예제 #1
파일: VasGen2.py 프로젝트: zcase/labmeat
    def add_edge_to_graph(self, lst_pt1, lst_pt2):
        if tuple(lst_pt1) not in self.graph.keys():
            self.graph[tuple(lst_pt1)] = []
        if tuple(lst_pt2) not in self.graph.keys():
            self.graph[tuple(lst_pt2)] = []

        if lst_pt1[0] < lst_pt2[0]:
            if not lst_pt2 in self.graph[tuple(lst_pt1)]:
        elif lst_pt1[0] == lst_pt2[0] and lst_pt1[1] > lst_pt2[
                1]:  # Added this to enforce bottom-right node as exit
            if not lst_pt2 in self.graph[tuple(lst_pt1)]:
            if not lst_pt1 in self.graph[tuple(lst_pt2)]:
예제 #2
def predict_time_series(param_vec, Ns, Cins, Cs, C_0s):

    time_points = np.array([x * 1 for x in range(len(Ns))])
    sol = odeint(sdot, N, time_points, tuple((param_vec, Cin, C, C_0)))[1:]
    pred_Ns = sol[:, 0:2]

    return pred_Ns
예제 #3
def predict_time_series(param_vec, initial_N, Cins, initial_C, initial_C0):
    time_points = np.array([x * 1 for x in range(len(Cins))])
    sol = odeint(sdot, initial_N, time_points,
                 tuple((param_vec, Cins, initial_C, initial_C0)))
    pred_Ns = sol[:, 0:2]

    return pred_Ns
예제 #4
파일: integrate.py 프로젝트: HIPS/autograd
    def vjp_all(g):
        vjp_y = g[-1, :]
        vjp_t0 = 0
        time_vjp_list = []
        vjp_args = np.zeros(np.size(flat_args))
        for i in range(T - 1, 0, -1):

            # Compute effect of moving measurement time.
            vjp_cur_t = np.dot(func(yt[i, :], t[i], *func_args), g[i, :])
            vjp_t0 = vjp_t0 - vjp_cur_t

            # Run augmented system backwards to the previous observation.
            aug_y0 = np.hstack((yt[i, :], vjp_y, vjp_t0, vjp_args))
            aug_ans = odeint(augmented_dynamics, aug_y0,
                             np.array([t[i], t[i - 1]]), tuple((flat_args,)), **kwargs)
            _, vjp_y, vjp_t0, vjp_args = unpack(aug_ans[1])

            # Add gradient from current output.
            vjp_y = vjp_y + g[i - 1, :]

        vjp_times = np.hstack(time_vjp_list)[::-1]

        return None, vjp_y, vjp_times, unflatten(vjp_args)
예제 #5
def scipy_simulate(ti_controls, sampling_times, model_parameters):
    The simulation function to be passed on to the pydex.designer. The function takes in
    the nominal model parameter values, and experimental candidates. Returns the
    predictions of the model at specified sampling times.

        model               : a Pyomo model instance
        simulator           : a Pyomo simulator instance
        ti_controls         : time-invariant controls of candidate (1D np.array)
        sampling_times      : sampling time choices of candidate (1D np.array)
        model_parameters    : nominal model parameter values (1D np.array)
        responses           : a 2D np.array with shapes N_spt by n_r, corresponding to
                              the model's prediction on value of the n_r number of
                              responses at all N_spt number of sampling times.
    def scipy_model(t, ca, theta):
        dca_dt = -theta[0] * ca
        return dca_dt

    sol = odeint(scipy_model,
                 args=tuple((model_parameters, )),
    return sol
	def vjp_all(g, **kwargs):
		vjp_y = g[-1, :]
		vjp_t0 = 0
		time_vjp_list = []
		vjp_args = np.zeros(np.size(flat_args))

		for i in range(T - 1, 0, -1):
			# Compute effect of moving current time.
			vjp_cur_t = np.dot(func(yt[i, :], t[i], *func_args), g[i, :])
			vjp_t0 = vjp_t0 - vjp_cur_t

			# Run augmented system backwards to the previous observation
			aug_y0 = np.hstack((yt[i, :], vjp_y, vjp_t0, vjp_args))
			aug_ans = odeint(augmented_dynamics, aug_y0,
							 np.array(t[i], t[i - 1]), tuple((flat_args,)), **kwargs)
			_, vjp_y, vjp_t0, vjp_args = unpack(aug_ans[1])

			# Add gradient from current output
			vjp_y = vjp_y + g[i - 1, :]

		vjp_times = np.hstack(time_vjp_list)[::-1]

		return None, vjp_y, vjp_times, unflatten(vjp_args)
예제 #7
    def predict_time_series(self, params, S, Cins,
                            time_points):  # verified working on timeseries

        sol = odeint(self.sdot, S, time_points, tuple(
            (params, Cins)))[:]  #PUT THIS BACK FOR ONLINE

        pred_N = sol[:, 0]  #PUT THIS BACK FOR ONLINE

        return pred_N
예제 #8
def fixed_point_vjp(ans, f, a, x0, distance, tol):
    def rev_iter(params):
        a, x_star, x_star_bar = params
        vjp_x, _ = make_vjp(f(a))(x_star)
        vs = vspace(x_star)
        return lambda g: vs.add(vjp_x(g), x_star_bar)
    vjp_a, _ = make_vjp(lambda x, y: f(x)(y))(a, ans)
    return lambda g: vjp_a(fixed_point(rev_iter, tuple((a, ans, g)),
                           vspace(x0).zeros(), distance, tol))
def predict(params, S, Cin):
    time_diff = 2  # frame skipping
    time_points = np.array([x * 1 for x in range(time_diff)])

    sol = odeint(sdot, S, time_points, tuple((params, Cin)))[1:]

    pred_N = sol[-1, 0:2]

    return pred_N
def sdot(
    S, t, param_vec, Cin
):  # X is population vector, t is time, R is intrinsic growth rate vector, C is the rate limiting nutrient vector, A is interaction matrix
    Calculates and returns derivatives for the numerical solver odeint

        S: current state
        t: current time
        Cin: array of the concentrations of the auxotrophic nutrients and the
            common carbon source
        params: list parameters for all the exquations
        num_species: the number of bacterial populations
        dsol: array of the derivatives for all state variables
    # extract parmeters
    #A = np.reshape(param_vec[0:4],(2, 2))
    A = Q_params[0]

    y = param_vec[4:6]
    y3 = param_vec[6:8]
    y = ode_params[2]
    y3 = ode_params[3]
    Rmax = param_vec[8:10]
    Km = ode_params[5]
    Km3 = ode_params[6]
    Km = param_vec[10:12]
    Km3 = param_vec[12:14]

    num_species = 2
    # extract variables
    N = np.array(S[:num_species])
    C = np.array(S[num_species:2 * num_species])
    C0 = np.array(S[-1])

    C0in, q = ode_params[:2]

    R = monod(C, C0, Rmax, Km, Km3)

    Cin = Cin[:num_species]
    # calculate derivatives
    dN = N * (R + np.matmul(A, N) - q)  # q term takes account of the dilution
    dC = q * (Cin - C) - (1 / y) * R * N  # sometimes dC.shape is (2,2)
    dC0 = q * (C0in - C0) - sum(1 / y3[i] * R[i] * N[i]
                                for i in range(num_species))

    # consstruct derivative vector for odeint
    dC0 = np.array([dC0])
    dsol = np.append(dN, dC)
    dsol = np.append(dsol, dC0)

    return tuple(dsol)
예제 #11
    def predict(self, params, S, Cin):
        predicts the populations at the next time point based on the current values for the params
        time_diff = 2  # frame skipping
        time_points = np.array([x *1 for x in range(time_diff)])
        sol = odeint(self.sdot, S, time_points, tuple((params, Cin)))[1:]
        pred_N = sol[-1, 0:2]

        return pred_N
예제 #12
def predict(x, t, u, A, B):
    # extract params from param_vec into form used by the rest of the code
    time_diff = 2  # frame skipping
    time_points = np.array([x *1 for x in range(time_diff)])

    sol = odeint(linear_model, N, time_points, tuple((u, A, B)))[1:]

    pred_x = sol[-1, 0:2]

    return pred_x
예제 #13
    def predict(self, initial_x, u, A, B, time):
        # extract params from param_vec into form used by the rest of the code

        time_points = np.array([x *1 for x in range(time)])

        sol = odeint(self.linear_model, initial_x, time_points, tuple((u, A, B)))[1:]

        pred_x = sol[-1, 0:2]

        return pred_x
예제 #14
def predict_series(param_vec, Ns, Cins, C, C_0):

    # extract params from param_vec into form used by the rest of the code
    time_diff = Ns.shape[0]
    time_points = np.array([x * 1 for x in range(time_diff)])

    sol = odeint(sdot, Ns, time_points, tuple((param_vec, Cins, C, C_0)))[1:]

    pred_N = sol[-1, 0:2]

    return pred_N
def predict(param_vec, S, Cin, C, C_0):

    # extract params from param_vec into form used by the rest of the code
    time_diff = 2  # frame skipping
    time_points = np.array([x * 1 for x in range(time_diff)])

    sol = odeint(sdot, S, time_points, tuple((param_vec, Cin, C, C_0)))[1:]

    pred_N = sol[-1, 0:2]

    return pred_N
예제 #16
파일: VasGen2.py 프로젝트: zcase/labmeat
    def generate_edges(self, tri, pts):
        edges = []
        for _, s in enumerate(tri.simplices):
            tri_pts = [pts[i] for i in list(s)]

            for i, pt in enumerate(tri_pts):
                if i == 0:
                elif pt == tri_pts[-1]:  # Wrap around
                    self.add_edge_to_graph(pt, tri_pts[0])

                self.add_edge_to_graph(tri_pts[i - 1], pt)

        topl_to_topR = ([self.min_range,
                         self.max_range], [self.max_range, self.max_range])
        btml_to_btmR = ([self.min_range,
                         self.min_range], [self.max_range, self.min_range])

        for pt_pair in [topl_to_topR, btml_to_btmR]:
            pt1, pt2 = pt_pair

            if pt2 in self.graph[tuple(pt1)]:
                idx = self.graph[tuple(pt1)].index(pt2)
                del self.graph[tuple(pt1)][idx]
            elif pt1 in self.graph[tuple(pt2)]:
                idx = self.graph[tuple(pt2)].index(pt1)
                del self.graph[tuple(pt1)][idx]

        for tuple_pt, lst_pt_list in self.graph.items():
            for lst_pt in lst_pt_list:
                # edges.append((np.asarray(tuple_pt), list(np_pt)))
                edges.append((list(tuple_pt), lst_pt))

        return edges
예제 #17
    def sdot(
        self, S, t, params, Cin
    ):  # X is population vector, t is time, R is intrinsic growth rate vector, C is the rate limiting nutrient vector, A is interaction matrix
        Calculates and returns derivatives for the numerical solver odeint

            S: current state
            t: current time
            Cin: array of the concentrations of the auxotrophic nutrients and the
                common carbon source
            params: list parameters for all the equations
            num_species: the number of bacterial populations
            dsol: array of the derivatives for all state variables

        # extract variables

        # autograd gives t as an array_box, need to convert to int
        if str(
        ) == '<class \'autograd.numpy.numpy_boxes.ArrayBox\'>':  # sort this out
            t = t._value
            t = int(t)
            t = int(t)
        t = min(Cin.shape[0] - 1,
                t)  # to prevent solver from going past the max time

        C0in = Cin[t]

        #C0in = Cin
        N = S[0]
        C0 = S[1]
        # extract parameters
        q = self.ode_params[0]
        y, Rmax = params[0:2]
        Km = self.ode_params[3]
        R = self.monod(C0, Rmax, Km)

        # calculate derivatives
        dN = N * (R.astype(float) - q)  # q term takes account of the dilution
        dC0 = q * (C0in - C0) - 1 / y * R * N

        # consstruct derivative vector for odeint
        dC0 = np.array([dC0])
        dsol = np.append(dN, dC0)

        return tuple(dsol)
예제 #18
파일: MeatModel.py 프로젝트: zcase/labmeat
def getDynamics(values,
    #returns a trajectory of this ODE_PDE
    if runParameters == None:
        (max_T, count) = getSampleParameters()
        (max_T, count) = runParameters
    # make the samples
    times = np.linspace(0., max_T, count)
    # run the ODE_PDE solver, returns an array [[list of values of state variables @ t0], [list of values of state variables @ t1] .....]
    return solveModelODEPDE(values,
                            params=tuple((params, )),
예제 #19
def sdot(
    S, t, C0in, params
):  # X is population vector, t is time, R is intrinsic growth rate vector, C is the rate limiting nutrient vector, A is interaction matrix
    Calculates and returns derivatives for the numerical solver odeint

        S: current state
        t: current time
        Cin: array of the concentrations of the auxotrophic nutrients and the
            common carbon source
        params: list parameters for all the exquations
        num_species: the number of bacterial populations
        dsol: array of the derivatives for all state variables
    # extract variables
    N = S[0]
    C0 = S[1]

    # extract parameters
    q = ode_params[0]
    y, Rmax, Km = params
    Km = ode_params[3]

    R = monod(C0, Rmax, Km)

    # calculate derivatives
    dN = N * (R.astype(float) - q)  # q term takes account of the dilution

    dC0 = q * (C0in - C0) - 1 / y * R * N

    # consstruct derivative vector for odeint
    dC0 = np.array([dC0])
    dsol = np.append(dN, dC0)
    return tuple(dsol)
grad_C = autograd.grad(cost)
#for debugging and computational simplicity, each paramater will have 3 iterations to be fitted
maxiter = 3
#leanring rate set at 0.1 but can increase if needed
learning_rate = 0.1
#we will modify each parameter value independently
for i in range(params.size):
    for j in range(maxiter):
        # strange bug where at parameter 5 (index=4), iteration 3? a degenrate solution appears
        #Solve ODE using odeint
        sol = odeint(ODESYS,
                         [417., 0., 0., G_b, I_b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
                     args=tuple([params, i]))
        #isolates the values of y variables
        Y = sol[:, :5]
        #cost function tracker, should observe a strictly decreasing behavior (and we do!)
        current_error = np.linalg.norm(Y[:, 3] - gdata, 2)
        #parameter in question is changed as needed
        params[i] -= learning_rate * (grad_C(Y) * sol[:, -5:]).sum()
        #graph newly fitted plot, technically one iteration old
        t = np.linspace(1, 120, 120)
        plt.scatter(t, gdata, marker='.', alpha=0.5, label='G')
        plt.scatter(t, sol[:, 3], marker='.', alpha=0.5, label='estimate')

예제 #21
파일: MeatModel.py 프로젝트: zcase/labmeat
    #                                                             fitnessList[startIndex: -1],
    #                                                             odeDeltaList[startIndex: -1, :, :],
    #                                                             pdeDeltaList[startIndex: -1, :, :])
    # # start the optimizing iterations for the last 20% of the dynamics
    # (max_t, count) = (max_t*(1-stablePercent), int(count*(1-stablePercent)))
    # movablePts = tuple(movablePts)
    movablePts = [(val) for val in movablePts]
    print('Movable Pts: ', movablePts)
    bestFitness = 0
    bestVesselPts = movablePts
    (max_t, count) = getSampleParameters()
    gradFitness = grad(fitnessValue)
    for iteration in range(0, MaxIterations):
        grad_pts = gradFitness(movablePts, iteration)
        movablePts = tuple(
            np.array(movablePts) + np.array(grad_pts) * StepSize)

        # movablePts = np.array(movablePts) + np.array(grad_pts)
        #        # initial conditions are at the beginning of the dynamics just calcluated
        initialConditions = getInitialValues()
        #         # make a random mutation
        #         (VesselIds, movablePts, VesselCells) = randomStep(VesselIds, movablePts)
        #         #print(movablePts)
        #         # recompute the dynamics
        (dynamicsTrue, fitnessList, odeDeltaList,
         pdeDeltaList) = getDynamics(initialConditions,
        #only the last 30% of the dynamics
예제 #22
    b2 = 0.999
    eps = 10**-8
    (max_t, count) = getSampleParameters()
    for i in range(200):
        start = time.time()
        grad_pts = gradFitness(mvable_pts, i)

        m = (1 - b1) * np.array(
            grad_pts, dtype=np.float64) + b1 * m  # First  moment estimate.
        v = (1 - b2) * (np.array(grad_pts, dtype=np.float64)**
                        2) + b2 * v  # Second moment estimate.
        mhat = m / (1 - b1**(i + 1))  # Bias correction.
        vhat = v / (1 - b2**(i + 1))

        mvable_pts = tuple(
            np.array(mvable_pts, dtype=np.float64) +
            np.array(grad_pts, dtype=np.float64))
        mvable_pts = mvable_pts + stepSize * mhat / (np.sqrt(vhat) + eps)
        new_pts = []
        for val in mvable_pts:
            x = float(val[0])
            y = float(val[1])
            if x < 0:
                x = 0.0
            elif x >= vas_structure.max_range:
                x = float(vas_structure.max_range - 1)

            if y < 0:
                y = 0.0
            elif y >= vas_structure.max_range:
                y = float(vas_structure.max_range - 1)
예제 #23
    def sdot(self, S, t, param_vec, Cin): # X is population vector, t is time, R is intrinsic growth rate vector, C is the rate limiting nutrient vector, A is interaction matrix
        Calculates and returns derivatives for the numerical solver odeint

            S: current state
            t: current time
            Cin: array of the concentrations of the auxotrophic nutrients and the
                common carbon source
            params: list parameters for all the exquations
            num_species: the number of bacterial populations
            dsol: array of the derivatives for all state variables
        # extract parmeters
        A = param_vec[5]
        #A = param_vec[0]
        y = param_vec[0]
        y3 = param_vec[1]

        Rmax = param_vec[2]

        Km = self.ode_params[5]
        Km3 = self.ode_params[6]

        Km = param_vec[10:12]
        Km3 = param_vec[12:14]

        # autograd gives t as an array_box, need to convert to int
        if str(type(t)) == '<class \'autograd.numpy.numpy_boxes.ArrayBox\'>': # sort this out
            t = t._value
            t = int(t)
            t = int(t)
        t = min(Cin.shape[0] - 1, t) # to prevent solver from going past the max time

        Cin = Cin[t]

        print(" param vec: ", param_vec)
        A = np.reshape(param_vec[-4:], (2,2))
        y = param_vec[4:6]
        y3 = param_vec[6:8]

        Rmax = param_vec[8:10]

        Km = self.ode_params[5]
        Km3 = self.ode_params[6]

        num_species = 2
        # extract variables
        N = np.array(S[:num_species])
        C = np.array(S[num_species:2*num_species])
        C0 = np.array(S[-1])

        C0in, q = self.ode_params[:2]

        R = self.monod(C, C0, Rmax, Km, Km3)

        Cin = Cin[:num_species]
        # calculate derivatives
        dN = N * (R + np.matmul(A,N) - q) # q term takes account of the dilution
        dC = q*(Cin - C) - (1/y)*R*N # sometimes dC.shape is (2,2)

        dC0 = q*(C0in - C0) - sum(1/y3[i]*R[i]*N[i] for i in range(num_species))

        # consstruct derivative vector for odeint
        dC0 = np.array([dC0])
        dsol = np.append(dN, dC)
        dsol = np.append(dsol, dC0)

        return tuple(dsol)
예제 #24
def ode_pred(params, y0, t):
    return odeint(nn_predict, y0, t, tuple((params, )), rtol=0.01)
예제 #25
    def predict(self, params, S, Cin, time_points):

        sol = odeint(sdot, S, time_points, tuple(
            (Cin, params, 2)))[1:]  #PUT THIS BACK FOR ONLINE
        return sol
예제 #26
 def odefunc_time_dependent(inputs, params, t=tuple((1, ))):
     params = _hypernet(t, params)
     x = inputs[:, :input_dim]
     return _forward(x, params)
예제 #27
파일: ode_net.py 프로젝트: HIPS/autograd
def ode_pred(params, y0, t):
    return odeint(nn_predict, y0, t, tuple((params,)), rtol=0.01)
예제 #28
        # movablePts = [random_points[best_loss_idx]]
        # print('\n\n')
        # print(random_points[best_loss_idx], best_loss)
        # print('\n\n')
        # img, vesselImage, vesselPts = updateVesselImg(vesselImage, vesselSecretion, movablePts, img)

        grad_pts = gradFitness(movablePts, i)
        callback_Test(movablePts, i, '')

        # m = (1 - b1) * np.array(grad_pts)      + b1 * m  # First  moment estimate.
        # v = (1 - b2) * (np.array(grad_pts)**2) + b2 * v  # Second moment estimate.
        # mhat = m / (1 - b1**(i + 1))    # Bias correction.
        # vhat = v / (1 - b2**(i + 1))

        movablePts = tuple(np.array(movablePts) + np.array(grad_pts) * .008)
        new_pts = []
        for val in movablePts:
            x = float(val[0])
            y = float(val[1])
            if x < 0:
                x = 0.0
            elif x >= imageSize:
                x = float(imageSize - 1)

            if y < 0:
                y = 0.0
            elif y >= imageSize:
                y = float(imageSize - 1)

            new_pts += [[x, y]]
예제 #29
def system_evolve(self, Y0, method = 'RK45', params = None, system = None):
    '''The system_evolve method computes the time evolution of the define ordinary differential system.
        The method receives the inital conditions and integrates the solution with a defined numerical method.
        Leading to a form:
                    dy/dt = F(x,t,params)
        system_evolve(Y0, method = 'RK45', params = None, system = None)
            Y0 : ndarray of shape (n,)
                Initial conditions for the system.
            params : ndarray of size (n,)
                Extra arguments the system might need. eg: constants, parameters.
            method : {'RK45', 'RK23', 'DOP853', 'BDF', 'LSODA'} auto : 'RK45'
                Numeric approximation method. Other solver methods should be
                available. Refer to the scipy.integrate library.
            system : callable, auto : None
                Replacement system object. Additional function to be time-evolved.
                Used for expanding solutions or state space dynamic systems.

    points = int(np.floor((self.__tf-self.__t0)/self.__d_t))
    self.__t = np.linspace(self.__t0, self.__tf, points)
    t_span = (self.__t0, self.__tf)
    if system is not None:
        evolved_system = system
        evolved_system = self.__f_x_y
    print("Time evolving using parameters = {}".format(params))
    """Time evolution solve_ivp syntax should include a tuple([params]) to generate a tuple of an array and
        empty so it can be unpacked by the solve_ivp function as a single array and interpreted as a single
        list to the user defined function.
            params = np.array([1,2,3])
            tuple([params]) = (array([1,2, ...]),)
        otherwise, multiple values will be sent, instead on only one. List should be unpacked at the user
        defined function."""
    time_evolution = solve_ivp(evolved_system,
                               t_span= t_span,
                               y0 = Y0,
                               method = method,
                               t_eval= self.__t,
                               args= tuple([params]))
    self.__Y = time_evolution.y
    return time_evolution
예제 #30
#Block 3 
#Generating a training data set

#These are our known parameters we are attempting to estimate
BETA = 0.00006
GAMA = 0.2

#The inital conditions for the model
start = np.array([50000, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
t = np.linspace(0,29)

#The model ran using odeint
data = odeint(SYS, y0 = start, t = t, args = tuple([BETA, GAMA]))

#plotting the results
plot.scatter(t,data[:,0], marker = '.', alpha = 0.5, label = 'S')
plot.scatter(t,data[:,1], marker = '.', alpha = 0.5, label = 'I')
plot.scatter(t,data[:,2], marker = '.', alpha = 0.5, label = 'R')

#Block 4 Cost function declaration
#Object Name: Cost
#Function name: error
#Inputs:        Y a np.array of starting conditions
#               t a np.linespace(start, end)
#               beta a float
#               gama a float