예제 #1
def run_multi_disk(test, params, env):
    Test multi disk suport of guest, this case will:
    1) Create disks image in configuration file.
    2) Start the guest with those disks.
    3) Format those disks.
    4) Copy file into / out of those disks.
    5) Compare the original file and the copied file using md5 or fc comand.
    6) Repeat steps 3-5 if needed.

    @param test: kvm test object
    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
    stg_image_num = int(params.get("stg_image_num", 0))
    stg_image_size = params.get("stg_image_size")
    stg_image_format = params.get("stg_image_format")
    stg_image_boot = params.get("stg_image_boot")
    stg_drive_format = params.get("stg_drive_format")
    stg_assign_index = params.get("stg_assign_index") == "yes"
    for num in xrange(stg_image_num):
        name = "stg%d" % num
        params["images"] = params.get("images") + " %s" % name
        params["image_name_%s" % name] = name
        if stg_image_size:
            params["image_size_%s" % name] = stg_image_size
        if stg_image_format:
            params["image_format_%s" % name] = stg_image_format
        if stg_image_boot:
            params["image_boot_%s" % name] = stg_image_boot
        if stg_drive_format:
            params["drive_format_%s" % name] = stg_drive_format
        if stg_assign_index:
            params["drive_index_%s" % name] = num
        stg_params = params.object_params(name)
        virt_env_process.preprocess_image(test, stg_params)

    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    # stg_image_num is greater than 0 means there is some disk(s) added in
    # this case. and guest must be created explicitly.
    if stg_image_num > 0:
    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))

    images = params.get("images").split()
    n_repeat = int(params.get("n_repeat", "1"))
    image_num = len(images)
    file_system = params.get("file_system").split()
    fs_num = len(file_system)
    cmd_timeout = float(params.get("cmd_timeout", 360))
    re_str = params.get("re_str")
    block_list = params.get("block_list").split()

        if params.get("clean_cmd"):
            cmd = params.get("clean_cmd")
        if params.get("pre_cmd"):
            cmd = params.get("pre_cmd")
            error.context("creating partition on test disk")
            session.cmd(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)
        cmd = params.get("list_volume_command")
        output = session.cmd_output(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)
        disks = re.findall(re_str, output)
        logging.debug("Volume list that meets regular expressions: %s", disks)
        if len(disks) < image_num:
            raise error.TestFail("Fail to list all the volumes!")

        tmp_list = []
        for disk in disks:
            if disk.strip() in block_list:
        for disk in tmp_list:
            logging.info("No need to check volume %s", disk)

        for i in range(n_repeat):
            logging.info("iterations: %s", (i + 1))
            for disk in disks:
                disk = disk.strip()

                logging.info("Format disk: %s..." % disk)
                index = random.randint(0, fs_num - 1)

                # Random select one file system from file_system
                fs = file_system[index].strip()
                cmd = params.get("format_command") % (fs, disk)
                error.context("formatting test disk")
                session.cmd(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)
                if params.get("mount_command"):
                    cmd = params.get("mount_command") % (disk, disk, disk)
                    session.cmd(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)

            for disk in disks:
                disk = disk.strip()

                logging.info("Performing I/O on disk: %s...", disk)
                cmd_list = params.get("cmd_list").split()
                for cmd_l in cmd_list:
                    if params.get(cmd_l):
                        cmd = params.get(cmd_l) % disk
                        session.cmd(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)

                cmd = params.get("compare_command")
                output = session.cmd_output(cmd)
                key_word = params.get("check_result_key_word")
                if key_word and key_word in output:
                    logging.debug("Guest's virtual disk %s works fine", disk)
                elif key_word:
                    raise error.TestFail("Files on guest os root fs and disk "
                    raise error.TestError(
                        "Param check_result_key_word was not "
                        "specified! Please check your config")

            if params.get("umount_command"):
                cmd = params.get("show_mount_cmd")
                output = session.cmd_output(cmd)
                disks = re.findall(re_str, output)
                for disk in disks:
                    disk = disk.strip()
                    cmd = params.get("umount_command") % (disk, disk)
                    error.context("unmounting test disk")
        if params.get("post_cmd"):
            cmd = params.get("post_cmd")
예제 #2
def run_multi_disk(test, params, env):
    Test multi disk suport of guest, this case will:
    1) Create disks image in configuration file.
    2) Start the guest with those disks.
    3) Format those disks.
    4) Copy file into / out of those disks.
    5) Compare the original file and the copied file using md5 or fc comand.
    6) Repeat steps 3-5 if needed.

    @param test: kvm test object
    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
    stg_image_num = int(params.get("stg_image_num", 0))
    stg_image_size = params.get("stg_image_size")
    stg_image_format = params.get("stg_image_format")
    stg_image_boot = params.get("stg_image_boot")
    stg_drive_format = params.get("stg_drive_format")
    stg_assign_index = params.get("stg_assign_index") == "yes"
    for num in xrange(stg_image_num):
        name = "stg%d" % num
        params["images"] = params.get("images") + " %s" % name
        params["image_name_%s" % name] = name
        if stg_image_size:
            params["image_size_%s" % name] = stg_image_size
        if stg_image_format:
            params["image_format_%s" % name] = stg_image_format
        if stg_image_boot:
            params["image_boot_%s" % name] = stg_image_boot
        if stg_drive_format:
            params["drive_format_%s" % name] = stg_drive_format
        if stg_assign_index:
            params["drive_index_%s" % name] = num
        stg_params = params.object_params(name)
        virt_env_process.preprocess_image(test, stg_params)

    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    # stg_image_num is greater than 0 means there is some disk(s) added in
    # this case. and guest must be created explicitly.
    if stg_image_num > 0:
    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))

    images = params.get("images").split()
    n_repeat = int(params.get("n_repeat", "1"))
    image_num = len(images)
    file_system = params.get("file_system").split()
    fs_num = len(file_system)
    cmd_timeout = float(params.get("cmd_timeout", 360))
    re_str = params.get("re_str")
    block_list = params.get("block_list").split()

        if params.get("clean_cmd"):
            cmd = params.get("clean_cmd")
        if params.get("pre_cmd"):
            cmd = params.get("pre_cmd")
            error.context("creating partition on test disk")
            session.cmd(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)
        cmd = params.get("list_volume_command")
        output = session.cmd_output(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)
        disks = re.findall(re_str, output)
        logging.debug("Volume list that meets regular expressions: %s", disks)
        if len(disks) < image_num:
            raise error.TestFail("Fail to list all the volumes!")

        tmp_list = []
        for disk in disks:
            if disk.strip() in block_list:
        for disk in tmp_list:
            logging.info("No need to check volume %s", disk)

        for i in range(n_repeat):
            logging.info("iterations: %s", (i + 1))
            for disk in disks:
                disk = disk.strip()

                logging.info("Format disk: %s..." % disk)
                index = random.randint(0, fs_num - 1)

                # Random select one file system from file_system
                fs = file_system[index].strip()
                cmd = params.get("format_command") % (fs, disk)
                error.context("formatting test disk")
                session.cmd(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)
                if params.get("mount_command"):
                    cmd = params.get("mount_command") % (disk, disk, disk)
                    session.cmd(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)

            for disk in disks:
                disk = disk.strip()

                logging.info("Performing I/O on disk: %s...", disk)
                cmd_list = params.get("cmd_list").split()
                for cmd_l in cmd_list:
                    if params.get(cmd_l):
                        cmd = params.get(cmd_l) % disk
                        session.cmd(cmd, timeout=cmd_timeout)

                cmd = params.get("compare_command")
                output = session.cmd_output(cmd)
                key_word = params.get("check_result_key_word")
                if key_word and key_word in output:
                    logging.debug("Guest's virtual disk %s works fine", disk)
                elif key_word:
                    raise error.TestFail("Files on guest os root fs and disk "
                    raise error.TestError("Param check_result_key_word was not "
                                          "specified! Please check your config")

            if params.get("umount_command"):
                cmd = params.get("show_mount_cmd")
                output = session.cmd_output(cmd)
                disks = re.findall(re_str, output)
                for disk in disks:
                    disk = disk.strip()
                    cmd = params.get("umount_command") % (disk, disk)
                    error.context("unmounting test disk")
        if params.get("post_cmd"):
            cmd = params.get("post_cmd")
예제 #3
def run_nfs_corrupt(test, params, env):
    Test if VM paused when image NFS shutdown, the drive option 'werror' should
    be stop, the drive option 'cache' should be none.

    1) Setup NFS service on host
    2) Boot up a VM using another disk on NFS server and write the disk by dd
    3) Check if VM status is 'running'
    4) Reject NFS connection on host
    5) Check if VM status is 'paused'
    6) Accept NFS connection on host and continue VM by monitor command
    7) Check if VM status is 'running'

    @param test: kvm test object.
    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
    def get_nfs_devname(params, session):
        Get the possbile name of nfs storage dev name in guest.

        @param params: Test params dictionary.
        @param session: An SSH session object.
        image1_type = params.object_params("image1").get("drive_format")
        stg_type = params.object_params("stg").get("drive_format")
        cmd = ""
        # Seems we can get correct 'stg' devname even if the 'stg' image
        # has a different type from main image (we call it 'image1' in
        # config file) with these 'if' sentences.
        if image1_type == stg_type:
            cmd = "ls /dev/[hsv]d[a-z]"
        elif stg_type == "virtio":
            cmd = "ls /dev/vd[a-z]"
            cmd = "ls /dev/[sh]d[a-z]"

        cmd += " | tail -n 1"
        return session.cmd_output(cmd)

    def check_vm_status(vm, status):
        Check if VM has the given status or not.

        @param vm: VM object.
        @param status: String with desired status.
        @return: True if VM status matches our desired status.
        @return: False if VM status does not match our desired status.
            return False
            return True

    config = NFSCorruptConfig(test, params)

    params["image_name_stg"] = os.path.join(config.mnt_dir, 'nfs_corrupt')
    params["force_create_image_stg"] = "yes"
    params["create_image_stg"] = "yes"
    stg_params = params.object_params("stg")
    virt_env_process.preprocess_image(test, stg_params)

    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))

    nfs_devname = get_nfs_devname(params, session)

    # Write disk on NFS server
    write_disk_cmd = "dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s" % nfs_devname
    logging.info("Write disk on NFS server, cmd: %s" % write_disk_cmd)
        # Read some command output, it will timeout

        error.context("Make sure guest is running before test")

            cmd = "iptables"
            cmd += " -t filter"
            cmd += " -A INPUT"
            cmd += " -s localhost"
            cmd += " -m state"
            cmd += " --state NEW"
            cmd += " -p tcp"
            cmd += " --dport 2049"
            cmd += " -j REJECT"

            error.context("Reject NFS connection on host")

            error.context("Check if VM status is 'paused'")
            if not virt_utils.wait_for(
                                lambda: check_vm_status(vm, "paused"),
                                int(params.get('wait_paused_timeout', 120))):
                raise error.TestError("Guest is not paused after stop NFS")
            error.context("Accept NFS connection on host")
            cmd = "iptables"
            cmd += " -t filter"
            cmd += " -D INPUT"
            cmd += " -s localhost"
            cmd += " -m state"
            cmd += " --state NEW"
            cmd += " -p tcp"
            cmd += " --dport 2049"
            cmd += " -j REJECT"


        error.context("Continue guest")

        error.context("Check if VM status is 'running'")
        if not virt_utils.wait_for(lambda: check_vm_status(vm, "running"), 20):
            raise error.TestError("Guest does not restore to 'running' status")
