def _worker(cls, tempdir, task_id, pickled_fn, pickled_args, return_list,
                gpu_ids, args):
        """Worker function in the client

        with open(os.path.join(tempdir, f'{task_id}.out'), 'w') as std_out:
            with open(os.path.join(tempdir, f'{task_id}.err'), 'w') as err_out:

                # redirect stdout/strerr into a file so the main process can read it after the job is completed
                if not is_fork_enabled():
                    sys.stdout = std_out
                    sys.stderr = err_out

                # Only fork mode allows passing non-picklable objects
                fn = pickled_fn if is_fork_enabled() else dill.loads(
                args = {
                } if is_fork_enabled() else {


                # running
                    ret = fn(**args)
                except AutoGluonEarlyStop:
                    ret = None

    def _run_dist_job(cls, task_id, fn, args, gpu_ids):
        """Remote function Executing the task
        if '_default_config' in args['args']:

        if 'reporter' in args:
            local_reporter = LocalStatusReporter()
            dist_reporter = args['reporter']
            args['reporter'] = local_reporter

        manager = mp.Manager()
        return_list = manager.list()

            # Starting local process
            # Note: we have to use dill here because every argument passed to a child process over spawn or forkserver
            # has to be pickled. fork mode does not require this because memory sharing, but it is unusable for CUDA
            # applications (CUDA does not support fork) and multithreading issues (hanged threads).
            # Usage of decorators makes standard pickling unusable (
            # Dill enables sending of decorated classes. Please note if some classes are used in the training function,
            # those classes are best be defined inside the function - this way those can be constructed 'on-the-other-side'
            # after deserialization.
            pickled_fn = fn if is_fork_enabled() else dill.dumps(fn)

            # Reporter has to be separated since it's used for cross-process communication and has to be passed as-is
            args_ = {k: v for (k, v) in args.items() if k not in ['reporter']}
            pickled_args = args_ if is_fork_enabled() else dill.dumps(args_)

            cross_process_args = {
                k: v
                for (k, v) in args.items() if k not in ['fn', 'args']

            with make_temp_directory() as tempdir:
                p = CustomProcess(target=partial(cls._worker, tempdir, task_id,
                                                 pickled_fn, pickled_args),
                                  args=(return_list, gpu_ids,
                if 'reporter' in args:
                    cp = Communicator.Create(p, local_reporter, dist_reporter)
                # Get processes outputs
                if not is_fork_enabled():
                    cls.__print(tempdir, task_id, 'out')
                    cls.__print(tempdir, task_id, 'err')
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('Exception in worker process: {}'.format(e))
        ret = return_list[0] if len(return_list) > 0 else None
        return ret
예제 #3
    def _preprocess_train(self, X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, **kwargs):
        from fastai.data_block import FloatList
        from fastai.tabular import TabularList
        from fastai.core import defaults

        X_train = self.preprocess(X_train, fit=True)
        if X_val is not None:
            X_val = self.preprocess(X_val)

        from fastai.tabular import FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize
        self.procs = [FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize]

        if self.problem_type == REGRESSION and self.y_scaler is not None:
            y_train_norm = pd.Series(self.y_scaler.fit_transform(y_train.values.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1))
            y_val_norm = pd.Series(self.y_scaler.transform(y_val.values.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1)) if y_val is not None else None
            logger.log(0, f'Training with scaled targets: {self.y_scaler} - !!! NN training metric will be different from the final results !!!')
            y_train_norm = y_train
            y_val_norm = y_val

        logger.log(15, f'Using {len(self.cont_columns)} cont features')
        df_train, train_idx, val_idx = self._generate_datasets(X_train, y_train_norm, X_val, y_val_norm)
        label_class = FloatList if self.problem_type == REGRESSION else None

        # additional workers are helping only when fork is enabled; in other mp modes, communication overhead reduces performance
        num_workers = defaults.cpus if is_fork_enabled() else 0

        # Copy cat_columns and cont_columns because TabularList is mutating the list
        data = (TabularList.from_df(df_train, path=self.path,
                                    cat_names=self.cat_columns.copy(), cont_names=self.cont_columns.copy(), procs=self.procs)
                .split_by_idxs(train_idx, val_idx)
                .label_from_df(cols=LABEL, label_cls=label_class)
                .databunch(bs=self.params['bs'] if len(X_train) > self.params['bs'] else 32, num_workers=num_workers))
        return data
예제 #4
    def preprocess_train(self, X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, **kwargs):
        from fastai.data_block import FloatList
        from fastai.tabular import TabularList
        from fastai.core import defaults

        self.cat_columns = self.feature_metadata.get_features(valid_raw_types=[R_OBJECT, R_CATEGORY, R_BOOL])
        self.cont_columns = self.feature_metadata.get_features(valid_raw_types=[R_INT, R_FLOAT, R_DATETIME])

        if self.problem_type == REGRESSION and self.y_scaler is not None:
            y_train_norm = pd.Series(self.y_scaler.fit_transform(y_train.values.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1))
            y_val_norm = pd.Series(self.y_scaler.transform(y_val.values.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1)) if y_val is not None else None
            logger.log(0, f'Training with scaled targets: {self.y_scaler} - !!! NN training metric will be different from the final results !!!')
            y_train_norm = y_train
            y_val_norm = y_val
            X_train_stats = X_train.describe(include='all').T.reset_index()
            cat_cols_to_drop = X_train_stats[(X_train_stats['unique'] > self.params.get('max_unique_categorical_values', 10000)) | (X_train_stats['unique'].isna())]['index'].values
            cat_cols_to_drop = []
        cat_cols_to_keep = [col for col in X_train.columns.values if (col not in cat_cols_to_drop)]
        cat_cols_to_use = [col for col in self.cat_columns if col in cat_cols_to_keep]
        logger.log(15, f'Using {len(cat_cols_to_use)}/{len(self.cat_columns)} categorical features')
        self.cat_columns = cat_cols_to_use
        self.cat_columns = [feature for feature in self.cat_columns if feature in list(X_train.columns)]
        self.cont_columns = [feature for feature in self.cont_columns if feature in list(X_train.columns)]

        for c in self.cat_columns:
            self.columns_fills[c] = MISSING
        for c in self.cont_columns:
            self.columns_fills[c] = X_train[c].mean()

        X_train = self.fill_missing(X_train)

        logger.log(15, f'Using {len(self.cont_columns)} cont features')
        X_train = self.fold_preprocess(X_train, fit=True)
        if X_val is not None:
            X_val = self.fill_missing(X_val)
            X_val = self.fold_preprocess(X_val)
        df_train, train_idx, val_idx = self._generate_datasets(X_train, y_train_norm, X_val, y_val_norm)
        label_class = FloatList if self.problem_type == REGRESSION else None

        # additional workers are helping only when fork is enabled; in other mp modes, communication overhead reduces performance
        num_workers = defaults.cpus if is_fork_enabled() else 0

        # Copy cat_columns and cont_columns because TabularList is mutating the list
        data = (TabularList.from_df(df_train, path=self.path,
                                    cat_names=self.cat_columns.copy(), cont_names=self.cont_columns.copy(), procs=self.procs)
                .split_by_idxs(train_idx, val_idx)
                .label_from_df(cols=LABEL, label_cls=label_class)
                .databunch(bs=self.params['bs'] if len(X_train) > self.params['bs'] else 32, num_workers=num_workers))
        return data
예제 #5
    def preprocess_train(self, X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, **kwargs):
        from fastai.data_block import FloatList
        from fastai.tabular import TabularList
        from fastai.tabular import FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize
        from fastai.core import defaults

        self.cat_columns = X_train.select_dtypes([
            'category', 'object', 'bool', 'bool_'

        self.cont_columns = X_train.select_dtypes([
            'float', 'float_', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64',
            'int', 'int_', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64',

        if self.problem_type == REGRESSION and self.y_scaler is not None:
            y_train_norm = pd.Series(self.y_scaler.fit_transform(y_train.values.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1))
            y_val_norm = pd.Series(self.y_scaler.transform(y_val.values.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1)) if y_val is not None else None
            logger.log(0, f'Training with scaled targets: {self.y_scaler} - !!! NN training metric will be different from the final results !!!')
            y_train_norm = y_train
            y_val_norm = y_val
            X_train_stats = X_train.describe(include='all').T.reset_index()
            cat_cols_to_drop = X_train_stats[(X_train_stats['unique'] > self.params.get('max_unique_categorical_values', 10000)) | (X_train_stats['unique'].isna())]['index'].values
            cat_cols_to_drop = []
        cat_cols_to_keep = [col for col in X_train.columns.values if (col not in cat_cols_to_drop)]
        cat_cols_to_use = [col for col in self.cat_columns if col in cat_cols_to_keep]
        logger.log(15, f'Using {len(cat_cols_to_use)}/{len(self.cat_columns)} categorical features')
        self.cat_columns = cat_cols_to_use
        self.cat_columns = [feature for feature in self.cat_columns if feature in list(X_train.columns)]
        self.cont_columns = [feature for feature in self.cont_columns if feature in list(X_train.columns)]
        logger.log(15, f'Using {len(self.cont_columns)} cont features')
        X_train = self.fold_preprocess(X_train, fit=True)
        if X_val is not None:
            X_val = self.fold_preprocess(X_val)
        df_train, train_idx, val_idx = self._generate_datasets(X_train, y_train_norm, X_val, y_val_norm)
        label_class = FloatList if self.problem_type == REGRESSION else None
        procs = [FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize]

        # additional workers are helping only when fork is enabled; in other mp modes, communication overhead reduces performance
        num_workers = defaults.cpus if is_fork_enabled() else 0
        data = (TabularList.from_df(df_train, path=self.path, cat_names=self.cat_columns, cont_names=self.cont_columns, procs=procs)
                .split_by_idxs(train_idx, val_idx)
                .label_from_df(cols=LABEL, label_cls=label_class)
                .databunch(bs=self.params['bs'] if len(X_train) > self.params['bs'] else 32, num_workers=num_workers))
        return data
예제 #6
    def generate_dataset_and_dataloader(self, data_list):
        self.dataset =
        )  # Access ith embedding-feature via: self.dataset._data[self.data_desc.index('embed_'+str(i))].asnumpy()
        self.dataloader =
            shuffle=not self.is_test,
            last_batch='keep' if self.is_test else 'rollover',

            # local thread version is faster unless fork is enabled
            if is_fork_enabled() else 0,

            # need to use threadpool if forkserver is enabled, otherwise GIL will be locked
            # please note: this will make training slower
        )  # no need to shuffle test data
예제 #7
    def _fit(self,
        from fastai.tabular.model import tabular_config
        from fastai.tabular.learner import tabular_learner
        from fastcore.basics import defaults
        from .callbacks import AgSaveModelCallback, EarlyStoppingCallbackWithTimeLimit
        from .quantile_helpers import HuberPinballLoss
        import torch

        start_time = time.time()
        if sample_weight is not None:  # TODO: support
            logger.log(15, "sample_weight not yet supported for NNFastAiTabularModel, this model will ignore them in training.")

        params = self._get_model_params()

        self.y_scaler = params.get('y_scaler', None)
        if self.y_scaler is None:
            if self.problem_type == REGRESSION:
                self.y_scaler = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler()
            elif self.problem_type == QUANTILE:
                self.y_scaler = sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
            self.y_scaler = copy.deepcopy(self.y_scaler)

        if num_cpus is None:
            num_cpus = defaults.cpus
        # additional workers are helping only when fork is enabled; in other mp modes, communication overhead reduces performance
        num_workers = int(num_cpus / 2)
        if not is_fork_enabled():
            num_workers = 0
        if num_gpus is not None:
            if num_gpus == 0:
                # TODO: Does not obviously impact inference speed
                defaults.device = torch.device('cpu')
                defaults.device = torch.device('cuda')

        logger.log(15, f'Fitting Neural Network with parameters {params}...')
        data = self._preprocess_train(X, y, X_val, y_val)

        nn_metric, objective_func_name = self.__get_objective_func_name(self.stopping_metric)
        objective_func_name_to_monitor = self.__get_objective_func_to_monitor(objective_func_name)
        objective_optim_mode = np.less if objective_func_name in [
            'root_mean_squared_error', 'mean_squared_error', 'mean_absolute_error', 'median_absolute_error',  # Regression objectives
            'pinball_loss',  # Quantile objective
        ] else np.greater

        # TODO: calculate max emb concat layer size and use 1st layer as that value and 2nd in between number of classes and the value
        if params.get('layers', None) is not None:
            layers = params['layers']
        elif self.problem_type in [REGRESSION, BINARY]:
            layers = [200, 100]
        elif self.problem_type == QUANTILE:
            base_size = max(len(self.quantile_levels) * 4, 128)
            layers = [base_size, base_size, base_size]
            base_size = max(data.c * 2, 100)
            layers = [base_size * 2, base_size]

        loss_func = None
        if self.problem_type == QUANTILE:
            loss_func = HuberPinballLoss(self.quantile_levels, alpha=self.params['alpha'])

        best_epoch_stop = params.get("best_epoch", None)  # Use best epoch for refit_full.
        dls = data.dataloaders(bs=self.params['bs'] if len(X) > self.params['bs'] else 32)

        if self.problem_type == QUANTILE:
            dls.c = len(self.quantile_levels)

        self.model = tabular_learner(
            dls, layers=layers, metrics=nn_metric,
            config=tabular_config(ps=params['ps'], embed_p=params['emb_drop']),
        logger.log(15, self.model.model)

        save_callback = AgSaveModelCallback(
            monitor=objective_func_name_to_monitor, comp=objective_optim_mode,,
            best_epoch_stop=best_epoch_stop, with_opt=True

        if time_limit is not None:
            time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
            time_left = time_limit - time_elapsed
            if time_left <= time_limit * 0.7:  # if 30% of time was spent preprocessing, likely not enough time to train model
                raise TimeLimitExceeded
            time_left = None

        early_stopping = EarlyStoppingCallbackWithTimeLimit(
            time_limit=time_left, best_epoch_stop=best_epoch_stop

        callbacks = [save_callback, early_stopping]

        with make_temp_directory() as temp_dir:
            with self.model.no_bar():
                with self.model.no_logging():
                    original_path = self.model.path
                    self.model.path = Path(temp_dir)
                    self.model.fit_one_cycle(params['epochs'], params['lr'], cbs=callbacks)

                    # Load the best one and export it
                    self.model = self.model.load(

                    if objective_func_name == 'log_loss':
                        eval_result = self.model.validate(dl=dls.valid)[0]
                        eval_result = self.model.validate(dl=dls.valid)[1]

                    logger.log(15, f'Model validation metrics: {eval_result}')
                    self.model.path = original_path

            self.params_trained['best_epoch'] = save_callback.best_epoch
예제 #8
    def fit(self,
        """Automatic fit process for image prediction.

        train_data : pd.DataFrame or str
            Training data, can be a dataframe like image dataset.
            For dataframe like datasets, `image` and `label` columns are required.
            `image`: raw image paths. `label`: categorical integer id, starting from 0.
            For more details of how to construct a dataset for image predictor, check out:
            If a string is provided, will search for d8 built-in datasets.
        tuning_data : pd.DataFrame or str, default = None
            Another dataset containing validation data reserved for model selection and hyperparameter-tuning,
            can be a dataframe like image dataset.
            If a string is provided, will search for k8 datasets.
            If `None`, the validation dataset will be randomly split from `train_data` according to `holdout_frac`.
        time_limit : int, default = 'auto' (defaults to 2 hours if no presets detected)
            Time limit in seconds, if `None`, will run until all tuning and training finished.
            If `time_limit` is hit during `fit`, the HPO process will interrupt and return the current best configuration.
        presets : list or str or dict, default = ['medium_quality_faster_train']
            List of preset configurations for various arguments in `fit()`. Can significantly impact predictive accuracy, memory-footprint, and inference latency of trained models,
            and various other properties of the returned `predictor`.
            It is recommended to specify presets and avoid specifying most other `fit()` arguments or model hyperparameters prior to becoming familiar with AutoGluon.
            As an example, to get the most accurate overall predictor (regardless of its efficiency), set `presets='best_quality'`.
            To get good quality with faster inference speed, set `presets='good_quality_faster_inference'`
            Any user-specified arguments in `fit()` will override the values used by presets.
            If specifying a list of presets, later presets will override earlier presets if they alter the same argument.
            For precise definitions of the provided presets, see file: `autogluon/vision/configs/`.
            Users can specify custom presets by passing in a dictionary of argument values as an element to the list.
            Available Presets: ['best_quality', 'high_quality_fast_inference', 'good_quality_faster_inference', 'medium_quality_faster_train']
            It is recommended to only use one `quality` based preset in a given call to `fit()` as they alter many of the same arguments and are not compatible with each-other.

            Note that depending on your specific hardware limitation(# gpu, size of gpu memory...) your mileage may vary a lot, you may choose lower quality presets if necessary, and
            try to reduce `batch_size` if OOM("RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory") happens frequently during the `fit`.

            In-depth Preset Info:
                # Best predictive accuracy with little consideration to inference time or model size. Achieve even better results by specifying a large time_limit value.
                # Recommended for applications that benefit from the best possible model accuracy.
                    'hyperparameters': {
                        'model': Categorical('resnet50_v1b', 'resnet101_v1d', 'resnest200'),
                        'lr': Real(1e-5, 1e-2, log=True),
                        'batch_size': Categorical(8, 16, 32, 64, 128),
                        'epochs': 200,
                        'early_stop_patience': 50
                    'hyperparameter_tune_kwargs': {
                        'num_trials': 1024,
                        'searcher': 'random',
                    'time_limit': 12*3600,

                # Good predictive accuracy with fast inference.
                # Recommended for applications that require reasonable inference speed and/or model size.
                    'hyperparameters': {
                        'model': Categorical('resnet50_v1b', 'resnet34_v1b'),
                        'lr': Real(1e-4, 1e-2, log=True),
                        'batch_size': Categorical(8, 16, 32, 64, 128),
                        'epochs': 150,
                        'early_stop_patience': 20
                    'hyperparameter_tune_kwargs': {
                        'num_trials': 512,
                        'searcher': 'random',
                    'time_limit': 8*3600,

                # Medium predictive accuracy with very fast inference and very fast training time.
                # This is the default preset in AutoGluon, but should generally only be used for quick prototyping.
                    'hyperparameters': {
                        'model': 'resnet50_v1b',
                        'lr': 0.01,
                        'batch_size': 64,
                        'epochs': 50,
                        'early_stop_patience': 5
                    'time_limit': 1*3600,

                # Medium predictive accuracy with very fast inference.
                # Comparing with `medium_quality_faster_train` it uses faster model but explores more hyperparameters.
                    'hyperparameters': {
                        'model': Categorical('resnet18_v1b', 'mobilenetv3_small'),
                        'lr': Categorical(0.01, 0.005, 0.001),
                        'batch_size': Categorical(64, 128),
                        'epochs': Categorical(50, 100),
                        'early_stop_patience': 10
                    'hyperparameter_tune_kwargs': {
                        'num_trials': 32,
                        'searcher': 'random',
                    'time_limit': 2*3600,
        hyperparameters : dict, default = None
            Extra hyperparameters for specific models.
            Accepted args includes(not limited to):
            epochs : int, default value based on network
                The `epochs` for model training.
            net : mx.gluon.Block
                The custom network. If defined, the model name in config will be ignored so your
                custom network will be used for training rather than pulling it from model zoo.
            optimizer : mx.Optimizer
                The custom optimizer object. If defined, the optimizer will be ignored in config but this
                object will be used in training instead.
            batch_size : int
                Mini batch size
            lr : float
                Trainer learning rate for optimization process.
            early_stop_patience : int, default=10
                Number of epochs with no improvement after which train is early stopped. Use `None` to disable.
            early_stop_min_delta : float, default=1e-4
                The small delta value to ignore when evaluating the metric. A large delta helps stablize the early
                stopping strategy against tiny fluctuation, e.g. 0.5->0.49->0.48->0.499->0.500001 is still considered as
                a good timing for early stopping.
            early_stop_baseline : float, default=None
                The minimum(baseline) value to trigger early stopping. For example, with `early_stop_baseline=0.5`,
                early stopping won't be triggered if the metric is less than 0.5 even if plateau is detected.
                Use `None` to disable.
            early_stop_max_value : float, default=None
                The max value for metric, early stop training instantly once the max value is achieved. Use `None` to disable.
            You can get the list of accepted hyperparameters in `config.yaml` saved by this predictor.
        **kwargs :
            holdout_frac : float, default = 0.1
                The random split ratio for `tuning_data` if `tuning_data==None`.
            random_state : int, default = None
                The random_state(seed) for shuffling data, only used if `tuning_data==None`.
                Note that the `random_state` only affect the splitting process, not model training.
                If not specified(None), will leave the original random sampling intact.
            nthreads_per_trial : int, default = (# cpu cores)
                Number of CPU threads for each trial, if `None`, will detect the # cores on current instance.
            ngpus_per_trial : int, default = (# gpus)
                Number of GPUs to use for each trial, if `None`, will detect the # gpus on current instance.
            hyperparameter_tune_kwargs: dict, default = None
                num_trials : int, default = 1
                    The limit of HPO trials that can be performed within `time_limit`. The HPO process will be terminated
                    when `num_trials` trials have finished or wall clock `time_limit` is reached, whichever comes first.
                search_strategy : str, default = 'random'
                    Searcher strategy for HPO, 'random' by default.
                    Options include: ‘random’ (random search), ‘bayesopt’ (Gaussian process Bayesian optimization),
                    ‘grid’ (grid search).
                max_reward : float, default = None
                    The reward threashold for stopping criteria. If `max_reward` is reached during HPO, the scheduler
                    will terminate earlier to reduce time cost.
                scheduler_options : dict, default = None
                    Extra options for HPO scheduler, please refer to :class:`autogluon.core.Searcher` for details.
        if self._problem_type is None:
            # options: multiclass, binary, regression
            self._problem_type = MULTICLASS
        assert self._problem_type in (
            REGRESSION), f"Invalid problem_type: {self._problem_type}"
        if self._eval_metric is None:
            if self._problem_type == REGRESSION:
                # options: rmse
                self._eval_metric = 'rmse'
                    'ImagePredictor sets rmse as default eval_metric for regression problems.'
                # options: accuracy
                self._eval_metric = 'accuracy'
                    'ImagePredictor sets accuracy as default eval_metric for classification problems.'
        # init/validate kwargs
        kwargs = self._validate_kwargs(kwargs)
        # unpack
        num_trials = kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs']['num_trials']
        nthreads_per_trial = kwargs['nthreads_per_trial']
        ngpus_per_trial = kwargs['ngpus_per_trial']
        holdout_frac = kwargs['holdout_frac']
        random_state = kwargs['random_state']
        scheduler = kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs']['scheduler']
        searcher = kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs']['searcher']
        max_reward = kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs']['max_reward']
        scheduler_options = kwargs['hyperparameter_tune_kwargs'][
        # deep copy to avoid inplace overwrite
        train_data = copy.deepcopy(train_data)
        tuning_data = copy.deepcopy(tuning_data)

        log_level = verbosity2loglevel(self._verbosity)
        set_logger_verbosity(self._verbosity, logger=logger)
        if presets:
            if not isinstance(presets, list):
                presets = [presets]
            logger.log(20, f'Presets specified: {presets}')

        if time_limit == 'auto':
            # no presets, no user specified time_limit
            time_limit = 7200
                       f'`time_limit=auto` set to `time_limit={time_limit}`.')

        use_rec = False
        if isinstance(train_data, str) and train_data == 'imagenet':
            # FIXME: imagenet does not work, crashes in validating data due to empty DataFrames.
                'ImageNet is a huge dataset which cannot be downloaded directly, '
                + 'please follow the data preparation tutorial in GluonCV.' +
                'The following record files(symlinks) will be used: \n' +
                'rec_train : ~/.mxnet/datasets/imagenet/rec/train.rec\n' +
                'rec_train_idx : ~/.mxnet/datasets/imagenet/rec/train.idx\n' +
                'rec_val : ~/.mxnet/datasets/imagenet/rec/val.rec\n' +
                'rec_val_idx : ~/.mxnet/datasets/imagenet/rec/val.idx\n')
            train_data = pd.DataFrame({'image': [], self._label_inner: []})
            tuning_data = pd.DataFrame({'image': [], self._label_inner: []})
            use_rec = True
        if isinstance(train_data, str):
            from d8.image_classification import Dataset as D8D
            names = D8D.list()
            if train_data.lower() in names:
                train_data = D8D.get(train_data)
                valid_names = '\n'.join(names)
                raise ValueError(
                    f'`train_data` {train_data} is not among valid list {valid_names}'
            if tuning_data is None:
                train_data, tuning_data = train_data.split(1 - holdout_frac)
        if isinstance(tuning_data, str):
            from d8.image_classification import Dataset as D8D
            names = D8D.list()
            if tuning_data.lower() in names:
                tuning_data = D8D.get(tuning_data)
                valid_names = '\n'.join(names)
                raise ValueError(
                    f'`tuning_data` {tuning_data} is not among valid list {valid_names}'

        # data sanity check
        train_data = self._validate_data(train_data)
        train_labels = _get_valid_labels(train_data)
        self._label_cleaner = LabelCleaner.construct(
        train_labels_cleaned = self._label_cleaner.transform(train_labels)
        # converting to internal label set
        _set_valid_labels(train_data, train_labels_cleaned)
        tuning_data_validated = False
        if tuning_data is None:
            train_data, tuning_data, _, _ = generate_train_test_split(
                'Randomly split train_data into train[%d]/validation[%d] splits.',
                len(train_data), len(tuning_data))
            train_data = train_data.reset_index(drop=True)
            tuning_data = tuning_data.reset_index(drop=True)
            tuning_data_validated = True

        train_data = self._validate_data(train_data)
        if isinstance(train_data, self.Dataset):
            train_data = self.Dataset(train_data, classes=train_data.classes)
        if tuning_data is not None and not tuning_data_validated:
            tuning_data = self._validate_data(tuning_data)
            # converting to internal label set
            if isinstance(tuning_data, self.Dataset):
                tuning_data = self.Dataset(tuning_data,

        if self._classifier is not None:
            logging.getLogger("ImageClassificationEstimator").propagate = True
            self._fit_summary =,
                                                     1 - holdout_frac,
            if hasattr(self._classifier, 'fit_history'):
                    'fit_history'] = self._classifier.fit_history()
            return self

        # new HPO task
        if time_limit is not None and num_trials is None:
            num_trials = 99999
        if time_limit is None and num_trials is None:
            raise ValueError(
                '`time_limit` and `num_trials` can not be `None` at the same time, '
                'otherwise the training will not be terminated gracefully.')
        config = {
            'log_dir': self._log_dir,
            'num_trials': 99999 if num_trials is None else max(1, num_trials),
            2147483647 if time_limit is None else max(1, time_limit),
            'searcher': searcher,
            # needed for gluon-cv TODO: remove after gluon-cv is updated
            'search_strategy': searcher,
            'scheduler': scheduler,
        if max_reward is not None:
            config['max_reward'] = max_reward
        if nthreads_per_trial is not None:
            config['nthreads_per_trial'] = nthreads_per_trial
        elif is_fork_enabled():
            # This is needed to address multiprocessing.context.TimeoutError in fork mode
            config['nthreads_per_trial'] = 0
        if ngpus_per_trial is not None:
            config['ngpus_per_trial'] = ngpus_per_trial
        if isinstance(hyperparameters, dict):
            if 'batch_size' in hyperparameters:
                bs = hyperparameters['batch_size']
                _check_gpu_memory_presets(bs, ngpus_per_trial, 4,
                                          256)  # 256MB per sample
            net = hyperparameters.pop('net', None)
            if net is not None:
                config['custom_net'] = net
            optimizer = hyperparameters.pop('optimizer', None)
            if optimizer is not None:
                config['custom_optimizer'] = optimizer
            # check if hyperparameters overwriting existing config
            for k, v in hyperparameters.items():
                if k in config:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Overwriting {k} = {config[k]} to {v} by hyperparameters is ambiguous.'
        if scheduler_options is not None:
        if use_rec == True:
            config['use_rec'] = True
        if 'early_stop_patience' not in config:
            config['early_stop_patience'] = 10
        if config['early_stop_patience'] == None:
            config['early_stop_patience'] = -1
        # TODO(zhreshold): expose the transform function(or sign function) for converting custom metrics
        if 'early_stop_baseline' not in config or config[
                'early_stop_baseline'] == None:
            config['early_stop_baseline'] = -np.Inf
        if 'early_stop_max_value' not in config or config[
                'early_stop_max_value'] == None:
            config['early_stop_max_value'] = np.Inf
        # batch size cannot be larger than dataset size
        if ngpus_per_trial is not None and ngpus_per_trial > 1:
            min_value = ngpus_per_trial
            min_value = 1
        bs = sanitize_batch_size(config.get('batch_size', 16),
        config['batch_size'] = bs
        # verbosity
        if log_level > logging.INFO:
                '').propagate = False
            logging.getLogger("ImageClassificationEstimator").propagate = False
        task = _ImageClassification(config=config,
        # GluonCV can't handle these separately - patching created config
        task.search_strategy = scheduler
        task.scheduler_options['searcher'] = searcher
        task._logger.propagate = True
        self._train_classes = train_data.classes
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            with MXNetErrorCatcher() as err:
                self._classifier =, tuning_data,
                                            1 - holdout_frac, random_state)
            if err.exc_value is not None:
                raise RuntimeError(err.exc_value + err.hint)
        self._classifier._logger.propagate = True
        self._fit_summary = task.fit_summary()
        if hasattr(task, 'fit_history'):
            self._fit_summary['fit_history'] = task.fit_history()
        return self
예제 #9
    def _fit(self,
        import torch
        from fastai.layers import LabelSmoothingCrossEntropy
        from fastai.tabular import tabular_learner
        from fastai.utils.mod_display import progress_disabled_ctx
        from fastai.core import defaults
        from .callbacks import EarlyStoppingCallbackWithTimeLimit, SaveModelCallback

        start_time = time.time()
        if sample_weight is not None:  # TODO: support
                "sample_weight not yet supported for NNFastAiTabularModel, this model will ignore them in training."

        params = self.params.copy()

        self.y_scaler = params.get('y_scaler', None)
        if self.y_scaler is not None:
            self.y_scaler = copy.deepcopy(self.y_scaler)

        if num_cpus is None:
            num_cpus = defaults.cpus
        # additional workers are helping only when fork is enabled; in other mp modes, communication overhead reduces performance
        num_workers = int(num_cpus / 2)
        if not is_fork_enabled():
            num_workers = 0
        if num_gpus is not None:
            if num_gpus == 0:
                # TODO: Does not obviously impact inference speed
                defaults.device = torch.device('cpu')
                defaults.device = torch.device('cuda')

        logger.log(15, f'Fitting Neural Network with parameters {params}...')
        data = self._preprocess_train(X,

        nn_metric, objective_func_name = self.__get_objective_func_name()
        objective_func_name_to_monitor = self.__get_objective_func_to_monitor(
        objective_optim_mode = 'min' if objective_func_name in [
            'r2'  # Regression objectives
        ] else 'auto'

        # TODO: calculate max emb concat layer size and use 1st layer as that value and 2nd in between number of classes and the value
        if params.get('layers', None) is not None:
            layers = params['layers']
        elif self.problem_type in [REGRESSION, BINARY]:
            layers = [200, 100]
            base_size = max(len(data.classes) * 2, 100)
            layers = [base_size * 2, base_size]

        loss_func = None
        if self.problem_type in [BINARY, MULTICLASS
                                 ] and params.get('smoothing', 0.0) > 0.0:
            loss_func = LabelSmoothingCrossEntropy(params['smoothing'])

        ps = params['ps']
        if type(ps) != list:
            ps = [ps]

        if time_limit:
            time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
            time_left = time_limit - time_elapsed
            time_left = None

        best_epoch_stop = params.get("best_epoch",
                                     None)  # Use best epoch for refit_full.
        early_stopping_fn = partial(

        self.model = tabular_learner(data,
        logger.log(15, self.model.model)

        with make_temp_directory() as temp_dir:
            save_callback = SaveModelCallback(
            with progress_disabled_ctx(self.model) as model:
                original_path = model.path
                model.path = Path(temp_dir)

                # Load the best one and export it

                if objective_func_name == 'log_loss':
                    eval_result = model.validate()[0]
                    eval_result = model.validate()[1].numpy().reshape(-1)[0]

                logger.log(15, f'Model validation metrics: {eval_result}')
                model.path = original_path
            self.params_trained['best_epoch'] = save_callback.best_epoch