예제 #1
def build_J(cells, spacing, r_max=R_MAX):
    '''Build the J matrix for the given circuit. Restricts the interaction
    distance to r_max but does not apply any adjacency contraints'''

    N = len(cells)

    # contruct connectivvity matrix
    J = np.zeros([N, N], dtype=float)
    DR = r_max*spacing
    for i,j in combinations(range(N), 2):
        Ek = getEk(cells[i], cells[j], DR=DR)
        if Ek:
            J[i,j] = J[j,i] = Ek

    # remove very weak interactions
    J = J*(np.abs(J) >= np.max(np.abs(J)*EK_THRESH))

    return J
예제 #2
def zone_cells(cells, spacing, show=False):
    '''Split cells into clock zones. Distinguishes disjoint zones with the
    same zone index'''

    N = len(cells)  # number of cells

    # construct connectivity matrix
    J = np.zeros([N, N], dtype=float)
    DR = R_MAX * spacing
    for i in xrange(N - 1):
        for j in xrange(i + 1, N):
            Ek = getEk(cells[i], cells[j], DR=DR)
            if Ek:
                J[i, j] = Ek
                J[j, i] = Ek

    # remove very weak interactions
    J = J * (np.abs(J) >= np.max(np.abs(J) * EK_THRESH))

    # make full cell connectivity Graph
    G = nx.Graph(J)

    #    if show:
    #        plt.figure(0)
    #        plt.clf()
    #        nx.draw_graphviz(G)
    #        plt.show()

    # get indices for each clock index
    clk = [cell['clk'] for cell in cells]
    clk_ind = list(set(clk))  # will sort by default
    inds = [[i for i, x in enumerate(clk) if x == ind] for ind in clk_ind]

    # split graph into sub-graphs with the same clock indices
    sub_G = {ind: G.subgraph(inds[ind]) for ind in clk_ind}

    # split disconnected components for each label graph
    sub_ind = {
        ind: list(nx.connected_components(sub_G[ind]))
        for ind in clk_ind

    ## find zone order

    # create abstract zone connectivity graph
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    # nodes
    for clk in clk_ind:
        for i in xrange(len(sub_ind[clk])):
            key = (clk, i)
            G.add_node(key, inds=sub_ind[clk][i])
    # edges
    for clk in clk_ind:
        adj_clk = 3 if clk == 0 else clk - 1
        if not adj_clk in sub_ind:
        for i in xrange(len(sub_ind[clk])):
            k1 = (clk, i)
            for j in xrange(len(sub_ind[adj_clk])):
                k2 = (adj_clk, j)
                if np.any(J[G.node[k1]['inds'], :][:, G.node[k2]['inds']]):
                    G.add_edge(k2, k1)

#    if show:
#        plt.figure(1)
#        plt.clf()
#        nx.draw_graphviz(G)
#        plt.show()

# find input nodes, have no predecessors
    predecs = {n: len(G.predecessors(n)) for n in G.nodes_iter()}
    inputs = [ky for ky, val in predecs.iteritems() if val == 0]

    # expand from inputs
    visited = {key: False for key in G.nodes()}
    nodes = inputs
    order = [nodes]
    while nodes:
        new_nodes = set()
        for node in nodes:
            visited[node] = True
        # remove already visited nodes from new nodes
        new_nodes = [node for node in new_nodes if not visited[node]]
        nodes = new_nodes
        if nodes:

    # find feedback interactions
    feedback = {}
    for n in G.nodes_iter():
        for p in G.predecessors(n):
            pshell = 0
            nshell = 0
            pzone = 0
            nzone = 0
            for shell in order:
                if p in shell:
                    pshell = order.index(shell)
                    pzone = shell.index(p)
                if n in shell:
                    nshell = order.index(shell)
                    nzone = shell.index(n)
            if pshell > nshell:
                if (pshell, pzone) in feedback:
                    feedback[(pshell, pzone)].append((nshell, nzone))
                    feedback[(pshell, pzone)] = [(nshell, nzone)]

    # reformat order list to contain zone indices
    form_func = lambda n: sub_ind[n[0]][n[1]]
    order = [[form_func(zone) for zone in shell] for shell in order]

    return order, J, feedback
예제 #3
def zone_cells(cells, spacing):
    '''Split cells into clock zones. Distinguishes disjoint zones with the
    same zone index'''

    N = len(cells)  # number of cells

    # construct connectivity matrix
    J = np.zeros([N, N], dtype=float)
    DR = R_MAX*spacing
    for i in range(N-1):
        for j in range(i+1, N):
            Ek = getEk(cells[i], cells[j], DR=DR)
            if Ek:
                J[i, j] = -Ek
                J[j, i] = -Ek

    # remove very weak interactions
    J = J * (np.abs(J) >= np.max(np.abs(J)*EK_THRESH))
    # make full cell connectivity Graph
    G = nx.Graph(J)

    # get indices for each clock index
    clk = [cell['clk'] for cell in cells]
    clk_ind = list(set(clk))    # will sort by default
    inds = [[i for i, x in enumerate(clk) if x == ind] for ind in clk_ind]

    # split graph into sub-graphs with the same clock indices
    sub_G = {ind: G.subgraph(inds[ind]) for ind in clk_ind}

    # split disconnected components for each label graph
    sub_ind = {ind: list(nx.connected_components(sub_G[ind]))
               for ind in clk_ind}

    ## find zone order

    # create abstract zone connectivity graph
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    # nodes
    for clk in clk_ind:
        for i in range(len(sub_ind[clk])):
            key = (clk, i)
            G.add_node(key, inds=sub_ind[clk][i])
    # edges
    for clk in clk_ind:
        adj_clk = 3 if clk == 0 else clk-1
        if not adj_clk in sub_ind:
        for i in range(len(sub_ind[clk])):
            k1 = (clk, i)
            for j in range(len(sub_ind[adj_clk])):
                k2 = (adj_clk, j)
                if np.any(J[G.node[k1]['inds'], :][:, G.node[k2]['inds']]):
                    G.add_edge(k2, k1)

    # find input nodes, have no predecessors
    predecs = {n: len(list(G.predecessors(n))) for n in G}
    inputs = [ky for ky, val in predecs.iteritems() if val == 0]

    # expand from inputs
    visited = {key: False for key in G.nodes()}
    nodes = inputs
    order = [nodes]
    while nodes:
        new_nodes = set()
        for node in nodes:
            visited[node] = True
        # remove already visited nodes from new nodes
        new_nodes = [node for node in new_nodes if not visited[node]]
        nodes = new_nodes
        if nodes:

    # find feedback interactions
    feedback = {}
    for n in G:
        for p in G.predecessors(n):
            pshell = 0
            nshell = 0
            pzone = 0
            nzone = 0
            for shell in order:
                if p in shell:
                    pshell = order.index(shell)
                    pzone = shell.index(p)
                if n in shell:
                    nshell = order.index(shell)
                    nzone = shell.index(n)
            if pshell > nshell:
                if (pshell,pzone) in feedback:
                    feedback[(pshell,pzone)] =  [(nshell,nzone)]

    # reformat order list to contain zone indices
    form_func = lambda n: sub_ind[n[0]][n[1]]
    order = [[form_func(zone) for zone in shell] for shell in order]

    return order, J, feedback