def _parse_pool_summaries(self, histories):
        """Parse message output according to the grammar above.

        Create a lab inventory from the given `histories`, and
        generate the pool inventory message.  Then parse the message
        and return a dictionary mapping each pool to the message
        body parsed after that pool.

        Tests the following assertions:
          * Each <description> contains a mention of exactly one
            pool in the `CRITICAL_POOLS` list.
          * Each pool is mentioned in exactly one <description>.
        Note that the grammar requires the header to appear once
        for each pool, so the parsing implicitly asserts that the
        output contains the header.

        @param histories  Input used to create the test
                          `_LabInventory` object.
        @return A dictionary mapping model names to the output
                (a list of lines) for the model.

        inventory = lab_inventory._LabInventory(histories,
        message = lab_inventory._generate_pool_inventory_message(
        poolset = set(lab_inventory.CRITICAL_POOLS)
        seen_url = False
        seen_intro = False
        description = ''
        model_text = {}
        current_pool = None
        for line in message:
            if not seen_url:
                if _POOL_ADMIN_URL in line:
                    seen_url = True
            elif not seen_intro:
                if not line:
                    seen_intro = True
            elif current_pool is None:
                if line == self._header:
                    pools_mentioned = [p for p in poolset if p in description]
                    self.assertEqual(len(pools_mentioned), 1)
                    current_pool = pools_mentioned[0]
                    description = ''
                    model_text[current_pool] = []
                    description += line
                if line:
                    current_pool = None
        self.assertEqual(len(poolset), 0)
        return model_text
    def _get_idle_message(self, histories):
        """Generate idle inventory and obtain its message.

        @param histories: Used to create lab inventory.

        @return the generated idle message.
        inventory = lab_inventory._LabInventory(histories,
        message = lab_inventory._generate_idle_inventory_message(
        return message
    def create_inventory(self, data):
        """Initialize a `_LabInventory` instance for testing.

        @param data  Representation of Lab inventory data, as
                     described above.

        histories = []
        self.num_duts = 0
        status_choices = (_WORKING, _BROKEN, _UNUSED)
        pools = (self._CRITICAL_POOL, self._SPARE_POOL)
        for board, counts in data.items():
            for i in range(0, len(pools)):
                for j in range(0, len(status_choices)):
                    for x in range(0, counts[i][j]):
                        history = _FakeHostHistory(board, pools[i],
                        if board is not None:
                            self.num_duts += 1
        self.inventory = lab_inventory._LabInventory(histories)
def create_inventory(data):
    """Create a `_LabInventory` instance for testing.

    This function allows the construction of a complete `_LabInventory`
    object from a simplified input representation.

    A single 'critical pool' is arbitrarily chosen for purposes of
    testing; there's no coverage for testing arbitrary combinations
    in more than one critical pool.

    @param data: dict {key: PoolStatusCounts}.
    @returns: lab_inventory._LabInventory object.
    histories = []
    for model, counts in data.iteritems():
        for p, pool in enumerate(POOL_CHOICES):
            for s, status in enumerate(STATUS_CHOICES):
                fake_host = _FakeHostHistory(model, pool, status)
                histories.extend([fake_host] * counts[p][s])
    inventory = lab_inventory._LabInventory(histories,
    return inventory