예제 #1
    def get_score(self, a, b, dset_store, database_connection, neighbors_cache,

        if not a in self.cache:
            self.cache[a] = {}

        if not b in self.cache[a]:

            (neighbors50, neighbors100, neighbors200,
             neighbors300) = neighbors_cache.get_distances(
                 a, b.timestamp, dset_store, database_connection)

            euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance(a.position, b.position)
            frames_gap = a.timestamp.frames_difference(b.timestamp) - 1

            d = b  # detection
            ld = a  # last detection (before detection)
            d_distinct_ids = list(set(d.candidate_ids))
            ld_distinct_ids = list(set(ld.candidate_ids))

            score_sum = 0

            for d_can_id, d_can_score, d_can_orientation in d_distinct_ids:
                for ld_can_id, ld_can_score, ld_can_orientation in ld_distinct_ids:

                    # hamming distance: int
                    hamming_distance = aux.hamming_distance(
                        ld_can_id, d_can_id)

                    # difference of orientation angle to last detection of path, in radians
                    o_change = abs(ld_can_orientation - d_can_orientation)
                    if o_change > np.pi:
                        o_change = 2 * np.pi - o_change

                    # looking from the last detection towards its orientation,
                    # what is the angle to the position of the next detection, in radians
                    o_to_next = np.arctan2(d.position[1] - ld.position[1],
                                           d.position[0] - ld.position[0])
                    o_deviation = abs(ld_can_orientation - o_to_next)
                    if o_deviation > np.pi:
                        o_deviation = 2 * np.pi - o_deviation

                    data_point = [
                        frames_gap, euclidian_distance, neighbors50,
                        neighbors100, neighbors200, neighbors300,
                        hamming_distance, o_change, o_deviation, d_can_score,
                    xgb_data = xgb.DMatrix(np.array([data_point]))

                    score_sum += xgb_model.predict(xgb_data)
            score = score_sum * 1.0 / (len(d_distinct_ids) *
            self.cache[a][b] = score

        return self.cache[a][b]
예제 #2
	def get_score( self, a, b, dset_store, database_connection, neighbors_cache, xgb_model ):

		if not a in self.cache:
			self.cache[ a ] = {}

		if not b in self.cache[ a ]:

			( neighbors50, neighbors100, neighbors200, neighbors300 ) = neighbors_cache.get_distances( a, b.timestamp, dset_store, database_connection )

			euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance( a.position, b.position )
			frames_gap = a.timestamp.frames_difference( b.timestamp ) - 1

			d = b   # detection
			ld = a  # last detection (before detection)
			d_distinct_ids = list( set( d.candidate_ids ) )
			ld_distinct_ids = list( set( ld.candidate_ids ) )

			score_sum = 0

			for d_can_id,d_can_score,d_can_orientation in d_distinct_ids:
				for ld_can_id,ld_can_score,ld_can_orientation in ld_distinct_ids:

					# hamming distance: int
					hamming_distance = aux.hamming_distance( ld_can_id, d_can_id )

					# difference of orientation angle to last detection of path, in radians
					o_change = abs( ld_can_orientation - d_can_orientation )
					if o_change > np.pi:
						o_change = 2*np.pi - o_change

					# looking from the last detection towards its orientation,
					# what is the angle to the position of the next detection, in radians
					o_to_next = np.arctan2( d.position[1] - ld.position[1], d.position[0] - ld.position[0] )
					o_deviation = abs( ld_can_orientation - o_to_next )
					if o_deviation > np.pi:
						o_deviation = 2*np.pi - o_deviation

					data_point = [
						frames_gap, euclidian_distance,
						neighbors50, neighbors100, neighbors200, neighbors300,
						hamming_distance, o_change, o_deviation, d_can_score, ld_can_score
					xgb_data = xgb.DMatrix( np.array( [data_point] ) )

					score_sum += xgb_model.predict(xgb_data)
			score = score_sum * 1.0 / (len(d_distinct_ids)*len(ld_distinct_ids))
			self.cache[ a ][ b ] = score

		return self.cache[ a ][ b ]
예제 #3
	def start( self ):


		start_timestamp = ds.TimeStamp( config.FRAME_START, config.CAM )
		duration = config.FRAME_END - config.FRAME_START + 1

		previous_timestamp = start_timestamp
		for x in range( config.FRAME_START+1, config.FRAME_END+1 ):
			timestamp = ds.TimeStamp( x, config.CAM )
			timestamp.connect_with_previous( previous_timestamp )
			previous_timestamp = timestamp

		print 'start generation'
		print (
			'  date = ' + str( config.DATE[ 0 ] ) + '/' + str( config.DATE[ 1 ] ) + '/' + str( config.DATE[ 2 ] ) + ', '
			+ 'time = ' + str( config.TIME[ 0 ] ) + ':' + str( config.TIME[ 1 ] )
		print '  cam = ' + str( config.CAM ) + ', frames = ' + str( config.FRAME_START ) + ' til ' + str( config.FRAME_END )

		database_connection = db.Connection()
		timestamp = start_timestamp

		hammings = np.zeros( 13, dtype = np.int )  # nach Hammingabstand 0-12
		gaps = {}

		for x in range( 0, duration ):

			print 'processing timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name

			dset = self.dset_store.get( timestamp, database_connection )

			for d in dset.detections:

				truth_id = database_connection.get_truth_id( d )
				if truth_id is not None:

					hamming_dis = aux.hamming_distance( truth_id, d.decoded_mean )
					hammings[ hamming_dis ] += 1

					path = self.path_manager.get_path( truth_id )
					gap = path.add_detection_and_return_gap( d )
					if gap is not None:
						gap = min(gap,16)  # greater or equal 16 not listed separately
						if not gap in gaps:
							gaps[ gap ] = 0
						gaps[ gap ] += 1

			timestamp = timestamp.get_next()
			if timestamp is None:

		print 'generation finished'
		print '--------------------------------'

		detection_count = sum( hammings )

		hammings_percentage = hammings*1.0 / detection_count

		print 'validation finished'
		print '\nhammings result:'
		print np.round( hammings_percentage*100, 1 )
		print '\ndetection count:'
		print detection_count

		print '\ngaps:'
		print [ g for g in sorted( gaps.items() ) ]
		print 'mean gap length: ' + str(sum([ l*n for l,n in gaps.items() ])*1.0/sum([ n for l,n in gaps.items() ]))

		print 'gaps count: ' + str( sum([ n for l,n in gaps.items() ] ) )
    def start(self):


        timestamp = config.START_TIMESTAMP
        duration = config.FRAMES_DURATION

        print 'start generation'
        print '  host = ' + config.DB_HOST + ', date = ' + timestamp.date_name + ', cam = ' + str(
        print '  start time = ' + timestamp.time_name + ', duration = ' + str(
            duration) + ' frames'

        database_connection = db.Connection()

        if not timestamp.exists(database_connection):
            print 'timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name + ' not found'
            print 'generation stopped'
            print '--------------------------------'

        best_candidates = np.zeros(13,
                                   dtype=np.int)  # nach Hammingabstand 0-12
        all_candidates = np.zeros(13, dtype=np.int)  # nach Hammingabstand 0-12
        gaps = {}

        for x in range(0, duration):

            print 'processing timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name

            dset = self.dset_store.get(timestamp, database_connection)

            for d in dset.detections:

                truth_id = database_connection.get_truth_id(d)
                if truth_id is not None:

                    candidates = list(set([c[0] for c in d.candidate_ids]))
                    hammings = [
                        aux.hamming_distance(truth_id, c) for c in candidates

                    best_candidates[hammings[0]] += 1
                    for h in hammings:
                        all_candidates[h] += 1

                    path = self.path_manager.get_path(truth_id)
                    gap = path.add_detection_and_return_gap(d)
                    if gap is not None:
                        gap = min(
                            16)  # greater or equal 16 not listed separately
                        if not gap in gaps:
                            gaps[gap] = 0
                        gaps[gap] += 1

            timestamp = timestamp.get_next()
            if timestamp is None:


        print 'generation finished'
        print '--------------------------------'

        best_candidates_count = sum(best_candidates)
        all_candidates_count = sum(all_candidates)

        best_candidates_percentage = best_candidates * 1.0 / best_candidates_count
        all_candidates_percentage = all_candidates * 1.0 / all_candidates_count

        print 'validation finished'
        print '\nhammings result:'
        print np.round(best_candidates_percentage * 100, 1)
        print np.round(all_candidates_percentage * 100, 1)

        print '\ngaps:'
        print[g for g in sorted(gaps.items())]
        print 'mean gap length: ' + str(
            sum([l * n for l, n in gaps.items()]) * 1.0 /
            sum([n for l, n in gaps.items()]))
	def start( self ):


		timestamp = config.START_TIMESTAMP
		duration  = config.FRAMES_DURATION

		print 'start generation'
		print '  host = ' + config.DB_HOST + ', date = ' + timestamp.date_name + ', cam = ' + str(timestamp.cam)
		print '  start time = ' + timestamp.time_name + ', duration = ' + str(duration) + ' frames'

		database_connection = db.Connection()

		if not timestamp.exists( database_connection ):
			print 'timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name + ' not found'
			print 'generation stopped'
			print '--------------------------------'

		best_candidates = np.zeros( 13, dtype = np.int )  # nach Hammingabstand 0-12
		all_candidates = np.zeros( 13, dtype = np.int )  # nach Hammingabstand 0-12
		gaps = {}

		for x in range( 0, duration ):

			print 'processing timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name

			dset = self.dset_store.get( timestamp, database_connection )

			for d in dset.detections:

				truth_id = database_connection.get_truth_id( d )
				if truth_id is not None:

					candidates = list(set([ c[0] for c in d.candidate_ids ]))
					hammings = [ aux.hamming_distance( truth_id, c ) for c in candidates ]

					best_candidates[ hammings[0] ] += 1
					for h in hammings:
						all_candidates[ h ] += 1

					path = self.path_manager.get_path( truth_id )
					gap = path.add_detection_and_return_gap( d )
					if gap is not None:
						gap = min(gap,16)  # greater or equal 16 not listed separately
						if not gap in gaps:
							gaps[ gap ] = 0
						gaps[ gap ] += 1

			timestamp = timestamp.get_next()
			if timestamp is None:


		print 'generation finished'
		print '--------------------------------'

		best_candidates_count = sum( best_candidates )
		all_candidates_count = sum( all_candidates )

		best_candidates_percentage = best_candidates*1.0 / best_candidates_count
		all_candidates_percentage = all_candidates*1.0 / all_candidates_count

		print 'validation finished'
		print '\nhammings result:'
		print np.round( best_candidates_percentage*100, 1 )
		print np.round( all_candidates_percentage*100, 1 )

		print '\ngaps:'
		print [ g for g in sorted( gaps.items() ) ]
예제 #6
def xgboost_learning(path, dset):

    mset = ds.MatchSet()

    last_unemtpy_detection = ld = path.get_sorted_unempty_detections()[-1]

    frames_gap = ld.timestamp.frames_difference(
        dset.detections[0].timestamp) - 1

    # Number of detections within a radius of 50, 100, 200 or 300
    neighbors50 = 0
    neighbors100 = 0
    neighbors200 = 0
    neighbors300 = 0

    for d in dset.detections:
        euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance(ld.position, d.position)
        if euclidian_distance <= 50:
            neighbors50 += 1
        if euclidian_distance <= 100:
            neighbors100 += 1
        if euclidian_distance <= 200:
            neighbors200 += 1
        if euclidian_distance <= 300:
            neighbors300 += 1

    for d in dset.detections:

        # euclidian distance
        #euclidian_distance_squared = aux.squared_distance( ld.position, d.position )  # int
        euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance(ld.position,
                                                    d.position)  # float

        # hamming distance: int
        hamming_distance = aux.hamming_distance(ld.decoded_mean,

        bit_distances = np.abs(np.subtract(d.decoded_id, ld.decoded_id))
        max_bit_distance = np.max(bit_distances)
        mean_bit_distance = np.mean(bit_distances)

        confidence = np.min(np.abs(0.5 - d.decoded_id) * 2)

        x_rotation_difference = abs(d.x_rotation - ld.x_rotation)
        if x_rotation_difference > np.pi:
            x_rotation_difference = 2 * np.pi - x_rotation_difference

        y_rotation_difference = abs(d.y_rotation - ld.y_rotation)
        if y_rotation_difference > np.pi:
            y_rotation_difference = 2 * np.pi - y_rotation_difference

        z_rotation_difference = abs(d.z_rotation - ld.z_rotation)
        if z_rotation_difference > np.pi:
            z_rotation_difference = 2 * np.pi - z_rotation_difference

        data_point = [
            "%.1f" % euclidian_distance,
            "%.2f" % max_bit_distance,
            "%.2f" % mean_bit_distance,
            "%.2f" % confidence,
            "%.2f" % d.localizer_saliency,
            "%.2f" % ld.localizer_saliency,
            "%.2f" % abs(d.localizer_saliency - ld.localizer_saliency),
            "%.2f" % x_rotation_difference,
            "%.2f" % y_rotation_difference,
            "%.2f" % z_rotation_difference,

        xgb_data = xgb.DMatrix(np.array([data_point]))

        score = int(round((1 - XGB_MODEL.predict(xgb_data)) * 10000))

        if score <= SCORE_THRESHOLD:
            mset.append((d, score))

    return mset
예제 #7
	def start( self ):


		start_timestamp = ds.TimeStamp( config.FRAME_START, config.CAM )
		duration = config.FRAME_END - config.FRAME_START + 1

		previous_timestamp = start_timestamp
		for x in range( config.FRAME_START+1, config.FRAME_END+1 ):
			timestamp = ds.TimeStamp( x, config.CAM )
			timestamp.connect_with_previous( previous_timestamp )
			previous_timestamp = timestamp

		print 'start generation'
		print (
			'  date = ' + str( config.DATE[ 0 ] ) + '/' + str( config.DATE[ 1 ] ) + '/' + str( config.DATE[ 2 ] ) + ', '
			+ 'time = ' + str( config.TIME[ 0 ] ) + ':' + str( config.TIME[ 1 ] )
		print '  cam = ' + str( config.CAM ) + ', frames = ' + str( config.FRAME_START ) + ' til ' + str( config.FRAME_END )

		database_connection = db.Connection()
		timestamp = start_timestamp

		datalines_written = 0

		if os.path.isfile( 'dataset.csv' ):
			os.remove( 'dataset.csv' )

		with open( 'dataset.csv', 'a' ) as my_file:

			data_output = [
			my_file.write( ', '.join( data_output ) + '\n' )

			for x in range( 0, duration ):

				print 'processing timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name

				dset = self.dset_store.get( timestamp, database_connection )

				for path_bee_id, truth_path in self.path_manager.paths.iteritems():

					last_detection = ld = truth_path.get_last_detection()

					# frames gap: integer. 0 = no blank gap = one frame difference to next
					frames_gap = last_detection.timestamp.frames_difference( timestamp ) - 1

					# Number of detections within a radius of 50, 100, 200 or 300
					neighbors50 = 0
					neighbors100 = 0
					neighbors200 = 0
					neighbors300 = 0

					for d in dset.detections:
						euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance( ld.position, d.position )
						if euclidian_distance <= 50:
							neighbors50 += 1
						if euclidian_distance <= 100:
							neighbors100 += 1
						if euclidian_distance <= 200:
							neighbors200 += 1
						if euclidian_distance <= 300:
							neighbors300 += 1

					for d in dset.detections:
						truth_id = database_connection.get_truth_id( d )
						match = int( truth_id == path_bee_id ) # whether the detection belongs to the path

						if frames_gap < FRAMES_GAP_LIMIT and ( match or OUTPUT_NONMATCHING ):

							# euclidian distance
							#euclidian_distance_squared = aux.squared_distance( ld.position, d.position )  # int
							euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance( ld.position, d.position )         # float

							# hamming distance: int
							hamming_distance = aux.hamming_distance( ld.decoded_mean, d.decoded_mean )

							bit_distances = np.abs( np.subtract( d.decoded_id, ld.decoded_id ) )
							max_bit_distance = np.max( bit_distances )
							mean_bit_distance = np.mean( bit_distances )

							confidence = np.min( np.abs( 0.5 - d.decoded_id ) * 2 )

							x_rotation_difference = abs( d.x_rotation - ld.x_rotation )
							if x_rotation_difference > np.pi:
								x_rotation_difference = 2*np.pi - x_rotation_difference

							y_rotation_difference = abs( d.y_rotation - ld.y_rotation )
							if y_rotation_difference > np.pi:
								y_rotation_difference = 2*np.pi - y_rotation_difference

							z_rotation_difference = abs( d.z_rotation - ld.z_rotation )
							if z_rotation_difference > np.pi:
								z_rotation_difference = 2*np.pi - z_rotation_difference

							data_output = [
								str( frames_gap ),
								"%.1f" % euclidian_distance,
								str( neighbors50 ),
								str( neighbors100 ),
								str( neighbors200 ),
								str( neighbors300 ),
								str( hamming_distance ),
								"%.2f" % max_bit_distance,
								"%.2f" % mean_bit_distance,
								"%.2f" % confidence,
								"%.2f" % d.localizer_saliency,
								"%.2f" % ld.localizer_saliency,
								"%.2f" % abs( d.localizer_saliency - ld.localizer_saliency ),
								"%.2f" % x_rotation_difference,
								"%.2f" % y_rotation_difference,
								"%.2f" % z_rotation_difference,

							#print data_output

							my_file.write( ', '.join( data_output ) + '\n' )
							datalines_written += 1

				for d in dset.detections:
					truth_id = database_connection.get_truth_id( d )
					if truth_id is not None:
						truth_path = self.path_manager.get_path( truth_id )
						truth_path.add_detection( d )

				timestamp = timestamp.get_next()
				if timestamp is None:

		print 'generation finished'
		print '--------------------------------'
		print str(datalines_written) + ' lines written to dataset.csv'
예제 #8
def xgboost_learning(path, dset):

    mset = ds.MatchSet()

    last_unemtpy_match = path.get_sorted_unempty_matches()[-1]
    last_detection = ld = last_unemtpy_match.detection

    # frames gap: integer. 0 = no blank gap = one frame difference to next
    frames_gap = last_detection.timestamp.frames_difference(
        dset.detections[0].timestamp) - 1

    # Number of detections within a radius of 50, 100, 200 or 300
    neighbors50 = 0
    neighbors100 = 0
    neighbors200 = 0
    neighbors300 = 0

    for d in dset.detections:
        euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance(ld.position, d.position)
        if euclidian_distance <= 50:
            neighbors50 += 1
        if euclidian_distance <= 100:
            neighbors100 += 1
        if euclidian_distance <= 200:
            neighbors200 += 1
        if euclidian_distance <= 300:
            neighbors300 += 1

    for d in dset.detections:

        # euclidian distance
        euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance(ld.position,
                                                    d.position)  # float

        d_distinct_ids = list(set(d.candidate_ids))
        ld_distinct_ids = list(set(ld.candidate_ids))

        for d_can_id, d_can_score, d_can_orientation in d_distinct_ids:
            for ld_can_id, ld_can_score, ld_can_orientation in ld_distinct_ids:

                # hamming distance: int
                hamming_distance = aux.hamming_distance(ld_can_id, d_can_id)

                # difference of orientation angle to last detection of path, in radians
                o_change = abs(ld_can_orientation - d_can_orientation)
                if o_change > np.pi:
                    o_change = 2 * np.pi - o_change

                # looking from the last detection towards its orientation,
                # what is the angle to the position of the next detection, in radians
                o_to_next = np.arctan2(d.position[1] - ld.position[1],
                                       d.position[0] - ld.position[0])
                o_deviation = abs(ld_can_orientation - o_to_next)
                if o_deviation > np.pi:
                    o_deviation = 2 * np.pi - o_deviation

                data_point = [
                    frames_gap, euclidian_distance, neighbors50, neighbors100,
                    neighbors200, neighbors300, hamming_distance, o_change,
                    o_deviation, d_can_score, ld_can_score

                xgb_data = xgb.DMatrix(np.array([data_point]))

                score = int(round((1 - XGB_MODEL.predict(xgb_data)) * 10000))

                if score <= SCORE_THRESHOLD:
                    mset.append((ds.Match(d, d_can_id), score))

    return mset
예제 #9
	def start( self ):


		timestamp = config.START_TIMESTAMP
		duration  = config.FRAMES_DURATION

		print 'start generation'
		print '  host = ' + config.DB_HOST + ', date = ' + timestamp.date_name + ', cam = ' + str(timestamp.cam)
		print '  start time = ' + timestamp.time_name + ', duration = ' + str(duration) + ' frames'

		database_connection = db.Connection()

		if not timestamp.exists( database_connection ):
			print 'timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name + ' not found'
			print 'generation stopped'
			print '--------------------------------'

		datalines_written = 0

		if os.path.isfile( 'dataset.csv' ):
			os.remove( 'dataset.csv' )

		with open( 'dataset.csv', 'a' ) as my_file:

			data_output = [
			my_file.write( ', '.join( data_output ) + '\n' )

			for x in range( 0, duration ):

				print 'processing timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name

				dset = self.dset_store.get( timestamp, database_connection )

				for path_bee_id, truth_path in self.path_manager.paths.iteritems():

					last_detection = ld = truth_path.get_last_detection()

					# frames gap: integer. 0 = no blank gap = one frame difference to next
					frames_gap = last_detection.timestamp.frames_difference( timestamp ) - 1

					# Number of detections within a radius of 50, 100, 200 or 300
					neighbors50 = 0
					neighbors100 = 0
					neighbors200 = 0
					neighbors300 = 0

					for d in dset.detections:
						euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance( ld.position, d.position )
						if euclidian_distance <= 50:
							neighbors50 += 1
						if euclidian_distance <= 100:
							neighbors100 += 1
						if euclidian_distance <= 200:
							neighbors200 += 1
						if euclidian_distance <= 300:
							neighbors300 += 1

					for d in dset.detections:
						truth_id = database_connection.get_truth_id( d )
						match = int( truth_id == path_bee_id ) # whether the detection belongs to the path

						if frames_gap < FRAMES_GAP_LIMIT and ( match or OUTPUT_NONMATCHING ):

							# euclidian distance
							#euclidian_distance_squared = aux.squared_distance( ld.position, d.position )  # int
							euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance( ld.position, d.position )         # float

							d_distinct_ids = list( set( d.candidate_ids ) )
							ld_distinct_ids = list( set( ld.candidate_ids ) )

							for d_can_id,d_can_score,d_can_orientation in d_distinct_ids:
								for ld_can_id,ld_can_score,ld_can_orientation in ld_distinct_ids:

									# hamming distance: int
									hamming_distance = aux.hamming_distance( ld_can_id, d_can_id )

									# hamming distance path: float
									hamming_distance_path = truth_path.fast_average_hamming_distance( d_can_id )

									# difference of orientation angle to last detection of path, in radians
									o_change = abs( ld_can_orientation - d_can_orientation )
									if o_change > np.pi:
										o_change = 2*np.pi - o_change

									# looking from the last detection towards its orientation,
									# what is the angle to the position of the next detection, in radians
									o_to_next = np.arctan2( d.position[1] - ld.position[1], d.position[0] - ld.position[0] )
									o_deviation = abs( ld_can_orientation - o_to_next )
									if o_deviation > np.pi:
										o_deviation = 2*np.pi - o_deviation

									data_output = [
										str( frames_gap ),
										"%.1f" % euclidian_distance,
										str( neighbors50 ),
										str( neighbors100 ),
										str( neighbors200 ),
										str( neighbors300 ),
										str( hamming_distance ),
										"%.2f" % hamming_distance_path,
										"%.3f" % o_change,
										"%.3f" % o_deviation,

									my_file.write( ', '.join( data_output ) + '\n' )
									datalines_written += 1

				for d in dset.detections:
					truth_id = database_connection.get_truth_id( d )
					if truth_id is not None:
						truth_path = self.path_manager.get_path( truth_id )
						truth_path.add_detection( d )

				timestamp = timestamp.get_next( database_connection )
				if timestamp is None:


		print 'generation finished'
		print '--------------------------------'
		print str(datalines_written) + ' lines written to dataset.csv'
예제 #10
    def start(self):


        timestamp = config.START_TIMESTAMP
        duration = config.FRAMES_DURATION

        print 'start generation'
        print '  host = ' + config.DB_HOST + ', date = ' + timestamp.date_name + ', cam = ' + str(
        print '  start time = ' + timestamp.time_name + ', duration = ' + str(
            duration) + ' frames'

        database_connection = db.Connection()

        if not timestamp.exists(database_connection):
            print 'timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name + ' not found'
            print 'generation stopped'
            print '--------------------------------'

        datalines_written = 0

        if os.path.isfile('dataset.csv'):

        with open('dataset.csv', 'a') as my_file:

            data_output = [
                'frames-gap', 'euclidian-distance', 'neighbors-50',
                'neighbors-100', 'neighbors-200', 'neighbors-300',
                'hamming-distance', 'hamming-distance-path',
                'orientation-change', 'orientation-deviation',
                'detection1_candidate-score', 'detection2_candidate-score',
            my_file.write(', '.join(data_output) + '\n')

            for x in range(0, duration):

                print 'processing timestamp ' + timestamp.time_name

                dset = self.dset_store.get(timestamp, database_connection)

                for path_bee_id, truth_path in self.path_manager.paths.iteritems(

                    last_detection = ld = truth_path.get_last_detection()

                    # frames gap: integer. 0 = no blank gap = one frame difference to next
                    frames_gap = last_detection.timestamp.frames_difference(
                        timestamp) - 1

                    # Number of detections within a radius of 50, 100, 200 or 300
                    neighbors50 = 0
                    neighbors100 = 0
                    neighbors200 = 0
                    neighbors300 = 0

                    for d in dset.detections:
                        euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance(
                            ld.position, d.position)
                        if euclidian_distance <= 50:
                            neighbors50 += 1
                        if euclidian_distance <= 100:
                            neighbors100 += 1
                        if euclidian_distance <= 200:
                            neighbors200 += 1
                        if euclidian_distance <= 300:
                            neighbors300 += 1

                    for d in dset.detections:
                        truth_id = database_connection.get_truth_id(d)
                        match = int(
                            truth_id == path_bee_id
                        )  # whether the detection belongs to the path

                        if frames_gap < FRAMES_GAP_LIMIT and (
                                match or OUTPUT_NONMATCHING):

                            # euclidian distance
                            #euclidian_distance_squared = aux.squared_distance( ld.position, d.position )  # int
                            euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance(
                                ld.position, d.position)  # float

                            d_distinct_ids = list(set(d.candidate_ids))
                            ld_distinct_ids = list(set(ld.candidate_ids))

                            for d_can_id, d_can_score, d_can_orientation in d_distinct_ids:
                                for ld_can_id, ld_can_score, ld_can_orientation in ld_distinct_ids:

                                    # hamming distance: int
                                    hamming_distance = aux.hamming_distance(
                                        ld_can_id, d_can_id)

                                    # hamming distance path: float
                                    hamming_distance_path = truth_path.fast_average_hamming_distance(

                                    # difference of orientation angle to last detection of path, in radians
                                    o_change = abs(ld_can_orientation -
                                    if o_change > np.pi:
                                        o_change = 2 * np.pi - o_change

                                    # looking from the last detection towards its orientation,
                                    # what is the angle to the position of the next detection, in radians
                                    o_to_next = np.arctan2(
                                        d.position[1] - ld.position[1],
                                        d.position[0] - ld.position[0])
                                    o_deviation = abs(ld_can_orientation -
                                    if o_deviation > np.pi:
                                        o_deviation = 2 * np.pi - o_deviation

                                    data_output = [
                                        "%.1f" % euclidian_distance,
                                        "%.2f" % hamming_distance_path,
                                        "%.3f" % o_change,
                                        "%.3f" % o_deviation,

                                    my_file.write(', '.join(data_output) +
                                    datalines_written += 1

                for d in dset.detections:
                    truth_id = database_connection.get_truth_id(d)
                    if truth_id is not None:
                        truth_path = self.path_manager.get_path(truth_id)

                timestamp = timestamp.get_next(database_connection)
                if timestamp is None:


        print 'generation finished'
        print '--------------------------------'
        print str(datalines_written) + ' lines written to dataset.csv'
예제 #11
def xgboost_learning( path, dset ):

	mset = ds.MatchSet()

	last_unemtpy_match = path.get_sorted_unempty_matches()[ -1 ]
	last_detection = ld = last_unemtpy_match.detection

	# frames gap: integer. 0 = no blank gap = one frame difference to next
	frames_gap = last_detection.timestamp.frames_difference( dset.detections[0].timestamp ) - 1

	# Number of detections within a radius of 50, 100, 200 or 300
	neighbors50 = 0
	neighbors100 = 0
	neighbors200 = 0
	neighbors300 = 0

	for d in dset.detections:
		euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance( ld.position, d.position )
		if euclidian_distance <= 50:
			neighbors50 += 1
		if euclidian_distance <= 100:
			neighbors100 += 1
		if euclidian_distance <= 200:
			neighbors200 += 1
		if euclidian_distance <= 300:
			neighbors300 += 1

	for d in dset.detections:

		# euclidian distance
		euclidian_distance = aux.euclidian_distance( ld.position, d.position )         # float

		d_distinct_ids = list( set( d.candidate_ids ) )
		ld_distinct_ids = list( set( ld.candidate_ids ) )

		for d_can_id,d_can_score,d_can_orientation in d_distinct_ids:
			for ld_can_id,ld_can_score,ld_can_orientation in ld_distinct_ids:

				# hamming distance: int
				hamming_distance = aux.hamming_distance( ld_can_id, d_can_id )

				# difference of orientation angle to last detection of path, in radians
				o_change = abs( ld_can_orientation - d_can_orientation )
				if o_change > np.pi:
					o_change = 2*np.pi - o_change

				# looking from the last detection towards its orientation,
				# what is the angle to the position of the next detection, in radians
				o_to_next = np.arctan2( d.position[1] - ld.position[1], d.position[0] - ld.position[0] )
				o_deviation = abs( ld_can_orientation - o_to_next )
				if o_deviation > np.pi:
					o_deviation = 2*np.pi - o_deviation

				data_point = [

				xgb_data = xgb.DMatrix( np.array( [data_point] ) )

				score = int(round( ( 1 - XGB_MODEL.predict( xgb_data ) ) * 10000 ))

				if score <= SCORE_THRESHOLD:
					mset.append( ( ds.Match( d, d_can_id ), score ) )

	mset.truncate( MATCHSET_SIZE )
	return mset