def main(): readme_path = 'README.rst' before_key = 'Before running autopep8.\n\n.. code-block:: python' after_key = 'After running autopep8.\n\n.. code-block:: python' (top, before, bottom) = split_readme(readme_path, before_key=before_key, after_key=after_key, end_key='Options::') input_code = textwrap.dedent(before) output_code = autopep8.fix_string( input_code, options=autopep8.parse_args(['', '--aggressive'])[0]) compile(output_code, '<string>', 'exec', dont_inherit=True) new_readme = '\n\n'.join([ top, before_key, before, after_key, indent(output_code), bottom]) with open(readme_path, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(new_readme)
def itercode(self): """Returns a generator like [(relative_path of directory, code_string)...]""" for relative_path, codes in self._codes.iteritems(): code = '\n\n'.join([ c.render() for c in codes ]) if relative_path.endswith('.py'): try: try: # get the base imports imports = codes[0].namespace.imports().items() # tuples (import symbol, identifier to use) except AttributeError: imports = [] import_codes = [] for import_symbol, identifier in imports: if isinstance(import_symbol, basestring) and import_symbol.startswith('django.'): import_string = IMPORTS[import_symbol] m = re.match(r'from (.*) import (.*)$', import_string) from_string, real_import_name = (, elif import_symbol[0].startswith('webapp.'): from_string, real_import_name = import_symbol[0], import_symbol[1] elif import_symbol.startswith('utils.'): # The case where you want to import third party applications/non webapp or django modules import_string = IMPORTS[import_symbol] m = re.match(r'from (.*) import (.*)$', import_string) from_string, real_import_name = (, else: print import_symbol raise KeyError i = Import(real_import_name, identifier, from_string=from_string) import_codes.append(i) # looks complicated, but it's just collecting the imports by same from_string, # using sorted to ensure determinism of outputted code, for fast deploy to work. imports_by_from_string = { fs: [i for i in import_codes if i.from_string == fs] for fs in sorted(set([i.from_string for i in import_codes]))} normal_imports = '\n'.join([i.render() for i in sorted(imports_by_from_string.get('',[]))]) try: del imports_by_from_string[''] except KeyError: pass from_string_imports = '\n'.join(sorted([Import.render_concatted_imports(imps) for imps in imports_by_from_string.values()])) code = normal_imports + '\n\n' + from_string_imports + '\n\n' + code try: compile(code + "\n", relative_path, "exec") except IndentationError: traceback.print_exc() print code continue except SyntaxError: traceback.print_exc() print code continue else: code = autopep8.fix_string(code) yield (relative_path, code)
def _open_with_pep8(self): exts = settings.SYNTAX.get('python')['extension'] file_ext = file_manager.get_file_extension( self.editor_s.get_editor_path()) if file_ext in exts: editorWidget = self.editor_s.get_editor() if editorWidget: source = self.editor_s.get_text() fixed_source = autopep8.fix_string(source) self.editor_s.add_editor("", fixed_source, "py")
def post(self): result = {} body = self.request.get('body') try: result['Body'] = autopep8.fix_string(body) except Exception as e: result['Error'] = str(e) self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' self.response.write(json.dumps(result))
def _rewrite_pep8(self): editorWidget = self.editor_s.get_editor() if editorWidget: last_cursor_pos = editorWidget.get_cursor_position() source = self.editor_s.get_text() fixed_source = autopep8.fix_string(source) editorWidget.selectAll() editorWidget.textCursor().insertText(fixed_source) editorWidget.set_cursor_position(last_cursor_pos)
def run(self, edit): syntax = self.view.settings().get('syntax') if syntax.lower().find('python') == -1: return replace_region = self.view.line(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())) source = self.view.substr(replace_region) fixed = autopep8.fix_string(source, options=PPA.get_options()) is_dirty, err = MergeUtils.merge_code(self.view, edit, source, fixed) if err: sublime.error_message("%s: Merge failure: '%s'" % (PLUGIN_NAME, err)) raise
def run(self, edit): syntax = self.view.settings().get('syntax') if syntax.lower().find('python') == -1: return replace_region = self.view.line( sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())) source = self.view.substr(replace_region) fixed = autopep8.fix_string(source, options=PPA.get_options()) is_dirty, err = MergeUtils.merge_code( self.view, edit, source, fixed) if err: sublime.error_message( "%s: Merge failure: '%s'" % (PLUGIN_NAME, err)) raise
def _rewrite_pep8(self): exts = settings.SYNTAX.get('python')['extension'] file_ext = file_manager.get_file_extension( self.editor_s.get_editor_path()) if file_ext in exts: editorWidget = self.editor_s.get_editor() if editorWidget: last_cursor_pos = editorWidget.get_cursor_position() source = self.editor_s.get_text() fixed_source = autopep8.fix_string(source) editorWidget.selectAll() editorWidget.textCursor().insertText(fixed_source) editorWidget.set_cursor_position(last_cursor_pos)
def run(self, edit): replace_region = self.view.line(sublime.Region(0L, self.view.size())) source = self.view.substr(replace_region) options = autopep8.parse_args([''])[0] if IGNORE: options.ignore = IGNORE if SELECT: = SELECT if MAX_LINE_LENGTH: options.max_line_length = MAX_LINE_LENGTH if AGGRESSIVE: options.aggressive = True fixed = autopep8.fix_string(source, options=options) is_dirty, err = MergeUtils.merge_code(self.view, edit, source, fixed) if err: sublime.error_message("%s: Merge failure: '%s'" % (PLUGIN_NAME, err))
def main(): README_PATH = 'README.rst' BEFORE_KEY = 'Before running autopep8.\n\n.. code-block:: python' AFTER_KEY = 'After running autopep8.\n\n.. code-block:: python' (top, before, bottom) = split_readme(README_PATH, before_key=BEFORE_KEY, after_key=AFTER_KEY, end_key='Options::') import textwrap new_readme = '\n\n'.join([ top, BEFORE_KEY, before, AFTER_KEY, indent(autopep8.fix_string(textwrap.dedent(before))), bottom]) with open(README_PATH, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(new_readme)
def main(): readme_path = 'README.rst' before_key = 'Before running autopep8.\n\n.. code-block:: python' after_key = 'After running autopep8.\n\n.. code-block:: python' (top, before, bottom) = split_readme(readme_path, before_key=before_key, after_key=after_key, end_key='Options::') import textwrap new_readme = '\n\n'.join([ top, before_key, before, after_key, indent(autopep8.fix_string( textwrap.dedent(before), options=autopep8.parse_args(['', '--aggressive'])[0])), bottom]) with open(readme_path, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(new_readme)
def run_autopep8(self): """Format code with autopep8""" if ERR_MSG: self.main.statusBar().showMessage( _("Unable to run: {0}".format(ERR_MSG))) return # Retrieve active fixes ignore = [] for code, description in FIX_LIST: if not self.get_option(code, True): ignore.append(code) # Retrieve text of current opened file editorstack = self.main.editor.get_current_editorstack() index = editorstack.get_stack_index() finfo =[index] editor = finfo.editor cursor = editor.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() # Start cancel block if not cursor.hasSelection(): position_start = 0 # Select all else: # Select whole lines position_end = cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(cursor.selectionStart()) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfLine) position_start = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(position_end, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfLine, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) position_lastline_start = cursor.position() if not position_end == position_lastline_start: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfLine, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) # Select EOL if not on a new line if not position_lastline_start == cursor.position(): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Right, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) # Disable checks of newlines at end of file if not cursor.atEnd(): ignore.append("W391") # replace(): See qt doc for QTextCursor.selectedText() text_before = to_text_string(cursor.selectedText().replace( "\u2029", "\n")) # Run autopep8 options = [ "", "--ignore", ",".join(ignore), "--pep8-passes", str(self.get_option("passes", 0) - 1), "--max-line-length", str(self.main.window().editor.get_option("edge_line_column")) ] if self.get_option("aggressive1", False): options.append("--aggressive") if self.get_option("aggressive2", False): options.append("--aggressive") options = autopep8.parse_args(options)[0] text_after = autopep8.fix_string(text_before, options) # Apply new text if needed if text_before != text_after: cursor.insertText(text_after) # Change text cursor.endEditBlock() # End cancel block # Select changed text position_end = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(position_start, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) cursor.setPosition(position_end, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) editor.setTextCursor(cursor) self.main.statusBar().showMessage(_("Autopep8 finished !"))
def itercode(self): """Returns a generator like [(relative_path of directory, code_string)...]""" for relative_path, codes in self._codes.iteritems(): code = '\n\n'.join([c.render() for c in codes]) if relative_path.endswith('.py'): try: try: # get the base imports imports = codes[0].namespace.imports().items( ) # tuples (import symbol, identifier to use) except AttributeError: imports = [] import_codes = [] for import_symbol, identifier in imports: if isinstance(import_symbol, basestring) and import_symbol.startswith( 'django.'): import_string = IMPORTS[import_symbol] m = re.match(r'from (.*) import (.*)$', import_string) from_string, real_import_name = (, elif import_symbol[0].startswith('webapp.'): from_string, real_import_name = import_symbol[ 0], import_symbol[1] elif import_symbol.startswith('utils.'): # The case where you want to import third party applications/non webapp or django modules import_string = IMPORTS[import_symbol] m = re.match(r'from (.*) import (.*)$', import_string) from_string, real_import_name = (, else: print import_symbol raise KeyError i = Import(real_import_name, identifier, from_string=from_string) import_codes.append(i) # looks complicated, but it's just collecting the imports by same from_string, # using sorted to ensure determinism of outputted code, for fast deploy to work. imports_by_from_string = { fs: [i for i in import_codes if i.from_string == fs] for fs in sorted( set([i.from_string for i in import_codes])) } normal_imports = '\n'.join([ i.render() for i in sorted(imports_by_from_string.get('', [])) ]) try: del imports_by_from_string[''] except KeyError: pass from_string_imports = '\n'.join( sorted([ Import.render_concatted_imports(imps) for imps in imports_by_from_string.values() ])) code = normal_imports + '\n\n' + from_string_imports + '\n\n' + code try: compile(code + "\n", relative_path, "exec") except IndentationError: traceback.print_exc() print code continue except SyntaxError: traceback.print_exc() print code continue else: code = autopep8.fix_string(code) yield (relative_path, code)
def run_autopep8(self): """Format code with autopep8""" if ERR_MSG: self.main.statusBar().showMessage( _("Unable to run: {0}".format(ERR_MSG))) return # Retrieve active fixes ignore = [] for code, description in FIX_LIST: if not self.get_option(code, True): ignore.append(code) # Retrieve text of current opened file editorstack = self.main.editor.get_current_editorstack() index = editorstack.get_stack_index() finfo =[index] editor = finfo.editor cursor = editor.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() # Start cancel block if not cursor.hasSelection(): position_start = 0 # Select all else: # Select whole lines position_end = cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(cursor.selectionStart()) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfLine) position_start = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(position_end, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfLine, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) position_lastline_start = cursor.position() if not position_end == position_lastline_start: cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfLine, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) # Select EOL if not on a new line if not position_lastline_start == cursor.position(): cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Right, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) # Disable checks of newlines at end of file if not cursor.atEnd(): ignore.append("W391") # replace(): See qt doc for QTextCursor.selectedText() text_before = to_text_string( cursor.selectedText().replace("\u2029", "\n")) # Run autopep8 options = ["", "--ignore", ",".join(ignore), "--pep8-passes", str(self.get_option("passes", 0) - 1), "--max-line-length", str(self.main.window().editor.get_option("edge_line_column"))] if self.get_option("aggressive1", False): options.append("--aggressive") if self.get_option("aggressive2", False): options.append("--aggressive") options = autopep8.parse_args(options)[0] text_after = autopep8.fix_string(text_before, options) # Apply new text if needed if text_before != text_after: cursor.insertText(text_after) # Change text cursor.endEditBlock() # End cancel block # Select changed text position_end = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(position_start, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) cursor.setPosition(position_end, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) editor.setTextCursor(cursor) self.main.statusBar().showMessage( _("Autopep8 finished !"))
"""Run autopep8 on the selected buffer in Vim. map <C-I> :pyfile <path_to>/<CR> """ import vim if vim.eval('&syntax') == 'python': encoding = vim.eval('&fileencoding') source = '\n'.join(line.decode(encoding) for line in vim.current.buffer) + '\n' import autopep8 options = autopep8.parse_args(['--range', str(1 + vim.current.range.start), str(1 + vim.current.range.end), ''])[0] formatted = autopep8.fix_string(source, options=options) if source != formatted: if formatted.endswith('\n'): formatted = formatted[:-1] vim.current.buffer[:] = [line.encode(encoding) for line in formatted.splitlines()]
def _open_with_pep8(self): editorWidget = self.editor_s.get_editor() if editorWidget: source = self.editor_s.get_text() fixed_source = autopep8.fix_string(source) self.editor_s.add_editor("", fixed_source, "py")