예제 #1
def initParam(prior, X, N, D, G, M, K, dir_param, prng):
    """ initialize variational parameters with prior parameters
    [tpM, tpG, lb, ub] = [np.ones(M), np.ones(G), 10., 10.]
    tpR = prng.rand(2*M)
    [tau_a1, tau_a2, tau_b1, tau_b2, tau_v1, tau_v2] = \
            [lb+(ub-lb)*tpR[0 : M], tpM,\
             lb+(ub-lb)*tpR[M : 2*M], tpM, \
             tpG, tpG]

    mu_w = prng.randn(G,D,K)/np.sqrt(D)
    sigma_w = np.ones(G*D*K) * 1e-3
    mu_b = prng.randn(G, K)/np.sqrt(D)
    sigma_b = np.ones(G*K) * 1e-3

    phi = np.reshape(prng.dirichlet(np.ones(G)*dir_param, M), M*G)
    mu_w = np.reshape(mu_w, G*D*K)
    mu_b = np.reshape(mu_b, G*K)

    param_init = np.concatenate((tau_a1, tau_a2, tau_b1, tau_b2, phi, tau_v1,\
        tau_v2, mu_w, sigma_w, mu_b, sigma_b))
    return param_init
예제 #2
def ye_limit(x, trackwidth):
    k = TrackCurvature(x)
    N = len(k)
    lowlimit = -trackwidth/2 * np.ones(N)
    highlimit = trackwidth/2 * np.ones(N)
    # use a 5% margin so we can't actually hit the center of curvature
    lowlimit[k < 0] = np.maximum(0.95/k[k < 0], -trackwidth/2)
    highlimit[k > 0] = np.minimum(0.95/k[k > 0], trackwidth/2)
    return lowlimit, highlimit
예제 #3
    def init_params(D, rs=npr.RandomState(0), **kwargs):

        init_mean    = -1 * np.ones(D) + rs.randn(D) * .1
        init_log_std = -5 * np.ones(D) + rs.randn(D) * .1

        # u, w, b
        norm_flow_params = [[rs.randn(D,1), rs.randn(D,1), rs.randn(1)] for x in range(k)]
        return [init_mean, init_log_std, norm_flow_params]
예제 #4
파일: svideep.py 프로젝트: blutooth/gp-svi
def initParams(num):

    mat = np.random.randn(m, m)
    return dict({num + 'z': np.reshape(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=m), (m, 1)),
            num + 'u_mean': np.random.randn(m, 1),
            num + 'u_cov_fac': mat @ mat.T,
            num + 'h_mean': np.random.randn(n, 1),
            num + 'h_cov_fac': np.random.randn(n, 1),
            num + 'kernel_noise': np.ones((1, 1)),
            num + 'kernel_lenscale': np.ones((1, 1)),
            num + 'function_noise': np.ones((1, 1))})
예제 #5
    def init_params(D, rs=npr.RandomState(0), **kwargs):

        init_mean    = -1 * np.ones(D) + rs.randn(D) * .1
        init_log_std = -5 * np.ones(D) + rs.randn(D) * .1
        # gauss_params = np.concatenate([init_mean, init_log_std])

        u = rs.randn(D,1)
        w = rs.randn(D,1)
        b = rs.randn(1)
        return [init_mean, init_log_std, u, w, b]
예제 #6
def compute_stats(Ex, ExxT, ExnxT, inhomog):
    T = Ex.shape[-1]
    E_init_stats = ExxT[:,:,0], Ex[:,0], 1., 1.
    E_pair_stats = np.transpose(ExxT, (2, 0, 1))[:-1], \
        ExnxT.T, np.transpose(ExxT, (2, 0, 1))[1:], np.ones(T-1)
    E_node_stats = np.diagonal(ExxT.T, axis1=-1, axis2=-2), Ex.T, np.ones(T)

    if not inhomog:
        E_pair_stats = map(lambda x: np.sum(x, axis=0), E_pair_stats)

    return E_init_stats, E_pair_stats, E_node_stats
예제 #7
파일: dr.py 프로젝트: HelenLiGit/POT
def sinkhorn(w1, w2, M, reg, k):
    """Sinkhorn algorithm with fixed number of iteration (autograd)
    K = np.exp(-M / reg)
    ui = np.ones((M.shape[0],))
    vi = np.ones((M.shape[1],))
    for i in range(k):
        vi = w2 / (np.dot(K.T, ui))
        ui = w1 / (np.dot(K, vi))
    G = ui.reshape((M.shape[0], 1)) * K * vi.reshape((1, M.shape[1]))
    return G
def get_Aopt(inX, iny):
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = ascdata.split_train_test(inX, iny)
    X_train = np.concatenate((X_train, np.ones((X_train.shape[ 0 ], 1))), 1)
    X_test = np.concatenate((X_test, np.ones((X_test.shape[ 0 ], 1))), 1)
    X_train_less, s_train = ascdata.split_X_s(X_train)
    X_test_less, s_test = ascdata.split_X_s(X_test)

    s_train_phi = ascdata.generate_phi(s_train, d, A_phi, b_phi)
    s_test_phi = ascdata.generate_phi(s_test, d, A_phi, b_phi)

    nfeatures = X_train.shape[1] - 1
    # Dimensions of phi(s)
    nfeatures_phi = d
    invT2 = 10

    def logprob(inA, inX, iny, ins_phi):
        RMS = 0
        for i in range(len(iny)):
            wi = np.dot(inA, inX[i])
            RMS_current = (iny[i] - np.dot(wi, ins_phi[i]))**2
            RMS += RMS_current
        return -RMS

    objective = lambda inA, t: -logprob(inA, X_train_less, y_train, s_train_phi)

    LLHs = []
    LLH_xs = []

    def callback(params, t, g):
        LLH = -objective(params, t)
        print("Iteration {} log likelihood {}".format(t, LLH))

    init_A = 0.00000000001*(np.ones((nfeatures_phi, nfeatures)))
    # init_A =  [[ -3.05236728e-04,  -9.50015728e-04,  -3.80139503e-04,   1.44010470e-04, -3.05236728e-04,
    #              -4.96117987e-04,  -1.02736409e-04,  -1.86416292e-04, -9.52628589e-04,  -1.55023279e-03,
    #              1.44717581e-04,   1.00000000e-11, -9.50028200e-04,  -4.96117987e-04,   1.00000000e-11,
    #              -3.05236728e-04, 1.77416412e-06,  -8.16665436e-06,   3.12622951e-05,  -8.25700143e-04,
    #              1.44627987e-04,   1.90211243e-05,  -8.28273186e-04,  -9.41349990e-04, -4.56671031e-04,
    #              9.79097070e-03,  -6.41866046e-04,  -7.79274856e-05, 1.44539330e-04,  -3.05236728e-04,
    #              -5.99188450e-04,  -7.29470175e-04, -6.69558174e-04,  -9.50028200e-04]]
    init_A = np.array(init_A)

    print("Optimizing network parameters...")
    optimized_params = adam(grad(objective), init_A,
                            step_size=0.01, num_iters=1000, callback=callback)

    Aopt = optimized_params
    print "Aopt = ", Aopt

    return Aopt, X_train_less, y_train, s_train, X_test_less, y_test, s_test, LLHs, LLH_xs
예제 #9
파일: kernels.py 프로젝트: fw0/domain_adapt
def get_KMM_ineq_constraints(num_train, B_max, eps):
    G_gt_0 = -np.eye(num_train)
    h_gt_0 = np.zeros(num_train)
    G_lt_B_max = np.eye(num_train)
    h_lt_B_max = np.ones(num_train) * B_max
    G_B_sum_lt = np.ones(num_train, dtype=float)
    h_B_sum_lt = (1+eps) * float(num_train) * np.ones(1)
    G_B_sum_gt = -np.ones(num_train, dtype=float)
    h_B_sum_gt = -(1-eps) * float(num_train) * np.ones(1)
    G = np.vstack((G_gt_0,G_lt_B_max,G_B_sum_lt,G_B_sum_gt))
    h = np.hstack((h_gt_0,h_lt_B_max,h_B_sum_lt,h_B_sum_gt))    
    return G,h
예제 #10
 def update_K(self, k):
     self.K = k
     # reinitialize K related parameters
     self.w = 1e-3 * np.ones((self.K + 1, self.K))
     if not self.self_connect:
         for i in xrange(self.K):
             self.w[i + 1, i] = 1e-32
     if self.extra_w:
         tmp = 1e-10 * np.ones((self.K, self.K))
         if not self.self_connect:
             for i in xrange(self.K):
                 tmp[i, i] = 1e-32
         self.w = np.concatenate([self.w, tmp], axis=0)
    def optimize_and_lls(optfun):
        num_iters = 200
        elbos     = []
        def callback(params, t, g):
            elbo_val = -objective(params, t)
            if t % 50 == 0:
                print("Iteration {} lower bound {}".format(t, elbo_val))

        init_mean    = -1 * np.ones(D)
        init_log_std = -5 * np.ones(D)
        init_var_params = np.concatenate([init_mean, init_log_std])
        variational_params = optfun(num_iters, init_var_params, callback)
        return np.array(elbos)
예제 #12
파일: glmm.py 프로젝트: onenoc/lfvbae
def KL_two_gaussians(params):
    mu = params[0:(len(params)-2)/2]
    Sigma = np.exp(params[(len(params)-2)/2:-2])
    d = len(mu)
    muPrior = np.zeros(d)
    sigmaPrior = np.ones(d)*50
    return np.sum(np.log(sigmaPrior/Sigma)+(Sigma**2+(mu-muPrior)**2)/(2*(sigmaPrior**2))-1/2)
예제 #13
    def init_params(D, rs=npr.RandomState(0), **kwargs):

        init_mean    = -1 * np.ones(D) + rs.randn(D) * .1
        init_log_std = -5 * np.ones(D) + rs.randn(D) * .1
        # gauss_params = np.concatenate([init_mean, init_log_std])

        # u = rs.randn(D,1)
        # w = rs.randn(D,1)
        # b = rs.randn(1)
        norm_flow_params = [[rs.randn(D,1), rs.randn(D,1), rs.randn(1)] for x in range(k)]

        # norm_flow_params = np.array(norm_flow_params)
        # print (norm_flow_params.shape)
        # fadfsa
        return [init_mean, init_log_std, norm_flow_params]
예제 #14
    def add_data(self, S, F=None):
        Add a data set to the list of observations.
        First, filter the data with the impulse response basis,
        then instantiate a set of parents for this data set.

        :param S: a TxK matrix of of event counts for each time bin
                  and each process.
        assert isinstance(S, np.ndarray) and S.ndim == 2 and S.shape[1] == self.K \
               and np.amin(S) >= 0 and S.dtype == np.int, \
               "Data must be a TxK array of event counts"

        T = S.shape[0]

        if F is None:
            # Filter the data into a TxKxB array
            Ftens = self.basis.convolve_with_basis(S)

            # Flatten this into a T x (KxB) matrix
            # [F00, F01, F02, F10, F11, ... F(K-1)0, F(K-1)(B-1)]
            F = Ftens.reshape((T, self.K * self.B))
            assert np.allclose(F[:,0], Ftens[:,0,0])
            if self.B > 1:
                assert np.allclose(F[:,1], Ftens[:,0,1])
            if self.K > 1:
                assert np.allclose(F[:,self.B], Ftens[:,1,0])

            # Prepend a column of ones
            F = np.hstack((np.ones((T,1)), F))

        for k,node in enumerate(self.nodes):
            node.add_data(F, S[:,k])
예제 #15
파일: gaussian.py 프로젝트: mattjj/svae
def expectedstats(natparam):
    neghalfJ, h, _, _ = unpack_dense(natparam)
    J = -2*neghalfJ
    Ex = np.linalg.solve(J, h)
    ExxT = np.linalg.inv(J) + Ex[...,None] * Ex[...,None,:]
    En = np.ones(J.shape[0]) if J.ndim == 3 else 1.
    return pack_dense(ExxT, Ex, En, En)
예제 #16
def main():
    (parser, loss) = KLD(50)
    datum = {}

    trial_vecs = []
    for _ in range(5):
    value_and_grad_fun = value_and_grad(pairwise_distance)
    value, grad = value_and_grad_fun(trial_vecs)


    weights = parser.stack(datum)
    value_and_grad_fun = value_and_grad(loss)
    value, grad = value_and_grad_fun(weights)
    weights = weights - 10e-4*grad
    value, grad = value_and_grad_fun(weights)

예제 #17
 def prediction(params, X):
     if len(X.shape)==1:
         # Add columns of 1s (we assume params[0] is bias term)
         N = X.shape[0]
         X = np.c_[np.ones(N), X]
     yhat = np.dot(X, params)
     return yhat
예제 #18
파일: test_tuple.py 프로젝트: HIPS/autograd
def test_getter():
    def fun(input_tuple):
        A = np.sum(input_tuple[0])
        B = np.sum(input_tuple[1])
        C = np.sum(input_tuple[1])
        return A + B + C

    d_fun = grad(fun)
    input_tuple = (npr.randn(5, 6),
                   npr.randn(4, 3),
                   npr.randn(2, 4))

    result = d_fun(input_tuple)
    assert np.allclose(result[0], np.ones((5, 6)))
    assert np.allclose(result[1], 2 * np.ones((4, 3)))
    assert np.allclose(result[2], np.zeros((2, 4)))
예제 #19
def test_getter():
    def fun(input_dict):
        A = np.sum(input_dict['item_1'])
        B = np.sum(input_dict['item_2'])
        C = np.sum(input_dict['item_2'])
        return A + B + C

    d_fun = grad(fun)
    input_dict = {'item_1' : npr.randn(5, 6),
                  'item_2' : npr.randn(4, 3),
                  'item_X' : npr.randn(2, 4)}

    result = d_fun(input_dict)
    assert np.allclose(result['item_1'], np.ones((5, 6)))
    assert np.allclose(result['item_2'], 2 * np.ones((4, 3)))
    assert np.allclose(result['item_X'], np.zeros((2, 4)))
예제 #20
def test_getter():
    def fun(input_list):
        A = np.sum(input_list[0])
        B = np.sum(input_list[1])
        C = np.sum(input_list[1])
        return A + B + C

    d_fun = grad(fun)
    input_list = [npr.randn(5, 6),
                   npr.randn(4, 3),
                   npr.randn(2, 4)]

    result = d_fun(input_list)
    print result
    assert np.allclose(result[0], np.ones((5, 6)))
    assert np.allclose(result[1], 2 * np.ones((4, 3)))
    assert np.allclose(result[2], np.zeros((2, 4)))
예제 #21
    def x_with_bias(x):
        """Add a row of vector which value=1 for the bias to the input X

               x.shape=(batch_size, input_vector_length) 
            => x_with_bias(x).shape=(batch_size, input_vector_length + 1)
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        return np.concatenate((x, np.ones([batch_size, 1])), axis=1)
예제 #22
파일: main.py 프로젝트: UIKit0/autorustler
def PlanePrior(siz):
    D = np.ones(siz)
    D[:siz[0]/2, :] *= 20
    for i in range(siz[0]/2, siz[0]):
        y = (i - siz[0]/2 + 1)
        z = 20.0 / y
        D[i, :] = z
    return D
예제 #23
파일: main.py 프로젝트: UIKit0/autorustler
def PhotometricError(iref, inew, R, T, points, D):
    # points is a tuple ([y], [x]); convert to homogeneous
    siz = iref.shape
    npoints = len(points[0])
    f = siz[1]  # focal length, FIXME
    Xref = np.vstack(((points[1] - siz[1]*0.5) / f,  # x
                      (siz[0]*0.5 - points[0]) / f,  # y (left->right hand)
                      np.ones(npoints)))             # z = 1
    # this is confusingly written -- i am broadcasting the translation T to
    # every column, but numpy broadcasting only works if it's rows, hence all
    # the transposes
    # print D * Xref
    Xnew = (np.dot(so3.exp(R), (D * Xref)).T + T).T
    # print Xnew
    # right -> left hand projection
    proj = Xnew[0:2] / Xnew[2]
    p = (-proj[1]*f + siz[0]*0.5, proj[0]*f + siz[1]*0.5)
    margin = 10  # int(siz[0] / 5)
    inwindow_mask = ((p[0] >= margin) & (p[0] < siz[0]-margin-1) &
                     (p[1] >= margin) & (p[1] < siz[1]-margin-1))
    npts_inw = sum(inwindow_mask)
    if npts_inw < 10:
        return 1e6, np.zeros(6 + npoints)
    # todo: filter points which are now out of the window
    oldpointidxs = (points[0][inwindow_mask],
    newpointidxs = (p[0][inwindow_mask], p[1][inwindow_mask])
    origpointidxs = np.nonzero(inwindow_mask)[0]
    E = InterpolatedValues(inew, newpointidxs) - iref[oldpointidxs]
    # dE/dk ->
    # d/dk r_p^2 = d/dk (Inew(w(r, T, D, p)) - Iref(p))^2
    # = -2r_p dInew/dp dp/dw dw/dX dX/dk
    # = -2r_p * g(w(r, T, D, p)) * dw(r, T, D, p)
    # intensity gradients for each point
    Ig = InterpolatedGradients(inew, newpointidxs)
    # TODO: use tensors for this
    # gradients for R, T, and D
    gradient = np.zeros(6 + npoints)
    for i in range(npts_inw):
        # print 'newidx (y,x) = ', newpointidxs[0][i], newpointidxs[1][i]
        # Jacobian of w
        oi = origpointidxs[i]
        Jw = dw(Xref[0][oi], Xref[1][oi], D[oi], R, T)
        # scale back up into pixel space, right->left hand coords to get
        # Jacobian of p
        Jp = f * np.vstack((-Jw[1], Jw[0]))
        # print origpointidxs[i], 'Xref', Xref[:, i], 'Ig', Ig[:, i], \
        #     'dwdRz', Jw[:, 2], 'dpdRz', Jp[:, 2]
        # full Jacobian = 2*E + Ig * Jp
        J = np.sign(E[i]) * np.dot(Ig[:, i], Jp)
        # print '2 E[i]', 2*E[i], 'Ig*Jp', np.dot(Ig[:, i], Jp)
        gradient[:6] += J[:6]
        # print J[:6]
        gradient[6+origpointidxs[i]] += J[6]

    print R, T, np.sum(np.abs(E)), npts_inw
    # return ((0.2*(npoints - npts_inw) + np.dot(E, E)), gradient)
    return np.sum(np.abs(E)) / (npts_inw), gradient / (npts_inw)
예제 #24
파일: gaussian.py 프로젝트: andymiller/svae
def expectedstats(natparam):
    J, h = natparam[:2]
    J = -2*J

    Ex = np.linalg.solve(J, h)
    ExxT = np.linalg.inv(J) + Ex[...,None] * Ex[...,None,:]
    En = np.ones(J.shape[0]) if J.ndim == 3 else 1.

    return ExxT, Ex, En, En
예제 #25
 def evaluate_prior(all_params): # clean up code so we don't compute matrices twice
     layer_params, x0, y0 = unpack_all_params(all_params)
     log_prior = 0
     for layer in xrange(n_layers):
         #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
         mean, cov_params, noise_scale = unpack_kernel_params(layer_params[layer])
         cov_y_y = covariance_function(cov_params, x0[layer], x0[layer]) + noise_scale * np.eye(len(y0[layer]))
         log_prior += mvn.logpdf(y0[layer],np.ones(len(cov_y_y))*mean,cov_y_y+np.eye(len(cov_y_y))*10)
     return log_prior
예제 #26
def main():
    xtrain, ytrain, params_true = make_data_linreg_1d()
    N = xtrain.shape[0]
    Xtrain = np.c_[np.ones(N), xtrain] # add column of 1s
    w_ols, loss_ols = LinregModel.ols_fit(Xtrain, ytrain)
    expt_configs = make_expt_config(N)
    nexpts = len(expt_configs)
    print nexpts
    nrows, ncols = nsubplots(nexpts)
    #nrows, ncols = 4, 2
    loss_trace_fig = plt.figure("loss trace fig")
    param_trace_fig = plt.figure("param trace fig")
    folder = 'figures'
    for expt_num, config in enumerate(expt_configs):
        logger = sgd.SGDLogger(print_freq=10)
        batchifier = sgd.MiniBatcher(Xtrain, ytrain, config['batch_size'])
        initial_params = np.zeros(2) 
        lr_fun = lambda(iter): sgd.get_learning_rate_exp_decay(iter,
                    config['init_lr'], config['lr_decay']) 
        ttl = config_to_str(config)
        print '\nstarting experiment {}'.format(ttl)
        print config

        obj_fun = LinregModel.objective
        #grad_fun = LinregModel.gradient
        grad_fun = autograd.grad(obj_fun)
        result = sgd.sgd_minimize(initial_params, obj_fun, grad_fun,
            batchifier, config['n_steps'], lr_fun, config['momentum'],
        print result
        plotnum = expt_num + 1
        ax = loss_trace_fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, plotnum)
        plot_loss_trace(logger.obj_trace, loss_ols, ax)
        ax = param_trace_fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, plotnum)
        loss_fun = lambda w0, w1: LinregModel.objective([w0, w1], xtrain, ytrain)
        plot_error_surface(loss_fun, params_true, ax)
        plot_param_trace(logger.param_trace, ax) 
    plt.figure("loss trace fig")         
    fname = os.path.join(folder, 'linreg_1d_sgd_loss_trace.png')
    plt.figure("param trace fig")         
    fname = os.path.join(folder, 'linreg_1d_sgd_param_trace.png')
예제 #27
def rmsprop(grad, x, callback=None, num_iters=100, step_size=0.1, gamma=0.9, eps = 10**-8):
    """Root mean squared prop: See Adagrad paper for details."""
    avg_sq_grad = np.ones(len(x))
    for i in range(num_iters):
        g = grad(x, i)
        if callback: callback(x, i, g)
        avg_sq_grad = avg_sq_grad * gamma + g**2 * (1 - gamma)
        x -= step_size * g/(np.sqrt(avg_sq_grad) + eps)
    return x
예제 #28
    def _em_fit(self, init, free_vars_shape, fixed_vars, is_fixed_vars,
                priors, max_nt=50, min_nt=0, gtol=1e-3, verbose=False, **kwargs):

        # Check any arguments to be passed to the M-step optimisatio function
        optim_opts = kwargs.pop('optim_opts', {})

        # unpack the inital values
        g, beta, mu_ivp = _var_mixer(init, free_vars_shape, fixed_vars, is_fixed_vars)

        alpha = 1000.

        # do some reshaping
        beta = beta.reshape((self.dim.R+1, self.dim.D))
        mu_ivp = mu_ivp.reshape((len(self._ifix),

        # initalise pi uniformly
        pi = np.ones(len(self._ifix)) / len(self._ifix)
        # get the initial responsibilities
        r = self._get_responsibilities(pi, g, beta, mu_ivp, alpha)

        free_vars = init.copy()

        for nt in range(max_nt):
            free_vars = self._M_step(free_vars, r, alpha,
                                     free_vars_shape, fixed_vars, is_fixed_vars,

            g_, beta, mu_ivp = _var_mixer(free_vars, free_vars_shape, fixed_vars, is_fixed_vars)
            beta = beta.reshape((self.dim.R+1, self.dim.D))
            mu_ivp = mu_ivp.reshape((len(self._ifix),
            pi = self._update_pi(r)

            # check for convergence
            dg = np.linalg.norm(g_ - g)
            if verbose:
                print('iter {}. Delta g: {}'.format(nt+1, dg))
            if dg <= gtol and nt >= min_nt:

                g = g_
                # E-step
                r = self._get_responsibilities(pi, g, beta, mu_ivp, alpha)

        self.g_ = g_
        self.beta_ = beta
        self.mu_ivp_ = mu_ivp
예제 #29
파일: gmm.py 프로젝트: mattjj/svae
def init_pgm_param(K, N, alpha, niw_conc=10., random_scale=0.):
    def init_niw_natparam(N):
        nu, S, m, kappa = N+niw_conc, (N+niw_conc)*np.eye(N), np.zeros(N), niw_conc
        m = m + random_scale * npr.randn(*m.shape)
        return niw.standard_to_natural(S, m, kappa, nu)

    dirichlet_natparam = alpha * (npr.rand(K) if random_scale else np.ones(K))
    niw_natparam = np.stack([init_niw_natparam(N) for _ in range(K)])

    return dirichlet_natparam, niw_natparam
예제 #30
def test_cast_to_int():
    inds = np.ones(5)[:,None]

    def fun(W):
        W = np.concatenate((W, inds), axis=1)
        W = W[:,:-1]
        return W[np.int64(W[:,-1])].sum()

    W = np.random.randn(5, 10)
    check_grads(fun, W)
예제 #31
    def draw_panel(self,ax,title,**kwargs):
        # set viewing limits on contour plot
        xvals = [self.w_hist[s][0] for s in range(len(self.w_hist))]
        yvals = [self.w_hist[s][1] for s in range(len(self.w_hist))]
        xmax = max(xvals)
        xmin = min(xvals)
        xgap = (xmax - xmin)*0.1
        ymax = max(yvals)
        ymin = min(yvals)
        ygap = (ymax - ymin)*0.1
        xmin -= xgap
        xmax += xgap
        ymin -= ygap
        ymax += ygap

        if 'xmin' in kwargs:
            xmin = kwargs['xmin']
        if 'xmax' in kwargs:
            xmax = kwargs['xmax']
        if 'ymin' in kwargs:
            ymin = kwargs['ymin']
        if 'ymax' in kwargs:
            ymax = kwargs['ymax'] 
        axes = False
        if 'axes' in kwargs:
            axes = kwargs['ymax']
        pts = False
        if 'pts' in kwargs:
            pts = kwargs['pts']  
        pts = False
        if 'pts' in kwargs:
            pts = kwargs['pts']  
        linewidth = 2.5
        if 'linewidth' in kwargs:
            linewidth = kwargs['linewidth']
        #### define input space for function and evaluate ####
        w1 = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,400)
        w2 = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,400)
        w1_vals, w2_vals = np.meshgrid(w1,w2)
        w1_vals.shape = (len(w1)**2,1)
        w2_vals.shape = (len(w2)**2,1)
        h = np.concatenate((w1_vals,w2_vals),axis=1)
        func_vals = np.asarray([self.g(s) for s in h])
        w1_vals.shape = (len(w1),len(w1))
        w2_vals.shape = (len(w2),len(w2))
        func_vals.shape = (len(w1),len(w2)) 

        ### make contour right plot - as well as horizontal and vertical axes ###
        # set level ridges
        num_contours = kwargs['num_contours']
        levelmin = min(func_vals.flatten())
        levelmax = max(func_vals.flatten())
        cutoff = 0.5
        cutoff = (levelmax - levelmin)*cutoff
        numper = 3
        levels1 = np.linspace(cutoff,levelmax,numper)
        num_contours -= numper

        levels2 = np.linspace(levelmin,cutoff,min(num_contours,numper))
        levels = np.unique(np.append(levels1,levels2))
        num_contours -= numper
        while num_contours > 0:
            cutoff = levels[1]
            levels2 = np.linspace(levelmin,cutoff,min(num_contours,numper))
            levels = np.unique(np.append(levels2,levels))
            num_contours -= numper

        a = ax.contour(w1_vals, w2_vals, func_vals,levels = levels,colors = 'k')
        ax.contourf(w1_vals, w2_vals, func_vals,levels = levels,cmap = 'Blues')

        if axes == True:
            ax.axhline(linestyle = '--', color = 'k',linewidth = 1)
            ax.axvline(linestyle = '--', color = 'k',linewidth = 1)

        # colors for points
        s = np.linspace(0,1,len(self.w_hist[:round(len(self.w_hist)/2)]))
        s.shape = (len(s),1)
        t = np.ones(len(self.w_hist[round(len(self.w_hist)/2):]))
        t.shape = (len(t),1)
        s = np.vstack((s,t))
        colorspec = []
        colorspec = np.concatenate((s,np.flipud(s)),1)
        colorspec = np.concatenate((colorspec,np.zeros((len(s),1))),1)

        ### plot function decrease plot in right panel
        for j in range(len(self.w_hist)):  
            w_val = self.w_hist[j]
            g_val = self.g(w_val)

            # plot in left panel
            if pts == 'True':
                ax.scatter(w_val[0],w_val[1],s = 30,c = colorspec[j],edgecolor = 'k',linewidth = 1.5*math.sqrt((1/(float(j) + 1))),zorder = 3)

            # plot connector between points for visualization purposes
            if j > 0:
                w_old = self.w_hist[j-1]
                w_new = self.w_hist[j]    
                ax.plot([w_old[0],w_new[0]],[w_old[1],w_new[1]],color = colorspec[j],linewidth = linewidth,alpha = 1,zorder = 2)      # plot approx
                ax.plot([w_old[0],w_new[0]],[w_old[1],w_new[1]],color = 'k',linewidth = linewidth + 0.4,alpha = 1,zorder = 1)      # plot approx
        # clean panel
        ax.set_title(title,fontsize = 12)
        ax.set_xlabel('$w_1$',fontsize = 12)
        ax.set_ylabel('$w_2$',fontsize = 12,rotation = 0)
        ax.axhline(y=0, color='k',zorder = 0,linewidth = 0.5)
        ax.axvline(x=0, color='k',zorder = 0,linewidth = 0.5)               
예제 #32
파일: main.py 프로젝트: afcarl/autopaint
    return const - 0.5 * np.dot(np.dot(z.T, pinv), z)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    t0 = time.time()
    rs = np.random.npr.RandomState(0)

    num_samples = 500
    num_steps = 32
    num_sampler_optimization_steps = 400
    sampler_learn_rate = 0.01

    D = 2
    init_mean = np.zeros(D)
    init_log_stddevs = np.log(0.1*np.ones(D))
    init_output_weights = 0.1*rs.randn(num_steps, D)
    init_transform_weights = 0.1*rs.randn(num_steps, D)
    init_biases = 0.1*rs.randn(num_steps)

    logprob_mvn = build_logprob_mvn(mean=np.array([0.2,0.4]), cov=np.array([[1.0,0.9], [0.9,1.0]]))
    flow_sample, parser = build_flow_sampler_with_inputs(D, num_steps)
    parser.add_shape('mean',  D)
    parser.add_shape('log_stddev', D)
    sampler_params = np.zeros(len(parser))
    parser.put(sampler_params, 'mean', init_mean)
    parser.put(sampler_params, 'log_stddev', init_log_stddevs)
    parser.put(sampler_params, 'output weights', init_output_weights)
    parser.put(sampler_params, 'transform weights', init_transform_weights)
    parser.put(sampler_params, 'biases', init_biases)
    def single_input_plot(self, g, weight_histories, cost_histories, **kwargs):
        # adjust viewing range
        wmin = -3.1
        wmax = 3.1
        if 'wmin' in kwargs:
            wmin = kwargs['wmin']
        if 'wmax' in kwargs:
            wmax = kwargs['wmax']

        onerun_perplot = False
        if 'onerun_perplot' in kwargs:
            onerun_perplot = kwargs['onerun_perplot']

        ### initialize figure
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4))
        artist = fig

        # remove whitespace from figure
        #fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) # remove whitespace

        # create subplot with 2 panels, plot input function in center plot
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 1])
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
        ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1])

        ### plot function in both panels
        w_plot = np.linspace(wmin, wmax, 500)
        g_plot = g(w_plot)
        gmin = np.min(g_plot)
        gmax = np.max(g_plot)
        g_range = gmax - gmin
        ggap = g_range * 0.1
        gmin -= ggap
        gmax += ggap

        # plot function, axes lines
        ax1.plot(w_plot, g_plot, color='k', zorder=2)  # plot function
        ax1.axhline(y=0, color='k', zorder=1, linewidth=0.25)
        ax1.axvline(x=0, color='k', zorder=1, linewidth=0.25)
        ax1.set_xlabel(r'$w$', fontsize=13)
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'$g(w)$', fontsize=13, rotation=0, labelpad=25)
        ax1.set_xlim(wmin, wmax)
        ax1.set_ylim(gmin, gmax)

        ax2.plot(w_plot, g_plot, color='k', zorder=2)  # plot function
        ax2.axhline(y=0, color='k', zorder=1, linewidth=0.25)
        ax2.axvline(x=0, color='k', zorder=1, linewidth=0.25)
        ax2.set_xlabel(r'$w$', fontsize=13)
        ax2.set_ylabel(r'$g(w)$', fontsize=13, rotation=0, labelpad=25)
        ax2.set_xlim(wmin, wmax)
        ax2.set_ylim(gmin, gmax)

        #### loop over histories and plot each
        for j in range(len(weight_histories)):
            w_hist = weight_histories[j]
            c_hist = cost_histories[j]

            # colors for points --> green as the algorithm begins, yellow as it converges, red at final point
            s = np.linspace(0, 1, len(w_hist[:round(len(w_hist) / 2)]))
            s.shape = (len(s), 1)
            t = np.ones(len(w_hist[round(len(w_hist) / 2):]))
            t.shape = (len(t), 1)
            s = np.vstack((s, t))
            self.colorspec = []
            self.colorspec = np.concatenate((s, np.flipud(s)), 1)
            self.colorspec = np.concatenate(
                (self.colorspec, np.zeros((len(s), 1))), 1)

            ### plot all history points
            ax = ax2
            if onerun_perplot == True:
                if j == 0:
                    ax = ax1
                if j == 1:
                    ax = ax2
            for k in range(len(w_hist)):
                # pick out current weight and function value from history, then plot
                w_val = w_hist[k]
                g_val = c_hist[k]
                           linewidth=0.5 * ((1 / (float(k) + 1)))**(0.4),
                           marker='X')  # evaluation on function
                           linewidth=0.5 * ((1 / (float(k) + 1)))**(0.4),
예제 #34
        return probe

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # grid_delta = np.load('adhesin/phantom/grid_delta.npy')
    # grid_beta = np.load('adhesin/phantom/grid_beta.npy')
    # grid_delta = np.load('cone_256_foam/phantom/grid_delta.npy')
    # grid_beta = np.load('cone_256_foam/phantom/grid_beta.npy')
    grid_delta = dxchange.read_tiff(
    grid_beta = np.load('cone_256_foam/phantom/grid_beta.npy')
    grid_delta = np.reshape(grid_delta, [1, *grid_delta.shape])
    grid_beta = np.reshape(grid_beta, [1, *grid_beta.shape])

    probe_real = np.ones([*grid_delta.shape[1:3]])
    probe_imag = np.zeros([*grid_delta.shape[1:3]])

    # f = open('test/conv_ir_report.csv', 'a')
    # f.write('kernel_size,time\n')

    wavefield, probe_array, t = multislice_propagate_cnn(grid_delta,
                                                         5000, [1e-7] * 3,

예제 #35
from numpy import exp, log, sqrt
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
from autograd import grad, hessian

import distributions as dist

#import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(-2, 8, 1000)

targd = dist.mixt(1, [
    dist.mvnorm(np.ones(1), np.ones(1)),
    dist.mvnorm(np.ones(1) + 3.8, np.ones(1))
], [0.7, 0.3])
q0 = dist.mvnorm(np.ones(1) + 3, np.ones(1) * 2)
samps = q0.rvs(20)
lw = targd.logpdf(samps).flatten() - q0.logpdf(samps)
lw = lw - logsumexp(lw)
q1 = dist.mixt(1, [dist.mvnorm(mu, np.ones(1)) for mu in samps],
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 3))
ax.plot(x, exp(targd.logpdf(x)), label='target density', linewidth=2)
ax.plot(x, exp(q0.logpdf(x)), '-.', label='q0', linewidth=2)
ax.plot(x, exp(q1.logpdf(x)), '--', label='q1', linewidth=2)
예제 #36
    def sample(self, T, input=None, tag=None, prefix=None, with_noise=True):
        N = self.N
        K = self.K
        D = (self.D, ) if isinstance(self.D, int) else self.D
        M = (self.M, ) if isinstance(self.M, int) else self.M
        assert isinstance(D, tuple)
        assert isinstance(M, tuple)

        # If prefix is given, pad the output with it
        if prefix is None:
            pad = 1
            z = np.zeros(T + 1, dtype=int)
            x = np.zeros((T + 1, ) + D)
            # input = np.zeros((T+1,) + M) if input is None else input
            input = np.zeros((T + 1, ) +
                             M) if input is None else np.concatenate(
                                 (np.zeros((1, ) + M), input))
            xmask = np.ones((T + 1, ) + D, dtype=bool)

            # Sample the first state from the initial distribution
            pi0 = self.init_state_distn.initial_state_distn
            z[0] = npr.choice(self.K, p=pi0)
            x[0] = self.dynamics.sample_x(z[0],

            zhist, xhist, yhist = prefix
            pad = len(zhist)
            assert zhist.dtype == int and zhist.min() >= 0 and zhist.max() < K
            assert xhist.shape == (pad, D)
            assert yhist.shape == (pad, N)

            z = np.concatenate((zhist, np.zeros(T, dtype=int)))
            x = np.concatenate((xhist, np.zeros((T, ) + D)))
            # input = np.zeros((T+pad,) + M) if input is None else input
            input = np.zeros((T + pad, ) +
                             M) if input is None else np.concatenate(
                                 (np.zeros((pad, ) + M), input))
            xmask = np.ones((T + pad, ) + D, dtype=bool)

        # Sample z and x
        for t in range(pad, T + pad):
            Pt = np.exp(
                self.transitions.log_transition_matrices(x[t - 1:t + 1],
                                                         input[t - 1:t + 1],
                                                         mask=xmask[t - 1:t +
            z[t] = npr.choice(self.K, p=Pt[z[t - 1]])
            x[t] = self.dynamics.sample_x(z[t],

        # Sample observations given latent states
        # TODO: sample in the loop above?
        y = self.emissions.sample(z, x, input=input, tag=tag)
        return z[pad:], x[pad:], y[pad:]
예제 #37
파일: emissions.py 프로젝트: zshwuhan/ssm
 def __init__(self, N, K, D, M=0, single_subspace=True, **kwargs):
     super(_StudentsTEmissionsMixin, self).__init__(N, K, D, M, single_subspace=single_subspace, **kwargs)
     self.inv_etas = -4 + npr.randn(1, N) if single_subspace else npr.randn(K, N)
     self.inv_nus = np.log(4) * np.ones(1, N) if single_subspace else np.log(4) * np.ones(K, N)
예제 #38
    def fit(
        Fit the accelerated failure time model to a dataset.

        df: DataFrame
            a Pandas DataFrame with necessary columns `duration_col` and
            `event_col` (see below), covariates columns, and special columns (weights).
            `duration_col` refers to
            the lifetimes of the subjects. `event_col` refers to whether
            the 'death' events was observed: 1 if observed, 0 else (censored).

        duration_col: string
            the name of the column in DataFrame that contains the subjects'

        event_col: string, optional
            the  name of the column in DataFrame that contains the subjects' death
            observation. If left as None, assume all individuals are uncensored.

        show_progress: boolean, optional (default=False)
            since the fitter is iterative, show convergence
            diagnostics. Useful if convergence is failing.

        timeline: array, optional
            Specify a timeline that will be used for plotting and prediction

        weights_col: string
            the column in df that specifies weights per observation.

        robust: boolean, optional (default=False)
            Compute the robust errors using the Huber sandwich estimator.

        initial_point: (d,) numpy array, optional
            initialize the starting point of the iterative
            algorithm. Default is the zero vector.

            self with additional new properties: ``print_summary``, ``params_``, ``confidence_intervals_`` and more


        >>> N, d = 80000, 2
        >>> # some numbers take from http://statwonk.com/parametric-survival.html
        >>> breakpoints = (1, 31, 34, 62, 65)
        >>> betas = np.array(
        >>>     [
        >>>         [1.0, -0.2, np.log(15)],
        >>>         [5.0, -0.4, np.log(333)],
        >>>         [9.0, -0.6, np.log(18)],
        >>>         [5.0, -0.8, np.log(500)],
        >>>         [2.0, -1.0, np.log(20)],
        >>>         [1.0, -1.2, np.log(500)],
        >>>     ]
        >>> )

        >>> X = 0.1 * np.random.exponential(size=(N, d))
        >>> X = np.c_[X, np.ones(N)]
        >>> T = np.empty(N)
        >>> for i in range(N):
        >>>     lambdas = np.exp(-betas.dot(X[i, :]))
        >>>     T[i] = piecewise_exponential_survival_data(1, breakpoints, lambdas)[0]
        >>> T_censor = np.minimum(
        >>>     T.mean() * np.random.exponential(size=N), 110
        >>> )  # 110 is the end of observation, eg. current time.
        >>> df = pd.DataFrame(X[:, :-1], columns=["var1", "var2"])
        >>> df["T"] = np.round(np.maximum(np.minimum(T, T_censor), 0.1), 1)
        >>> df["E"] = T <= T_censor

        >>> pew = PiecewiseExponentialRegressionFitter(breakpoints=breakpoints, penalizer=0.0001).fit(df, "T", "E")
        >>> pew.print_summary()
        >>> pew.plot()

        if duration_col is None:
            raise TypeError("duration_col cannot be None.")

        self._time_fit_was_called = datetime.utcnow().strftime(
            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " UTC"
        self.duration_col = duration_col
        self.event_col = event_col
        self.weights_col = weights_col
        self._n_examples = df.shape[0]
        self.timeline = timeline
        self.robust = robust

        df = df.copy()

        T = pass_for_numeric_dtypes_or_raise_array(
        E = (pass_for_numeric_dtypes_or_raise_array(df.pop(self.event_col)) if
             (self.event_col is not None) else pd.Series(np.ones(
                 self._n_examples, dtype=bool),
        weights = (pass_for_numeric_dtypes_or_raise_array(
            df.pop(self.weights_col)).astype(float) if
                   (self.weights_col is not None) else pd.Series(
                       np.ones(self._n_examples, dtype=float),
        # check to make sure their weights are okay
        if self.weights_col:
            if (weights.astype(int) != weights).any() and not self.robust:
                        """It appears your weights are not integers, possibly propensity or sampling scores then?
                                        It's important to know that the naive variance estimates of the coefficients are biased. Instead a) set `robust=True` in the call to `fit`, or b) use Monte Carlo to
                                        estimate the variances. See paper "Variance estimation when using inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) with survival analysis"""
            if (weights <= 0).any():
                raise ValueError(
                    "values in weight column %s must be positive." %

        df = df.astype(float)
        self._check_values(df, T, E, self.event_col)

        E = E.astype(bool)
        self.durations = T.copy()
        self.event_observed = E.copy()
        self.weights = weights.copy()

        if np.any(self.durations <= 0):
            raise ValueError(
                "This model does not allow for non-positive durations. Suggestion: add a small positive value to zero elements."

        if self.fit_intercept:
            assert "_intercept" not in df
            df["_intercept"] = 1.0

        self._LOOKUP_SLICE = self._create_slicer(len(df.columns))

        _norm_std = df.std(0)
        self._norm_mean = df.mean(0)

        # if we included an intercept, we need to fix not divide by zero.
        if self.fit_intercept:
            _norm_std["_intercept"] = 1.0
            _norm_std[_norm_std < 1e-8] = 1.0

        _index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
            sum([[(name, c) for c in df.columns]
                 for name in self._fitted_parameter_names], []))

        self._norm_std = pd.Series(np.concatenate([_norm_std.values] *

        _params, self._log_likelihood, self._hessian_ = self._fit_model(
            normalize(df, 0, _norm_std).values,
        self.params_ = _params / self._norm_std

        self.variance_matrix_ = self._compute_variance_matrix()
        self.standard_errors_ = self._compute_standard_errors(
            T.values, E.values, weights.values, df.values)
        self.confidence_intervals_ = self._compute_confidence_intervals()
        self._predicted_cumulative_hazard_ = self.predict_cumulative_hazard(
            df, times=[np.percentile(T, 75)]).T

        return self
예제 #39
 def fun(x):
     return np.tensordot(x * np.ones((2, 2)), x * np.ones((2, 2)), 2)
예제 #40
        print("restoring pickled initialization weights")
        unpickled = np.load(picklefilename)
        init_weights = unpickled['init_weights']
        # Build initialization objective
        objective, init_gradient = build_init_objective(
            L2_VAR_2, NUM_TRAIN, train_images, train_labels, C, D, L)

        # Build callback for ADAM optimizer
        def init_callback(params, t, g):
            lik = -objective(params, t)
            print("Initialization iteration {} log-likelihood {}".format(
                t, lik))

        # initialize weights
        pre_init_weights = np.ones(L)

        # optimize weights
        print("Initializing weights...")
        init_weights = adam(init_gradient,

        # pickle processed data in /cache (if doesn't already exist)
        if not os.path.exists('cache'):
            print('creating cache folder')
        if not os.path.isfile(picklefilename):
            print('saving pickled regression initalization data')
예제 #41
# Make an LDS with somewhat interesting dynamics parameters
true_lds = LDS(N, D, emissions="calcium", emission_kwargs={"bin_size":bin_size,"link":link_func})
A0 = .99 * random_rotation(D, theta=np.pi/40)
# S = (1 + 3 * npr.rand(D))
S = np.arange(1, D+1)
R = np.linalg.svd(npr.randn(D, D))[0] * S
A = R.dot(A0).dot(np.linalg.inv(R))
b =  np.zeros(D)
true_lds.dynamics.As[0] = A
true_lds.dynamics.bs[0] = b
true_lds.dynamics.Sigmas = true_lds.dynamics.Sigmas / np.max(true_lds.dynamics.Sigmas[0]) * 0.5
# true_lds.dynamics.Sigmas = true_lds.dynamics.Sigmas 
# true_lds.emissions.ds[0] = np.clip(npr.randn(N), -10, 0.1)
true_lds.emissions.ds[0] = 10.0 + 3.0 * npr.randn(N)
true_lds.emissions.As[0] = np.clip(0.85 + 0.05 * npr.randn(N), 0.8, 0.95)
true_lds.emissions.betas[0] = 1.0 * np.ones(N)

# set noise on correct scale
true_lds.emissions.inv_etas[0] = np.log(1e-2 * np.ones(N))

x, y = true_lds.sample(T)
smooth_y = true_lds.smooth(x, y)


for n in range(N):
    plt.plot(y[:, n] + 10 * n, '-k')
    # plt.plot(smooth_y[:, n] + 4 * n, 'r--')
예제 #42
파일: main.py 프로젝트: afcarl/autopaint
    num_samples = 50
    num_langevin_steps = 15
    num_sampler_optimization_steps = 100
    sampler_learn_rate = 0.001
    images_per_row = 10

    layer_sizes = [784, 200, 100, 10]
    L2_reg = 1.0
    D = 784

    init_init_stddev_scale = 0.2
    init_langevin_stepsize = 0.0001
    init_langevin_noise_size = 0.000001
    init_gradient_power = 0.95
    init_log_gradient_scales = np.log(np.ones((1, D)))

    prior_relax = 0.05
    prior_downscale = 0.1

    # train_mnist_model()   # Comment after running once.

    with open('mnist_models.pkl') as f:
        trained_weights, all_mean, all_cov = pickle.load(f)

    # Regularize all_cov
    all_cov = prior_downscale * (all_cov + prior_relax * np.eye(D))

    N_weights, predict_fun, loss_fun, frac_err, nn_loglik = make_nn_funs(
        layer_sizes, L2_reg)
from numpy import exp, log, sqrt
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
from autograd import grad, hessian

import distributions as dist

#import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(-2, 8, 1000)

targd = dist.mixt(1, [
    dist.mvnorm(np.ones(1) + 1, np.ones(1)),
    dist.mvnorm(np.ones(1) + 3.8, np.ones(1))
], [0.8, 0.2])

qrw = dist.mvnorm(np.zeros(1), np.ones(1) * 0.4)
qind = dist.mvnorm(np.ones(1) * 2, np.ones(1) * 0.2)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 2))
        exp(targd.logpdf(x)) / exp(targd.logpdf(x)).max(),
for i in range(3):
    current = targd.rvs().flatten()
            exp(qrw.logpdf(x - current)) / exp(qrw.logpdf(x - current)).max() /
예제 #44
def read_image_data_knn():
	print('Reading image data ...')
	train_x = np.load('../../Data/data_train_knn.npy')
	train_y = np.load('../../Data/train_labels_knn.npy')
	test_x = np.load('../../Data/data_test.npy')

	return (train_x, train_y, test_x)


train_x, train_y, test_x = read_image_data()
print('Train=', train_x.shape)
print('Test=', test_x.shape)

# Create dummy test output values to compute accuracy
test_y = np.ones(test_x.shape[0])
predicted_y = np.random.randint(0, 4, test_x.shape[0])
print('DUMMY Accuracy=%0.4f' % accuracy_score(test_y, predicted_y, normalize=True))

# Select the section to run by changing the associated boolean to True
# Code for 2b
run2 = False
# Code for 3b
run3 = False
# Code for 4a
run4 = False
# Code for 5a
run5a = True
# Code for 5b
run5b = True
예제 #45
파일: emissions.py 프로젝트: zshwuhan/ssm
 def initialize_variational_params(self, data, input, mask, tag):
     data = interpolate_data(data, mask)
     q_mu = data.copy()
     q_sigma_inv = -4 * np.ones((data.shape[0], self.D))
     return q_mu, q_sigma_inv
예제 #46
 def m_step(self, expectations, datas, inputs, masks, tags, **kwargs):
     expected_joints = sum([np.sum(Ezzp1, axis=0) for _, Ezzp1, _ in expectations]) + 1e-16
     expected_joints += self.kappa * np.eye(self.K) + (self.alpha-1) * np.ones((self.K, self.K))
     P = (expected_joints / expected_joints.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)) + 1e-16
     assert np.all(P >= 0), "mode is well defined only when transition matrix entries are non-negative! Check alpha >= 1"
     self.log_Ps = np.log(P)
예제 #47
    def sample(self, T, prefix=None, input=None, tag=None, with_noise=True):
        Sample synthetic data from the model. Optionally, condition on a given
        prefix (preceding discrete states and data).

        T : int
            number of time steps to sample

        prefix : (zpre, xpre)
            Optional prefix of discrete states (zpre) and continuous states (xpre)
            zpre must be an array of integers taking values 0...num_states-1.
            xpre must be an array of the same length that has preceding observations.

        input : (T, input_dim) array_like
            Optional inputs to specify for sampling

        tag : object
            Optional tag indicating which "type" of sampled data

        with_noise : bool
            Whether or not to sample data with noise.

        z_sample : array_like of type int
            Sequence of sampled discrete states

        x_sample : (T x observation_dim) array_like
            Array of sampled data
        K = self.K
        D = (self.D, ) if isinstance(self.D, int) else self.D
        M = (self.M, ) if isinstance(self.M, int) else self.M
        assert isinstance(D, tuple)
        assert isinstance(M, tuple)
        assert T > 0

        # Check the inputs
        if input is not None:
            assert input.shape == (T, ) + M

        # Get the type of the observations
        dummy_data = self.observations.sample_x(0, np.empty(0, ) + D)
        dtype = dummy_data.dtype

        # Initialize the data array
        if prefix is None:
            # No prefix is given.  Sample the initial state as the prefix.
            pad = 1
            z = np.zeros(T, dtype=int)
            data = np.zeros((T, ) + D, dtype=dtype)
            input = np.zeros((T, ) + M) if input is None else input
            mask = np.ones((T, ) + D, dtype=bool)

            # Sample the first state from the initial distribution
            pi0 = self.init_state_distn.initial_state_distn
            z[0] = npr.choice(self.K, p=pi0)
            data[0] = self.observations.sample_x(z[0],

            # We only need to sample T-1 datapoints now
            T = T - 1

            # Check that the prefix is of the right type
            zpre, xpre = prefix
            pad = len(zpre)
            assert zpre.dtype == int and zpre.min() >= 0 and zpre.max() < K
            assert xpre.shape == (pad, ) + D

            # Construct the states, data, inputs, and mask arrays
            z = np.concatenate((zpre, np.zeros(T, dtype=int)))
            data = np.concatenate((xpre, np.zeros((T, ) + D, dtype)))
            input = np.zeros((T + pad, ) +
                             M) if input is None else np.concatenate(
                                 (np.zeros((pad, ) + M), input))
            mask = np.ones((T + pad, ) + D, dtype=bool)

        # Convert the discrete states to the range (1, ..., K_total)
        m = self.state_map
        K_total = len(m)
        _, starts = np.unique(m, return_index=True)
        z = starts[z]

        # Fill in the rest of the data
        for t in range(pad, pad + T):
            Pt = self.transitions.transition_matrices(data[t - 1:t + 1],
                                                      input[t - 1:t + 1],
                                                      mask=mask[t - 1:t + 1],
            z[t] = npr.choice(K_total, p=Pt[z[t - 1]])
            data[t] = self.observations.sample_x(m[z[t]],

        # Collapse the states
        z = m[z]

        # Return the whole data if no prefix is given.
        # Otherwise, just return the simulated part.
        if prefix is None:
            return z, data
            return z[pad:], data[pad:]
예제 #48
def main():
    ### Setup
    # autoencoder, encoder, decoder = load_autoencoder('models/12 17PM November 08 2017.h5')#models/2.7e-06.h5')
    # def encode(q):
    #     return encoder.predict(numpy.array([q]))[0].astype(numpy.float64)

    # def decode(z):
    #     return decoder.predict(numpy.array([z]))[0].astype(numpy.float64)
    encode, decode = train_model()

    # Constants
    d = 2  # dimensions
    I = numpy.identity(d)
    B = numpy.concatenate((I, -I), axis=1)  # Difference matrix

    # Simulation Parameters
    spring_const = 10.0  # Technically could vary per spring
    h = 0.005
    mass = 0.05
    # Initial conditions
    starting_stretch = 1  #0.6

    starting_points = numpy.array([
        [0, 1],
        [0, 0],
        [1, 1],
        [1, 0],
        [2, 1],
        [2, 0],
        [3, 1],
        [3, 0],
        [4, 1],
        [4, 0],
    ]) * 0.1 + 0.3
    n_points = len(starting_points)  # Num points
    q_initial = starting_points.flatten()
    z_initial = encode(q_initial)

    pinned_points = numpy.array([0, 1])
    q_mask = numpy.ones(n_points * d, dtype=bool)
    q_mask[numpy.concatenate([pinned_points * d + i
                              for i in range(d)])] = False

    springs = [
        (0, 2),
        (0, 3),
        (2, 3),
        (1, 2),
        (1, 3),
        (2, 4),
        (2, 3),
        (2, 5),
        (3, 5),
        (3, 4),
        (4, 5),
        (4, 6),
        (4, 7),
        (5, 6),
        (5, 7),
        (6, 7),
        (6, 8),
        (6, 9),
        (7, 8),
        (7, 9),
        (8, 9),

    n_springs = len(springs)
    P_matrices = construct_P_matrices(springs, n_points, d)

    all_spring_offsets = (B @ (P_matrices @ q_initial).T).T
    rest_lens = numpy.linalg.norm(all_spring_offsets,
                                  axis=1) * starting_stretch

    mass_matrix = numpy.identity(len(q_initial)) * mass  # Mass matrix
    external_forces = numpy.array([0, -9.8] * n_points)

    def kinetic_energy(q_k, q_k1):
        """ Profile this to see if using numpy.dot is different from numpy.matmul (@)"""

        d_q = q_k1 - q_k
        energy = 1.0 / (2 * h**2) * d_q.T @ mass_matrix @ d_q

        return energy

    def potential_energy(q_k, q_k1):
        q_tilde = 0.5 * (q_k + q_k1)

        # sum = 0.0
        # for i in range(len(rest_lens)): # TODO I might be able to do this simply with @ (see all_spring_offsets)
        #     P_i = P_matrices[i]
        #     l_i = rest_lens[i]

        #     d_q_tilde_i_sq = q_tilde.T @ P_i.T @ B.T @ B @ P_i @ q_tilde
        #     sum += (1.0 - 1.0 / l_i * numpy.sqrt(d_q_tilde_i_sq)) ** 2

        # Optimized but ugly version
        sum = numpy.sum((1.0 - (1.0 / rest_lens) * numpy.sqrt(
            numpy.einsum('ij,ij->i', q_tilde.T @ P_matrices.transpose(
                (0, 2, 1)) @ B.T, (B @ P_matrices @ q_tilde))))**2)

        return 0.5 * spring_const * sum

    def discrete_lagrangian(q_k, q_k1):
        return kinetic_energy(q_k, q_k1) - potential_energy(q_k, q_k1)

    D1_Ld = autograd.grad(discrete_lagrangian, 0)  # (q_t, q_t+1) -> R^N*d
    D2_Ld = autograd.grad(discrete_lagrangian, 1)  # (q_t-1, q_t) -> R^N*d

    # Want D1_Ld + D2_Ld = 0
    # Do root finding
    def DEL(new_q, cur_q, prev_q):
        # SUPER hacky way of adding constrained points
        for i in pinned_points:
            new_q = numpy.insert(new_q, i * d, q_initial[i * d])
            new_q = numpy.insert(new_q, i * d + 1, q_initial[i * d + 1])

        res = D1_Ld(cur_q, new_q) + D2_Ld(
            prev_q, cur_q) + mass_matrix @ external_forces

        # SUPER hacky way of adding constrained points
        return res[q_mask]

    jac_DEL = autograd.jacobian(DEL, 0)

    def latent_DEL(new_z, cur_q, prev_q):
        new_q = decode(new_z)
        res = D1_Ld(cur_q, new_q) + D2_Ld(
            prev_q, cur_q) + mass_matrix @ external_forces

        return res

    def latent_DEL_objective(new_z, cur_q, prev_q):
        res = latent_DEL(new_z, cur_q, prev_q)

        return res.T @ res

    ### Simulation
    q_history = []
    save_freq = 1
    current_frame = 0
    output_path = 'pca_ae_configurations.pickle'

    prev_q = q_initial
    cur_q = q_initial
    prev_z = z_initial
    cur_z = z_initial
    while True:

        #sol = optimize.root(latent_DEL, cur_z, method='broyden1', args=(cur_q, prev_q))#, jac=jac_DEL) # Note numerical jacobian seems much faster
        sol = optimize.minimize(latent_DEL_objective,
                                args=(cur_q, prev_q),
                                    'gtol': 1e-6,
                                    'eps': 1e-06,
                                    'disp': False
        prev_z = cur_z
        cur_z = sol.x

        prev_q = cur_q
        cur_q = decode(cur_z)
        render(cur_q * 10, springs, save_frames=True)

        if save_freq > 0:
            current_frame += 1

            if current_frame % save_freq == 0:
                with open(output_path, 'wb') as f:
                    pickle.dump(q_history, f)
예제 #49
def activations(weights, *args):
    cat_state = np.concatenate(args + (np.ones((args[0].shape[0],1)),), axis=1)
    return np.dot(cat_state, weights)
예제 #50
import autograd.numpy as np
from qutip import qeye, sigmax, sigmay, tensor, fock
from tested.getCtrl import getCtrl, pltCtrl
from tested.getFid import getFid
from tested.minimize import minimize

a0 = np.ones([2, 6, 3])
T = np.pi
sx = np.array(sigmax().full())
sy = np.array(sigmay().full())
U0 = np.array(qeye(2).full())
Ugoal = sx
Hcs = [sx, sy]

def Hat(a, t):
    c = getCtrl(a, t, T)
    return sum([c[i] * Hcs[i] for i in range(len(Hcs))])

def goalFunc(U):
    return 1 - getFid(U, Ugoal)

a = minimize(a0, U0, Hat, T, goalFunc)
pltCtrl(a, T)
                (r[..., np.newaxis], g[..., np.newaxis], b[..., np.newaxis]),
        if render:
            plt.savefig('step{0:03d}.png'.format(t), bbox_inches='tight')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    simulation_timesteps = 20

    print("Loading initial and target states...")
    init_vx = np.ones((rows, cols))
    init_vy = np.zeros((rows, cols))

    # Initialize the occlusion to be a block.
    init_occlusion = -np.ones((rows, cols))
    init_occlusion[15:25, 15:25] = 0.0
    init_occlusion = init_occlusion.ravel()

    def drag(vx):
        return np.mean(init_vx - vx)

    def lift(vy):
        return np.mean(vy - init_vy)

    def objective(params):
        cur_occlusion = np.reshape(params, (rows, cols))
예제 #52

if save_figures:

# # Fit an HMM to this synthetic data

# In[7]:

N_iters = 50
hmm = ssm.HMM(K, D, observations="gaussian")
hmm_lls = hmm.fit(y, method="em", num_em_iters=N_iters)

plt.plot(hmm_lls, label="EM")
plt.plot([0, N_iters], true_ll * np.ones(2), ':k', label="True")
plt.xlabel("EM Iteration")
plt.ylabel("Log Probability")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")

# In[8]:

# Find a permutation of the states that best matches the true and inferred states
hmm.permute(find_permutation(z, hmm.most_likely_states(y)))

# In[11]:

# Plot the true and inferred discrete states
hmm_z = hmm.most_likely_states(y)

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
예제 #53
 def log_marginal_likelihood(params, x, y):
     mean, cov_params, noise_scale = unpack_kernel_params(params)
     cov_y_y = cov_func(cov_params, x, x) + noise_scale * np.eye(len(y))
     prior_mean = mean * np.ones(len(y))
     return mvn.logpdf(y, prior_mean, cov_y_y)
    def plot_fit_and_feature_space(self,w,model,feat,**kwargs):        
        # construct figure
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,4))

        # create subplot with 2 panels
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1,1]) 
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]);
        ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]); 
        view = [20,20]
        if 'view' in kwargs:
            view = kwargs['view']

        ##### plot left panel in original space ####
        # scatter points
        xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = self.scatter_pts_2d(self.x,ax1)

        # clean up panel

        # label axes
        ax1.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize = 16)
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'$y$', rotation = 0,fontsize = 16,labelpad = 10)
        # create fit
        s = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,300)[np.newaxis,:]
        normalizer = lambda a: a
        if 'normalizer' in kwargs:
            normalizer = kwargs['normalizer']

        t = np.tanh(model(normalizer(s),w))
        ax1.plot(s.flatten(),t.flatten(),linewidth = 2,c = 'lime')    
        #### plot fit in transformed feature space #####
        # check if feature transform has internal parameters
        x_transformed = 0
        sig = signature(feat)
        if len(sig.parameters) == 2:
            if np.shape(w)[1] == 1:
                x_transformed = feat(normalizer(self.x),w)
                x_transformed = feat(normalizer(self.x),w[0])
            x_transformed = feat(normalizer(self.x))
        # two dimensional transformed feature space
        if x_transformed.shape[0] == 1:
            s = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,300)[np.newaxis,:]
            # scatter points
            xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = self.scatter_pts_2d(x_transformed,ax2)
            # produce plot
            s2 = copy.deepcopy(s)
            if len(sig.parameters) == 2:
                if np.shape(w)[1] == 1:
                    s2 = feat(normalizer(s),w)
                    s2 = feat(normalizer(s),w[0])
                s2 = feat(normalizer(s))
            t = np.tanh(model(normalizer(s),w))
            ax2.plot(s2.flatten(),t.flatten(),linewidth = 2,c = 'lime')    
            # label axes
            ax2.set_xlabel(r'$f\left(x,\mathbf{w}^{\star}\right)$', fontsize = 16)
            ax2.set_ylabel(r'$y$', rotation = 0,fontsize = 16,labelpad = 10)
        # three dimensional transformed feature space
        if x_transformed.shape[0] == 2:
            # create panel
            ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1],projection = '3d');  
            s = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)[np.newaxis,:]

            # plot data in 3d
            xmin,xmax,xmin1,xmax1,ymin,ymax = self.scatter_3d_points(x_transformed,ax2)

            # create and plot fit
            s2 = copy.deepcopy(s)
            if len(sig.parameters) == 2:
                s2 = feat(normalizer(s),w[0])
                s2 = feat(normalizer(s))
            # reshape for plotting
            a = s2[0,:]
            b = s2[1,:]
            a = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)
            b = np.linspace(xmin1,xmax1,100)
            a,b = np.meshgrid(a,b)
            # get firstem
            a.shape = (1,np.size(s)**2)
            f1 = feat(normalizer(a))[0,:]
            # secondm
            b.shape = (1,np.size(s)**2)
            f2 = feat(normalizer(b))[1,:]
            # tack a 1 onto the top of each input point all at once
            c = np.vstack((a,b))
            o = np.ones((1,np.shape(c)[1]))
            c = np.vstack((o,c))
            r = np.tanh(np.dot(c.T,w))
            # various
            a.shape = (np.size(s),np.size(s))
            b.shape = (np.size(s),np.size(s))
            r.shape = (np.size(s),np.size(s))
            ax2.plot_surface(a,b,r,alpha = 0.1,color = 'lime',rstride=15, cstride=15,linewidth=0.5,edgecolor = 'k')
            a,b = np.meshgrid(t1,t2)
            a.shape = (1,np.size(s)**2)
            b.shape = (1,np.size(s)**2)
            c = np.vstack((a,b))
            o = np.ones((1,np.shape(c)[1]))
            c = np.vstack((o,c))

            # tack a 1 onto the top of each input point all at once
            r = (np.dot(c.T,w))

            a.shape = (np.size(s),np.size(s))
            b.shape = (np.size(s),np.size(s))
            r.shape = (np.size(s),np.size(s))
            ax2.plot_surface(a,b,r,alpha = 0.1,color = 'lime',rstride=15, cstride=15,linewidth=0.5,edgecolor = 'k')
            # label axes
            ax2.set_xlabel(r'$f_1(x)$', fontsize = 12,labelpad = 5)
            ax2.set_ylabel(r'$f_2(x)$', rotation = 0,fontsize = 12,labelpad = 5)
            ax2.set_zlabel(r'$y$', rotation = 0,fontsize = 12,labelpad = 0)
예제 #55
def test_lds_log_probability_perf(T=1000, D=10, N_iter=10):
    Compare performance of banded method vs message passing in pylds.
    print("Comparing methods for T={} D={}".format(T, D))

    from pylds.lds_messages_interface import kalman_info_filter, kalman_filter

    # Convert LDS parameters into info form for pylds
    As, bs, Qi_sqrts, ms, Ri_sqrts = make_lds_parameters(T, D)
    Qis = np.matmul(Qi_sqrts, np.swapaxes(Qi_sqrts, -1, -2))
    Ris = np.matmul(Ri_sqrts, np.swapaxes(Ri_sqrts, -1, -2))
    x = npr.randn(T, D)

    print("Timing banded method")
    start = time.time()
    for itr in range(N_iter):
        lds_log_probability(x, As, bs, Qi_sqrts, ms, Ri_sqrts)
    stop = time.time()
    print("Time per iter: {:.4f}".format((stop - start) / N_iter))

    # Compare to Kalman Filter
    mu_init = np.zeros(D)
    sigma_init = np.eye(D)
    Bs = np.ones((D, 1))
    sigma_states = np.linalg.inv(Qis)
    Cs = np.eye(D)
    Ds = np.zeros((D, 1))
    sigma_obs = np.linalg.inv(Ris)
    inputs = bs
    data = ms

    print("Timing PyLDS message passing (kalman_filter)")
    start = time.time()
    for itr in range(N_iter):
        kalman_filter(mu_init, sigma_init,
                      np.concatenate([As, np.eye(D)[None, :, :]]), Bs,
                                      np.eye(D)[None, :, :]]), Cs, Ds,
                      sigma_obs, inputs, data)
    stop = time.time()
    print("Time per iter: {:.4f}".format((stop - start) / N_iter))

    # Info form comparison
    J_init = np.zeros((D, D))
    h_init = np.zeros(D)
    log_Z_init = 0

    J_diag, J_lower_diag, h = convert_lds_to_block_tridiag(
        As, bs, Qi_sqrts, ms, Ri_sqrts)
    J_pair_21 = J_lower_diag
    J_pair_22 = J_diag[1:]
    J_pair_11 = J_diag[:-1]
    J_pair_11[1:] = 0
    h_pair_2 = h[1:]
    h_pair_1 = h[:-1]
    h_pair_1[1:] = 0
    log_Z_pair = 0

    J_node = np.zeros((T, D, D))
    h_node = np.zeros((T, D))
    log_Z_node = 0

    print("Timing PyLDS message passing (kalman_info_filter)")
    start = time.time()
    for itr in range(N_iter):
        kalman_info_filter(J_init, h_init, log_Z_init, J_pair_11, J_pair_21,
                           J_pair_22, h_pair_1, h_pair_2, log_Z_pair, J_node,
                           h_node, log_Z_node)
    stop = time.time()
    print("Time per iter: {:.4f}".format((stop - start) / N_iter))
예제 #56
    def fprop(params):
      Forward pass of the NTM.

      W = params # aliasing for brevity

      xs, hs, ys, ps, ts, os = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}

      def l():
        Silly utility function that should be called in init.
        return [{} for _ in xrange(self.heads)]

      rs = l()
      k_rs, beta_rs, g_rs, s_rs, gamma_rs = l(),l(),l(),l(),l()
      k_ws, beta_ws, g_ws, s_ws, gamma_ws = l(),l(),l(),l(),l()
      adds, erases = l(),l()
      w_ws, w_rs = l(),l() # read weights and write weights
      for idx in range(self.heads):
        rs[idx][-1] = self.W['rsInit' + str(idx)] # stores values read from memory
        w_ws[idx][-1] = softmax(self.W['w_wsInit' + str(idx)])
        w_rs[idx][-1] = softmax(self.W['w_rsInit' + str(idx)])

      mems = {} # the state of the memory at every timestep
      mems[-1] = self.W['memsInit']
      loss = 0

      for t in xrange(len(inputs)):

        xs[t] = np.reshape(np.array(inputs[t]),inputs[t].shape[::-1])

        rsum = 0
        for idx in range(self.heads):
          rsum = rsum + np.dot(W['rh' + str(idx)], np.reshape(rs[idx][t-1],(self.M,1)))
        hs[t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['xh'], xs[t]) + rsum + W['bh'])

        os[t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['ho'], hs[t]) + W['bo'])

        for idx in range(self.heads):
          # parameters to the read head
          k_rs[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['ok_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bk_r' + str(idx)])
          beta_rs[idx][t] = softplus(np.dot(W['obeta_r' + str(idx)],os[t])
                                     + W['bbeta_r' + str(idx)])
          g_rs[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['og_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bg_r' + str(idx)])
          s_rs[idx][t] = softmax(np.dot(W['os_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bs_r' + str(idx)])
          gamma_rs[idx][t] = 1 + sigmoid(np.dot(W['ogamma_r' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                         + W['bgamma_r' + str(idx)])

          # parameters to the write head
          k_ws[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['ok_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bk_w' + str(idx)])
          beta_ws[idx][t] = softplus(np.dot(W['obeta_w' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                     + W['bbeta_w' + str(idx)])
          g_ws[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['og_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bg_w' + str(idx)])
          s_ws[idx][t] = softmax(np.dot(W['os_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bs_w' + str(idx)])
          gamma_ws[idx][t] = 1 + sigmoid(np.dot(W['ogamma_w' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                         + W['bgamma_w' + str(idx)])

          # the erase and add vectors
          # these are also parameters to the write head
          # but they describe "what" is to be written rather than "where"
          adds[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['oadds' + str(idx)], os[t]) + W['badds' + str(idx)])
          erases[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['oerases' + str(idx)], os[t]) + W['erases' + str(idx)])

          w_ws[idx][t] = addressing.create_weights(   k_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , beta_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , g_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , s_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , gamma_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , w_ws[idx][t-1]
                                                    , mems[t-1])

          w_rs[idx][t] = addressing.create_weights(   k_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , beta_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , g_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , s_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , gamma_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , w_rs[idx][t-1]
                                                    , mems[t-1])

        ys[t] = np.dot(W['oy'], os[t]) + W['by']
        ps[t] = sigmoid(ys[t])

        one = np.ones(ps[t].shape)
        ts[t] = np.reshape(np.array(targets[t]),(self.out_size,1))

        epsilon = 2**-23 # to prevent log(0)
        a = np.multiply(ts[t] , np.log2(ps[t] + epsilon))
        b = np.multiply(one - ts[t], np.log2(one-ps[t] + epsilon))
        loss = loss - (a + b)

        for idx in range(self.heads):
          # read from the memory
          rs[idx][t] = memory.read(mems[t-1],w_rs[idx][t])

          # write into the memory
          mems[t] = memory.write(mems[t-1],w_ws[idx][t],erases[idx][t],adds[idx][t])

      self.stats = [loss, ps, w_rs, w_ws, adds, erases]
      return np.sum(loss)
예제 #57
true_rarhmm = rARHMM(nb_states=3, dm_obs=2, trans_type='neural')

# trajectory lengths
T = [1250, 1150, 1025]

true_z, x = true_rarhmm.sample(horizon=T)
true_ll = true_rarhmm.log_norm(x)

rarhmm = rARHMM(nb_states=3, dm_obs=2, trans_type='neural')

lls = rarhmm.em(x, nb_iter=100, prec=0., verbose=True)
print("true_ll=", true_ll, "hmm_ll=", lls[-1])

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plt.plot(np.ones(len(lls)) * true_ll, '-r')

_, rarhmm_z = rarhmm.viterbi(x)
_seq = npr.choice(len(x))
rarhmm.permute(permutation(true_z[_seq], rarhmm_z[_seq], K1=3, K2=3))

_, rarhmm_z = rarhmm.viterbi(x[_seq])

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.imshow(true_z[_seq][None, :], aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=len(colors) - 1)
plt.xlim(0, len(x[_seq]))
예제 #58
def init_var_params(layer_sizes, scale=-5, scale_mean=1):
    _, num_weights = shapes_and_num(layer_sizes)
    return rs.randn(num_weights) * scale_mean, np.ones(
        num_weights) * scale  # mean, log_std
예제 #59
 def _add_intercept(self, X):
     if self.fit_intercept:
         return np.c_[np.ones(len(X)), X]
# wDc = np.array([1.0])
wDc = np.array([-5.5])
w = np.concatenate((wDc, wfilt, wfilt2))

# Generate simulated dataset
# Xmat = np.hstack((np.ones((T,1)), npr.randn(T, D_in)))

Cov = np.array([[1.0, 0.4], [0.4, 1.0]])
L = np.linalg.cholesky(Cov)
Xstim = (L @ npr.randn(2, T * 2)).T  # split in halfs

from scipy.linalg import hankel

Xmat1 = hankel(Xstim[:, 0], Xstim[:, 0][-19:])
Xmat2 = hankel(Xstim[:, 1], Xstim[:, 1][-19:])
Xmat = np.hstack((np.ones((T * 2, 1)), Xmat1, Xmat2))
# import ssm
# from ssm import LDS
# from ssm.util import random_rotation
# true_lds = LDS(2, D_in, emissions="gaussian")
# A0 = .95 * random_rotation(D_in, theta=np.pi/40)
# S = np.arange(1, D_in+1)
# R = np.linalg.svd(npr.randn(D_in, D_in))[0] * S
# A = R.dot(A0).dot(np.linalg.inv(R))
# b =  np.zeros(D_in)
# true_lds.dynamics.As[0] = A
# true_lds.dynamics.bs[0] = b
# true_lds.dynamics.Sigmas = true_lds.dynamics.Sigmas / np.max(true_lds.dynamics.Sigmas[0]) * 0.5
# x, y = true_lds.sample(T)
# x = x / np.max(x) * 5.0