예제 #1
def per_frame_probe(q_list, q, chunk, project):
    qfile = chunk.make_q_file(q_list)
    cmd = per_frame_probe_cmd(chunk, q, project.ffmpeg_pipe, project.encoder,
                              1, qfile)
    pipe = make_pipes(chunk.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, cmd)
    process_pipe(pipe, chunk)
    vm = VMAF(n_threads=project.n_threads,
    fl = vm.call_vmaf(chunk, gen_probes_names(chunk, q))
    jsn = VMAF.read_json(fl)
    vmafs = [x['metrics']['vmaf'] for x in jsn['frames']]
    return vmafs
예제 #2
def vmaf_probe(chunk: Chunk, q, project: Project, probing_rate):
    Calculates vmaf and returns path to json file

    :param chunk: the Chunk
    :param q: Value to make probe
    :param project: the Project
    :param probing_rate: 1 out of every N frames should be encoded for analysis
    :return : path to json file with vmaf scores

    n_threads = project.n_threads if project.n_threads else 12
    cmd = probe_cmd(chunk, q, project.ffmpeg_pipe, project.encoder,
                    probing_rate, n_threads)
    pipe = make_pipes(chunk.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, cmd)
    process_pipe(pipe, chunk)
    vm = VMAF(n_threads=project.n_threads,
    file = vm.call_vmaf(chunk,
                        gen_probes_names(chunk, q),
    return file
예제 #3
class TargetQuality:
    def __init__(self, project):
        self.vmaf_runner = VMAF(n_threads=project.n_threads,
        self.n_threads = project.n_threads
        self.probing_rate = project.probing_rate
        self.probes = project.probes
        self.target = project.target_quality
        self.min_q = project.min_q
        self.max_q = project.max_q
        self.make_plots = project.vmaf_plots
        self.encoder = project.encoder
        self.ffmpeg_pipe = project.ffmpeg_pipe
        self.temp = project.temp

    def per_frame_target_quality_routine(self, chunk: Chunk):
        Applies per_shot_target_quality to this chunk. Determines what the cq value should be and sets the
        per_shot_target_quality_cq for this chunk

        :param project: the Project
        :param chunk: the Chunk
        :return: None
        chunk.per_frame_target_quality_q_list = self.per_frame_target_quality(

    def log_probes(self,
        """Logs probes"""
        if skip == 'high':
            sk = ' Early Skip High CQ'
        elif skip == 'low':
            sk = ' Early Skip Low CQ'
            sk = ''

        target_q = q if q else vmaf_cq[-1][1]
        target_vmaf = q_vmaf if q_vmaf else round(vmaf_cq[-1][0], 2)

        log(f"Chunk: {name}, Rate: {self.probing_rate}, Fr: {frames}")
        log(f"Probes: {str(sorted(vmaf_cq))[1:-1]}{sk}")
        log(f"Target Q: {target_q} VMAF: {target_vmaf}")

    def per_shot_target_quality(self, chunk: Chunk):
        # Refactor this mess
        vmaf_cq = []
        frames = chunk.frames

        if self.probing_rate not in (1, 2):
            self.probing_rate = self.adapt_probing_rate(
                self.probing_rate, frames)

        if self.probes < 3:
            return self.fast_search(chunk)

        q_list = []
        score = 0

        # Make middle probe
        middle_point = (self.min_q + self.max_q) // 2
        last_q = middle_point

        score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, last_q))
        vmaf_cq.append((score, last_q))

        # Initialize search boundary
        vmaf_lower = score
        vmaf_upper = score
        vmaf_cq_lower = last_q
        vmaf_cq_upper = last_q

        # Branch
        if score < self.target:
            next_q = self.min_q
            next_q = self.max_q

        # Edge case check
        score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, next_q))
        vmaf_cq.append((score, next_q))

        if next_q == self.min_q and score < self.target:
            self.log_probes(vmaf_cq, frames, chunk.name, skip='low')
            return next_q
        elif next_q == self.max_q and score > self.target:
            self.log_probes(vmaf_cq, frames, chunk.name, skip='high')
            return next_q

        # Set boundary
        if score < self.target:
            vmaf_lower = score
            vmaf_cq_lower = next_q
            vmaf_upper = score
            vmaf_cq_upper = next_q

        # VMAF search
        for _ in range(self.probes - 2):
            new_point = self.weighted_search(vmaf_cq_lower, vmaf_lower,
                                             vmaf_cq_upper, vmaf_upper,
            if new_point in [x[1] for x in vmaf_cq]:

            score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, new_point))
            vmaf_cq.append((score, new_point))

            # Update boundary
            if score < self.target:
                vmaf_lower = score
                vmaf_cq_lower = new_point
                vmaf_upper = score
                vmaf_cq_upper = new_point

        q, q_vmaf = self.get_target_q(vmaf_cq, self.target)
        self.log_probes(vmaf_cq, frames, chunk.name, q=q, q_vmaf=q_vmaf)
        # log(f'Scene_score {self.get_scene_scores(chunk, self.ffmpeg_pipe)}')
        # Plot Probes
        if self.make_plots and len(vmaf_cq) > 3:
            self.plot_probes(vmaf_cq, chunk, frames)

        return q

    def fast_search(self, chunk):
        Experimental search
        Use Euler's method with known relation between cq and vmaf
        Formula -ln(1-score/100) = vmaf_cq_deriv*last_q + constant
        constant = -ln(1-score/100) - vmaf_cq_deriv*last_q
        Formula -ln(1-project.vmaf_target/100) = vmaf_cq_deriv*cq + constant
        cq = (-ln(1-project.vmaf_target/100) - constant)/vmaf_cq_deriv
        vmaf_cq = []
        q_list = []

        # Make middle probe
        middle_point = (self.min_q + self.max_q) // 2
        last_q = middle_point

        score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, last_q))
        vmaf_cq.append((score, last_q))

        vmaf_cq_deriv = -0.18
        next_q = int(
            round(last_q + (VMAF.transform_vmaf(self.target) -
                            VMAF.transform_vmaf(score)) / vmaf_cq_deriv))

        # Clamp
        if next_q < self.min_q:
            next_q = self.min_q
        if self.max_q < next_q:
            next_q = self.max_q

        # Single probe cq guess or exit to avoid divide by zero
        if self.probes == 1 or next_q == last_q:
            return next_q

        # Second probe at guessed value
        score_2 = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, next_q))

        # Calculate slope
        vmaf_cq_deriv = (VMAF.transform_vmaf(score_2) -
                         VMAF.transform_vmaf(score)) / (next_q - last_q)

        # Same deal different slope
        next_q = int(
            round(next_q + (VMAF.transform_vmaf(self.target) -
                            VMAF.transform_vmaf(score_2)) / vmaf_cq_deriv))

        # Clamp
        if next_q < self.min_q:
            next_q = self.min_q
        if self.max_q < next_q:
            next_q = self.max_q

        self.log_probes(vmaf_cq, chunk.frames, chunk.name)

        return next_q

    def adapt_probing_rate(self, rate, frames):
        Change probing rate depending on amount of frames in scene.
        Ensure that low frame count scenes get decent amount of probes

        :param rate: given rate of probing
        :param frames: amount of frames in scene
        :return: new probing rate

        #Todo: Make it depend on amount of motion in scene
        #For current moment it's 4 for everything

        if frames > 0:
            return 4

        if frames < 40:
            return 4
        elif frames < 120:
            return 8
        elif frames <= 240:
            return 10
        elif frames > 240:
            return 16

    def get_target_q(self, scores, target_quality):
        Interpolating scores to get Q closest to target
        Interpolation type for 2 probes changes to linear
        x = [x[1] for x in sorted(scores)]
        y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(scores)]

        if len(x) > 2:
            interpolation = 'quadratic'
            interpolation = 'linear'
        f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind=interpolation)
        xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))
        tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
        q = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - target_quality))

        return int(q[0]), round(q[1], 3)

    def weighted_search(self, num1, vmaf1, num2, vmaf2, target):
        Returns weighted value closest to searched

        :param num1: Q of first probe
        :param vmaf1: VMAF of first probe
        :param num2: Q of second probe
        :param vmaf2: VMAF of first probe
        :param target: VMAF target
        :return: Q for new probe

        dif1 = abs(VMAF.transform_vmaf(target) - VMAF.transform_vmaf(vmaf2))
        dif2 = abs(VMAF.transform_vmaf(target) - VMAF.transform_vmaf(vmaf1))

        tot = dif1 + dif2

        new_point = int(round(num1 * (dif1 / tot) + (num2 * (dif2 / tot))))
        return new_point

    def vmaf_probe(self, chunk: Chunk, q):
        Calculates vmaf and returns path to json file

        :param chunk: the Chunk
        :param q: Value to make probe
        :param project: the Project
        :return : path to json file with vmaf scores

        n_threads = self.n_threads if self.n_threads else 12
        cmd = self.probe_cmd(chunk, q, self.ffmpeg_pipe, self.encoder,
                             self.probing_rate, n_threads)
        pipe = self.make_pipes(chunk.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, cmd)
        process_pipe(pipe, chunk)
        fl = self.vmaf_runner.call_vmaf(chunk,
                                        self.gen_probes_names(chunk, q),
        return fl

    def get_closest(self, q_list, q, positive=True):
        Returns closest value from the list, ascending or descending

        :param q_list: list of q values that been already used
        :param q:
        :param positive: search direction, positive - only values bigger than q
        :return: q value from list
        if positive:
            q_list = [x for x in q_list if x > q]
            q_list = [x for x in q_list if x < q]

        return min(q_list, key=lambda x: abs(x - q))

    def probe_cmd(self, chunk: Chunk, q, ffmpeg_pipe, encoder, probing_rate,
                  n_threads) -> CommandPair:
        Generate and return commands for probes at set Q values
        These are specifically not the commands that are generated
        by the user or encoder defaults, since these
        should be faster than the actual encoding commands.
        These should not be moved into encoder classes at this point.
        pipe = [
            'ffmpeg', '-y', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', '-',
            '-vf', f'select=not(mod(n\\,{probing_rate}))', *ffmpeg_pipe

        probe_name = self.gen_probes_names(chunk,

        if encoder == 'aom':
            params = [
                'aomenc', '--passes=1', f'--threads={n_threads}',
                '--tile-columns=2', '--tile-rows=1', '--end-usage=q', '-b',
                '8', '--cpu-used=6', f'--cq-level={q}',
                '--enable-filter-intra=0', '--enable-smooth-intra=0',
                '--enable-paeth-intra=0', '--enable-cfl-intra=0',
                '--enable-obmc=0', '--enable-palette=0', '--enable-overlay=0',
                '--enable-intrabc=0', '--enable-angle-delta=0',
                '--reduced-tx-type-set=1', '--enable-dual-filter=0',
                '--enable-intra-edge-filter=0', '--enable-order-hint=0',
                '--enable-flip-idtx=0', '--enable-dist-wtd-comp=0',
                '--enable-rect-tx=0', '--enable-interintra-wedge=0',
                '--enable-onesided-comp=0', '--enable-interintra-comp=0',
                '--enable-global-motion=0', '--min-partition-size=32',
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-o', probe_name, '-'])

        elif encoder == 'x265':
            params = [
                'x265', '--log-level', '0', '--no-progress', '--y4m',
                '--frame-threads', f'{n_threads}', '--preset', 'fast', '--crf',
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-o', probe_name, '-'])

        elif encoder == 'rav1e':
            params = [
                'rav1e', '-y', '-s', '10', '--threads', f'{n_threads}',
                '--tiles', '16', '--quantizer', f'{q}', '--low-latency',
                '--rdo-lookahead-frames', '5'
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-o', probe_name, '-'])

        elif encoder == 'vpx':
            params = [
                'vpxenc', '-b', '10', '--profile=2', '--passes=1', '--pass=1',
                '--codec=vp9', f'--threads={n_threads}', '--cpu-used=9',
                '--end-usage=q', f'--cq-level={q}', '--row-mt=1'
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-o', probe_name, '-'])

        elif encoder == 'svt_av1':
            params = [
                'SvtAv1EncApp', '-i', 'stdin', '--lp', f'{n_threads}',
                '--preset', '8', '-q', f'{q}', '--tile-rows', '1',
                '--tile-columns', '2', '--hme', '0', '--pred-struct', '0',
                '--sg-filter-mode', '0', '--enable-restoration-filtering', '0',
                '--cdef-level', '0', '--disable-dlf', '0', '--mrp-level', '0',
                '--enable-tpl-la', '0', '--enable-mfmv', '0',
                '--enable-local-warp', '0', '--enable-global-motion', '0',
                '--enable-interintra-comp', '0', '--obmc-level', '0',
                '--rdoq-level', '0', '--filter-intra-level', '0',
                '--enable-intra-edge-filter', '0',
                '--enable-pic-based-rate-est', '0', '--pred-me', '0',
                '--bipred-3x3', '0', '--compound', '0', '--use-default-me-hme',
                '0', '--ext-block', '0', '--hbd-md', '0', '--palette-level',
                '0', '--umv', '0', '--tf-level', '3'
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-b', probe_name, '-'])

        elif encoder == 'svt_vp9':
            params = [
                'SvtVp9EncApp', '-i', 'stdin', '--lp', f'{n_threads}',
                '-enc-mode', '8', '-q', f'{q}'
            # TODO: pipe needs to output rawvideo
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-b', probe_name, '-'])

        elif encoder == 'x264':
            params = [
                'x264', '--log-level', 'error', '--demuxer', 'y4m', '-',
                '--no-progress', '--threads', f'{n_threads}', '--preset',
                'medium', '--crf', f'{q}'
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-o', probe_name, '-'])

        return cmd

    def search(self, q1, v1, q2, v2, target):

        if abs(target - v2) < 0.5:
            return q2

        if v1 > target and v2 > target:
            return min(q1, q2)
        if v1 < target and v2 < target:
            return max(q1, q2)

        dif1 = abs(target - v2)
        dif2 = abs(target - v1)

        tot = dif1 + dif2

        new_point = int(round(q1 * (dif1 / tot) + (q2 * (dif2 / tot))))
        return new_point

    def interpolate_data(self, vmaf_cq: list, target_quality):
        x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
        y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]

        # Interpolate data
        f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='quadratic')
        xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))

        # Getting value closest to target
        tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
        target_quality_cq = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - target_quality))
        return target_quality_cq, tl, f, xnew

    def per_shot_target_quality_routine(self, chunk: Chunk):
        Applies per_shot_target_quality to this chunk. Determines what the cq value should be and sets the
        per_shot_target_quality_cq for this chunk

        :param project: the Project
        :param chunk: the Chunk
        :return: None
        chunk.per_shot_target_quality_cq = self.per_shot_target_quality(chunk)

    def get_scene_scores(self, chunk, ffmpeg_pipe):
        Run ffmpeg scenedetection filter 
        Gets average amount of motion in scene

        pipecmd = [
            'ffmpeg', '-y', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', '-',

        params = [
            'ffmpeg', '-hide_banner', '-i', '-', '-vf',
            'select=\'gte(scene,0)\',metadata=print', '-f', 'null', '-'
        cmd = CommandPair(pipecmd, [*params])
        pipe = self.make_pipes(chunk.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, cmd)

        history = []

        while True:
            line = pipe.stdout.readline().strip()
            if len(line) == 0 and pipe.poll() is not None:
            if len(line) == 0:
            if line:

        if pipe.returncode != 0 and pipe.returncode != -2:
            print(f"\n:: Error in getting scene score {pipe.returncode}")
            print(f"\n:: Chunk: {chunk.index}")

        scores = [x for x in history if 'score' in x]

        results = []
        for x in scores:
            matches = re.findall(r"=\s*([\S\s]+)", x)
            var = float(matches[-1])
            if var < 0.3:

        result = (round(np.average(results), 4) * 1000)
        return result

    def gen_probes_names(self, chunk: Chunk, q):
        Make name of vmaf probe
        return chunk.fake_input_path.with_name(

    def make_pipes(self, ffmpeg_gen_cmd: Command, command: CommandPair):

        ffmpeg_gen_pipe = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_gen_cmd,

        ffmpeg_pipe = subprocess.Popen(command[0],

        pipe = subprocess.Popen(command[1],

        return pipe

    def plot_probes(self, vmaf_cq, chunk: Chunk, frames):
        Makes graph with probe decisions
        if plt is None:
            log('Matplotlib is not installed or could not be loaded\
            . Unable to plot probes.')
        # Saving plot of vmaf calculation

        x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
        y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]

        cq, tl, f, xnew = self.interpolate_data(vmaf_cq, self.target)
        plt.plot(xnew, f(xnew), color='tab:blue', alpha=1)
        plt.plot(x, y, 'p', color='tab:green', alpha=1)
        plt.plot(cq[0], cq[1], 'o', color='red', alpha=1)
        plt.xlim(self.min_q, self.max_q)
        vmafs = [
            int(x[1]) for x in tl
            if isinstance(x[1], float) and not isnan(x[1])
        plt.ylim(min(vmafs), max(vmafs) + 1)
        plt.title(f'Chunk: {chunk.name}, Frames: {frames}')
        plt.xticks(np.arange(self.min_q, self.max_q + 1, 1.0))
        temp = self.temp / chunk.name
        plt.savefig(f'{temp}.png', dpi=200, format='png')

    def make_q_file(self, q_list, chunk):
        qfile = chunk.fake_input_path.with_name(
        with open(qfile, 'w') as fl:
            text = ''

            for x in q_list:
                text += str(x) + '\n'
        return qfile

    def per_frame_probe_cmd(self, chunk: Chunk, q, encoder, probing_rate,
                            qp_file) -> CommandPair:
        Generate and return commands for probes at set Q values
        These are specifically not the commands that are generated
        by the user or encoder defaults, since these
        should be faster than the actual encoding commands.
        These should not be moved into encoder classes at this point.
        pipe = [
            'ffmpeg', '-y', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', '-hwaccel', 'auto', '-i', '-',
            '-vf', f'select=not(mod(n\\,{probing_rate}))', *self.ffmpeg_pipe

        probe_name = self.gen_probes_names(chunk,
        if encoder == 'svt_av1':
            params = [
                'SvtAv1EncApp', '-i', 'stdin', '--preset', '8', '--rc', '0',
                '--passes', '1', '--use-q-file', '1', '--qpfile',

            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-b', probe_name, '-'])
            print('supported only by SVT-AV1')
        elif encoder == 'x265':
            params = [
                'x265', '--log-level', '0', '--no-progress', '--y4m', '--preset',
                'fast', '--crf', f'{q}'
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-o', probe_name, '-'])

        return cmd

    def per_frame_probe(self, q_list, q, chunk):
        qfile = chunk.make_q_file(q_list)
        cmd = self.per_frame_probe_cmd(chunk, q, self.encoder, 1, qfile)
        pipe = self.make_pipes(chunk.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, cmd)
        process_pipe(pipe, chunk)
        fl = self.vmaf_runner.call_vmaf(chunk, self.gen_probes_names(chunk, q))
        jsn = VMAF.read_json(fl)
        vmafs = [x['metrics']['vmaf'] for x in jsn['frames']]
        return vmafs

    def add_probes_to_frame_list(self, frame_list, q_list, vmafs):
        frame_list = list(frame_list)
        for index, q_vmaf in enumerate(zip(q_list, vmafs)):
            frame_list[index]['probes'].append((q_vmaf[0], q_vmaf[1]))

        return frame_list

    def per_frame_target_quality(self, chunk):
        frames = chunk.frames
        frame_list = [{'frame_number': x, 'probes': []} for x in range(frames)]

        for _ in range(self.probes):
            q_list = self.gen_next_q(frame_list, chunk)
            vmafs = self.per_frame_probe(q_list, 1, chunk)
            frame_list = self.add_probes_to_frame_list(frame_list, q_list,
            mse = round(
                self.get_square_error([x['probes'][-1][1] for x in frame_list],
                                      self.target), 2)
            # print(':: MSE:', mse)

            if mse < 1.0:
                return q_list

        return q_list

    def get_square_error(self, ls, target):
        total = 0
        for i in ls:
            dif = i - target
            total += dif**2
        mse = total / len(ls)
        return mse

    def gen_next_q(self, frame_list, chunk):
        q_list = []

        probes = len(frame_list[0]['probes'])

        if probes == 0:
            return [self.min_q] * len(frame_list)
        elif probes == 1:
            return [self.max_q] * len(frame_list)
            for probe in frame_list:

                x = [x[0] for x in probe['probes']]
                y = [x[1] for x in probe['probes']]

                if probes > 2:
                    if len(x) != len(set(x)):

                interpolation = 'quadratic' if probes > 2 else 'linear'

                f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind=interpolation)
                xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))
                tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
                q = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - self.target))


            return q_list
예제 #4
class TargetQuality:
    def __init__(self, project):
        self.vmaf_runner = VMAF(
        self.n_threads = project.n_threads
        self.probing_rate = project.probing_rate
        self.probes = project.probes
        self.probe_slow = project.probe_slow
        self.target = project.target_quality
        self.min_q = project.min_q
        self.max_q = project.max_q
        self.make_plots = project.vmaf_plots
        self.encoder = project.encoder
        self.ffmpeg_pipe = project.ffmpeg_pipe
        self.temp = project.temp
        self.workers = project.workers
        self.video_params = project.video_params

    def log_probes(self,
        Logs probes result
        :type vmaf_cq: list probe measurements (q_vmaf, q)
        :type frames: int frame count of chunk
        :type name: str chunk name
        :type skip: str None if normal results, else "high" or "low"
        :type target_q: int Calculated q to be used
        :type target_vmaf: float Calculated VMAF that would be achieved by using the q
        :return: None
        if skip == "high":
            sk = " Early Skip High CQ"
        elif skip == "low":
            sk = " Early Skip Low CQ"
            sk = ""

        log(f"Chunk: {name}, Rate: {self.probing_rate}, Fr: {frames}")
        log(f"Probes: {str(sorted(vmaf_cq))[1:-1]}{sk}")
        log(f"Target Q: {target_q} VMAF: {round(target_vmaf, 2)}")

    def per_shot_target_quality(self, chunk: Chunk):
        :type: Chunk chunk to probe
        :rtype: int q to use
        vmaf_cq = []
        frames = chunk.frames
        self.probing_rate = adapt_probing_rate(self.probing_rate, frames)

        q_list = []

        # Make middle probe
        middle_point = (self.min_q + self.max_q) // 2
        last_q = middle_point

        score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, last_q))
        vmaf_cq.append((score, last_q))

        # Initialize search boundary
        vmaf_lower = score
        vmaf_upper = score
        vmaf_cq_lower = last_q
        vmaf_cq_upper = last_q

        # Branch
        if score < self.target:
            next_q = self.min_q
            next_q = self.max_q

        # Edge case check
        score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, next_q))
        vmaf_cq.append((score, next_q))

        if (next_q == self.min_q
                and score < self.target) or (next_q == self.max_q
                                             and score > self.target):
                skip="low" if score < self.target else "high",
            return next_q

        # Set boundary
        if score < self.target:
            vmaf_lower = score
            vmaf_cq_lower = next_q
            vmaf_upper = score
            vmaf_cq_upper = next_q

        # VMAF search
        for _ in range(self.probes - 2):
            new_point = self.weighted_search(vmaf_cq_lower, vmaf_lower,
                                             vmaf_cq_upper, vmaf_upper,
            if new_point in [x[1] for x in vmaf_cq]:

            score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, new_point))
            vmaf_cq.append((score, new_point))

            # Update boundary
            if score < self.target:
                vmaf_lower = score
                vmaf_cq_lower = new_point
                vmaf_upper = score
                vmaf_cq_upper = new_point

        q, q_vmaf = self.get_target_q(vmaf_cq, self.target)
        self.log_probes(vmaf_cq, frames, chunk.name, q, q_vmaf)

        # Plot Probes
        if self.make_plots and len(vmaf_cq) > 3:
            self.plot_probes(vmaf_cq, chunk, frames)

        return q

    def get_target_q(self, scores, target_quality):
        Interpolating scores to get Q closest to target
        Interpolation type for 2 probes changes to linear
        x = [x[1] for x in sorted(scores)]
        y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(scores)]

        if len(x) > 2:
            interpolation = "quadratic"
            interpolation = "linear"
        f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind=interpolation)
        xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))
        tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
        q = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - target_quality))

        return int(q[0]), round(q[1], 3)

    def weighted_search(self, num1, vmaf1, num2, vmaf2, target):
        Returns weighted value closest to searched

        :param num1: Q of first probe
        :param vmaf1: VMAF of first probe
        :param num2: Q of second probe
        :param vmaf2: VMAF of first probe
        :param target: VMAF target
        :return: Q for new probe

        dif1 = abs(VMAF.transform_vmaf(target) - VMAF.transform_vmaf(vmaf2))
        dif2 = abs(VMAF.transform_vmaf(target) - VMAF.transform_vmaf(vmaf1))

        tot = dif1 + dif2

        new_point = int(round(num1 * (dif1 / tot) + (num2 * (dif2 / tot))))
        return new_point

    def vmaf_probe(self, chunk: Chunk, q):
        Calculates vmaf and returns path to json file

        :param chunk: the Chunk
        :param q: Value to make probe
        :param project: the Project
        :return : path to json file with vmaf scores

        n_threads = (self.n_threads
                     if self.n_threads else vmaf_auto_threads(self.workers))
        cmd = self.probe_cmd(chunk, q, self.ffmpeg_pipe, self.encoder,
                             self.probing_rate, n_threads)
        pipe, utility = self.make_pipes(chunk.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, cmd)
        process_pipe(pipe, chunk, utility)
        fl = self.vmaf_runner.call_vmaf(chunk,
                                        self.gen_probes_names(chunk, q),
        return fl

    def probe_cmd_slow(self, encoder, q):
        args = self.video_params.copy()
        drop_indexs = []
        drop_pattern = [
        for pattern in drop_pattern:
            if fnmatch.filter(args, pattern):
                index = args.index(fnmatch.filter(args, pattern)[0])
                if pattern == "--crf" or pattern == "--quantizer":
                    drop_indexs.append(index + 1)
        for i in sorted(drop_indexs, reverse=True):
        params = construct_target_quality_slow_command(encoder, str(q))

        return params

    def probe_cmd(self, chunk: Chunk, q, ffmpeg_pipe, encoder, probing_rate,
                  n_threads) -> CommandPair:
        Generate and return commands for probes at set Q values
        These are specifically not the commands that are generated
        by the user or encoder defaults, since these
        should be faster than the actual encoding commands.
        These should not be moved into encoder classes at this point.
        pipe = [

        probe_name = self.gen_probes_names(chunk,

        if encoder == "aom":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("aom", str(n_threads),
            if self.probe_slow:
                params = self.probe_cmd_slow("aom", str(q))

            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        elif encoder == "x265":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("x265", str(n_threads),
            if self.probe_slow:
                params = self.probe_cmd_slow("x265", str(q))

            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        elif encoder == "rav1e":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("rav1e", str(n_threads),
            if self.probe_slow:
                params = self.probe_cmd_slow("rav1e", str(q))

            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        elif encoder == "vpx":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("vpx", str(n_threads),
            if self.probe_slow:
                params = self.probe_cmd_slow("vpx", str(q))

            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        elif encoder == "svt_av1":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("svt_av1",
                                                      str(n_threads), str(q))
            if self.probe_slow:
                params = self.probe_cmd_slow("svt_av1", str(q))

            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-b", probe_name])

        elif encoder == "x264":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("x264", str(n_threads),
            if self.probe_slow:
                params = self.probe_cmd_slow("x264", str(q))

            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        return cmd

    def search(self, q1, v1, q2, v2, target):

        if abs(target - v2) < 0.5:
            return q2

        if v1 > target and v2 > target:
            return min(q1, q2)
        if v1 < target and v2 < target:
            return max(q1, q2)

        dif1 = abs(target - v2)
        dif2 = abs(target - v1)

        tot = dif1 + dif2

        new_point = int(round(q1 * (dif1 / tot) + (q2 * (dif2 / tot))))
        return new_point

    def interpolate_data(self, vmaf_cq: list, target_quality):
        x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
        y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]

        # Interpolate data
        f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind="quadratic")
        xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))

        # Getting value closest to target
        tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
        target_quality_cq = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - target_quality))
        return target_quality_cq, tl, f, xnew

    def per_shot_target_quality_routine(self, chunk: Chunk):
        Applies per_shot_target_quality to this chunk. Determines what the cq value should be and sets the
        per_shot_target_quality_cq for this chunk

        :param project: the Project
        :param chunk: the Chunk
        :return: None
        chunk.per_shot_target_quality_cq = self.per_shot_target_quality(chunk)

    def gen_probes_names(self, chunk: Chunk, q):
        Make name of vmaf probe
        return chunk.fake_input_path.with_name(

    def make_pipes(self, ffmpeg_gen_cmd: Command, command: CommandPair):

        ffmpeg_gen_pipe = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_gen_cmd,

        ffmpeg_pipe = subprocess.Popen(

        pipe = subprocess.Popen(

        utility = (ffmpeg_gen_pipe, ffmpeg_pipe)
        return pipe, utility

    def plot_probes(self, vmaf_cq, chunk: Chunk, frames):
        Makes graph with probe decisions
        if plt is None:
            log("Matplotlib is not installed or could not be loaded\
            . Unable to plot probes.")
        # Saving plot of vmaf calculation

        x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
        y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]

        cq, tl, f, xnew = self.interpolate_data(vmaf_cq, self.target)
        plt.plot(xnew, f(xnew), color="tab:blue", alpha=1)
        plt.plot(x, y, "p", color="tab:green", alpha=1)
        plt.plot(cq[0], cq[1], "o", color="red", alpha=1)
        plt.xlim(self.min_q, self.max_q)
        vmafs = [
            int(x[1]) for x in tl
            if isinstance(x[1], float) and not isnan(x[1])
        plt.ylim(min(vmafs), max(vmafs) + 1)
        plt.title(f"Chunk: {chunk.name}, Frames: {frames}")
        plt.xticks(np.arange(self.min_q, self.max_q + 1, 1.0))
        temp = self.temp / chunk.name
        plt.savefig(f"{temp}.png", dpi=200, format="png")
예제 #5
class TargetQuality:
    def __init__(self, project):
        self.vmaf_runner = VMAF(
        self.n_threads = project.n_threads
        self.probing_rate = project.probing_rate
        self.probes = project.probes
        self.target = project.target_quality
        self.min_q = project.min_q
        self.max_q = project.max_q
        self.make_plots = project.vmaf_plots
        self.encoder = project.encoder
        self.ffmpeg_pipe = project.ffmpeg_pipe
        self.temp = project.temp
        self.workers = project.workers

    def per_frame_target_quality_routine(self, chunk: Chunk):
        Applies per_shot_target_quality to this chunk. Determines what the cq value should be and sets the
        per_shot_target_quality_cq for this chunk

        :param project: the Project
        :param chunk: the Chunk
        :return: None
        chunk.per_frame_target_quality_q_list = self.per_frame_target_quality(chunk)

    def log_probes(self, vmaf_cq, frames, name, target_q, target_vmaf, skip=None):
        Logs probes result
        :type vmaf_cq: list probe measurements (q_vmaf, q)
        :type frames: int frame count of chunk
        :type name: str chunk name
        :type skip: str None if normal results, else "high" or "low"
        :type target_q: int Calculated q to be used
        :type target_vmaf: float Calculated VMAF that would be achieved by using the q
        :return: None
        if skip == "high":
            sk = " Early Skip High CQ"
        elif skip == "low":
            sk = " Early Skip Low CQ"
            sk = ""

        log(f"Chunk: {name}, Rate: {self.probing_rate}, Fr: {frames}")
        log(f"Probes: {str(sorted(vmaf_cq))[1:-1]}{sk}")
        log(f"Target Q: {target_q} VMAF: {round(target_vmaf, 2)}")

    def per_shot_target_quality(self, chunk: Chunk):
        :type: Chunk chunk to probe
        :rtype: int q to use
        # TODO: Refactor this mess
        vmaf_cq = []
        frames = chunk.frames

        self.probing_rate = adapt_probing_rate(self.probing_rate, frames)

        if self.probes < 3:
            return self.fast_search(chunk)

        q_list = []

        # Make middle probe
        middle_point = (self.min_q + self.max_q) // 2
        last_q = middle_point

        score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, last_q))
        vmaf_cq.append((score, last_q))

        # Initialize search boundary
        vmaf_lower = score
        vmaf_upper = score
        vmaf_cq_lower = last_q
        vmaf_cq_upper = last_q

        # Branch
        if score < self.target:
            next_q = self.min_q
            next_q = self.max_q

        # Edge case check
        score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, next_q))
        vmaf_cq.append((score, next_q))

        if (next_q == self.min_q and score < self.target) or (
            next_q == self.max_q and score > self.target
                skip="low" if score < self.target else "high",
            return next_q

        # Set boundary
        if score < self.target:
            vmaf_lower = score
            vmaf_cq_lower = next_q
            vmaf_upper = score
            vmaf_cq_upper = next_q

        # VMAF search
        for _ in range(self.probes - 2):
            new_point = self.weighted_search(
                vmaf_cq_lower, vmaf_lower, vmaf_cq_upper, vmaf_upper, self.target
            if new_point in [x[1] for x in vmaf_cq]:

            score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, new_point))
            vmaf_cq.append((score, new_point))

            # Update boundary
            if score < self.target:
                vmaf_lower = score
                vmaf_cq_lower = new_point
                vmaf_upper = score
                vmaf_cq_upper = new_point

        q, q_vmaf = self.get_target_q(vmaf_cq, self.target)
        self.log_probes(vmaf_cq, frames, chunk.name, q, q_vmaf)

        # Plot Probes
        if self.make_plots and len(vmaf_cq) > 3:
            self.plot_probes(vmaf_cq, chunk, frames)

        return q

    def fast_search(self, chunk):
        Experimental search
        Use Euler's method with known relation between cq and vmaf
        Formula -ln(1-score/100) = vmaf_cq_deriv*last_q + constant
        constant = -ln(1-score/100) - vmaf_cq_deriv*last_q
        Formula -ln(1-project.vmaf_target/100) = vmaf_cq_deriv*cq + constant
        cq = (-ln(1-project.vmaf_target/100) - constant)/vmaf_cq_deriv
        vmaf_cq = []
        q_list = []

        # Make middle probe
        middle_point = (self.min_q + self.max_q) // 2
        last_q = middle_point

        score = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, last_q))
        vmaf_cq.append((score, last_q))

        vmaf_cq_deriv = -0.18
        next_q = int(
                + (VMAF.transform_vmaf(self.target) - VMAF.transform_vmaf(score))
                / vmaf_cq_deriv

        # Clamp
        if next_q < self.min_q:
            next_q = self.min_q
        if self.max_q < next_q:
            next_q = self.max_q

        # Single probe cq guess or exit to avoid divide by zero
        if self.probes == 1 or next_q == last_q:
            self.log_probes(vmaf_cq, chunk.frames, chunk.name, next_q, self.target)
            return next_q

        # Second probe at guessed value
        score_2 = VMAF.read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, next_q))

        # Calculate slope
        vmaf_cq_deriv = (VMAF.transform_vmaf(score_2) - VMAF.transform_vmaf(score)) / (
            next_q - last_q

        # Same deal different slope
        next_q = int(
                + (VMAF.transform_vmaf(self.target) - VMAF.transform_vmaf(score_2))
                / vmaf_cq_deriv

        # Clamp
        if next_q < self.min_q:
            next_q = self.min_q
        if self.max_q < next_q:
            next_q = self.max_q

        self.log_probes(vmaf_cq, chunk.frames, chunk.name, next_q, self.target)

        return next_q

    def get_target_q(self, scores, target_quality):
        Interpolating scores to get Q closest to target
        Interpolation type for 2 probes changes to linear
        x = [x[1] for x in sorted(scores)]
        y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(scores)]

        if len(x) > 2:
            interpolation = "quadratic"
            interpolation = "linear"
        f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind=interpolation)
        xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))
        tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
        q = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - target_quality))

        return int(q[0]), round(q[1], 3)

    def weighted_search(self, num1, vmaf1, num2, vmaf2, target):
        Returns weighted value closest to searched

        :param num1: Q of first probe
        :param vmaf1: VMAF of first probe
        :param num2: Q of second probe
        :param vmaf2: VMAF of first probe
        :param target: VMAF target
        :return: Q for new probe

        dif1 = abs(VMAF.transform_vmaf(target) - VMAF.transform_vmaf(vmaf2))
        dif2 = abs(VMAF.transform_vmaf(target) - VMAF.transform_vmaf(vmaf1))

        tot = dif1 + dif2

        new_point = int(round(num1 * (dif1 / tot) + (num2 * (dif2 / tot))))
        return new_point

    def vmaf_probe(self, chunk: Chunk, q):
        Calculates vmaf and returns path to json file

        :param chunk: the Chunk
        :param q: Value to make probe
        :param project: the Project
        :return : path to json file with vmaf scores

        n_threads = self.n_threads if self.n_threads else self.auto_vmaf_threads()
        cmd = self.probe_cmd(
            chunk, q, self.ffmpeg_pipe, self.encoder, self.probing_rate, n_threads
        pipe, utility = self.make_pipes(chunk.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, cmd)
        process_pipe(pipe, chunk, utility)
        fl = self.vmaf_runner.call_vmaf(
            chunk, self.gen_probes_names(chunk, q), vmaf_rate=self.probing_rate
        return fl

    def auto_vmaf_threads(self):
        Calculates number of vmaf threads based on CPU cores in system

        :return: Integer value for number of threads
        cores = os.cpu_count()
        # One thread may not be enough to keep the CPU saturated, so over-provision a bit.
        over_provision_factor = 1.25
        minimum_threads = 1

        return int(max((cores / self.workers) * over_provision_factor, minimum_threads))

    def get_closest(self, q_list, q, positive=True):
        Returns closest value from the list, ascending or descending

        :param q_list: list of q values that been already used
        :param q:
        :param positive: search direction, positive - only values bigger than q
        :return: q value from list
        if positive:
            q_list = [x for x in q_list if x > q]
            q_list = [x for x in q_list if x < q]

        return min(q_list, key=lambda x: abs(x - q))

    def probe_cmd(
        self, chunk: Chunk, q, ffmpeg_pipe, encoder, probing_rate, n_threads
    ) -> CommandPair:
        Generate and return commands for probes at set Q values
        These are specifically not the commands that are generated
        by the user or encoder defaults, since these
        should be faster than the actual encoding commands.
        These should not be moved into encoder classes at this point.
        pipe = [

        probe_name = self.gen_probes_names(chunk, q).with_suffix(".ivf").as_posix()

        if encoder == "aom":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("aom", str(n_threads), str(q))
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        elif encoder == "x265":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("x265", str(n_threads), str(q))
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        elif encoder == "rav1e":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("rav1e", str(n_threads), str(q))
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        elif encoder == "vpx":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("vpx", str(n_threads), str(q))
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        elif encoder == "svt_av1":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("svt_av1", str(n_threads), str(q))
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-b", probe_name])

        elif encoder == "svt_vp9":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("svt_vp9", str(n_threads), str(q))
            # TODO: pipe needs to output rawvideo
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-b", probe_name, "-"])

        elif encoder == "x264":
            params = construct_target_quality_command("x264", str(n_threads), str(q))
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-o", probe_name, "-"])

        return cmd

    def search(self, q1, v1, q2, v2, target):

        if abs(target - v2) < 0.5:
            return q2

        if v1 > target and v2 > target:
            return min(q1, q2)
        if v1 < target and v2 < target:
            return max(q1, q2)

        dif1 = abs(target - v2)
        dif2 = abs(target - v1)

        tot = dif1 + dif2

        new_point = int(round(q1 * (dif1 / tot) + (q2 * (dif2 / tot))))
        return new_point

    def interpolate_data(self, vmaf_cq: list, target_quality):
        x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
        y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]

        # Interpolate data
        f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind="quadratic")
        xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))

        # Getting value closest to target
        tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
        target_quality_cq = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - target_quality))
        return target_quality_cq, tl, f, xnew

    def per_shot_target_quality_routine(self, chunk: Chunk):
        Applies per_shot_target_quality to this chunk. Determines what the cq value should be and sets the
        per_shot_target_quality_cq for this chunk

        :param project: the Project
        :param chunk: the Chunk
        :return: None
        chunk.per_shot_target_quality_cq = self.per_shot_target_quality(chunk)

    def gen_probes_names(self, chunk: Chunk, q):
        Make name of vmaf probe
        return chunk.fake_input_path.with_name(f"v_{q}{chunk.name}").with_suffix(".ivf")

    def make_pipes(self, ffmpeg_gen_cmd: Command, command: CommandPair):

        ffmpeg_gen_pipe = subprocess.Popen(
            ffmpeg_gen_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT

        ffmpeg_pipe = subprocess.Popen(

        pipe = subprocess.Popen(

        utility = (ffmpeg_gen_pipe, ffmpeg_pipe)
        return pipe, utility

    def plot_probes(self, vmaf_cq, chunk: Chunk, frames):
        Makes graph with probe decisions
        if plt is None:
                "Matplotlib is not installed or could not be loaded\
            . Unable to plot probes."
        # Saving plot of vmaf calculation

        x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
        y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]

        cq, tl, f, xnew = self.interpolate_data(vmaf_cq, self.target)
        plt.plot(xnew, f(xnew), color="tab:blue", alpha=1)
        plt.plot(x, y, "p", color="tab:green", alpha=1)
        plt.plot(cq[0], cq[1], "o", color="red", alpha=1)
        plt.xlim(self.min_q, self.max_q)
        vmafs = [int(x[1]) for x in tl if isinstance(x[1], float) and not isnan(x[1])]
        plt.ylim(min(vmafs), max(vmafs) + 1)
        plt.title(f"Chunk: {chunk.name}, Frames: {frames}")
        plt.xticks(np.arange(self.min_q, self.max_q + 1, 1.0))
        temp = self.temp / chunk.name
        plt.savefig(f"{temp}.png", dpi=200, format="png")

    def make_q_file(self, q_list, chunk):
        qfile = chunk.fake_input_path.with_name(f"probe_{chunk.name}").with_suffix(
        with open(qfile, "w") as fl:
            text = ""

            for x in q_list:
                text += str(x) + "\n"
        return qfile

    def per_frame_probe_cmd(
        self, chunk: Chunk, q, encoder, probing_rate, qp_file
    ) -> CommandPair:
        Generate and return commands for probes at set Q values
        These are specifically not the commands that are generated
        by the user or encoder defaults, since these
        should be faster than the actual encoding commands.
        These should not be moved into encoder classes at this point.
        pipe = [

        probe_name = self.gen_probes_names(chunk, q).with_suffix(".ivf").as_posix()
        if encoder == "svt_av1":
            params = [

            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, "-b", probe_name, "-"])
            print("supported only by SVT-AV1")
        elif encoder == 'x265':
            params = [
                'x265', '--log-level', '0', '--no-progress', '--y4m', '--preset',
                'fast', '--crf', f'{q}'
            cmd = CommandPair(pipe, [*params, '-o', probe_name, '-'])

        return cmd

    def per_frame_probe(self, q_list, q, chunk):
        qfile = chunk.make_q_file(q_list)
        cmd = self.per_frame_probe_cmd(chunk, q, self.encoder, 1, qfile)
        pipe, utility = self.make_pipes(chunk.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, cmd)
        process_pipe(pipe, chunk, utility)
        fl = self.vmaf_runner.call_vmaf(chunk, self.gen_probes_names(chunk, q))
        jsn = VMAF.read_json(fl)
        vmafs = [x["metrics"]["vmaf"] for x in jsn["frames"]]
        return vmafs

    def add_probes_to_frame_list(self, frame_list, q_list, vmafs):
        frame_list = list(frame_list)
        for index, q_vmaf in enumerate(zip(q_list, vmafs)):
            frame_list[index]["probes"].append((q_vmaf[0], q_vmaf[1]))

        return frame_list

    def per_frame_target_quality(self, chunk):
        frames = chunk.frames
        frame_list = [{"frame_number": x, "probes": []} for x in range(frames)]

        for _ in range(self.probes):
            q_list = self.gen_next_q(frame_list, chunk)
            vmafs = self.per_frame_probe(q_list, 1, chunk)
            frame_list = self.add_probes_to_frame_list(frame_list, q_list, vmafs)
            mse = round(
                    [x["probes"][-1][1] for x in frame_list], self.target
            # print(':: MSE:', mse)

            if mse < 1.0:
                return q_list

        return q_list

    def get_square_error(self, ls, target):
        total = 0
        for i in ls:
            dif = i - target
            total += dif ** 2
        mse = total / len(ls)
        return mse

    def gen_next_q(self, frame_list, chunk):
        q_list = []

        probes = len(frame_list[0]["probes"])

        if probes == 0:
            return [self.min_q] * len(frame_list)
        elif probes == 1:
            return [self.max_q] * len(frame_list)
            for probe in frame_list:

                x = [x[0] for x in probe["probes"]]
                y = [x[1] for x in probe["probes"]]

                if probes > 2:
                    if len(x) != len(set(x)):

                interpolation = "quadratic" if probes > 2 else "linear"

                f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind=interpolation)
                xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))
                tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
                q = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - self.target))


            return q_list