def calc_strategy(data_info, options=None): options = options or {} os.chdir(data_info['working_directory']) # indicate overwritten parameters suffix = [] if options.get('resolution'): suffix.append("res=%0.2f" % options.get('resolution')) if options.get('anomalous'): suffix.append("anomalous") if len(suffix) > 0: step_descr = "Calculating strategy [{}]".format(", ".join(suffix)) else: step_descr = 'Calculating strategy' if not misc.file_requirements('CORRECT.LP', 'BKGPIX.cbf', 'XDS_ASCII.HKL', 'GXPARM.XDS'): return { 'step': 'strategy', 'success': False, 'reason': 'Required files from integration missing' } if os.path.exists('GXPARM.XDS'): misc.backup_files('XPARM.XDS') shutil.copy('GXPARM.XDS', 'XPARM.XDS') run_info = { 'mode': options.get('mode'), 'anomalous': options.get('anomalous', False) } run_info.update(data_info) xdsio.write_xds_input("XPLAN", run_info) try: programs.xds_par(step_descr) info = xds.parse_xplan(), options) info.update(best.parse_best()) except autoprocess.errors.ProcessError as e: return { 'step': 'strategy', 'success': True, 'reason': str(e), 'data': info } return {'step': 'strategy', 'success': True, 'data': info}
def auto_index(data_info, options=None): options = options or {} os.chdir(data_info['working_directory']) step_descr = 'Determining lattice orientation and parameters' jobs = 'IDXREF' run_info = {'mode': options.get('mode')} run_info.update(data_info) if not misc.file_requirements('XDS.INP', 'SPOT.XDS'): return { 'step': 'indexing', 'success': False, 'reason': "Required files not found" } try: xdsio.write_xds_input(jobs, run_info) programs.xds_par(step_descr) info = xds.parse_idxref() diagnosis = diagnose_index(info) _retries = 0 sigma = 6 spot_size = 3 _aliens_removed = False _weak_removed = False _spot_adjusted = False while info.get('failure_code') > 0 and _retries < 8: _all_images = (run_info['spot_range'][0] == run_info['data_range']) _retries += 1 _logger.warning('Indexing failed:') for prob in diagnosis['problems']: _logger.warning('... {}'.format(PROBLEMS[prob])) if options.get('backup', False): misc.backup_files('SPOT.XDS', 'IDXREF.LP') if diagnosis['problems'] & {PROBLEMS.index_origin}: if not _all_images: step_descr = '-> Expanding Spot Range' run_info['spot_range'] = [run_info['data_range']] else: step_descr = '-> Adjusting detector origin' run_info['beam_center'] = diagnosis['options'].get( 'beam_center', run_info['beam_center']) xdsio.write_xds_input('COLSPOT IDXREF', run_info) programs.xds_par(step_descr) info = xds.parse_idxref() diagnosis = diagnose_index(info) elif (diagnosis['problems'] & {PROBLEMS.few_spots, PROBLEMS.dimension_2d }) and not _all_images: run_info.update(spot_range=[run_info['data_range']]) xdsio.write_xds_input('IDXREF', run_info) programs.xds_par('-> Expanding Spot Range') info = xds.parse_idxref() diagnosis = diagnose_index(info) elif (diagnosis['problems'] & { PROBLEMS.poor_solution, PROBLEMS.spot_accuracy, PROBLEMS.non_integral }) and not _spot_adjusted: spot_size *= 1.5 sigma = 6 new_params = { 'sigma': sigma, 'min_spot_size': spot_size, 'refine_index': "CELL BEAM ORIENTATION AXIS" } if not _all_images: new_params['spot_range'] = [run_info['data_range']] run_info.update(new_params) xdsio.write_xds_input('COLSPOT IDXREF', run_info) programs.xds_par( '-> Adjusting spot size and refinement parameters') info = xds.parse_idxref() diagnosis = diagnose_index(info) _spot_adjusted = spot_size > 12 elif (diagnosis['problems'] & {PROBLEMS.unindexed_spots}) and not _weak_removed: sigma += 3 _filter_spots(sigma=sigma) run_info.update(sigma=sigma) xdsio.write_xds_input('IDXREF', run_info) programs.xds_par( '-> Removing weak spots (Sigma < {:2.0f})'.format(sigma)) info = xds.parse_idxref() diagnosis = diagnose_index(info) _weak_removed = sigma >= 12 elif (diagnosis['problems'] & {PROBLEMS.unindexed_spots, PROBLEMS.multiple_subtrees }) and not _aliens_removed: _filter_spots(unindexed=True) xdsio.write_xds_input(jobs, run_info) programs.xds_par('-> Removing all alien spots') info = xds.parse_idxref() diagnosis = diagnose_index(info) _aliens_removed = True else: _logger.critical('.. Unable to proceed.') _retries = 999 except autoprocess.errors.ProcessError as e: return {'step': 'indexing', 'success': False, 'reason': str(e)} if info.get('failure_code') == 0: return {'step': 'indexing', 'success': True, 'data': info} else: return { 'step': 'indexing', 'success': False, 'reason': info['failure'] }
def integrate(data_info, options=None): options = {} if options is None else options os.chdir(data_info['working_directory']) run_info = {'mode': options.get('mode')} run_info.update(data_info) if options.get('backup', False): misc.backup_files('INTEGRATE.LP', 'INTEGRATE.HKL') # if optimizing the integration, copy GXPARM # Calculate actual number of frames full_range = list( range(run_info['data_range'][0], run_info['data_range'][1] + 1)) skip_ranges = [] for r_s, r_e in run_info['skip_range']: skip_ranges.extend(list(range(r_s, r_e + 1))) num_frames = len(set(full_range) - set(skip_ranges)) if options.get('optimize', False) and os.path.exists('GXPARM.XDS'): misc.backup_files('XPARM.XDS') shutil.copy('GXPARM.XDS', 'XPARM.XDS') step_descr = 'Optimizing {:d} frames of dataset {}'.format( num_frames, log.TermColor.italics(data_info['name'])) else: step_descr = 'Integrating {:d} frames of dataset {}'.format( num_frames, log.TermColor.italics(data_info['name'])) # check if we are screening screening = options.get('mode') == 'screen' xdsio.write_xds_input("DEFPIX INTEGRATE", run_info) if not misc.file_requirements('X-CORRECTIONS.cbf', 'Y-CORRECTIONS.cbf', 'XPARM.XDS'): return { 'step': 'integration', 'success': False, 'reason': 'Required files missing' } try: programs.xds_par(step_descr) info = xds.parse_integrate() except autoprocess.errors.ProcessError as e: return {'step': 'integration', 'success': False, 'reason': str(e)} except: return { 'step': 'integration', 'success': False, 'reason': "Could not parse integrate output file" } else: pass if info.get('failure') is None: if data_info['working_directory'] == options.get('directory'): info['output_file'] = 'INTEGRATE.HKL' else: info['output_file'] = os.path.join(data_info['name'], 'INTEGRATE.HKL') return {'step': 'integration', 'success': True, 'data': info} else: return { 'step': 'integration', 'success': False, 'reason': info['failure'] }
def scale_datasets(dsets, options=None, message="Scaling"): options = options or {} os.chdir(options.get('directory', '.')) # indicate overwritten parameters suffix = [] suffix_txt = "" if options.get('resolution'): suffix.append(f"res={options['resolution']:0.2f}") if len(suffix) > 0: suffix_txt = f"with [{','.join(suffix)}]" sg_name = xtal.SG_SYMBOLS[list( dsets.values())[0].results['correction']['summary']['spacegroup']] # Check Requirements for dset in list(dsets.values()): if dset.results.get('correction') is None: return { 'step': 'scaling', 'success': False, 'reason': 'Can only scale after successful integration' } mode = options.get('mode', 'simple') if mode == 'mad': step_descr = ("Scaling {:d} MAD datasets in space-group {} {}".format( len(dsets), sg_name, suffix_txt)) sections = [] for dset in list(dsets.values()): dres = dset.results resol = options.get('resolution', dres['correction']['summary']['resolution'][0]) in_file = dres['correction']['output_file'] out_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(in_file), "XSCALE.HKL") sections.append({ 'anomalous': options.get('anomalous', False), 'strict_absorption': check_chisq(dres['correction']), 'output_file': out_file, 'crystal': 'cryst1', 'inputs': [{ 'input_file': in_file, 'resolution': resol }], 'shells': xtal.resolution_shells(resol), }) if options.get('backup', False): misc.backup_files(out_file, 'XSCALE.LP') dset.results['scaling'] = {'output_file': out_file} else: if options.get('mode') == 'merge': step_descr = ("Merging {:d} datasets in '{}' {}".format( len(dsets), sg_name, suffix_txt)) else: step_descr = ("Scaling dataset in '{}' {}".format( sg_name, suffix_txt)) inputs = [] resols = [] strict = False for dset in list(dsets.values()): dres = dset.results resol = options.get('resolution', dres['correction']['summary']['resolution'][0]) resols.append(resol) in_file = dres['correction']['output_file'] inputs.append({'input_file': in_file, 'resolution': resol}) strict = check_chisq(dres['correction']), sections = [{ 'anomalous': options.get('anomalous', False), 'strict_absorption': strict, 'shells': xtal.resolution_shells(min(resols)), 'output_file': "XSCALE.HKL", 'inputs': inputs, }] if options.get('backup', False): misc.backup_files('XSCALE.HKL', 'XSCALE.LP') xscale_options = {'sections': sections} xdsio.write_xscale_input(xscale_options) try: programs.xscale_par(step_descr) raw_info = xds.parse_xscale('XSCALE.LP') except autoprocess.errors.ProcessError as e: for dset in list(dsets.values()): dset.log.append((time.time(), 'scaling', False, str(e))) return {'step': 'scaling', 'success': False, 'reason': str(e)} if len(raw_info) == 1: info = list(raw_info.values())[0] # Set resolution if options.get('resolution'): resol = (options.get('resolution'), 4) else: resol = xtal.select_resolution(info['statistics']) info['summary']['resolution'] = resol if options.get('mode') == 'merge': dset = copy.deepcopy(list(dsets.values())[0]) dset.parameters['name'] = 'combined' = dset.parameters['name'] dsets[] = dset else: dset = list(dsets.values())[0] dset.results['scaling'] = info dset.log.append((time.time(), 'scaling', True, None)) else: for name, info in list(raw_info.items()): # Set resolution if options.get('resolution'): resol = (options.get('resolution'), 4) else: resol = xtal.select_resolution(info['statistics']) info['summary']['resolution'] = resol dsets[name].results['scaling'].update(info) dsets[name].log.append((time.time(), 'scaling', True, None)) return {'step': 'scaling', 'success': True}
def correct(data_info, options=None): options = options or {} os.chdir(data_info['working_directory']) message = options.get('message', "Applying corrections to") step_descr = '{} dataset "{}" for space-group {}'.format( message, data_info['name'], xtal.SG_SYMBOLS[data_info['space_group']]) run_info = {'mode': options.get('mode')} run_info.update(data_info) if not misc.file_requirements('INTEGRATE.HKL', 'X-CORRECTIONS.cbf', 'Y-CORRECTIONS.cbf'): return { 'step': 'correction', 'success': False, 'reason': 'Required files missing' } if options.get('backup', False): misc.backup_files('XDS_ASCII.HKL', 'CORRECT.LP') xdsio.write_xds_input("CORRECT", run_info) try: programs.xds_par(step_descr) info = xds.parse_correct() # enable correction factors if anomalous data and repeat correction if info.get('correction_factors') is not None and options.get( 'anomalous', False): for f in info['correction_factors'].get('factors', []): if abs(f['chi_sq_fit'] - 1.0) > 0.25: run_info.update({'strict_absorption': True}) xdsio.write_xds_input("CORRECT", run_info) programs.xds_par() info = xds.parse_correct() info['strict_absorption'] = True break # Extra statistics if data_info['working_directory'] == options.get('directory'): info['output_file'] = 'XDS_ASCII.HKL' else: sub_dir = os.path.relpath(data_info['working_directory'], options.get('directory', '')) info['output_file'] = os.path.join(sub_dir, 'XDS_ASCII.HKL') programs.xdsstat('XDS_ASCII.HKL') stat_info = xds.parse_xdsstat() info.update(stat_info) except autoprocess.errors.ProcessError as e: return {'step': 'correction', 'success': False, 'reason': str(e)} if info.get('failure') is None: if len(info.get('statistics', [])) > 1 and info.get('summary') is not None: info['summary']['resolution'] = xtal.select_resolution( info['statistics']) return {'step': 'correction', 'success': True, 'data': info} else: return { 'step': 'correction', 'success': False, 'reason': info['failure'] }