예제 #1
def create_pf():
    u = np.linspace(-1.2 / np.sqrt(2), 1.2 / np.sqrt(2), endpoint=True, num=60)
    v = np.linspace(-1.2 / np.sqrt(2), 1.2 / np.sqrt(2), endpoint=True, num=60)
    U, V = np.meshgrid(u, v)
    u, v = U.flatten(), V.flatten()
    uv = np.stack([u, v]).T
    ls = []
    for x in uv:
        # generate solutions on the Pareto front:
        # x = np.array([x1, x1])

        f, f_dx = concave_fun_eval(x)
    ls = np.stack(ls)

    po, pf = [], []
    for i, x in enumerate(uv):
        l_i = ls[i]
        if np.any(np.all(l_i > ls, axis=1)):

    po = np.stack(po)
    pf = np.stack(pf)
    pf_tri = mtri.Triangulation(po[:, 0], po[:, 1])
    tri = mtri.Triangulation(u, v)

    return pf, pf_tri, ls, tri
예제 #2
def get_neighs_sq(inputs):
    verts = list()

    if inputs.shape[2] == 576:
        for i in range(12):
            for j in range(12):
                x = 2 * i + 48 * j
                a = inputs[:, :, x]
                b = inputs[:, :, x + 1]
                c = inputs[:, :, x + 24]
                d = inputs[:, :, x + 25]
                temp = np.stack((a, b, c, d))
                temp = np.amax(temp, axis=0)

    elif inputs.shape[2] == 64:
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                x = 2 * i + 16 * j
                a = inputs[:, :, x]
                b = inputs[:, :, x + 1]
                c = inputs[:, :, x + 8]
                d = inputs[:, :, x + 9]
                temp = np.stack((a, b, c, d))
                temp = np.amax(temp, axis=0)

    return verts
예제 #3
    def forward_pass(self, inputs, param_vector):

        #n = mesh_traversal.get_neighs_sq(inputs)
        #result = np.array(n)
        #result = np.moveaxis(result, 0, 2)

        # if inputs.shape[2] == 576:

        new_shape = inputs.shape[:2]
        for i in [0]:
            pool_width = self.pool_shape[i]
            img_width = inputs.shape[i + 2]
            new_dim = int((np.sqrt(img_width) / np.sqrt(pool_width)))
            new_shape += (new_dim * new_dim, )

        result = []
        for i in range(new_dim):
            for j in range(new_dim):
                x = (3 * j + 25) + 24 * 3 * i
                n = mesh_traversal.get_neighs_sq2(adj_mtx, x)
                a = inputs[:, :, n[0]]
                b = inputs[:, :, n[1]]
                c = inputs[:, :, n[2]]
                d = inputs[:, :, n[3]]
                e = inputs[:, :, n[4]]
                f = inputs[:, :, n[5]]
                g = inputs[:, :, n[6]]
                h = inputs[:, :, n[7]]
                temp = np.stack((a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h))
                temp = np.amax(temp, axis=0)
        result = np.stack(result)
        result = np.moveaxis(result, 0, 2)

        return result
예제 #4
def simulate_wind_tunnel(args, vx, vy, occlusion):
    '''Code modified from bit.ly/2Yy8LXs. Physics is based on bit.ly/386n3BR'''
    rows, cols = args.tunnel_shape
    red_smoke, blue_smoke = np.zeros_like(vx), np.zeros_like(vx)  # add smoke
    red_smoke[rows // 4:rows // 2] = 0.9  # initialize red smoke band
    blue_smoke[rows // 2:3 * rows // 4] = 0.9  # ...and blue smoke band
    rgb = np.stack([red_smoke, occlusion, blue_smoke], axis=-1)
    frames = [rgb]  # visualize occlusion and flow of smoke

    # Step through the simulation
    vx, vy = project(vx, vy, occlusion, args.filter_width)
    for t in range(args.simulator_steps):
        vx_updated = advect(vx, vx, vy)  # self-advection of vx
        vy_updated = advect(vy, vx, vy)  # self-advection of vy
        vx, vy = project(vx_updated, vy_updated, occlusion,
                         args.filter_width)  # vol. constraint

        red_smoke = advect(red_smoke, vx, vy)  # advect / occlude the smoke
        red_smoke = occlude(red_smoke, occlusion)
        blue_smoke = advect(blue_smoke, vx, vy)
        blue_smoke = occlude(blue_smoke, occlusion)

        fields = ([red_smoke, blue_smoke, vx,
                   vy], ['red_smoke', 'blue_smoke', 'vx', 'vy'])
        [red_smoke, blue_smoke, vx,
         vy] = enforce_boundary_conditions(*fields, args)

        rgb = np.stack([red_smoke, occlusion, blue_smoke], axis=-1)
    return vx, vy, frames
예제 #5
파일: util.py 프로젝트: mdw771/beyond_dof
def apply_rotation(obj, coord_old, src_folder):

    coord_vec_ls = []
    for i in range(3):
        f = os.path.join(src_folder, 'coord{}_vec.npy'.format(i))
    s = obj.shape
    coord0_vec, coord1_vec, coord2_vec = coord_vec_ls

    coord_old = np.tile(coord_old, [s[0], 1])
    coord1_old = coord_old[:, 0]
    coord2_old = coord_old[:, 1]
    coord_old = np.stack([coord0_vec, coord1_old, coord2_old], axis=1).transpose()
    # print(sess.run(coord_old))

    obj_channel_ls = np.split(obj, s[3], 3)
    obj_rot_channel_ls = []
    for channel in obj_channel_ls:
        channel_flat = channel.flatten()
        ind = coord_old[0] * (s[1] * s[2]) + coord_old[1] * s[2] + coord_old[2]
        ind = ind.astype('int')
        obj_chan_new_val = channel_flat[ind]
        obj_rot_channel_ls.append(np.reshape(obj_chan_new_val, s[:-1]))
    obj_rot = np.stack(obj_rot_channel_ls, axis=3)
    return obj_rot
예제 #6
def test_batch_softmax():
    X = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=(10, 5))
    p0 = np.stack(softmax(x_) for i, x_ in enumerate(X))
    p1 = batch_softmax(X, axis=1)
    p0_0 = np.stack(softmax(x_) for i, x_ in enumerate(X.T))
    p1_0 = batch_softmax(X, axis=0)
    assert np.all(np.equal(p0, p1))
    assert np.all(np.equal(p0_0.round(4), p1_0.round(4).T))
예제 #7
    def gp0(self, m, s):
        Compute joint predictions for MGP with uncertain inputs.
        assert hasattr(self, "hyp")
        if not hasattr(self, "K"):

        x = np.atleast_2d(self.inputs)
        y = np.atleast_2d(self.targets)
        n, D = x.shape
        n, E = y.shape

        X = self.hyp
        iK = self.iK
        beta = self.alpha

        m = np.atleast_2d(m)
        inp = x - m

        # Compute the predicted mean and IO covariance.
        iL = np.stack([np.diag(exp(-X[i, :D])) for i in range(E)])
        iN = np.matmul(inp, iL)
        B = iL @ s @ iL + np.eye(D)
        t = np.stack([solve(B[i].T, iN[i].T).T for i in range(E)])
        q = exp(-np.sum(iN * t, 2) / 2)
        qb = q * beta.T
        tiL = np.matmul(t, iL)
        c = exp(2 * X[:, D]) / sqrt(det(B))

        M = np.sum(qb, 1) * c
        V = (np.transpose(tiL, [0, 2, 1]) @ np.expand_dims(qb, 2)).reshape(
            E, D).T * c
        k = 2 * X[:, D].reshape(E, 1) - np.sum(iN**2, 2) / 2

        # Compute the predicted covariance.
        inp = np.expand_dims(inp, 0) / np.expand_dims(exp(2 * X[:, :D]), 1)
        ii = np.repeat(inp[:, newaxis, :, :], E, 1)
        ij = np.repeat(inp[newaxis, :, :, :], E, 0)

        iL = np.stack([np.diag(exp(-2 * X[i, :D])) for i in range(E)])
        siL = np.expand_dims(iL, 0) + np.expand_dims(iL, 1)
        R = np.matmul(s, siL) + np.eye(D)
        t = 1 / sqrt(det(R))
        iRs = np.stack(
            [solve(R.reshape(-1, D, D)[i], s) for i in range(E * E)])
        iRs = iRs.reshape(E, E, D, D)
        Q = exp(k[:, newaxis, :, newaxis] + k[newaxis, :, newaxis, :] +
                maha(ii, -ij, iRs / 2))

        S = np.einsum('ji,iljk,kl->il', beta, Q, beta)
        tr = np.hstack([np.sum(Q[i, i] * iK[i]) for i in range(E)])
        S = (S - np.diag(tr)) * t + np.diag(exp(2 * X[:, D]))
        S = S - np.matmul(M[:, newaxis], M[newaxis, :])

        return M, S, V
예제 #8
파일: util.py 프로젝트: mdw771/beyond_dof
def save_rotation_lookup(array_size, n_theta, dest_folder=None):

    image_center = [np.floor(x / 2) for x in array_size]

    coord0 = np.arange(array_size[0])
    coord1 = np.arange(array_size[1])
    coord2 = np.arange(array_size[2])

    coord2_vec = np.tile(coord2, array_size[1])

    coord1_vec = np.tile(coord1, array_size[2])
    coord1_vec = np.reshape(coord1_vec, [array_size[1], array_size[2]])
    coord1_vec = np.reshape(np.transpose(coord1_vec), [-1])

    coord0_vec = np.tile(coord0, [array_size[1] * array_size[2]])
    coord0_vec = np.reshape(coord0_vec, [array_size[1] * array_size[2], array_size[0]])
    coord0_vec = np.reshape(np.transpose(coord0_vec), [-1])

    # move origin to image center
    coord1_vec = coord1_vec - image_center[1]
    coord2_vec = coord2_vec - image_center[2]

    # create matrix of coordinates
    coord_new = np.stack([coord1_vec, coord2_vec]).astype(np.float32)

    # create rotation matrix
    theta_ls = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_theta)
    coord_old_ls = []
    for theta in theta_ls:
        m_rot = np.array([[np.cos(theta),  -np.sin(theta)],
                          [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
        coord_old = np.matmul(m_rot, coord_new)
        coord1_old = np.round(coord_old[0, :] + image_center[1]).astype(np.int)
        coord2_old = np.round(coord_old[1, :] + image_center[2]).astype(np.int)
        # clip coordinates
        coord1_old = np.clip(coord1_old, 0, array_size[1]-1)
        coord2_old = np.clip(coord2_old, 0, array_size[2]-1)
        coord_old = np.stack([coord1_old, coord2_old], axis=1)
    if dest_folder is None:
        dest_folder = 'arrsize_{}_{}_{}_ntheta_{}'.format(array_size[0], array_size[1], array_size[2], n_theta)
    if not os.path.exists(dest_folder):
    for i, arr in enumerate(coord_old_ls):
        np.save(os.path.join(dest_folder, '{:04}'.format(i)), arr)

    coord1_vec = coord1_vec + image_center[1]
    coord1_vec = np.tile(coord1_vec, array_size[0])
    coord2_vec = coord2_vec + image_center[2]
    coord2_vec = np.tile(coord2_vec, array_size[0])
    for i, coord in enumerate([coord0_vec, coord1_vec, coord2_vec]):
        np.save(os.path.join(dest_folder, 'coord{}_vec'.format(i)), coord)

    return coord_old_ls
예제 #9
def expected_log_beta(a, b, alpha, beta):
    E[log p(x)] where
    p(x) = Beta(a, b)
    q(x) = Beta(alpha, beta)
    # stack parameters along last axis (our Dirichlet convention)
    # and treat as dirichlet
    new_a = np.stack([a, b], axis=-1)
    new_alpha = np.stack([alpha, beta], axis=-1)
    return expected_log_dirichlet(new_a, new_alpha)
예제 #10
def any_perpendicular(vecs):
    # For 'vecs' of shape (..., 3), this returns an array of shape
    # (..., 3) in which every corresponding vector is perpendicular
    # (but nonzero).  'vecs' does not need to be normalized, and the
    # returned vectors are not normalized.
    x, y, z = [vecs[..., i] for i in range(3)]
    a0 = np.zeros_like(x)
    # The condition has the extra dimension added to make it (..., 1)
    # so it broadcasts properly with the branches, which are (..., 3):
    p = np.where((np.abs(z) < np.abs(x))[..., None],
                 np.stack((y, -x, a0), axis=-1), np.stack((a0, -z, y),
    return p
예제 #11
def get_field(xmin=-1.2, xmax=1.2, ymin=-1.2, ymax=1.2, gridsize=20):
    field = {'meta': locals()}

    # meshgrid to get vector field
    b, a = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(xmin, xmax, gridsize), np.linspace(ymin, ymax, gridsize))
    ys = np.stack([b.flatten(), a.flatten()])
    # get vector directions
    dydt = [dynamics_fn(None, y) for y in ys.T]
    dydt = np.stack(dydt).T

    field['x'] = ys.T
    field['dx'] = dydt.T
    return field
예제 #12
    def test_multiple_expectation_jacobian_positional(self):
        "Tests that qnodes using positional arguments return correct gradients for multiple expectation values."

        a, b, c = 0.5, 0.54, 0.3

        def circuit(x, y, z):
            qml.QubitStateVector(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1]) / np.sqrt(3), [0, 1])
            qml.Rot(x, y, z, 0)
            qml.CNOT([0, 1])
            return qml.expval.PauliZ(0), qml.expval.PauliY(1)

        circuit = qml.QNode(circuit, self.dev2)

        # compare our manual Jacobian computation to theoretical result
        # Note: circuit.jacobian actually returns a full jacobian in this case
        res = circuit.jacobian(np.array([a, b, c]))
        self.assertAllAlmostEqual(self.expected_jacobian(a, b, c),

        # compare our manual Jacobian computation to autograd
        # not sure if this is the intended usage of jacobian
        jac0 = qml.jacobian(circuit, 0)
        jac1 = qml.jacobian(circuit, 1)
        jac2 = qml.jacobian(circuit, 2)
        res = np.stack([jac0(a, b, c), jac1(a, b, c), jac2(a, b, c)]).T

        self.assertAllAlmostEqual(self.expected_jacobian(a, b, c),
예제 #13
def pos_traj(sts1, sts2, m0, m1, m2, r0, noises, nt, dt, tau, lag, rdotf = rdot_2d3w_S):
    # sts = on/off-ness of bmp at each of the T stages -- should be T x M -- currently T = 6
    # sigParams = parameters for getSigSeries function
    # r0 = initial position on fate landscape 1x2
    # noises = noise at each timestep for each data point --> nt x M x 2
    # nt = number of timesteps (integer)
    # dt = length of timesteps (float)
    # tau = timescale (float)
    l0s = np.zeros((nt, sts1.shape[1])) + m0[0]
    l1s = getSigSeriesG(sts1, nt, *m1[0:3]) # nt x M
    l2s = getSigSeriesG(sts2, nt, *m2[0:3]) # nt x M
    v0  = np.array([[np.cos(m0[1]), np.sin(m0[1])]])
    v1  = np.array([[np.cos(m1[3]), np.sin(m1[3])]])
    v2  = np.array([[np.cos(m2[3]), np.sin(m2[3])]])
    tilt = getTilt(l0s, v0) + getTilt(l1s, v1) + getTilt(l2s, v2)
    # should be able to evaluate m(t) = l0v0+l1v1+l2v2 and feed that into rdot to save some computation time...

    #rs      = np.zeros((sts1.shape[1], nt, r0.shape[0])) # M x nt x 2
    #rs[:,0] = r0
    #rs      = np.hstack([r0*np.ones((sts1.shape[1],1,r0.shape[0])),  np.zeros((sts1.shape[1], nt-1, r0.shape[0]))])
    rs      = [r0*np.ones((sts1.shape[1],r0.shape[0]))]
    for t in range(0, lag):
        #rs[:,t+1] = rs[:,t] + dt*noises[t]
        rs.append(rs[t] + dt*noises[t])

    for t in range(lag, nt-1):
        #rs[:,t+1] = rs[:,t] + dt*(rdotf(rs[:,t], tau, tilt[t]) + noises[t])
        rs.append(rs[t] + dt*(rdotf(rs[t], tau, tilt[t]) + noises[t]))

    return np.stack(rs,axis=1)
예제 #14
    def __init__(self,

        # Airfoil parameters
        self.m = m
        self.n = n

        # NACA 0012 as the initial airfoil
            self.airfoil0 = np.loadtxt(initial_path, skiprows=1)
            self.airfoil0 = np.loadtxt(initial_path, delimiter=',')
        x_min = np.min(self.airfoil0[:, 0])
        x_max = np.max(self.airfoil0[:, 0])
        z_min = np.min(self.airfoil0[:, 1])
        z_max = np.max(self.airfoil0[:, 1])
        Px = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, self.m, endpoint=True)
        Py = np.linspace(z_min, z_max, self.n, endpoint=True)
        x, y = np.meshgrid(Px, Py)
        P0 = np.stack((x, y), axis=-1)
        self.Px = P0[:, :, 0]
        self.alpha0 = P0[:, :, 1].flatten()

        self.dim = len(self.alpha0)
        self.bounds = np.zeros((self.dim, 2))
        perturb = 0.2
        self.bounds[:, 0] = self.alpha0 - perturb
        self.bounds[:, 1] = self.alpha0 + perturb

        self.y = None
        self.config_fname = config_fname
예제 #15
def autograd(f, ds, points):
    """Evaluate derivatives of f on the given points."""
    df_ds = lambda *args: f(np.stack(args, axis=-1))
    for i in ds:
        df_ds = egrad(df_ds, i)
    ndim = points.shape[-1]
    return df_ds(*[points[..., i] for i in range(ndim)])
예제 #16
    def m_step(self, expectations, datas, inputs, masks, tags, **kwargs):
        from autograd.scipy.special import i0, i1
        x = np.concatenate(datas)

        weights = np.concatenate([Ez for Ez, _, _ in expectations])

        # convert angles to 2D representation and employ closed form solutions
        x_k = np.stack((np.sin(x), np.cos(x)), axis=1)

        r_k = np.tensordot(weights.T, x_k, (-1, 0))

        r_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(r_k**2, 1))
        mus_k = r_k / r_norm[:, None]
        r_bar = r_norm / weights.sum(0)[:, None]

        # truncated newton approximation with 2 iterations
        kappa_0 = r_bar * (2 - r_bar**2) / (1 - r_bar**2)

        kappa_1 = kappa_0 - ((i1(kappa_0)/i0(kappa_0)) - r_bar) / \
                  (1 - (i1(kappa_0)/i0(kappa_0)) ** 2 - (i1(kappa_0)/i0(kappa_0)) / kappa_0)
        kappa_2 = kappa_1 - ((i1(kappa_1)/i0(kappa_1)) - r_bar) / \
                  (1 - (i1(kappa_1)/i0(kappa_1)) ** 2 - (i1(kappa_1)/i0(kappa_1)) / kappa_1)

        for k in range(self.K):
            self.mus[k] = np.arctan2(*mus_k[k])
            self.log_kappas[k] = np.log(kappa_2[k])
예제 #17
def get_trajectory(radius=None, y0=None, noise_std=0.1, **kwargs):
    time_stamps = kwargs["time_stamps"] if "time_stamps" in kwargs else 45
    t_span = [0, 3 / 44 * (time_stamps - 1)]
    t_eval = np.linspace(t_span[0], t_span[1], time_stamps)

    # get initial state
    if y0 is None:
        y0 = np.random.rand(2) * 2. - 1
    if radius is None:
        radius = np.random.rand() + 1.3  # sample a range of radii
    y0 = y0 / np.sqrt((y0**2).sum()) * radius  ## set the appropriate radius

    spring_ivp = solve_ivp(fun=dynamics_fn,
    q, p = spring_ivp['y'][0], spring_ivp['y'][1]
    dydt = [dynamics_fn(None, y) for y in spring_ivp['y'].T]
    dydt = np.stack(dydt).T
    dqdt, dpdt = np.split(dydt, 2)

    # add noise
    q += np.random.randn(*q.shape) * noise_std
    p += np.random.randn(*p.shape) * noise_std
    return q, p, dqdt, dpdt, t_eval
예제 #18
    def test_multiple_expectation_jacobian_positional(self, tol):
        """Tests that qnodes using positional arguments return
        correct gradients for multiple expectation values."""
        a, b, c = 0.5, 0.54, 0.3

        def circuit(x, y, z):
            qml.QubitStateVector(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1]) / np.sqrt(3),
                                 wires=[0, 1])
            qml.Rot(x, y, z, wires=0)
            qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
            return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.expval(qml.PauliY(1))

        dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=2)
        circuit = qml.QNode(circuit, dev)

        # compare our manual Jacobian computation to theoretical result
        # Note: circuit.jacobian actually returns a full jacobian in this case
        res = circuit.jacobian(np.array([a, b, c]))
        assert np.allclose(self.expected_jacobian(a, b, c),

        # compare our manual Jacobian computation to autograd
        # not sure if this is the intended usage of jacobian
        jac0 = qml.jacobian(circuit, 0)
        jac1 = qml.jacobian(circuit, 1)
        jac2 = qml.jacobian(circuit, 2)
        res = np.stack([jac0(a, b, c), jac1(a, b, c), jac2(a, b, c)]).T

        assert np.allclose(self.expected_jacobian(a, b, c),
예제 #19
    def initialization(self, sizes, seed = None):
        Initialize the weights and biases parameters with random seed.
        sizes: list or np.ndarray
            The shape will be the layer size of the neural network and the value will be
            the hidden units of the corresponding layer.

            >>> layer_size = array([3, 2, 3, 1])

            whihc means that there are 2 hidden layers and the hidden units will be 2 and
            3, respectively. The inputs size should be different when the number of 
            fingerprints and the type of fingeprints are different. In the BPNN, the outputs 
            should always be 1, which means the atomic energy of a element. In the SPNN, 
            the outputs would be different when the number of elements in the configuration
            is different.
        A weights matrix, which contains biases.
        rs = np.random.RandomState(seed = seed)
        weights = []
        for i in range(len(sizes) - 1):
            weights += list(rs.randn((sizes[i] + 1) * sizes[i + 1]))
        return np.stack(weights)
예제 #20
def sphere_points(K, min_angle=None, max_angle=None):
    # generate evenly distributed preference vector
    # ang0 = np.pi / 20. if min_angle is None else min_angle
    # ang1 = np.pi * 9 / 20. if max_angle is None else max_angle
    # azim = np.linspace(ang0, ang1, endpoint=True, num=K)
    # elev = np.linspace(ang0, ang1, endpoint=True, num=K)

    azim = [
        np.linspace(np.pi / 8, np.pi * 3 / 8, endpoint=True, num=3),
        np.linspace(np.pi / 5, np.pi * 3. / 10, endpoint=True, num=2),
        [np.pi / 4]
    elev = [np.pi / 3, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 12]
    rs = []
    for i, el in enumerate(elev):
        azs = azim[i] if i % 2 != 0 else azim[i][::-1]
        for az in azs:
                    np.sin(el) * np.cos(az),
                    np.sin(el) * np.sin(az),

    # for az in azim:
    #     for el in elev:
    #         rs.append(np.array([np.cos(el) * np.cos(az),
    #                             np.cos(el) * np.sin(az),
    #                             np.sin(el)]))

    # rs.append(np.array([1., 1., 1.]))
    return np.stack(rs)
예제 #21
    def convert_results(results, interface):
        """Convert a list of results coming from multiple QNodes
        to the object required by each interface for auto-differentiation.

        Internally, this method makes use of ``tf.stack``, ``torch.stack``,
        and ``np.stack``.

            results (list): list containing the results from
                multiple QNodes
            interface (str): the interfaces of the underlying QNodes

            list or array or torch.Tensor or tf.Tensor: the converted
            and stacked results.
        if interface == "tf":
            import tensorflow as tf

            return tf.stack(results)

        if interface == "torch":
            import torch

            return torch.stack(results, dim=0)

        if interface in ("autograd", "numpy"):
            from autograd import numpy as np

            return np.stack(results)

        return results
예제 #22
def generate_batch_of_beats_numpy(params):
    ode_params = ODEParamsNumpy()
    x = np.array([-0.417750770388669 for _ in range(params.shape[0])]).reshape(
        (-1, 1))
    y = np.array([-0.9085616622823985
                  for _ in range(params.shape[0])]).reshape((-1, 1))
    z = np.array([-0.004551233843726818
                  for _ in range(params.shape[0])]).reshape((-1, 1))
    t = 0.0

    x_signal = [x]
    y_signal = [y]
    z_signal = [z]
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(215):
        f_x = d_x_d_t_numpy(y, x, t, ode_params.rrpc, ode_params.h)
        f_y = d_y_d_t_numpy(y, x, t, ode_params.rrpc, ode_params.h)
        f_z = d_z_d_t_numpy(x, y, z, t, params, ode_params)

        t += 1 / 512
        x_signal.append(x + ode_params.h * f_x)
        y_signal.append(y + ode_params.h * f_y)
        z_signal.append(z + ode_params.h * f_z)

        x = x + ode_params.h * f_x
        y = y + ode_params.h * f_y
        z = z + ode_params.h * f_z
    end = time.time()
    logging.info("Time to generate batch: {}".format(end - start))
    z_signal = np.stack(z_signal).reshape((216, -1)).transpose()
    return z_signal
예제 #23
def get_trajectory(t_span=[0, 3],
    t_eval = np.linspace(t_span[0], t_span[1],
                         int(timescale * (t_span[1] - t_span[0])))

    # get initial state
    if y0 is None:
        y0 = np.random.rand(2) * 2 - 1
    if radius is None:
        radius = np.random.rand() * 0.9 + 0.1  # sample a range of radii
    y0 = y0 / np.sqrt((y0**2).sum()) * radius  ## set the appropriate radius

    spring_ivp = solve_ivp(fun=dynamics_fn,
    q, p = spring_ivp['y'][0], spring_ivp['y'][1]
    dydt = [dynamics_fn(None, y) for y in spring_ivp['y'].T]
    dydt = np.stack(dydt).T
    dqdt, dpdt = np.split(dydt, 2)

    # add noise
    q += np.random.randn(*q.shape) * noise_std
    p += np.random.randn(*p.shape) * noise_std
    return q, p, dqdt, dpdt, t_eval
예제 #24
def get_d_paretomtl_init(grads, value, weights, i):
    # calculate the gradient direction for Pareto MTL initialization
    nobj, dim = grads.shape

    # check active constraints
    normalized_current_weight = weights[i] / np.linalg.norm(weights[i])
    normalized_rest_weights = np.delete(weights, (i), axis=0) / np.linalg.norm(
        np.delete(weights, (i), axis=0), axis=1, keepdims=True)
    w = normalized_rest_weights - normalized_current_weight

    gx = np.dot(w, value / np.linalg.norm(value))
    idx = gx > 0

    if np.sum(idx) <= 0:
        return np.zeros(nobj)
    if np.sum(idx) == 1:
        sol = np.ones(1)
        vec = np.dot(w[idx], grads)
        sol, nd = MinNormSolver.find_min_norm_element(vec)

    # calculate the weights
    weight0 = np.sum(
        np.array([sol[j] * w[idx][j, 0] for j in np.arange(0, np.sum(idx))]))
    weight1 = np.sum(
        np.array([sol[j] * w[idx][j, 1] for j in np.arange(0, np.sum(idx))]))
    weight = np.stack([weight0, weight1])

    return weight
예제 #25
    def mixture_elbo(var_mixture_params, t):
        # We need to only sample the continuous component parameters,
        # and integrate over the discrete component choice

        def mixture_lower_bound(params):
            """Provides a stochastic estimate of the variational lower bound."""
            samples = component_sample(params, num_samples, rs)
            log_qs = mixture_log_density(var_mixture_params, samples)

            log_ps = logprob(samples, t)

            log_ps = np.reshape(log_ps, (num_samples, -1))
            log_qs = np.reshape(log_qs, (num_samples, -1))

            return np.mean(log_ps - log_qs)  #over samples

            # log_w = log_ps - log_qs
            # elbo = logmeanexp(log_w)

            # return elbo

        log_weights, var_params = unpack_mixture_params(var_mixture_params)
        component_elbos = np.stack(
            [mixture_lower_bound(params_k) for params_k in var_params])

        # print (component_elbos.shape)
        # print (log_weights.shape)
        # fasdf

        # return np.sum(component_elbos + log_weights) #over clusters
        return np.sum(component_elbos * np.exp(log_weights))
예제 #26
def pos_traj_1d(sts, m0, m1, x0, noises, nt, dt, tau, lag, rdotf = rdot_1d2w):
    # sts = on/off-ness of bmp at each of the T stages -- should be T x M -- currently T = 6
    # m0 = tilt toward development
    # m1 = array of gaussian params for tilt toward BMP
    # x0 = initial position on fate landscape 1x1
    # noises = noise at each timestep for each data point --> nt x M
    # nt = number of timesteps (integer)
    # dt = length of timesteps (float)
    # tau = timescale (float)
    #l0s = np.zeros((nt, sts.shape[1])) + m0         # if positive, pushes x negative toward neural
    #l0s = np.zeros((nt, sts.shape[1]))              # if positive, pushes x negative toward neural
    #l0s[:int(m0[1])] = m0[0]         
    l1s = getSigSeriesG(sts, nt, *m1[0:3]) # nt x M # if positive, pushes x positive toward epidermal
    #tilt = l1s - l0s

    xs      = [x0*np.ones((sts.shape[1]))]

    for t in range(0, lag):
        xs.append(xs[t] + dt*noises[t])

    for t in range(lag, int(m0[1])):
        xs.append(xs[t] + dt*(rdotf(xs[t], tau, l1s[t] - m0[0]) + noises[t]))

    for t in range(int(m0[1]), nt-1):
        xs.append(xs[t] + dt*(rdotf(xs[t], tau, l1s[t]) + noises[t]))

#    for t in range(lag, nt-1):
#        xs.append(xs[t] + dt*(rdotf(xs[t], tau, tilt[t]) + noises[t]))

    return np.stack(xs,axis=1)
예제 #27
def theta_2_stiefel_jacobian(theta, shape):
    n, p = shape
    dof = int(n * p - 0.5 * p * (p + 1))
    dZ = np.stack([np.eye(n)[:, :p]] * dof)
    idx = -1

    for i in reversed(range(p)):
        for j in reversed(range(i + 1, n)):
            # compute cos and sin of rotation angle
            cos = np.cos(theta[idx])
            sin = np.sin(theta[idx])
            for k in reversed(range(dof)):
                if k == idx + dof:
                    dZ_new = np.zeros((n, p))
                    for l in range(p):
                        a = dZ[k, i, l]
                        b = dZ[k, j, l]
                        dZ_new[i, l] = -a * sin + b * cos
                        dZ_new[j, l] = -a * cos - b * sin
                    dZ[k] = dZ_new
                    # perform rotation on dZ matrix
                    for l in range(p):
                        a = dZ[k, i, l]
                        b = dZ[k, j, l]
                        dZ[k, i, l] = a * cos + b * sin
                        dZ[k, j, l] = -a * sin + b * cos
            idx -= 1  # update index
    return dZ
예제 #28
def _get_dof_indices(freedofs, fixdofs, k_xlist, k_ylist):
    index_map = autograd_lib.inverse_permutation(
        np.concatenate([freedofs, fixdofs]))
    keep = np.isin(k_xlist, freedofs) & np.isin(k_ylist, freedofs)
    i = index_map[k_ylist][keep]
    j = index_map[k_xlist][keep]
    return index_map, keep, np.stack([i, j])
예제 #29
def get_one_trajectory(t_span=[0, 10],
                       y0=np.array([1, 0]),
    Evaluate one GT trajectory

    t_eval = np.linspace(t_span[0], t_span[1], n_points)

    # ODE solver
    pen_sol = solve_ivp(fun=dynamics_fn,

    q, p = pen_sol['y'][0], pen_sol['y'][1]

    dydt = [dynamics_fn(None, y) for y in pen_sol['y'].T]
    dydt = np.stack(dydt).T
    dqdt, dpdt = np.split(dydt, 2)

    return q, p, dqdt, dpdt, t_eval
예제 #30
def distint_locs(xy):
    Dist = dist_mat(xy, xy)
    d_list = [Dist[i] for i in range(len(Dist))]
    D_ = sorted(d_list, key=row_comp)
    Duniq = []
    ids_ = []
    for i in range(len(D_) - 1):
        di = 1.0 * (D_[i] < TAU)
        di1 = 1.0 * (D_[i + 1] < TAU)
        if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(di - di1), 0):
    ids_.append(len(D_) - 1)

    if plot > 1:
        D = np.stack(Duniq)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1 + len(threshs))
        for i in range(len(threshs)):
            ax[i + 1].imshow(D < threshs[i])
        print(xy[:, ids_].shape)
        Dist = dist_mat(xy[:, ids_], xy[:, ids_])
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1 + len(threshs))
        for i in range(len(threshs)):
            ax[i + 1].imshow(Dist < threshs[i])
        plt.scatter(xy[0, ids_], xy[1, ids_], c='r', marker='x')

    return ids_
예제 #31
def test_make_ggnvp_broadcasting():
  A = npr.randn(4, 5)
  x = npr.randn(10, 4)
  v = npr.randn(10, 4)

  fun = lambda x: np.tanh(np.dot(x, A))
  res1 = np.stack([_make_explicit_ggnvp(fun)(xi)(vi) for xi, vi in zip(x, v)])
  res2 = make_ggnvp(fun)(x)(v)
  check_equivalent(res1, res2)
예제 #32
파일: gmm.py 프로젝트: mattjj/svae
def init_pgm_param(K, N, alpha, niw_conc=10., random_scale=0.):
    def init_niw_natparam(N):
        nu, S, m, kappa = N+niw_conc, (N+niw_conc)*np.eye(N), np.zeros(N), niw_conc
        m = m + random_scale * npr.randn(*m.shape)
        return niw.standard_to_natural(S, m, kappa, nu)

    dirichlet_natparam = alpha * (npr.rand(K) if random_scale else np.ones(K))
    niw_natparam = np.stack([init_niw_natparam(N) for _ in range(K)])

    return dirichlet_natparam, niw_natparam
예제 #33
def numerical_jacobian(fun, argnum, args, kwargs):
    def vector_fun(x):
        args_tmp = list(args)
        args_tmp[argnum] = vs_in.unflatten(vs_in.flatten(args[argnum]) + x)
        return vs_out.flatten(fun(*args_tmp, **kwargs))

    vs_in  = vspace(args[argnum])
    vs_out = vspace(fun(*args, **kwargs))
    return np.stack([(vector_fun(dx) - vector_fun(-dx)) / EPS
                     for dx in np.eye(vs_in.size) * EPS / 2]).T
예제 #34
파일: ode_net.py 프로젝트: HIPS/autograd
    def callback(params, iter, g):

        pred = ode_pred(params, true_y0, t)

        print("Iteration {:d} train loss {:.6f}".format(
              iter, L1_loss(pred, true_y)))

        ax_traj.plot(t, true_y[:, 0], '-', t, true_y[:, 1], 'g-')
        ax_traj.plot(t, pred[:, 0], '--', t, pred[:, 1], 'b--')
        ax_traj.set_xlim(t.min(), t.max())
        ax_traj.set_ylim(-2, 2)

        ax_phase.set_title('Phase Portrait')
        ax_phase.plot(true_y[:, 0], true_y[:, 1], 'g-')
        ax_phase.plot(pred[:, 0], pred[:, 1], 'b--')
        ax_phase.set_xlim(-2, 2)
        ax_phase.set_ylim(-2, 2)

        ax_vecfield.set_title('Learned Vector Field')

        # vector field plot
        y, x = npo.mgrid[-2:2:21j, -2:2:21j]
        dydt = nn_predict(np.stack([x, y], -1).reshape(21 * 21, 2), 0,
            params).reshape(-1, 2)
        mag = np.sqrt(dydt[:, 0]**2 + dydt[:, 1]**2).reshape(-1, 1)
        dydt = (dydt / mag)
        dydt = dydt.reshape(21, 21, 2)

        ax_vecfield.streamplot(x, y, dydt[:, :, 0], dydt[:, :, 1], color="black")
        ax_vecfield.set_xlim(-2, 2)
        ax_vecfield.set_ylim(-2, 2)

예제 #35
def make_pinwheel_data(radial_std, tangential_std, num_classes, num_per_class, rate):
    rads = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, num_classes, endpoint=False)

    features = npr.randn(num_classes*num_per_class, 2) \
        * np.array([radial_std, tangential_std])
    features[:,0] += 1.
    labels = np.repeat(np.arange(num_classes), num_per_class)

    angles = rads[labels] + rate * np.exp(features[:,0])
    rotations = np.stack([np.cos(angles), -np.sin(angles), np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)])
    rotations = np.reshape(rotations.T, (-1, 2, 2))

    return 10*npr.permutation(np.einsum('ti,tij->tj', features, rotations))
예제 #36
def jacobian(fun, x):
    Returns a function which computes the Jacobian of `fun` with respect to
    positional argument number `argnum`, which must be a scalar or array. Unlike
    `grad` it is not restricted to scalar-output functions, but also it cannot
    take derivatives with respect to some argument types (like lists or dicts).
    If the input to `fun` has shape (in1, in2, ...) and the output has shape
    (out1, out2, ...) then the Jacobian has shape (out1, out2, ..., in1, in2, ...).
    vjp, ans = _make_vjp(fun, x)
    ans_vspace = vspace(ans)
    jacobian_shape = ans_vspace.shape + vspace(x).shape
    grads = map(vjp, ans_vspace.standard_basis())
    return np.reshape(np.stack(grads), jacobian_shape)
예제 #37
def make_pinwheel(radial_std, tangential_std, num_classes, num_per_class, rate,
    """Based on code by Ryan P. Adams."""
    rads = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, num_classes, endpoint=False)

    features = rs.randn(num_classes*num_per_class, 2) \
        * np.array([radial_std, tangential_std])
    features[:, 0] += 1
    labels = np.repeat(np.arange(num_classes), num_per_class)

    angles = rads[labels] + rate * np.exp(features[:,0])
    rotations = np.stack([np.cos(angles), -np.sin(angles), np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)])
    rotations = np.reshape(rotations.T, (-1, 2, 2))

    return np.einsum('ti,tij->tj', features, rotations)
    def mixture_elbo(var_mixture_params, t):
        # We need to only sample the continuous component parameters,
        # and integrate over the discrete component choice

        def mixture_lower_bound(params):
            """Provides a stochastic estimate of the variational lower bound."""
            samples = component_sample(params, num_samples, rs)
            log_qs = mixture_log_density(var_mixture_params, samples)
            log_ps = logprob(samples, t)
            log_ps = np.reshape(log_ps, (num_samples, -1))
            log_qs = np.reshape(log_qs, (num_samples, -1))
            return np.mean(log_ps - log_qs)

        log_weights, var_params = unpack_mixture_params(var_mixture_params)
        component_elbos = np.stack(
            [mixture_lower_bound(params_k) for params_k in var_params])
        return np.sum(component_elbos*np.exp(log_weights))
예제 #39
def rand_natparam(n, k):
    return np.squeeze(np.stack([rand_gaussian(n) for _ in range(k)]))
예제 #40
def linear_fun_to_matrix(flat_fun, vs):
    return np.stack(map(flat_fun, np.eye(vs.size)))
예제 #41
 def jacfun(*args, **kwargs):
     vjp, ans = make_vjp(fun, argnum)(*args, **kwargs)
     ans_vspace = vspace(ans)
     jacobian_shape = ans_vspace.shape + vspace(args[argnum]).shape
     grads = map(vjp, ans_vspace.standard_basis())
     return np.reshape(np.stack(grads), jacobian_shape)
예제 #42
def rand_natparam(n, k):
    return np.squeeze(np.stack([rand_dirichlet(n) for _ in range(k)]))