예제 #1
    def _space_constraint(self, x_in, min_dist):
        x = np.nan_to_num(x_in[0:self.nturbs])
        y = np.nan_to_num(x_in[self.nturbs:])

        dist = [np.sqrt((x[i]-x[j])**2 + (y[i]-y[j])**2) \
                for i in range(self.nturbs) \
                for j in range(self.nturbs) if i != j]

        return np.min(dist) - self._norm(min_dist, self.bndx_min,
예제 #2
    def mle_batch(self, data, batch, k):
        Calculates LID values of data w.r.t batch
            data: samples to calculate LIDs of
            batch: samples to calculate LIDs against
            k: the number of nearest neighbors to consider

        Returns: the calculated LID values

        k = min(k, len(data) - 1)
        f = lambda v: -k / np.sum(np.log(v / v[-1]))

        gamma = self.classifier.kernel.gamma
        if gamma is None:
            gamma = 1.0 / self.training_data_ndarray.shape[1]

        if batch is None:
            # K = cdist(data, data)
            K = rbf_kernel(data, Y=data, gamma=gamma)
            K = np.reciprocal(K)
            # get the closest k neighbours
            a = np.apply_along_axis(np.sort, axis=1, arr=K)[:, 1:k + 1]
            batch = np.asarray(batch, dtype=np.float32)
            # K = cdist(data, batch)
            K = rbf_kernel(data, Y=batch, gamma=gamma)
            K = np.reciprocal(K)
            # get the closest k neighbours
            a = np.apply_along_axis(np.sort, axis=1, arr=K)[:, 0:k]

        a = np.apply_along_axis(f, axis=1, arr=a)
        return np.nan_to_num(a)
예제 #3
    def mle_batch_euclidean(self, data, k):
        Calculates LID values of data w.r.t batch
            data: samples to calculate LIDs of
            batch: samples to calculate LIDs against
            k: the number of nearest neighbors to consider

        Returns: the calculated LID values

        batch = self.training_data_ndarray
        f = lambda v: -k / np.sum(np.log((v / v[-1]) + 1e-9))
        gamma = self.classifier.kernel.gamma
        if gamma is None:
            gamma = 1.0 / self.training_data_ndarray.shape[1]
        K = rbf_kernel(data, Y=batch, gamma=gamma)
        K = np.reciprocal(K)
        # K = cdist(data, batch)
        # get the closest k neighbours
        if self.xc is not None and self.xc.shape[0] == 1:
            # only one attack sample
            sorted_distances = np.sort(K)[0, 1:1 + k]
            sorted_distances = np.sort(K)[0, 0:k]
        a = np.apply_along_axis(f, axis=0, arr=sorted_distances)
        return np.nan_to_num(a)
def get_L(X):
    W = 1 - squareform(pdist(X, 'cosine'))
    W = np.nan_to_num(W)
    n_sample, n_feature = W.shape

    K = np.dot(W, np.ones((n_sample, n_sample)))
    D = np.diag(np.diag(K))
    return D - W
예제 #5
 def D_KL(test_spectrum, apriori_spectrum):
     """ Calculates the Kullback-Leibler divergence.
     fDEF = apriori_spectrum / sum(apriori_spectrum)
     f = test_spectrum / sum(test_spectrum)
     from autograd import numpy as ag_np
     log_ratio = ag_np.nan_to_num(ag_np.log(fDEF / f))
     return ag_np.dot(fDEF, log_ratio)
예제 #6
def GradAckleyProblem(xs):
    """del H/del xi = -20 * -0.2 * (xi * 1/n) / sqrt(1/n sum_j xj^2) * a + 2 pi sin(2 pi xi)/n * b"""
    out_shape = xs.shape
    a = np.exp(-0.2 * np.sqrt(1. / len(xs) * np.square(np.linalg.norm(xs, axis=0))))
    b = -np.exp(1. / len(xs) * np.sum(np.cos(2 * np.pi * xs), axis=0))
    a_p = -0.2 * (xs * 1. / len(xs)) / np.sqrt(1. / len(xs) * np.square(np.linalg.norm(xs, axis=0)))
    b_p = -2 * np.pi * np.sin(2 * np.pi * xs) / len(xs)
    return np.nan_to_num(
        -20 * a_p * a + b_p * b).reshape(out_shape)  # only when norm(x) == 0 do we have nan and we know the grad is zero there
예제 #7
    def m_step(self, expectations, datas, inputs, masks, tags, **kwargs):
        K = self.K
        P = sum([np.sum(Ezzp1, axis=0) for _, Ezzp1, _ in expectations]) + 1e-32
        P = np.nan_to_num(P / P.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True))

        # Set rows that are all zero to uniform
        P = np.where(P.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) == 0, 1.0 / K, P)
        log_P = np.log(P)
        self.log_Ps = log_P - logsumexp(log_P, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
예제 #8
def theta_sample(alpha, batch, lr=.2, EM_iter=EM_iter, SGD_iter=SGD_iter):
    Returns mc random samples of the posterior mean estimator, for doing Monte Carlo approx.
    This uses EM algorithm with _EM_iter_ iterations to converge to approx posterior.
    The output is an matrix of _d_ sampled means, times _mc_ samples. Shape = (d, mc)
    lr must be maximum 0.25 otherwise explosion occurs with reparam
    if model_name == "jaakkola":
        lv1 = np.abs(np.random.normal(0, 1, batch[1].shape))  # POSITIVE initial value of lambda(v) before maximization, same shape as Y
        for i in range(EM_iter):  # EM algorithm updating (mu_P,S_P) and v in turn.
            S_P1 = S_P(alpha, batch, lv1)  # Cov matrix (d x d)
            mu_P1 = mu_P(alpha, batch, S_P1)  # Mean vector (d x 1)
            lv1 = lambda_v(batch, mu_P1, S_P1)  # lambda(v) vector (n x 1)
        return np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_P1.reshape(-1), S_P1, mc).T

    if model_name == "SVI": # Prior MUST BE N(0,I)
        mu_P1 = np.copy(mu_0) # init posterior = prior N(0,I)
        rho_P1 = reparam_bwd(sigma_0) # init posterior = prior N(0,I)

        gradients_mu = np.empty((d,SGD_iter-1)) # init plotting

        for j in range(1, SGD_iter):
            epsilon = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), np.identity(d)).reshape(-1, 1) # generate noise ~ N(0,I)
            theta = np.nan_to_num( mu_P1 + reparam_fwd(rho_P1.reshape(-1,1)) * epsilon ) # nan to num is used to fix Autograd bug with sqrt(0)
            df_dthetha1 = np.nan_to_num( df_dtheta(theta, alpha, batch, mu_P1, rho_P1) )
            grad_mu_P = np.nan_to_num( df_dthetha1 + df_dmu_P(theta, alpha, batch, mu_P1, rho_P1) )
            grad_rho_P = np.nan_to_num( df_dthetha1 * (epsilon/(1 + np.exp(-rho_P1.reshape(-1,1)))) + df_drho_P(theta, alpha, batch, mu_P1, rho_P1).reshape(-1,1) )

            mu_P1  -= lr/np.sqrt(j) * grad_mu_P # gradient descent
            rho_P1 -= lr/np.sqrt(j) * np.squeeze(grad_rho_P)

            # Plotting the SGD
            gradients_mu[:,j-1] = np.squeeze(mu_P1)

        if(False and alpha==0):
            plt.ylabel("mu_P's values")

        return np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_P1.reshape(-1), np.diag(reparam_fwd(rho_P1)**2), mc).T
예제 #9
    def elbo(y, phi, lam, pi, psi, sigma2s, mus, Sigmas, kernel_params):
        phi [N, K] sample membership (cell line cluster)
        lam [G, L] feature membership (expression cluster)
        pi [K] sample mixture weight
        psi [L] feature mixture weights
        y[N, G, T] data
        mus [K, L, T] means
        conditional = np.array([list(map(
            lambda f, s: norm.logpdf(y, f, s).sum(axis=-1), Q[:, :-1], Q[:, -1]))
            for Q in np.concatenate([mus, sigma2s[:, :, np.newaxis]], 2)])

        conditional = conditional + np.log(mix)[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
        assignments = np.einsum('nk, gl->klng', phi, lam)
        likelihood = np.sum(conditional * assignments)

        likelihood = 0
        # data likelihood
        for l in range(L):
            for k in range(K):
                ll = np.sum(np.nan_to_num(norm.logpdf(
                    y, mus[k, l], np.sqrt(sigma2s[k, l]))), axis=-1)
                ll = ll - 0.5 * (np.trace(Sigmas[k, l] / sigma2s[k, l]))
                ll = ll * phi[:, k][:, np.newaxis]
                ll = ll * lam[:, l]
                likelihood = likelihood + np.sum(ll)

        # assignment likelihood
        likelihood = likelihood + np.sum(np.log(pi) * phi)
        likelihood = likelihood + np.sum(np.log(psi) * lam)

        # function liklihood
        for k in range(K):
            for l in range(L):
                Ker = cov_func(kernel_params[k, l], inputs, inputs)
                likelihood = likelihood \
                    + mvn.logpdf(mus[k, l], np.zeros(T), Ker) \
                    - 0.5 * np.trace(solve(Ker, Sigmas[k, l]))

        entropy = np.sum(list(map(multinomial_entropy, phi)) +
                         list(map(multinomial_entropy, lam)))
        for k in range(K):
            for l in range(L):
                entropy = entropy + mvn.entropy(mus[k, l], Sigmas[k, l])

        return likelihood + entropy
예제 #10
파일: lif.py 프로젝트: as4529/gp3
    def log_like(self, s, t):
        Calculates log likelihood based on LIF likelihood
            s (): estimated gain of stimulation in space
            t (): spike timings



        v = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', np.exp(s), self.const_mat)
        p = expit(v - self.v_thresh)
        logp = np.sum(np.log(1 - p), 1)
        logp = logp + np.multiply(
            t < self.t_max, -np.log(1 - p[self.t_idx]) + np.log(p[self.t_idx]))
        return np.nan_to_num(logp)
예제 #11
def decaycos_int(w, tau, phi=0.0, L=128.0, verbose=0, **kwargs):
    integral from 0 to L.

    Using Euler identities we find the antiderivative

    \int^L\cos (\omega \xi)\exp (-\tau \xi)\dd \xi
    &=  \frac{
            e^{-L \tau } (
                \omega  \sin (L \omega +\phi )-
                \tau  \cos (L \omega +\phi )
        }{\tau ^2+\omega ^2}
    and thus

    \int_0^L\cos (\omega \xi )\exp (-\tau \xi )\dd \xi
    &=\frac{1}{\tau ^2+\omega ^2}\left.
        e^{- \xi  \tau } (\omega  \sin ( \xi  \omega +\phi )-\tau  \cos ( \xi  \omega +\phi ))
    \right|_{ \xi =0}^{ \xi =L}\\
    &=\frac{1}{\tau ^2+\omega ^2}\left(
        e^{-L \tau } (
            \omega  \sin ( L  \omega +\phi )
            -\tau  \cos ( L  \omega +\phi )
        -\omega  \sin \phi + \tau  \cos \phi )
    comps = (
        np.exp(-L*tau) * (
            -tau * np.cos(L * w + phi)
            + w * np.sin(L * w + phi)
        ) + (
            tau * np.cos(phi)
            - w * np.sin(phi)
    )/(np.square(tau) + np.square(w))
    # This approximation is numerically stable as tau and w go to 0,
    # and autograd can  (usually) differentiate it correctly;
    # there are issues with the gradient if tau is 0 but no other terms are
    explode_mask = np.isfinite(comps) < 1
    comps = np.nan_to_num(comps) + L * explode_mask
    return comps
예제 #12
 def grad_KL_R(self):
     Gradient of KL divergence w.r.t variational covariance
     Returns: returns gradient
     grad_Rs = []
     for d in range(len(self.Rs)):
         R_d = self.Rs[d]
         n = R_d.shape[0]
         grad_R = np.zeros((n, n))
         R_inv = np.linalg.inv(R_d)
         K_inv_R = self.K_invs[d].dot(R_d)
         for i, j in zip(*np.triu_indices(n)):
             grad_R[i, j] = - R_inv[i, j] + \
                              np.prod(self.traces) / self.traces[d] * \
                              K_inv_R[i, j]
     return grad_Rs
예제 #13
파일: laplace.py 프로젝트: as4529/gp3
    def sqrt_eig(self):
        Calculates square root of kernel matrix using
         fast kronecker eigendecomp.
        This is used in stochastic approximations
         of the predictive variance.

        Returns: Square root of kernel matrix

        res = []

        for e, v in self.K_eigs:
            e_root_diag = np.sqrt(e)
            e_root = np.diag(np.real(np.nan_to_num(e_root_diag)))
            res.append(np.real(np.dot(np.dot(v, e_root), np.transpose(v))))

        res = np.squeeze(kron_list(res))
        self.root_eigdecomp = res

        return res
 def multi_objective(rates):
     normalised inner product for each rate
     molecules = [molecular_scale(
     ) for rate in rates]
     normecules = np.array([
                             verbose=verbose) for molecule in molecules
     if not np.all(np.isfinite(normecules)) and verbose >= 1:
         exploded = np.isfinite(normecules.sum(1))
             "{} normed molecules {} exploded with\n{} at rates\n{}".format(
                 np.sum(exploded), normecules.shape, code_coef,
     obj = np.array([np.dot(normecule, target) for normecule in normecules])
     return np.nan_to_num(obj)
예제 #15
def test_nan_to_num():
    y = np.array([0., np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf])
    fun = lambda x: np.sum(np.sin(np.nan_to_num(x + y)))

    x = np.random.randn(4)
    check_grads(fun, x)
예제 #16
 def training_loss_W(W):
     out = W @ self.A + self.b  #fast_mul(W, self.A) + self.b
     softmax = np.nan_to_num(
         np.nan_to_num(np.exp(out / self.T)) /
         np.nan_to_num(np.sum(np.exp(out / self.T), axis=0)))
     return ce(y, softmax)
예제 #17
 def training_loss_b(b):
     out = self.W @ self.A + b  #fast_mul(self.W, self.A) + b
     softmax = np.nan_to_num(
         np.nan_to_num(np.exp(out / self.T)) /
         np.nan_to_num(np.sum(np.exp(out / self.T), axis=0)))
     return ce(y, softmax)
def choose_molecule_pitch_opt(target,
    choose pitch for one molecule and return inner product at that pitch
    if t is None:
        t = np.arange(target.size)

    rates = np.exp(
                    n_starts + 2,

    max_step = (high_pitch - low_pitch) / n_starts

    def multi_objective(rates):
        normalised inner product for each rate
        molecules = [molecular_scale(
        ) for rate in rates]
        normecules = np.array([
                                verbose=verbose) for molecule in molecules
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(normecules)) and verbose >= 1:
            exploded = np.isfinite(normecules.sum(1))
                "{} normed molecules {} exploded with\n{} at rates\n{}".format(
                    np.sum(exploded), normecules.shape, code_coef,
        obj = np.array([np.dot(normecule, target) for normecule in normecules])
        return np.nan_to_num(obj)

    grad = elementwise_grad(multi_objective)

    # f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 1)
    if trace:
        trace_list = []
    for step_i in range(maxiter):
        # gradient ascent
        jac = grad(rates)
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(jac)) and verbose >= 1:
                "jac exploded {}\nfor coefs \n{}\nat rate {}\nwith obj {}".
                format(jac, code_coef, rates, multi_objective(rates)))
        jac = np.nan_to_num(jac)
        step = np.clip(lr * jac, -max_step, max_step)
        if pdb:
            print(step_i, "jac", np.sqrt((jac**2).mean()), "step",
            from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace

        # val = multi_objective(rates)
        # best = np.argmax(val)
        # stepsize = jac[best]
        # print('stepsize', stepsize)

        # axarr[0].quiver(
        #     rates,  # X
        #     val,  # Y
        #     step,  # U
        #     np.zeros_like(step),  # V
        #     np.full_like(step, step_i/(maxiter-1)),  # C
        #     cmap="magma",
        #     angles='xy',
        #     label="step {}".format(step_i))
        # axarr[1].scatter(
        #     rates,  # X
        #     val,  # Y
        #     cmap="magma",
        #     label="step {}".format(step_i))

        rates = rates + step  # gradient ascent step
        rates = np.clip(rates, low_pitch, high_pitch)
        if trace:
            trace_list.append((multi_objective(rates), rates, jac, step))
        if verbose >= 21:
            max_goodness = np.amax(multi_objective(rates))
                "max_goodness at ",
            if not np.isfinite(max_goodness):
                from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace

    if trace:
        return trace_list

    goodnesses = multi_objective(rates)
    best_idx = np.argmax(goodnesses)

    if verbose >= 11:

    return rates[best_idx], goodnesses[best_idx]
예제 #19
def test_nan_to_num():
    y = np.array([0., np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf])
    fun = lambda x: np.sum(np.sin(np.nan_to_num(x + y)))

    x = np.random.randn(4)
    check_grads(fun, x)
예제 #20
print neighbors

data = np.array(data)

# gew = elementwise_grad(entropy_loss)
g = grad(entropy_loss_indices)
# g = elementwise_grad(entropy_loss_indices)

print '\tCurrent point:\n', '\n'.join([str(s) for s in sorted(data)])
print '\tCurrent avg. dist:', get_avg_dist(data, neighbors)
curr_loss = entropy_loss_indices(data, neighbors)
print '\tCurrent loss', curr_loss
print '\tGradient:\n', '\n'.join([str(s) for s in g(data, neighbors)])
print '\tUnsorted data:\n', '\n'.join([str(s) for s in data])

stepsize = 1 / max(abs(np.nan_to_num(g(data, neighbors))))
prop_accepted = 0
for iter in range(1000):
    print iter
    proposal = data - stepsize * np.nan_to_num(g(data, neighbors))
    print '\tProposal:\n', '\n'.join([str(s) for s in sorted(proposal)])
    proposed_neighbors = make_neighbors_indexes(proposal)
    print '\tProposed avg. dist:', get_avg_dist(proposal, proposed_neighbors)
    proposed_loss = entropy_loss_indices(proposal, proposed_neighbors)
    print '\tProposed loss:', proposed_loss

    # import code; code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))

    if stepsize < 0.0001:
예제 #21
def test_nan_to_num():
    y = np.array([0., np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf])
    fun = lambda x: np.sum(np.sin(np.nan_to_num(x + y)))
    x = np.random.randn(4)
    combo_check(fun, [0], [x])
예제 #22
 def normalize(data):
     return numpy.nan_to_num((data - mean) / std)
예제 #23
def arnet_cost_function(params, model_input, model_output):
    yhat = arnet_predict(params, model_input)[0]
    # minimize SMAPE
    return np.mean(200 * np.nan_to_num(np.abs(model_output - yhat) / (np.abs(model_output) + np.abs(yhat))))