [] for batch_index in range(n_train_batches): c.append(train_da(batch_index)) print('Training epoch {0}, cost {1}'.format(epoch, numpy.mean(c))) end_time = timeit.default_timer() training_time = (end_time - start_time) print( ('The {0} corruption code for file ' + os.path.split(__file__)[1] + ' ran for {1:.2f}m').format(corruption_level * 100, (training_time) / 60.)) image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=da.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'filters_corrpution_' + str(int(corruption_level * 100)) + '.png')
def test_mnist(num_epochs=None): # Gradient check using MNIST (train_x, _), (_, _) = mnist.load_data() train_x = train_x / 255 # Normalizing images # plotter.plot_mnist(train_x, "original") # Show original mnist images num_img, img_dim, _ = train_x.shape # Get number of images and # pixels per square img learning_rate = 0.5 num_features = 200 loss_values = [] # Keep track of loss values over epochs loss_values_less = [] loss_diffs = [] w_in = np.random.normal( size=(img_dim * img_dim, num_features)) # Generate random W matrix to test mnist_in = np.reshape( train_x, (img_dim * img_dim, num_img)) # Reshape images to match autoencoder input ae = AutoEncoder(mnist_in, num_features, random_seed=1234, use_gpu=True) start_time = time.time() times = [] if num_epochs: for epoch in range(num_epochs): w_in, z_grd = do_epoch(ae, w_in, learning_rate, loss_values, times, loss_values_less, loss_diffs, epoch, start_time) else: epoch_history_check = 5 epoch = 0 loss_avg = 1000 tol = 0.03 while loss_avg > tol: w_in, z_grd = do_epoch(ae, w_in, learning_rate, loss_values, times, loss_values_less, loss_diffs, epoch, start_time) loss_check = loss_diffs[-epoch_history_check:] loss_avg = sum(loss_check) / len(loss_check) epoch += 1 print( f"Total time to run gradient decent (sec): {time.time() - start_time}") phi_w_img = ae.phi(w_in) # Calculate phi(W) new_mnist = z_grd @ phi_w_img # Recreate original images using Z and phi(W) new_imgs = np.reshape( new_mnist, train_x.shape) # Reshape new images have original shape plotter.plot_mnist(new_imgs, f"{num_features}_features_gradient") # Show new images # print(loss_values) plotter.plot_loss(loss_values, "MNIST_Gradient_Loss_Over_Epochs") plotter.plot_loss( loss_values_less, "MNIST_Gradient_Loss_Over_Epochs_all_epochs_except_zero")
def test_cifar10(num_epochs=None): # (train_x, _), (_, _) = cifar10.load_data() (_, _), (train_x, _) = cifar10.load_data() print(train_x.shape) plotter.plot_mnist(train_x, "original") train_x = rgb2gray(train_x) train_x = train_x / 255 plotter.plot_mnist(train_x, "grayscale") num_img, img_h, img_w = train_x.shape print(train_x.shape) learning_rate = 0.5 num_features = 768; loss_values = [] loss_values_less = [] loss_diffs = [] w_in = np.random.normal(size=(img_h * img_w, num_features)) cifar_in = np.reshape(train_x, (img_h * img_w, num_img)) # cifar_in = np.reshape(train_x, (img_h, img_w, num_img*img_ch)) print(cifar_in.shape) ae = AutoEncoder(cifar_in, num_features, random_seed=1234, use_gpu=True) start_time = time.time() times = [] if num_epochs: for epoch in range(num_epochs): w_in, z_grd = do_epoch(ae, w_in, learning_rate, loss_values, times, loss_values_less, loss_diffs, epoch, start_time) else: epoch_history_check = 5 epoch = 0 loss_avg = 1000 tol = 0.03 while loss_avg > tol: w_in, z_grd = do_epoch(ae, w_in, learning_rate, loss_values, times, loss_values_less, loss_diffs, epoch, start_time) loss_check = loss_diffs[-epoch_history_check:] loss_avg = sum(loss_check) / len(loss_check) epoch += 1 print(f"Total time to run gradient decent (sec): {time.time() - start_time}") phi_w_img = ae.phi(w_in) # Calculate phi(W) new_cifar = z_grd @ phi_w_img # Recreate original images using Z and phi(W) print(new_cifar.shape) new_imgs = np.reshape(new_cifar, train_x.shape) # Reshape new images have original shape plotter.plot_mnist(new_imgs, f"{num_features}_features_gradient") # Show new images # print(loss_values) plotter.plot_loss(loss_values, "CIFAR10_Gradient_Loss_Over_Epochs") plotter.plot_loss(loss_values_less, "CIFAR10_Gradient_Loss_Over_Epochs_all_epochs_except_zero") # return train_x return new_imgs
def __init__(self, name, configuration, graph=None): c = configuration self.configuration = c AutoEncoder.__init__(self, name, graph, configuration) with tf.variable_scope(name): self.z = c.encoder(self.x, **c.encoder_args) self.vz = c.embedder(self.vx, **c.embedder_args) self.bottleneck_size = int(self.z.get_shape()[1]) layer = c.decoder(self.z, **c.decoder_args) c.decoder_args['reuse'] = True vlayer = c.decoder(self.vz, **c.decoder_args) c.decoder_args['reuse'] = False if c.exists_and_is_not_none('close_with_tanh'): layer = tf.nn.tanh(layer) vlayer = tf.nn.tanh(vlayer) self.x_reconstr = tf.reshape( layer, [-1, self.n_output[0], self.n_output[1]]) self.vx_reconstr = tf.reshape( vlayer, [-1, self.n_output[0], self.n_output[1]]) self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=c.saver_max_to_keep) self._create_loss() self._setup_optimizer() # GPU configuration if hasattr(c, 'allow_gpu_growth'): growth = c.allow_gpu_growth else: growth = True config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = growth # Summaries self.merged_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all() self.train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( osp.join(configuration.train_dir, 'summaries'), self.graph) # Initializing the tensor flow variables self.init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Launch the session self.sess = tf.Session(config=config)
def train_ae(dataloaders_dict, device=0, num_epochs=5): ae = AutoEncoder() ae = distance = nn.MSELoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(ae.parameters(), lr=0.001) for epoch in range(num_epochs): print('\nEpoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, num_epochs - 1)) print('-' * 10) for phase in ["train", "val", "test"]: if phase == "train": ae.train() # Set ae to training mode else: ae.eval() for data in dataloaders_dict[phase]: inputs, _ = data inputs = with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == "train"): output = ae(inputs) loss = distance(output, inputs) optimizer.zero_grad() if phase == "train": loss.backward() optimizer.step() print("{} Loss: {:.4f}".format(phase, loss.item())) return ae
def _load_aes(self, path): autoencoders = [ AutoEncoder(30, False, False, 0.001, name) for name in string.ascii_uppercase[:3] ] baseline = AutoEncoder(30, False, False, 0.001, "baseline") all_agents: List[AutoEncoder] = autoencoders + [baseline] [ agent.load_state_dict( torch.load(f"{path}/{}.pt", ) for agent in all_agents ] return all_agents
def train_classifier(self, agent: AutoEncoder): mlp = MLP(30).to( for i in range(int(self.cfg.nsteps)): X, y = map( lambda x:, self.dataset.sample_with_label(int(self.cfg.bsize)), ) latent = agent.encode(X) mlp.train(latent, y) acc = mlp.compute_acc(latent, y) self.tb.add_scalar("Accuracy-Post", acc, global_step=i) # self.writer.add((acc.item(),, step=i) return mlp
def run_model(data, in_memory=False): """ Runs the autoencoder model. @param data is if in_memory == True: ([[size, incoming]], [webpage_label]) else: A list of paths """ tf.reset_default_graph() tf.set_random_seed(123) # Only print small part of array np.set_printoptions(threshold=10) with tf.Session() as session: model = AutoEncoder(args.layers, args.batch_size, activation_func=args.activation_func, learning_rate=args.learning_rate, batch_norm=args.batch_norm) loss_track = train_on_copy_task(session, model, data, batch_size=args.batch_size, batches_in_epoch=100, verbose=False)
def __init__(self, args): super(DCN, self).__init__() self.args = args self.beta = args.beta # coefficient of the clustering term self.lamda = args.lamda # coefficient of the reconstruction term self.device = torch.device('cuda' if args.cuda else 'cpu') # Validation check if not self.beta > 0: msg = 'beta should be greater than 0 but got value = {}.' raise ValueError(msg.format(self.beta)) if not self.lamda > 0: msg = 'lambda should be greater than 0 but got value = {}.' raise ValueError(msg.format(self.lamda)) if len(self.args.hidden_dims) == 0: raise ValueError('No hidden layer specified.') self.kmeans = batch_KMeans(args) self.autoencoder = AutoEncoder(args).to(self.device) self.criterion = nn.MSELoss() self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.wd)
def test_gradient(): num_points = 30 # N num_data_per_point = 20 # n num_features = 12 # m const = np.random.normal(size=(num_data_per_point, num_points)) # X x = np.random.normal(size=(num_data_per_point, num_features)) # W dx = x * 1e-3 ae = AutoEncoder(const, num_features, random_seed=1234) def f(input): return ae.psi(input)[1] def df(input): return ae.calc_g(input)[2] # G # Test 1: Check norm(dx) check1 = f(x + dx) check2 = f(x - dx) check3 = 2 * np.tensordot(df(x), dx, axes=2) differror = np.linalg.norm(check1 - check2 - check3) / np.linalg.norm(dx) print("Test 1 of gradient check: differror should be smaller than, or close to, norm(dx):") print(f"differror: {differror}") print(f"norm(dx): {np.linalg.norm(dx)}") print() # Test 2: drop dx by factor of 10 and see if differror drops by 10-100 new_dx = dx * 0.1 check1 = f(x + new_dx) check2 = f(x - new_dx) check3 = 2 * np.tensordot(df(x), new_dx, axes=2) new_differror = np.linalg.norm(check1 - check2 - check3) / np.linalg.norm(new_dx) print("Test 2 of gradient check: new_differror should be 10-100 factors smaller than differror:") print(f"new_differror: {new_differror}") print(f"differror: {differror}")
def main(): """Load data, build autoencoder, train, and log data.""" train_loader, test_loader = get_data() autoencoder = AutoEncoder(train_loader, latent_dim=2) train_autoencoder_and_log( autoencoder=autoencoder, train_loader=train_loader, test_loader=test_loader, )
def test_autoencoder(): """ Test that all components of the auto-encoder work correctly by executing a training run against generated data. """ input_shape = (3, ) epochs = 1000 # Generate some data x_train = np.random.rand(100, 3) x_test = np.random.rand(30, 3) # Define encoder and decoder model def create_encoder_model(input_shape): model_input = Input(shape=input_shape) encoder = Dense(4)(model_input) encoder = BatchNormalization()(encoder) encoder = Activation(activation='relu')(encoder) return Model(model_input, encoder) def create_decoder_model(embedding_shape): embedding_a = Input(shape=embedding_shape) decoder = Dense(3)(embedding_a) decoder = BatchNormalization()(decoder) decoder = Activation(activation='relu')(decoder) return Model(embedding_a, decoder) # Create auto-encoder network encoder_model = create_encoder_model(input_shape) decoder_model = create_decoder_model(encoder_model.output_shape) autoencoder = AutoEncoder(encoder_model, decoder_model) # Prepare auto-encoder for training autoencoder.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam') # Evaluate network before training to establish a baseline score_before = autoencoder.evaluate(x_train, x_train) # Train network, x_train, validation_data=(x_test, x_test), epochs=epochs) # Evaluate network score_after = autoencoder.evaluate(x_train, x_train) # Ensure that the training loss score improved as a result of the training assert (score_before > score_after)
def plot_img_reconstructions( root_path: str, name_of_best_exp: str, path_to_plot: str, baseline: bool = False, epoch: int = 49999, ): dataset = MNISTDataset() ae = AutoEncoder(30, False, False, 0.001, "test") ae.load_state_dict( torch.load( os.path.join( root_path, name_of_best_exp, f"params/step_{epoch}/rank_0/{'A' if not baseline else 'baseline'}.pt", ), map_location=torch.device("cpu"), ) ) digits: torch.Tensor = dataset.sample(50) _, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=10, ncols=10, figsize=(10, 8), gridspec_kw=dict( wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0, top=0.95, bottom=0.05, left=0.17, right=0.845 ), ) axes = axes.reshape(50, 2) for digit, ax_column in zip(digits, axes): ax_column[0].imshow(digit.squeeze().detach()) ax_column[0].set_axis_off() rec = ae(digit.reshape(1, 1, 28, 28)) ax_column[1].imshow(rec.squeeze().detach()) ax_column[1].set_axis_off() exit(1) plt_path = f"plots/{path_to_plot}/reconstructions_baseline_{baseline}" plt.savefig(plt_path + ".pdf") plt.savefig(plt_path + ".svg") plt.close()
def work(in_files, out_files, device_id, total_device, device_idx): """ Stylized the images This function supports multi-GPU transformation Arg: in_files - The path list of input images out_files - The path list of output images device_id - The name of device which is following the rule that tensorflow makes total_device - The total number of devices devices_idx - The index of the current device """ global adopt_revision with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tf_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # Construct graph img_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=image_shape) if adopt_revision == True: logits = SmallAutoEncoder(img_ph) else: logits = AutoEncoder(img_ph) # Run with tf.Session(config=tf_config) as sess: with tf.device(device_id): # Adopt multi-GPU to transfer the image saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, model_path + model_name) if total_device <= 1: start = 0 end = int(len(in_files) // 1) else: start = device_idx * int(len(in_files) // total_device) end = device_idx * int( len(in_files) // total_device) + int( len(in_files) // total_device) conduct_time = time.time() for i in range(start, end, 1): # print("progress: ", i, ' / ', end - start, '\t proc: ', device_idx) img_batch = np.ndarray(image_shape) for j, img_path in enumerate(in_files[i:i + 1]): img = get_img(img_path) img_batch[j] = img _style_result = [ logits, ], feed_dict={img_ph: img_batch / 255.0}) for j, img_path in enumerate(out_files[i:i + 1]): save_img(img_path, _style_result[0][j]) conduct_time = time.time() - conduct_time print("Conduct time: ", conduct_time)
def main(): device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model = AutoEncoder(channels_list, latent_dim).to(device) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) train_loader = './data', train=True, download=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor()), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) test_loader = './data', train=False, transform=transforms.ToTensor()), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) runner = AERunner(model, optimizer, train_loader, test_loader, device) for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1): runner.train(epoch) runner.test(epoch) with torch.no_grad(): sample = model.sample(80, device) save_image( sample, './results_ae_' + str(latent_dim) + '/sample_' + str(epoch) + '.png')
def main(options): if options.num_classes == 2: TRAINING_PATH = 'train_2classes.txt' else: TRAINING_PATH = 'train.txt' IMG_PATH = './Image' dset_train = AD_3DRandomPatch(IMG_PATH, TRAINING_PATH) train_loader = DataLoader(dset_train, batch_size=options.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, drop_last=True) sparsity = 0.05 beta = 0.5 mean_square_loss = nn.MSELoss() kl_div_loss = nn.KLDivLoss(reduce=False) use_gpu = len(options.gpuid) >= 1 autoencoder = AutoEncoder() if (use_gpu): autoencoder = autoencoder.cuda() else: autoencoder = autoencoder.cpu() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(autoencoder.parameters(), lr=options.learning_rate, weight_decay=options.weight_decay) train_loss = 0. for epoch in range(options.epochs): print("At {0}-th epoch.".format(epoch)) for i, patches in enumerate(train_loader): print(i) print(len(patches))
def run_model(data, in_memory=False): """ Runs a autoencoder model. @param data is if in_memory == True: ([[size, incoming]], [webpage_label]) else: A list of paths """ tf.reset_default_graph() tf.set_random_seed(123) # Only print small part of array np.set_printoptions(threshold=10) with tf.Session() as session: # with bidirectional encoder, decoder state size should be # 2x encoder state size model = AutoEncoder(args.layers, args.batch_size, activation_func=args.activation_func, learning_rate=args.learning_rate, saved_graph=args.graph_file, sess=session, batch_norm=args.batch_norm) model.set_is_training(False) # get_vector_representations(session, model, data, DATA_DIR + '/../ae_cells', batch_size=args.batch_size, max_batches=None, batches_in_epoch=100, extension=args.extension)
def test_get_variables(self): with self.test_session() as sess: ae_shape = [10, 20, 30, 2] ae = AutoEncoder(ae_shape, sess) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): ae.get_variables_to_init(0) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): ae.get_variables_to_init(4) v1 = ae.get_variables_to_init(1) self.assertEqual(len(v1), 3) v2 = ae.get_variables_to_init(2) self.assertEqual(len(v2), 5) v3 = ae.get_variables_to_init(3) self.assertEqual(len(v3), 2)
def __init__(self, numpy_rng=None, input=None, n_visible=8, n_hidden=4, corrupt_level=0.0, W=None, bhid=None, bvis=None, theano_rng=None, sparsity=0.05, beta=0.001): AutoEncoder.__init__(self, numpy_rng=numpy_rng, input = input, n_visible = n_visible, n_hidden = n_hidden, sparsity = sparsity, beta = beta, W = W, bhid = bhid, bvis = bvis ) if not theano_rng: theano_rng = RandomStreams(self.numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 3)) self.theano_rng = theano_rng self.corrupt_level = corrupt_level
def predict(querypath, modeldir, ratio): modelpath = modeldir + 'model.h5' dictpath = modeldir + 'word_dict.json' clusterpath = modeldir + 'Kmeans_model.pkl' infopath = modeldir + 'cluster_info.json' for filepath in [querypath, modelpath, dictpath, clusterpath, infopath]: check_validity(filepath) check_file(filepath) # load data predict_data = get_test_dataset(querypath) # predict from autoencoder import AutoEncoder # lazy load pre_processor = Preprocessor(alpha=ratio, filepath=dictpath) predict_sr = pre_processor.transform(predict_data) autoencoder = AutoEncoder(shape=(predict_sr.shape[1], predict_sr.shape[2]), filepath=modelpath) cluster_model = Cluster(dirpath=modeldir) predict_vector = autoencoder.transfer(predict_sr) result = cluster_model.predict(predict_vector) print('Predict result is: ') print(result) return result
def _load_aes(path): autoencoders = [ AutoEncoder(30, bnorm=False, affine=False, name=name, lr=0.001) for name in string.ascii_uppercase[:2] ] baseline1 = AutoEncoder(30, bnorm=False, affine=False, name="Base1", lr=0.001) baseline2 = AutoEncoder(30, bnorm=False, affine=False, name="Base2", lr=0.001) all_agents: List[AutoEncoder] = autoencoders + [baseline1, baseline2] [ agent.load_state_dict( torch.load(f"{path}/{}.pt", map_location=torch.device("cpu"))) for agent in all_agents ] return all_agents
def _load_aes(self, path): autoencoders = [ AutoEncoder(30, False, False, 0.001, name) for name in string.ascii_uppercase[:3] ] baseline1 = AutoEncoder(30, False, False, 0.001, "baseline1").to( baseline2 = AutoEncoder(30, False, False, 0.001, "baseline2").to( baselines = [baseline1, baseline2] for agent in autoencoders: agent.load_state_dict( torch.load( f"{path}/rank_{int(self.rank) % 3}/{}.pt",, )) for i, agent in enumerate(baselines): agent.load_state_dict( torch.load( f"{path}/rank_{(int(self.rank) + i) % 3}/{'baseline'}.pt",, )) return autoencoders + baselines
def test_nets(self): with self.test_session() as sess: ae_shape = [10, 20, 30, 2] ae = AutoEncoder(ae_shape, sess) input_pl = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(100, 10)) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): ae.pretrain_net(input_pl, 0) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): ae.pretrain_net(input_pl, 3) net1 = ae.pretrain_net(input_pl, 1) net2 = ae.pretrain_net(input_pl, 2) self.assertEqual(net1.get_shape().dims[1].value, 10) self.assertEqual(net2.get_shape().dims[1].value, 20) net1_target = ae.pretrain_net(input_pl, 1, is_target=True) self.assertEqual(net1_target.get_shape().dims[1].value, 10) net2_target = ae.pretrain_net(input_pl, 2, is_target=True) self.assertEqual(net2_target.get_shape().dims[1].value, 20) sup_net = ae.supervised_net(input_pl) self.assertEqual(sup_net.get_shape().dims[1].value, 2)