예제 #1
 def parse(self, response):
     webId = re.search('(\d+)', response.url).group(0)
     html = response.body.decode(response.encoding)
     rootPath = PathUtils.getRootPath()
     path = rootPath + "\\output\\1_originHtml\\%s.html" % webId
     with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
예제 #2
 def saveImage(self, response):
     carName = response.meta['carName']
     fileName = response.url.split('/')[-1]
     rootPath = PathUtils.getRootPath()
     with open(
             "%s/output/picture/%s/中控方向盘/%s" %
         (rootPath, carName, fileName), 'wb') as f:
예제 #3
class SeriesImgsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'SeriesBodySpider'
    # 当前项目根目录
    rootPath = PathUtils.getRootPath()

    def __init__(self):
        PathUtils.initDir()  # 创建目录
        # 数据库操作
        dbUtils = DbUtils('config_3_series')
        # self.queryItems = dbUtils.select({"id": 511})
        # self.queryItems = dbUtils.select(None)
        self.queryItems = dbUtils.selectByPage(None, 0, 1)

    # 初始请求
    def start_requests(self):
        for item in self.queryItems:
            url = 'https://car.autohome.com.cn/pic/series/%s-1.html' % item['id']
            PathUtils.createDir(self.rootPath + '/output//picture/' + item['name'])
            PathUtils.createDir(self.rootPath + '/output//picture/' + item['name']+'/车身外观')  # 创建目录
            yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)

    def parse(self, response):
        responseBody = response.body.decode(response.encoding)

        # 提取分页信息
        pageUrls = re.findall('/pic/series/\d{0,4}\W1-p\d{1,3}.html', responseBody)
        for pageUrl in pageUrls:
            pageUrl = "https://car.autohome.com.cn/" + pageUrl
            yield scrapy.http.Request(url=pageUrl, callback=self.parse)

        # 提取图片详情
        carName = response.xpath("/html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[7]/div/div[1]/h2/a/text()").extract()[0]  # 提取车的名字
        img_urls = re.findall(r'<a href="/photo/series/(.*?)"', responseBody)  # 提取url
        img_urls = list(map(self.fullUrl, img_urls))  # 拼接成完整的url
        for url in img_urls:
            yield scrapy.http.Request(url=url, meta={'carName': carName}, callback=self.getImage)

    # 提取高清大图url
    def getImage(self, response):
        img_url = re.search(r'<img id="img" src="(.*?)"', response.text).group(1)
        img_url = "https:" + img_url
        carName = response.meta['carName']
        yield scrapy.http.Request(url=img_url, meta={'carName': carName}, callback=self.saveImage)

    # 保存大图片
    def saveImage(self, response):
        carName = response.meta['carName']
        fileName = response.url.split('/')[-1]
        rootPath = PathUtils.getRootPath()
        with open("%s/output/picture/%s/车身外观/%s" % (rootPath, carName, fileName), 'wb') as f:

    # 构建完整url
    def fullUrl(self, x):
        return 'https://car.autohome.com.cn/photo/series/' + x
예제 #4
 def save(self, workBook, folderName, sheetName):
     rootPath = PathUtils.getRootPath()
     workBook.save(rootPath + '/output/%s/%s.xlsx' % (folderName, sheetName))
예제 #5
파일: 7_Excel.py 프로젝트: xzmeng/autohome
 def save(self):
     rootPath = PathUtils.getRootPath()
     self.workBook.save(rootPath + '/output/config/config_6_config.xlsx')
예제 #6
import os
import re

from selenium import webdriver

from autohome.items import ConfigItem
from autohome.spiders.utils.DbUtils import DbUtils
from autohome.spiders.utils.ExcelUtils import ExcelUtils
from autohome.spiders.utils.PathUtils import PathUtils

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # 数据库操作
    dbUtils = DbUtils('config_6_config')
    # 当前项目根目录
    rootPath = PathUtils.getRootPath()
    # 注入的Js
    injectJs = (
        "let rules = '';"
        "document.createElement = function() {"
        "      return {"
        "              sheet: {"
        "                      insertRule: function(rule, i) {"
        "                              if (rules.length == 0) {"
        "                                      rules = '#' + rule;"
        "                              } else {"
        "                                      rules = rules + '#' + rule;"
        "                              }"
        "                      }"
        "              }"
        "      }"