예제 #1
파일: kernels.py 프로젝트: fw0/domain_adapt
def plot_projection(P, feature_names):
    d = {}
    import pandas as pd
    for (i,v) in enumerate(P.T):
        idxs = np.argsort(-np.abs(v))
        print 'v_%d' % i
        print pd.Series(v, index=feature_names).iloc[idxs].iloc[0:10]
예제 #2
파일: models.py 프로젝트: HIPS/DESI-MCMC
 def get_brightest(self, object_type='star', num_srcs=1, band='r', return_idx=False):
     """return brightest sources (by source type, band)"""
     fluxes      = np.array([s.params.flux_dict[band] for s in self.srcs])
     type_idx    = np.where(self.source_types == object_type)[0]
     type_fluxes = fluxes[type_idx]
     type_idx    = type_idx[np.argsort(type_fluxes)[::-1]][:num_srcs]
     blist       = [self.srcs[i] for i in type_idx]
     if return_idx:
         return blist, type_idx
         return blist
    def dial_settings(self):
        self.colors = [[1,0,0.4], [ 0, 0.4, 1],[0, 1, 0.5],[1, 0.7, 0.5],[0.7, 0.6, 0.5],'mediumaquamarine']

        #### create degree set for polys ####
        e = 0
        self.degs = []
        while e < self.num_elements + 1:
            for i in range(0,self.num_elements):
                for j in range(0,i+1):
                    dg1 = i
                    dg2 = j
        # generate poly features
        self.F_poly = self.poly_feats(self.num_elements + 1)

        #### random weights for tanh network, tanh transform ####
        scale = 1
        self.R = scale*np.random.randn(self.num_elements+1,3)
        self.F_tanh = self.tanh_feats(self.num_elements+1)
        #### initialize split points for trees ####
        splits = []
        levels = []
        dims = []
        residual = copy.deepcopy(self.y)

        ## create simple 'weak learner' between each consecutive pair of points ##
        for j in range(0,2):
            # sort data by values of input in each dimension
            x_t = copy.deepcopy(self.x)
            y_t = copy.deepcopy(self.y)
            sorted_inds = np.argsort(x_t[:,j],axis = 0)
            x_t = x_t[sorted_inds]
            y_t = y_t[sorted_inds]

            # loop over and create all stumps in this dimension of the input
            for p in range(len(self.y) - 1):
                # determine points on each side of split
                split = (x_t[p,j] + x_t[p+1,j])/float(2)

                # gather points to left and right of split
                pts_left  = [t for t in x_t if t[j] <= split]
                resid_left = residual[:len(pts_left)]
                resid_right = residual[len(pts_left):]

                # compute average on each side
                ave_left = np.mean(resid_left)
                ave_right = np.mean(resid_right)
        # randomize splits for this experiment
        self.orig_splits = splits
        self.orig_levels = levels
        r = np.random.permutation(len(self.orig_splits))
        self.orig_splits = [self.orig_splits[v] for v in r]
        self.orig_levels = [self.orig_levels[v] for v in r]
        self.orig_dims = [dims[v] for v in r]
        # generate features
        self.F_tree = self.tree_feats()
예제 #4
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=5)
    x0_list = []
    for i in range(int(K/p)):
    results = pool.map(task, x0_list)

    candidate = results[0][0]
    wEI_tmp = results[0][1]
    for j in range(1, int(K/p)):
        candidate = np.concatenate((candidate.T, results[j][0].T)).T
        wEI_tmp = np.concatenate((wEI_tmp.T, results[j][1].T)).T

    idx = np.argsort(wEI_tmp)[-1:]
    new_x = candidate[:, idx]
    new_y = funct(new_x, bounds)

    dataset['train_x'] = np.concatenate((dataset['train_x'].T, new_x.T)).T
    dataset['train_y'] = np.concatenate((dataset['train_y'].T, new_y.T)).T
    with open('dataset.pickle', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(dataset, f)

    EI = model.calc_wEI(X_star)
    new_x_real = new_x * (bounds[0,1]-bounds[0,0]) + (bounds[0,1]+bounds[0,0])/2
예제 #5
 def sorted_r_eigs(w):
     drW,prW = np.linalg.eig(w)
     srtinds = np.argsort(drW)
     return drW[srtinds],prW[:,srtinds]
예제 #6
파일: generic.py 프로젝트: wesselb/lab
def argsort(a: Numeric, axis: Int = -1, descending: bool = False):
    if descending:
        return anp.argsort(-a, axis=axis)
        return anp.argsort(a, axis=axis)
예제 #7
    NSBnd = model.NSBnd
    IJBnd = model.IJBnd
    totalIJBnd = IJAppxBnd + IJBnd[sets]

    print('NS bound holds:', np.all(np.abs(NS - exact) < NSBnd[sets]))
    print('IJ bound holds:', np.all(np.abs(IJ - exact) < IJBnd[sets]))

    predErrsExact = (Y[sets] - np.exp(exact))**2
    predErrsNS = (Y[sets] - np.exp(NS))**2
    predErrsNSUpper = (Y[sets] - np.exp(NS + NSBnd[sets]))**2
    predErrsNSLower = (Y[sets] - np.exp(NS - NSBnd[sets]))**2
    predErrsNSUpperBnd = np.maximum(predErrsNSUpper, predErrsNSLower)
    predErrsNSLowerBnd = np.minimum(predErrsNSUpper, predErrsNSLower)
    sortInds = np.argsort(predErrsNS)
    predErrsNSUpperBnd[np.isinf(predErrsNSUpperBnd)] = 0.0
    predErrsNSLowerBnd[np.isinf(predErrsNSLowerBnd)] = 0.0

    predErrsExact = (Y[sets] - np.exp(exact))**2
    predErrsIJ = (Y[sets] - np.exp(IJ))**2
    predErrsIJUpper = (Y[sets] - np.exp(IJ + totalIJBnd))**2
    predErrsIJLower = (Y[sets] - np.exp(IJ - totalIJBnd))**2
    predErrsIJUpperBnd = np.maximum(predErrsIJUpper, predErrsIJLower)
    predErrsIJLowerBnd = np.minimum(predErrsIJUpper, predErrsIJLower)
    sortInds = np.argsort(predErrsIJ)
    predErrsIJUpperBnd[predErrsIJUpperBnd > 1e5] = 0.0
    predErrsIJLowerBnd[predErrsIJLowerBnd > 1e5] = 0.0

    exactAss[ii] = predErrsExact.mean()
    IJAss[ii] = predErrsIJ.mean()
예제 #8
def rl1_selection(y_bin, y_ord, y_categ, y_cont, zl1_ys, w_s):
    ''' Selects the number of factors on the first latent discrete layer 
    y_bin (n x p_bin ndarray): The binary and count data matrix
    y_ord (n x p_ord ndarray): The ordinal data matrix
    y_categ (n x p_categ ndarray): The categorical data matrix
    y_cont (n x p_cont ndarray): The continuous data matrix
    zl1_ys (k_1D x r_1D ndarray): The first layer latent variables
    w_s (list): The path probabilities starting from the first layer
    return (list of int): The dimensions to keep for the GLLVM layer
    M0 = zl1_ys.shape[0]
    numobs = zl1_ys.shape[1] 
    r0 = zl1_ys.shape[2]
    S0 = zl1_ys.shape[3] 

    nb_bin = y_bin.shape[1]
    nb_ord = y_ord.shape[1]
    nb_categ = y_categ.shape[1]

    nb_cont = y_cont.shape[1]

    # Detemine the dimensions that are weakest for Binomial variables
    zero_coef_mask = np.zeros(r0)
    for j in range(nb_bin):
        for s in range(S0):
            Nj = int(np.max(y_bin[:,j])) # The support of the jth binomial is [1, Nj]
            if Nj ==  1:  # If the variable is Bernoulli not binomial
                yj = y_bin[:,j]
                z = zl1_ys[:,:,:,s]
            else: # If not, need to convert Binomial output to Bernoulli output
                yj, z = bin_to_bern(Nj, y_bin[:,j], zl1_ys[:,:,:,s])
            # Put all the M0 points in a series
            X = z.flatten(order = 'C').reshape((M0 * numobs * Nj, r0), order = 'C')
            y_repeat = np.repeat(yj, M0).astype(int) # Repeat rather than tile to check
            lr = LogisticRegression(penalty = 'l1', solver = 'saga')
            lr.fit(X, y_repeat)
            zero_coef_mask += (lr.coef_[0] == 0) * w_s[s]
    # Detemine the dimensions that are weakest for Ordinal variables
    for j in range(nb_ord):
        for s in range(S0):
            ol = OrderedLogit()
            X = zl1_ys[:,:,:,s].flatten(order = 'C').reshape((M0 * numobs, r0), order = 'C')
            y_repeat = np.repeat(y_ord[:, j], M0).astype(int) # Repeat rather than tile to check
            ol.fit(X, y_repeat)
            zero_coef_mask += np.array(ol.summary['p'] > PVALUE_THRESHOLD) * w_s[s]
    # Detemine the dimensions that are weakest for Categorical variables
    for j in range(nb_categ):
        for s in range(S0):
            z = zl1_ys[:,:,:,s]
            # Put all the M0 points in a series
            X = z.flatten(order = 'C').reshape((M0 * numobs, r0), order = 'C')
            y_repeat = np.repeat(y_categ[:,j], M0).astype(int) # Repeat rather than tile to check
            lr = LogisticRegression(penalty = 'l1', solver = 'saga', \
                                    multi_class = 'multinomial')            
            lr.fit(X, y_repeat)  
            zero_coef_mask += (lr.coef_[0] == 0) * w_s[s]   
    # Detemine the dimensions that are weakest for Continuous variables
    for j in range(nb_cont):
        for s in range(S0):
            z = zl1_ys[:,:,:,s]
            # Put all the M0 points in a series
            X = z.flatten(order = 'C').reshape((M0 * numobs, r0), order = 'C')
            y_repeat = np.repeat(y_cont[:,j], M0) # Repeat rather than tile to check
            linr = Lasso()
            linr.fit(X, y_repeat)
            #coefs = np.concatenate([[linr.intercept_], linr.coef_])
            #zero_coef_mask += (coefs == 0) * w_s[s]   
            zero_coef_mask += (linr.coef_[0] == 0) * w_s[s]    

    # Voting: Delete the dimensions which have been zeroed a majority of times 
    zeroed_coeff_prop = zero_coef_mask / ((nb_ord + nb_bin + nb_categ + nb_cont))
    # Need at least r1 = 2 for algorithm to work
    new_rl = np.sum(zeroed_coeff_prop <= PROP_ZERO_THRESHOLD)
    if new_rl < 2:
        dims_to_keep = np.argsort(zeroed_coeff_prop)[:2]
        dims_to_keep = list(set(range(r0))  - \
                        set(np.where(zeroed_coeff_prop > PROP_ZERO_THRESHOLD)[0].tolist()))
    dims_to_keep = np.sort(dims_to_keep)

    return dims_to_keep
예제 #9
def iterGP_rotation(x,
    # Here is the kernel we will use for the GP regression
    # It consists of a sum of two stochastically driven damped harmonic
    # oscillators. One of the terms has Q fixed at 1/sqrt(2), which
    # forces it to be non-periodic. There is also a white noise term
    # included.
    # Do some aggressive sigma clipping
    m = np.ones(len(x), dtype=bool)
    while True:
        mu = np.mean(y[m])
        sig = np.std(y[m])
        m0 = y - mu < 3 * sig
        if np.all(m0 == m):
        m = m0
    x_clip, y_clip, yerr_clip = x[m], y[m], yerr[m]

    if len(x_clip) < n_samp:
        n_samp = len(x_clip)

    # Randomly select n points from the light curve for the GP fit
    x_ind_rand = np.random.choice(len(x_clip), n_samp, replace=False)
    x_ind = x_ind_rand[np.argsort(x_clip[x_ind_rand])]

    x_gp = x_clip[x_ind]
    y_gp = y_clip[x_ind]
    yerr_gp = yerr_clip[x_ind]

    fac = 0.9
    min_period = period_guess * fac
    max_period = period_guess / fac
    gp = fh.get_rotation_gp(x_gp, y_gp, yerr_gp, period_guess, min_period,

    # Now calculate the covariance matrix using the initial
    # kernel parameters
    gp.compute(x, yerr)

    def neg_log_like(params, y, gp, m):
        return -gp.log_likelihood(y[m])

    def grad_neg_log_like(params, y, gp, m):
        return -gp.grad_log_likelihood(y[m])[1]

    bounds = gp.get_parameter_bounds()
    initial_params = gp.get_parameter_vector()

    if ax:
        ax.plot(x_gp, y_gp)

    # Find the best fit kernel parameters. We want to try to ignore the flares
    # when we do the fit. To do this, we will repeatedly find the best fit
    # solution to the kernel model, calculate the covariance matrix, predict
    # the flux and then mask out points based on how far they deviate from
    # the model. After a few passes, this should cause the model to fit mostly
    # to periodic features.
    m = np.ones(len(x_gp), dtype=bool)
    for i in range(num_iter):
        n_pts_prev = np.sum(m)
        gp.compute(x_gp[m], yerr_gp[m])
        soln = minimize(neg_log_like,
                        args=(y_gp, gp, m))
        initial_params = soln.x
        mu, var = gp.predict(y_gp[m], x_gp, return_var=True)
        sig = np.sqrt(var + yerr_gp**2)

        m0 = y_gp - mu < sig
        m[m == 1] = m0[m == 1]
        n_pts = np.sum(m)
        if n_pts <= 10:
            raise ValueError('GP iteration threw out too many points')
        if (n_pts_prev - n_pts) <= 3:

    gp.compute(x_gp[m], yerr_gp[m])
    mu, var = gp.predict(y_gp[m], x_gp, return_var=True)

    return x_gp, mu, var, gp.get_parameter_vector()
예제 #10
    arhmm_em_lls = arhmm.fit(traintrials, method="em", num_em_iters=numiters)
    # Get the inferred states for train and test trials
    traintrials_z=[arhmm.most_likely_states(traintrial) for traintrial in traintrials]
    testtrials_z=[arhmm.most_likely_states(testtrial) for testtrial in testtrials]

    As=[None]*K; maxvals=[None]*K
    for k in np.arange(K):
        maxvals[k]=np.var(As[k])    # Tried to permute the states so that it would be 'no movement' --> 'movement', based on the variance of the values in the A matrix (didn't really work)
    # permute the states
    print(sortorder); print(sortedmaxvals)
    As=[As[i] for i in sortorder]

    traintrials_sorted=traintrials_z.copy(); testtrials_sorted=testtrials_z.copy()
    for k in np.arange(K):
    # Plot states of all trials
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
    plt.imshow(traintrials_sorted, aspect="auto", vmin=0, vmax=K)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
    plt.imshow(testtrials_sorted, aspect="auto", vmin=0, vmax=K)
예제 #11
def atomsDistances(positions, cell, cutoff_radius=6.0, self_interaction=False):
    """ Compute the distance of every atom to its neighbors.

    This function computes the distances of every central atom to its neighbors. If the
    distances is larger than the cutoff radius, then the distances will be handled as 0.
    Here, periodic boundary condition is assuming true for every axis.

    positions: np.ndarray
        Atomic positions. The size of this tensor will be (N_atoms, 3), where N_atoms is the number of atoms
        in the cluster.
    cell: np.ndarray
        Periodic cell, which has the size of (3, 3)
    cutoff_radius: float
        Cutoff Radius, which is a hyper parameters. The default is 6.0 Angstrom.
    self_interaction: boolean
        Default is False, which means that results will not consider the atom itself as its neighbor.
    distances: np.ndarray
        Differentialble distances array.
    first_atoms: np.ndarray
        Atoms that we observed in the cell. The np.unique of first_atoms will be np.arange of the number of
        atoms in the cell.
    second_atoms: np.ndarray
        Atoms that are considered as the neighbor atoms of first atoms. The distances of first_atoms and
        second_atoms will be computed and stored in the distances array.
    cell_shift_vector: np.ndarray
        The cell shift vector of every atom.
    # Compute reciprocal lattice vectors.
    inverse_cell = np.linalg.pinv(cell).T

    # Compute distances of cell faces.
    face_dist_c = 1 / np.linalg.norm(inverse_cell, axis=0)

    # We use a minimum bin size of 3 A
    bin_size = max(cutoff_radius, 3)

    # Compute number of bins, the minimum bin size must be [1., 1., 1.].
    nbins_c = np.maximum(
        (face_dist_c / bin_size - (face_dist_c / bin_size) % 1), [1., 1., 1.])
    nbins = np.prod(nbins_c)

    # Compute the number of neighbor cell that need to be search
    neighbor_search_x, neighbor_search_y, neighbor_search_z =\
                np.ceil(bin_size * nbins_c / face_dist_c).astype(int)

    # Sort atoms into bins.
    scaled_positions_ic = np.dot(positions, inverse_cell) % 1
    bin_index_ic = scaled_positions_ic * nbins_c - (scaled_positions_ic *
                                                    nbins_c) % 1

    # Convert Cartesian bin index to unique scalar bin index.
    bin_index_i = (bin_index_ic[:, 0] + nbins_c[0] *
                   (bin_index_ic[:, 1] + nbins_c[1] * bin_index_ic[:, 2]))

    # atom_i contains atom index in new sort order.
    atom_i = np.argsort(bin_index_i)
    bin_index_i = bin_index_i[atom_i]

    # Compute the maximum number of atoms in a bin
    max_natoms_per_bin = np.bincount(np.int_(bin_index_i)).max()

    # Sort atoms into bins. The atoms_in_bin_ba contains the information about where the atoms located.
    atoms_in_bin_ba = -np.ones([np.int_(nbins), max_natoms_per_bin], dtype=int)

    for i in range(max_natoms_per_bin):
        # Create a mask array that identifies the first atom of each bin.
        mask = np.append([True], bin_index_i[:-1] != bin_index_i[1:])
        # Assign all first atoms.
        atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(bin_index_i[mask]), i] = atom_i[mask]

        # Remove atoms that we just sorted into atoms_in_bin_ba. The next
        # "first" atom will be the second and so on.
        mask = np.logical_not(mask)
        atom_i = atom_i[mask]
        bin_index_i = bin_index_i[mask]

    # Create the shift list that indicates that where the cell might shift.
    shift = []
    for x in range(-neighbor_search_x, neighbor_search_x + 1):
        for y in range(-neighbor_search_y, neighbor_search_y + 1):
            for z in range(-neighbor_search_z, neighbor_search_z + 1):
                shift += [[x, y, z]]

    # Therefore, the possible positions of neighborhood bin can be computed by the following code.
    neighborbin = (bin_index_ic[:, None] + np.array(shift)[None, :]) % nbins_c
    cell_shift = ((bin_index_ic[:, None] + np.array(shift)[None, :]) -
                  neighborbin) / nbins_c
    neighborbin = neighborbin[:, :, 0] + nbins_c[0] * (
        neighborbin[:, :, 1] + nbins_c[1] * neighborbin[:, :, 2])

    distances = []
    first_atoms = []
    second_atoms = []
    cell_shift_vector = []
    for i in range(len(positions)):
        # Create a mask that indicates which neighborhood bin contains atoms.
        if self_interaction:
            mask = (atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(neighborbin[i])] != -1)
            mask = np.logical_and(
                atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(neighborbin[i])] != -1,
                atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(neighborbin[i])] != i)
        distances_vec = positions[atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(
            neighborbin[i])]] - positions[i]
        # the distance should consider the cell shift
        distances_vec = distances_vec + np.dot(cell_shift[i], cell)[:, None]
        # make the cell shift vector for every atom instead of every bin.
        _cell_shift_vector = np.repeat(cell_shift[i][:, None],
        distances_vec = distances_vec[mask]
        temp_distances = np.sum(distances_vec * distances_vec, axis=1)
        temp_distances = (temp_distances)**0.5
        cutoff_mask = (temp_distances < cutoff_radius)
        _second_atoms = atoms_in_bin_ba[np.int_(
        _first_atoms = [i] * len(_second_atoms)
        _cell_shift_vector = _cell_shift_vector[cutoff_mask]

    distances = np.array(distances)
    cell_shift_vector = np.array(cell_shift_vector)
    first_atoms = np.array(first_atoms)
    second_atoms = np.array(second_atoms)

    return distances, first_atoms, second_atoms, cell_shift_vector
예제 #12
    NSBnd = model.NSBnd
    IJBnd = model.IJBnd
    totalIJBnd = IJAppxBnd + IJBnd[sets]

    print('NS bound holds:', np.all(np.abs(NS - exact) < NSBnd[sets]))
    print('IJ bound holds:', np.all(np.abs(IJ - exact) < IJBnd[sets]))

    predErrsExact = (Y[sets] - np.exp(exact))**2
    predErrsNS = (Y[sets] - np.exp(NS))**2
    predErrsNSUpper = (Y[sets] - np.exp(NS + NSBnd[sets]))**2
    predErrsNSLower = (Y[sets] - np.exp(NS - NSBnd[sets]))**2
    predErrsNSUpperBnd = np.maximum(predErrsNSUpper, predErrsNSLower)
    predErrsNSLowerBnd = np.minimum(predErrsNSUpper, predErrsNSLower)
    sortInds = np.argsort(predErrsNS)
    predErrsNSUpperBnd[np.isinf(predErrsNSUpperBnd)] = 0.0
    predErrsNSLowerBnd[np.isinf(predErrsNSLowerBnd)] = 0.0

    predErrsExact = (Y[sets] - np.exp(exact))**2
    predErrsIJ = (Y[sets] - np.exp(IJ))**2
    predErrsIJUpper = (Y[sets] - np.exp(IJ + totalIJBnd))**2
    predErrsIJLower = (Y[sets] - np.exp(IJ - totalIJBnd))**2
    predErrsIJUpperBnd = np.maximum(predErrsIJUpper, predErrsIJLower)
    predErrsIJLowerBnd = np.minimum(predErrsIJUpper, predErrsIJLower)
    sortInds = np.argsort(predErrsIJ)
    predErrsIJUpperBnd[predErrsIJUpperBnd > 1e5] = 0.0
    predErrsIJLowerBnd[predErrsIJLowerBnd > 1e5] = 0.0

    exactAss[ii] = predErrsExact.mean()
    IJAss[ii] = predErrsIJ.mean()
예제 #13
def other_r_selection(rl1_select, z2_z1s, Lt, head = True,\
                      mode_multi = False):
    ''' Chose the meaningful dimensions from the second layer of each head h/tail
    rl1_select (list): The dimension kept over the first layer of head/tail
    z2_z1s (list of ndarrays): z^{(l + 1)}| z^{(l)}, s
    Lt (list of int):  The number of layers on the common tail   
    head (Bool): Whether to determine head (True) or tail layers (False) dimensions
    mode_multi (Bool): Whether the algorithm is in multi_clus mode
    return (list of int): The dimensions to keep from the second layer of the head/tail
    S = [zz.shape[2] for zz in z2_z1s] + [1] 
    Lh = len(z2_z1s)
    rh = [z2_z1s[l].shape[-1] for l in range(Lh)] 
    M = np.array([zz.shape[0] for zz in z2_z1s] + [z2_z1s[-1].shape[1]])
    prev_new_r = [len(rl1_select)]
    dims_to_keep = []
    dims_corr = [] # The correlations associated with the different dimensions
    for l in range(Lh):        
        # Will not keep the following layers if one of the previous layer is of dim 1
        if prev_new_r[l] <= 1:
            old_rl = rh[l]
            corr = np.zeros(old_rl)
            for s in range(S[l]):
                for m1 in range(M[l + 1]):
                    pca = PCA(n_components=1)
                    pca.fit_transform(z2_z1s[l][m1, :, s])
                    corr += np.abs(pca.components_[0])
            average_corr = corr / (S[l] * M[l + 1])
            new_rl = np.sum(average_corr > CORR_THRESHOLD)
            if new_rl < prev_new_r[l]: # Respect r1 > r2 > r3 ....
                # If multimode keep the same number of components and layer on the tail
                if mode_multi:
                    if head:
                        min_rl_for_viable_arch = Lh + Lt - (l + 1)
                        min_rl_for_viable_arch = np.max(Lt - (l + 1), 0)
                    if head:
                        # If last layer of an head
                        if (Lh >= 1) & (l == Lh - 2): 
                            # If this layer is a bottleneck, we have to delete it
                            if new_rl <= 2: 
                                # Empty last head layer 
                                dims_corr[-1] = np.full(rh[l], 0.0)

                                # Tail layers remain the unchanged
                                for l1 in range(l + 1, Lh):
                                    dims_corr.append(np.full(rh[l1], 1.0))
                                min_rl_for_viable_arch = new_rl
                        else: # To adapt
                            min_rl_for_viable_arch = 2 + Lh - (l + 1)
                        min_rl_for_viable_arch = np.max(1 - l, 0)
                # Need to have an identifiable model but also a viable architecture
                if new_rl >= min_rl_for_viable_arch:
                    wanted_dims = np.where(average_corr > CORR_THRESHOLD)[0].tolist()
                    wanted_dims = np.argsort(- average_corr)[:min_rl_for_viable_arch]# -avg_score: In descending order 
                wanted_dims = np.sort(wanted_dims)
            else: # Have to delete other dimensions to match r1 > r2 > r3 ....
                nb_dims_to_remove = old_rl - prev_new_r[l] + 1
                unwanted_dims = np.argpartition(average_corr, nb_dims_to_remove)[:nb_dims_to_remove]
                wanted_dims = list(set(range(old_rl)) - set(unwanted_dims))
                wanted_dims = np.sort(wanted_dims)
                new_rl = len(wanted_dims)

    return dims_to_keep, dims_corr
예제 #14
        day = day[:day.rfind('_')]

        if area is not None and fit[0] > 0.2:
            filtDict = getFiltersFromParams(temp_model)

            bestim = 0
            peaks = []
            for filtname, filt in filtDict.items():
                filtpeak = np.max(filt)
                #                fitDists[filtname].append(filtpeak)
                if 'im' in filtname and filtpeak > bestim:
                    bestim = filtpeak
                peaks.append((filtname, filtpeak))

            orderOfimport = np.argsort([p[1] for p in peaks])
            for i, sortind in enumerate(orderOfimport):

            master_id.append(day + '_' + uid)

master_area = np.array(master_area)

filtname = 'change'
for area, _ in areas:
    #    normed = np.array(fitDists[area][filtname])/np.array(fitDists[area]['bestImageWeight'])
    x, c = cumulative_dist(np.array(fitDists[filtname])[master_area == area])
예제 #15
    def inference_graph_iht(self, x, w, relaxed=False, return_energy=False, **kwargs):
        """find argmax_y np.dot(w, joint_feature(x, y))"""
        # j = int(len(x) * 0.1 / 2.0)
        max_iter = 1000
        y_hat = x
        # y_hat = np.random.rand(len(x))
        yt = np.copy(y_hat)
        for iter in range(max_iter):
            # print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------")
            # print("iter {}".format(iter))
            # print("current w: {}".format(w))
            # print("current yt {}".format(yt))
            # print("current joint feature: {}".format(self.joint_feature(x, yt)))
            # print("current delta joint feature: {}".format(self.delta_joint_feature(x, yt, w)))

            Omega_X = []
            y_prev = np.copy(yt)
            gradient = self._get_objective_grad(x, yt, w)
            # print("gradient: {}".format(gradient))
            normalized_grad = self._normalized_gradient(yt, gradient)
            # print("normalized gradient {}".format(normalized_grad))
            # print("normalized gradient {}".format(np.nonzero(normalized_grad)))
            sig_nodes = []
            for i, ng in enumerate(normalized_grad):
                if ng == 1.0:
            # print("sig nodes {}".format(len(sig_nodes)))
            # print("sig nodes {}".format(sig_nodes))
            # g: number of connected component
            edges = np.array(self.edges)
            costs = np.ones(len(edges))
            # re_head = head_proj(edges=edges, weights=costs, x=normalized_grad, g=1, s=k, budget=k - 1, delta=1. / 169.,
            #                     max_iter=100, err_tol=1e-8, root=-1, pruning='strong', epsilon=1e-10, verbose=0)
            # re_nodes, re_edges, p_y = re_head

            re_head = self.algo_head_tail_bisearch(edges=edges, x=normalized_grad, costs=costs, g=1, root=-1,
                                                         s_low=250, s_high=300, max_num_iter=1000, verbose=0)
            re_nodes, p_y = re_head
            omega_yt = set(re_nodes)
            # print("omega_yt {}".format(len(omega_yt)))

            indicator_yt = np.zeros_like(yt)
            indicator_yt[list(omega_yt)] = 1.0
            # print("current yt {}".format(yt))
            by = (yt + 0.001 * gradient) * indicator_yt
            # print("gradient ascent result {}".format(yt + 0.001 * gradient))
            # print("current by {}".format(by))
            sorted_indices = np.argsort(by)[::-1]
            by[by <= 0.0] = 0.0
            num_non_posi = len(np.where(by == 0.0))
            by[by > 1.0] = 1.0
            if num_non_posi == len(x):
                print("siga-1 is too large and all values in the gradient are non-positive")
                for i in range(5):
                    by[sorted_indices[i]] = 1.0

            edges = np.array(self.edges)
            costs = np.ones(len(edges))
            # re_tail = tail_proj(edges=edges, weights=costs, x=by, g=1, s=k, budget=k - 1, nu=2.5, max_iter=100,
            #                     err_tol=1e-8, root=-1, pruning='strong', verbose=0)
            # re_nodes, re_edges, p_y = re_tail

            re_tail = self.algo_head_tail_bisearch(edges=edges, x=by, costs=costs, g=1, root=-1,
                                                   s_low=240, s_high=260, max_num_iter=1000, verbose=0)
            re_nodes, p_y = re_tail

            psi_y = re_nodes
            # print("psi_y {}".format(psi_y))
            yt = np.zeros_like(yt)
            yt[list(psi_y)] = by[list(psi_y)]  # TODO: note the non-zero entries of xt[list(psi_x)] may not be connected

            # print("yt {}".format(np.nonzero(yt)))
            gap_y = np.linalg.norm(yt - y_prev) ** 2
            if gap_y < 1e-6:
        value = np.dot(w, self.joint_feature(x, yt))
        # print("value {}, w {}, joint feature {}".format(value, w, self.joint_feature(x, yt)))
        return yt
def nn_sgd(x_train,
    #Xavier Initialization for Weights
    #Zero Initialization for Biases
    w_1 = np.random.randn(M, 784) / np.sqrt(784)
    w_2 = np.random.randn(M, M) / np.sqrt(M)
    w_3 = np.random.randn(10, M) / np.sqrt(M)
    b_1 = np.zeros((M, 1))
    b_2 = np.zeros((M, 1))
    b_3 = np.zeros((10, 1))

    #Neg Log-Likelihood for Training and Validation Sets
    nll_t = {}
    nll_v = {}

    for r in rates:
        nll_t[r] = list()
        nll_v[r] = list()
        #Mimimum Validation Log-Likelihood
        ll_v_min = np.inf
        ll_v_it_min = 0
        for i in range(0, l):
            if not v:
                #Compute Full-Batch Neg Log-Likelihood for Training and Validation Sets
                nll_v_fb = negative_log_likelihood(w_1, w_2, w_3, b_1, b_2,
                                                   b_3, x_valid, y_valid)
                #Compute Minimum Log-Likelihood for Validation Set and Corresponding Weights
                if nll_v_fb < ll_v_min:
                    ll_v_min = nll_v_fb
                    ll_v_it_min = i
                    w_1_opt = w_1
                    w_2_opt = w_2
                    w_3_opt = w_3
                    b_1_opt = b_1
                    b_2_opt = b_2
                    b_3_opt = b_3
            #Compute a list of 250 random integers as the Mini-Batch Indices
            ind = np.random.choice(x_train.shape[0], size=B, replace=False)
            mini_b_x = x_train[ind, :]
            mini_b_y = y_train[ind, :]

            #Compute Log-Likelihood and Corresponding Gradients
            (nll, (w_1_g, w_2_g, w_3_g, b_1_g, b_2_g,
                   b_3_g)) = nll_gradients(w_1, w_2, w_3, b_1, b_2, b_3,
                                           mini_b_x, mini_b_y)

            if not t and not v:
                nll_t[r].append(nll / 250 * 10000)

            #Update Weights
            w_1 = up_weight(w_1, w_1_g, r, 1)
            w_2 = up_weight(w_2, w_2_g, r, 1)
            w_3 = up_weight(w_3, w_3_g, r, 1)
            b_1 = up_weight(b_1, b_1_g, r, 1)
            b_2 = up_weight(b_2, b_2_g, r, 1)
            b_3 = up_weight(b_3, b_3_g, r, 1)

        if not v and not d:
            #Print Results
            print('Results of ' + str(M) + ' Neuron w/ Learning Rate ' +
                  str(r) + ':' + '\n')
            if not t:
                print('Train Neg Log-Likelihood: ' + str(nll_t[r][-1]) + '\n')
            print('Valid Neg Log-Likelihood: ' + str(nll_v[r][-1]) + '\n')
            print('Minimum Valid Neg Log-Likelihood: ' + str(ll_v_min) +
                  ' at Iteration ' + str(ll_v_it_min + 1) + '\n')

            #Compute Optimal Validation and Test Sets Log-Likelihood and Accuracy Ratio
            if t:
                ratio_v = acc_ratio_2(w_1_opt, w_2_opt, w_3_opt, b_1_opt,
                                      b_2_opt, b_3_opt, x_valid, y_valid)
                ratio_test = acc_ratio_2(w_1_opt, w_2_opt, w_3_opt, b_1_opt,
                                         b_2_opt, b_3_opt, x_test, y_test)
                nll_test = negative_log_likelihood(w_1_opt, w_2_opt, w_3_opt,
                                                   b_1_opt, b_2_opt, b_3_opt,
                                                   x_test, y_test)
                print('Optimal Validation Ratio: ' + str(ratio_v) + '\n')
                print('Optimal Test Ratio: ' + str(ratio_test) + '\n')
                print('Optimal Test Neg Log-Likelihood: ' + str(nll_test) +
                      ' at Iteration ' + str(ll_v_it_min + 1))

        if d:
            F = np.max(np.exp(
                forward_pass(w_1_opt, w_2_opt, w_3_opt, b_1_opt, b_2_opt,
                             b_3_opt, x_test)),
            ind_sorted = np.argsort(F)
            test_sorted = x_test[ind_sorted]

    if d:
        return ind_sorted, test_sorted

    if not v:
        if not t:
            return nll_t, nll_v
            return nll_v
        seen = list()
        for i in range(0, 17):
            j = np.random.randint(M)
            if j not in seen:
                plot_digit(w_1[j], j, 0, neuron=True)
                i -= 1
예제 #17
# Save the parameters of variational posterior
pickle.dump(var_par, open('./data/var_par.p', 'wb'))
var_par = pickle.load(open('./data/var_par.p', 'rb'))

pars = get_pars(var_par[:l], k, d)
pi = stick_backward(pars['pi'])
mus = pars['mu'].reshape([k, d])
taus = np.exp(pars['tau'])

colors = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'orange', 'turquoise']

from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

pp = PdfPages('mog_advi.pdf')

fracs = np.argsort(pi)[-5:]
mus = mus[fracs, :]
taus = taus[fracs]

circle = []
true_circle = []
for n, color in enumerate(colors):
    v, w = np.linalg.eigh(taus[n] * np.eye(k))
    v_true, w_true = np.linalg.eigh(ts[n] * np.eye(k))
    u = w[0] / np.linalg.norm(w[0])
    u_true = w_true[0] / np.linalg.norm(w_true[0])
    angle = np.arctan2(u[1], u[0])
    angle_true = np.arctan2(u_true[1], u_true[0])
    angle = 180 * angle / np.pi
    angle_true = 180 * angle_true / np.pi
    v = 2. * np.sqrt(2.) * np.sqrt(v)
    w, u, b = W[k], U[k], B[k]
    u_hat = (m(np.dot(w, u)) - np.dot(w, u)) * (w / np.linalg.norm(w)) + u
    z_prev = z_prev + np.outer(h(np.matmul(z_prev, w) + b), u_hat)
z_K = z_prev

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

# fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize = (10,8))
# nbins = 100
# x, y = z0[:, 0], z0[:, 1]
# xi, yi = numpy.mgrid[-4:4:nbins*1j, -4:4:nbins*1j]
# zi = np.array([func(np.vstack([xi.flatten(), yi.flatten()])[:,i].reshape(-1,2)) for i in range(nbins**2)])
# ax.pcolormesh(xi, yi, zi.reshape(xi.shape))
# ax.pcolormesh(xi, yi, zi.reshape(xi.shape), cmap=plt.cm.Reds_r)
# plt.scatter(z_K[:,0], z_K[:,1], alpha=0.2)
# plt.xlim([-4, 4])
# plt.ylim([-4, 4])
# # plt.savefig('results/'+func.__name__+'/'+func.__name__+'_'+str(K)+'_'+str(num_iter)+'.png')
# plt.show()

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
samples = np.linspace(-3, 3, 601)
z = np.array([gmm(samples[i]) for i in range(samples.shape[0])])
idx = np.argsort(samples)
plt.plot(samples[idx], z[idx], label='p')
plt.hist(z_K, 100, label='q', density=True)
def illustrate_gradients(g, pts, **kwargs):
    # user defined args
    pts_max = np.max(np.max(pts)) + 3
    viewmax = max(3, pts_max)
    colors = ['lime', 'magenta', 'orangered']

    if 'viewmax' in kwargs:
        viewmax = kwargs['viewmax']

    num_contours = 15
    if 'num_contours' in kwargs:
        num_contours = kwargs['num_contours']

    ##### setup figure to plot #####
    # initialize figure
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))

    # create subplot with 3 panels, plot input function in center plot
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[1, 5, 1])
    ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
    ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
    ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2])

    ### compute gradient of input function ###
    nabla_g = grad(g)

    # loop over points and determine levels
    num_pts = pts.shape[1]
    levels = []
    for t in range(num_pts):
        pt = pts[:, t]
        g_val = g(pt)
    levels = np.array(levels)
    inds = np.argsort(levels, axis=None)
    pts = pts[:, inds]
    levels = levels[inds]

    # evaluate all input points through gradient function
    grad_pts = []
    num_pts = pts.shape[1]
    for t in range(num_pts):
        # point
        color = colors[t]
        pt = pts[:, t]
        nabla_pt = nabla_g(pt)
        nabla_pt /= np.linalg.norm(nabla_pt)

        # plot original points

        ### draw 2d arrow in right plot ###
        # create gradient vector
        grad_pt = pt - nabla_pt

        # plot gradient direction
        scale = 0.3
        arrow_pt = (grad_pt - pt) * 0.78 * viewmax * scale

        ### compute orthogonal line to contour ###
        # compute slope of gradient direction
        slope = float(arrow_pt[1]) / float(arrow_pt[0])
        perp_slope = -1 / slope
        perp_inter = pt[1] - perp_slope * pt[0]

        # find points on orthog line approx 'scale' away in both directions (lazy quadratic formula)
        scale = 1.5
        s = np.linspace(pt[0] - 5, pt[0] + 5, 1000)
        y2 = perp_slope * s + perp_inter
        dists = np.abs(((s - pt[0])**2 + (y2 - pt[1])**2)**0.5 - scale)
        ind = np.argmin(dists)
        x2 = s[ind]

        # plot tangent line to contour
        if x2 < pt[0]:
            s = np.linspace(x2, pt[0] + abs(x2 - pt[0]), 200)
            s = np.linspace(pt[0] - abs(x2 - pt[0]), x2, 200)

        v = perp_slope * s + perp_inter
        ax2.plot(s, v, zorder=2, c='k', linewidth=3)
        ax2.plot(s, v, zorder=2, c=colors[t], linewidth=1)

    # generate viewing range
    contour_plot(ax2, g, pts, viewmax, num_contours, colors, levels)
예제 #20
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestNeuralNetworkHingeSynthetic, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.train_size = 250
        self.test_size = 10
        self.noise_factor = 0.0
        features_train = np.asarray(
            onp.random.randint(low=0, high=30, size=(self.train_size, 4)))
        features_test = np.asarray(
            onp.random.randint(low=0, high=30, size=(self.test_size, 4)))

        def create_performances(feature_list):
            performances = []
            for features in feature_list:
                # generate performances as functions linear in the features
                performance_1 = 5 * features[0] + 2 * features[
                    1] + 7 * features[2] + 42
                performance_2 = 3 * features[1] + 5 * features[3] + 14
                performance_3 = 2 * features[0] + 4 * features[
                    1] + 11 * features[3] + 77
                performance_4 = 7 * features[1] + 4 * features[
                    0] + 11 * features[2] + features[3]
                performance_5 = 2 * features[1] + 9 * features[
                    2] + 7 * features[3] + 12 + features[0]
                    performance_1, performance_2, performance_3, performance_4,
                # performances.append([performance_1, performance_5])
            return performances

        performances_train = np.asarray(create_performances(features_train),
        performances_test = np.asarray(create_performances(features_test),

        features_train = np.asarray(features_train, dtype=np.float64)
        features_test = np.asarray(features_test, dtype=np.float64)

        rankings_train = np.argsort(np.argsort(
            np.asarray(performances_train))) + 1
        rankings_test = np.argsort(np.argsort(
            np.asarray(performances_test))) + 1

        scaler = StandardScaler()
        features_train = scaler.fit_transform(features_train)
        features_test = scaler.transform(features_test)

        self.train_inst = pd.DataFrame(data=features_train,
                                       columns=["a", "b", "c", "d"])
        self.test_inst = pd.DataFrame(data=features_test,
                                      columns=["a", "b", "c", "d"])
        self.train_performances = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=["alg1", "alg2", "alg3", "alg4", "alg5"])
        self.test_performances = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=["alg1", "alg2", "alg3", "alg4", "alg5"])
        self.train_ranking = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=["alg1", "alg2", "alg3", "alg4", "alg5"])
        self.test_ranking = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=["alg1", "alg2", "alg3", "alg4", "alg5"])

        print("train instances", self.train_inst)
        print("test instances", self.test_inst)
        print("train performances", self.train_performances)
        print("train rankings", self.train_ranking)
        print("test performances", self.test_performances)
        print("test rankings", self.test_ranking)
예제 #21
파일: dr.py 프로젝트: HelenLiGit/POT
def fda(X, y, p=2, reg=1e-16):
    Fisher Discriminant Analysis

    X : numpy.ndarray (n,d)
        Training samples
    y : np.ndarray (n,)
        labels for training samples
    p : int, optional
        size of dimensionnality reduction
    reg : float, optional
        Regularization term >0 (ridge regularization)

    P : (d x p) ndarray
        Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
    proj : fun
        projection function including mean centering


    mx = np.mean(X)
    X -= mx.reshape((1, -1))

    # data split between classes
    d = X.shape[1]
    xc = split_classes(X, y)
    nc = len(xc)

    p = min(nc - 1, p)

    Cw = 0
    for x in xc:
        Cw += np.cov(x, rowvar=False)
    Cw /= nc

    mxc = np.zeros((d, nc))

    for i in range(nc):
        mxc[:, i] = np.mean(xc[i])

    mx0 = np.mean(mxc, 1)
    Cb = 0
    for i in range(nc):
        Cb += (mxc[:, i] - mx0).reshape((-1, 1)) * \
            (mxc[:, i] - mx0).reshape((1, -1))

    w, V = linalg.eig(Cb, Cw + reg * np.eye(d))

    idx = np.argsort(w.real)

    Popt = V[:, idx[-p:]]

    def proj(X):
        return (X - mx.reshape((1, -1))).dot(Popt)

    return Popt, proj
예제 #22
파일: synth.py 프로젝트: aasensio/DNHazel
def _read_kurucz_spec(f):
    Read Kurucz spectra that have been precomputed

        f (string) : path to the file to be read
        new_vel (real array) : velocity axis in km/s
        spectrum (real array) : spectrum for each velocity bin
    f = open(f, "rb")
    res = f.read()
    n_chunk = struct.unpack('i',res[0:4])
    freq = []
    stokes = []
    cont = []
    left = 4
    for i in range(n_chunk[0]):
        right = left + 4
        n = struct.unpack('i',res[left:right])

        left = right
        right = left + 4
        nmus = struct.unpack('i',res[left:right])

        left = right
        right = left + 8*n[0]
        t1 = np.asarray(struct.unpack('d'*n[0],res[left:right]))
        left = right
        right = left + 8*n[0]*nmus[0]

        t2 = np.asarray(struct.unpack('d'*n[0]*nmus[0],res[left:right])).reshape((n[0],nmus[0]))

        left = right
        right = left + 8*n[0]*nmus[0]

        t2 = np.asarray(struct.unpack('d'*n[0]*nmus[0],res[left:right])).reshape((n[0],nmus[0]))
        left = right
    freq = np.concatenate(freq)
    stokes = np.concatenate(stokes)
    cont = np.concatenate(cont)

    ind = np.argsort(freq)
    freq = freq[ind]
    stokes = stokes[ind]
    cont = cont[ind]
    wavelength = const.c.to('cm/s').value / freq
    mean_wavelength = np.mean(wavelength)

    vel = (wavelength - mean_wavelength) / mean_wavelength * const.c.to('km/s').value

    nl, nmus = stokes.shape

# Reinterpolate in a equidistant velocity axis
    new_vel = np.linspace(np.min(vel), np.max(vel), nl)
    for i in range(nmus):
        interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(vel, stokes[:,i], kind='linear')
        stokes[:,i] = interpolator(new_vel)

    return new_vel, wavelength, stokes
예제 #23
def fo_ess_compute_newton(diagonal, num_peds, robot_mu_x, robot_mu_y, \
                ped_mu_x, ped_mu_y, cov_robot_x, cov_robot_y, \
                inv_cov_robot_x, inv_cov_robot_y, cov_ped_x, cov_ped_y, \
                inv_cov_ped_x, inv_cov_ped_y, \
                one_over_cov_sum_x, one_over_cov_sum_y, normalize):
    delta0 = [0. for _ in range(num_peds)]
    norm_delta0 = [0. for _ in range(num_peds)]
    norm_delta0_normalized = [0. for _ in range(num_peds)]
    T = np.size(robot_mu_x)
    for ped in range(num_peds):
        x0 = np.zeros(4 * T)
        x0 = robot_mu_x
        x0 = np.concatenate((x0, robot_mu_y))
        x0 = np.concatenate((x0, ped_mu_x[ped]))
        x0 = np.concatenate((x0, ped_mu_y[ped]))
        if diagonal:
            g_ll = fo_diag_ess.d_ll(x0, T, \
                                robot_mu_x, robot_mu_y, \
                                ped_mu_x[ped], ped_mu_y[ped], \
                                cov_robot_x, cov_robot_y, \
                                inv_cov_robot_x, inv_cov_robot_y, \
                                cov_ped_x[ped], cov_ped_y[ped], \
                                inv_cov_ped_x[ped], inv_cov_ped_y[ped], \
                                one_over_cov_sum_x[ped], one_over_cov_sum_y[ped], \
            h_ll = fo_diag_ess.dd_ll(x0, T, \
                                robot_mu_x, robot_mu_y, \
                                ped_mu_x[ped], ped_mu_y[ped], \
                                cov_robot_x, cov_robot_y, \
                                inv_cov_robot_x, inv_cov_robot_y, \
                                cov_ped_x[ped], cov_ped_y[ped], \
                                inv_cov_ped_x[ped], inv_cov_ped_y[ped], \
                                one_over_cov_sum_x[ped], one_over_cov_sum_y[ped], \
            g_ll = fo_dense_ess.d_ll(x0, T, \
                                robot_mu_x, robot_mu_y, \
                                ped_mu_x[ped], ped_mu_y[ped], \
                                cov_robot_x, cov_robot_y, \
                                inv_cov_robot_x, inv_cov_robot_y, \
                                cov_ped_x[ped], cov_ped_y[ped], \
                                inv_cov_ped_x[ped], inv_cov_ped_y[ped], \
                                one_over_cov_sum_x[ped], one_over_cov_sum_y[ped], \
            h_ll = fo_dense_ess.dd_ll(x0, T, \
                                robot_mu_x, robot_mu_y, \
                                ped_mu_x[ped], ped_mu_y[ped], \
                                cov_robot_x, cov_robot_y, \
                                inv_cov_robot_x, inv_cov_robot_y, \
                                cov_ped_x[ped], cov_ped_y[ped], \
                                inv_cov_ped_x[ped], inv_cov_ped_y[ped], \
                                one_over_cov_sum_x[ped], one_over_cov_sum_y[ped], \
        delta0[ped] = np.linalg.solve(h_ll, -g_ll)
        norm_delta0[ped] = np.linalg.norm(delta0[ped])
    #############################MINIMIZE ON EACH AGENT
    # x0 = np.zeros(4*T)
    # x0 = robot_mu_x
    # x0 = np.concatenate((x0, robot_mu_y))
    # x0 = np.concatenate((x0, ped_mu_x[ped]))
    # x0 = np.concatenate((x0, ped_mu_y[ped]))
    # f = sp.optimize.minimize(diag_ll_ess, x0, \
    #        args=(T, robot_mu_x, robot_mu_y, \
    #              ped_mu_x[ped], ped_mu_y[ped], \
    #              inv_cov_robot_x, inv_cov_robot_y, \
    #              inv_cov_ped_x[ped], inv_cov_ped_y[ped], \
    #              one_over_cov_sum_x[ped], one_over_cov_sum_y[ped], \
    #              one_over_std_sum_x[ped], one_over_std_sum_y[ped]), \
    #              method='trust-krylov',\
    #              jac=fo_diag_ess.d_ll, hess=so_diag_ess.dd_ll)
    # norm_delta0[ped] = np.linalg.norm(f.x[:T]-robot_mu_x) + \
    # np.linalg.norm(f.x[T:2*T]-robot_mu_y)
    # norm_z_ess_normalized = np.divide(norm_z_ess, (np.sum(norm_z_ess)))
    # ess = 1./np.sum(np.power(norm_z_ess_normalized, 2))
    # top_Z_indices = np.argsort(norm_z_ess_normalized)[::-1]

    norm_delta0_normalized = norm_delta0 / (np.sum(norm_delta0))
    ess = np.power(np.sum(np.power(norm_delta0_normalized, 2)), -1)
    if np.isnan(ess):
        ess = 1.
        print(f"ESS IS 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
        ess = np.int(ess)

    top_Z_indices = np.argsort(norm_delta0_normalized)[::-1]

    return ess, top_Z_indices
def neural_network(x_train, x_valid, x_test, y_train, y_valid, y_test, weights, bias, batch_size, test=False, acc=False, \
    visual=False, digit=False, iterations=1000, rates=[0.0001, 0.001]):
    trains a neural network for the data in x_train, and computes the 
    training and validation error per iteration

    param data: from the data_utils.py script
    param weights: list of W, initial weight vector guesses
    param bias: list of b, initial bias guesses
    param batch_size: int, number of random elements to include in the mini-batch
    param test: bool, True if we should calculate the test error for the set
    param acc: bool, True if we want to calculate the accuracy of the model
    param visual: bool, True if we want to visualize 16 of the weights
    param iterations: int, number of iterations of GD to execute
    param rates: list of floats, learning rates to train the model with GD
    W1 = weights[0]
    W2 = weights[1]
    W3 = weights[2]
    b1 = bias[0]
    b2 = bias[1]
    b3 = bias[2]

    train_nll = {}
    valid_nll = {}
    valid_acc = {}
    test_nll = {}
    test_acc = {}
    min_valid_nll = {}
    min_nll_it = {}

    for rate in rates:
        train_nll[rate] = []
        valid_nll[rate] = []

        min_nll = np.inf
        min_nll_weights = None
        min_nll_bias = None

        for i in range(iterations):
            # compute mini-batch gradient descent to estimate the new weights
            batch_indices = np.random.choice(np.shape(x_train)[0], size=batch_size, replace=False)
            x_mini_batch = x_train[batch_indices, :]
            y_mini_batch = y_train[batch_indices, :]

            # use the autograd nll function
            (nll, (W1_grad, W2_grad, W3_grad, b1_grad, b2_grad, b3_grad)) = \
                nll_gradients(W1, W2, W3, b1, b2, b3, x_mini_batch, y_mini_batch)
            # calculate the full-batch validation neg. ll at every iteration
            cur_valid_nll = negative_log_likelihood(W1, W2, W3, b1, b2, b3, x_valid, y_valid)

            # use the mini-batch neg. log likelihood but scaled to the size of x_train (NORMALIZED)
            # compute the minimum neg. ll to use this number of iterations on the test set
            if cur_valid_nll < min_nll:
                min_nll = cur_valid_nll
                min_nll_weights = [W1, W2, W3]
                min_nll_bias = [b1, b2, b3]
                # dictionaries we need to return
                min_valid_nll[rate] = cur_valid_nll
                min_nll_it[rate] = i+1

            # calculate new weights
            [W1, W2, W3] = update_weights([W1, W2, W3], [W1_grad, W2_grad, W3_grad], rate)
            [b1, b2, b3] = update_bias([b1, b2, b3], [b1_grad, b2_grad, b3_grad], rate)

        if test:
            # use early stopping for the test set based on the minimum validation error
            test_nll[rate] = negative_log_likelihood(min_nll_weights[0], min_nll_weights[1], \
                min_nll_weights[2], min_nll_bias[0], min_nll_bias[1], min_nll_bias[2], x_test, y_test)
            # use the min validation error iteration to compute accuracy (test and validation)
            valid_acc[rate] = calculate_accuracy(min_nll_weights, min_nll_bias, x_valid, y_valid)
            test_acc[rate] = calculate_accuracy(min_nll_weights, min_nll_bias, x_test, y_test)

        if digit:
            Fhat = np.max(np.exp(forward_pass(min_nll_weights[0], min_nll_weights[1], \
                min_nll_weights[2], min_nll_bias[0], min_nll_bias[1], min_nll_bias[2], x_test)), axis=1)
            sorted_ind = np.argsort(Fhat)
            sorted_test_set = x_test[sorted_ind]

    if visual:
        # visualize 16 random weights for the first layer of the network 
        M = len(W1)
        for i in range(17):
            j = np.random.randint(M)
            plot_digit_mod(W1[j], i + 10, "weight_vis_" + str(j))
    elif digit:
        # sorted ind and sorted_test_set exist, so we will plot the figures
        for i in range(10):
            plot_digit_mod(sorted_test_set[i], i + 26, "test_" + str(sorted_ind[i]) + "rank_" + str(i))

    return train_nll, valid_nll, valid_acc, test_nll, test_acc, min_valid_nll, min_nll_it
예제 #25
    def fit(
        train_sample: tp.Tuple[np.ndarray],
        validation_sample: tp.Tuple[np.ndarray],
        max_gmdh_layers: int,
        n_best_to_take: int,
        batch_size: tp.Optional[int] = None,
        minimize_metric: bool = True,
        verbose: tp.Optional[bool] = None,
        Fit network on given input

        :param train_sample: Train pair (X, y).
        :type train_sample: tuple

        :param validation_sample: Validation pair (X, y).
        :type validation_sample: tuple

        :max_gmdh_layers: Maximum number of GMDH layers.
        :type max_gmdh_layers: int

        :n_best_to_take: Number of best GMDH outputs that go to the next layer.
        :type n_best_to_take: int

        :n_best_to_take: Number of best GMDH outputs that go to the next layer.
        :type n_best_to_take: int

        :batch_size: If we have `long` data we can optimize it by batches.
        :type batch_size: int

        :minimize_metric: Whether we minimize target metric.
        :type minimize_metric: bool

        :verbose: Whether we turn on verbosity.
        :type verbose: bool

        :returns: Tuple (trained_model, loss_history, best_test_pred, best_train_pred)
        :rtype: union[FFN, dict, np.array, np.array]
        verbose = verbose if verbose else False
        is_fuzzy = self._method_type == "fuzzy"

        all_possible_pairs = list(
            combinations(range(train_sample[0].shape[1]), 2))

        overall_best_metric = np.inf if minimize_metric else -np.inf
        best_test_pred = None
        best_train_pred = None

        history = dict(layer=[], train_loss=[], validation_loss=[])

        for r in tqdm(range(max_gmdh_layers), desc="Training "):

            layer_metrics = []
            layer_metrics_train = []
            layer_val_preds = []
            layer_train_preds = []

            history_weights = []
            histoty_pairs = []

            for pair in tqdm(all_possible_pairs, desc="One fit"):

                if batch_size is not None and train_sample[0].shape[
                        1] < batch_size:

                    for (X, y) in gen_batch(train_sample, batch_size):

                        ) = self.one_fit(
                            train_sample=(X, y),

                        if stop_outer_loop:

                        # Exclude not full batch
                        if prediction_train.shape[0] != batch_size:



                    if stop_outer_loop:

                    ) = self.one_fit(

                    if stop_outer_loop:



            if stop_outer_loop:
                warnings.warn("Something gone wrong in optimization")

            layer_metrics = np.array(layer_metrics)
            layer_metrics_train = np.array(layer_metrics_train)
            layer_val_preds = np.concatenate(layer_val_preds, axis=-1)
            layer_train_preds = np.concatenate(layer_train_preds, axis=-1)

            if minimize_metric:
                sorted_indices = np.argsort(layer_metrics)
                sorted_indices = np.argsort(-layer_metrics)

            best_metric = layer_metrics[sorted_indices[0]]

            layer_val_preds = layer_val_preds[:, sorted_indices]
            validation_sample = (
                layer_val_preds[:, :n_best_to_take],

            layer_train_preds = layer_train_preds[:, sorted_indices]
            train_sample = (layer_train_preds[:, :n_best_to_take],

            all_possible_pairs = list(
                combinations(range(train_sample[0].shape[1]), 2))

            if verbose:
                print(f"Layer: {r}. Metric: {best_metric}")

            if minimize_metric and best_metric < overall_best_metric:
                overall_best_metric = best_metric
                best_test_pred = layer_val_preds[:, 0][..., np.newaxis]
                best_train_pred = layer_train_preds[:, 0][..., np.newaxis]

                    histoty_pairs[i] for i in sorted_indices[:n_best_to_take]
                    history_weights[i] for i in sorted_indices[:n_best_to_take]
            elif (not minimize_metric) and best_metric > overall_best_metric:
                overall_best_metric = best_metric
                best_test_pred = layer_val_preds[:, 0][..., np.newaxis]
                best_train_pred = layer_train_preds[:, 0][..., np.newaxis]

                    histoty_pairs[i] for i in sorted_indices[:n_best_to_take]
                    history_weights[i] for i in sorted_indices[:n_best_to_take]

        return self, history
예제 #26
def fda(X, y, p=2, reg=1e-16):
    Fisher Discriminant Analysis

    X : numpy.ndarray (n,d)
        Training samples
    y : np.ndarray (n,)
        labels for training samples
    p : int, optional
        size of dimensionnality reduction
    reg : float, optional
        Regularization term >0 (ridge regularization)

    P : (d x p) ndarray
        Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
    proj : fun
        projection function including mean centering


    mx = np.mean(X)
    X -= mx.reshape((1, -1))

    # data split between classes
    d = X.shape[1]
    xc = split_classes(X, y)
    nc = len(xc)

    p = min(nc - 1, p)

    Cw = 0
    for x in xc:
        Cw += np.cov(x, rowvar=False)
    Cw /= nc

    mxc = np.zeros((d, nc))

    for i in range(nc):
        mxc[:, i] = np.mean(xc[i])

    mx0 = np.mean(mxc, 1)
    Cb = 0
    for i in range(nc):
        Cb += (mxc[:, i] - mx0).reshape((-1, 1)) * \
            (mxc[:, i] - mx0).reshape((1, -1))

    w, V = linalg.eig(Cb, Cw + reg * np.eye(d))

    idx = np.argsort(w.real)

    Popt = V[:, idx[-p:]]

    def proj(X):
        return (X - mx.reshape((1, -1))).dot(Popt)

    return Popt, proj
예제 #27
    def compute_gsw(self,
        Computes Sliced-Wasserstein distance of order 2 between two empirical distributions.
        Note that the number of samples is assumed to be equal (This is however not necessary
        and could be easily extended for empirical distributions with different number of samples)
        :param X:  stacks of samples from the first distribution (M x N x d matrix, with M the number of stacks,
                    N the number of samples and d the dimension)
        :param Y:  stacks of samples from the second distribution (M x N x d matrix, with M the number of stacks,
                    N the number of samples and d the dimension)
        :param theta:  stacks of directions of projections (M x L x d matrix, with M the number of stacks, L the number
                    of directions and d the dimension)
        :return:  the sliced-Wasserstein distance between X[i] and Y[i] for i in 1,...,M (vector of size M)
        M, N, d = X.shape
        n_montecarlo = M
        n_generated_samples = N
        gamma = sw_sigma * np.eye(d)
        U = np.random.normal(size=(n_montecarlo, n_generated_samples, d))
        Y = sw_mu + np.einsum('nij,njk->nik', U, gamma.T[np.newaxis, :])

        M_Y, N_Y, d_Y = Y.shape
        assert d == d_Y and M == M_Y

        order = self.order

        if proj:
            if theta is None:
                theta = self.random_slice(M, d)
            Xslices = self.get_slice(X, theta)
            Yslices = self.get_slice(Y, theta)
            Xslices, Yslices = X, Y

        Xslices_sorted = np.sort(Xslices, axis=1)
        indices_sorted = np.argsort(Yslices, axis=1)
        Yslices_sorted = np.take_along_axis(Yslices, indices_sorted, axis=1)

        if N == N_Y:
            diff = Xslices_sorted - Yslices_sorted
            sw_dist = np.sum(np.abs(diff)**order,
                             (1, 2)) / (self.n_projections * N)
            sw_dist = sw_dist.mean()
            if requires_grad:
                theta_U = self.get_slice(U, theta)
                theta_U = np.take_along_axis(theta_U, indices_sorted, axis=1)
                replicate_theta = (np.stack(
                    [theta] * Xslices.shape[1])).transpose((1, 0, 2, 3))
                sw_grad_mu = -order * (diff[:, :, :, np.newaxis])**(
                    order - 1) * replicate_theta
                sw_grad_sigma = -order * diff**(order - 1) * theta_U
                if order % 2 == 1:
                    sw_grad_mu = -order * (diff[:, :, :, np.newaxis])**(
                        order - 1) * (diff[:, :, :, np.newaxis] / np.abs(
                            diff[:, :, :, np.newaxis])) * replicate_theta
                    sw_grad_sigma = -order * diff**(order - 1) * (
                        diff / np.abs(diff)) * theta_U
                sw_grad_mu = (sw_grad_mu.reshape(
                    -1, sw_grad_mu.shape[-1])).mean(axis=0)
                sw_grad_sigma = sw_grad_sigma.mean()
                return sw_dist, sw_grad_mu, sw_grad_sigma
                return sw_dist
            n_quantiles = 100
            discretization_quantiles = np.linspace(0, 1, n_quantiles + 2)
            discretization_quantiles = discretization_quantiles[1:-1]

            # With linear interpolation
            positions = (N - 1) * discretization_quantiles
            floored = np.floor(positions).astype(int)
            ceiled = floored + 1
            ceiled[ceiled > N - 1] = N - 1
            weight_ceiled = positions - floored
            weight_floored = 1.0 - weight_ceiled

            d0 = Xslices_sorted[:, :, floored] * weight_floored[np.newaxis,
                                                                np.newaxis, :]
            d1 = Xslices_sorted[:, :, ceiled] * weight_ceiled[np.newaxis,
                                                              np.newaxis, :]
            X_empirical_qf = d0 + d1

            positions = (N_Y - 1) * discretization_quantiles
            floored = np.floor(positions).astype(int)
            ceiled = floored + 1
            ceiled[ceiled > N_Y - 1] = N_Y - 1
            weight_ceiled = positions - floored
            weight_floored = 1.0 - weight_ceiled

            d0 = Yslices_sorted[:, :, floored] * weight_floored[np.newaxis,
                                                                np.newaxis, :]
            d1 = Yslices_sorted[:, :, ceiled] * weight_ceiled[np.newaxis,
                                                              np.newaxis, :]
            Y_empirical_qf = d0 + d1

            return (np.sum(
                np.abs(X_empirical_qf - Y_empirical_qf)**self.order,
                (1, 2)) / (self.n_projections * n_quantiles))**(1 / self.order)