예제 #1
def test_cell_change_when_column_data_source():
    # Given
    value = ColumnDataSource(pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2], "y": ["a", "b"]}))
    tabulator = Tabulator(value=value)
    # When
    tabulator._cell_change = {"c": "x", "i": 1, "v": 3}
    # Then we assume the columndatasource has been update on the js side
    # and therefore don't update on the python side
    assert tabulator.value.to_df().loc[1, "x"] == 2
예제 #2
def test_cell_change_when_dataframe():
    # Given
    value = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2], "y": ["a", "b"]})
    tabulator = Tabulator(value=value)
    original_data = tabulator._source.data
    # When
    tabulator._cell_change = {"c": "x", "i": 1, "v": 3}
    # Then
    assert tabulator.value.loc[1, "x"] == 3
    # And the tabulator._source.data shall not have been updated
    # We currently use the _pause_cds_updates parameter to avoid reupdating the _source.data
    assert tabulator._source.data is original_data