예제 #1
def xderiv(x, y, data, n = 1):
    Return the horizontal derivative in x direction for n order in Fourier domain.
    x - numpy 2D array - grid values in x direction
    y - numpy 2D array - grid values in y direction
    data - numpy 2D array - potential data
    n - float - order of the derivative
    xder - numpy 2D array - derivative in x direction
    # Stablishing some conditions
    if x.shape != y.shape != data.shape:
        raise ValueError("All inputs must have same shape!")
    # Condition for the order of the derivative
    if n <= 0.:
        raise ValueError("Order of the derivative must be positive and nonzero!")
    if n == 0.:
        res = data
        # Calculate the wavenuber in x direction
	_, kx = auxiliars.wavenumber(y, x)
        # Apply the Fourier transform
        xder = numpy.fft.fft2(data)*((kx*1j)**(n))
        # Calculating the inverse transform
        res = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(xder))
    # Return the final output
    return res
예제 #2
def continuation(x, y, data, H):
    This function compute the upward or downward continuation for a potential field 
    data, which can be gravity or magnetic signal. The value for H represents the 
    level which the data will be continuated. If H is positive, the continuation is 
    upward, because Dz is greater than 0 and the exponential is negative; otherwise, 
    if H is negative, the continuation is downward.
    x - numpy 2D array - observation points on the grid in X direction
    y - numpy 2D array - observation points on the grid in Y direction
    data - 2D array - gravity or magnetic data
    H - float - value for the new observation level

    # Conditions for all inputs
    if x.shape != y.shape != data.shape:
        raise ValueError("All inputs must have the same shape!")

    if H == 0.:
        # No continuation will be applied
        res = data
        # Calculate the wavenumbers
        ky, kx = auxiliars.wavenumber(y, x)
        kcont = numpy.exp((-H) * numpy.sqrt(kx**2 + ky**2))
        result = kcont * numpy.fft.fft2(data)
        res = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(result))

    # Return the final output
    return res
예제 #3
def reduction(x,
    Return the reduced potential data giving the new directions for the geomagnetic
    field and source magnetization. Its based on Blakely (1996).
    x - numpy 2D array - coordinate at X
    y - numpy 2D array - coordinate at Y
    data - numpy 2D array - magnetic data set (usually total field anomaly)
    oldf - numpy 1D array - vector with old field directions
    olds - numpy 1D array - vector with old source directions
    newf - numpy 1D array - vector with new field directions
    news - numpy 1D array - vector with new source directions
    - The last four vector are discplaced as : v = [inc, dec]
    res - numpy 2D array - result by using reduction filter
    Ps. This filter is very useful for values of incination greater than +/- 15 deg.

    # Conditions for all inputs
    if x.shape != y.shape != data.shape:
        raise ValueError("All inputs must have the same shape!")

    # Induced magnetization
    if incs == None:
        incs = inc
    if decs == None:
        decs = dec

    # Reduction to Pole
    if newinc == None:
        newinc = 90.
    if newdec == None:
        newdec = 0.
    if newincs == None:
        newincs = 90.
    if newdecs == None:
        newdecs = 0.

    # Step 1 - Calculate the wavenumbers
    # It will return the wavenumbers in x and y directions, in order to calculate the
    # values for magnetization directions in Fourier domains:
    ky, kx = auxiliars.wavenumber(y, x)

    # Step 2 - Calcuate the magnetization direction
    # It will return the magnetization directions in Fourier domain for all vector that
    # contain  inclination and declination. All values are complex.
    f0 = auxiliars.theta(inc, dec, kx, ky)
    m0 = auxiliars.theta(incs, decs, kx, ky)
    f1 = auxiliars.theta(newinc, newdec, kx, ky)
    m1 = auxiliars.theta(newincs, newdecs, kx, ky)

    # Step 3 - Calculate the filter
    # It will return the result for the reduction filter. However, it is necessary use a
    # condition while the division is been calculated, once there is no zero division.
    with numpy.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        operator = (f1 * m1) / (f0 * m0)
    operator[0, 0] = 0.

    # Calculate the result by multiplying the filter and the data on Fourier domain
    res = operator * numpy.fft.fft2(data)

    # Return the final output
    return numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(res))
예제 #4
def pseudograv(x, y, data, inc, dec, incs, decs, rho=1000., mag=1.):
    This function calculates the pseudogravity anomaly transformation due to a total 
    field anomaly grid. It recquires the X and Y coordinates (respectively North and 
    East directions), the magnetic data as a 2D array grid, the values for inclination 
    and declination for the magnetic field and the magnetization of the source.
    x - numpy 2D array - coordinates in X direction
    y - numpy 2D array - coordinates in y direction
    data - numpy 2D array - magnetic data (usually total field anomaly)
    field - numpy 1D array - inclination and declination for the magnetic field
        field[0] -> inclination
        field[1] -> declination
    source - numpy 1D array - inclination and declination for the magnetic source
        source[0] -> inclination
        source[1] -> declination

    pgrav - numpy array - pseudo gravity anomaly

    # Conditions (1):
    if x.shape != y.shape != data.shape:
        raise ValueError("All inputs must have the same shape!")

    # Conditions (2):
    assert rho != 0., 'Density must not be zero!'
    assert mag != 0., 'Magnetization must not be zero!'

    # Conversion for gravity and magnetic data
    G = 6.673e-11
    si2mGal = 100000.0
    t2nt = 1000000000.0
    cm = 0.0000001

    # Compute the constant value
    C = G * rho * si2mGal / (cm * mag * t2nt)

    # Calculate the wavenumber
    ky, kx = auxiliars.wavenumber(y, x)
    k = (kx**2 + ky**2)**(0.5)

    # Computing theta values for the source
    thetaf = auxiliars.theta(inc, dec, kx, ky)
    thetas = auxiliars.theta(incs, decs, kx, ky)

    # Calculate the product
    # Here we use the numpy error statement in order to evaluate the zero division
    with numpy.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        prod = 1. / (thetaf * thetas * k)
    prod[0, 0] = 0.

    # Calculate the pseudo gravity anomaly
    res = numpy.fft.fft2(data) * prod

    # Converting to mGal as a product by C:
    res *= C

    # Return the final output
    return numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(res))